: 1 ' J' .. . I i ' L . r. . II ' II.. H ! UN . , I ' - ; - .-I -r - .-) . a. e r i. - - . " " ?3 Ose Statesman Clasdmiad ds: Corivemence and Profit . Sead Money to Loan For Sale Miscellaneous For Sale Real Estate 1 1 For SaleReal gstate ; I For Bale Real Estate Aereage Wanted Used tartf 1 Wanted Used Cars j AITTYY TOATVC ' ' I AU1U LUA1I3 tra vntir oar aa unirWv Ma fane flssmarole. Prompt, private service. I sinus per mo. repays w is moniu i siao. come in, or save time by phon ing in your application. When approved make Just ene trip and' pick up your cash immediately. f ' Personal Finance Co. Bonm iu, aecona r ir. wew duku oiu(. sis state jst. rnone: saiem .aim Lie. S-123 M-185 Auto Loans Willamette Credit Co. 8TH TLOOR GUARDIAN BUILDING I?.1?.?: .8ta f.: . LICENSE, W ...U. 139 Loans Wanted FARM 4 LOANS A N. Duncan. W Ladd & Bush Bid- For SaleMiscellaneous FARM Lieht-Dlant Batteries are low er priced at Montgomery Ward I A 13 plate. 18-cell set is only $119.50 f.o.b. ' factory, and It's - guaranteed for . 10 Sears! No priority ratings needed. ;epiace your worn-out batteries now with Montgomery Ward PowerUteal Montgomery Ward ,133 No. Liberty bvhj. bah.- mue ban . nuu South of Rickey School, Bos 63. Rt. 6. 1 LATE MODEL hospital bed. also ad-1 juswmv oea upn ana wneei cnair. mi in gooa conaiuon. rn. .z-zuia. 'APPLES 75c to $1.50 per bu. C A. Zielinski, one mile East Chemawa 4 Corners. v DOLL HOUSE, toy refrigerator, tor aunc. extension gate. rn. ssqb. 14 FT. Tiltinff troe. tractor trailer. , call days, U84 N. zist 's; PIANO BENCHES. 912. Tallman's. w s. utn. .GOOD OLD PIECES In classsvara. RABBITS and hutches." Also laree 2- wneei trauer. 9BJ0 centar sc HOUSE TRAILER, sleeps 4. fine con- anion. 979 Edgewater. H. Hanson. lzxia XNCR Steel Safe, ewibadde hi concrete. A. C Brettauer, Cartton. Or. currAR$iiL i6io;j WATJrUT8 rranouettee: mood size. quality ana color. 3UC id. Mayettes: good quality and color, S5c lb. Apples, several varieties: 75c and up. Bring Doxes. Ernest Anderson.' Bx JM. Or chards Hta. Rd. 1 nl) off Wallace K4. "1M CTH . TJ ..11.. -.t 1 1 voix. ueuverr now. nm waitinx. only I fT- J4 . . .. I Montgomery ward I5 No. Liberty 1 CHRISTMAS Cards. WraDDinc Gifts. xne Apron &nop. sis . tugn. HAMMERLESS double barrel 12 gaug srtetgun. with X boxes of shells. Price sj. pa. 9136. m FLOOR : LAMP. elec. I iron, quaker lace Xbi. ctotn, mmnog. couee fbt Fiesta chop platter, lady Br. coat IV Ph. BSzo. DAVENPORT and chair. Reasonable. Box 51), Statesman. DAVXNO. 3 sprlnr filled chairs, coil I unoieum rue woeo cure, neaier, con. puling grocery or meat scale. AU In 2 CROCHETED table cloths, 940 Wa- . ter m. HEAT1KO jrrOVI and baby crib. can evee, aw utm, rn, sew. LADY'S white gold 19 Jewel Bulovs watcn ana Bracelet. 111 seuevue. t BROWN LAMB COAT. Site 13-14. AO leather travel bag, 3 pr. drapes, 910 tseiievue. ! WALNUT twin bed: wash boiler, curtain rods, Iv.-rm light fix- jure. 2 wau lights, s tbL lamps, picture frames. 310 BelWvue. I C02 "DRY KX" fire extinguishers. Chas. H, rowier. Ph. 9430. i L. C. Smith typewriter, fterfeet con dition, sae. rnone aeza. NEW radio and library table. ' Also 4 room bouse, double garage. WLU take late ; model car In trad. )fU Mccoy avsj. WOODEN Bulb Trays n4K3tMx9" deep, screen bottoms. 964 S. Liberty St Tkm ALE docker' dud about" 9 mo) old, eligible to register. Mrs. Roy Par ker, Whlteson. ore. inq. at r. o. USED furniture. Owner. Pb. 8274.1 LARGE unfinished 1138 N. 13th, corner cabinet. FOR RENT or Ssle: 9 ft pull type road grader. 3 prong land ripper ana sub-oiler, 2 -cow stock trailer, Leroy E. Grote. Rt 9. pn, bz. SCHICK else, raior. 1910 leadiattn. TABLE I .amps $9,99 to $19.90 I r.EVURTIZ FURNITURE CO. 273 N. Liberty Phone 4613 i WIZZER bicycle, complete with rfnuhla senerator ltchts. basket, new tires and peddles. R. T. Weavlll. Jef ferson, Ore. LADY'S ereen coat, dishes, cooking utennils. ironinx board. , tools. - 19S0 N.-9UU FEMALE German Shepherd, nice painted dog house. Rt. 1, Box S4. Louts Fowler, Turner, ore. r YOUTH'S b. coil sorinsi. xood 1 mattress. $29.00. Large wicker Lloyd doll buggy $15.00. Pre-war Taylor Tot with extra aiaoy xar wneei aiu.uv. Phone 9311, or 140 Ratclift Drive. SEWING Rockers $39 M to $59.90 I r.rVtlRTLZ FURNITURE CO. 178 N. Liberty Phone 4613 1 MAYTAO .twin cylinder awline motor iw Vfiuar nasi, sv ava. JSrOOKS. USED WestinghAuse elec. rsnge. N. O. Isaak, Rt. 4, Box 3310. 