The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 17, 1944, Page 2, Image 2

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.The.OHEGON STATESMAN, Salem. Oreaiv Sunder? Mcexuag. Dtcunbv 17. 1SU
i -. i - ;
British, Soviet
Poland Plans
Start Debate
' ' WASHINGTON, Dec 18 -(ff)
'British-Russian plans for pushing
Poland farther westward set off a
string of verbal firecrackers on
-Capitol Hill today but the rest of
official Washington remained si
lent - v:.
! Centering his fire on Premier
; Stalin of Russia, retiring Senator
f Reynolds fD-NC) declared that
when the war ends, the -question!
will not be whether there is to
f be "power polities' in Europe"
'but "whether Mr. Stalin is going
to extend his rule to U of it
Senate debate was ' touched
off when Senator Danaher (R
Conn) offered a text of Prime
.Minister Churchill's house of
' 'commons speech of yesterday for
i 'the official record.j . 1
Vs; Reynold chairman of the mili
jHary. affairs committee who did
?not seek-reelection-this year, de
clared he was "very unhappy
Sto learn from Churchill's speech
Vthat "our allies have deserted
Poland." ,
" And Senator Vandenberg (R
?Mich), who earlier had called for
plain speaking" in our relations
Vith Russia and j Britain, said:
y I should greaUy appreciate the
inclusion also of a speech from
;? the president should one become
- available for insertion in the con
:gressional record."
GOP Has Cash
For Starting
iff-. o
;New- Campaign
; NEW YORK, Dec. 16-(flVArm-:
ed .with the first cash surplus the
.'party ever brought outof a pres
idential contest,. Herbert Brow
, nell, jr., started the ball rolling
today on a four-year republican
: campaign aimed at electing may
brs. governors, members of con-
' gress ind finally, a president.
Thes GOP national chairman,
back trom a month's vacation in
, the we&tsaid he hadn't decided
yetwhether he wants to keep the
non-paying Job he took over last
summer : when his long-time
friend, Gov. Thomas E. Dewey,
became the party's presidential
nominee; t
. . But Brownell gave every ap
pearance, as he arranged a series
of conferences with republican
leaders, ; of a man who intends to
keep his hand on the party reins.
..That issue will be determined
when ' the national: committee
ineetsl; probably early in February
in some midwestern state the GOP
tarried in the presidential cam
paign.! ; r 1
i Committee members heard that
the 40-year-old chairman already
has sufficient written pledges to
assure his reelection if he wants
to hold on.
Trolley Coach Mishap
Fatal to' Aged Woman
PORTLAND, Dec. 15-(a)-In
juries mulcted when she was
caught in a trolley coach door
were fatal, today to Mrs. Sarah
Murratto, 87. x
, The city's 38th traffic fatality
this year was "j recorded when
Charles C Behrens, 53, one of
triree pedestrians struck by a po
lice car last Sunday, died today in
hospital. V
Lumber Workers Get
$27,000 Back Pay
DALLAS; Dec. lS-ff-Bak
pay totaling $27,000 has been
given 350 Willamette Valley Lum
ber company employes here
through - a - west coast lumber
commission ruling. ' ".
, Too Late to Classify
; MAN'S BUCK. Phone 7t73r
Harry Hopkins Not Interested
In Foreign Diplomatic Post
WASHINGTON, Dec. 16-P)-Harry L. Hopkins wants to stay
THe mystery man of the White House feels he is handling war
assignments of surpassing importance as chairman of the Anglo
American munitions assignment board and special assistant to
President Roosevelt.
He doesn't want' to become a
diplomat,: therefore, even though
it would insulate him against
some of the criticism which has
been his lot He doubts his boss
will give him a chance, anyway.
Yet there has been considerable
talk about prospects of Hopkins'
going to London, either as ambas
sador or as a personal representa
tive of the president Some of the
talk has centered among persons
who had an idea that so many
brickbats were hUrtling his way
that he might like! to duck out to
Europe, v-
Among the latest heaved in his
direction; 7
Stories that :he alone of all
White House officials could reach
the president by telephone.
