Foe Convenienc For Sale Miscellaneous! - EASTMAN1 Kodak. Vigilant inodeU with HA tens and leather cue. Pa. M7J PRE-WAR baby stroller, swing and car bed. 765 N.. 13th. Call after 7:30 Eves.. - : ', ' - - - UNPAINTED cheats, desks, cup boerds and tables. prim finished. asy to paint, at Picketta Co-op Furniture. 13th - and State. . MODEL 19 Savage target rifle .23 CaU. with Weaver telescope . . eight. Phone 8473. . i .,: c GIRL'S sue 8 Sonja Heiaie white hoe skates. Snow suit size 12. s-tube Philco radio. 888 Breys Ave.. CAS welding Ph. 3019. and cutter torch. - MIRRORS make a nice Christmas gift. See Lara beets, 3280 Portland Rd. 11x12 WILTON eond. 189.00. 234 Kamak, wry- fine N. Church. Sunbeam Sbaveroaster STSO. Ph. 9473. DAYBXD with pad. Makes 'double bed. Good springs; library table; play En with hardwood floor and pad; tchen table; small ice box. Ph. 4713. 24. HEN LAYING BATTERY. 21 lewel pocket watch, Chas. Moore, 1730 Water. -. . 10 VOLUMX set of New Standard gncyclopedia. Ph. 3083. . PIANO in good cond. 499 N. Cottage CHRISTMAS TREES 25c to $1.00. 2000 Portland Rdr ' .- T . CHRISTMAS TREES. V. ml. on crrav " el road past Roberts Schl. Roy Shan non. Kl. 3. BOX 9UZA. XMAS Trees. 50c up. dlvd. Ph. 2-2922. Eng. Walnuts 26c lb. 990 N. Church. ZENITH HEARING new. S2. Ph. 7186.- aid. practically RED COCKER Spaniel puppy, 2295 . sin si. TOY electrie train 85. Ph. 6831. 34 INCH WOOD TURNING LATHE and chisels. $12.00- 1492 Huge St.. West Salem. ELGIN man's wrist watch, field glasses and case, car radio for Hudson Terra. Christmas trees. 1119 N. Capitol ' FOREVER Cversharp pen and pencil set. new. Schick electric razor. Gray wool, man's overcoat size 38. Ph. 8353. BABY Crib and Cantleak mattress. 1523 Bellevue, after 8 P.M. ' PRE-WAR set of Fostoria grass an tique mirror, bathinette. 3380 Ptli. Rd BICYCLE, balloon tires, 26 In. frame. food condition, $25. Ph. 9441 460 N 3th. . 410 GAUGE shotgun, bolt action 1510 Madison. Ph. 3692. LATE Model console radio. New mattress It pre-war springs. New drop leaf breakfast table; New wall cabinet. 24 In mirror. Man's bicycle. . Electric razor. Dishes and Utensils. Ph. 8976. Johnston Sheet Metal Co. 1410 S. 12th. Salem. Oregon Phone 5391 Years of experience enables us to fire -you guaranteed workmanship. Air conditioning. Furnaces. Cutters. Eave troughs. Skylights. Smoke stacks. Tanks and repairing. FREE ESTI MATES, UNPAINTED dressing tables, chests of ' drawers. Folsom Mfg. Co.. 1108 Broadway. HOME DESKS, unfinished, well built 14 50. Folsom Mfg. Co.. 1108 Broadway. FIELD CORN B. 4 Brooks. C. Baughman. Rt. KIDDIES wheelbarrows and wagons. Ph 5564. PIANO BENCHES. 395 S. 12th. - $12. Tallman's. C02 "DRY ICE" fire extinguishers. Chas. H. Fowler. Ph. 9650. DECORATING holly and holly wreaths. Ph. 98F12 evenings only. CLOSING OUT all clothing and shoes. Prices reduced 10-90 per cent. Kiig- snan s. ZB9 N. Coml. Fh. FULLER Brushes. 1749 Grant P 8397 ORDERS TAKEN for bread breast ad beef type bronze poults. Mrs. E. L. Gates, Rte. 1, Jefferson, Ore. ATMORAYS OZONE. sell and rent B -C Pugh Ph 2-2458 PO Bos 483 TRAILERS tar rent Woodry Auction Mkt.; 1603 N. Summer. WINTER Apples tor eating 8c cook g. 31 to 32-2S box. Ph. 427Tv 830 ft ys Ave. . CANARDXS cages. 1108 N. Church. Wanted Miscellaneous We Buy Furniture TRADE WITH A FIRM Of 30 TEARS REPUTATION OF BUSINESS INTEG RITY IN THE WILLAMETTE VAIXEY HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR USED - 1 Pianos Furniture and Appliances 1 Call fief for appointment . HOGG BROS. .280 State St " WANTED Electric range. Ph. 2-2311. . WANTED New World Bicycle, knee action, handle brakes. Mutt be in good Condition. Box 929. Statesman. WANTED: Electric train. Ph. 8539. WANTED; DoU buggy. Ph. 4219. ' EXP. furn." repr. Lambert's. Ph. 5564. -.- WILL PAY top cash price for a good 'Washing machine and refrigerator and Ctrier good used furniture, fh. WANTED. Pianos. Tallman's. Ph. 8707 usD furn nun . p . am ADVERTISING Western Advertising Representatives - " Ward -Griffith Company. Lac ' San Franciaoo Cistern Advertising EepresenUtives WaKd-GrlfSth Corapenx. Ine . OUeago. New Yarn, Detroit. . toeston. AtlanU Uesriber . Padfle Coast DivUfas '. ; Bureau of Advertising . ; s tnttvd- e tkm iWefftce ec Jfcfem, gra gam mm Jeeewd Claas Mmttr. Pice fiafied every esorwlive Except gfendey. Kuaineas -olc 111 South Cotnmey gaol tftreee. ' ' - SUESCniPTION RATES tlall 9ibeer1ptloB Rates Jn Advance: tlihin Orp: Day and Sunday. JMo. Mntar m ncs. U.C2: 1 year, 83.09: 1 lewher M eecAa pr tnec or $7.29 - i Mar4n advance. Par copy 8 ws -v rn-v Crrtr7 TS -vmtm m tfionth. f . j tr LIONEL electric iteainandboy's In termediate bicycle, good condition. Ph. 4908. ' J-J2.'