3 block north. 1 block esst of Center St 4 corners. 4 OitjaoaStatesnaa . 'ADVERTISING Western Advertising Representatives Ward-Griffith Company. Inc. . San Francisco - ' , Eastern Advertising - -" Representatives Wsrd-Griffith Company, Inc. : Chicago. New York. DetrdU, Boston, Atlanta , Member Pacific Coast Division ' v ,. Bureau of Advertising tnttrtd et the Portoffie mt Sail, Ortgon a$ Second Cla laf.lrr. Pub. lijhtd everv momfa Kxcept Monday. Buin oflcs 219 South Commer cial street. ; . SUBSCRIPTION " RATES Mail Subscription Rates in Advances t?iihin Oregon: Daily and Sunday, Mo. an r.nti! s mos. 93.00: 1 ' year. $6.00; Usewhere 60 cents per mo. or. $7 JO for 1 yr in advance. Per copy 9 cents. .. r".rrir 79 eenta a month. , ,,t,r in .rl vanra in Marian and decent counties. ' i 10 OA. double barreled shoteun. box shells, eet reloading tool, full choke both barrels, fine for teesel 820.00. BMM Mauser rifle. M38. restocked. Ktektrecelyer, a boxes cartridges. . ru COrm Tables .. $1173 to 329.90 CEVURT1Z FURNITURE CO. SIS N. Liberty i . Phone 4813 TOTY xalloni trash burner with hot water heatinx coils. Dick Berrr. ki, z, dox mm, ; saiem. 9 PC. bedrm. set. coil spring and mattress, like new. 269 W. WUsoa, : BASEMENT copper coiled trash bur ner S5. Ph. 9954 or 1130 N. th. FREE; Black male pup. Leo Gookin. LADY'S navy blue all wool sweatexi coat style, size 20. 158 N. 12th. BABY Buggy. $10. Framed baby I jumper. $9. Ph. H71. OVAL Braided rugs ..;. $1J9 UEVUKT I UXUNlTUKE. CD. 275 N- Liberty Phone wis ATMORAY for sale or rent. Ph. 4046. ask for Joe. DECORATING holly and holly wreaths. Ph. 68111 eves. BREAKRAST set liv. rm. set. trash burner. 640 N. Winter. SLIGHTLY used BTItwell davenport it chair set Also oak din. rm. table. Ph. 9491. CLOSING OUT all elothine and riim. mm remieei lo-sn ner.emt Kits. man's. 283 N. ComL Ph. 9883. WINTER apples 7SC. Esther Wright 1414 mi. Wallace Ha W ATKINS PRODUCTS. Rt 1. Bx. 270 FULLER Brushes. 1743 Grant P 8357 CLOTHES Hampers, large size S2.83 : GEVURTIZ FURNITURE CO. 273 N. Liberty ! Phone 4613 ORDERS TAKEN Sot broad breast ed beef type bronze poults. Mrs. E. L. Gates, jue. t wenersoB, ore, ATM OKAYS OZONE. seU and rent H . C PuKh Pb 1-2458 PO Box 463 TRAILERS tor rent Woodry Auction uiu xeua n. summer. CLOTHES Baskets 93.73 i GEVURTIZ FURNITURE CO. 275 N. Liberty Phone 4619 WINTER APDleS tot eattnc Sc cook. tag. $1. to i SZJS box. Ph. 4277-630 sreys Ave.' CANARIES cages. 1108 N. Church. PIANO and bench. 1990 S. Cottage. "kjCnKEtSTptTw GEVURTIZ FURNITURE CO. 273 N. Liberty Phone 4413 tZi if T 1 r - 11 .1 it T tlmt KavitAM anrf - rap. mma sins GEVURTIZ ruRNrruRE CO, 275 N. Liberty Phone 4613 MRYTLEWOOD. beautiful Christmas guts. Pemberton's, 1950 S. 12th. Wanted Miscellaneous BATTERY RADIO wanted. Write R. V. Caldwell, Rte. 3. box 814D. WANTED Cylinder and nteton for Harley single. Pb. 9789. Apt 3. wrr.r. pay Mih nr mm nMt. WANTXD One roam size circulator 011 hosttr. Ph. X-3264. , . ; WANTED. Pianos. TallmanTa. Ph. 9707 DOTTT GIVR away old dishes. Ph. 1-1443. XU buy thotn' We Buy Furniture I TRADE WITH A FIRM OF 34 YEARS rt.putation or business inteo RITY IN TUB W8XAMETTX VALLEY HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR USED I Pianos Furniture and Appliances ! r-.n ZLt HOGG BROS. 260 Stat St WANTED: Chaise letnute or reenn- mg chair. Please phone Htmt Clark. Tne Oregon Statesman. Ph. 101. BDXE I can tlx vp. Ph. 2-1983. USED FURMITtiRK Pn Bias CASH for used Diane at other ma Meal instruments Call ' 4441 daya ! 9397 evenings or sen a description Jaquitn Musto Co 191 a High, Busiitess Directory ACCOUNTING ACCOUNTING Income Tax, 180 N. Commercial. Room 10. - Airplane Models KITS and SUPPLIES. Cherry City Model Aircraft 21st U Market Alterations ALTERATIONS, sewing, fur work 180 N. Commercial. Room 96. Art Tile BATH Room, drain board fireplace or store fronts. Ph. 4509. 