Its OZZGCII CTATCMAIL Sales. Orwyca. Yfochtsday Horsing. Horenber 15. IZU Wot Convenience ' and ProfW. Mead and Use at: Help Wanted Male Auto Mechanic with General Motors repair experience preferred. DO A WAR JOB NOW GET SET FOB A PERMANENT POST WAR JOB wits ! Loder Bros.. 445 Center Street. -Oldimobile Sales and Servtco" I "Our 16th year In Salem" - "Home of Good Used Cars" : GENERAL Carat work. Perm, po sition. Night man. Preferably univer sity student. HerraH-Owens Co. 2 MECHANICS. Permanent positions. Excellent wages. Herrall-Owens Co. Help Wanted Female STUDENTS, 18. or over, for part time cashier. Apply in person Grand Theater. WANTEDS Cooks mod housekeepers at Willamette University -dormitories. uau mjss jacx at B263. LAUNDRY help wanted Apply Cap ; Ral City Laundry. 1264 Broadway. FULL TIME CANDY CI .ERIC Apply in person. Grand Sweet Shop. HIGH School senior or college girl for Sat. and Sunday work. Saving center, west saiera. WANTED: Reliable - woman for housekeeping, small house, two adults. none swsu. - HOTEL Maid. Steady poaitloo."Good wages. Apply Marion Hotel. WOMAN to care for woman Just re covering from illness. Two in family. Z310 . 4tiu. . uiau wm care lor a cnuortn. utania. ; Meals. 1029 Elm. W. Salem. Salesmen Wanted 4 ; DEALER WANTED. Biff Routes make . good living. ZOO farm-home necessities. . medicines, spices, foods, etc.. - weu known every county. For particulars write Rawleigb's, Dept. ORK-156-142, Oakland, cam. Situations Wanted FIRST CLASS CARPENTER WORK. Ph. 8281. . LADY wants position. - Gen. office work pref. Exp. in life insurance, newspaper, hauling and construction wora. box Z73 statesman. Preschool Playschool; 1381 State Ages 2-8. Part or all day. Ph. 8430. CHILDCRAFT Nursery We pick up and deliver 1893 Trade, pn. usa REPINED, experienced woman wishes housework in bachelor's or motherless home.' Country preferred. Box 277 statesman. HAND LAUNDRY Curtains, Uncus, silks and general laundry. Delivery Tues. and Sat. Ph. SUDS. -v-- ' HOUSEKEEPING for. gentleman or motherless home by middle aged woman. Box 278 Statesman. STEADY work in furn. or clothing store.' Exp. lady. P. O. Box 167. Salem. WILL care for child, days, in my liotnt. Keas. 66' Thompson. DESIRE receptionist position in doc- Tor oiace. Uince and hospital ex perlence. Box 280 Statesman. Money to Loan Quick Gash Loans! On any worthwhile secur-ity--Repayahle in 12 S.M . months . ?;- Compaar ts locally owned and Managed. GENERAL FINANCE CORPORATION. S-138 Phone 9169 - 134 S. Commercial St, Salem '; PRIVATE MONEY Autok And Truck , Loans . Contracts Refinanced Money for new and used ears- as trucks regardless eg age. No delay ' bring ear and title and get the money You retain poassssfan eg vehicle, l to 18 .souths to repay. . After $ o'clock aeon X3C1 or 21143 , ior. appourtment. . ., . ...... ROY H. SUMMONS Regulated by state .138 S OeaL St Phone tlSS (M 1511 ' -: Auto . Loans ; Willamette Credit Co. BTH FLOOR GUARDIAN BUILDING LICENSE H .