Tbs) OUTGO!! STATESMAN. Salem. Orogosu Friday Morning, December t 1844 PAGSCZYCT Stscct Things . . ejBlBaBeSaSSSBBSBaaBBaSSn Choose Christmas Cookies to Make Most of Sugar; Use (Fangy Shapes j By Maxlne Buren i ',. Christmsui cookies will be more of problem than ever for most of us, who found the canning gupply of sugar inadequate and had to delve into the winter allotment, Some cookies use less sugar, but require butter, for it's no use to make a butter cookie and substitute If the flavor depends uporjlthe butter, then choose tmt Mvrirfe whlrh . "J. can take a butter substitute. ' This recipe for peppernuts satisfies all the repuirements. It make a rather large batch, takes only two cops sugar (they are not very sweet) and any shorten ing may be used. PEPPERNUTS ;.. 4 cups flour ' 2 cups sugar , . I 4 tablespoons candied peel 1 teaspoon nutmeg X tablespoon cinnamon 1. teaspoon cloves 1 teaspoon baking powder L, . Beat eggs and sugar, add spices and baking powder, beat thoroughly. Add flour and peel (lemon, orange and "citron) and knead on a board. Shape into very small balls and bake on oiled .-; cookie trays until pale brown. The recipe may be di vided if desired as it is large. The cookies soften after . being kept in tight tin for a few weeks. Scotch, shortbread, iprltz cookies, and a few others which depend upon butter for flavor might be squeezed Into the bud get, Ginger cookies, especially when made ' into fancy shapes, make good Christmas tweets and use little sugar. Some women Include , some on ..the Christmas tree to decorate, and then use them for small sifts to neighbor hood 'children', who come in to I the family. , celebration. . , Undulant Fever Grange Discussion Topic in Ankncy ANKENY Undulant fever was the main topic for discussion at the Ankeny . grange meeting Sat urday night. The subject was brought up by J. O. Farr in his legislation report as a bui con cerning the pasteurization of milk is, or will be before the legisla ture, this session, t . ; Mrs." George .Henderson, read a lengthy article 1 on this fever. Mrs. C. F. Johnston announced the corn show to be held Dec 8 at Central HowelL She said also all canned fruit and jelly sent to the grange headquarters in Port land for the contest was given to the George White service center for the soldiers r ? N. G. Howes, state grange deputy , w AOS Are Going PlacesT tm a1 'f '"Hill, f 1 ); . .1 : Debwling t fiaumit Around the world a glorious ivar record In LiBiADOt, a Wac helps speed a B-21 on its way overseas ";-.. Behind the lines in Italy, a Wac flashes a message ' from General Clark to the storm center of battle. "Somewhere" in New Guinea, a Wac speeds mail to the men at the front. In Normandy, India, Australia, Honolulu, England, North Africa, New Caledonia Wees are helping . bur fighting men hasten the hour of victory. Working in highly slrilledobs that require nimble fingers, keen minds, steady nerves. Keeping at the work of war with an inspired spirit. With a red-white-and-blue courage that will know ; no letdown until the light is won .'