1143 N. 13th Auto Brakes BRAKES and wheel lining at 341 center. W. V. Clark. Ph. 1739. HERRALL-OWENS CO, 339 S Com'l Mike Panek. 379 S. ComX Ph 8181 Brake and wheel aligning epeciaUst Auto & Truck Service HERRALL-OWENS CO 333 S. Coml Bicycles I BICYCLES New "and reconditioned Harry W Scott ,147 S !ofncl P 49.4 Body & Fender Repairs ! HERRALL-OWENS CO, 233 S Coml Bulldozing . Contracting LAND clearing, road const. Glen Stevenson. 334 Juoson. Ph, 8030. ! i Cement Contracting cement Ph. 407L ; contracting. C :B, . EUla Chimney Sweep - FURNACES at chimneys cleaned At rebaired Vacuum used. B. F. Ensley. 771 S. 21. Ph. 7178. Lawnmovrer r Sharpening GUARANTEED WORIC on special Ifactoiv rrinders by Hurry W. Scott 'Tha Cycle Man" 147 S. Commercial St LOtiK! SMALL NEAT HOME ' Combination living-room and dining- m.m I KrfMMM 1 Itnh.M K,4 1. flreoieee." fuU basement, furnace, es- rsse. , Large tot in Kicnmona iwainct. 14500. ONLY 3 YEARS OLD. $6750 Large living-room. 2 bedrooms, large kitchen with 'many built-in, bath. Hardwood floors, V. blinds, attached garage, electric water heater. Lovely tot with flowers and fruit trees.) MOOiKN COUHTKY HOME 2 acres. 9 room house, 2 bedrooms, MODERN COUNTRY HOME basement, electric water heater, double garage, only 4 miles from- town. $6300. LEE OHMART & CO. - ''''- '--1 REALTORS .'.j.- - -l', ' 1M S. COMMERCIAL ST. 1 ' PHONE 9689 PHONE 9680. AFTER 4:00 PM. AND SUNDAYS PHONE. 3779 Wanted -Miscellaneous WANT TO Bus. Oseo cameras A icnies UcEwan Photo Shop 39 State Miscellaneous Important Information For Women Instruction. Need great for Practical Nurseq for full or part time. Oppor tunity to train at home. Experience and high school education not neces sary. Ages 19 to 60. Instruction under supervision of registered nurses. Prom inent doctor ' is Meaicai consultant. Nursing supplies included. Information free. Write Wayne School of Practical Nursing. Box 289 Statesman. Learn to' Sew Enroll' now. Classes now forming to start Jan. 2. Complete course in dress making or tailoring. 910. singer sew ing Machine Co.. 142 s. High. NOTICE: Salem . Watch Shop. 1994 State, will close Dec 10th for month. Please call for your watches. FREE crutches. Woodry Auction Market 1609 N. Summer. Dental Plate Repair TWO-HOUR SERVICE Of MOST I CASES Bring or Mall Your Plates for Repair DR. HARRY SEMLER. DENTIST Adolph Bldg. State St Cora.-Ph. 3311 STOVE parts and repairing. Woodry Mkt.. 1603 N.i Summer. Also lawn mow er sharpening and adjusting continued Wanted Furniture WANTED: Used turn. elec. appli ances tt tools. 419 Ferry. Ph. 2-1029. Ph. 7311 If you have furniture to sell For Rent Rooms SL. Rm Emp gent Pb. 21449. For Rent Apartments. 3 RM. FURN. Apt. Us., water. 313. aauit. ion Tin. west saiem. For Rent Houses 3 RM. HOUSE, lumts and milk fur nished free to employed married man in exchange for doing light morning and evening chores. Rta. 2, box 170C, turn left at Ketzer schL, follow pave- mmi a nu,- For Rent ! GOOD Used Piano. H. L. Stift FLOOR SANDKJt turnery Word for rent Mont TRAILERS for rent Weodry9 Mkt uut n. summer, rn. tiiu. TRUCKS tor Cune 3 LcrveU wnt Tom drtve ohone 9400 Mo THE RIO-MAR. completely furnished deluxe mo tar apartments, ocean view, bus stops at door. Box 28. Wecoma Beacn, ore. Pbene Deiake 407, Wanted to Rent By FEB. 1st 9 or 8 rm. unfum. house, Kciiapie party. Will lease. Ph. 6960. WE HAVE a tenant in furniahed bedroom home. Owner must have dob- session soon. We have found her a very desirable tenant She will pay to 869, Call for particulars. 1 D. A, FISH in Court Ph. 3324 Cards la this directory ran ' on s monthly ba$is only. Rate flJtS per lino per month. Florists Brettnaupt's 447 Court Phone 9199 Mattresses CAPfl OL BEDDING CO phune 40W Magazine Subscriptions MRS. PAUL R. HAUSER. Ph. t823. Music Lessons SPANISH Hawiian Guitar, Mando tin. Banjo, ete -1333 Court Ph 1363 ; Painting FAINTXNQ and Spraying. Ph. 4246. INTERIOR and Exterior. Ph. 8038 PAINTING and Keisominlng Ph 8132 PAINTING 4 Decorating Ph 7993 Painting & Paperhanging Pspering. paint. Jerry Johnson; 3723. Paper hanging painting. Ph, 3983 EXPERT Workmanship Phone 4329 Plumbing v r ' EXPERT SERVICE John Fisher. Ph. 9019. 939 S 18th. A. L ' SKEWIS It CO Plumbing Hestlng. 