.L. bike. . s ny !dtVonl:nlh; r tt a.aia aUris.fllBys eieaneci wpsj-.yacunm . 7 steel brushea. Losky.U S. IM P. TIM iijaceit co e Wanted Miscellaneous WANTED Electric hMtr Phone 3000 after 9 PM. ; CASH for used marts at aitirt mu. steal instruments Call 4641 days ot 9331 evenings or send descrrption to Jaquiih Music - Co. 191 .S-High. WANT TO Buy. Oms camera ones atcEwan Photo Stoop 3S State WantedFurniture , WANTED: . Used furn- elec. aoDll- ances & tools. 419 Ferry. Pa. 2-1029. V Ph. 7511 If you have furniture to sell. Miscellaneous How Long Will You Be Making Big Money? Instruction.! Male. The war wont last forever - when H is over, the- man trained for the right Industry - will keep on making good money. The untrained man will lose out. Prepare now so your earnings will stay UP. gee into wis sound industry. We will snw you how to overhaul and install AIR CONDITIONING and REFRIGE RATING equipment. If mechanically minded, lust a few " hours weekly spare time all you need. No. inter lerence with, present job. .For Infor mation write at once giving name and address. Utilities - Inst, Box 924. Statesman. ' WANTED: Room & board with pri vate family for working mother with 9 yr. old girL Ph. 413& 48a. RENTAL Sewing Machines - now available. Singer Sewing Machine Co.. 142 S. High. FREE crutches. Woodry Auction Market. 1609 N. Summer. ; i STOVE parts and repairing. Woodry Mitt.. 1605 N Sumner. Also lawn mow er sharpening and adjusting continued Dental Plate Repair TWO-HOUR SERVICE IN MOST CASES -Bring or Mall Your Plates for Repair DR. HARRY SEMLER, DENTIST Adolph Bldg. State 8c Com. Ph. 3311 For Rent Rooms SLEEPING rooms, cooking privilege. 254 No. Church. For Rent Apartments i 2 RM. Furn. Apt. Lt., water. Adults. 1082 - 7th, W. Salem. $18. For Rent Houses 3 RM. Furn. house $45. Inqj. after noon, 1ZZ0 N. IBtn. Unfurnished 4 rrrv hse.. no water, elec. 1 mi. from Dallas. Ph. 5F9 Dallas. For Rent GARAGE. 668 S. Summer. NEWLY decorated sleeping rooms for girls. 860 Marion. Ph. 8521, FLOOR SANDER eomery Ward tor . rent Mam TRAILERS for rent. Woodry's Mkt. 1809 N. Summer. Ph. 9110. TRUCKS for Cune Love!l tent You drive Ohone 9600 Mc GOOD Used Piano. H U Stiff.. Wanted to Rent MAN and wife. ' boy 8 and girl 2, need 2 or 3 bdrm. furn. hse furnace heat Will take full charge of infant or small child as part payment on rent. Needed by I Jan. 15. Box 930. Statesman. f WILL pay good rent for office space on ground floor. Ph. 9441. 2 BDRM. Ph. 5338. unfurnished modern hse. FURNISHED APT. or house during legislature, rn. ifiio. 4 or I rm furn. houses Adults only, Ph. 4898 bet. 98 p.m.. eves ',9489. Call lor Miss HolmquisL $10 REWARD for Information that will lead to my finding suitable small modern furn. hse. or apt. 1 school aged child. Box 527 Statesman. BY Feb. 1st 9 or 6 rm. house.' unfurnished. Ph. 6960. 2 BDRM. furn. house, pref. North. Perm., local people. Must , have oil heat due to illness. Ph. 7966. SMALL unfurn. house. Ph. 22511. For Sale Real Estate 3 BDRM. hse., basement, wood fur nace. Ph. 21949. Business Direct 6 Accounting Service ACCOUNTING Federal state re ports. 206 N. High. ph. 9878. res. 792X ACCOUNTING Income Tax. 180 N. Commercial. Room 19. Airplane Models KITS and SUPPLIES, Cherry Model Aircraft. 21st 8c Market aty Alterations ALTERATIONS, sewing, fur 180 N. ConunercUL Boom M. work Art Tile BATH' Room, drain board ' fireplace or store fronts. Ph. 4509, 1148 N. 13th Auto Brakes BRAKES and wheel lining at 241 Center. W. V. Clark. Ph. 7739. HERRALL-OWENS CO 235 S Comt Mike Panek. 27b S. Comt Ph 8181 Brake and . wheel aligning specialist Auto & Track Service MARION MOTORS MASH SALES 8c SERVICE Experienced mechanics. Otto Buff, foreman. 2f79 Center. Ph. 7838. HERR A I J .-OWENS CO.. 239 S.ComJ BicveU BICYCLES New and reconditioned' Harry W tcett. 147 S uaercl P 8 Body ft Fender Repairs, HXRKALL-OWEKS 4MU 339 Oaea1 Cement Contracting CZMENT Ph. HL contractmg, C B. Bits Chimney Sweep . OIL CIRCULATOR. ftriiaees. Chlm- and Prof it, Read .'