I PAGE TEH Christmas: ' Musicale . 7 Slated . " Outstanding on the week's so cial calendar is -the annual Christmas musicale of the Salem -branch, American Association of University,Women, which . will be held Tuesday night at the first Congregational church at 8 o'clock.' Members may bring a guest to this informal affair. Mrs. Melvin Geist and Miss Alice Crary Brown have , arran ged the program which will feat ure Dean Melvin Geist, Miss Margaret Burroughs, Mrs. Mary Talmadge Headrick, Mrs. Gladys " Mclntyre Thomas, Professor and Mrs.' Ralph Dobbs and Miss Brown. Mrs. George Hugdal heads the decorating committee. The mu ' sical "theme wjll ibe carried out in the "decorations. There will - be a scroll of music at each win down -and a single square red taper with a cluster of holly. At the altar will be bouquets - of Christmas greens and red can- dies. -Assisting Mrs. Hugdal are ' Mrs. ' Raymond Walsh, Mrs. Ri- -. chard - Kriesel, Mrs. Gofdon '- Black, jr., and Mrs. Kenneth G. Manning. An informal reception in the fireplace room will follow the " musicale. The music theme will also be carried out in the table 1 decorations. Presiding at the urns ; will be " Mrs Egbert , S. Oliver, branch president, and Mrs. George Rossman. Serving will be Mrs. Bob Na pier, Miss Bertha Babcock, Miss Margaret Scruggs, Mrs. Robert - Wilson, Mrs. Perry - Spellbrink, Mrs. Howard Bergman and Mrs. Roy Nelson. Assisting about the reception room will be Mrs. Da vid Nielsen, Mrs. Floyd Utter, Mrs. Virgil Golden, Mrs.' R. Ivan Lovell and Miss Eleanor Steph ens. - The program is as follows: Carols Vocal Ensemble from Willamette university. Dean Melvin Geist. director . Reading . The Christmas Story Margaret Burroughs Viola Andante Haendel From Concerto in B Minor Canconetta Tschaikowsky From Violin Concerto K . Mary Talmadge Headrick Alice Crary Brown, accompanist Vocal Old French Carol .......... arr. Liddle The aleep that flits on baby's ( eyea Carpenter A Memory Ganz Gladys Mclntyre Thomas Alice Crary Brown, accompanist i Organ and Piano - Sheep May Safely Graze . .... Bach axr. by E. Power Biggs - , Adagio Beethoven 1 From Concerto in E flat Mrs. Ralph Dobbs -'Ralph Dobbs Joint WCTU, Meeting The North and Central WCTU will meet on Tuesday at 2 j o'clock in the hall for the annual Christmas party for the children of the Children's Farm Home at Corvallis. 1 Some of the children will be present and give part of the pro gram and also enjoy a tree and. treats. Mrs. Dora Cooley will lead the devotions. . -.- Anyone having gifts for the children may leave them at the hall on Tuesday. Members of chapter BQ, PEO will have a Christmas party -Monday night at the home of Mrs. J. M. Glass on Belmont street at 8 o'clock. There will be an exchange of gifts during the evening. A Christmas music pro gram will be given including pi ano numbers by Miss Edna Fish er, senior in music at the Uni versity of Oregon, and selections oy a tno composed of Mrs. Wil liam H. Dashney, Mrs Roy Har land and Mrs. Richard Smart - t The Junior Woman's club Christmas party will be held Sunday night at Hillcrest school at 7 o'clock. Members will take their gifts to the girls at this an- . nual affair. The Hillcrest girls will present a sacred program during the evening. Mrs. Paul Silke is chairman of the affair : with Mrs. B. C. Harrison, Mrs. J. H. Bray, Mrs. Lucia Tyler and , Mrs. Carleton Roth assisting. - ZENITH RADIONIC HEARING AID Cm fbat hard at hrariag loved aa thia wtnnderfal ae CO araia a kttHm . s bnttr tktarias. . Aad this tear, for cat fat time. If rill include tba near tmatacai and "look of yooen." fcroaahc by Zcaith's Neatrat-Coler Xaxpaoa aa4 Crd. Visibla nans are nm ln a Camt h twmfr rfsaiaairrafWa. fir COMTUTI, UAfiY TO WIAI fill - " ' - - sW"l A"3r A . AW AvUa-Ta aew Boa Coachc boa Zaatttt tot dwae vboM ptiynaaas ttcommni this typt of iatraBat.tocjd B-i-A. I30.0O. - Tbt mem Boae-Air ZmUk aa aif coa docooa aandcl of trcaaandoaf imm pemtr ana ampUikatiea) saaat, Modd A-J-A. 30.0i. . AeetptM br A mrrs Vffrrf Atnxlttltm i Coaia fiyncaiaf mUcin t IZcrrfa C;ll:d Co. 411 EUte St. . . Phone 5328 Salem Sllverton, Seen and By Jeryme A DAYJtDK TEAS on Thurs day . . -7 First the Salem Gen eral hospital auxiliary tea at the home of Mrs. Reuben P. Boise . . . A large crowd causing much buzzing conversation in side . , '. The nippy weather brought out many fur coats which glistened in the sun . . . . Everyone enjoyed seeing Mrs. Boise's home with its beautiful antiques .. . . the rooms were beautifully decorated with Christmas greens for the occa- aion . . -,v . Mrs. M- Page, who headed - the decorating committee, was stunning in a black silk crepe gown with three quarter length sleeves edged in a pleated ruffle of black lace . . the same ruf fle extending from waistline to the hem in front ... Two who poured . Mrs. WUliam, Mc Gilchrist,; jr, her usual smart " self in a black silk crepe gown made on simple . lines and' ;her , black hat trimmed m grey Per sian lamb Mrs. Charles A. Sprague in a renoir blue after-,, noon frock servers , . A few of. the Mrs. Harry rCar- son, "jr,; in a gay ; flowered-taf- feta gown on a white back- ; ground , and multi-colored se- quins on the bodice .. . Mrs. Robert Brownell in black velvet . . . Mrjs. Vernon Dfye in black ..with red jacket .' . . and Mrs. , Reynolds Allen- in black crepe., Mrs. W W. Gabriel was down from Portland and her daugh ter, Mrs. Charles Heltzel, was introducing her to friends ... Mrs. Gabriel looked smart in a grey ensemble and carried a fox muff ... Mrs. Dolph Craig,; home after traveling with her army husband, greetireg old friends . . . Mrs. J. N. Bishop, elated because her son, Ed, is home for the holidays from his base in Oklahoma W i t h Mrs. Frank Burlingham was her daughter, Mrs. Louis Hilde brandt Taking time off from their duties were Mrs. Louise Arneson and Mrs. Maxine Hart man ..." A new bride, Mrs. Daniel J. McLellan, jr. (Jane Vincent) with ,. Mrs. McLellan, sr. . . . The newlyweds left Friday for San Francisco. , 1 BEAUTIFUL PRE-HOLIDA party at the Carl Collins home the same day when Mrs. Collins and Miss Esther Baird entertain 'rd . - . Iris greeted guests in a becoming black velvet dress with waterfall blue satin girdle ... with baby orchids pinned at the throat . . Esther wore black silk crepe and red roses ... The decorations were the most effective in a long time ... A ' large swag on the white door ; . . A goregous Delia Robbia wreath encircling the mirror above the fireplace and on the mantel angels and f igurinesf ... the s t a i r w a y decorated with ropes of cedar and silver bells . . . The tea table covered with a handsome green satin cloth edged in a wide white net ruffle . . . and caught at the corners with red roses ... the centerpiece of red roses and cala lilies, flanked by white tapers in silver candelabras ... In a row across the dining room window Twinkling little sequins looked pretty on dresses we added them toyour hats. And crent fheyjayt Just that spectol - touch of festivity yov need for dintvir parties, ' - , ' canteen dancing ond oht any number of places I M The Heard . English sill were small round mirrors . with altar candles , burning be- j fore each one . . . :.j'-i7;.