The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 08, 1944, Page 6, Image 6

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    P AG.u H l - - ' ! . 1 The OSZGOH STATESMAN. Sclera. Oregon. Fridar Momiag, Dcaber 8, 1344 j , r ' " '
i! '
Hosts for' .Y '
The . new home of Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Claggett at 917
Kingwood Drive will be the scene
of an informal part Saturday,
night when they entertain for a
group of their friends. The Clag
getts were hosts for a similar
affair last week.
After an informal evening a
midnight supper will be served
; by the . hosts. Arrangements of
.late autumn flowers will provide
; the decorative note. ; !
Guests of the Claggetts will
be 'Mr, and Mrs. Deryl Myers,
i Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Heise, Mr.
and Mrs. T. Harold Tomlinson,
. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Cannon and
Mr; and Mrs. Glenn Wilbur.
; Bidden to the party last week
were Mr.and Mrs. Robert Ram
den, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Wood
ry, Mr. and Mrs. Harry H. Wein
stein, Miss Kreta Janz, Mrs. Rex
, Adolph and Mr. and Mrs. Don
ald Dedcebach, Miss Rita Clag
- geft and Mr. Farmer. Franklin
al)f Portland. ,. . . ;
Mrs.1 Roth .
Is Honor
Mrs. George P. Roth and Mrs.'
Blanche Allen were hostesses for
a smartly arranged party Thurs
day night at the former's home
on Colombia street In compli
i ment to Mrs. Carleton Roth.
Christmas decorations and can
dles were used about the rooms. -After
an evening of cards a des
sert supper was served by the
hostesses. The . guests honored
Mrs. Roth with a shower daring
the evening.
Biddenjby Mrs. Roth and Mrs.
- Allen to honor Mrs. Carleton
Roth were Mrs. George Fletcher,
Mrs. Adam Diebert, Mrs. Carl
Porter; Mrs. George Bynon, Mrs.
. Lu Singer. Mrs. Edwin Frank,
Airs. B. C Harrison, Mrs. Henry
Perlmutter, Mrs. . Henry Kropp,
, Miss Maria Dare, Miss Jeanne
DeMytt and Miss Dorothy Har
dje. ' ; . - ' ;k
(Jhristmas Party v
Being Planned
.During the meeting of Rebe
kah lodge Monday night Miss
Lora Callison, noble grand, made
, plans for the, annual, Christmas
party to be held December 18.
On the committees are Mr. Alvie
Burns, tree; Mrs. Ray Webb,
decorating, and treats: Mrs.
Chester Lank tree, Mrs. Blanche
Hull and Mrs. Verri Suko, pro-
- gram; Mrs.. Tom . McLeod, Mrs.
Laiiehlin. kitchen: Mrs. niem
j-augnim, Kitchen; Mrs. Clem1
Ohlsen, Mrs. Coral McNiel and
lr W M fiantn.. TU
will also be baskets for the shut-
Mrs. George7 E f w a r d s and
Mrs. . Gus , Ericksn will have
charge of the Christmas seal sale
- to be held between December 8
and 22. ,
Mrs, Ema Otjen, Mrs. Gavin
Hill and Mrs. Mer 11 n. Ready,
committee for the shower held
in honor, of the hospitalized serv
ice men and women reported.
On December l j Mr. and Mrs.
J. Knight will celebrate their
golden wedding anniversary. The
Three Link club will meet at
2:00 o'clock for a short business
session and then,: a white ele
phant card party will be held.
Next Monday night will be in
itiation. jL Yh- ' , ' .-v
After lodge 'a short program
was held, and a chowder lunch
served with Mrs. Gus Ericksbn,
Mrs. Rose Hammer, Mrs. Addie
Mills, Mrs. Roy Hill and Mrs.
Cora Smith In charge. '
Is Slated
At the executive board meet
. lng of the Salem branch, Ameri
can Association of . university
Women Wednesday night plans
were . made , for . the , annual
Christmas musicale for which
' the branch will be hostess on
Tuesday, December 19 at the
First Conzrefational church.
Miss Alice Crary Brown and
Mrs. Melvin Geist are arranging
the ' Informal , musicale. Mrs.
Geist also heads the reception
directorate. The decoration com
mittee Includes Mrs. George
IIugdaL Mrs. Raymond Walsh,
Mrs. Richard KrieseV Mrs. Gor
don Black and Mrs. Kenneth
The board meeting was held
at the home of Mrs.' Herbert
Rahe with. Miss- Alice Crary
Brown assisting. The January 10
board meeting will be at (he
home of .Mrs. W. R-Bradford.
. V .. Tho HOME
Dinner and .
Slumber y
Party . ;
,' A group of junior high school
girls .will be entertained at a
dinner and slumber party Fri
day night. The home of Bar-
bare Johnson oh Oak street will
be the setting for the dinner.
