PAGE rOUSTEEN Thm OSTGOIl KAlXSHJUt, Scla-a, Ortejon. Friday Morning. Dcmbr . 1944 Stock Average Rises Above r 7-Year Peak NEW YORK, Dec. 7.-tfVln Its fourth consecutive bttr-than-a-million-share session, the stock market's over-all average . : today penetrated the 7-year peak of last July by a fraction although many leaders failed to. exhibit rising; stamina. Armament-rated issues still were propped by the outlook for longer war. Wall streeters re mained somewhat skeptical, how ever, in view of the Relief that adverse news might bring out a lot of stock at current levels. The Associated Press 60-stock composite was up .2 of a point at 88.5 where it exceeded by .1 the July highest mark since 1937. The market was broad, 916 issues ap pearing. Of these. 497 were up, 209 down and '210 unchanged. Transfers of 1,344,954 shares com pared with, 1,094,388 Wednesday. Loew's was an isolated strong spot, ahead 4H, $nd Pan Ameri can Airways was up 1, both at best figures of 1944. American Telephone and Northern Pacific also edged into the "new high" division. I PEP Company Reorganizing Plan Approved PHILADELPHIA, Dec. 7.-(V The securities and exchange com mission approved today a plan; of .reorganization for the Portland Electric Power company under which bondholders will receive 95 per cent of the company's assets and prior preference stockholders will receive the remaining 3 per cent ' The amended plan finally ac cepted by the commission was submitted by: the Guaranty Trust company of New York, trustee for Portland's per cent collateral trust income bonds. ; It includes suggestions made last July by the SEC when it re jected earlier plans as unfair to one or more classes of security holders. I The amended plan will be sub mitted ot the federal district court for the district of Oregon in which reorganization proceedings are pending underChapter X of the bankruptcy act. Portland's obligations on its in come bonds as of June 30 totalled $26,100,578, including accrued in terest of nearly $10,000,000 on the $16,158,000 outstanding., These bonds were- issued in 1934 and 4937 as the r e s u 1 1 of previous bankruptcy proceedings.! No inter est was ever paid on them, result inc In a default in 1939 and the present bankruptcy proceedings. - ; - J Veterans Plan Dance To Help Bond Sales Marion Post 661, Veterans of Foreign Wars, Saturday night at a dance will make'a special effort to sell war bonds. Quartermaster Wilbur Cavender'will be in charge of sales and members are attempt ing to pack the- hall in an effort to exceed past efforts in Salem. Commander Virgil Bolton an nounced that special business was scheduled for Monday night, regu lar meeting, and urges all veter ans to attend. All Cured Meats at Krueger Locker Service 3060 Portland Road Will be sold for charges If not called for by the 15th of . ( December, 1944. The 135 II. Connercial Rip Van Winkle Slept for 20 Years You : can have unbroken sleep too if your kidneys and bladder are in good or der. Use " , ' , - Scbacfor's Kidnoy Pills 1st reel rsllsi . Look Up Dcn't let corns make you dsv.'nhccstodJ Us , ' r j r - r - ' " , . . - f . : r.--'V -n. "Strictly Private" , w f (JIVE Y'-(vjJtzeN '' , i V.S.ASLtCf V. ' . I ktlAAAl . HA. If DEAR MOAV" TrE f&N CUOn WEH TDMbtOF EM AST ME. sudiduke TOGO HOME. Portland Produce PORTLAND. Or.. Dec. 7 (AP) Butter I AA grade prints 48-48,,c, cartons 45-47'..c; A grade . prints 45lt-46c, cartons 48u-48ic; B grade prints 45U-454c cartons 46-46',ic. BUTteriat f irst quaiuy, maximum of .6 of 1 per cent acidity, delivered in Portland 52-52 Vac: premium qual ity, maximum of .35 of 1 per cent acidity 53-534c; valley routes and country points 2c less than first or 50-51 ,tc. Eggs To retailers: A A extra large 63c: AA large 61c: A large 59c; A mediums 54c; small puuct) 43-44C dozen. i Live poultry Buying prices from producers: Broilers up to 2 lbs. 29c: fryers 2 to 3'i lbs. 29c; roasters over 3,i lbs. 29c; Leghorns 25ic; colored hens all weights ',ac; roosters ana stags 15c lb. Country meats Rollback prices to retailers: Country killed hogs, best butchers. 