-: ;77 , Mrs. Edward Roth cam with Mrs. Homer I Goulet, who wis excited, about m, e t i n g Major : Goulet,' who is now in the states after two and a half years over seas 7.;.' . .Margaret (Wagner wore a chic brown; and white wool with white ruffle down the side .j'. V In "black 'were Mrs. W, T, Waterman and Mrs. Don ald Burke . . ; Other twosomes . . Mrs. Robert , Coffey and Mrs. John Griffith '," ; , Mrs. Leon Perry ' and Mrs. H e n r y ' Marsden . . ' . 'Mrs. Creighton Jones, who doesn't get in often from her country home, wore grey and a small black hat , . . Mrs. Homer Fr Smith, who also, commutes f r o nTh e r suburban home, wtf e'hite - wool under1 her ermine coat" 'and Jier tiny pillbox hat - was of brown fea-: thers . . 1 '. ' ' ' :7'-;v ' ' 'i WEDDING BELL ECHOES : . . The First Congregational church - was filled ' oh Tuesday', for i the ; wedding of 'Patricia Lamb and Warren Doolittle '." . v They were a happy couple as they walked' up the aisle smiling to their friends . ' . ' . , Pactricia rwas' one of the prettiest brides we've seen . i. . 1 her white" silk jersey gown over a ruffled taffeta slip . . beautiful was her train'' length veil of ; bridal " illusion ' with : a panel down the center 'of rose-' point lace brought from France in 1860 by Mrs. W. J. Noland's grandmother .... The lace was made by the sisters in a Paris convent . . .j Pinned at the i wrist was an antique gold pin centered ' with an opal, the gift of her bridegroom. t Striking were the bridesmaids in their chartreuse and moss green dresses.-. . the two bridesmaids' carrying purple sat in' rings with streamers of pur ple and chartreuse . . i on one side were yellow roses and vio lets . . I Causing much com ment was little Jean Huggins, niece of the groom, flower girl . . . She was adorable in her quaint burgundy dress with ruf fle around the bottom and a low neckline . . . Around 1 her ieck was tied a narrow matching rib bon and long ribbon streamers in her pretty, blonde hair . . . She didn't missTa step and when pictures were taken didn't move once . . . ' .; y . : At the reception J . i- A num ber of the bride's Pi Beta Phi sorority sisters with Mrs. Joseph Davidson, the house mother, who wore black with . red j trimming r i . i . : Lemon Juice Recipo Checks Rheumatic Pain Quickly If yra -aufler from rheomstle, itrtfarttls ar ararltla-pain, -try this slmpia tnexpondTa home recipe tt at thousand sr using, (irt a pack age of Ho-Ei CoBpoucd, a twoHreek sopplr, today. Mix It with a quart of water, add tba lute of - Irwinri. ir easy. No trnotde a all and pieasaat. You aeed only S taMcapooB fula two times a dar. Oftra wltaia 48 boon aoawtlnwa orerBicbt spieadid multa arc obtained. It tea pains do sot qub-klr laava and if yon do Dot feel better, return tba empty packagw and Ru-Kx will coat you Both. Ins to try aa It Is sold by your dructlM under an absrlut money-back uarantee. Hu-Es vompoona m tat aaM rift MamntfaiVldMt h Uts mnht so ontgomeryv&rd Phone 3134 OREGON STATESMAN; Salem, on her hat I , Mrs. Emery Hobbs being welcomed back to Salem : after a three years ab sence . 