. For Sale Real Estate ARE YOU? Interested in converting a home to In come? If so come in and1 let us tell you about a four bedroom, nicely lo cated on Center Street. C W. BARTLETT R. W. BENT REALTORS ' 122 New Bligh Bldg. , Phone 7171 87400. Will buy this 7 r. home with 4 bedrooms, oak firs- fireplace, base ment, with hot water sawdust furnace. A REAL. VALUE, i NEAR - STATE BLDGS. GRABENHORST BROS.." REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St t Ph. 4131 7 BLOCKS SOUTH OF BANKS ' 3 BJL hams in food condition, .wirtxl for range, fireplace, sawdust furnace. Price 8500-82300 down, balance 9 per cent. See Chet Nelson with C. H. SANDERS - 231 N. HIGH rFTONISHEDHOME Only 1 biles, from citv center. 7 r. dwelling with two bedrooms down and two up, full cement basement, auto, gas heat, fireplace. garage, all nice large rooms. Price $10,000 cash. (iHABENHOBST BROS REALTORS 134 & Liberty St Ph. 4131 ToR "CREsTrETSiIodern 3 bdrm. hse. Ph. owner 9903. 1 65100 ACRES. Includes 3 houses rentlag at aU times. $4500. 425 Locust. f rm. hse. and lot. reasonable. P. $883 ENGLEWOOD DISTRICT t 3 B.R. "strictly mod. home in excel lent condition, extra nice yard. Well located for schools, store, bus. Price $6850 $2500 down. C a. SANDERS " 231 JN. HIGH $4000: Furnished 8 rm. plastered hse., garage, 1 blk. from bus, pavement, sidewalks, good location, . immediate possession, close in. OLSON 8c REEVE. REALTORS 943 S. Com! St. Ph. 4590. Eve 9538 LESLIE SCHOOL 3 rm. house with trees. $1950 cash. H. P. Grant, Realtor 329 Cgurt - ' Pb 6744 YOU better hurry 8c see this nice, cozy, clean, modern, 3 bdrm. home near Leslie Jr. High, on bus line. By owner. Phone 8963. NICE little home at 2530 Laurel. $2,700, some terms. See Mr. Goodwin witn , i Hawkins & Roberts, Inc. Ph. 4108 . Realtors After 6 Ph. 8713 ' LATE BUILT ALL hardwood floors, 1 bedrooms, fire place, ft acre with fruit. Van M. Greer with H. P. Grant, Realtor 529 Court St. r Phone 8744 BY Owner: 9 rmr modern bungalow, furnace, . fireplace, Idry. trays, garage, fruit 8c nut trees. Near School 8c bus. Inq. at 1069 Norway. TWO bedroom home, Hollywood. Wired for range, electric hot water heater, triple garage, some fruit, un furnished $4400.00. furnished $5400.00. Immediate possession. BURT PICHA. REALTORS 337 North High Street Ph. 3210 9 rm with unfinished attic, north east, bsmt.. H.W. floors. $5,250. See Mr. Goodwin with Hawkins & Roberts, Inc. Ph. 4108 v Realtors After 8, Ph. 8713 IMMEDIATE possession, four rooms and nook, wired for range, electric hot water heater. Six yrs. old. A good buy at $5250.00. ! BURT PICHA. REALTORS 337 North High Street I Ph. 3210 3 BED ROOM modern house, fire place, oil furnace. Just out of city limits. East. Near bus line, on paved road. Price $7500. ' ' 4 room modern house in excellent condition. Fireplace, furnace. About 't acre of land. East, on bus line. Price $6500. Terms. I v Rostein 6c Adolph. Inc. Phone 8030 110', N. Commercial St NICE small home, ideal for couple. $2,100. terms. ee Mr. Goodwin with Hawkins i& Roberts, Inc. Ph. 4108 Realtors after 6 Ph. 8715 $5829 "buys a large lot 84x130. has a 8 rm. house. Thia is a. good location for a court. $9500 for a five ultra modern home in N. E. Salem. Jack Henntngsen. , STATE FINANCE CO., Realtors 212 Guardian Bldg. 1 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION ' A 7 room residence, oW type but in good condition, in East Salem 'on choice comer -lot:' both streets caved and paid. Price $5350 with terms and discount for cash, see LEO N. CHILDS, INC. REALTORS 344 State St. I Ph. 9261 2 B.R. unfinished house, north. $1950, $500 down. Immediate possession. C. H. SANDERS - 231 N, High - 5838 TWO bedroom ' home, close to High School. bwd. floors, fireplace, auto, gas heat. Immediate possession. $6300. ' Mr. Byrkit with BURT PICHA. REALTORS 337 North High Street Ph. 3210 Cards In this . directory ma on a monthly basis only. Kates $L25 per line .per month. Florists Bretthaupt'a 447 Court " Phone 8I9S; Insurance Bristol 8c Cook; General Insurance, t -403 Oreg. Bldg. T Ph. 21533 Lawnmower , . Sharpening GUARANTEED WORK en special factoiy grinders, by Harry W. Scott -The Cycle Man" 147 S Commercial 81 Mattresses CAPITOL BEDDING CO Phone K8 Magazine Subscriptions MRS. PAUL H, HA USER. Ph. 782$. Music Lessons SPANISH A HawUan Cottar. Mando Bn. Banjo, etc -1533 Court. Ph 1369 Painting PAJNTXNG and tUlaomlning.