The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 17, 1944, Page 11, Image 11

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''Sunday" a watercolor by the young Salem must. By
ron Randall, which was at one time exhibited here. Ran-"
dall has had his watercolors hung forihe second time at
the Littler Gallery of Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, according
to word reaching here. '
- f 3, I
W OJ E L 6
Camp Fir Girls' '
Local Camp Fire Girls are
p I a n n ing Christmas activities.
One. group, the St Vincent de
Paul, will broadcast Christmas
carols over KSLit and other
groups will carol in the streets
during the h o 1 i d a y s. Many
groups are making stuffed toys
to send to English children. . .
Group Meetings
The Tekawitha group met at
the home of Mrs. J. A. Berry for
a Christmas party. Thirteen girls
attended. The Tawasi girls met
with Mrs. Calender for a
Christmas Council Fire. The
candle lighting ceremony was
used and three girls advanced to
Trailseeker rank.
Blue Birds . Meet
The Jolly Blue Birds met with
Mrs. Louis Anderson to organ-,
ize. vThey elected Barbara An
derson president, Lorraine Bat- j
ties secretary, Mary Margii songj
leader and Nancy Hageman
scribe. , . .. .. .,, ;
The Crocus ' girls met with
Mrs. Sliffe and finished making
Christmas gifts for -tfaeirj moth
era. ' r V ' -' : ;
Junior 'High Iater-Clab CoancU
The council met with iMrs.
J. A. Barry and Mrs. R. C
Grave and completed plans for
the holiday party for all Junior !
high groups, at the YMCA De- j
cember 27,- from 7:30 to 10:00
p. "m. Girls and boys will at
tend, j.
, The Camp Fire group led by
Mrs. EL T. Hartwell met and
made plans for their. Christmas
party. They have drawn names-:
and will have their party on I
December 20.
; Fcr 5 YcareW j
i-we have been carrying" on ,
business in the Salem dis- ;
trict For 45 years we have .?
gven you the best in serv- j
t and quality. We have a
registered -pharmacist on ;
"duty at all time . . . So
don't forget the next time -
you have a prescription to .
be filled . . bring it to
Schaefer's. ,
1899 1944
:' ' Fhon m r 72J -125
Ka. Commercial
Robert Leb Id. ton of Lt
Cmdr. and Mrs. Edward A. Le-
bold, arrived in the capital Sat-
nrday morning from Berkeley,
wnere he has been attending St.
Mary's college high school. ;
h V Pay
For four
ii y
fopcoaS and laB
Bur All 3 Togathar and Sara S15JK)
! "None Finer From "Here to Carolina"
' ; - : -' ' ' ..j. -.. - o
Single garments at my usual year round money saving prices
made possible by low upstairs rent, little overhead expense,
volume sales and small profits. Select any suit, topcoat & hat
in my entire . stock. Add up the regular price of all 3, plainly
priced on every garment Then deduct $15 and pay the dif
ference. . , - i ' j..'- ' y .v
Following Are a Few 3-in-l Specials
lo Choose Fron
$270 Suit or Topcoat
S3IL00 Suit or Topcoat
$8.00 Hat - ;
$630 Tcaaf Value
Deduct $15 & Buy
AJ1 3 Tocauiar For
Suit or Topcoat ,
$37.50 Suit or Topcoat -$7.50
$77.5D Tclal Valce
Deduct $15 & Buy :
AD 3 Together For
$40 Suit $40 Topcoat $7.50 Hat Total CI "7 rA
regular price $370. Deduct $15 and T A CmiOVt
buy all 3 for only 1
New Sport Coats. New Slack and Suit Pants - at propor
ttonala aaringi. i
Open Every Night Till 9 o' Clock Until Xmas
oU.dD IE ? Sifsibc?
'. 442 State Street . ,
Abovo Hull's Rastaurant
' " Look For Thm Neon Light Sign
It Reads. Sara $10. Over the Entrance
'Kt-ry 'r
Oaieill lVlOn S ,
- . - i
WtomrtlnrO I
Yy O. irjl ULlvJl O . :
Shown -,
Byron Randall, former Salem"
man whose paintings have at-
tracted national attention in the J " " . Assisting hostesses are Mrs. Stu-
past few years, has been given Etokta .Woman's elub will hold art Johnson, Mrs. B. T. Scfimo
added honors in Los Angeles. A its Christmas party at the home , ker and Mrs. E. A. Lee. -
- second exhibition of his paint
ings has been placed in the Little
Gallery at. Beverly Hills and has
received glowing praise by Los
Angeles reviewers. ;
"It's good" says 'one 'newspa-
per article about Randall's ex
hibit, sent to Otto Paulus by a
Los Angeles friend. The Dun-
.can Phillips Memorial - gallery,
Washington, DC .one of America's-
best known art galleries,
has purchased three of Randall's
paintings." The , writer prefer
red Randall's watercolors of
night scenes, fields and wood
Jands to the other subjects the
' ' review slated. The scenes were
: drawn from in and near Salem.
