PAC2 never : . rz j tt j i Foz 0heniinibe : arM Fsrbfit- Read . and 'Use S'Satesmai Classified. . do! I V Help-Wanted Money to Loan For Sal Ril EsUte- For 5ale Reaf Estate lb OZtGOII STATEH-iAIL Sclaia. Origoa, Tuesday Matxlag. Itorcabex 21. IZU i For Sale Farms " i Wcnted Qeal Estate, Wasted Used Car. Wanted Used Cars V i i i ! ASSISTANT ACCOUNTANTS. AC COUNTING ' CLERKS. WELFARE CASEWORKERS, for PERMANENT po sitions with the Stat apply at your local Public Welfare, er Unemployment Compensation office. , final filing data Dec. 6. Positions, locally or throughout state. ,: S . X RIDERS wanted Salem to Vancou , Ter shipyard or points on 99X Ph. IMS. ' LAtTNDRY Help wanted No exper ience necessary. Apply Galena Laundry Co- 263 So. High SL . r f . EXPERIENCED griddle cook, waitress and kitchen woman. Apply Mickey's Banawicn snop. 47i .court. WANTED: Eligible men or wi 19-45 who are interested m steady work with opportunity for advance ment ia vital food distribution field. Get set now tor a pleasant Inside winter lob. Good nay while yon. learn Opportunities also for young men 15 and older going to school. Apply to day. Safeway Stores District Ufflc Room 204 McGuchrisl Bid.- - Help Wanted. Male Workers bow emptied in war pro duction should not apply and will not .be considered tor employment oy em ployers ; advertising In this section. BUS $OY. rton .i1' i T EXPERIENCED foreman for wood working: plant. Must understand cabinet work. Statesman Box 288. 1 MECHANICS. Permanent position Excellent wages. Herrall-Owens Co. DAIRY BAND At Schlndler's dairy Auto Machanlc With General Motors repair experience preierrea. ur 'WAR JOB NOW GET SET FOR ." PERMANENT POST WAR JOB with Loder Bros.. 443 center streex. -"Oldsmobile Sales and Service" "Our 14th year in Salem" . "Home of Good .Used Cars" , GENERAL Garage work.- Perm, po- sltion. Night. -man., preferably nniver ,. sity student. Herrau-owens co. -. ' MARRIED Man on dairy farm. $179 m.. house, 'lights, milk aneV-potatoes. STUDENT ia or over for part time doorman. Apply in 1 person. , Grand .Theatre ;. '::.K'- Help Wanted Female HIRR .1 School aeniot or colleae Kiri for Sat; and Sunday work. Saving Center, West Salem. WANTED: Reliable 1 woman for housekeeping, small -bouse, two adults. Phone 4480. i ' EXPERIENCED Waitress. Marion HotcL GIRL for housework. 69) N. Liberty. EXPERIENCED assistant cashier. Also experienced , stenographer and P.BJL operator. Good pay. . steady position. Montgomery Ward ac Co. . . . - EXPERIENCED lady cook " wanted. "Hours JT PJ. to PJ.. No Sunday ' work Apply ' In person. Schneider . cotiee snop, 179 . nign. " s GIRLS to learn to weave. pay. J'hos Kay Wootert Mill Co. WANTED: Cooks and housekeepers at Willamette University dormitories. Call Miss Jack at 9263. LAUNDRY help wanted. Apply Cap ital City Laundry. 1244. Broadway GIRLS (3J. ' 18-24 yrs. Attractive easnings, aveage gl7? monthly to start. Travel California ana west woasi States. Experience -unnecessary: Rapid 'advancements- " Expenses advanced. .Transnortation furnished. . Apply-: in . person only. Mr. Kelly, Hotel Senator. FULL- and part time usherettes. Must be IS or over. Apply in person. Grand ..Theatre.; .-. - ,- Situations Wanted FAMILY laundry, shirts done. Ph. 1-1208, . ORRIN'S. PINNEY. contractor, ' Designing and 'remodeling bOmes. ' Ph. 8493. Rm. 220 Oregon Bldg. BE WISE MODERNIZE .. PreScHool Playschool: 1381 . State Ag'es 8-S Part or aP day. Ph. 8430. . CHILDCRAFT Nursery Wa pick up and deliver 1999 Trade Ph tlOt WILL do .Ironing at my borne. 1258 Jrd. W. Salem. Money to. Loan Quick Cash Loans! On any worthwhile seenr 'ity Repayable" in 12 ; months . Company Is locally .owned and Manage. GENERAL FINANCE CORPORATION . -- 8-138 Phone 9168 . 