-U m . MONEY : $ REAL EST AT LOANS " PERSONAL .LOANS t - ; CAR LOANS .We Buy Real Estate Mortgages) and . Coo tracts. , STATE FINANCE CO. Lie M-222. zn Guardian Bldg Money to Loan WANTED. RIAL ESTATE eaortgaft loans eity er farm prausrtles; loans made aa small a aoe. see us a neat re financing your present contract es mortgage, - Leo N. ChDdsY Inc. S44 Stat St ' Phono 1261 AUTO LOANS . Us your car as security. Prompt private service. $18.08 per mo. repays $199 fc 12 months. Com te or phone Personal Finance Co. Room 125. Second Fir. New Hugh Bldg. lis Stat St. none: saieta siu Lie. 8-122 M-185 Loans 'Wanted FAIUI 4 LOANS J. Duncan.' 19 Ladd as Bush Bldg. cr cpTODaOeOtattota r ADVERTISING . ; Western Advertising . -Representatives " v Waxd-GrtffJth Company. Inc. ' San Francisco , Eastern Advertising Representatives " War -Griffith Cosnpeny. Inc. Chicar. New York. Detroit, Boats). Atlanta -; Member i Pacific Coast Division Bureau of Advertising: Entered' at the Postolr 'et Saltm, Oreffon-as seconei .ia iar. rv luhed every osooUn txetpt Mondas;. Btna oic 218 South - Cownier- cial.Strset. - - , SUBSCRIPTION RATES man f v vv- e - - Within Orefon: Daily- and Sunday. Me. 89 cents; s mom. .wi rear, o.vw; Elsewher C3 cents p tn.r flM for 1 year In advance. Fer copy 8 cents. . . . sm-m.i n Miff m mofith. $9 00 a year in advance ia Marion and adjacent cour.ucs. For Sale Miscellaneous Two S-GALLON CANS and man's light-weight all wool topcoat. Phone 577S mornings , FOR THOSE HARD TO GET ITEMS Sealed Beam fog Lights. i! Defroster ' Fans. 1 Auto Radios and Aerials, i . White SidewaU Paint. 1 1 Fender Guards. -,' 1 Sparton Horn. ' "" BaU and Sockett Hitches. Trailer Axle Assemblies. WILLAMETTE AUTO WRECKING CO. - t75 M. Commercial EXTRA HEAVY duty ' trailer, size TxlS. extended axel, good tires, all tn food condition, can oe seen at w River St. Price only SIS if taken this FOR SALE Parts for man's bicycle. also wood heater. Ph. 4882. Iicm It rTfHT.M hufH-ln. . hathhlh 30" sink, toilet, rugs. etc. 1234 S. ComL HIGH OVEN Westinghouse elec range. 1478 Center. 30-40 KRAGG SPOBTER. perfect shape. 100 shells. 870. Chris Barber Shop. 2343 Portland Hd. WOOD RANGE and circulate heater. Good condition. Rt 8, Box 53L H. No lan Makinson. MALE COCKER Spaniel pups. 9x10 Wilton rug. good condition 845. la mi. N.W. Chemawa, Rt. 2. Box 398. NEW Black All Wool Coat, size 38. 1153 Leslie. DOLL buggies and carts made to or der. Phone 8840. 141a N. 4tn. ANNOUNCING that the Will-Schnyer building.' Aurora, Oreg., is reopening by Mills Imp. Co. Everything & any thing used on the farm. Radio repair work. Opening day Nov. 20th. First week special discount. 3 2-WH. TRAILERS. 2116 State, j a'tMORAYS OZONE? seD and rent a. C Pugh Pb 2-2458 PO Box 4Q Johnston Sheet Metal Co. . 1419 S. 12th Salem, Oregon ' Phone 5391 ; Years of experience enables us to give you guaranteed workmanship.- . Air conaiuoning. rurnaces. viuoexa. Eave troughs. Sky llt. Sn-.cko stacks. Tanks and repairing. : FREE JCSTI- afATES. WINTER Apples for eating- Ac cook ins. 81 to 8Z2S box. Ph. 4277. 630 Breys Ave. RIVER silt, 4 yds. $7. Ph. T89S. UNIVERSAL wood at gas range, wood heater. 1234 S. ComX . WALNUTS 20c; winter apples 73c Esther Wright. 4',i mi. Wallace; Rd. YARDING and loading donkey fully equipped. New sled. John Aebi. Dai las. Ore, Rt. 1. 