The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 17, 1944, Page 5, Image 5

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    The OREGON STATESMAN. Solan j.Oiregon. Saturday Morning, December 18. 1344'
The Oregon Statesman
' Cab Pacfc Meets Bobcat badges
went to Harry Bruke, Arlan
Kaolmstedt, Howard Sailing, Mel-
Vln Williamson and Lynn Mini fie
at last week's meeting of Cub
Sack 8. Roger Wrenn received
ear badge, Robert Wrenn, the
bear gold arrowy and ' Douglas
Rains the bear silver arrow. -The
lion badge was presented to John
Elliott; den chief cords to Robert
Gordon and David, Roake. Twen
. ty-five one-year service r s t a r s
'were , awarded. rne group sang
Christmas songs. Piano solos by
Robert Wrenn and .John Elliott
and .a Christmas story told by
Richard Sohrt and Phillin Egg.
stall were features. Den 3 put
ja Safita Claus act with presenta-
. uoa ui guu uj me lainers. uavid
. Roake blew the trumpet. Dr. F. D.
, Voigt demonstrated fluorescence.
The meeting was concluded with
games and with refreshments pre
k pared by the mothers.
Doerfler's sale yard . Open after
noons. Union & Hirii.
Students to Slnr Salem high
school vocalists directed by Lena
Belle Tartar will sing Christmas
carols to the Women of Rotary
at a luncheon meeting Monday
noon at the Golden Pheasant. Stu
dents participating are Glenn
-Armstrong, Alice Beals, Earl
Bond, Helen Furness, Pala Hearth,
Zorita Jackson, FJcena McCune,
Genevieve Olson, John Paynes,
Jack Proctor, Don Scheelar, Ron
ald Sheets, Ramona Spence, Jor-
dith Stenson, Helen Steward, al
ly Ternl, Joan Trout, Newell
Williams, Marcella Wolfe, Bruce
Wnsley, Patricia Zahare.
Shattuc's Chateau open to public
every nite except Tues. and Wed.
Gouley Hospitalised Romeo
Gouley, prominent Brooks hop
grower, . republican leader and
member of Marion county local
selective service board number
one, is reported making rapid re
covery at Salem General hospital
following surgery.
For home loans see Salem
eral, 130 South Liberty.
Hospital Patient Miss Marjorie
Smith, 1432 State street, is a pa-
. tient in Salem Deaconness hos
pital. ?
Turkey Shoot Salem Trapshooters
Club, Sunday, Dec. 17th.
At his residence at Rose Lodge, Ore-
Friday, December 8, William Charles
Siewert, at the age of 79 years. Father
of William Howard Siewert of the
US. navy in New York, Daniel R.
Siewert of Villa Park. 111., and Mrs.
Bowefta -Ruth Brief s of Rose Lodge.
Funeral services will be held Mon
day, December 18, at 1 JO p.m., from
the W. T. Rigdon company chapel
with Rev. S. Rayiwr Smith officiat
ing." Interment in -Belcrest "Memorial
-'park. )-... . - '
' Sehate '' '- ' . v
.Nick Schab' late resident of 1780
, N. 30th 8U at a local hospital Thura-
day, -December 14, aged 34 years. sur-
-. vived by wife, Mrs. Sadie Schab of
.. Salem; one. son, Leroy - Schab of Sa
. lem; mother, Mrs. Helen Schab : of
Rupert, Idaho; two sisters; Mrs. Anna
.. Oppa of Rupert, and. Mrs. Nora Schnld
. r of Sterling,. Colo.: four brothers,
Andrew .Schab.. of Benton City. wash.
- and Mike Schab. Charier. Schab and
Ceorfe Schab, all .of Ruftert, Idaho.
. Services wiU be held .Monday. De-
- cemeer Jo. at i p.m., from tnc uiougn
Barrick chapel.' Father T. J. Bernard
1 WtU : officiate. Interment - In- Belcrest
. -Kina WflUain, Flood. 62. late resi-
. dent of 639 N. Liberty, at the. resi
dence. . Friday, 'December- 15. Surviv-
. d by. wife. Nellie Flood of Salem:
'-- daughter, - Mrs. - Doratha Hanna, and
" frandson, King William Hanna." both
of Salem. He was a member of the
Baotist church Funeral ' announce-
' menta later by the HoweU-Bdwards
chapel (Walker-Howell Funeral home).
John Albert Inman. late resident of
' Medford, at a local hospital Saturday,
December IS. at the age of 78 years.