Statements by Senator Chand
ler (JR-Ky) that Hopkins was the
man to ask for inside information
on six new nominations fori top
state department Jobs. Chandler
called them "Hopkins nomina
tions." :
But friends of the slender pres
idential helper have been told that
criticism doesn't bother him much
any more he's used to -it; he's
willing to take it as long as he
thinks he can be useful to the
president U
Hopkins will concede that con
gress would rise and cbeer en
masse should he quit tomorrow
though, associates say he believes
he could convince most legislators
he is not a sinister influence on
But he has no more intention of
telling them how he operates, who
he sees, what he does, than of de
scribing his activities on bill
Soviet Will Be Strong
Peace Force, Claim
gen, Berkshire, Dec. 16-(VJohn
Masefield, England's poet , laur
eate,, said today he believes Rus
sia will be one of the strongest
forces for peace in the post-war
."Russia seems determined there
shall not be another European
war, that the craze for conquest
shall not get out of hand on this
continent" the 69-year-old gray
haired man 'of letters said in an
interview. ,
Longest Rural Route
In Country at Bend
BEND,' Dec. l&(JP)The long
est rural mail route in the Unit
ed States , operates out of here,
is 95.30 miles long and has 382
boxes and? 1500 patrons, the post
office has been informed by the
nnstmastr crcneral
The carrier is Willard A. Hig-
gins, who receives S3 100 salary
was born about 490
For EompleSe . ..
Automotive repairs and maintenance at reas- :
onable prices and without delay, take your car
to .
.. . .- . ' : - ,.' , i ..: :. I : :::-':;'..r: :
Pantiac Sales & Service
235 S. Coxnl Across Trom the Marlon Phone 3169 '
Ml Beceived ifeoEai Bsflm
No Phone
So far as I know, they haven't
reported if to : the police depart
ment but the Steve Stones had a
b & e (break & entry to you) at
their home last night
-. v .-vi'-;-;i.-:.---.---.
It was after 11 p.m. when in
through a rear window came a tall
figure in army uniform and over
coat, t '
Frankly, Jerry The States
man's Jerry of the long legs, the
"new absolutely effective"- golf
methods, the sketch pad and pen
cil) probably had a bit more trova
ble going through the back win
dow than he did those other nights
when he crawled in from a late
date and thought he had fooled his
A rolling Stone may gather no
moss, but Jeremiah has put on a
little weight he might almost
rate as a Boulder now.
' . v :
Away from home since last
April, he is now stationed at Fort
Lewis and rather hopes to get
back for some other weekends
so, Mrs. S, you may want, to do
something to that window, f
Roosevelt Sends Chiang
Hopeful Victory Reply
WASHINGTON, Dec 118 -(-
President Roosevelt told General
Issimo Chiang Kai-shek he was
1 A. uJ Ml ,
conuaeni uura , wm woruuiy
share in the approaching phase
of final victory. .
Roosevelt's statement was in
cluded on an exchange of; mes
sages on the third anniversary of
Pearl .Harbor published today by
the state department t '
Red Skelton, Actress
Announce Engagement
tress Georgia pavis and comedian
Richard (Red) Skelton are en
gaged, she said today, lbut they
won't be married before he is dis
charged from the army. ;
Skelton was in the army special
service school at Lexington, Va.,
at last reports, his studio said.
Septuagenarian Killecl
In Fall, After Mishap
20-foot fall down an embankment
on the road to Galice last, night
took the life of Harry Dimmick,
73, Sheriff Lloyd Lewis said to
Loren Cooper, forest ranger at
the Rand station, found Dimmick's
open car hanging by the rear
wheels! over the edge of the road
at 1 a. m. , . .
O rders Please
Annual Party
Of 40 and 8,
Marion Event
-" rv-.; i j ' , .-''.'-.-7
The "40 and 8" contingent of
veterans of World war 1 who saw
service overseas staged their an
nual Christmas .party ' Saturday
night in the American Legion halL
The order, operated under aus
pices of the Legion, implies by Its
name that members at some time
during their foreign' service rode
the "deluxe' seats in a French box
ear, f amiliary labeled "40 hommes.
8 chevaux" which in translation
gives 40 men and eight horses.
Chef de Gare Walter J. Kirk of
the Marion voiture presided and
introductions of dignitaries , and
visitors : ' were made, by , Grand
Comissaire Intendant Ira :0. Pil-
cher of Marion voiture. .