1 mi. N.W. of Dallas. DAVENPORT, 2 chairs to match; 12x15 all wool rug 3 mo. old; walnut gate leg table. 5 chairs: bedstead; dressing table. 1715 N. Church. WILL BUY for cash, sell or trade guns, ammunition 8c scopes. Don Madison. S96 No High. CHILD'S t Doll Furniture, chairs, tables, beds. We make them. 1413 N. 4th. Ph. 6840. TRAILERS tor rent. Woodry Auction MkU 1605 N. Summer. FULLER Brushes. 1745 Grant P. S357 FOR SALE: 8 hole Frigidaire tee cream cabinet and ' HJ. Frigidaire compressor; Phone 4044. 4 TONE musical horn 815: new elec. fene eontrol 1S: 26 Dodge, eueeL motor and fair rubber.. 870; 1933 12 cylinder Lincoln Victoria coupe, good cond., reas. i'4 m E. -irom iucwks Ser. SUt. A. R. Kudisell. Rt. I. Bx. 259. 1 SIMMONS bed,' coil springs, 2 mattresses, 1 stove, 1 combination wood and gas range, 1 play yard rm. size. Ph. 6395. MAN'S Bicycle. 1910 S. 12th, eve. PIANO Good cond. 170 Fairview, Ph. 8016. 2 PC. Dossum ' fur coat. hat. muff. $50. Original cost $175. Good cond. Must sell. 339 santn st. m. ens. NEW spring filled daveno. 8 pc. maple dinette set. davenport and .chairpre war, 8 pc. mahog. bdrtn. aet- pre-war. rocaers. rugs. etc. mm duvs at uu Fratn's Furniture, 2380 Fslcgrounds Rd. Ph. 5762. . REBUILT davenport, chair, ottoman. daveno. rocker. Trade in accepted. Ph. 6398. . . Illll f. Kaiist flrH hunur - mnnr cotiea,aAzver, biv. tra. wt. IMPROVED CorvalliS' strawberry Place orders in advance. Ph. 13F12. &. J. Overtey. MX. S. Box 310. WALNUTS: Franraettas, large, food quauty, color, rn. stno. - . TWO-burner electric hot -plate, elee. we irmin. eieetne )ig saw, ivory enamel piece Dreaaxast set. 13 11 N. cnurcft St - A I I tube Phllco radio. TX. Box 882. 83S, . SMALL 4 burner gas rang with oven, grill, no storage space. Nearly new. sea. vra urooaway. n. aisis. - DAVENPORT, rang with new colls; tables, dressers and other misc. orti clea. Call sre after 8 P JC 833 Center. Chrysanthemums. ICS Brooks Ave. Wsmted -Uiscellaneoua WANT Good Farm Home. 1 yr. old xemaie worn serrier. usn s. tmn. r ELEC RECORD PLAYER radio at tachment Ph. 703X BIKE I can fix up. Ph. S-USS. GOOD pipe less turn. Ph. MaasjBBawSassijsssssssssssw We But-Furniture TRADE WITH A FIRM OF 24) TEARS REPUTATION OF BUSINESS INTEO aiTY IN THE WILLAMETTE VALLEY HIGHEST PRICES PAD) FOR USED .... Pianos ; Fiirnitare and Appliarices Call 9149 for appointment - HOGG BROS. ; 281 Stata St WANT TO Buy. TTseO te LB. paid tor cleaa cotton rags. statesman rubusmns cm. - .. - ussa rusutrrusuk ru anas CASH for used sum at steal instruments CaB 4641 dars -et 99X1 evenings er send dsecrtptie s iaquith Must. Co- 191 S - Bigh. c CASH PAID for eprtrhv-sptaet es grana pianos ran 6MI - Waitfrxl Furniture WANTED.' : Used furav. elec aoptt- aoa as ukhb. ia rerry. rn. x-io-s. riV-TlU If you have furniture toselL ' miscellaneous . TREE t crutches. Weodry ' Auction Market 1608 N. Summer. v interior alterations and repairs a specialty. Ph. 7103. . 1 JMOD. Horn Designs. Remodeling. ri""VL"5 01 epair. uen. carpentry Ph. 356J.