120-140 lbs. 19-20c; vealers AA 22'(,c; A 21 'c; B 19-19ac: C 15 17c; culls 12-15c: beef AA 21ic; A 20c; B 18ic: q 14c: cannef-cutter cows 13-14c; bulls, canner-cutters 14- 14ic; lambs AA 26c: A 24'tC; B 22 '.ic: C 10-20c; ewes FS 13 Uc; M 12c; R 10ic. T Cheese Selling price to Portland retailers: Oregon triplets 29.3c; daisies 29.9c; loaf 30 2c: triplets to whole salers 27c: loaf 27'ic FOB. ! Rabbits Government ceiling: Ave rage country killed to retailers 35-44c: live price to producers 22-24C lb. , Turkeys selling prices to reiau- ers: Dressed hens and toms 43'ic lb. Turkeys Alive: Covernement cell ing buying prices: Hens and toms for government sal 39.20c; for4 civilian trade 380c lb. Onions Green 70-75C doz. Duncnes. Onions Yakima dry 30s. 1.23: 3- tnch 1.40; locals. Oregon I SO per 50-lb. bag; boilers 10s, 25c. Potatoes Deschutes No. 1. 3.50: Yakima 3.50; Klamath Falls No. 2. 1.85 per 50-lb. bag; local 2.25 orange box. ' Wool Government control. Cascara bark 1944 peel 15c lb. ' Mohair 1942, 12-month 45c lb. ' i Hops Normal contracts: 1944, 85c up: 1945. 75c; 1948, 55c: 1947, 50c lb. Hay Wholesale prices nominal: Alfalfa No. 2 or better 834-36; oats vetch 825 ton valley points; timothy (eastern i Oregon ) 835-36 ton; clover 822-23 ton. Portland Grain PORTLAND. Ore.. Dec. 7. (AP)-i Wheat: No futures quoted. Cash grain unquoted. Cash wheat (bid): Soft whU 1.52'i; soft white (excluding Rex) l.S2: white club 1.52i; western red 1.53. : Hard red winter: Ordinary 1.52'k: 10 per cent 1.53; 11 per cent 1 1.58; 12 per cent 1.62. . Hard white Baart: 10 per cent 1.53; 11 per cent 1.56; 12 per cent 1.82. Today's car receipts: Wheat 8. bar ley 1. flour 6, corn 4, oats. 3, mill feed 2. flax 1. I ' M. Portland Livestock PORTLAND, Ore., Dec. 7 (AP) WFA Salable and total cattle 250; calves 50: market rather slow, mostly steady but some cows unsold; few common medium steers 9.50-13.00; common - - medium heifers 8.50-11.50; few cutter steers and heifers 6.00-8.00: canner and cutter cows mostly 5 00 6.50: shelly cows down to 4.00 but many unsold; it dairy type cows 7.50- t Quotations at Portland Original "YELLOW FRONT9 Drug and Candy Special tmmmmmmmmmmmmm i iijii mmmmmmt . m , pn i i sj Bole Agcota for Penslar Prescriptions Cold Treatment Schncfcr'i Cc!d Cap:dcs SOc Ibis to the offkUl rtasUr Kerned f store for Msrloa eowity. Tor will flad these prepsratlens of fclthest aUtr sad ruraa lood to bo exactly for whst they art sold and represented to be. si. ' Jl- yt MP? i tkearMtk tk sight asialBMrafaf L kk AntiseptlM. SOc jwtctea s - By Quinn Hall THESE. ttTOlBMEPS. tXD I US AWr1 I voce com 12-S 8.50: heavy HoUteins to 8.50; medium -good beef i cows 9.50-11.00: common medium bulls 7.50-8.75; good bulls quotable to 10.50; few lots medium calves 11.00; good-choic Vealers scarce, salable 13.00-14.00. - ' Salable and total hogs 250: market active, strong; good-choice 180-240 lb. mostly 15.25; all interests buying; bulk 245-275 lbL 14.00-50; few 150-170 lb. 13.50-14.00;' good sows 13.00 to mostly 13.25; one lot selected 114 lb. feeder pigs 13.50 but demand narrow and several lighter lots unsold. Salable and total sheep 100; nothing offered early; market quotable, steady with week's advance; good '- choice wooled lambs salable 13.00-50; common grades down to 8.00; good ewes sal able 4 00-90. Stocks and Bonds Compiled by, the Associated Press - Dec. 7 i STOCK AVERAGES 30 IS IS 60 Stks 56.5 58J 55.5 55.5 48.7 56 5 49.5 t Indus ' Rails Util Thursday U-77.4 31.4 38 J Previous day 77.1 31 J 38.5 Week ago 76.3 29.9 38.3 Month ago 76.7 29 J 38.4 Year, ago .1 68.8 22.7 , 35.3 1944 high 78.2 31.4 39.0 1944 low 69.1 22.9 35.1 -New 1944 high. BOND AVERAGES 20 10 10 10 Rails Indus Util Fogn .94.9 104.8 106.8 68.3 Thursday Previous day .94.7 1104.8 106.8 . 