946 N. High. Pb, 6223. BOWEN BROS, Plumbing and Heat tag. 333 N Com'l Pn, 7213. - Printinj FOR STATIONERY, cards, pamphlets firogrsms booki or any kind of print ng. caU The Statesmsn Printing De partment 212 S. Commercial. Tele ohone 9101. -t Radio Service Louis duBuy. 351 Court Ph. 3023. ATTRACTIVE 8 ROOM HOME Livine room, dlnlner room. 3 bed. - rooms, kitchen and bath, fireplace. oemeni wra automatic ou lurnac electric water heater, good location south. 35500. VERY NICE. v . .. room home, livinr: room, dining room. 1 1 bedroom, kitchen and bath rtawn 1 lwdrahnii uti' rimthl,. nlnmh. I , up. double plumb- brdwood floors, fireplace. fuU basement. Located north. LEAVING CITY. Mod. home, lot SOx 140, auto, gas heat 760 Thompson Ave. HOMEY 2 bedroom cottase in rustic setting of i acre wooded tract; 1 block .V "? ,cno?1- f4w- benrfini1 ZTrX STLS-'K conveniences arid two lots on paved street Price 93650. See MR. DANIEL-, CON UrlfH i i LEO N. CHILDS. INC. REALTORS 344 State St M i ; Ph. 32611 BY OWNER 2 bdr house. llarM lot shade trees, berries, fruit and gar den space. Just outside of city, 3 blks. zrom city bus. price 94200. Ph. 7639. BY OWNER- 9 rm. mastered hse. hd. wd. firs, V. blinds, elec hw. beater, oil iioor lurnace. rn. z-itu. - . BY OWNER 2 bdrm. hse. 6 vrs. old. la acre, juayesvuie Dist. Ph. 2-139 L. OWNER SAYS SELL her 7 room res idence, recently renovated. Can slve unmediate possession WeU located on large corner lot Both streets paved and paid. Price- 855O0. Part terms. See MR. DANIELSON with ' 1JEO N. CHH.TML INC REALTORS 9t4 state; St. 1 Ph. 9261 9 RM. hse. Close in. 440 N. Winter. FOR SALE-HOUSES 36730 New. modern. 2 BJL- home. Englewood Dist HdW; firs, gaa fur nace, built-ins. lane 'lot. pavement. Absolutely modern. Immediate posses sion. , $49003 rms. 2 B.R., basement fur nace, fireplace, electric water beater. ZZmZEmZXrZXLmiEr ' vVSSl J2Hire- - lee. Irvine room firenlaM. H W nMr V. shades, elec water heater, wired for aesslonf11 yanL tomwllt See our complete listings. OLSON REEVE. REALTORS 949 Eve. 9336 4 RM. HOUSE, newlv decorated m side and out. m Highland achonl Immed. possession. : Cash ortee S2B50. See J. M. Best With H. P. GRANT. Realtor 529 Court St Ph. 6744 " - T'..?? furn. $4300: 20 Teas Ave. Inq. Rte. 2, box laof . rd ha w k.It -rt, box 130F. 3rd hse W. of Keizer sch. 84500.00. Larse bouse, full bsmL. wood furnace, fdy. trays, good garage. nice lot jdore to StaU St. or ; Phone 8314. 6 ROOM modern home. South Salem. excellent condition, large lot dbL ga rage, close to school. 9 rooms new modern home N JL. auto w-.. .uun . , ,i - ... good furniture which goes with house. ennrf fiirnitura wkih am aultt. CHAS. HUOKIN8 or WALTER BOCOLOFSKY 373 State St. Phone 9494 1 ACRE, 4 rm. house, bran, poss, 83900. Cape Cod home. Imm. poss. $6300. 1 acre, 3 bedroom home on bus. $4300. See Mr. Byrklt BURT PICHA, Realtors 337 N. High Ph. 3210 Wanted to Rent WANT 1 bed rm. furn, or partly furn. house. Ph. 9826. - - WANTED Gars ge In vicinity, of 429 n.earney, - rn. iMfu. WANTED 2 bdrm. hse. permanent Need immed lately. Ret Carl F. RempeL azo s. I4tn. 3 RM. MAIN fir. apt for elderly coupie. h. w. (.uirxe. itt. 4, ox 4Z1A. WANT 5 or 6 rm. house, unfurn. pnone us. 4 RM. UNFURN. house In or near Salem by Jan. 1st Ph. 32977. Rugs & Uphol. Cleaned RUGS and uphoL cleaned Ph 8831 Sand and Gravel SAND, travel, crushed rock, ready mixed concrete. Walliha Ssnd and Gravel Ph 836) .... Sewing Machine Repairing 351 Court Ph 3023 : W. A Guy Septic Tanks Cleaned GET ray prices before having work done. Ph i 7404 Permanent resident of V Salem Kenneth HameL 1143 8th St Spray Painting Contractor. Expert work. Ph 4348. Transfer U-DRIV1 1 i TRUCKS tOa REN1 Blankets furn 197 S Liberty Ph 9065 FOR LOCAL OR DISTANT tranfet tors ge. burner oil. briquets frocks to Portland dally. Agent Pierce aum Freight tncludine r.aiif points Larmet Trsnsfer Co Pb S13L , : . . Vacuum Cleaner Service CERTIFIED GUAR All makes Vince's Electric, 191 S Us. TeL 6292 FREE Inspection In your borne, Aa thortzed Hoover service We ervtce all makes cleaners Hogg Bros Pb 9149 Watch & Qock Repairing Window aeanlng ALL srork guaranteed, Windows walls, woodwork clesned Flours waxed Insured workmen Professional Clean Ihg Service Pn 4457. WINDOWS. Voors cleaned. Ph. 31438 Wood : Sawing Pb. Jat&ea Petacsoa. NOT INFLATED VALUE 9 rm. has. bsmt furnace, orate. Ve netian bUnds. JCnglewood Dist . 