-0. S. Pinney. V Miscellaneous REPAIRS FOR ALL! MAKES OF - Sewing i Machines ; I PROMPTEXPERT SERVICE Reasonable rates SINGER SEWING ' MACHINE CO. 142 S. High St. i i Phone 3512 : Dental Plate Repair TWO-HOUR SERVICE IN MOST - CASES Bring or Mail Your Pistes for Repair. DR. HARRY SEMLER. DENTIST Adolph Bldg, State et Com. Ph. 2311 WALNUT AND filbert dryer now operating. Cascade View Orchards. 4 ml. SW. of Liberty on Skyline rd. to arrow. . v . STOVE parts and re patting. Woodry Mkt. 1003 N. Summer. Also lawn mow er sharpening and adjusting- continued For Rent -Rooms ROOM for lady, or rm. with board. Modern prt home. ; Home conven iences. Ph. 8406. i SMALL furn hskg. rm. Ph. 5715. SL. Rm Emp igent Ph. 21449. ' CLEAN, comfortable.- warm rooms for men only. 578 Court St t Room1 and I Board GOOD HOME. 1144 Center. SUNNY Sisters Convalescent Home offers all home comforts and nursing care to elderly folks, semi-invalids or stroke cases. Excellent food. Plwc3484. on East D St i . V For Rent Apartments 2 RM. FURN. APT. Ph. 2-3341. 2 RM. furn. apt 845. Ph. 2210. eve . . For Rent Farms 30 ACRES, mostly fruit buildings. equipped for chickens. 2',s mi. from court Bouse, rn. bus. For Rent GOOD Used Piano. H. L. Stiff. FLOOR SANDER tor rent Mont gomery Ward - TRAILERS for rent Woodry's Mkt, 1805 N. Summer. Ph. lilt TRUCKS for rent You drive Me Cune S Loveil obon 9600 THE RIO-MAR. completely furnished deluxe motor apartments, ocean view, Bus stops at door. Box - 26, Wecoma Beach. Ore. Phone Deiaae n. Wanted to Rent "SERVICE man's wife with 2 children desires to share home and expenses with someone. Ph. 3779. . ' ELDERLY reliable perm. cple. want 3 rm. hse. or apt untur. pn. 8833.. GARAGE close to 1997 N. Capitol, flione Super Cream. - : WANTED 2 bdrm. hse permanent Need immediately ,.Ref. Carl F. Rem pel. X20 5. 1UI. : : SM. Unfurnished house. Ph. 6879. FURN. house or apt 2 adults "for Jan. & Feb, Will pay well. Box 276 statesman. 1 RESPONSIBLE couple with small child desires, 4. or 5 rm. house, turn, or unfurn. Box 279 Statesman. 2 BDRM. unfurn. house. Call Mr, Manning at penney'a. For Sale Real Estate BEAUTIFUL VIEW HOME 818.00O T -Rm. Colonial type Home. large living room with fireplace. DJt K-. Den. 2 large B.R, double plumbmg. full basement fumecc. -elec. water heater. Hdw. floors. Just outside city limits. 2a A. Dble.' garage. Let us show you this Ideally situated home. ' OLSON & REEVE 945 S. Coml St Phone 4599 ' Eve 9538 R. Better class home, cast Every modern convenience, not old, slpg. etc. Lues Realty, mm Ore. Bldg, - EAST SALEM Rm. Dwelling with 1 A. of land, has walnuts, figs, .apple and cherries. Im mediate possession. $4509. HP. 829 Court Realtor Ph. 8744 NICK 4 RM. horn. 2530 Laurel, large lot $2700, terms. See MR, GOODWIN with - Hawkins & Roberts, Inc. 1 j ' i Realtors ;. Ph. 4109 After 8 Ph. 9719 NICE 3 XM. house with utility room and 2 lots. $2800. Terms. S rm. suburban none. , A. of land. 3000. - ' 4 rm. hse. with double garage, lo cated at 1491 McCoy St $3400. Income property with furnished apts, income 914 per month. 8830, Good terms. Will soon pay for itself. - See JACK. HENNDfGSEN with . State Finance Co., , Realtors . 212 Guardian Bldg. Phone 4121 PRICE Cut to $8000. Mod. 7 R. 2 lots, good location, terms. $0000. 