. . Across the seas and around the world they're making a glorious war record. The Wacs - gallant .. soldiers oLthe U. S. Army the women all America is proud of. " J , . ... - 14 SALEI1 VOHEII IIEEDED HOW To Aid ibs Vidpry Drive , V (Enroll Now Lmt. tot Training Jan. 2 Good soldiers... THE O Far full informmtion nbout lh WitmmU Army Ctrpt, U yw mmntt U. S. Army Rtruiiing Simtien. Or mmil cwipw bUm , ' y. S. ARMY RBCRVITINei STATION 111 Pest Office Bldr. ! Salem, Ore. v" t1mm m4 m wWmu ait iWitMio m ,twl tiw Wra ... tallin mhmtt MM ttf, Miear lacttm . " ' " ' " " " " MW MS)W IHaefAR'SifjRjel bs)sjisj ttmm IImv turn Vw traMtina. pay, AODRKSa, CITY- STATC -MIONRNa. riaaai anatMr "yaa" ar W la aach af tha fallawtna auactlwiat Ar v htwM " ' Haa yaa any Haa yaa kad at laaat S an4 Kal tib.imm nr at raara af biak hiiIT, Sponsored In the Interest ef Victory by: la Solem r n r3 .3 from .Jackson county and Mrs. Howes were present Howes talk ed about getting new' members, saying Ankeny was doing well, as they had initiated 14 this quar ter, with nine reported for next meeting. , . . ; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Rice also were visitors. He told the grange a bin had been passed , In flood control Which .will benefit- the Santiam 1 and Willamette river lowlands in this part of the coun ty.. V'.ybr'a-ri-X Shower Honors Pedec Girl on Saturday I PEDES H- A shower was given for Madeline Womer at the, home of Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Burbank Saturday-' afternoon.- Miss 'Womer was , a - Pedee girl and finished high school here, going to Business college at : Salem,! and has been bookkeeper for Paulus Brothers cannery for two years. ttayetville 4tk Health Clubs Arts Organized HAYESVTLLE Three cooking 4-H clubs have been organized and two Health clubs. Mrs. Ev elyn Siddall has cooking I, Mrs. M. Foley, . cooking n, and Mrs. George Strozute cooking HL ' Mrs. -.Ruth Tipton and Mrs. Lucile Kennedy have health clubs No sewing clubs were organized for lack of leaders. Viscount Samuel Will Head Liberal Party . LOSIDON, Dec 7-(ff)-VIscount Samuel, one-time high ' commij sloner for Palestine and president of the British Institute of Philos ophy, was elected leader of the liberal party in the house of lords yesterday. He succeeds the 88-year old Marquess of Crewe, who re signed because of failing health. Red Hills Farmers Union Holdi Election ROSED ALE The Red Hills local of the rarmers union met Tuesday at the schoolhouse. Elec tion of officers resulted as follows: F. W. Cammack, president;, vice president, I Frank Barnett; Ray HeckaiV secretary : treasurer; conductor Paul Cammack.' chap lain; Paul) Berndt, doorkeeper. Executive committee, Paul Cam- mack, Warren McNeil, Floyd Bates. Meetings are held the first Tuesday of the month. Chaplains Wear Khaki NEW. YORK, Deci 7-)-Ro-man Catholic chaplains in combat areas ; are1 wearing khaki while saying maas for' the first time In the history of , that church, Rt Rev. Msgr. James H.: Griffiths. chancellor; of the military ordin ariate, announced today. Young Grangers Hold Saturday Social Meeting UNION HILL Y.OA (Young Grangers Auxiliary) met t the grange hall Saturday night. Robert Humphreys, vice , chairman,1; pre sided in the absence of the presi dent, Edna Morley. A watch party win be held at the gralnery.on the Heater place New Years eve. ? Union Hill Grange Social to Be Saturday j UNION. HILL The Ufiion Hill grange social night will be Satur day night at the grange halL MrJ and 'Mrst Marion Fischer and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Fox art the committee, in charge. CT7T7I ' For YoureelVea Why W OLxLmI Must Beware a "Beaten" GEBIIAIIY! Slarls Scsday! sr av . vi mm - mm m si r 4 I kS Ye) 4 . ItlCC-Fsdle Ftctare S Itcdrc iMSf Jmm s .,- . . " hk. ir tf i rr ur - - - Dab mvJfQtvode. CMMG,ptotta suuu ituuo 1 arc utuutu 1 -Buy the things you need for Holiday) eating now while you have the time.' Supplies ' are plentiful and Safeway low prices . . (will saye you.money. , -y-v , ': r Fresh stocks to fill those Christmaa stoekinas. i Pcanuls BSf Vr:ft. 29c Lge. Ualnnls raney lb. 42c Ilixedllub lb. 45 c ! KITCHEN, - 25-lb.' I CRAFT Enriched ' sk. $1.02 50-lb. sk. $1.99 n.