Byron' Randall is the son of
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Randall,
. and several years ago attracted
- nationwide attention iwhen a
Washington, DC, art dealer con-
tracted for the sale of all his
Young Randall was started on
:his professional career through
the interest of the directors of
i the Art Center in Salem, where
he took some of his art training.
, Kep. and Mrs. Enrene Marsh
. of McMinnvillei are the weekend
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Schenk. .
Spinsters will be entertained at
the West Leffelle street home of
Miss Janice Nelson Monday
night r : , i
Where You Can
j Get a New
Complete Outfit
$30.00 Suit or Topcoat
$35.00 Suit or Topcoat :
$7.50 Hat
$7150 Tola! Ydce
' j Deduct $15 & Buy '
All 3 Together For -
' $35.00 Suit or Topcoat
$40.00 Suit or Topcoat
$7.S0Hat -
! Deduct $15 & Buy
All 3 Together For
wmen of
Christmas luncheon
Monday afternoon at the Golden
Paeasaat at one o'clock. The
high school student choir will
give Christmas musk.: Mrs.
George " Rossman win present
will bring gift for. Russian chil
drn i-
All over the
year . . 10
S Add new, beauty and color to
5 your bedroom with one of these
lovely spreads! : They're thick-
g ly tufted in soft-asdownj chen-
S ille, ; large and full to hang
K gracefully. In a selection of
S ' smart modern and floral pat-
m terns.
Fine Ccclilail
i - . f .- .... izr
- -C. - i - , S.
8 Sl1J Xs :
You wilLenjoy serving guests from fine cock
tail tables like these. They have gallery tops
with glass insets.
517775 b
Iistea te
KGV7 Sondays. 4:3-5 ,'9. m.
HEX Thursday, 11:31-11:01 p.m,
, ot Mrs. E. A. Boyle on forth
j wlaUa street bfuday "afternoon.
t . , . . . .
W lunch?on
i scrvcd t 125 r o'clock. This
- will be followed by an exchange
j of gifts among members. Each
for the Children's Farm Home.
unlit m wwmz WiMMmM'sx -
V7H car figlilkg nca
home he s ughiicg far. Gilis for the
mose wna sxay ai none.
m a
Worlters TheK pm
Form Trade Unions
LONDON, Dec " l-(a-Gen-eral
Eisenhower told German
workers today: they would be peri
mitted to form democratie -trade
unions under allied military gov
ernment : but- served notice that
are drcariing c! hsae
hone are hesl . . they
men coLon
Blue and rose, peach and green,
white and burgundy, brown '
and beige ... and other at
tractive color combinations that
will flatter your bedroom. ,
'A little down on a big bilV
273 i:anin leebty side
"strikes "threatening, military se
curity, directly or indirectly, will
be prohibited." .
"h So, will lock-outs. ; the ; su
preme commander's - spokesman
said,-in the twelfth of a series of
broadcasts to the German people.
.The nail controlled labor front
wfil be abolished at once, Eisen
hower said, and all deductions o
pay or collections from, workers
for its support Will cease. r
i . is we here al bon
bring joy and comfort
.Scalier Color
UUh Snarf
Throw Bugs!
So pretty, so cozy, so ' '
utterly right for
Christmas, these - at-
tractive little-rugs
make delightful gifts
Smart 5-Piccc
XI' ! All r0"
for the home! Chenille, , 1 . 2r V
hooked. r peasant cot- ! v.. "s H
Sturdy, solid extension table break
fast set complete with four match
ing chairs. Only a few of j these
so act quickly if you want a set!
f Jcwpin It
ITere's an unusual "buy" in a
big, modern full-size gas range
that will make cooking a pleas
ure! Has popular table top with
.four smokeless burners, roomy
oven, broiler and utility com
partment. AH white porcelain
exterior. Other models $71.50.
Senate Adds $160,000 r
To Albany Lab. Funds - v
j WASHINGTON, DC, Dec.; 16
C-The senate yesterday added '
$160,000 to the deficiency appro-T
jpriation bill,- for operating ex
penses of the new Northwest by
dro-electric t development labora-
itory at Albany, Ore. 1 ; ; . - -
"keep np Cie
Ibrongbonl ihe
lo $4.45
BrealrfasI Set
! -
Kee?!cn Bayfcj
Ucr Zzzh.
rugs and S
. 1 if 0
j x;
.;. x.
Baclr.ib zilzzlL