2 A. bear- teg Clberts. Pb, 8379 : YEN TO j LIVE WELL Honestly, if you are looking for a suburban home with a piece of ground where the kiddies can play with n worries from traffic, here's a lovely all whit S bedroom home, hwd. firs, liv. rm, din. rm, room for 2 bdrms. in attic if deetid.NNorth. Price SS3S. -See L. C Oooney ., BUVEN, ALDERUf 4 COONXT Realtors .-. 43 Oregon Bid. NEWLY PAINTED 4 Rm. Dwelling. North ContaMretal Cist with apple it walnut trees. Total price tor cash $283040. Pninsilcn im aediateiy. -: - . H. PJ Grant, Realtor 5 S29 Courts ' v:v '"---"Pa. 8744 VACANT Rms. at bath. (Room up strs for 4 Rms.) Base, saw. furnace. Close in. $550. $1300 down. Willamette Real Estate, 172 S. Liberty. Ph. tlli. r EAST SALEM HOME' I rm. modern home. Hardwood floors, basement furnace c fireplace. This is a real home for the money. Price 9SJO0. Call G. H. Grabenhorst Jr, with GRABENHORST BROS, REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St Ph. 4131 Grant, A LARGE living room, fir place, dining room, kitchen, bathroom and hardwood floors, two bedroom and bath upstairs. Oil furnace, Air condi tioned. $7700, . P. H. Bell, Realtor 402 Guardian Bld. Phone 4S3 For Sale Real Estate 73 ACRES. ROOM HOUSE 30 A. under cultivation. 14 A. orch ard. 1000 cords timber, bant and poul try house. 8 room house, about 12 years old. $6500. MODERN S ROOM HOME Lr. Dr. 2 Br. kitchen with nook and bath, enclosed back 'porch. Priced at 96000. Will sell electric range, wash ing machine, vacuum cleaner and other household . furniture with house. - 2 BEDROOM HOME. 86500 Combination living room and din ing room. 2 bedrooms, bath. Fireplace, part basement, in very good repair, close in. . LE OHMART & CO. ! I " REALTORS 164 S. COMMERCIAL ST. i ' PHONE PHONE 9680. AFTER 8:00 S RMS. down, floored upstairs, base furn., fireplace, close in. $6900. Nicely furn. Including refrig. and elec range, $7900. Willamette Real Estate. 172 S. Liberty. Ph. 7113.. . 85800. NEW HOME only 3 years old. liv. rm- dinette. 2 bedrooms, ven blinds, fireplace, hwd. floors, oil furn, unfin. upstairs, some fruit Mrs. Huff with - BURT PICHA. Realtors 23T N. High Ph. 2219 TODAY'S SPECIAL 8 rm. modern home with unfin. attic which is floored. Hardwood floors, lots of closet room and built-ins. Very nice breakfast nook with leather lined seats. Full basement with sawdust heat Lot 50x150. This is a nice home for the money. Located 11 blocks out- Price 98.900. 1- Call o. H. Grabenhorst T- with GRABENHORST BROS- REALTORS 134 S. Uberty St i Ph. 4131 3 BDRM. HOUSE. 84000. K cash. Fruit and nuts. 243 N. 21st Hollywood District! Good 2 B.R. home. base, furnace. auto, water heater. Could give immed. poss. S5850-92309 down. See Chet Nel son with' -.. -i C. H. SANDERS - 231 N. High - 8838 83000. CLOSE TN on S .Cottaee. 2 bdrm. house, good location for a bus iness, wttn some work can oe- mad Into 2 apts. New roof. 83500. Nice neat suburban 2 bedroom home with 2 large lots, garage and utility room, just off , SUverton hwy, on Falrhaven Ave. $3200. On N. 14th St A nice small S bedroom, bungalow, modern - except basement Has a nice fireplace, small lot. close te schools and bus. $3800. 