94.3 105.0 107.2 .92.7 104.8 106.7 -.77.2 104.9 104.8 .. 94.9 105.7 107.3 68.4 68.3 68.8 Week ago .... Month ago Year ago . 1944 high .. 1944 low ...... 63.0 HI 63.2 79.3 104.7 104.7 New 1944 high. Bank Credits Bonds Here Marion county was $64,000 near er its Sixth War Loan goal today because the Federal Land bank of Spokane 'purchase! $4,000,000 in bonds and credited this and other counties with an, allocation based upon the number of land bank borrowers in each. The Sixth War Loan allocation to Marion county is just .double the amount allocated by the bank in previous war bond campaigns, according to J. J. Sechrist secre tary - treasurer of the Salem group national farm loan associations, with headquarters at Salem. Each of the four states - Montana, Ida ho, : Washington and Oregon served by the Spokane bank has been credited with $1,000,000," as against $500,000 in previous drives The state's allocation, in turn, Ms credited to -ach ' county on the 1 ' M IV . " . oasis vi uie nurnoer oi iana Danx borrowers. " - Remedies for Marlon County Filled 1899-1944 Loss of labor is costly in time of :warl When your doctor prescribes medicine, let us quickly get the ac curate ingredients to you for a spee- dy recovery I Get Your Baby Supplies and' Prescriptions for Baby Filled at Schaefers XIlElOlACZlEiiJ TAKE FOR RELIEF Of ANNOYING SOc L ! r SOc efctif - A Grain Markets Open Slowly, Close! Strong CHICAGO, Dec. 1VP)-Gnln markets fluctuated nervously af ter an i easy start today, then turned steady to firm In late trad ing. Most final prices were new highs for the session. , Consistent ; commission house buying tempered the ;early bear ish sentiment fend most of the day's gainal were ' attributed to short coverjng. The trade in all pits was light and mostly profes sional in character. l . ' The only tenders of cash grain on December i contracts reported were 1000 bushels of rye and 10, 000 bushels of barley, and board of trade officials announced that trading in the December future woufty end December 21. . ( Despite early bids of $1.15, cash cash handlers reported only 150, 000 bushels of convfcooked for de ferred shipment. Shipping tales were estimated at 100,000 bushels. At the Close wheat was to higher than yesterday's finish, December $1.67. Corn was higher to ' lower; December $1.1374. Oats were off to up , December 69. Rye was off V to up December $1.1 Bar ley was to higher, Decern ber $1.12. .... j ; ( j Silverton Legion Post k Changes Meeting Times , SILVERTON, Dec. 7 Delbert Reeves post No. 7, American Le gion, has changed it he meeting dates from the first and' third Mondays to the second and fourth Mondays of each month. The aux iliary will also change its meeting time. :: ' - i Lewis A. Hall Is committee chairman for the Christmas tree workers. George Manolis and John Anderson are in charge , of reha bilitation work. i Salem Market Quotations ! The Drlces below suonliMi h in. cal grocer are indicative of th dailv market prices paid to growers by Sa lembuyers but are not guaranteed by The Statesman: i BUTTER, EGGS AND POULT T I Adresea's Baying Prices SnbJect to change without aotlce) BUTTESFAT - Premium No 1 84 J63 0 No. 2 BUTTEB PRINTS A 4'.i, .4S4 464 M .47 .47 M 24 JU Jl B : Quarters; EGGS Extra large Mediums Standards Pullets . Cracks Colored hens. No. I No. 2 colored hens . colored frvs 29 Marlon Creamery's Bavins Prices (Sakjeef to chance without aotlce POULTRY s No. 1 springs 2t No 1 hens 13 LIVESTOCK Spring lamb im Yearling ; lamb .7 00 to 7 