Survived by a son, Elvin Inman of
Medford. Shipment has been made to
- Medford by Clough-Barrick company
for services and interment.
An nil ;
Mrs. Malinda Florence Annls, late
resident of 880 Hoyt street, at a local
hosDttal Friday. December 13. Sur-
. vived by two daughters. Mrs. Edna
Faschlna and Mrs. Nellie Hair, both
of Salem. Services will be held Tues
day, December 19. at 1 :30 pjn., from
the Clough-Barrick chapel, with Rev.
T. C. Stannard officiating. Interment
in City . View cemetery. ;
Whltnev - ' " -
Connie Lou Whitney, infant daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Whitney,
at a local hosDital Saturday. Decern-
ber 18. Survived by parents of Salem;
aister. Carol Faye Whitney of Salem;
i erandparentav Mr. and Mrs. John A.
Whitney of Salem and Mr. and Mrs.
V. J Barth of Wichita. Kang. Funeral
announcements later by Clough-Bar
rick company.
We wish to express our sincere
thanks and annreciauon to neigh-
bors and friends for beautiful
floral offerings, sympathy and
kindness extended us during the
illness and death of our beloved
father. Harriet Fuller, Walter S.
Myers, Thelma L. Hermens, Lloyd
H. Myers.
Leston W. Howell
Despite the many present day problems caused by the
war, we are pleased to announce that we have not raised
our prices nor lowered our standard of seryije. The
same recognized, LOW COST, dependable service," as
maintained at both former establishments.
It is better to know us and not need us than it
is to need ns and not know us.
EIovell-Edvartls Funeral Home
' 545 North Capitol Street i "
' ; (Walker-Howell and (UwxrrcIavTerwiluger)
- Telephone 9101
Christmas Party Planned Cub
pack 3 of Highland school .will
have its first Tegular meeting since
organization Friday night, Decern
ber 22, at 7:30 o'clock in Highland
school. The meeting, arranged as
a Christmas party especially for
the pack, members' fathers, is ex
pected to draw a large crowd.
Registration ' for pack . member
ships, will be completed at that
time and Bobcat badges and cer
tificates presented, to Cubs who
have qualified. The pack has six
active dens - -meeting regularly
with, their Boy. Scout den chiefs
and den mothers. U. Q. Wolver is
acting cubmaster of the pack.
which is sponsored by the Holly-
wood Lions club.
Wanted piano. Ph. 5882.
Classes Begin Red Cross nu
trition classes will begin January
17 from 9 to 11 sun. and 7:30
to 9:30 pan, and will be con
ducted in the Portland Gas and
Coke company auditorium, ac
cording to members of the nutri
tion committee. Object of the
classes is to prepare women for
the Red Cross; canteen courses
which will be1 conducted 1 later.
Registration for the nutrition
classes at 9277 is urged as soon
as possible so the. proper number
of teachers may be engaged.
"Cyn" CronLse Photographs and
Frames. 1st Natl Bank Bldg.'
Lesson In Preparedness Tak
ing cognizance of the f fact that 25
persons in the Salem area have
been killed or injured, seriously
by firearms, troop 3 of the Boy
Scouts, sponsored by Hollywood
Lions, met Thursday night for a
demonstration in the safe use of
guns. Troop Chairman Paul Pur
vis and Assistant Scoutmaster
Cloyce Drake assisted Scoutmas
ter Bob Batdorf in the .demon
Wedding pictures taken at the
church. 520 State. Ph. 5722.
Hawaiian Trip Offered Men
interest! in fill-inir IIS armv ri-
I villan labor requirements at both
skilled and unskilled work have
been issued an invitation to be in
terviewed by Jack Oswell, who
represents the overseas division of
the war department corps of en
gineers when he is in Salem at the
US employment service office,
Ferry and South Cottage streets,
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday
of this week.
Wanted walnut dining set, P. 5862
Masons Elect Ernest R. Wag-
ner was elected worshipful master
of Pacific lodge No. 50, AF & AM,
Friday night F. W. Farrar was
named senior ' warden; Fred B,
Keeler, junior warden; Eton H,
Thompson, treasurer;- Albert C.
Gragg, secretary, and Rex Davis
was re-elected to the board of
trustees. r
On Sale, modern unpainted furni
ture, small desks, bookcases &
mirrors. R. D. Woodrow, 345
Center street. . v
Returns From Kansas Michael
Etzel has returned from Fort
Hayes, Kas., where he was a guest
of relatives for the past several
weeks. '
BOOKS: "This Thing Called Life'
by Ernest Holmes, and new edition
of "Impersonal Life."
