The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 17, 1944, Page 12, Image 12

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The OILZGOIT STATESMAN. Salem. Oregon Sunday Morning. December 17, 1S44
Silver Star
Awarded to
Sgt. Kliever
.DALLAS A dispatch from the
headquarters of the 41st division
in the Southwest Pacific, said that
TSgt. Raymond E. Kliever had
heen awarded the silver star for
exemplary valor and. devotion to
duty. Maj. Gen. Jens A. Doe,
commander of the 41st infantry
division made the presentation.
It was during hard fighting on
Biak .thatKliever risked his life
to rescue Set. .Ted , Koelfcen,
whose leg had been blown off and
wuu was ijui ucipicoa m iwic
of the heavy mortar fire. Kliever
carried Koelfgen to safety and
obtained medical attention for
him. '
When a call for a volunteer to
make a reconnaissance behind
the Jap lines i the .same day, Klie
ver volunteered and was able to
gather information greatly contri
buting to successful operation's.
" Sgt Kliever is now at Bushnell
- General hospital, Brigham City,
.Utah, being treated for wounds
received a few days later. "
Medal Awarded
Sgt. Gene Grice
For Heroic Work
t: MONMOUTH The bronze star
c medal citation has been awarded
to 1st Sgt. Gene Grice for heroic
action in Holland on October 29,
.". . Under heavy bombardment,
Serjeant Grice, "voluntarily and
without regard for his personal
safety," left his place in battalion
command post and "braved heavy
artillery fire to rescue wounded
men and bring them back to the
aid station, thereby saving the
lives of several wounded who re
quired prompt medical attention.
- Sergeant Grice was ' formerly
stationed at Camp Adair with the
1 04th division. He came here with
his wife. and daughter from Min
neapolis. Mrs. Grice and child are
living in a home they bought on
West Main street here.
Eldowney, a native of Monmouth,
has been promoted to the rank of
captain. He is battalion com
mander of the Holabird- signal
training depot at Baltimore,- Md;
where he has been stationed since
October, 1943.
McEldowney attended local
schools, including Oregon College
of Education. Before enlisting
in July, 1939, he was owner and
operator of a confectionery store
at The Dalles. c
His mother, Mrs. T. A. McEl
downey lives in Corvallis. His
wife, Mrs. Eileen A. McEldowney
lives at the Holabird signal depot
He has a brother in the navy sea
bees, another in the AAF, and a
third, Sgt. Donald McEldowney, is
a prisoner of war in Germany.
Pvt.- Rod Hendrlckson, son of !
Mr. and Mrs. Emery Hendrick
son of East State street is sta
tioned v t Camp Roberts, Calif.
He left Salem for his army duties
' November 20. Private Hendrick
son is attached to specialist
training unit, the only one of its
-kind at Camp Roberts. Another
son, Emery, jr., who has been in
the army 20 months, is in the anti-
. aircraft artillery and has been
overseas nine months. At present
he la in Germany.
rHail the Conquering Herof
Comedy, Opening at Grand
The rave notices accorded to Preston Sturges' "Miracle of Morgan's
Creek" are quite likely to be repeated for the writer-director's -'Hail
the Conqueing Hero,'' which opens today at the Grand, according to
. latest Hollywood reports. ,
The striking resemblance of the two Paramount productions is quite
apparent previewers say, and not because of the story lines. The plots
. Al A ! 1 .
vi uiese two pictures are xar re
' moved. The similarity occurs In
we cnaracters wmcn - tne astute
Mr. Sturges has created. In "Mir
- acle," the every-day ordinary citi
V zen seemed to practically shake
hands with - the audience, so hu
man did he appear on the screen.
The. same goes for "Hail the: Con
quering Hero." More than that
the central, characters are back
1 again to provide movie-goers with
belly laughs. - '
Eddie Bracken Is the star of
1 this rib-tickling production a
, disappointed 'r marine, .discharged
i for,, hay, fever, .who masquerades
;'as a returning herb over his own
.', objections. .Worse than that, -his
home-town neighbors put him up
as a candidate for mayor.