136 S." commercial St. Salem ' PRIVATE MONEY . Anto And Truck Loan! . Contracts Refinanced . Money ; Cor new and used cart t trucks regardless of ago- No delay bring ear and title and get the money You retaui possession of vehicle. ta is . nontha to ' repay. . Aftaa iovk 'hone 2361 or 81143 lor appointment . ROY H. SIMMONS 1 'Regulated by state 226 S Coal St Phono 8166 iM 1821 See Us For Attractive Farm Loans Only 4 Interest 8 to 40) years and No Commission LEO N. CHILDS, Inc. REALTORS 044 Jttate'SL ' rA -: Ph. 9261 . ; i ADVERTISING - r 1 ' : Western Advertising . , Representatives . .Wgrd-Crtmut Company, , Inc. San'lTancisco . ' Eastern, Advertising Representatives Ward -Griffith Company, too. ... . Chicapo. New York. Detroit. . Boston. Atlanta , y Member V -l:' Pcmc Coast Division - Dureau of Advertising ' Esirrsd at thi PoAoffif st Salttm. fwm as Second Clan f otter. Pvb- Uthmd every morning Except Menday. BurinS 01IICS us Aouin ,vmmrr- Cial .SJfttt.. . : r isUtZCJTTlOlt, RATES sr. n SnWrlDtten Rates In Advance: Within Oregon; Daily and Sunday. Mo. 1 cents; 6 mos. 8i00; t year. 400. " l.lsewhere 60 cents per mo. or 8720 iar I year in advance. Per copy 8 cents. Fv Oty Carrier. 75 cents a month. 3 (,0 a year in advanco ia Marion and ir-t EXTRA. " CASH WITH ADTANTAT.H Get extra- cash and these extra ad vantages at Personal': 1 -Vint- Loans. Loans-By-IaiL prompt, private service. Personal Finance Co. Room 125, Second nr. New BUgh Bldg. Sit State St. ' Phone: Salem 1191 Lie. 8-123 M-1S5. N. Anderson. Mgr. MONEY $ REAL ESTATE LOANS - PERSONAL LOANS . ' ' CAR 'LOANS Wa Buy Real Estate Mortgages and STATE FINANCE CO. Uc. E-21S U-m HI Guardian Bldg; Monev to Loan WANTED. REAL ESTATE mortgage loans . city or farm - properties: loans made aa small as $300. Sea uo about re financing your .present eontmct as mortgage, Leo N. ChilcU, Inc. S44 Stats St Phono Ktn jTijnjvru'u''ijLi"ut-iij"'oii Anto Loans Willamette Credit Co. TTH FLOOR GUARDIAN SUILDINfa ucxNss m h ia Loans Wanted FARM 4 LOANS AN Duncan. M Ladd Bush Bldg. For Sale Miscellaneoas 12 FT. plywood built boat and trail er. 38 Mission St. . COOKIE Jars $1.7f to S3J9 GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. 275 N. Liberty v Ph. 4815 RED . Delicious , Apples . SI bu. 1980 N. Liberty. i-YOUR ThankseivinK turkey. 37c lb, cobblers. 40c lb. hens, live wgt.i Will deliver if necessary. Richard Miller, Rt 7. Box 418. CHENILLE bedspreads . . $10.25 GEVURTZ FURNITURE CU. S 27S N. Liberty Ph. 4819 WEDDING St engagement ring. 823 Center. , ALL Furniture in Urge house. Many items to cnooso xrom. ias . tot tage. ' . 3 FEMALE Collie . pups. Ph. S218. Ice cream fountain $130, Ph. j 21828. CHRISTMAS Gifts. Original antiaue French fashion prints, suitable for an ttque frames. Pn. B477. . 49 IN. SASH Curtains t.. .82.79 pair GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. 279 N. Liberty Ph. 4819 Johnston Sheet Metal Co . 1410 S. 12th Salem. Oregon ; V Phone 5391 - Years, of experience enables us to rive you guaranteed workmanship. Mr conditioning. Furnaces. Gutters Eave troughs. SkyUC-ti ncke stacks Tanks ' and repairing. FREE E5TI MATES.- " I DRESSED HENS. Ph. 22618. ATMORAYS OZONE, sell and rent B C Push Ph 3-2458 PO Bos' 483 ..-,....,-.,11 . ,. ....y . . . .,- ' WALNUTS: Frana. lse.. ' good qua! ity. Buy early for holidays. Ph. 3800. ELEC tbL model mangle, gas. water htr.. 2-burner gas plate, 8x12 rug. metal wheel wheelbarrow. Ph. 3S3I. HOOVER CLEANER. attachmenU. Schick elec. razor: Ph. 21813. 32 PC. SET Dishes . ".1.87 JO GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. 275 N. Uberty Ph. 4619 WATKINS PRODUCTS. Rt. 1, Bx. 270 FULLER Brushes. 1745 Grant P 8357 ELEC washing mach. 825. Circulating heater. Sewing mach. 2670 N. Church. MASdark blue allrsuiCsi 26. Ph. 8377. ' ' TEA ' W AGONES? P66F22T GOOD Bike: range and heater. 2089 N. ComT. . - i . UNIQUE aquarium with gold, fish4 1030 S. Liberty. i ' ; i CLOTHES'' Haiw GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. 279 N. Uberty , Ph. 4819 ELECTRIC washer, good cond.: one ton chain hoist: 28 and 10 gal. gas drums; set of mechanical tools; misc. items: full size good mattress. 650',a Locust St before 6 PJC TRATLERS loV ten t "woodry Auction Mkt, 1609 N. Summer. WINTER Apples tor eating e cook ing. 81 to 62.25 - bojsv Ph. 4277. 630 Breys Ave." ..; WASTE Paper Baskets 41.75 to 829 GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. 279 N. Liberty , Ph. 4619 WALNUTS 20c: . winter apples 75c Esther Wright. 4,t ml. Wallace Rd. 410 sh ot bn ac 1 box shells. 3306. t PC. Dining rm. suite, good cond. Ph. 9628. - GOOD boat 1410 S.. 12th. 8 PJaV BROWN Tweed overcoat size 38, 810. Gray hat 7U. both like new. 645 Pino. i POTTERY Vases ..... .Jl.ll to 820.00 GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. i 9 N. Liberty Ph. 4619 BUNK Beds, box springs, mattresses. almost new. tm. saev. iwhi oarncs. 