7 ..' Two who looked grand in uniform . . . Don Bower, who no wweara the navy ensign's stripe, and Robert East in his blue marine" dress uniform' .'7 Mrs. Bradford Collins, who soon - expects to ' be' leaving for San Erancisco to join her hus band, has accepted an executive , . position with an advertising firm in the bay city .-. ;7 v7? ' Margaret Bellinger, t h r i lied about her colelge days at Mills, and later all smiles when she caught the bride's bouquet . . . ;. Those assisting , .,' 7 Mrs. Ben jamin M.1 Whisenand in pink satin and net and, white feathers in her dark curls 7 . '. Janice Nelson : in ' white .marquisette with black insets on the skirt. Florence Duffy striking in white jersey with gold sequin trim . . Mrs. Harry V. Collins in black 'crepe witseqiiinj 6ii the bode and a tiny "hat topped with flower 'era T"'. '. Mrs; Meredith;Huggins ' cut the' brideV cake wjUch" was toppe4 with yellow rosea 1-7 '." she wore a'waterfall bhje jwsey gown . 5;f,' 'After' wedding trip the newlyweds will live iif-Iiong-. view. i - Gross; Familyjtov Mov& Aiyj " Salem friends ; wUl soon be saying au( revoir to Mr.; and Mrs.' Hal . Ri Gjross and, daughter Pa tricia Ann, who are" leaving - the end of !the month for Berkeley, Calif, to reside. Mr. Gross has been an attorney at the unem ployment compensation commis-. ' sion. 'Mr. and Mrs. David H. Cam eron entertained informally at supper last week In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Gross and -a few of their friends. ' : ' 7 I . .. Diamond Engagement A Wedding Ring J QJJ 164 ct. diamond in a white gold trimmed filigree ' set ting. Matching wedding band. -1 Set Specially Priced ' i Weight and quotiry to be exactly as represented. Refund tn 30 days If not entirely satisfied. Ask about trade-in prmUge. and I ay a way plant per .JfMM 1 ''W'M'ssaPBWSSM. ... ' MaMHMMMMHMMMMHMWaril mit you to buy on convew lent monthly payments out . of your Income. . ' ' Magnificent Diamond ant Wedding Ring 05 35 Blue white diamond, 2 side diamonds in enchanting set ting. 5 - diamond wedding band. 1S5 No. Liberty Oregon, Sunday Morning, December 17. ISM Greens to Be Hung at YWCA Monday, has been set for the . "Hanging of the Greens," tradi- tional ceremonial for decorating -the YWCA for . Christmas. , From iO - 70 1 o'clock, the program will be broadcast over RST-M and the association will welcome visitors to the 'open house during the evening. The - program will be sung by the 35 voices of the Tri-Yj chorus. ! A large creche, painted .' by Miss Virginia Tomkins, former Girl Reserve and npw a student at 1 the University of Oregon, will be , the, center, of interest. Miss Pat .'Powell and Margaret Simpson are responsible for the ', stained glass window effects. i ' - Girls responsible for the pro- ; trram' are: narrators, Catherine Moran, 'Barbara JRyan7 Nancy Farrar, Maxine Toeys, , Norma Jean Loewen and Martha Fish er; lighters of candlesl Kathleen Mullarkey, Gloria and Barbara McOintock, Etta Jo Tpdd, Mary Houser, Barbara Johnson and Jeanette Schiedel; laying t h e yulf log, Charlotte Reeves, Char-' 'lotte Ramsey, Arlenej Sheldon, ; Diane Perry, Elsie Cannon and Jean Pickens. The I following , girls from Tri-Y are In charge of refreshments: Bobbie "Brooks, ; Ada .Mae Teel, Mar jorie 'Mode,1 . ' Meina Moore, . Shirley; ' Luidahl, : 'Shirley. Kinnane and! Lorraine Poindexter. S e r v in g refresh ments in their'rooms ire: Mar ilyn Zink, Arlerie Peper, Sharon Hamilton, Diane Perry.) Lila Par menter, Shirley Rockefeller, Lois Polly and Doris Lappinl Hostess es are Gloria Williamson, Doro thy, TeSelle, Barbara Lewis, Pat Long, Jean L eh mart. Barbara 1 Upjohn, Nancy BurenJ Wilms Dunn,. Carol Crawford, Marilyn Ornate Engagement and Wadding1 Ring . 