; - Behind all this promotion Is
..William Demarest, veteran top -i
kick back on a furlough from the
wars in company with five other
1 tough companions, 't They take
; matters In hand themselves in be
' half of their newly-found ."bud
! dy"i with icreamlngly . lunny.'re
- nlt. One scene vies" with an
other as laugh-getters, It's .said.
1. Sturges 5 formula covers every
type of conceivable Instance, ere
a ting a love triangle for one tiling,
; Vdash of mistaken Identity, a few
' AfM-r: serious moments and
ack of comedy. " " "
t EJla Raines plays the girl Ed
eia left behind, , ani amoni the
. home-town cohorts are Franklin
ransborn, H a J maaa Walburn,
riwarii. Oeittr Ccrjua
.M" -
- At
Pvt. Carl L. Schroeder, son of
Mrs. Lucy I Short of Gates,
was killed November 19 In
France In an accidental explo
sion. Corvallis Officer
Fights Through
To Hit Targets
Western Pacific ''After our loads
of bombs exploded on the target
we saw fires break out and col
umns of black smoke rising from
the enemy installations."
Those were the . words with
which 2nd Lt Roy D. Morris, of
Corvallis, Ore., co-pilot of the 7th
AAFi Liberator bomber, Konta
gious Katie, described the "results
of a bombing strike on I wo Jima.
On the mission, the Kontagious
Katie battled through a flight of
enemy interceptors, hit the target
squarely and then beat off a score
of Zeros which attacked them
with phosphorous bombs. i
On a later mission over the Chi
chi Jima area. Lieutenant Morris
and the other members of his 7th
AAF combat crew were credited
with sinking a Jap merchant ves
sel. - i.
DALLAS Carl R. Hobson,
S 2c, has completed yeoman's
school at San Diego and will re
ceive further training at ithe
communications school, amphibi
ous training base, CamR. Pendle
ton, i Oceanside, Calif.'- Hobson
spent a short leave here with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Hob
son, before reporting to Ocean-
Judith Christine Jensen of 520
Statesman St., Salem, daughter of
Mrs.; Margaret Jensen, also of 520
Statesman, was graduated from
the United States naval training
school (Y), Stillwater," OkUu, on
November 27 as a seaman first
class, 'striker for' yeoman. She
was jassigned to active duty at
naval supply depot Oakland,
DALLAS Sgt, Fen ton BUyev is
home with his mother, Mrs. Lil
nan , tmyeu, after receiving a
medical discharge. Bi 1 y e u , who
was wounded in the arm at Biak
island, has been receiving treat
ment at the McCaw General hos
pita! since August He was over
seas several years.
DALLAS Mrs. Lee Borland
has received word from her son,
Calvin Borland, F 2c, that he has
arrived, safely at. his destination
somewhere in the Pacific:
and Victor Potel. The surprise ac
tor of the story is Freddie Steele,
once a top-flight fighter. Audi
ences report that hell hit the Hoi
lywood jackpot after this picture
because of his strong character
portrayal of an orphan who joins1
the marines and seeks motherly
love the mother happening to be
Eddie Bracken's.
- nibww.OTdPl-:.-
Matinee Today Continuous from 2 P.M.
I . Alice Faye Carmen Miranda
In .
She fag's fill lere
. - with' ? ' i
Phil Baker Edward Everett Horton . 1 '
Charlotte Greenwood Eugene Palletle
and ,
. With Jean Parker and Brace Kellor -'
Based en the Novel by James Fennlmore Cooper
Cartoon , " Musie.;." , ;
Kathryn McCarrol
Is Now Stationed
In Calcutta, India
IPfc Kathryn McCarrol, WAC
from Salem, is now stationed in
Calcutta, India, according to Lt
Edith Di Re' of the recruiting sta
tions in the post office building
here. . Mrs. 'McCarrol was flown
to her assignment with the supply
department in India from Miami,
Fla., upon completion of her over
seas, training. This special course,
preparatory to leaving the states,
is given at Fort Oglethorpe; Ga. -
! After enlisting in August of last
year, Mrs. McCarroIl took herv ba
sic training at Fort Des Moines
and was subsequently stationed at
Moore Field near Mission, Texas,
in an administrative capacity. The
WAC is a daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. J. S. Coomler of Salem and
the wife of Floyd McCarroIl,1 also
of this city. Before entering the
service Pfc. McCarroIl was head
bookkeeper for the F. W, Wool-
worth store in Salem, . a position
she held for eighteen years.