21 JEWEL Hampden open face man's watch 835. Rt 2 BOX 61. . ! COMPLETE household furnishings including elec. appliances. Call betw. 10 AM. and 4 PJL 474 N. 18th. WALNOTS40cnib73sTnrTndnSc 976 S. ComT. Vogt Shoe Shop. 2 DRESSERS 229 At 830: dressing ta ble A- bench $20? CogweU chair tc otto man 830: occas. chair 815: 2 end tables 2 magazine racks 61 each: bed. springs, 840: davenport Ac mirror 810; radio cabinet 82: scatter rugs 82 es.: assort ment of dishes, miac. articles. sz h. Front . - - - .' FOR SALE: Electric sweeper. Swinf rocker and bookcsM. 1995 N. ltth. ' CANARIES At cages. 1108 N. Church. HIGH Chain, child's folding chain, play pens, basinet tea and pre-war styled auto hook-seat for baby, at Co-op Furniture, State and utu Sts. Wanted Miscellaneous ! We Buv Furnitnre TRADE WTTH A FIRM OF 26 YEARS BrpUTATION OF BUSINESS INTEO arrr in the Willamette valley HIGHEST PRICES PAID TOR USED ''. - . - Pianos "' .' I v: ; Fnrnitufe and Appliances can 9ia for appointment r" HOGG BROS. Se LB. paid for -Clean cotto rags. CASH PAID for upnrnt, gptnot of grand pianos. Phono 17.1. THIS WEEK'S SPECIALS a Hl-ATJ.r 'KlfTC 1 ROOM HOME . Lanre livintf room and dining-room. .k.t lil i.l.. umn ilia fran of the bouae.Tled rooms, katchen and bath, fiiil basement. Good location. gsjoo . -... IT HAS BEEN REDUCED TO $300. A eond little X bed room home, hv- ing room, kitchen and bath. Located South, on the bus line. This nr not an out nouoes , V $47M i;TOR THIS ONE V Good 4 room house ' wtth Rvintr m i tiwM. fct-Kr and bath down. 2 bed rooms. Oose in North, with three nice lotr uoxua ana a -variety of fruit trees. . LEE 0HMART & CO. REALTORS ' t 1 I 184 SV COMMERCIAL ST. , PHONE S680. AFTER 80 NICE 4 rmJ hae. at 1941 McCoy St. 1 Wired for range, X garages. Price $3400. 1 4 room nouse on ous nne, z'-a a bam. chicken: house and electric water U- rniMii . . v-f , 3 room house and lots In West I Salem. 82900. mo. . 1 Good 6 rmil houso. lot 80x120. taw-If dust furnace. 85000. u - a rm. ' turn, fwnn a Km. 1 norm, met scow. See JACK. KENNING 5 EN With State! Finance Co. 1 Realtors . 212 Guardian SMg. Phono 4121 BY: OWNER 87800 Good 1 rm.. hae.. dbL plbg4 auto, oil heat, air cnndl laree liv. rm- and din. I m with hwrt fir hium travs. elee. I water beaters Ph. etzx S BL UNFINISHED upstairs: 2 rm. house adjoining witn touet ana nu. wsred for electric range. 3 acre. Terms if desired. 84000. 1 A acre! norsi, paceov ssaa New. house hi 5 jtos. and utility rm, with air conditioned furnace. Lot lOOx 272. south. 86000. 9 rmi.. basement, furnace, water heat er, lot 100x200. Fairmount Hill. $7000. New 4 rmsut and utility. Unfinished upstairs. 3 acres norm, aeouu. ABRAMS A ELLIS. INC. 411 Masonic Bldg. - , Phone 8155 Insurance - at . ' Money to Loan -. 1 27350-8 Rrri modern' Hse, dose to I bus, fireplace basement garage. 48 S. ComT. St. Ph. 4390. Kve 0S36 BY OWNER! Sale or Trade. Mod. 4 I B R. plastered DbL Plbg, newly deco- 1 .hnh. n.U itrart Rn at dooc Claae I tn schools. Pit. 6373. $3500 2 B. R. Home, unfinished I attic. Wired for range, two stoves. J 3 lot US. mile, from citv limits on I hum line. 1 otson ic reeve. REALTORS 94S 8, ComX St. Ph. 4590. Ere 9536 S BUS J MOD.. V. ACRE Here's a very good buy. 0 rms. mod. house, 3 bedrooms. 1 down, 2 up, liv. rm- din. rmJiand kitchen. , A. all fenced with very good soil, with nice little barn for. cow and also good crucx- en house. Located en Portland rd. and Lana Ave., very close in. Total -price I 15500. Some terms. See : . , . L. MllChristensen I COAST LAND CO. j 218.219s Oregon Building 2 BDRM. HOUSE. 84000. i cash. Fruit and nuts. 243 N. 21st ; Wanted to Rent .SMALL' unnirn. house. FhJ 22511. WANTED: 2iior-2 bed room unfurn. house. 210 reward. Ph. 3;2290. X RM. furn iapt. or hse; WUI -redeco- rate interior tf desired. Ph. z-iaifc,. WANTED 2? bdrm. hse, permanent Need immediately. Ref. Carl F. Rempel, 320 S. 14th. , I BACHELOR ; Apt, by rename perm. resident. Within walking distance. Box 25, Statesman.; For Rent Houses SMALL House near Brooks," No nluimbina. Suitable for older couple $10.00 per month. Box 292 Statesman. For Rent THE RIO-MAR. completely furnished ( - nu - Slops a moor. dux. , Beach. Ore. Phone Delake 407. Wecorna GOOD Used i Piano. H L. Stiff. FLOOR SANDER tor rent Mont eomery , Wardil . - TRAILERS for rent Woodry's Mart 1604 N. aUunmee, jPn. sua TRUCKS. fo! rent- Yon drive Cum 1 Lovofl.. bono 960B For Rent Apartments i APTS. on Rlrer Boat Ph. 9003. FURN; AptJibeat water, bath. Ph. 9092. 