Parents Invited Bush school
pupils will stage a series pf Christ
mas programs this week, Mon
day, Tuesday, Wednesday and
Thursday afternoons at one
o'clock. Parents are invited. I
Turkey Shoot Salem Trapshooters
Club. Sundav. De..17th.
Football Banquet Monday
Leslie junior high school has
scheduled a football banquet in
the school auditorium at 6:30 p.m.
Monday. i
For sale Child's new .white fur
coat-3 yr. old-$15.50. Also hand
made fancy work. Co-op Market
1288 Stat.
s a n x
Clothiers x
456 SUte
C. Charles "Edwards
Sailors Picked Cp Three sailors
were picked up by Salem- police
and are being held for naval au
thorities. Alfred Figuero tcld po
lice he flumped ship" at Seattle
on November 30 and that it was
his third time to be AWOL. John
J. Renfro and Harry J. Redmond
were registered at a hotel when
apprehended by police and are be-
ng held for the navy. Police said
their furlough ' papers ' were not
sufficient." ' '"'1
7 nr. developing St printing service
at Burke's Camera Shop.: 174 N.
ComX r -': '
May License Bikes Salem city.
council may be asked . to restore
bicycle licenses after the first of
the year, it was intimated in police
circles following the recent dis
closure that five boys had been
systematically stealing and strip
ping wheels at various spots in
the city. Police said the wave of
thefts started after licensing was
discontinued. - 1
Every form of Insurance. - R. G.
Severin, 212 N. High. Tel. 4016.
Constant, dependable service. ',
McMillan Speaker F. O. Mc
Millan, head of , electrical engi-
neering at Oregon State college
will speak on "What China Needs"
at Monday's luncheon meeting of
the Salem chamber of commerce.
McMillan has recently returned to
this country after ayear in China,
where, on assignment from the
US state department, he served
with the ministries of education,
communication and economic af
fairs. r '..'-...'
California Packing Corporation
will resume their. beet operation
Monday, December 18 for a week
or ten days. Their beet and carrot
workers are urged to return. '
Billfold Stolen C. O. Russell,
1078 Highland avenue, reported to
police Saturday that his hip pocket
had been picked and his billfold
stolen while he was entering a
bus at iS t a t e and Commercial
streets. He reported the wallet
contained some A gas stamps, $8
or $9 in currency - and personal
Lady desires furn. or unfurn. hse.
4 rm. or mores no. children pay
liberal reward for information.
9121 nr 2-4014. - '
Ler Broken John O'Halloran,
route 1, box 617, Tigard, Saturday
at 3 p. m. sustained . a broken
right leg, just above the ankle, in
an accident at the alumina plant
and was taken to Salem General
hospital, first aid reported.
Photos made in the home or stu
dio at pre-war, prices. Ph. 4522
Hi-Lite Studio, 175 S. High.
Sawdust Shortage Salem's
shortage of sawdust had reached
such a critical stage Saturday that
dealers notifieoVthe war price and
rationing board that sawdust users
should convert their , burners to
wood temporarily or until the cold
weather had passed.
Superba and Creveling neckties. A
large . well selected stock $1.00,
Alex Jones, 121' North High St
Cfrand Pianos $550.00 '
to $1550.00 - .
Square Pianos $100.00
to $350.00
Upright Pianos $175.00
to $350.00
Spinnet Pianos $410.00
to $650.00 r
Pipe Organs $1660.00
te $3500.00 :
Piano Accordians 1
$65.00 to $750.00
Blariinbas $49.00 to
$295.00 .
Drum Sets, complete, y
$150.00 to $265.00
Snare Drums, set $42.50
Electric Guitars (Span
: ish and Hawaiian)
$150.00: -
Electric Pick-Ups $17.50
Guitars (all kinds)
$10.00 to $135.00
Banjos $20.00. to $50.00
Mandolins $15.00 to
- $50.00 '
Ukuleles $3.00 to $15.00
Violins $10.00 to
'Cellos $50.00 to $50C.CO
Violin Bows $7.50 to ,
Violin Cases $7.50 to
i Portable Phonographs
$120 to $25.00
Radios $35.00 up
Radio Phonographs -
$155.00 to $35Oj00 .
Electric Record Player,
$65.00 1 -Oboes
Choose from Orcgdnnbsi
Complele Sloch! r
aaonii liiysic.