Kathleen Margaret Kirk,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. U. J.
Kirk, St. Paul,, is the latest St
aul resident to enlist in the wo
men's army corps, WAC recruit
ing headquarters in Portland an
nounced Saturday. Pivate Kirk
was a teacher in Astoria" before
enlisting in the WAC. She attend
ed St. Paul high school and the
Marylhurst normal school. She
will be sent to an Air Forces In
stallation immediately after re
ceiving her basic training at Fort
Des Moines, Iowa, it was an
nounced. Private Kirk was active
in USO circles ih St Paul before
enlisting. " , i ; 1
busk, who was wounded in France
ast June, is still in the hospital
where he has undergone several
operations. His wife, the former
Jean Monson, and son, Jimmie,
make their home with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Monson at Sil-
verton. . r 1. , . .. : 1
MONMOUTH -4 Kent Wood
ward, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. P.
Woodward, was graduated De
cember 8 from officers' candidate
school at Camp Lee, Va' with the
rank of second ? lieutenant . An
alumnus of Oregon College of Ed
ucation. he taught in Klamath
Falls before enlisting. - He is now
in the quartermaster corps. His
wife lives with her family in
Phoenix, Ariz.
Paulette Goddard, Sonny Tufts
Star in Ehinore
With a generous sprinkling of
mount's "I Love a Soldier" seems
This Mark Sandrich production arrives today at the Elsinore theatre.
1 Sandrich directs two of his "So Proudly. Wei Hail stars in this one,
Paulette Goddard and Sonny Tufts. Previewers say this pair turns in
swell performances which keep
throughout the film. A sure-fire
bet to draw audience acclaim is
the veteran actor, BaiTy Fitzger
ald, who scored the most notable
triumph of his career In 4Going
My Way,' the Bing Crosby pic
ture. Also on hand is Beulah Bon
di in an emotional role which is
destined to capture the audience's
fancy. .
Allan Scott's screen play deals
with a returned army hero from
the South Pacific, Tufts, who
meets shipyard worker Paulette,
with both falling for each other
at first sight. Thereafter, it be
comes a duel to see whose logic
is best, as far as marriage Is con
cerned! Sonny wants "no waiting
period while Paulette thinks it
wise to hold off the wedding until
the end of the war. There's a load
of fun during the period Paulette
ponders over , h e r decision. She
tries dating , other men. one of
whom is Frank Albertson, but a
date with the. latter convinces her
even more strongly that only one
man's on- her mind. Sonny, inci
dentally, trails along on this date
with some uproarious incidents
taking place in an amusement
park, so-say the previewers.
The serious; vein of the picture
brings out some fine dramatic
emoting by 'Ann Doran, young
mother whose husband has gone
to war. The lighter side is capa
Tech. Srt Warren Stoddard, son
of Mr. and Mrs. WUllam Stod
. dard, - Wallace read, arrived
here Saturday en furlough from
Dibble general hospital, Menlo
Park, Calif. He was an airplane
Inspector in the southwest Pa
cific when he was severely In
jured. I '
Sergeant Kraft Is
Radio, Mechanic
On Troop Planes
BASE, European Theater of Op
eration: Technician 4th Grade Al
bert H. Kraft whose wife and
six-months-old son, Laurence, re
side at 645 Johnson st, Salem,
Ore., is serving as a radio me
chanic on aircraft radio equipment
of troop carrier C-47 and C-53
planes. I
He is the son of Mrs. Henry
Kraft route lbox 187, Canby,
Ore r j
Sgt. Kraft entered the armed
forces October 19, 1942. He was
graduated from Canby union high,
class of 1933.' Sergeant Kraft is
assigned iu a otu vice
After the airborne attacK on
German strongholds in Holland by
the first allied airborne army,
service wing mechanics followed
up the infantry and, within range
of enemy artillery . and harassing
of snipers, salvaged and reclaimed
the fallen aircraft and equipment
used in I tne assault, i ne nuge iwin
engined skytrains are today evac
uating wounded personnel from
the battlefronts after making de
liveries of supplies," gasoline: and
blood and blood plasma toofront
line troops. i . ;.,
drama, comedy and romance, Para-
likely to fill any entertainment bill.