246 D St FURN. j and 2 rm apts. Adults. Ph. 6288.1 : Roonj and Board tvtp iadv wishes to worx part time for room and board. North. Salem notei. run. vm v Fnr Rpnt Rooms ninn . wnmn Ph. SSSai m . - , - MM i With twin bfcds. 665 N. Church. Ph. Hi M V r.n Z EUltunMWBT .... -- - SL. Rm EmO s-ent Ph. 8144f. i , WanteoV-Furniture" .a.-si- ' w m M -a-- W ATI A &U Z USrU ZUJTSJm riCV. -rT"" Ph. 7511 If you have furniture to sea. j Miscellaneous' PARTUS interested Christmas offer Enc'Clonedia Britannica may obtain information by; writing Mr. Dickson, I'm su sr smb a f r-ssvstenn nv n ufsvi ibtut DentaliPlate Repair two-houx sravici; m host : L i CASES ! Bring or Mafl jYoor Plates for Repair. i tin HARRY SEMLER. DENTIST Adoiph Bldg. State Com.Ph. 1 2311 FREE erutchea. Weodry Auction Market 2606. N. Summer. STOVE parts and rapatrrng. Woodry Mkt.. tsol N. Summer. Also lawn mow er sharpening sod sajusung. contmuoa Wanted-ifMbcelkneons ' GIRL'S whita shoe roller skates1 size 3, or 6. Ph. 24J06. BItCE I can fix up. Ph. 2-1989. : WANT TO Bu, Dseo cameras A tenses MeEwan , Photo Shop 435 State tUSED FURNITURE Ph i 8129 W1MT1TI ist or zna rrowtn wooa. 16 iaich. sound iand dry. Will come mm. It - TUritm rtm .T1 Rex Lambert, Statesman Office. -.Lr-r;- ir.I iinrnifftint& CmU 4641 daTtV Of A-'1 -kSMrMlnaa 'AS ' SSasea A t4 afAfl y i f. m ;aquith alusio.4 Co, ISi S. ih. MODERN HOME. FURNISHED ! bed rooms living room,, dining IS nrnn ' MMlM and .lnttal. 1 unfinished upstairs, hardwood floors. Large back yard, grand location, south. I JTUuy runusnea. I KTNGWOOD HEIGHTS VDXW PROP rorv - t a mwm im 1 bed -,- twin, room, duung room. kit- STSJ SSStS? iurtlC00" fruit house. All under tni L.ttF ' MWd gation. I A. in trellis for-beans. Soma furnace. Some furniture . Uk sximiiMn imm una tmm. chen and bath; unfinished upstairs. in.H,fji vunw.t i Over t acres of good river bottom I sou., au . unaer . cuiuvanon. z . wuis. i Priced at 44000. l I- ' I - ' PHONE 9880 PJL AND SUNDAYS PHONE 3779 MOD. plastered bdrm, hse. st Canby with double lot. Wood fura- full bsse- . Llafa W ( .MIKa Ok I Ir - .nw ami T1 n ri r.r.h r.le,?teke" kouse, family fruit.. on paved . . . , . . Diuii resKienco near wpnoi Buuoinx: rooms; bufltns. closebi and Hre-f place: fun basement with furnace, saw kf.- full KMamMt artMi Inrnuw ua. I oust Burner; large lot trice BT900. ANOTHER ONE of 1 Tooms in East f Salem an a choice comer lot. 88x100 ft Bath trt. Prii SSfiftO Dia-1 L SSSL SJ1: LEO N. CRTLDS. INC REALTORS 344 SUte St. , Ph. 9301 rua sali or Trade by - owner; a I home- with an i income. large dwelling F1."1. furn- nd turn, cottages. . hST bus. bus. store, school. Present I mcome 8150 permo. Trade tor modern 4 I home or sel-48500. 2261 Hazel , Ave. Ph, 3279. Mrs. K. Smith. 87800. burs rood 2 bdrm. house. Hoi. ly wood Dist. Basem furnace, fireplace. Can bo bought turn, or nnfurn. Distant owner says sell at once. . R. A. Forkner, Realtor 1853 N. Capitol Ph. 3031 1 LATE CONSTRUCTED. MODERN 4 R. COTTAGE IN QUIET SETTING. FAIRMOUNT DIST. AUTO HEAT. I FI REPLACE. VENETIAN . ' BLINDS. I FINE FOR COUPLE. 8425a CASH. 1 - : sE MS. "i" "" I SEVER IN REALTY CO. I 212 N. HIGH ST. PH. 4016. EVE. 8213 1 S31SO a Rm Hm. I. K . F IC and I IS B. R., garage. " OLSON it REEVE. REALTORS 949 S. Cora'L St. Ph. 4590! Eve 9538 88000 4 B. R. Hse.. basement with I Ifurnace. wired for electric range, ca-1 rrage. on bus line. I OLSON & REEVE. REALTORS 949 S. ComT. SL Ph. 4590. Eve 9938 J - -n...... j 8 ROOM plastered , house: : laree lot I n xooQ locauon: one oiock from ous. I Price 22850 with 81000 down, balance like rent. Rostein A Adolph, Inc. Phone 3030 110', N. Commercial 86500. 2 Vrs. old. in eood district. South. 2 harms., nook, ven. blinds. nrowa. noors, lovely Kitchen, oil turn. See Mrs. Huff with BURT PICHA. REALTORS - 1337 N. High - , . Ph. 3210 4 BDRM. home, excellent location. large lot, fruit and nuts. 84250. Mr. Byrkit with I BURT PICHA. REALTORS 137 N. High . .. Ph. 3210 27000. English type ! home on Fair- mount' Hill. Liv. rm. 20x20. vdin. rm-1 2 tares bdrnuL. hwd. floors, fireplace. uie oam. nice jot. unoscapea. Mrs. Huff with BURT-PICHA. REALTORS ' 337 N. High s Ph. 3210 ' 1 85500. " NEW Home. East. Possession Dec; 1. Uv. rm dinette. 