34300. WlU take I good car In part pay. M. B. I Stegner. 820 N. Com l.. Ph. 6143. 35300. 3 : RMS., near Leslie Jr.. hwd. floors, oil If umace, basement fireplace, garage, excellent condition, pavement sidewalksi A modern home. $5250. 1 ims, basement furnace, dou ble plumbing, located north on pave ment and bus line, Near schools, 93100. 6 rms. on one floor, on bus line, heart store, pavement" sidewalks. . OLSON REEVE. Realtors 943 S. Coml. Ph. 4590. Eves 9538 ENGLeWOOD DISTRICT 9 room moaern none, ianp atUc t sawdust heat S room I modern home, large unfln. Set o v. Hume at 1 GRABENHORST 134 S. Liberty St BROS Realtors . - Ph. 4131 RM. MODERN home, basement' fur nace. Owner 730 N. 15th St .1 8 RMS OF Ueht acintillatinr in eran- deur, own It and enjoy it - while you live. Costs less than many. ;i yet it's wortn mqre. uue Realty, zo ore. Bldg. Ph. 7952. - -i w !j . POSSESSION WITHIN A WEEK Of a five room bungalow, fireplace. Venetian Undi. wired for elec. ranxe clean, total of shrubs. S blocks to hlh - State St, room 14. LARGE HOME close to state bldgs. Has a rooms down with bath and has 3 room apt with bath upstairs. Base ment furnace, garsee. Price 95750. See O. V. Hume at GRABENHORST BROS., Realtors 134 S. Liberty St Ph. 4131 NEW 2 ROOM unfinished house, large lot close tjo bus.. $950. RICH L. REIMANN. Realtor 67 S. High1 .Phone 9203 jitst out or rrrv 35250. 2 Ibdrms hwd. firs, fireplace, elec water heater, auto, oil ; furnace, no basement, wired for range.' East. C. W. BARTLETT R. W. BENT , 4 i - Realtors -122 New ' Bligh Bldg. PluTm . HESZ WTC hav 4 1nt with a nun cottage on one tot and a duolex on anrtth r 11atii11v fiirnltluH thmaioh. 1 out. This is a good investment Priced at 8UW0O.J 1 ; P. H. BELL, Realtor I 402 Guardian Bldg. Phone 4896 A MODERN air conditioned home, oil heat I double plumbing, 1 9 bed rooms, garage. Immediate possession. 87950. i ; : ; - i P. H. Bell, Realtor Guardian Bldg. Phone 4899 I 3 RMS. WITH unfinished .ttlc north- hwd- ftoors, $3250, See MR. 5YBWJf1 wlul . U Hawkins 5 Roberts, Inc. Realtors I Ph. 4108 After 6 Ph. 8719 85250. 7 IBM. hse, in Grant district In good condition, corner tot osving I and walks! nice lawn and shrubbery. 1 S3S0O. x iPedxoom hse. in Englewood I district, oamn. nvutg and amine rm., kitchen, bath, garage. 2 lots, 11 fruit and nnt trees. MELVIN JOHNSON. Realtor 723 Court St Phone 2723 I basement furnace, fireplace, wired for ?n.!it.d0Wn rent wiu keen up the payments. , ... -"iiPl1 KEIMANN- "Si.101, ia. aifi j. room am Ln. .vJmem! sidewalks. Can be converted to apta. olson reeve. Realtors 843 S. ComL Ph. 4590. Eves 9536 CREEK LOT i Asoaern some wiut aouose Diumoinx. e a ti. . . ia.e a. . a i I W'lO D9fefnent. 611 fUrntM. flrepUCe. erase. Larse tot wtth shrubs. Price STSOO. ... J - . f see o. v. Hume at 1 GRABENHORST BROS., Realtor 134 8. Liberty St Ph. 4131 82900. OLDER type house, 3 BR, Ige. living rm.,i kitchen, bath. If you are looking for) a place to remodel see this. Olson reeve, Realtors ?8-feT'H: . . . . . .ffK50.: 8531 64230. NICE, neat small house, fire place, basement, Hollywood dist 85600. 3 bedrooms, basement saw dust furnace, fireplace, nice built Ins. Nest well turn lined. 3 bedrooms in Holly wood Owner leaving town. Open to offer, . i i R. A. Forkncr, Realtor 1863 N. Capitol Ph. 3031 1 . For Sale Farms 10 A, north of town. 8 rm. hse, elec Sandy kuun bottom land. $5300. 13 A. of good bean land and 7 rm. mod. nouse. other good bldgs. on bus line. $10,900. Terms. 19 A. with good 6 r. house. Elec. lrrlg. fsrm, $6000. , i 360 A. 18 million ft of timber. Price 312.000. See Jack Henntngsen with State Finance Co. REALTORS . ' i SIS' Guardian Bldg. Ph. 4121 90 ACRE dairy ranch. Hssel Green dist, ik mi. from town. Stocked and equipped. 9i9.ooo. see i Mr. Byrklt BURT PICHA. Realtors 337 N. High Ph. 3210 39100 FOR THIS 10 A. farm, lust 1 mi. from city limits, with 6 rm. house, basement furnace, bath. ome fruit. small creek, barn and other bldgs. A steal I burt picha. Realtors 337 N. High , Ph. 3218 140 ACRES NE. of Brooks, black soil all but 3 A. being cultivated. Family orchard, electricity. 