-Ph 8132 PAINTINa gt Decorating, TSS2 Paintios & Paperhassiss PAINTING aV Papering. Ph. 430. Papering, paint. Jerry Johnson. 372X raper hanging Jk patntliig. Ph. CXPZBT, WorknutfUhigr Phono 3 Plumbing HOWARD PLUMBING A Sheet Metal Co.. 1920 Jefferson. Ph. 3-1448. - EXPERT SERVICE . : Jetm nsben. Ph. 3fll8-31 S. IStSk A. t, SKEWIS 8s- CO. fiumbtagv ftatmg 848 N. High : Ph. 823. ' r-9CTTf .rcr"w r3ii u b . S-i H. Ca-L ia.Mi. For Sale Real Estate LOOK THESE OVER NlCli UTTLX HOME. $2750 1 bed room and enclosed back porch, good si xed living room and kitchen with lots of -built-mst. bath, good paint and new ronLj GOOD 5 BOOU HOME. $4300 Living-room. dinette. 2 bedrooms. kitchen and bath. full, basement with sawdust furnace. V. blinds, garage, a good buyv . i J..-r- ' p " - : NORTH aeth STREET 5 ' Nice- 5 room home, 'living' room. dining room, 2 bed , rooms, kitchen and' bath.' full harA;t ..,Vi oil heat, electric water heater. i,-. GOOD ROOM HOME Older style" but in excellent condition-with 3 good sized bed rooms, living room, dining room, kitchen and bath. Located close in North. priced at $5300. can be bought for $1300 down. I LEE OHMART & CO. ! ' ; ,' ! REALTORS 184 S. COMMERCIAL ST. j PHONE 9680. , AFTER 840 MODERN 8 Jr. Bungalow near H. School. Nice home, $6300.- 2i A. close in. Mod. $ R. Bungalow, out bldgsv elec, fine well. $6300. 40 A. mostly River Bottstn land, Bldgi., fruit, team. 4 cows, $6500. 15 A. choice land near Salem, bo bldgs, $210 per A. Nice location. i Cood income property paying 20. Sacrifice $5800.: $3000 down. VALLEY LAND CO. , " ' 370 State St. i Phone 9679 BY OWNER 3 bedroom house. Oil heat, fireplace, elec. h.w. heater. Vene tian Dimds. oax firs, nice lawn and shrubs, plastered garage. For appt Ph. 2-1453. i. , . I 6-RM. PLAST. house, , elec. stove, elec.' water htr, auto, oil floor furn. $4300. 20 Tess Ave. Inq. Rt. 2. box 130F. 3rd j hse. W. Keizer school. $63005 rm. hiodern home, fireplace, gas floor furnace, fenced In back yard. This place is quite new and well located, j , R. E. Meredith, Realtor- 3185 Ptld. Rd. I - Ph. 4463 2 HOUSES. l lot. North. RenU over $50 mo. $4250,' . LUSE REALTY. 209 Ore. Big. 7952 Immediate Possession ' of a 3-bed room home " ideally- lo cated for schools. Neat and clean. i i SEE . 1 L iC COONEY ' B LIVEN-ALDERIN-COONEY, Realtors Phone 7906 Evenmgs 8918. 430 Oregon Bldg. 8 R. 8c sip.! porch, oil heat, east, possibility - handsome income. ! fine dist. i i LUSE REALTY. 209 Ore. Big. 7952 3 BED ROOM plastered house, newly papered, good roof. Full lot. Price $2700. Excellent terms, possession soon. Neat 4 room cottage, nice condition, concrete foundation, sarase. eood lo cation. Just S. of State St. Price $3190. see Mr. saueressig witn . ALFRED - DUMBECK. Real Estate Room 3 Ladd It Bush Bldg. - . UNUSUAL BUYS Just as you see them pictured in magazines. 2 ibedrboms, bath, living room, completely modern kitchen. At tached garage iand. laundry room. .Au tomatic gas furnace. Cute as a bug's earl All this for $6950. Part terms. ANOTHER of a desirable 3 bedroom home. Large j living room, fireplace. dining room, kitchen, built-ins, Full basement, trays and wood furnace. Price $7000. Part terms. See MR. DAN IELSON with J i LEO N. CHILDS. INC. REALTORS 344 State. St. I Ph. 9261 NEW Modem five room home. Hwd. floors throughout, fireplace, auto. oiL close to riign tscnooi, s3so.oa. Mr.; Byrkit with BURT PICHA. REALTORS 337 North High Street L v . Ph. 3210 TODAY'S BARGAIN 2 large BJL home new and nice, all hwd. floors, nice living.' dinette, 8x8, unfin. attic, oil floor furnace, utility room, lot 55x188. Close to store k bus. All furniture inc. elect, range. Only $5300.- - i - ' C. H. SANDERS - 231 N. High - 5838 THREE bedroom plastered ' house. five years oldi Two blocks from bus. targe 101, tuu.uu. , - i Mr.! Byrkit with BURT PICHA. REALTORS - 337 Nortnv Highi Street Ph.J3210 '."IN. SALEM f (i : 1 S rm. home. 2 bedrooms. 4 extra lots, $5250. Mixed trait. J. M. Best with H. P. Grant, Realtor rir -si n. trriA a- 529 Court Ph. 6744 or 816 "i GOOD 7 Rms. Plastered. Close In. North. $5250. Terms if desired. Furnished 8 Rms. $4500 cash. Close In. Willamette Real Estate. 172 S. Liberty. Ph. 7113.