2 bdrms.. hwd, floors, fireplace, oil furnace, utility Itrave. Mm h with BURT PICHA. REALTORS 337 ti. High Ph 3216 IMMEDIATE Possession. 1 acre north. 4 rm. house 6 yrs. old. Mr. Byrkit with RIIHT PU H . HKAITflRQ 1337 N High Ph. 3210 WALKING Distance. North. Nice 4 1 rm. house, hwd. floors, wired for range, ibsmt, oil heat on creek, j 84000. Mr. Byrkit with - BURT PICHA. REALTORS 337 N. High 4 R. HOUSE, 2 bedrooms, built about 7 years ago. 3i lots. Some -furniture including a good wood range. Price xsooo.oo, terms ifaesired. G. E. VOSSURGH. BROKER Phono 2598. . 1045 Cascade Drive BEAUTIFUL View Home: Practically new, modern, 6 rooms, 3 bed rooms. (large living room, dining room, hard wood floors, electric hot water heater, fun .basement furnace. Large lot and landscaped; Price sii.uoo.ob. . G. E. VOSBURGH. SROKXH mas Phone 2596 1 1043 caseado Drive 22650 HOME:. Five rooms, one bed room down, and one up. plumbing, lights, large . cor. lot with bearing fruit and garden spaee. garage - and woodshed. Richmond school. 0 ,i;i!i ."Siyi,.i 134 S. Liberty St - . aa ww tVSJSSSSL modern except basement with valu able lot 80x285. Close in. HoUywood Dist.-Good place for cottage court R. E. MEREDITH. REALTOR - 1 2159 Port Road Phone. 4463 1 ACRE on Park Ave. 3 bdrm. house this first. 64600. Mr. Byrkit with BURT PICHA. REALTORS ! 337 N. High . :: - - Ph. 2210 i nAi . w.- Jhath, garage. S lots, lots of fruit t I berries, close- to school. - 1 HELV1N aUUMSUn. KSA1.1UK 729 Court St . -.Phone 7a . THIS HOME PRICED TO SELL: IMMEDIATE', POSSESSION. 6 room mine. CZJ., . I WA MPA0M tM.RhM 1ATS. DSfffl W. . . - U 'I r Enelewood school district Price 84790. ICTf TUTU -TTA'yt ------ I 134 s. Liberty St. ; -n. u P. H. BELL OrrERS THESE TWO I HOMES FOR SALE : . A delightful homo with all modern 1 ICTIsairlTIsErJ6,Lgl, aTUI gsssIieemai, Mwum. - .sv-ll - 1 6aavlek sg-sstrsaagal. finMrt i TrsSgfL. lawn, lot 100x125. bus passes the door Immediate possession. 87700. '- Another model n heme within easy walkina distance e State House. 4 bed rooms, oil heat, air conditioned. $7900. Both of these gladly shown at your canvenienc. I n TY rt.11 T t.. I X.' AX DC11, llCollUr 403 Guardian Bldg. " Phone 4896 - .- nrr S ROOM house Ac (arm located al 1680 Mill St Price $3300. " W. U. KKUHiEU. auuTUA ' Ill N. Cotlunoxdalt?: V Ph. 473 DtfMEDIATE POSSESSION . Titrm room hoeae. 1 bad rassu. fire placo. wired fpr ttee. range, nswiy decorsuo. bt Mrs. weeonam or Mwaielee. water syst, bath and touet good I BechteL 241 State St For SsdeKTini ' A GOOD turkev and stock farm. 292 acres about 60 acres in cultivation. Has a eood d room house, modern except basement Large brooder house, fully oouipped to handle Jtwo wJ Spring water piped to all bulldinrs. Lots of good timber. Price 21L000. Will consider tome traoe. . t DWWTU L . TW ni(' U0 N. Commercial - Phono 2030 FOR SALE of trad for farm in Ore- mmt- SiA am farm ta Yuma COUnty, Colorado. ImDroved S rm, bouse with t ax oit Deico rimt ciani: ia vr tolteriea used less than 2 yrs. Wash hse. lW imrmm K.m m.'itH trtft- COW I barn with kwt granary, chicken hses. zzlz lj w a: I nasHir. Alf teA. PritCtt 15000. $' ffm a-lujln Kt w treats- f at rwP gT L. RnT I - Andrews. Kte. 4, St rtAads. iuuisas. It ACRES. 1ft miles from city Unf-I its on uaroen road. Beautiful 7 rm. I south of sown. Improved or unim eolonial hse. Full baa mint, pipe torn. I proved. - Write full ertacnlars in first iMO. iMora. Lttc uoaca4 ct. cjucaen 1 hse. and barn. Close to bua line and I schooU Price 115,000. Rte. 8. box 447. Ph. I - UfiS. . 4o ACRES wtthta 9 mL of city Mm - ro, spring wt-tiee. ana phono m t .""yfT. trade for Salem property or sell, terms. ID. A. FISH 471 Court Ph. 6824 131 A. of rich Santiam bottom land. $ r. house. Barn. Chick house: Garage. in prunes. a. aa nuts, mas o-nmnej dryer, fc ftrunw warehouse, asm oaser mugs, nu goou r. nouse. au diuxs. good repair dcweu pamteo. raceicALL. SEVERTN REALTY CO. TOO IS17ASO. Tc see Jacx Hennmgsen STATE FINANCE CO- REALTORS 1212 Guardian BldaV Ph. 4121 Aereage IS ACRE HOME AH good souw t nn. house, barn and lty muXeT, a Biues out. immeatate j ir. cvut uiw pfr uni imwv jv. mj cxabehhobst bsos fteaitors - - , Ph. 4UI Z'w4 rI .m ZZJLrZr.VC IA e Aatf. - t - lmt m Lod th wand eiertricitv 87L dTa: . Jfana irbL..tfltT- 7 Court PbVsMi.' 