7 rm. house, ga rage, barn. shed, chicken house. $28,000. RICH L. REIMANN. Realtor 167 S. High Fnene 9203 A DANDY FARM ' V Four miles east of Salem. 40 acres 1st rate soil, exceptional set! perma nent buildings, live stream, equipped for dairying. This farm for sale at Just about the price of unimproved .land- 94i. per acre, or may oe naa xuuy stocked and equipped. Let us show you today, ' . , C. W. BARTIJETT K. W. ENT Realtors - 123 New BUgh Bldg. . Ph 7171 Acreage. 2 ACRES east on but line, 3 room Iaiivu a,, nwi n.i mmm w tm i.mi,u,m, basement oil heat nice lawn ana shrubs, xaraee and barn, chicken hous es, lota of fruit berries, iwamuts and filberts. Tnts is a real country home. I met eiupuv. 1 - I -; see J. v. nume at i GRABENHORST BROS. Realtors 134-8. Uberty St , Ph. 4131 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 33300. ONE-THIRD A cart SmaR on. nouse. outsiae city on ous une. near store, oil heat, two stoves and floor covering Inc. Chicken house. OLSON ft REEVE. Realtors 1343 S. ComL - - Ph. 4390. Eves. 3338 S2300. 'i A. NX- 8 rm. bouse, barn. chicken house, fust off Silverton rd. Terras. - , i OLSON A RJXVE. Realtore 943 S. ComL . Ph. 4590. Ev- 3338 tsooo. m. A- EAST on pavement 3 BR house, good barn, wsllnuts, cher- ffcJXS bwrte-oU buUd aw esAu av an ap m a mm tl..U.aa) 8.jComU- Ph45W. Eves. 3533 Hi. A. JUST OUTSTDE CITY LIMITS. NORTH. NEW HOUSF, 4 RS.: DOWN I mat ..... . . im, & . . . . m , i. ft AtT-rrt -r. uiittb ev ivtprn rnn RANGE. HANDY LOCATION FOR r- t rs r at niio . . KFR MR. MfjT.M FS WTTH ! KTrvFRrw sr.Ai.TV r-o 213 N. HIGH ST. - Pit 4018 NICE 2 bdrm. home. - near Keiser SchooL M acre land elec. ranee, elec. I hot water heater.; Total price ttSOO, see mux. uxciixjnst wim -i Hawkins . &. Roberts, Inc. Ph. 4108 ficaUora After 6, rh. 8713 19 ACRES of river bottom land; north in Ketxer district New 4 room house with electric water system, complete plumbing. New chicken house 20x40. A good buy for 95S00. fa Cash, 10 acres, small creek, about 100 3 year old filbert trees. Almost new 4 room house with complete plumbing; deep well with electric water system. Good barn, double garage. About 1 11 miles from Salem, Price 93350, 1 cash, bal ance jo per montn. ? 1 - ROSTEIN ADOLPH. INC HO',4 N. Commercial St: Phone 3030 30 A. suitable for chickens or tur keys, nice 2 bdrm. mod; home, brooder house double construction 20x50, also bldg. 20x90 nearly, new. Price 98,500. good terms. ' See MR. McMTLLAN with Hawkins & Roberts, Inc. Ph. 4108 . Realtors 'After 8. Ph. 8713 33000 BUYS 2 tedroom. livina' roont dining room, kitchen, electric water system. .- -. 1 , ,4 acre. 2 bedrooms down, attic, liv ing room, kitchen' and nook.' New elec tric range, electric water heater. $4500. 8 acres, north, good well, nice loca tion, no buildings. 83000, F ! i R. A. Forkner; Realtor 1853 N. Capitol y f"0" 3631 '""liACRES 7"jTxis" 'NORTH 8 rm. house, double garage chicken house and other outbldgs, shade trees. 4 peach trees, strawberries and earden J out N. river road. Need some cleaning up "w uuiK. ART MADSEN ,1326 State St . ; Ph. 8580 NX 1 ACRE. 3 bedrm, home on ground fir. Less than 3 yean old. Ga rage, utility rm., laundry trays, built tns. Brooder hse.. xence. Terms, sseoo. Owner 100 Williams Ave- Phi 9903. 80 ACRES , north of Dallas, in prunes and walnut with 20 A. timber. Ex cellent Income this year. 912,000. Half cash. RICH L. REIMANN. Realtor 167 S. High . Phone 9203 """iTACRESUBravSoir Close to city, some lovely view pro perty, mostly in laree nut and fruit trees, heavy income. from crop, fronts nialn. Pacific highway. Price 317. 500. C. W. BARTLETT R. W. BENT Realtors '.' - ' 122 New Bligh Bldg. 1 ' Ph. Tin A HOME In the country with 1U acres. 4 bedrooms, water end lights. A place xor e cow and ctucKena. S4wo. r. u. ar.i.u Realtor 403 Guardian Bldg. - w Phone 4896 FOR SALE 9 acres. 4 miles from Salem. 