Many state officers attended the
party headed by Grand Chef de
Gare Duncan E. Nease, of Port-
and. Portland voiture had the
largest delegation of visitors, led
by Chef de Gare Charles EtcheL
State Commander Penn Crum of
the American' Legion and a "40
and 8" member,' also attended the
affair. ' S '! '
-A turkey dinner was served the
109 members registered. Visitors
were registered from voitures in
Portland, Yamhill, Klamath' Falls;
Lane county,: Tillamook county,
Clatsop county, Lincoln county
and Benton county. 4 !'
Chinese Still
Pursue Japs
CHUNGKING, Dec lfr--The
counterattacking Chinese, continu
ing their advance in Kwangsi pro
vince down the Kweichow-Kwan
gsi railway, have reached the vi
cinity of . Hoghih, 95 miles from
LiuchoW, the : Chinese high com
mand announced today.
Yesterday the . : Chinese were
within 12, 15 and 18 miles of
Hochih in' three directions. The
town, has been outflanked on the
southeast by Chinese forces which
continued to progress today..
Chinese in i this capital mean
while hailed the American land
ings on Mindoro island in the
Philippines as bringing much
nearer an ultimate landing on the
China coast :
Pennsylvania ' Governor
Warns Against Robots t
HARRISBURG, Pa., Dec. 17-
(flV-Goovwoor Edward Martin to
day ordered Pennsylvania civilian
defense forces to be on the Alert
for robot bomb attacks, saying
the war and navy departments
considered them possible. " -
"bnouid sucn an attack, come
it will be without warning and it
would be imprudent not to be
prepared," Martin said in a state
Dr. . Harry A. Brown
. Optometrist
184 N. Uberty St.
1. t
r-, " 1
t 4l-:: - - 1
iss6ft0MiMftrfsrfi'a ai i m Ait i afto nri 1 1 io aWKrtaassaasBssf
ii humbna53
of War!
By th ' Associated Prcaa)
. Western Europe U. S. 7th
army pours more troops; into its
four invasion routes into, the
German palatinate; arid
; hires two towns. 5
Russia Reds drive to the
Hungarian-SlovaUan border in
. the north and advance into Slo
vakia to the south. - i .
IWy .1 British and Polish
troops gain's foothold on a dom
inating ridge two miles west of
Faenza in the Po valley.
. Greece Civil war omtinues
to rage in Athens.
' . ... . ..... : y -V., '
: ; Paeifle American troops
invading Mindoro . push from
seven to nine miles against weak
Japanese opposition; Adm, Ches
ter ; Nimitz reports ; that naval
: fliers sank or damaged 17 enemy
ships and destroyed 235 planes
in three days prior to invasion.
: China Chinese - troops con
tinue to pursue Japanese re
treating south' in Kwangsi prov-
English Historian,
Honor Student' Dies
i .LONDON, Dec. 16 -(ffH PP
Guedalla, prominent English bis
torian, biographer and essayist,
died today in a Londan hjospitaL
He was 55 years lod. '
, An honor student at Rugby and
Oxford, Guedalla was a barrister
for 10 years but retired from
practice in 1913 to devote Ibis en
tire time to writing, at which, he
already had achieved some 'suc
cess.:;' 1 . . . - 'V
nana oa
mtmuim iin mi ..) . in, ii win.j . i.ili. 'Mir.ii i. i.i.u mm mm Bmj.juk-t) -m v
mmm m mum
-You can add a rich touch to your outfit by coming Into Wards today
. and selecting one of these handsome handbags! Everyone is teauH
. fully made of soft, genuine leather and lined in fine quality rayonl
Good looking metal framev attractive ornament daspsl Choose
ihe dressy or tailored styles you prefer! Top handles, pouches,
envelopes mnny wilh zippers. Black, brown. 70 - 795 - 9.95
B: 1 " -;;, ' J,
; j'
.f, ' 1 . . . . , . - r
fcj tia you::3 tun-
IU toe U). moi toe maS, but
M ffa. rigkr dxm for Sm Me
C&f trvmkz epl levef
r slMiotad ssetfies Is tbe sisal
Oiaplin Will
Be Witness
Against Self
LOS - ANGELES, Dec' ; 16--
Charlie Chaplin will assume the
role of witness' Monday i against
himself in Joan Berry's paternity
suit' r J ? - I: . - ;v ',.