50 Ewes 03 Dairy cows Dairy bulla .4 00 to 5.50 .4 00 to 5 50 13 50 i 13.45 Top veal Top hogs. 160 to 240 lbs RATION CALENDAR PROCESSED FOODS: I - Book 4 Blue stamps A8 through W5 valid indefinitely. Cs of blue tokens discontinued, i MEAT, BUTTER, FATS A CHEESES: Book 4 Red stamps AS through W5 valid Indefinitely. SUGAR: ! Book 4 sugar stamp 30 through 34 vino : inaenniieiyi a pounds each. Sugar stamp 40 valid through Feb. 28, 1943, for 8 pounds home canning. SHOES: Loose Stamps Invalid: Book 3 Airolane itimm Mna 1 1 and 3 valid indefinitely. GASOLINE: . "A" 13 expires December 21. Each coupon worth 4 gallons. FUEL OIL: , i Current coupons valid through Aug. 31. 1043. Not more than 10 per cent of season's rations should have Deen used to date. STOVES: , Apply at local OPA board for pur chase certificates. : Store Pfcone 5137.3723 For Coughs and Colds Herbal Balsan 50c & S3L.00 Sure relief for .that ticklirig cough and for coughs due jto colds. i ; ; Extra Work , Bother You? Try Sdxaefer's Ilcrvo csd Dcs3 Lhlnsnl Els Cr $1 Aroid Embamssaatxit Try Sender's nc:fcl Gfclzcn! EC: S II yti fst! a :J "4X I tTtttzj ea, ff ? : PEHSLAn www ."v Financial Help Wanted Male MEN NEEDED NOW! FOR IMPORTANT PORTLAND, BOILERMAKERS SHIPFITTERS PIPEFITTERS PIPEWXLDLRS WELDERS Workers now employed in -Essential Industry Must Have Statement of Availability Company Representative will be at: United States Employment Service t 710; Ferry. Street, Salem; Oregon ! December 7, 8; and 9 ll t Classified Advertisinr Statesman s Classified Ails Call 9101 Three insertions per, line Six insertions per. line. 25c 40c One month per line... Minimum charge 25c; 3 ti. min imum 35c; 6 ti. min. 45c. No . refunds. j : : . Copy for this page accepted un til 8:30 the evening before publica tion for classification. Copy1 re ceived after this time will be run under the heading" "Too Late to Classify- . " The Statesman assumes no finan cial responsibility for errors which may appear in advertisements pub lished in Its columns and In cases where this paper is at fault will reprint that part of an , advertise ment In which the typographical mistake secure, j j The Statesman ireserves the fight to reject questionable advertising. It further reserves the right to place all advertising under the proper classification. A "Blind" Ad an d- containing a Statesman box number for an ad drees Is for the protection of the advertiser and must therefore be answered by letter. The Statesman is not at liberty to divulge Infor mation as to the identity of an advertiser using a "Blind ad. i Livestock and Poultry 31 RHODE ISLAND Red hens for sale. 81-30 ea. Ph. 3-1377, 1 SIX YR. OLD wen-reined regis tered saddle horses. . yr. old gentle kids pony. 3Z93 Ptid. Rd. .... RABBIT FRYERS k turs Ph. 2-1234 TAMOUS-i fast growing Christie broiler chicks. Pre use of elec. brood er with 100 or more. Boyington's Hatchery Pen Tour Corners. Ph. sari, WANTED: Beet : and. canner cows bulls 'and veals. Will call at farm E. 1 Snethen, - 3570 E. Turner Road Ph 1133 Morns or eves. ATTENTION Will remove dead It worthless stock in a moment's notice I SALEM FER TIL12ER 8c BY-PRODUCTS Ph 500f Collect (No other Phnnel Help Wanted LACmDRY Help wanted No exper inc necessary Apply Salem Laundry CO, 284 so High st i Help Wanted Male Workers now employed In war pro ducUon should not apply and will not b considered ror employment ny era oloyers advertising In this section WANTED by Cobba Mltchel Co.. Valseu, Ore. Choker setters, ring chainmen. mill -laborers, construction millwrights, pony trimmermen, whittle punk. See Ike at US employment office Salem. , ' . CABINET maker, experience In making furniture preferred. Phone 8203. or after 3 P.M. call 3264. AUTO MECHANIC. Exceptional op portunity for experienced mechanic Also opening for less experienced man.' LODER BROS. - Oldsmobile Sales 4 Service 445 Center St, -. , . Salem, Or. Legal Notice : 'I. '. x NOTICE .