- . Printing POR STATION ERT. cards, pamphlets programs books or any kino ef- print tag. can The Statesman Printing De pertinent 219 8 . Commercial , Tel ohoae 9101. , i ,' Rugs & JJphoI. Qeaned RUGS and UphoL clean sd Ph 8831 Sand ! and Gravel SAND. CravcL crushed reek, ready mixed concrete. Waning Sand and uravei rn asoi ' , - : Sewing Machine Repairing 357 Court Ph 303 W. A Gay Septic Tanks . Cleaned ET my prices before ' navinc work done. Ph. 7404, Permaaent resident of W Salem. Kenneth HameL 1143 8th St Transfer U.DRTVS TRUCKS POR, " tENl Blankets furn j 197 S Ubertyl Ph rOR LOCAL OR DISTANT traafe storage, burner oil. briquets franks M poruano, oauy. Ageni- erce avrno freight including Calif points Lannei Transfer . CO., rn Kst y-. : -t Vacuum Cleaner Service CERTIFIED GUAR; AO makes Vines Caetrtc. l&I aV Ub Tat. 3SZ rRXX lnaoeeea as lew ecaet Aa thortzed Hoover eennce Wa errice all snakes eJeaaera Hogg Bros n u Weather Strips Weather striae and inaulatlaa. - paUmaa. Ph. SOSS. Pree esfimataa. Window Qeaning ALL' werk 1 Baran1eed. Windows walla, woodwork cleaned floors waxed Insured wormwen rrmaannnai viaan ing Service Ph 8451.. . 'r WCtDOWS. Coon eiaanetl. Ph. SMSS Wood Sawirj RT. 8, BX. 83 Sanitary PU1 Road. and Use For Sale Real Estate NICE HOME. NORTH 3 bed rooms, 1 down and 1 up, doa ble plumbing, nice living room with fireplace, dining ' room and Utchen, full basement, garage.' YOU CAN HAVE IMMEDIATE POSSESSION, s. 3 ACRES. MODERN HOME1 -2 bed rooms with unfinished up stairs, only years old, large garage, barn. 3 acres set to filbert trees and a variety of berries, excellent soil, located about 3 miles from town, north TWO HOUSES. 84230 T90m. n.ou w U. Dr. 2 Br. KiLcncn ana naut. One small three room nouae in- the irear with hvrng room. 1 bedroom, kltchenjand bath. $5ooo-n Acta.rAjm':'::'-'--- Good $ room house. 3 1 bed rooms, garage, barn and poultry house. Ex cellent bean land, - permanent flood ongauon. PHONE 9880 PM. AND SUNDAYS PHONE 3779, View Home South 3 large bed rooms in lovelv colonial home, extra large dining; living 18x30 with fireplace, bwd.-floocs. .den. dou ble plumb., auto, sawdust! furnace. See this to appreciate. Price 812,000. High - 5838 C. H. SANDERS - 231 N NEAT 4 room home located at 1018 seventh St, West Salem. Vacant now. price $2400. ' W. G. KRUECER. REALTOR 147 N. Commercial I Ph. 4728 For Sale Farms. English Walnut and r Frait Farm 110 Aacres. 15 A. in old bearing wal nuts, 29 acres ' pears, also , prunes, cherries and apples. 23 A. cultivated. 3 A., wooded pasture. 0 rm. house, bath, deep well equip, with elect, pressure system. Good barn. Jay C. Neil (Own er), 3 Mi. N. Er of Dallas on Polk Station Rd. Ph. 2122. Dunn Realty Exc. e . Woodburn, Oregon - REAL BARGAIN. 80 A. for 15.000. ful set bldgs.'. modern home. 8 sorines. creek. 20 A. cultv., 40 A. timber, sev eral inousana aouars worm oz wooa and pole timber, V mi. to grade school, nmi. to High School Bus. HOME SEEKERS AGENCY. Silverton. Oregon. A GOOD INVESTMENT 133 acre General Farm 100 A. culti vated, bat timber, . pasture. Good 7 room plastered house with basement a furnace. Full set of outbuildings, lo cated only 6i miles out fine road. Price S85.00 per acre. 1 ALFRED DUMBECK. REAL ESTATE Room 3, Ladd .a Bush Bldg. THE ENDURING GIFT For you and yours. One of the finest 40 acres In the County: exceptionally well improved, equipped fori dairying and general farming; .completely equip ped with every necessary item; -eight head dairy stock. Come in and 4alk about it. Shall be' pleased to show it. C. W. BARTLETT R. W, BENT REALTORS 122 New Bligh Bldg. Phone 7171 . FARM FOR SALE 172 'acres all nice level land with about 150 acres of farm land, baL pas ture, paved rd.. electricity, old style farm bides. Good location north. Price $17,000. It will pay you to look this piece over.' GRABENHORST BROS REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131 A FINE 153 A. farm all under cult but 18 A. of pasture k timber. 65 A. in crops & 49 A; Franquette walnuts. A producing orchard. Walnut orchard worth the price asked for whole farm. sets of bldgs, big thicken house. barn for 10 cows, new hog house. machine rhed and double garage. Price only $23,000. See Mr. Larsen with Hawkins & Roberts, Inc. Ph. 4108- . - Realtors 500 A. 180 A. of EXCELLENT LAND. Seeded. - 7-rm. hsei. bath A lights, large dairy barn, 24 steel stan chions, water piped to Didgs. ah yr. -creek. 