Y Later the guests will go to the
John Carson home on South
Commercial street for a slumber
party with Ann Carson as host
ess, i After brunch on Saturday
the guests will iorm a line party
at Mickey Mouse, t , , : j
.. ' Guests of - Barbara and - Ann
are Diane' Perry Leone Lewis,
Beverly Beakey, Joan: Smith,
Beverly Krueger, Virginia Ellis,
i Katherine Person, Norma Pound,
Lila Parmentier, Margaret Ac
ton, Alice Louise Ohling, Jean
Clement and Audrey Simmons. -
Mrs. Beach to Be
Honor Guest . '
I Mrs. Richard Chambers will
be a party hostess Saturday
night at the home of Mr, and
Mrs. G. Frederick Chambers
when she entertains' for Mrs.
Roswell Beach, the former Jo
Love Lehmer. Mrs. Beach re
cently returned to Salem from
the east coast where she has
been with Lt Beach. She ex
pects to-remain in Salem with
her mother, Mrs. F. W. Lehmer, i
while her husband is on active)
duty. . v 1 1 ;
Guests have been invited to a
dessert , supper and later bridge
'will be in play. Holiday decora
tions win be used about the
-rooms. --'-) . . . : -
Honoring Mrs. Beach will be
Mrs. Douglas Chambers,' y Mrs. i
Roger Quackenbush, Mrs. Robert
Brownell, Mrs. Melvin :'Loop,
Mrs. Wayne Hadley, Mrs. Oscar
Paulson, jr., Mrs. John L. Sul-.1
livan,, Mrs. Benjamin Whisen-
and, Mrs. Robert PowelL Mrs.
, Alan Siewert, and Miss Beth Sie-
" . , .
! (YinV Q Monil
' r
j Tuna will appear on the' menu
as a casserole , dish today.
: Corn relish salad "
Tuna noodle casserole
Buttered peas
. : Fruit gelatine with .
1 Nut cookies ?
1 jpan tuna fish, flaked ' !
' 2 cups noodles, cooked '
J, tablespoons butter - -
2 tablespoons flour
I cup milk , Y Y
'- 2 tablespoons parsley, chopped
, Salt and pepper ,
, Vx cun bread crumbs
Place layer Of tuna fish In cas
serole and cover with layer of
noodles. Repeat until fish and
noodles are' used up. Melt butter
in saucepan. Take off heat and
mix with flour making a smooth
paste. Return to heat and add
milk . stirring constantly. , When
mixture has thickened add pars
ley and salt and pepper to taste.
Pour sauce over fish and noo
dles and top with bread crumbs.
Bake at 350 degrees for 20 min
utes. '
JtM f wk M "cff duty
. fw the cvretWal 0r uHi wta
1 tiptop stop wB
M wiMasn. Our wikmmklp It '
fenmlMd. Or torvke k fnmpu
Om prist ers w wiMble. Mag ,
ntlDAT i ' -
. Norti Slem WCTU. with Mrs.
, Harry GUUtto. 10 . Beech ave-
poe, 1:19 pxo.
Salem Woman' club ' board .
toeeUng. VJSO pjn business ses
sion, t'M pjn.
Cootf tt rlnYi nut ' tnrar
nau. u inner wiin i cooties
lows business session.
. Auxiliary to VTW, meet at
call, pjn.
Rotana club with Mrs. Fannie
I Zouglask 2390 SouUi Comfberciai
street. S p.m. j
Junior Woman's club business
meeting, I pju, ' clubhouse,
Laurel Social Hour club, with
; Mrs. Albert Beckman, Glen
; Creek road, 12 JO Christmas
' dinner. . .
t Junior Guild St Paul's Eplsco-
pal church. 1 p.m. pariah house.
; Order of Eastern Star social
club. Red Cross sewing, lunch
eon at noon. i
Teachers Hold
Gift Party-' .'
Twenty five members of the!
PEP teachers, club met for. a
dinner at the Lions den on Wed
nesday. Gifts were exchanged
and a business session,- presided
over by Miss; Matilda Gilles fol
lowed. Christmas decorations
were arranged by the hostesses,
' Mrs. Agnes Booth and Mrs.
Carmalite Wv1Hl
: Repfesentatives from Kelzer,
Pringle, Eldridge. West Salem.
Riverdale, Hayesvffle, j Turner,
Auburn, Middle Grove, Salem
Heights, senior high school,
Richmond district' and the coun
ty school office were present.
Mrs. D. D. Craig and Mrs. Lyle
Rains were guests.
Measures to come before legis
lature were discussed. A vote of
appreciation was given Miss
Gilles for her interest of the
Marion County (Teachers associ
ation and the PEP club, i
Mrs. Robert Ream Rankin of
Portland was a Visitor in tho
capital Tuesday as a guest of
Mrs. Homer V. Carpenter.
g I - -' I' ' I- "Y, gj V v" 't.: i
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t itM M i Y:
I S Y r. ft1 LUU E? - - . ...I.
lags'1 ;' S
2.90 to
Hostesses to
Fete; Mrs.
. Coyne r . . '
Mrs. Craig Coyner ;will be
the honor guest at a dessert sup
per party r tonight when Mrs.
George LaVatta and Miss Betty
Thomas entertain at the home of
the former's parents, Mr, and
Mrs. J. J. Wilson.
Guests will be seated at small
tables centered with arrange-
, , ments of holly and red candles.