- 1 Victoria B. Stiffler has been appointed executrix of the estate of Lloyd E. Stiffler, deceased, and .has duly qualified. All persons having claims against said estate are required to present them with proper vouchers within six months from November 17, 1944. at the office of her attorney, Paul R, Hendricks, Pioneer Trust Build- ing, Salem, Marion County, Ore gon. - . ; -. ' VICTORIA B. STIFFLER, Executrix. ' PAUL RT HENDRICKS, ! ? Attorneyr N-17-24-D-1-8-15. I NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been ap pointed Administratrix of the Es tate of Ray D. Gilbert, deceased, by the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Marion County, and has qualified. All persons having claims against said e s t a t e are hereby notified i to present the same, duly verified as by law re quired, to the undersigned, at Suite 210 Pioneer Trust Building, Salem, Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. Dated November 17th, 1044. GUSTAV S. GILBERT, ' Administratrix, Estate of Ray D. Gilbert, Deceased. PAGE AND PAGE, Attorneys 210 Pioneer Trust Building Salem, Oregon. N-17-24-D-1-8-13. slwX Cwl nllllwl Installed under pneumatic . pressure, ; " j AND-- , . Metal Interlocklns Weather Stripping Saves p to 40 la your foeL Fret Estimate - Ns ObllgaUoH Jf 0 CuZipcIl 1815 Roosevelt men f4tl - Farm - Help Wanted Male WAR WORK OREGON IN ELECTRICIANS . ; SHEETMETAL WORKERS MACHINISTS : HELPERS IN ALL CRAFTS Help Wanted Male TURKEY KILLER, turkey roueher. Northwest Poultry h Dairy Products GENERAL. Garage work. Perm, po sition. Night man. Preferably univer sity student, UerralltOwens Co. t MECHANICS. Permanent positions Excellent wages. Herrail -Owens Co. - BUS BOY. Straight ! morning shift. Good wages Marion Hotel. Help Wanted Female WAITRESS wanted. Apply Senator cooa snop. z m. nign. LADY TO do housework for a family ot z. no laundery. Pleasant surround ings. Ph. 21383. i EXPERIENCED switchboard operator ana cierx. Marion notei. . i , WANTED: Stenographer, also cash' hirjCjPrtc WANTED Girl i or woman for gen eral nousewoTK. pnone 7MS. i PRACTICAL NURSE; and housekeep er. University infirmary. Maintainance and salary. see Mr Fenix. Eaton Hall, wuiamctM uuniveisityi. , Ph. vzoS. COOK for sorority hs. .Good wages. utierai urn Ph. tieo." ELDERLY housekeeper to care for elderly, yet active, gentleman. Pleas ant home tt surroundings- Ref. ex changed. Bx 282. Oceanlake. Ore. "MSECOFTEEHOPanex perienced waitress, good hours and good wages Apply in person, 1241 State St. " If ,. , 4 - WOMAN to do general housewoic on or two days each week. Call 3343. WE CAN always use neat waitresses. Mickey s Sandwich Shop, WANTED Turkey s pickers. Piece work. Hich wages average for fast workers. Apply at Northwest Poultry Dairy rroaucis to..- law n. Front. WANTED: Housekeeper or helper ror a aouiis ana z cntiaren. Board. room and wages. 398 -Jerria Ave. LADY to do housework for a family of 2. No laundry. Pleasant surround ings. Ph 21583. LAUNDRY help wanted Apply Cap tuu city Laundry. 1ZB4 Broadway. Salesmen Wanted OLD ESTABLISHED firm needs lo cal salesman; Excellent opportunity and money 'maker. A business with a real future, selling Wat kins products. Write n. i . uuntap. Hotel Marion. Salem. Situations Wanted' POSITION with Salem firm, not too coniining. could invest some. Are 44 Well known in Salem. Tor interview write box a20 , statesman Wanted: Family wash. 240'i S. Com! bwikkMiwr aenrn position, ruiss or part ume, m - www. BOOKKEEPER, rulk availabl ftr Jan.