84500-8 A- 4 Rm, Hse Eleetrie wat er system, youngberries. gooseberries. currants, family orchard. mmii a. mrxrw iTiiivnt' aas ComT. St. Phono 4580. Eve 9538 KPirtii. in . wm . ,tmot n in mmvttui about 109 2-year old filbert trees. Al- most new 4 room house with complete plumbing: deep well with electric wat er system. Small creek. Good born, double garage, A good buy for $3350. Is casn, Balance 830 per montn. . ROSTEIN A ADOLPH. INC 110. N. Commercial Phone 3030 25000 t A, Rm. Hse4 South River Rd. Oil floor furnace. OLSON Ac REEVE. REALTORS 949 S. ComT St Phone 4590. Eve 9536 BY OWNER. Nice 1 A. bearing fil- berts. Good sou. Worth the money 86000. Fn. 6379. -- - - - - - - 00 Good Rm, Hse, 2"ir miles from town, fruit At nuts, bam Ac chick en hse.. nearly a Acres. OLSON 4c REEVE. REALTORS 1945 S. ConVl. St Phone 4590. Eve 9538 14U FERTILE ACRES. IDEAL LO CATION. 10 ACRES OF FILBERTS 81 TEARS OLD AND IN PERFECT CUL- TIYATION. TRACTOR AND ALL TOOLS go. modeiw house with HOUSE AND STREAM. SCHOOLS, STORES AND CHURCHES NEAR. SEX MS. HOLMES severim kealti tu. L212 N. HIGH PH. 4016. EVE. 8213 rCTTT CONVENIENCES A COUNTRY PRIVILEGES 2!4 aero tract 4 mile out on paved road. Easy to sub-divide. Best of dark fertile soil; 2 residences, one rented one vacant. Deep well with electric water system. Barn and chicken house. A good buy for 98000. Part terms. SEE LEO N. UtlUISt iflU BMLIUIU 344 State. St. . Ph. 9261 ! 8490Q.- Rm. Plast'd Hse 1.35 A close to town, barn dc chicken hse. OLSON. & REEVE. REALTORS 945 S. ComT. St Phone 4590. Eve 9536 2 acres with one acre of full, bearing cherries and one acre of eood earden land wtth Small year round creek. Just l outside city limits on ous line: ciose to tschool. An ideal building site. Price 1S1SOS. A - ROSTEIN '& -ADOLPH, INC 1 xioi N. Commercial Phone soso Ji I ' $10,500 2',i A 3 B. R. Plast'd Hse.. 1 Basement, oil furnace, garage. Beauti- ful settine in fir rrove. OLSON 6c REEVE. REALTORS 945 S. ComT St Phone 4590. Eve 9536 ! 7 ACRES. All fine soil. Paved road. 3 bdrm. good house. Hdwd. floors, bssem, furnace, fireplaoo. 86000. R. A. Forkner, Realtor 1653 N. Capitol Ph. 3031 LAND BARGAIN i 6 acres of excellent soil. aU plow t etlnAe. ' eabsasa Sobldgs, Pr'X? VZZZ lor a iuiure nome. - - r - GRABENHORST BROS- Realtors 134 S. Liberty St ' Ph. 4131 ACREAGE WITH CREEK 85000. 10 acres. 9 rm. nearly new I house with bath., dec. water syst, 1 4- A. cult Good soil. 2 A. young or chard, timber. All year creex. T OLSON A REEVE. Realtors 949 S. ComL Ph. 4590, Eve. 9536 SMALL 2 BDRM. home north with I acre of ground, close to bus line. Garage, Price $3100. , r gee O. V. Hume at GRABENHORST BROS., Realtors - 134 S. Liberty SC i Ph. 4131 - WALLACE ROAD' Two acres and 4 rm. dwelling, ga race, hen house, berries., fruit fir k. ..... .. mMmmIa. vmntf I ruts. bed. davenport chairs, radio, etc. S.t950 for all. Possession at once. C w. Orr WUcT rHte. L box'liL Stuner. Real Estate Broxer. sawm. I 9 ACRES. SOUTBV close to "bus and school. Has 7 room homo, with fire place, basement furnace. Large chick- Dona ana " ST' See O. V. Hume at i (TRAJrienhorst -' BROS.. Realtors 134 8. Liberty St r i Ph. 4131 15 A. 9 MI.1 from .Salem on paved road. 4 rm. hse, double garage, good poultry hse. A. in fruit and nuts. 93600. m cgt aitu.viN juiiasun. aeaiur none .am FIVE ACRES a . . ' . . . a I I miles out small 3 rm. house, nrtuea nilM out. small 2 rm. house, drilled well with electric pump, family fruit. Price 82750. - i nr iRrvHOBCT waft . Realtors 134 S. : Liberty St" I Ph. 4121 1 : to A. it MILES S. of Salem. 2 bdrm. house, elec light full bsmL. small chicken house, fan, orch.. net farm land. An for gzaoo. see ssn. sAnaou with Hawkins & Roberts, Inc. I : Realtors " Phono 4106 Salem 40 ACRE SNAP I Part plow land. ' good welt' some timber, old shack bouse and barn of practically no value Price $2100 cash. 1 134 riKrtv St. PH. 4131 I ... ar-nra ia nnrfli at 1 I m Wheatland reed. 2 room house. I w.r oklohan tuuiM elaetrle lirhtS. fVuTt pVw rood. , C,- u n iniimn ImHm m K. Comnvrrcial , Ph. 4728 I t M a, t Lacorab with bdrm. house. 