The 55-y e' a r-old , comedian's
appearance' promises a Welcome
break in the boredom of jury se
lection, still unfinished.; Attor
neys now say they'll complete the
Jury in jigtime, then call Dr. Rus
sell Starr As witness No. ; r and
Chaplin as witness No. 2.'. v
Dr. Starr delivered Miss Barry
of her baby, Carol Ann, 14 months
ago. And now Carol Arm's guar
dian - and Miss Berry v 'want
Chaplin legally named as the fa
ther, although blood tests and
Chaplin deny' his parentage.
Joseph Scott, Miss Berry's law
yer, said he summoned ; Chaplin
as an "adverse witness" under
provision of California . law which
permits this procedure. Thus, he
added, plaintiffs counsel can en
deavor to 7m a k e the defendant
testify against himself, j -
College Heating Plant
Burned; No Insurance '
McMINNVTLLE, Dec. 5 -(ff)-Linfield
college's wooden; heating
plant buiding burned to the ground
today, leaving the college with
out heat and causing damages es
timated 'by the college president
at $25,000. S
President Harry L. Dillin said
boilers and equipment probably
can be repaired before school re
convenes after the Christmas holi
day. The plant was not insured.
na cial cm rca
Fortkularfy vkee ssert
el tmm mmmAtm jimlwi
en! Soft aed revs aretes
j stylM ska pwafenl
2 otor
Slain German General's
Relative Aids Red Gross
PORTLAND, Dee. 16 -vP)-The
coffers of the county Red Cross
chapter here bulged today with a
$1000 donation from the crew of
a Dutch motorship freighter skip
pered by CapjL Albert Rommel a
relative ; of Germany's i "Desert
Fox. He and - Marshal Erwin
Rommel had the same great
grandfather, the skipper es
plained.-: " ' ,. i
Portknd Seeks 5000
Acres Delinquent Land
plan to obtain 5000 tax-delinquent
acres for- reforestration here j is
being drawn up by city officials.
The area, in the northwest dis
trict of Portland, includes a 100-
acre strip which might be made
into an airfield. Recreation facil
ities would be developed if the
forest were acquired.
Il Is lie' Cardinal Dele
Of this offlce to furnish ear
coverage as the lowest cost.
We keep sp-U-dat in this
insurance, r I
Oregon s Largest
Scdexa ;ond Mcffshfield
129 N. Comniercicd - Salem - 4400 J
a Ward.
She" can't help but exdatm 'VYhdt a beautiful giftr when you
give her one of these wonderful handbagj from Wardsl They're
made "m the lovely genuine leather that every woman prizes these
days! m smooth or rough grains! Qr m rich looking rayon faille
thafs so right for dress-up occasions! Roomy pouches and top
handl styles in the smart Winter colore she prefersl
ail umi cells
Ami mwfn se ffcrfy mmtm h
storey sseJafctJ UosWJ Wt
er. wOewt sWder strapst C2I
' beserfl - .i
raamath Falls
Imports Wood ;
this crowded community is
Importing fuel wood for the first
time in its history.
Approximately 1509 cords from
Eugene and Redmond began ar
riving this week, the government
subsidizing the . movement in an
effort to avert a fuel shortage.
Percy Murray,: Klamath Falls
OPA, ration board chairman, said
that "bringing wood from outside
to this big lumbering town is
unbelieveable. !
Ail-Time Oregon Log
Bucking Record Made
LEBANON, Dea I6P-Bucki
ing 1,035,000 feet of logs in No
vember. Charles Ray set an all-
time record for. the Roaring River
Logging company here.
clients with the best possible
baslnese la speciaUsisig only 1st
Upstate Agency
3.98 4?
c:?t vr.'jgntA5i
h 3.90 to 4.90
' j Vi"3lsMtfy ssel frsoNi and sV
litBreyeaeawenftetea. m)mi
i eassty of sffnd end leml Sofd
j color 'prints end border pel
. jlsrast Good loekbg handlasj
" ' ' "
f" (
' 4
Iliona SKI
1 1 irztr
f&ssa S1S4
,.'T.. IT-.
sry vvard.
113 V.y. l'j