- 10th. wlohes position in or near aiem. box szi statesman. ORB IN S. PINNEY, contractor. Designing and remddeline home Ph. 8493 - Rm. tZO Oregon Bldg BE WISE MOPEKNIZE Preschool Playschool; f 381 Stat Ages 2-a. Part or all day. Ph 843 "Hw CHTLDCRAIT Nursery W pick up ana aeiiver im Trade pn 11828 Money to Loan Quick Gash Loans! On any worthwhile secur ity -Repayable in 12 months ' Company Is locally owned and Managi led. GENERAL FINANCE CORPORATION " S-138 ! Phone 8168 13$ S. Commercial St, Salem PRIVATE MONEY Auto And Truck Loans Contracts Refinanced Money tor new audi used cars at trucks regai diets ef age. No delay bring ear and title and get the money You retain possession af -vehicle, I It II jtontht to repay. Aftei e'clovk ahone 1381 er tllti tor appointment --. i ROY Hi SIBIMONS 'Regulated by eUt -; tit- 8 Cowl f hol!f CM- $ MONEY t REAL ESTATE LOANS PERSONAL LOANS, r i CAR' LOANS Wt Buy Rtal EsUt Mortgage and Contract. STATE FINANCE CO. Lie. S-l M-223. til Otiardlaa Bids "asiaBjaesWaia"aa"Btaas''H AUTO LOANS Us your car at security. No long rtiramarote. Prompt, private Bervlre. Ill 01 per mo. repays in II months ilSO. Come in, er save time by "phon ing in your application. When approved make lust one trip and pick up your cash Immediately. j; ' Personal Finance Co. Room 12S. Second Fir. New Bllgh BMa 51S Stat St. Prion: Sales 3191 ; Lie. SV133 M-16S Auto Loans Willamette Credit Co. STH IXOOR CtJARDlAN BUILDING UCXisSg H U 159 s. ........ Markets' j- Loans Wanted FARM 4 LOANS I A N. Duncan. 10 Ladd at Bush BWS For N Sale Miscellaneous 4 ELECTRIC EASY, ironer, used vry litUe. Ph. 2194. I - NEW COMPLETE library of inter national music books. 240 S. 18th. ZENITH HEARING akL practically new. $25. Ph. 1188. BLACK SEAL coat, size 38. 515 AS, High, i T . '-MX -Hi , PIANO. AND bench. 889 Breys Aye. APPLES Delicious and Soles. SI JO and up. Ph. 7000. WRIGHT PIANO? cood TOndltion. Ph. 5464. . . r r - UnWeRSAL ELEC. Dlate 2 burner. 220 volt Sea scout uniform, sice 36. Beautiful white fur neck piece, never worn, ihi a. um. : j 14 IN. DOLL cradles and to whml- barrows, 11.00 and $125. Sachets and Cisenili flowers, make lovely Christmas gift. 25c and up. 1847 8. 12th. i i urw-ir saw nui.. si. a bx 42. Ph. 22483. On S. Pacific hwy, by IRNHU aUW JMllL, ELECTRIC TRAIN, croquet set aiid metal erector set. Ph. 4287. ICE NETTED Gem notatoes. Rt. IS. box 385. Ph. 22969. H. D. AsplnwaHj . ALL I.T.ATH1TR rtAxinnm ta fmU between S and 7. 1985 N. Sth. i - " - i MAN'S OVERCOAT, suit emit. tr 40. Several lady's coats. 38. DresseaJ Baby clothes, ail In excellent cond. l'i mi. from brides on Ttellu hihw - ; " S45. Ph. 21319. t ' SMALL ELECTRIC? ht,r with tnl. Ing bowl. 82; Royal hand , vacuum cleaner with moth" - proofing attach ment, $20. 1638 Commercial. PRACrnCAIXY NEWoTTdwXf-l circ. heater. 1936 Pord 4 dr. deluxe. Ph. 8037. 1941 McCoy. fj S PAIRS KKW hnvinr 1nVM ouiocuiars. rn. vols. SO GAL. electric hot water tank. 840 5 piece bedroom set. spring and mat trers, , 150: enamel wood range with copper coils, $47.50; 5 piece maple din ette set. $58.50: 3 Piece ma Die livins room suite, $97 JO: breakfast set. hich chair, plsfr pen and baby sen. Du- Frain'S Furniture. 2380 Fairgrounds ;rd. Phone 5762. ( 5 "prECinjiwIirt Oak street. .'(1.-., GYPSUM wall board 4xS At fx 10. 3i cents sq. foot. i . Tele board 4x4' . with 4" : squares, 84.64 shMt. - T I MONTGOMERY WARD Si cd. 4 - e m T ;w i- , KURNAfT windnwc ilnnn l.vnlnrv launary tray. 927 center or 365 S.iieth 2. 30-40 Krag Sporters: 1. 30-06 Lever Action; 1, 22 Single shot rifle; ljeach single and Dbl. BB1. 12 gauge with sneus; selection ox odd sired rifle shells. Two wheel welded I steel frame trailers with 16" c 21" wheels. 3 Hp. twin outboard motor, excellent condition. Tire Chains & Anti-free re. Chrome mobile lite. Musical - horns and regular singles & twins. Sealed beam, fog and driving lite.- Don Madison.