4 A. e suae tterv- ber. for quick sale at 82334V See MR. LAK5UV wna Hawkins & Roberts, Inc. V . , Raaltara Phono 4106 . Salem T ROOM home with 1 aero of ground. 1 fcWk to eitr bus line. 2 ear ears re. - House peruy ssjwm. e Km O V. Humo at - CRARENHORST BROS. Realtors 124 S. Liberty 8t Ph. 4131 Personal . I PALMISTRY v.t.m IT airs tolls Tast future. Advice on an subjects. Con- suit. 172 S. ComT Ph. 2-195L lonesome an-d-ed. Box Portland 6, Oregon. CASH FOR to 10 acres; close In letter, oac an, --- 2 OR 1 EDBic. home with br-wi out furniture Basement pi efen ed. CkjIT roe atr. sunosue, Argo stoees oc s'lM 13688. SALES SERVICE WHY DO SO MANY -OWNERS OF QUALITY HOMES ENTRUST THEIR SALES TO SEVERS REALTY CO.? BECAUSE THEY KNOW THEY WTJJL RECEIVE COMPETENT ' ADVICE A GUIDANCE WILL HAVE- THEIR EVERY INTEREST SCRUPULOUSLY PROTECTED. WE HAVE INQUIRIES itjg UODRN HOMES E&QM $3C to 119.000. if you wish to sell. WILL RECEIVE DIGNIFIED. CONFI DENTIAL, PROMPT SALES SERY SEVERLN REALTY CO. SENATOR HOTEL t BLTX3 TEL. 4018. AFTER P. Ml 212 "EVERY CUSTOMER A REFERENCE" WANT TO 5ELL?' . Let us handle your sale. ALWAYS .1-: Prompt, com tee us -service and good . aaverusing. - ' ' t LEE OHMART & CO. I . lPnone 184 So. ComT SL - Lee- on man For Xvtaias - W. L. "Habby" Appointmeots: 1 . Maoertucnt Phono 2779 'Mrs. Calaba WANT 1 -story 2-bedroom house from owner: not over S3S00. poss. oy nov. ao. Give- description As location. Boat 289 Statesman.- ' i NOTICE: OT your . property Is I sale, rent or exchange; list it wtth us We have an kinds cash buyers. STATE FINANCE CO- REALTUKS 212 Guardian Bldg. WILL PAY CASH To owner for modern r 1 - i hODie 111 Or Ut&T OaleHlilll $5000 PRICE RANGE A. W. ZYSSET RTE. 1. BOX 181 SALEM, ORE, PHONE Z-3063 Business Opportunities GROCERY STORE AND CAFE Located at Liberty. Has living quar ters with about y acre of ground. Can give Immediate possession. Price 8300. tor property, stocx ana tixxures. See o. v. Hume at GRABENHORST BROS.. Realtors 134 & Liberty St Ph. 4131 VERY NICE Autb Court doing a fine' business. Shown by appt. only. - j ? R. A. Forkner, Realtor 1853 N. Capitol Ph. 3031 INCOME CREEK PROPERTY I I 2 Story House. 4 apts. 2 cottages, owner's livinff Quarters, on oeautuui ST V'.,V, ",h Priced right Terms. ;- i C. W. BARTLETT R. W. BENT ; j REALTORS 4 J ' 122 New Bllgh Bldg. ; Phone Schools RECEIVE PRACTICE IN A REGULAR HOSPITAL! . Learn . i y Mj ' Practical Nursing j No Age or Education Requirement s I ... .... .C MTUW . . . . cuavaiesceni nome pays u. w . 100 month plus full maintenance. : . .. HOSpuaiO'' pay up 10 siza raonui time and includes actual practice in ONLY SCHOOL OF ITS ? KIND OF FERING SUCH A fLAr. Inauire at once for free "Nursing cacia. 1 1 POST GRADUATE HOSPITAL SCHOOL OF NURSING. Write Box 801 Statesman. i Bils i n e s a:,:'-pir e'ejip ry ; ; -, mrs sotplib. ion Oi art. MJJ r llai W ??i?JESffT2S " essawssWSsBSBBBSsssseasoBBaaBOBBon ' " . " . . . - - Alterations i IWatio Sewing Machine Repairing mtS7$l bT: CourUPh-2P2 W. A. Guy. Magazine Snbgcriptions Septic Timki' Qeaned BATH Bm. tu,? renewaL EsteBo C. Jono GET my prioes oefore tiavtog work or store fronts. Ph. 4503. U4S W. Htn. u" done.- Ph 7404. Permanent resident of ' ;. .. 1 ,.. W Salem. Kenwtth HameL 1142 8th St - s AntO Brakes j' BlattresSOl , tnxO ynur cesspool or septic tank . . .aagw eicanjstcjtn 6748 and get our price) - HERRALL-OWENS CO 235 S Com" -. Sl first: it pays 17 yrs, tot business: rea- . CAPITOL BEDDtNO CO Phono 40C6 tonabta. i dependable service. Mike Psnek. 27 S. ComX Ph. 5161 , - -;! - Morie LeMon . She KnMJrins Am. & Track Strric. jgm ujj -5 53ffUreM MARION MOTORS 1 Shoos fhinod. cleaned it dyed. iiL lintir . l Spy Painting tbieman. - 279 Center, i ? Ph. 9158. 1 t VF ' HERRALL-OWENS CO, W S Coml PAINTINQ - and 8prayto. Ph. 4146. . erk, Pb. 246. , INTERIOR and. Exterior. Ph. 6066 Hi ' m ; A't Bicyclea f g- , pajnttng and Estsnmining. ph-tuo ;-: f Tranif er ': ' r i' ggyVciri PAINT1NO d, - Oor 2959: XLnjorty Body & Fender Repairs lliigT&Il SSgl0 iSZft i ! ' ' 1 . Portland daily Agent Pierce Auto BXRRALL-OWENS CO. 239 S Coral Paper hanging A painting, ph 3962 f? a-tate Larssor " . 