191 S. High St.
' "It
-. .i. .- -: , --. .
The newly -orranized planning committee of the Salem chamber t-f
commerce is shown here at one u its initial meeonrs. Left t riant
are: Mayor L M. Douchton, W. M. Hamilton, Charles A. Spragne,
W. W. Chad wick, C. B. McCulloorh (chairman). Clay Cochran,
George Putnam. Paul Wallace, 7 J. N. Chambers -
Bond Quota Exceeded State
employes have purchased $391,257
worth of bonds in the sixth war
loan drive 7 per cent above their
quota. The total probably will be
increased when all reports are re
Sale or trade rocking horses. We
fix furniture and do electric re
pair. I The Fixit Shop-1293 N. 5th.
Bags Four Geese Sgt. Jack
Cutler, Salem police department,
Friday bagged four geese at his
favorite' shooting haunt in Polk
county-' The four birds totaled
more tnan 25 pounds tend, the of
ficer said jMpoor shooting or I
would have; taken the7 limit of six."
Men's slacks, the practical gift
Sizes 28 to 42, $8.95 to $11.50.
Alex JonesJ 121 Norm High St
? 1
Undergoes Surgery---Mrs. Goldie
Luthy, route 2, Woodburn, Satur
day morning underwent a surgical
operation in Salem Deaconness
Non-Scripture Christmas cards at
cost-Bible Book Nook. Always
opett-914 Saginaw-Ph. 4746,
i '
Resumes Duties Recovering
from an appendectomy, at a local
hospital, Mrs. Pauline Kastner has
resumed her duties as desk clerk
at Senator hotel after an absence
of five weeks.
i i
Reroof with Johns-Manville as
phalt slungles. Right over your
old roof. Free estimates. Mathis
i In Hospital Prof. A.
G. Bouquet f Oregon State col
lege is convalescing at Salem Gen
eral hospital following an opera
Rugs and uphoL cleaned. P. 6831.
Burt fat Fall Anna Weisner, 14.
of 2370 Myrtle avenue sustained
painful! injuries Saturday IWhen
she "fell upstairs" while' ascending
a nair oi steos in ner nome, ani
aid repprted: .., . r'L-
Record Cabinets $170
I to $22.50 ' r
Records (classical) .
45c each f
Records, complete al- .
bums, $2.05 to $4.50
Record Carrying -Cases
- 4.00 to$7.00 ,
. Phonograph Needles
V 25c to $2.50
Cornets and Trumpets.
, $45,00 to $195.00
Clarinets $35.00 to '
: Saxophones $35.00 to
$175,001 i
Flutes $65.00 to $100.00
Trombones $35.00 to .
$175.00 f
French Horns $100.00
to $175,00
Baritone Horns $50.00
. to $195.00
Bugles $9.00 to $35.00
Musical Powder Boxes
$9.75 to $15.00
Busts .and Statuettes
50c to $90 .
Twirling Batons $1.00
to $4.95
Mutes fori Brass Instru
ments $1.00 to $40
Music Porta-Decks $8.50
Music Books and Song
. Collections
Sheet' Blusie, all kinds
Instrumental Collections
Old-Time Favorites
'Musical Toys and.
' 'Novelties
Musical Accessories of
all kinds. .
! Phone 4641
Safe Holiday
Driving Urged
Secretary of State Robert S.
Farrell, jr., joined here Saturday
with the National Safety Council
officials and other agencies in
urging Oregon motor vehicle driv
ers and pedestrians, to be more
careful during the holiday season.
During the past five years there
has been an, average of 16 pedes
trian fatalities each December.
Twenty-two persons lost their
lives in Oregon traffic accidents
during November , this ; year or
three more than In November,
1943. Six of the accidents involv
ed pedestrians. ' .
i r
Doctor Improved Dr. Harry H.
Olinger. of 897 Mill street who
has been a patient inSalem Gen
eral hospital the past three weeks
is much improved, attendants said.
Enters Hospital Mrs. Margaret
Hendrick, 1410 D street Saturday
afternoon was taken to Salem
General hospital.!
- -.
Deafened are jfinding Salem's new
Hearing Aid Headquarters . means
better service. Free hearing test
and private demonstration of new
symphonic . acousticon, 905 1st
National Bank Bldg.
Club Meets Monday Townsend
club number 2 will meet at the
W.C.T.U. hall at 7:30 pjn. Mon
day, December 18.