4 rm. house, elec. water system. barn, chicken bouse, berries. Price 34300. D. A. Fish, 477 Court St Ph. 8524. Wented Real Estate inst i e ae a m . - ,a m. I ttuli rAi -Aon ipr piuuciiy inw S9Vt7UaV 7Sgg9Wie;a,l ISAJJ. rtlTSiM VWI9E1S 1 only. Box 509, $ut3mn WANT TO SELL?. Let us handle your sale. ALWAYS: ti Prompt, courteous service and good advertising. LEE QHMART CO. IU Ba rnml C m, Le Ohmart ror Evenin J Annotatmentsi W. L ' "Habbv Annointmenta; Habernicht Phone 3773 f ' . . Mrs. Calaba T.TCTTNrce viNTrn We have cash buyers for homes and small acreages in and near Salem- Phone 3030 and we will give you m,I wan In an. wwmmwm .n v v w nw.. ... .if praising your property, mo com to you Unless we sell your properly. A SQUARE UEAlt FOR BUYER AND SELLER.' I H(.ii Mm Adolnh. Ine. Phone 3030 UQlk . commercial M. NOTICE: D7 your property to tor rent or exchange, list It with us We have all kinds cash buyers, STATE FINANCE CO .-REALTORS 213 Guardian Bldg, LOT 60 OR wider, within 4 bike, of grade school, not over $900, on paved street reasonably nice neighborhood. roiocationi IF WANTINO to buy. or list or In sure your property consult Luse Realty Co Z09 ore. fliag. 7992. Bnsiness Opportuyritiet Listings Wanted ; If you want to sell your! property. Phone 44B3 ano ust 11 wiui , R. E. Meredith. Realtor ! Phone 4463 GROCERY store and lunch doing a nice i business In town near Salem. 6 room house and 2 room apartment in 1 building: Near high school. Doing good business; owner selling because of health. Price 912.150.00 plus inventory of stock. Rostetn ec Adolph. Inc. -A Phone 3030 UOtt N. Commercial St RESTAURANT and fountain, good location, good fixtures. Priced . to sell. Inquire 60S worth Capitol, j BEER PARLOR 3c RESTAURANT IN UVE TOWN, SUITABLE FOR PARTNERS. LARGE STOCK at FINE EQUIPMENT. SAME OWNER OVER 19 YRS. WISHES TO RETIRE. FOR INTERVIEW SEE MR. HOLMES KEVfRIN REALTY CO. 213 N. HIGH ST. PH. 4016 IF YOU are Interested In an auto camp that will make you good money, come in and see us. OLSON" A REEVE. Realtors . 949 8. ComL . Ph. 4S90. Eves 9536 watt BrernrDiuT a.,ii Miinl T-.Vinc city. Must sell. For particulars see Max wiuiams, so av um utn- ger'a Chicken Inn. S j : v- GROCERY STOCK and fixtures, ex cellent location. Tor fuU particulars. see Mr. Byrxit BURT PICHA. Realtors 337 N. High ; Ph. 3210 APT. HOUSE, 3 flri, triple plumb ing, built to withstand age 910,500. iaiso RESTAURANT A food eoine restaurant well eauln- oed with 32 cu. ft electno refriaerat- "tor, uvmg quarters rurnwner. itcasen- -l -1-1 - . tllM ,a able rent Price 11500 D. A. FISH! i 477 Court St Ph. 8334 RESTAURANT FOR SALE Well located downtown restaurant wtth 8 booths, stools land complete restaurant equipment including living quarters, will sell equipment and busi ness tor sraao. t LEE QHMART & CO. 3 1 164 S. Coml St. V Phone 3680 Foti Sale Wood 16 IN. GReEN SLAB, nulck delivery. Ph, 96X7.1 Dayton, or : Harold Keller, ku l, tarnon. Oregon. 16 O. C ftr. H, R. CUson. Mehama. HEAVY irutl wood !$8 99 . load: 812 double load. 4 ft slab; for furnace Ph. 772U s.a esigaeaaseejaiasake U6 IN. SLAB 38 perl cord. Cord, ltt g cord load. Capitol Lumber at ruel loadJ Cai 1 : 1B. .r5 na df-ngt I COro I toma rn- ." I 1 1 11 GKEZN' Old. rrowtn IS at BUD romt,! A'."? ,.t!n!n t Mi' !- - - ..""'"1 - ,;16569. Lodges i a 1 Salem Lodre No. 4, A. 1. A. M. wed. Dec. ath. Regular; Election;1 Dinner at 6:30 SELL VourXar Now' Before' New Car'Prodnction Starts rPRICESWILL WE WILL PAY TH? ALL MAKES NASH USED. CAR LOT - 340 CENTER . - 'k' For - Sale Used Cars l - you Will Always rind a, i V Better Car . , . . i And Make a v v ;-! ' , Better Deal at- -i LODER BROS. , On hand at present: 1 u 1939 Buick "80" Sdn. . - ! 1940 Olds. "90" Sdn," 1939 Mercury Cpe. Sdn. , . 1940 Buick super Sdn. 1940 Buick Roadmaster Sdn. 1941 Pontiae- Club Sdn. 1937 Olds "8" Sdn. I 1940 Plymouth Sdn. 1937 Dodge Cpe. ' 1940 Mercury Sdn.! and others . . ' LODER BROS. 443 Center St Phone 6133 Our 18th year In Salem. Oregon : OldsmobUe Sales At Service - Home of Good Used Cars. . 