Contract bridge will be in play
after the supper hour. A shower
.will fete. Mrs. Coyner durinjg the
evening. :
Bidden to honor Mrs.. Coyner
'2 re Mrs. jVlctor Collins, Mrs.
Donald Nagel, Mrs. Dean Trum
bo, Mrs. Sumner Gallaher, Mrs.
Wayne Hadley, Mrs. Bruce. Van
. Wyhgardeii, Mrs. John L. Sul
livan, Mrs, Charles Powers, Jri,
Mrs. Wflliam Whittmore, Miss
Barbara Jean Vincent, Miss Pat
ricia and Miss Phyllis Ryan, Miss
Margaret I Ewing, Miss I Muriel
Lindstrom and Miss Rosemary
Bell. U I s -1
;. i ' if - ' -""-.t- ; Y
Lindseys Feted '
On Anniversary .
Honoring their 44th' wedding
anniversary, friends of Mr. and
Mrs. N. D. Lindsey, 236S Claude
. street, honored them at, a sur
rise gathering; Tuesday 'night
After a ; social evening re
freshments were served. Those
. present were Mrs George Grif-
xith and sons, Wessley and
Geoff ry," Mrs. Gerald Cox and
childrai, Joyce and Jim, Mr. and
Mrs. Ed "Stevens, Mrs! Padoere,
Mrs. Eugene Preseott, Mr. and
Mrs. Robert- Hamilton, Mrs. Joe
Valisck, Mrs. "Wayne : Webster
and Mr. and Mrs. N. D. Lindsey.
WRC Elects New
I Offiroro
1LLi b
Sedgewick chapter, i Woman's
Rellfef Corps installed Mn. Jus
tina Kildee president for the
: coming year, at a meeting held
last Friday. On her cabinet will
be Mrs. Bertha Loveland, senior
vice-president, Mrs, Blanche
Stewart, J Junior vice-president,
Mrs. Mary T. Lickel, treasurer,
Mrs. Rose Abbott, chaplain, Mijs.
' Lura Tandy, conductress, Ada
Beyers, guard. - Mrs. Gertrude
Walker was installing officer:
The following were elected
delegates, j Mrs. Julia Gregory,
Mrs. Lavena Fiala, Mrs. Bessie
Grayson, Mrs. Ada Beyers, Mrs.
Zulu Boring, Mrs. Rose Abbott
,and Mrs. Blanche Stewart
Y Jg
ft L00
Twenty American War I Moth-'
ers met at' the USO for their
regular meeting- Thursday aft-
ernoon, with the president, Mrs.
Rose Hagedorn, presiding.
V Mrs. Carrie Chase was elected
iwording-secretary to fill the.
term of Mrs. Carrie Beechler,
who moved away.
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"Y - "j ,v !' -
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. YYYvCYYj i
C ',"' J ;t 1
"Tl f t
to 35.00
Two Gold Star mothers - of
World war II Joined the chap
ter, Mrs. Cora Hutchinson and'
Mrs. Sadie Vernall Pro. -
Mrs. Mabel A. Lockwood read "
an interesting excei$t from, the
national executive board of the
American War Mothers by for
mer national president McClure
concerning postwar plans.. . f
The Christmas party t with ex
change of gifts will be at the
USO on December 19.
Y i .r .
1 Y " 4 1 Y
: v -St: . :-. .f
Give her" the strictly feminine things
that she always wants ; lingerie of
course . V'.'let this item rsalve your
diristmas hppptna problem . . . it is.
certainly a most desirable; offering. for
her perfect holldcr-i . . - , . t.
7.98 to 39.75
Exquisite Pajamas.
3.98, to 29.75
Beautiful Gowns
2.98! to 10.66
Durable Slips
1.98 to 10.00
Rev. Knight to Be j
Guest Spedker y
Rev. John XL Knight, professor
of religion at Willamette univer
sity, will be the guest speaker j
at the Salem Woman's 'dub
meeting- Saturday, afternoon at
the clubhouse at 2:30" o'clock. .
Mrs. Frank Burlingham will
sing a group of Christmas songs
and . Mrs. Ralph Dobbs will be
Y '
r" 3 Y YJ.-
'! Y f Y Y YYr ,
N f i- "i ' ,:" 1 '-' .; ; . . Y.
til5' YYY?rr- .r
Shall feel the HrriHnar nlAn4rtp
Christmas every time she wears a soft,"
warm fur coat Our rich quality . . .
beautiful furs are ! me tasteful vroman's
prime choice from every angle! Come
in early for greater selection. - ;
98.00 to 400.00
Fur Trim Coats
39.75 to 135.00
V ' " Y " J
. I 'i : ' . ; Y' -
' . ; i vy
f I r',c. i! .1 Y ..
Smart Suits
19.75 to 135.00
t he accompanist. Delegates to '
the third district meeting ; to be.
held. . at the Salem Woman's
clubhouse on December 15 wil
be elected at the business ses
sion. Mrs. Charles Johnson heads
the tea committee for the after
f ' Mrs. Jerryld Owen has re
turned from a several days stay
in Portland. . - J.
, . . . 9
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