W a viX!fi xtm -SHSSB
'- . ... ; . . - - ' - ,- .- . 5-- - . C - " ,: - - ' v -.v. i ; . . .- - - . . - '. .!" ' i ' . ... r , j s
No w, for the first time, you can donate a pint of blood and sign your
name to it! You may inscribe it in honor of a husband, a son, any rela
tive or friend in the armed forces. . .
But the time to act is NOW. i Thousands of donors aro needed at once.
Call the Red Cross and make your
;dayl - i: - -
Marion County Chapter -
IPcalbllOe nUecou'dllo .-
Ruth M." Henderson vs." Charles
W. Henderson; default order, en
tered.', f 1
Merchants Credit bureau . vs. C
R. tiams; transcript from justice
court filed.' ; ; :" '- . :
Lois Knox vs. Fred W. Knox; di
vorce complaint; alleges cruel arid
Inhuman treatment" S ' g y. v -
TMt Angel Co-op Creamery vs.
LeRoy '. Aman; Judgment :' order
gives plaintiff recovery of posses-
sion.'of a locker in. the creamery J
building and $12 JO Costs. -w: "-
State vs. Cornelius Price Long;
arraigned Saturday on charges of
escaping from, a state institution ,
and unlawful use of a motor ve
hicle; tdven until December 29 at
10 ajn. for entry of plea. -PROBATE
Mary Davis estate; La Von Da
vis, guardian; order confirms sale
of real property - in Multnomah
county to O. J. .and Rose-M. Gif
ford for $3000. ;
Mary F, Seitzinger estate; final
account of Merl Seitzinger,. ad
ministrator, "filed; final . hearing
January 20; estate appraised at
$700 by Josephine Bell, George
H. Bell and Abbie Belt -, '
Walter L. Spaulding estate; au
thority granted to transfer speci
fied shares of stock In Charles K.
Spaulding . Logging company to
Nettie M. Spaulding and Leone
Bennjson Spaulding. ' ; '
J. S. Cos grove estate; authority I
given Fred McHenry, administra
tor, to execute, real property
deed to E. Rand Allie J. Tomas
on receipjtof $833.11; estate ap
praisejKat $854.63 by George C.
Penson, E. J. Newton andTW. H.
ey. ;
-State vs. Kenneth Johnson;
trial set for Tuesday at 2 pm. on
charge of larceny of radio by
bailee; defendant freld In jail
pending disposition of fugitive
Bock Woollnsnlalion
Installed under pneumatic
pressure. I
Metal Interlocking
Weather Stripping
Saves np to 40 In rear fuel.
Free Estimate - No Obligation
J. D. Campbell
1615 Roosevelt ! Phone 1496
sr r-..
American Red Cross . C .
complaint from Texas for parole
violation. ; ' rM :f"S-i .M7
wmiam Nichols, 985 Cross
street; charge fail to stop. . j "
: Henry Guenthext i charges of
failure to stop and no driver's li
cense; bail ; $2.50 on first charge
$5 . on ' second.' - " i" .
Leon W. Cooley, i923 ; Hazel
avej charge perraitting dog to run
at large; fined $5. ; :JJ
Wilbur D. Gile Salem; charge
disorderly, conduct; fined .$25.'.,. .
.- . Juanita Hinkle Stevens, Salem;
Perfect Expression of her
Fresh, Young Appeal ;
;1 s -
Far-famed fragrance of romance. .'.breath
of epringtime for her to wear all tHrougK
the year. Fresh, young, appealing. .
Dear to the heart of every romantic ghl
aid woman. 7.50, S.75, 2.75, 1.00
Afple tUmtaUUfM. Light, sparkling
version of the famous Apple Blossom acent.
Perfect partner for your perfume gift 1.00
Corner State and liberty
appointment tomorrow for Tue
d u u y
t m . - -'
'John A. Tweit, Marshfieldl
charge - vagrancy ; committed to
Oregon state nospita.:;, i
Press Wemen to Meet - Salem
Women's Press club will meet on
Monday for a 130 luncheon at the
home of Mrs: "WrA; PettiV Court
apartments. . Red Cross' sewing
will be donsv
.Annual PartyCapital Post No.
9, American Legion, wiU hold its'
annual Christmas party i Monday,
night in the Legion hall. The lad
ies auxiliary will participate.
Phone 9277
: 1
cnarge cusoraeriy : cotkiuv, u.
$50 and 10 days in JalL -
Phone 511$ ! fi