- 3S0 No. - High Johnston Sheet Metal i Co, 1410 S. 12th, Salem, Oregon Phone 5391 Years of experience ' enables us to give you guaranteed workmanship. Air' conditioning. Furnaces. Gutters. Eave troughs. Skylights. Smoke stacks. Tanks and ( repairing. FREE ESTI MATES. ' ' j ; j MODEL N Hammermills. Grinds up to 9000 8c corn "2500 lbs. alfalfa per hour. $137.50. . J I Wards All-Electric Zepherator Cream Separator 800 lb. size. 8112.00. i , 600 lb. size $106,001 wards Royal Blue Separator, 500 lb stand ; model $80.00. . MONTGOMERY WARD & O 155 N. Liberty ELEC. iron. Large tricycle. Italian oriental rug. 2 blks. W. and 2 blks. S. of Salem Hts. SchU after iM P.M. f FEMALE Cocker pup about Sj mo. unf ciiKiutv ikj rviciwicr. rarv. nay rmrm krWlteson.Ojreq .1. USED furniture, Owner. Ph. . 524. f APPLES75cto$Ts Zielinski, on mUe East Cbrmiwi I Comers. i PIANO BENCHES, $12. Tallmin's. 395 S. 12th. . 1 - j WALNUTS Franquettes; good size, quality and color. 30c lb. Mavettes; good quality and color, 25c lb. Apples, several varieties: 75c and up. Bring boxes. Ernest Anderson. Bx 396. Or chards Hts. Rd. 1 ml. off Wallace Rd. CHRISTMAS Cards. Wrappings. Gifts The Apron Shop, 679 N. High. CQ2 "DRY ICE" fire extinguifheifs. Cbas H.JFbwler. Ph. 9650. i j OAK dining set and buffet: trash bjnrwmcoil - vewgs 3g7i2. "25 FT. Schult house trailer, gobd cond.. rubber like new. 642 Edgewater. West Salem. GOOD RADIO Auto Court, 3130 REG. BLACK and tan cat and cou gar hounds. Mut tell: entering ser vice. W. E. Cheney. Rte. 6. box 547, t mi.N. and .' ml. Ev Krueger store between Market and D. - ! Ai,ti Ufitriiu W4r MO Union. Ant if. ""WIDE IRONEteadsV coU springii, Ph. 8449. M . . : . j WOOD CIRCULATOR. Ilk new, also ironing board. 2670 N. Church Jj 6 TUBE Oeone health machine. Ph yXl-,-, - -v-Jiw1-! ATTRACTIVE corner cabinets with glass doors. Child's wardrobes and small k chests, playpen. bathtnettes Pre-war baby auto seats and every-; thing In unpainted furniture at the Co op Furniture. Corner State at 13th. om electric model K. tractor. Ford truck. Model T, 8 ft. tandem disc. 6 tU spring tooth harrow, spike tooth har row. Molln tingle bottom plow, 1933 Buick sedan, couch, chair, mahogany) dining set. 6 chairs. R. 1. Box 361-A. 3,s ml. N.W. Lincoln Store. Ernie Folsom MOD U Case tractor. 18" rubber tires and ateel wheels. Just overhauled.: $1000. Neal Thompson, Canby, Or. FIGURE ICE SKATES. Man's tUe $. Udiee' white, sue a. uit bw. .,- rn. 1-1048, Mk --M';"-PIANO and MCh $300. Ph. 335. t HOLLANDER dyed Northern Musk rat coat, six 12. Raa. Ph. 4644. Davenpt. ehalr, wood rc1iw! aleatrla aewlaf anachiae. Alii Uth. DECORATTNO hoUy and hoUy wreaths. Ph. WHI eves. ::.';' BREAKRAST set. U. rm. set. trash burner. $40 N. winter. FIREPLACE SCREEN.! Phone $483. MODERN bleached walnut bedroom suit. Louis Wavra, Rt. . L Box 19. Victory Circle. W. Salem. THE CO-OP Furniture, 13th at SUt Sts ha a large assortment at prime coated furniture ready for easy paint Ins. Shop Co-op and .'. . J SLIGHTLY used BiltweU davenport at ehair set. Also Mk din. ran. table. Ph, 8491.;,. . i:, '', Classifieds For Sale Miscellaneous CLOSING OUT alt clothing and shoe, i Prices reduced 10-50 per cent. Kllg. man's. 385 N. ComL Ph. 8885. . WINTER applet 75c. Esther Wright, a ml. Wallace Rd. . WATKLNS PRODUCTS. Bt 1. Bx. 170 - FULLER Brushes.1 1743 Grant P 8351 - ORDERS TAKEN for broad breast ed beef type bronze poults. Mrs. E. L. Gates, Rte, 1, Jefferson. O. : H C righ Ph --45 PO .Box 4 TO A n rTH mr WoorfrTT Auctitn Mkt, 1605 N Summer. 1 V WINTER Applet rdr eatinfv cook tee. SI to $35 box. Pb. .277.-3. Breys Ave.-- - CANARIES & cages. 1108 N. Church. Trade Hfiscellaneons TO TRADE Large fully : equipped trailer house, on house in Salem, R. Wf Hind man, Taylor's Traitor camp. 1984 State.- . J::..-.,--..; ..,.,','..