the action ; moving at a ihvdy pace
bly handled by Mary Treen and
Walter Sande. This pair meets
much in the same fashion as Paul-,
ette and Fred, but Mary and
Walter get married in short or
der. From then on, it's a case of
the- tough" army sergeant becom
ing a hen-pecked husband.
. 0"- ;
to turn In Paramount's "Hall the Conquering nero comedy riot
directed, and written by Preston Sturges, now at the Grand theatre.
William Demarest right, is east as a tough Marine Sergeant who
forces Bracken to pose as a returning war here, Eddie has the star-
1 ring role with Ella Balnea as leading lady. ' . I
llov; Playing! .
Still One
-i ... -
iu wzidiiiuuauij
ThriU Co-Featurel
J -' 1 w
A si t ' "..S,
' f ; 1 r v
Valley Youths
Sign Up for.
, Most recent 17 year I old young
men 'to make, application for the
navy's aircrewmen are William J.
Juza and (Marvin C IMorrisett,
both of Salem; Walter R. Wor
don. Amity, and -Paul H. Harms
of Dallas.. Soon after ' completing
their enlistment these
men will
Fla., for
leave for Jacksonville,!
nine to -12 '"months training as
a crewi member of. the navy's
fighting 'planes.'.. These! men are
trained ' at ? radiomen,' 1 ordnance
men, or mechanic, and all men
are gunners. - -'' U ' -
Those ' making . application " for
the navy, are Gilbert G. Wagner,
Mehama; Walter R.' Fox, Dallas;
Arthur J. Young, Monmouth, and
Lyle " L. . Johnson and Cart F.
Johnson of Willamina. j' "7
John' R. Romig of Rickreall and
Carl R. Fitts, Brooks, have passed
the Eddy test - and will soon be
enlisted as seamen first class ' in
the radar, and ,.: radio program.'
These men will start their navy
training in Chicago.'. I V
:,: Men in the 18 to 38 and the-38
to 50 Vk age. groups, if I physically
and , technically qualified, may
again volunteer for service in the
sea bees. Those in the ! draft age
group must volunteer before they
receive their induction call in or
der to be accepted fori naval ser
Maj. Dolph Craig
Released; Plans.
Return to Salem
FORT LEWIS, Wash., Dec. 15
Maj. Dolph L. Craig of 2427
South Cottage street Salem, Ore.,
was released today from active
duty in the dental corps at ' the
Fo Lewis separation center, Lt
Cot Harvey D. Taylor command
ing officer, announced.
Major Craig was a I member of
the Oregon national guard in the
249th coast artillery regiment
when it was federalized in Sep
tember, 1940, and has . been sta
tioned since then at Barnes Gen
era! hospital, Vancouver, Wash;
at army service forces training
center, Fort Lewis, Wash., Baxter
General hospital, Spokane, Wash.,
and Camp Roberts, Calif. For two
years he was .the regimental den
tal surgeon for. the 249th. .
His wife, Dorothy,' and two
children lived in Salem for most
of the four years Major Craig was
in the army. He said today he
planned to return there to take
up his dental practice.
SILVERTON Bill Evans and
Bob : Zimmerman, Silverjon high
school - seniors, have , submitted
their applications for US naval
reserve training. Both boys, were
members of this year's high school
football squad..
is in a hospital in Australia, re
cuperating from an! illness. He
has written to his parents that he
had just enjoyed a j 14-day fur
lough before entering ,the hospi
Henry Hendrkkson, son of Mr.'
and Mrs. John Hendrickson of
South Cottage street arrived home
last week to spend Christmas with
his parents and . brother, Emery,
and family. ; Hendrickson hasn't
been .home for almost two years.