1 . w ' Transfer . Co rn aiaii BolldoEing (mtjmetixig t 'Ia:a6S Cement Contracting rtSJm its VacBua Qeaner Senrice OOwtfwJttng. C, a B1M A. L. SKaTWIS JPhnwM CteTTFTDOAR AR J' Ph. 407L . , - - - - . 1 i Heating. 846 N. High, Pn. 6222. - . V Usee's Electric HI U Tetsnw. n.t,-w Q.,..- v bowxn BROS, Plurnmnt and Hoot- fRxl (Mptcttoa ta fWli Chlniney Sweep m & com PR tSU. ' Vf thorUtd Boovor semco w aaakes elponera Hogg 6woo Ph 6446 rttJumiKM k i-x:' 'liira;;'' r'ctd, a Qoek Repairing TJl S. XL Ph. U76. -!''. -t - I n . 11 1 :' " 1 FOR STATION ER Y. cards, swmphlets Decker 1 Taylor cawtp. State Sttret rmp-f C.w Filin" ! : programs books or any fctnoTof print- BKM''!:"f -, r- KmXper saw iiunp ? ttil Butesmoa Prtmung.De. . . . .', . - " , ' J . i s partment 211 t; Commercial. Trelo n ryirirloW CI caliinS Harvi. clrt crosscut U10 N. Church, pfaooo 910L :t ,..t - ! Vt inOQW camu Ph.:230o. .. .- -j . : - j ! ' J- .. , , , ALL ' work iWMtWd. Uwnniower Sharpening . IU&o Service ; tfJtfJZX " . -. m-mm teg Sonrtco Pa 4457 . .;. GUABANTXSD .WORK on special Louis duBuy. 257 Court Ph. toa. . , tsVlrrmders.' by Harry W. Scott T WINDOWS. Boors cleaned. Ph. tlGM. -The cyote m i s commerctai st Sand and Gravel " . ' , Wood Sawing florists ' SAND, gravel, crushed rock, ready ' mixed concrete. ..WaUlnf Saad and tv, ttmtm p.tErsoa. ' Brelthaupfi' 441 Court. Phono 2131 Gravel Ph. 851 ' f , 1 -L Jamaa rawrauii. SELL Your Car Now Before New Ccr Proinctioa Stsrts. ' PRICES WILL NEVER BE HIGHER. WE WILL PAY THE MAXIMUM VALUE FOR ALL MAKES AND MODELS. : NASH USED CAR LOT ; WHAT, WILL YOUR -CAR BE WORTH? WHEN THE EUROPEAN WAR IS FIN ISHED? TAKE ADVANTAGE OF CUR RENT PRICES. - r WE PAY CASH r ALL MAKER ALL MODELS HERRALL-OWENS CO. 239 S. Catnmercial 1 Ph. 2409 WANTED 1 ' Good Used Cars. TOP CEILING PRICE PAID FOR ALL MAKES ec MODELS ; macs: USED CARS . 856 Center SL ' For Sale Wood MILLWOOD. Prompt delivery. 6662, Ph. HEAVY rain 98 90 toed: 812 doable ft slab tor ru Ph. 172L IS IN. SLAB 90 aer cord. Cord. 1V 4t 2 eord load. Capitol Lumber St Fuel CO. Ph. T7XL . , 16" SLAB wood ' and edgings 2 eord load 814 Ph. 0683. , i : ; GREEN old 'growth . t8 tn prompt delivery Pbona 6444.) slab Lost and Found LOST: Ration books 3 and 4. Please return to J Armold, Statesman office. FOUND 2 ducks. Owner Ph.3827. STERLING . SILVER identification. engraved "Josephine." Ph. 6608. FOUND . Boys bicycle. Identify and pay for ad. Write Rte. 9, box 274. Bob LineDarger. . :- .. For Sale Used Cars FOR BETTER BIRD& 1211 1 BROADWAY 38 OLDS 6 2 DR. SED. Very clean. Mechanically Radio and heater. perfect '41 NASH DELUXE 4 DR SED. Famous for economy. Loads of eX- tras. New tires. Looks and runs like rJz: i, n WE SPECIALIZE IN MOTOR TUNEUPS,. GENERAL REPAIRING. PAINT- t-n Motorcycles r v.j ' Lodges . . ;' " ' ' r SALEM LODGE No. 4. A. F. INDIAN "39, exe. cond. Cheap. Phono V 1 A. M. Wednesday. Novem 3194, ask for Beebe. - . )&W Vler 22. MJC degree, t JO PAL , - - ' WW' - - 1 WE PAY TOPS! Get Cssh on the Barrel-Head . 1 C" SHROCK SALEM'S oldest -ndependent Ma Ournot Church Ph 1921 HAVE CAR to trade or pay cosh for Plym, Ford or Dodgs. Ph. 9206. No Sun. calls. 1422 State.. For Sale Used Can YOU WILL -WW Always Find a Better ' H ' CAR AND MAKE A BETTER , j 1 1 1 ' DEAL nr AT LODER BROS. 442 Center. StJ Phone 6122 Our 18th Year in Salem, Oregon" i "OldsmobUe Sales and Service" "Hocne of Good Used Cat" i I T R U C K S 1 j MO DODGE DUAL TIRES -.'EXCELLENT CONDI- ' HERRAIXOWENS CO. 239 8. ComT. St Ph. 2180 '41 PLYMOUTH Soecial'de Luxe. 4 dr. sedan; leas than 17.000 miles. Perfect cond. Good tires, trade for older model car. Can before 6 p.m. 650', Locust St. 4 YD. DUMP truck, good tires, good shape except cab. Marks at Liberty Store. lU! ' ' : t j . :'J : "31 MODEL A Ford. 4 dr. $125. Joe, Webster,! Rte. 4, box 238B. Salem. T mL S. to Sunnyside. -- T7 CHEV. semi - truck, flatbed, good tiies..Leiwy Gardner. G 37 PLYMOUTH deluxe coupe. Fair condition, lrt hse. S. of .Krueger storeJ KtaL bQ.j5 Jj?j-?Af-u lK-u- J iP FORD dump truck with job, A-l USED CARS SEE 37 CHRYSLER ROYAL 2 DR. SED. New motor, radio, heater and Over ! drive. ; New rubber, immaculate, in terior. 1 - ' 34 PLYMOUTH DELUXE CPE. 8345.66 -33 PONTIAC seij J " S 33 PONTIAC DELUXE CPE. $25 00 mmtM roNV. CPE. , S195.00 .$195.00 1 1 E --'"" ZYSSET AUK) Co. - accent counucs. . i