-rn Cnffn. OR PONDERED DrOwQ sjUlJur Bring your stamps! j Lb. pkg. 80 niA-sl 1RS. WRIGHr& A brand new loaf lirCuQ a grand new bread! XM Loaf 9c . lVs-lb. loaf 120 ean Cream Corn PicUweet, No. rial ttu ttiMai r. aca a ansa, tiium vuiu lZ-ox. can Tonalo Juice Dawn! (stamps ) os. f ialaa'a Tai Oranfe Pekoe t ' LipiOIl S led Black 10e pkr. Canlerbery Tea Bags 1 B1kl ' 11 Cocomall Chocolate Malt ..Jb. Jar Our Iloiher's Cocoa. i -lb. pkg. Bakica Ry-Krisp .-u.o. Pkg. Ili-Ho Crackers . Ilabisco ICO Bran Ilabisco Sbr eddies - iz-otv pkr. Cream ol Hheal SSS l-lb. pkr. 1-Ib. pkg. 28-os. U1U VUabU VICaUACg 1 , m tans Sn-Parb Granlld. Soap "S? Palmolive Soap......3 reg. bars 15c 14c 21c 9c 36c 39c 10c 15c 19c 17c He 22c ,15c 39c 20c Salem's Best Golfee Valao Edwards Coffee 240 Lb. Jar . 2-lb. Jar- Red Hen Ilolasses Ul 50 Close-ont Special , 18-OZ. i ' Bottle ) Ivory Soap For 'every household need! v Medium 1.' C m bar & V Cake Floor li-lb. Pkg. Swansdovn IT .1. I llf lUtlCOZ ne Crust Mix, 17-os. pkg. Peanut Duller Peanut Boiler Beyerly .-..lb. Jar Howdr Coarse Grind lb. Jar 19c 24c 25c 25c B-Z-B Honey Wild Blossom; lb. Jar 29c Sleepy, Hollow Syrup pt. bottto 21c 25c 47c 35c 2-lb. 01., Qt. Jar TTttwMWl4k Tlbbetfs Brook uarmaiaae Grapefruit IluIIadeJIayonnaise I5e Duchess Salad Dresg. C Calsup (S BL Stamps) Hill i 12c Heins 19c JlliabO OliVeS lindsay pint Jar 28c Chopped Olives Llbby No. U ean, 13c Qneen Olives Los Ollvos, J-os. bet 13c Cncnnber Pickles liM,,-.1" 30c Green Tonalo SUcei SB? 5J 19c YouTl have to act quickly to win ' one of the 107 Cash Awards!- x Snzanna Pancake Conlest Closes December 16! Get your entry blank at Safeway tell in 25 words why yon pre fer "Dollar Slxt" or f "Cowboy Style" pancakes TOU may win! Snzanna KL-15c mmmmmwmmmmmmmmmmm m . Safemy Stores are pledged r ; ; to keep prices down charge 'only ceiling prices or less! We post ceiling price lists prominentlyl We welcome que stions about: our. prices I a: Safowey fruits end vegetables ere s fresh s con be because they're rushed from farm to store. , 4 i Apples Winesaps ex. fancy, fancy. IPoSafio S3 Deschutes Gems,. No. 1 ' 5 lb,. ISc ' 25 !. 94c 1C3 $3.49 Cranberries Coos Bay. Medium Si: seLb. WC Help Shorlen the Do YOUR Part te Help Speedy Our Boys . Home Bay an EXTRA Bond! 6th Var Loan Cooky and candy making ' ' s I' ' TIMI TO start thlnlcinj about those holiday , 'goodies"! And here are three examples of how . easy it is to turn those thoughts into delicious tbings-to-eat:. 4 j ' t:.i,---.- f .-. j . CINGCmtAD MEN . S cups nrichaa floui , J', tua brown sugar J , t taps, baking powder ' firmly packad i: i J4 tap. salt ! i M tup dark moUfacs Vtttp.liHiar j . .lew. I' '""'-''!' H ' a eup shortanlng ij i . ii Sift and measure flour; sift again With baking powder, salt, and ginger." Cream shortening and sugar until light and fluffy. Add molasses and unbeaten egg; beat well. Add flour mixture grad ually, mixing well after each addition. Roll on lightly floured board to H-inch thickness. Cut with floured gingerbread-man cutter or cut a ' large square for the body, smaller, circle for the head, and strips for the arms and legs. Place on Jightly greased Cooky or baking sheet. Bake in moderate oven (35Q .F.) until, done, 10 to 12 minutes. Remove cookies immediately to rack; , cool; store. Makes about 4 do. 2-inch cookies or 6 large 10-inch gingerbread men. -TURKISH DELIGHT j 1 S tbapa. wnflavareo . 