He is a merchant seaman and has
traveled 80,000 miles since leav
ing the States 16 months ago., ;
Bracken doesn't know which way
TC matrse That MiTS uh.T
jContinaona from 1 P. M.
of the Greatest Hits!
James Slcuori
Jean ilrilmr
.I.Mi.lli' u" ,'M.MJi
Producer Samuel Goldwyn Introduces Danny Kaye, Broadway's ice
' comedian, in "Up In Arms," the
; music depleting a reluctant draftee) who becomes a one-man army.
With Danny appears songstress Dinah Shore, handsome Dana A"n
. drews and lovely Constance Dowling. who also makes her -debut un
der the Goldwyn banner, now playing at the Capitol.-. " , -
4" 'T'
-I LOVE A SOLDIER.".Mark Sandrich's Paramount production which
pens, today at the Elsinore. theatre, stars Paulette Goddard land
" Sonny Tufts. Tbis pair acclaimed for their excellent performances
In Sandrich's "So Proudly We Hail,' receive flue support In "I Love
a Soldier" from Barry Fitzgerald,
Doran,' Frank Albertson and Marie McDonald.' - - -
. JEFFERSON Sgt. James. Grif
fith is a guest at the home of Mr:
and Mrs. Harley Libby; , He has
just been released from the naval
base hospital , at Tillamook, and
Huso - from the service. . After a
visit with, the Libbys, he will go to
Texas to .visit his parents. '
TURNER SSgt Keith, B. Ball
arrived Monday to spend the holi
days with his mother, Mrs. Mary
Ball and other relatives. He will
return to -Aberdeen, Md.,1 f or re
assignment Dec. 26.--. r
LEBANON George -MaeDon-
ald, son of Mr and 'Mrs.-J. W.
MacDonakl, - - who : is - serving
aboard a destroyer ; in the Pacific
war' area, wrote his- parents - that
his ship .had 'comer through- 80. air
attacks by.-. the; Japanese .' without
a scratch. George has been at jea
Vi years.". ... .1 ;'f . J
Co -
oil rut , -
elaborate technicolor comedy with
Mary Treen, Walter Sande,! Ann
Miiufimnt A"
vjiwi antu:.
IvIooMd throujh tKO Kodlo rlctvr. Inc.
,- Ce-Feature
Darintiy Seal
,mr ' m-'T-, Aim
S. i-
( r''..-
4 -mMmm . L.1. . mr :-.
orodaeffon I
Bond Bsrry FltzjValdj
tl k
rias '
i First
Films of
?Up iii Armse9
Seventh Cross
Now at Capitol
With its hilarious action filmed
in technicolor," "Up" in Arms,,,
Samuel Goldwyn's new RKO Ra
dio release now '. playing at the
Capitol, stars Danny Kaye andl a
cast of favorites in a rollicking
tale of a hypochondriac elevator-
operator who Is drafted into tne
army. What happens to the army
is sad indeed, but it all makes f or
one of the funniest musical com
edies. t . . f . : -
; Danny Weems, who thinks ev
erything in the world's wrong with
him, and his' pal Joe are drafted,
When they complete their bad
training they find their nurse girl
friends, Virginia and Mary, hav
joined the army too, and are now
lieutenants in the medical corns.
All four ot them head for tile
South Seas aboard the same trans
port although Mary is a stow
away, thanks to Danny's maneu
verings. Danny gets into plenty of trou
ble with his buddies and with htar
commanding officer as a result
but shortly after landing at Ba
goona, he is captured by the Japis,
and after an uproarious mix-up
comes out of the jungle with
string of captured Japs.
tJS tor l New Tear's Evej
-Continuous from I F. M. i
' CeFeatnre!
fare In Russia,
where women
kill alongside
xneir nmi
JS w MMM -' Kit
News! C.S. Navy Task Force
! Smashes Slanlla!
tt 'jlfhl twXWC WITH TW t KT1
ContmuoiM from 1 P. M.-
Now Playing!
Prisoners of Their Past!
,i r 4Vi
And Qs Orch.
Nan Wynn
rill' i
t livery
A Ilzpy?"
: Now Showing!
iffiN VzC'' Y.I
fdQ3. Ted
-v ( r Lewis