1 CADILLAC Cpe. In fine shape. Ph. 3574 Sun. et 41X1 week days. . ! A Better UseVI Car 1 at a fair price '37 Packard 4 door wttt neater -3T83 36 Packard 4 door , -3480 "36 Dodge Coupe -3429 I "36 Ford Tudor -., ,.r. ,' f4 stude Coupe with -380 PICKUP POX ., , , -, 3329 r33 Cher. 4 door .4299 A. B. C. MOTORS i Stttte St. Phone 9766 Lost and Found LOST: Brown billfold In Grand theatre. Initials R J JD. Reindeer en graved Keep money but return bill- zotd.; rea questions axea. rn. wis. I - lat: rars troop wmgs. initials I EJ5JJ.. serial No. 39340947. Generous I reward. Mrs. Etdon Berry, zzsi n l ti t m. eT j -t.ii HazeL Ph. 3379. I lost Do, nair collie, naif Austral' n shepherd. Answers to name of "Tippy-, wniie on wwer niu or rroni I and on back of neck. Ph. 34411. I RCWSTd. LOST Brown leather purse con tain- ins ken and papers valuable to own er only. Also money. Ph. 3003 dart. 6917 eves. Reward. LOST Black bill fold, near Par- rlsh Confectionery. Sat evening. Liber- CW 4WWWBt fee 6 4 la eWV6ega VBJV94 LOST Guernsey vearlinf heifer. strayed from pasture. Claude Trent Rt I S, POX XS4, ; LOST 700x30 truck tire and wheel. Reward. L. W. Scoiian. Rte. L box 947A. LOST Child's bifocal case. Reward. 226 N. Personal MIDDLE ACED widower would like I to meet elderly lady. Good home In country town. Honorable intentions. 1 statesman. Box no. 90s, glastes, blue 23rd. Phi 81490. Crossword ;Puzzle 14 is 17 zo 1 11 i 3 31 3 40 V i 44 'A 4t 50 3 HORIZONTAL 40. chord of l-orohlblt threo tones 4. meadow s i If m 42. death notice 44. skin pro-' : tuberances 45. atmulatesi 49. English dean 50. female ru&t 7. propagated lLtopas huni ' ' irunE"Wrd' 11 dispatch 13. sir: como. form . 81. take nour 14, explode aud- . - denlx and ; loudly 18. shower 17. weather-cock- 18. being: be- : tweea two extremes ' U.twlff 22. forays 24.AJrerian lshment i 52. throw 53.S-haped worm. Answer to cw elo pi p a p e i C Vjg Rpift A J T O H O P elril '4 & " SM M A E Hj W 6 si HE x 0 3j7?1 IS P A I S L" O A N J a p ii tsJE T tUL A L A S 1 t R 5Ja 1 M PRE vIa)i cIa Ti O H ESS ElNI M E ATS V seaport 23. venomous serpents SS-EiiTa name 29. reverse 31. fixed trszer 33. affirmative vote 34. river la Franca 38. for fear that 37. three, in sports Ph. ft Average tune vDUt by Kin 33. abstains from food - "X V EVER BE HIGHER. MAXIMUM VALUE FOlt ? AND MODELS. " PHONX 8734 WHAT ; WILL YOUR ; CAR BE WORTH? WHEN THE EUROPEAN WAR IS FIN ISHED? TAKE ADVANTAGE OF CUR RENT prices. " : . : r - WE -PAY' V ; ALL'MARZS - ALL MODELS1 HERRALIj-0WEN3 f CO. 239 S. Commercial Ii Ph. 3189 1 WANTED i Good Used Cars TOP CEILING PRICE PAID' TOR ALL MAKES MODI USED CARS 858 Center St ; WE PAY TOPS! Get every dime four ear Is Cash on the , Barrel-Head "C" SHROCK 1 SALfSTS eMeat ndepeadent ii dealer, rtt Cumer Oiurch 4t Chem Ph S8a NEW CARS When the war Is over you may want a new PONTIAC Then why don't you take advantage of current high prices for your car. We can handle your car now with the proceeds to be used to ward the purchase of a new Pentlae at a later date. 1 ; .;v . r .- HERRALL-OWENS CO. Top Cash For Used Cars J and Tracks f Any Make or Model I A. B. C. MOTORS 1293 State St 1 " Phone 3768 For SaleUsed Cars BVY BUY BUY BONDS "97 Olds Tudor. RAH '94 Terra. Sedan '33 Ford Sedan 4.-. '39 Ford Tudor 94 LaSalle Sot. Cpe. J949 149 343 209 -33 cnev. Beoan u 4 19 '94 Chev. Sedan 199 139 Pontiae Con. Cpe.i RH 81144 '3 Ford D.u cpe. '38 Ply. DX. Tudor 63 ; f 796 iim.97 '40 Dodge Truck '34 Dodge Truck ..i .. 4 463 ' TEAMS 1 HAUES herrall-oWens col 238 8. Coml. St I ' Ph. 3169 FOR SALE 1831 Chev. 4 door, ex cellent shape. Also 1929 Ford cpe. 1941 McCoy Ave. t - I 1932 V-3 COUPE. A-l cond. Ph. 4077 after 8:30 p. m. I 1 ! l 34s l 32. V WA 4 41 4 4 tt-Z. 84,EngU9h p. cathetlral ; , "town 1':.. .TOT1CAL 1. wicked ,. ; 2. salutation 3. rodent ; ; 4.1anky ,4 - 5. goes In . 6. citrus drink - -7. uncovered 8.reatores to course .Ireland i 10. accompliahed 12. unexpected - dimculty 15. aheep-likt 18.f0g ' 19. American rail-., i 20, victim , 21. threads rav eled from fabric - - 23. attar-end of . . church ; 23. mountain i aboriglnef . 27. coxy plac 23. branch of learning 30.Jiighway 32, winged 3S. coasts 38. allays 39.13 sulUblo- 40. taunting " allusion 41. town la yesterday's puzzle. GASH MACS if M Nevada --) 43.lnaecU j 45. prefix: before) t 4S. born .-j 2. ef seietleat S3 sstaaUs. 47. split PUISS reatujrea Sndlcate. lac, 43. pig-pea. . i