2 tbpa. lanon Juica ( . gelatin - ' 1 tbsp. grated orangs Vt eup cold water or lemon rind i 2 cup augar " S dropa yellow vegetable : t cup hot water 1 coloring i I 2tbsps. orangs juict Soften gelatin in cold water. Combine sugar and hot water in saucepan and stir well until sugar is dissolved. Bring to boil; add softened gelatin and cook slowly for 20 minutes. Remove from heat and add oVange and lemon juice, grated rind, and coloring. Pour to ! about 1-inch thickness into shallow pan (4 x l6) which has been rinsed with co'd water. Let stand overnight; turn out on board b'ghtly sprjnkled with powdered sugar; cut in one-inch cubes and roll in powdered sugar. Makes about 40 cubes. ' V I ! Sajtuay j Horn (makers' Bureau ; ' VU UX WRIGHT, Diietter Ilargarine Sonny Bank, X pis. lb. 18c Vanilla and Lemon Flavor t-oa. , 10c Baking Powder Clabber Girl ' can 23c Sno-While Sail pL or Iodised, pkg. u 7c A Baking Scda , 1-Ib. pkes. 25c Grannlaled Sugar Beet ft-lb.sk. 32c n-0 Oais Quick or Ser. 1 lb. pkg. ! 13p Dnli's Gicgcrbrcad Ilix 22c Planter's Feannls .it I-os. pkg. 15c Yes, Safeway meets are cjueirontoocJ a . . flood eating, flcrvorfuL nd rlutritlous. Yowr money tMick If youVo not satisfied, y Grapefrnil Florida WhitesU-Lb. Cc SlCc IseuUilS Sonklst Combat Colds!.. Pears D'AoJoos. Extra Fancy Onions Yellow DanTers.,.......,;.. ., 10-Ib. bag 33c f- 11- T,h. W .Mc Texaa Green, Bell St f Peppers Takhnai Tender. SweCl PcialSSS CaWomta.. A. Me Quick! Salad Maklnnfl Grourid BettJLir...Ab. 28c Veal or Lamb Stew.JD. 19s Short Ribs. J .. ,,.lb. 19e Pork Sausage , Jb. 32c Link Sausage Type 3 .lb. 41c ' Beef Roast ' A gnL, 5 pta lb. tie B grd 5 pta, lb. 25e C croL. 0 pts lb. X2e Pta. 14 T-Bone Steaks; Grd. A. lb. 48c; B, 41c; C, 35c 15 Round Steaks. ..Grd. A, lb. 38c; B, 34c; C, 29c :; 13 Sirloin Steaks Grd. A, lb. 40c; B, 33c; C, 28c I (Ne FolnU en C Grade BeefX NO GUESSWORK FOX MARGE j rr sats kue.Ias&e heads OF CAULIFLOWER" SO MUCH EACH. WONDER HOW LAftOC THEy ARE, AAARY 1 1 mmmmmmmmmmmtmmmiwammmmtmmtmmmmmmmmmtmmmmmmtmtmmmmmmtmMmmmmm : . Fish! " . I ' I Pork Chops i , CIC :ffiU-J. e UyCtCK Ligbtwelgbt. i ' .i Kit.. , - i i lean. i : C?.1.J. - - -Ilea I Salmon..Jb. tie I Fresh, rXm I Lb-.- 35C'f, V UiUU Quick!' SUd 3Iklno"--Pkf. W Sliced,: troU. caasbt. 11 lb (t rointa) I but hcm rr says A - I that's ths way to , 1 . . . miiu riiKian " - . ...... 1M1MMMMWMM1MMMtMMM r --l I wish CMnjFLOwy.x kw!r Tc .V 4 11 oemvutn 1 I SO MUCH EACH WHAT V I ' J TxrA I ill If V T?S I v r r u .( Ij ' a-, i jl aw ar jb . . .jt jri i -v-z av - a a . 1,11 . . vy boNT kmow ano r-AtrV.Vi n matter whether ; - J tf!NJ NETTHER COES 7 I WANT A tAROE HEAD i ib A ANYONE EtSU & ' MAYBE THEY'RE ,V . CP CAUUFU5WCR OR . Drdcr Yoor IIou! for ihc HoKday! To avouf possible dis appointment, may we suggest you give your Safeway meatman your turkey order NOW! . Quite So, Morsel Prklng by Welsht b the Fair Wy! . '; Pounds and ounces are accurate meas ures of value in Zresh fruits and Vege tables and at Safeway that' hoir they're priced I Naturally fresh prod uce, priced fairly. Make Safeway your headquarters for all .food supplies! : . -1 Sanator Hotel - :'""'.'-"-:- i; ' . - 1 , sZ '.'"';"" -'" v---"'t'-.