80 A. fir a oak timber. - mi. from saiem. a bakuaiiw sav per A. MELVIN JOHNSON. .REALTON 725 Court Ct , Phone 3723 160 ACRE stock ranch with modern room house, good barn St chicken house. Income over 88.00 per day or more. For quick sate seuo. see Mr. rsen with , .- - I .. Hawkins & Rolerts, Inc. Ph. 4108 .1 ... Realtors Acreage 1 A In Mbrningside for quick sale. 8 A. 2' mi. east, ! LUSE REALTY 209 Ore. Bldg. 7952 IS A 8 mL K. with ood mod. 9 rm. bouse. Family orchard, every foot till able, 4 A. planted to onions, 17700. 20 A. in Lincoln dist with mod. 9 rm. house 4 to 9 yrs. old. Basement, fur- ce. etc. Fenced in yard. All tillable soil, fieoo. -. I.:-- R. E. Meredith, Realtor 3153 Port. Road. ' Phone 4463 - ON GARDEN ROAD 11 acres with 7 rm. modern home. Bsmt, furnace, etc.. barn, large chick en Iwe- .20x120. 14 acre of variety of fruit and nuts. best i soil, well drained This is a lovely home and a good place for saddle norses. -R. E. MEREDITH, Realtors CLOSE TO 99 E. NORTH U acre; good well built 2 BJt home. Paved mart cloae to bus a stare. Price S4200eash. Se Chet Nelson with C H. baNObS. - Bl . nUin 83100.00. Three acres NX. Three room shake shingle house, barn, fruit. $700.00 Mown. Balance likeirem. .. 337 North High Street 1 Ph. 3210 - IMMEDIATE POSSESSION ' IS acres of rood soil, family orchard. paved Td4 good location, $ r. house. part Basement, some prumoing, eiec tricity. oat bMa 8 mUes from -city center. Price $5250. A real value. GRABENHORST BROS. KXALTUKS 134 . Lioerty SL i Ph. 4131 12 A. 'About 6 mL from Salem. 9-rm plastered hse. nearly new. Large poul try hse, -good -sou, caw all be irrigated "lU-'ln Keiser district. New S-rm, plastered hse, bath. lights, eiecxnc water heater, laundry rm, large , bans. frait fc berries. Excellent land aao Terms. . - ; MELVIN JOHNSON. REALTORS 723 Court St.. - -. Phone J723 3 ACRE TRACT in Labiab Gardens. Two 4 room homes, cbtckea . house ban. Price 853T. - - W. Ck.EcUXZGER. REALTOR 147 N. Coaameecial f Ph. 4728 3 BUILDING Sites 79x128 ft each. Fruit East Turner toad. Hourly bus. AS for $1050. - - - C H. SANDERS' 231 N. High - $838 ; $9 acres all la fir A oak timber. Io cs ted on Dared highway about 23 miles out. fTtee 83O0O easn. GRABXMHORST BROS 3UCALTORS 134 S. Liberty 64. j Ph. 4131 ' ufor" 3Gx k v1-- It acres located 8 sallea out oa good paved road. Good frootafei on pave ment City water. Good sou. aosna fam ily fruK. rm. some with part base ment House partly -furnished. Barn and. chicken bouse, This place s worth the jnoney. Price redncec to . - a. K. CritwoKont WKl -' ' rs --w"?- t t r ruiiyy li iiii itit trit t A. Rnch, Xy ownerl 100 acres cult 50 miles from Salem.- 254 N. Church St T Statesman Acreage ; J : FOR SALS " - r 23 acres located on Orchard- HeurMs Road in Polk Co. About 8 acres under cult. 13 acres of prunes, 80 bearing walnut trees, between 300 end 400 Hol ly trees. Good modern I rm. borne. basement, furnacej hardwood In living rm., unfinished attic, -elec hot water heater and wired tor elec range. Barn A chicken bouse. (View of the city. Price $9000.; - 4' Call G. H. Grabenhorst with ' GRABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS 184 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131. even. 2-2948. 10 ACRES, almost all In cultivation. about 108 3 year eld filbert trees. Al most new 4 room house with com- ptete plumbing; deep well, with elec trie water system., small creex. cood barn; double garage. Price $3350. Mt cash. -v y- ..-r'-, 9 acres. 4k miter from Salem, with 4 room house. Barn and chicken house. 1 Mere of berries. Kear tus line. Near grade school and high school bus Itnea, Price 84990 Rostein 8c Adolph. Inc. Phone 3030 - uo)a m. commercial St. 1 ACRE SOUTH ' Good store building with 2 B.R. lhr. qtrs elect, water system, bath. Paved road, school. Price $2290. Good terms. C. H. SANDERS - 231 N. High - 9838 Suburban NEW : MODERN suburban home. 3 bedrooms, and sewing room, hardwd. uoors. veneuan niuios, tue oath ac tua drain boards, wired for range, large liv. rm., Un. rm.,' lovely kitchen with lota of bull tins. Oil heat, no basement laundry rm., nicely landscaped yard, Garage, east front, large fruit and nut trees. Yt acte, sear grade school and store. Suburban bus service. 