( ;. Wanted Miscellaneous WANTED Electric rang. Ph. 8583. WASHING mirhln. with iwiMhrnl wringer. Easy or similar make. Ph. 6623 WANTED 100 ' tricycles, boys. Good or bad. Rh. 3698, or bring to O. & A.. 293 N. ComT. . , WANTED Furniture for 1 or 3 bdrm home. Also Frigidaire and washing ma chine. Pay top cash prices. Ph. 3698. WANTED. Pianos. Tallman'a. Ph. 8707 USED rURNrTURK . Ph B1S5 CASH for used ouho A ether mu sical Instruments Call 4641 days or 9537 evenings or send description i to Jaquith Music Co. Ill S. High. WANT TQ Buy Useo cameras St tenw McEwan Photo Shop . 435 State. WeiiSuy Furnitare TRADR WITH A FIRM OF 30 YEARS REPUTATION OF BUSINESS rNTEGn RITY IN THE WILLAMETTE VALLEY. HIGHEST PRICES j PAID rOR USEO i i T? L - : r lanos i Furniture and Appliances j Call $149 far appointment UOGd BROS. , 260 $Ute St ' Wanted- Furniture WANTED: Used fum, elee. appli ances at tools. 415 Ferry. Ph. 3-1029. Ph. 75ll if you have furniture toselL Miseellaneons SUBSCRIPTIONS taken for Salem & ; Ptld. papers. Corner Court t ComL or f S3S Jefferson. Pb4 3421 before 8 A.M. f FREE crutches. Woodry Auction Market. lWW N. Sum Dental Plate Renair TWO-HOUR SERVICE Cf MOST ! ' x' CASES ? Bring or Mail Your Plates for Repair. DR HARRY BEMLER. DENTIST AdolPh Bk3.r S4 Com Ph. 3311 STOVE part and repairing. Woodry Mkt. 1605 N Summer. Also lawn mow er sharpening and adjusting, continued. For Rent Rooms WELL furn. steenine room. H. & C. water. Close in. 737 Center. CLEAN, comfortable, warm rooms for men only. 575 Court St. HEATED front sleeping room. Hot and cold water. Gentlemen. Call after 5 P.M. 255 Center.1 COMFORTABLE, room for gentle man. Family home, close in location. 1469 State. SLEEPING ROOMi Ph. $0. V SL. Rm Emp gent. Ph. 31449. For Rent -Apartments APTS. n rlver'boat. Ph. $303. For Rent Houses) WOULD like a gut or service man's wife to tay with me and share ex rntet. No children Ph. 21040 from Jo 7 PAL For Rent GOOD Used Piano a L. Stiff, rLOOR SAND En eomery Ward tor rent Moot TRAILERS for rent Woodry 'a Mkt 1603 n summer, m. sua. TRUCKS tor ent You drive Me Cun er Loveil. ahon 9600 Wanted lo Kent COUPLE DESIRES 2 or 3 rm. fur nished apt. imtned. References, Ph. 9249. extension 10. $25 REWARD- for anyone finding acceptable house for rent. Call 9131 Price a. ' WANTED .TO RENT, during legisla ture, a two bedroom furnished apart ment. Would consider rooms. Box 519, care statesman.' URGENTLY NEEDED. 3 or ' mora bedrm. furn. hou or apt. by return ed veteran Ph. 9600. By FEB. 1st, I or ttm. unfurn. house. Reliable party. W1U lease. Ph. 6960. SMALL unfurn. house. Ph.. 22311. WANT S Phone 4335. unfurn. For Sale Real Estate $5600 for this $-rm. house. East, with auto, oil fir., furnace, auto. elee. w. h., hdwd. firs, I lots, fireplace. BURT PICHAJ REALTORS S4M0 Clone to SUt on 17th. Larga hs. in good condition. Large living J dining rms. Kitchen, 3 bdrms. Bath downstairs. Five rmt. at bath up. Full bsmt. Wood furnace, good garage, nice) lot. close to but. Wired for electria range. Ph. 831. I 4-ROOM Home at 1842-13U Franklin Ave, Would eonstder offef. Price $4000. ' - w o. KRUEGER. Realtor 147 N. Comt I Tel. 472f NEW S room unfinished house, largt lot, riot to bus. $950. TRICH L, REIMANN, Realtor ' - ; " 1ST 1. High Thone $301 13000 BUYS a I rm. hse. In N. Salem. Part basement and garatt. Alto elee. stove. $10M down. See Jack Kenning STATE finance w., ncaiiors 111 Guardian Bldg. 1 IS ACRES. I miles E. ef town. $3000. Ph. 12473. - i i HOMES FOR SALE 4 room home, located II blocks out. Good location, basement, gas floor fur nace. Price $4250, i I rm. home located tn NX Salem, Fine location. Price $2800. Call O. H. Grabenhomt. fr, with GRABENHORST BKOS, Realtor 134 Si Liberty St - Ph. 4131 eve 3-294S TMAW flni apt. for elderly eoupUt. R. W.,C1yk " or 0 rm. house, .-'. A . M.