153.93 BrOIIant 332 ct. diamond In elaborate mounting. Three-diamond matching wedding band. -- Ut SpscWV fcW DiAf.ionD err ENCACEMZUT RIIIC $376 Blue white diamond with 6 large skis diamonds. Choice of three gracefully designed settings illustrated. 316 ct and 6 diamonds $120 ... . irnn ii ta-- pff yrwfiwl..hitfi I'll mi Brilliant Diamond and Wedding Ring . JPQ Blue white diamonds su perbly set in beaded plates. 3-diamond wedding band. Power, Nancy Doughton, Bar-, bara Barkley,- Doreen Kent. . Marjorie Bee k, Joan Elliott, Marilyn Hall, Shirley Ross, Ann bt Ross. Ann : Carson, Beverly Krueger, Shar on Hamilton, DeloreS Lehman and Virginia Chilles. .,j .M7flower. Guild members of the First Congregational church J will entertain their husbands at a ' Christmas party Wednesday ' night at the church. A covered dish dinner will be served at . 6:30 1 o'clock. After- the- dinner hour there will be games and en tertainment. .'. .-i v SHOP WARDS FOR IDEAL IV I .-4 , i mn i r - IViontgomery 155 No. Liberty COME TO WARDS FOR - ')" : i:'7:,7.:-----7i':.:7'-. .- 'v, ,,,.raaai-.la Elue White Diamond Filigree ' mounting accentu ates the 1 brilliant diamond and 2 side diamonds. En graved band. blazing ... mm . ,.i j .... n , .. i....,.-.., Clsrlnctiva Diamond cmd ,iS3 Sparkling 132 blue white diamond in a superb t tail ored setting. Plain weddir band. 1 Alt prices iicWa thm 20 Federo Excise Tax diitgomery p -.71 fir Wl'vP? to r vavwi - XJnnr HllQlvmrifil r: -"r Faculty Women's cluV of Wil lamette university win entertain : with' tte.'aimuai Oiristinaj jotr ty t TAursday aunernoon ? in the . Carrier room of the First Meta4: odist church at J:30 o'docfc Th , men will Join the wives for tea at 4 o'clock. - C V : I Mrs. Daniel H. Schalze is chairman of the directorate. Shi a will be assisted "by Mrs. Robert Lantz, Mrs. Herbert McMurtry, GIFTS CIVS A LADY -IXZl DIHTHSTO:: 1 - ; : 7.25 a 11.59 HLhaimlmh. Inexpentive, bul beautiful! 10K yellow gold rings prong-set with fabulous-tooking Imitat'iofi stones fully faceted to reflect the KghH Choice ef JjJrihstones, some set with rote cut side diamonds. -. - These incredibly beautiful 14K GOLD diamond engagement and wedding 1 rings are a few highlights f Wards.eompllte diamond coilectionl 1 s Selected by diamond experts who searchj the world's markets to procure 'the finest qualities available! All proportioned for maximum fire ond brfflianje 7; ; set In xquisite mcHiritings to accenh I ; of the size you buy. Wards extensiVt buying - 7 ' power and lowtr mark-up assure, you she lowest possible price! v At 35.95 Exquisite Dtamend " . 288.C3 Blue - white diamond and two side diamoods. Beaded setting. 3-diamopd wedding band. . i . I 1 . - n Mrs. Robert Moulton Gatke, Mrs. Murco Ringnalda, Mrs.) Bailey( Mrs. Herbert Rahe, Miss Con- ; stance Fowled Miss Sybil ,Spears, i - Miss Marian Moran ge, Miss Gailv Currey and Mrs." Charles Sher- man.' . galem Minister's Wive elation will have a Christmas meeting Tuesday wiflt MrsJ, Wea ver Wess at her home on Jeffer son street at S o'clock. Assisting hostesses are Mrs. C C. Haw orth, Mrs. W. H. Lyman and Mrs. Dudley Strain. All Salem Minis ter's wives are invited to attend. Gold Slgna! Binge for Children 1.40 cmd 5.25 : GrVethem one of these and watch' T.hnireyMftWUnOKyHowaoli ' t Sizes 3 to 4. . Hi. txeim Tan lat 7 Phone 3194 ct these rmgi ittoy purchased sttparafeV Phone 31S4 Ward Ware! I3 No. Liberty.