87000; $3500 down. (May. be purchased with some furniture u aesirea. mciuaing large refrigerator.) Quick possession can be given, or owner will rent from buyer until- spring. - Willamette Real Estate. 172 S. Liberty. Ph. 7113. i NICE COUNTRY HOME V ; Modern five r. Plastered' house with full cement basement furnace. 13 acres in prunes, about 80 walnut trees, 350 large holly trees, . excellent view, near ' grade school, 4 miles out Price 89000. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. GRABENHORST BROS- REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St , . Ph. 4131 PINE SUBURBAN HOME $9500 li acres. 3 bdrm. plastered hse., fireplace, wired for range, bsmt, auto, sawdust furnace, double garage. chicken and brooder houses, filberts, walnuts, -berries. - grapes, family or chard, sch. bus by the door. mile to city bus. h OLSON AND REEVE. REALTORS 945 S. Com'L Ph. 4500. " Eve. 9538 $14,000 Modern Suburban Home, 8 rms. 2 bath rms. Lg. ' liv. rm. with patio, base: Furnace. Dbl. gar. .Trees, fruit, 1 to 2 acres, dose in. view. Quick possession. Sell with less ground if desired. Willamette Real Sstate. 172 S. Liberty. Ph. 7113. . Wanted Real Estate The Picha Real Estate Solicits Your Listings Prompt courteous attention will be given your call. BURT PICHA, Realtors 337 North High Street . Ph. 3210 WANT TO SELL? Let us handle your sale. ALWAYS -k i -m i Prompt, courteous service and ' good advertising.. , - - LEE OHMART & CO. -' 164 So. ComT St j " v--- Phone 9688 Lee Ohmart For Evening W. L. "Habby Appointments: Haberaicbt Phone 977 bus. uaiaoa Severin Realty ' Co. COMPLETE SALES SERVICE NO EFFORT ON YOUR PART. OUR REP. WILL CALL WITHIN 1 HR. FOR INSPECTION 8c LISTING. JUST DIAL 4016 - 212 N. HIGH ST WANT 23 8r 4 bedroom houses. Have cash buyers. 83000 to 110,000. You need not give an exclusive listing. Willam ette Real Estate. 172 S. Liberty; Ph. 7113 WANTED WANTED Listings ot Houses, priced from 82000 to $12,000. Also small acreage- and farma. We have many buyers and many with cash.) Phone 8963 or see Louis Bechtel or Mrs. Needham, 341 State St - .-- - - -i SEVERAL calls for 2 or 3 bedroom houses any location. Can : easily get all cash now if you wish, i -D. A. FISH . 477 Court Ph. 8524 NOTICE: D? your property ts tor sale, rent or exchange, list it with os We have all kinds cash trayers. STATE FINANCE CO. REALTORS 212 Guardian Bldgv Biirlness Opportunities BETTER LOOK this proposition up. Strictly mod. rooming house. Close In. Terms. Consider some trade. H. C Shields. Oregon Bldg, phone 8902. . APARTMENT AND ROOMING HOUSE Here hi a buy that will net you beU ter than 10 8 apts, 3 steeping rooms, and apt. for owner. Good furniture, au tomatic oil heating, complete laundry facility. Thia place situated close--tn and practically runs itseu. A snap xor 81X000.- Ph. 4888 or 8506. . SERVICE STATION. AND GARAGE Excellent location on through street going business, fully equipped, ready to go. - LEE OHMART & CO. Realtors - ' , 184 So. Commercial St Phone 9880 Lost and Found WILL PERSON who found my purse at Fred Meyer's Sat. afternoon please return' ration books ano contents. No questions asked. Mrs. J X.HhL Fred Mever urua. c .- LOST Slack, and- white oacker pusl 8 mo. old. Answers to "Beau." Liberal reward.- Ph. 8414. -, - - LOST Brown leather' billfold con- taining" valuable papers. C C. RusseU. Phone 8768. Reward. , a. LOST Blue leather nurse' on city bus. Please return contents. ; Reward. Ph. 7531 1271 Chemeketa. I LOST Car keys k blk. leather rbld- er Retura to Statesman. office. . . LOST; BoVs heavy black World bicycle. Ph 3078 : after 8t Reward. LOST: Pkc. lot addraaaed Christmas cards, Please notify Madge Raid. Ph. LOST: Wiae . felt ladjr's hat. oa 8. uia or, uin. rn, uu. .. .. - Personal MAKSY WKALTHY. Join reUabla chtb. Ausaaeav Beat as. nau, unto. GET ACQUAINTED CXJUB Through octal eucreapsndnnte thottsarvis yaarly meet their "ideri.- Send for list ef ellgwilaa Kasqr Onegoa aaeenbera. R. SimpaosvBox 123 L Denver. Colo. - HOROSCOPE for 1948, Send 23 and Birtta Date. CeiUude Brooks. Scien tific Astrologr,i4al Broadway, Mew York is. . r: BONO POEMS WANTED! m conv special music for you. nana pstia a any suniect. rre xmmtuon. Eliot Wright. Box 3al-C Portland. Oregon. r-jj-j.- - LONELY7 DeacrmtioM and dets free. Acme, Box 4253, Portland U). Xlctcreyclrs ETNGTJt e-rlinder 29 Barley motor. CJClc. i 0.-4.. Lst mocSiOSt L.I Lua, Classified Automobiles 9 Malce .Your Application Now for New 1945 International Motor Truck - Come in or call us for assistance , , James H: COMC t4 OB CALL . : 84 Sllverlon Jld?;'? VautfdUsed Carj ".. Your Car Now Before New Car .Production Starts, i PRICES WILL NEVER BE HIGHER, i XUV XD1T f DAV Tlf AVTHCinf V AT TIE tTiTi) tt mu . tv tuu a. a a., a a&u j.iamsjLi.iaua ' t mjjmu m. vm ALL MAKES NASH USED 240 CENTER For Sale Used Cars Guaranteed .Cars 1937 PACKARD " 1937 DODGE 193( PONTIAC 1936. FORD MANY OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM A-B-C MOTORS 1 1295 State Ph. 9788 WANT TO TRACK a 1837 Dodce ?ickup'for a Ford pickup. 415 Ferry, hi 2-1029. " Mdle. "A" coupe. New top, brakes, battery. Spot and heater. Good motor, excL tires. Ph. 2-1116 Sunday all day, after 4:30 srk. days. . ' Mod. A Ford Sed. Buzz saw. Bicycle. RL 8. Bx. S3. Salem. ; 33 Chev. sport sedn. Just - over hauled. Good tires. gtM. Ph.23. 29 Mod. A Sed. $100. H. Mader. Rt 8. Bx. 238. Ph. 22F12. . 1941 STUDEBAKER sedan. Call 1243 N. Commercial or Phone 21849. . 1937 GRAHAM coach. 941 Mill St ,38 Dodge. West Side Lunch. WJSalem I Bor Sle -Wood WALNUT Shells. 84 ton or 12 sacks tor 8L00. Klorfeia - Packing Co, 460 N. Front -.-i r HEAVY MO -wood 8830 toad; 812 double load -4 ft slab for furnace Ph 772L . .... - . ; ' - 18 IN. SLAB 88 per cord. Cord. 1U St 2 cord load. Capitol Lumber St Fuel Co. Ph 772L 18 SLAB wood ana edgings 3 cord toad 814 Ph. 6688. OLD4- Growth fir. Dry : and areeni 709 W. Main St, Monmouth. - j 18 O. G. fir. H. R. Clason. Mehama. GREEN old' .growth 1 ta. slab prompt ; deh very - Phone 8444. Wood Sawing , Ph. 3523. 960 N. Coma ! Crossword Puzzle m 1 141 I I hm IIOIUZONTAL- llcllne.- ' v 4 throw- . chart ' 12. bustle ' 1J. whole'" 46: Greek letter 48 overhsnging; ' roof parts -60 CStkihv , -S4 ethnic -SC. mother 57 correlative: ot either 68. landed ' property t 60. eggs . CI Roman com 62 salt . 63. short sleep - amount'' 14 reverenUal fear 15 thick " ) v 1? eludmx . 29 stnall for : tiScaUon ; ILskin pra- t-"-" tuberance m rljld !2-riverlft , . ttmly ssvcookx : ; utensil i.j. 29. sward ' SL surgical . . thread ; -' ,' 53. exdanatioa afregttt . 85. married:. . S7. normal SS. saltpeter - -., 43.rodJessot tocawn 'Ctjsh - (4S.fciTt - Answer-to yesterday's puzzle. tHlTRi kk, ? IsnK tlaa f el3lolr 2 S it jQsl$lo Tl 1 n In j rll 1 5 m Is ' aTm ads!! I ir I Automobiles Maden. Co. .3 US PDA ASSISTANCX. . ; - Ph., 8390 Wanted Used AND MODELS. V I CAR LOT PHONE 3734' Wanted Used Cars WHAT WILL YOURq CAR BE WORTH ? i r WHEN THE EUROPEAN WAR 13 FIN ISHED? TAKE ADVANTAGE OF CUR RENT PRICES, v- - ., WE PAY " i 'all makes all models! HERRALL-OWENS , CO. 233 S. Commercial. Ph. 3169 LET US PAY YOU 4 Gush Difference " between a 1938 DELUXE FORD SEDAN 1937 PACKARD SEDAN 1938 NASH SEDAN ' UU FORD SEDAN 1934 PLYMOUTH SEDAN 1931 CHEV. SEDAN AND YOUR J.941 CAR MARION a LIBERTY STS. Phone 3138 or 7838 NEW CARS V When the war is over you may want a new PONTIAC. Then why don't yeu take advantage of current high prices for your car. We can handle your car now. with the proceeds to be used to ward the purchase of a new Pontiao at a later date. HERRALL-OWENS CO. 235 S. Com! St. : Ph 3169 WE PAY TOPS! Get every dime four car b) worth. ' Cash on the Barrel-Head "CT SHR0CK SALEM'S . okleat fid r pendent used ear I dealer. n K Comer Church at Cbem" Ph 7823 -r Transportation J WOULD LIKE to contact 2 persons Interested In driving to N. Carolina or Vicinity about Jan. 10. Must be capable driver and congenial companion. Ref. required. Ph. 5856. . 12-15 10. beard , 11. wooden nan VEBT1CXL .1 despicable persons. - 1 arm ot ' ' Arabian sea t-lrv . . 4.cubte metrt ' car units. "5 behold! 6. Rofntn road 1. wheel hubs 6 open spaces j la woods v t prtndpal V 16 stitch 4 r 18. specified :' ;M Umel 22. at this Urn bread'; 25-single Indlvtduals .26. sharp pain 27. medley . 1 23. make an , . edging - .X- 20. fiver in I - .Scotland 22.att1ka . . gently JUeftsUUvt bodies - - 26. female deer ' ' 19. changa for the better L". 41. floral orgaa 4S. rtvermouth . 47. win vessel IS. printer's , measur 42. ocesna . eLCnglislt -" i achoot . igLriTerta rtussla C3.-snax' 1 si IL-i CLTltaarsx seUtet sslaataa XI Iter nitX GASH rU i hlil