2 bedroom house, wired for electric range. Also has gas. basement close to school and bus. Good location. Immediate pomesiion. - R. E. I Meredith, Realtor 3155 Portland Rd. Phone 4483 GOOD FURN. house tn Hollywood dlst 3 bdrms. hwd. floors, fireplace, bsmt. furnace, $7900. R. A. Forkner, Realtor 1853 N. Capitol Ph. 3031 A HOME in the country, bus passes the door, -shrube. flowers and yawn. Two bedrooms, tiled bathroom, base ment sawdust burner, double garage $7500. - . S P H. Bell, Realtor 402 Guardian Bldg. Phone 4898 ! IN WEST Salem Good 2 bedroom home 8 years old. Would probably sell $1000 higher on this side. Priced at $5250. D. A. Fish. 471 Court Ph. 8521 I AM A BEACH SPECIALIST If you want to sell your Beach property, any kind, 1 or buy beach property of any kind, home, business or auto court come -Up and see me. 16 years on the coast from Otis to Florence, and I know values. Sold lots of courts iSc businesses, lots, acreages os xarms. see - - L. M. CHRISTENSEN COAST LAND CO. 218-219 Oregon Bldg. Ph. ; 6024 VIEW LOT ! BEN LOMOND PARK UNOB STRUCTED VIEW OF CTTY AND MOUNTAINS, ONLY LOT AVAIL ABLE. 90 FT. FRONTAGE ON TILL MAN AVENUE. PRICE $35.00 PER FRONT FOOT. , Severin Realty Company 212 N. HIGH ST. SENATOR HOTEL PHONE 4018. AFTER . 8213 NEW ULTRA modern 3 bdrm. home, hwd floors, fireplace. 1 air cond.. oil heat 2 car garage, bsmt room fin ished, extra nice creek lot. with lots of shrubs. See MR. GOODWIN with Hawkins & Roberts, Inc. Realtors Ph. 4108 After 6 Ph. 871S T YEAR OLD brick home.-8 nice rooms, bsmt, furn., fireplace, hwd. floors, large lot immed. poss.- See MR. GOODWIN with .. Hawkins & Roberts, Inc. Realtors Ph. 4108 ' After 6 Ph. 8715 ENGLEWOOD DISTRICT I rm. ! strictly modern late built bungalow style home. Nice sse Itvtng ana oming rm. very nice modern kitchen -with nook. Hardwood floors, air conditioned, furnace and eiee. hot water heater. Garage attached to hse. This .is a nice home. Price $9500. Call G. H. Grabenhorst Jr- with -GRABENHORST BROS-. Realtors. 134 S. Uberty St i Ph. 4131 LARGE 4 bedroom home with mod ern conveniences. Well landscaped and handy t downtown. Price 4209. See MX. DANTELSON with LEO N. CKnXW. INC. Realtors -344 State St ? Pn. 921 3 BDRM nous with S lots, by own- r. bran. poss. Ph. 8323. LEAVING SALEM! Dandy 3 tBR. jnod.' home, will aeQ with er without prewar furniture, beautiful rear yard, close to Kngle wood school. For particulars aee -C H. SANDERS 231 K. High -- 5838 $3000. W. SALEM hem only 4 yrs. eld, Hv. m, S bedrooms, bath, kitch en. See Mrs. Huff with BURT PICHA. Realtors 337 N. High - i - i Ph. 3210 .. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION -T rms, all plastered, dot one, new ly decorated inside. This nam is to a very; nice condition. Two lots. Price $6500. - Call G. H. Grabenhorst Jr. with GRABENHORST BBOS, Realtors 134 B. Liberty St Ph. 4131 I ROOMS and bath, basement, garage, good location, price S30OB. 4 roome and sleeping porch, fireplace, 2 lots, garage. Price $265. See MR. VOORHEES with LEO N. CHXLDS. INC, Realtors 344 State St pj. 9281 t BR. UMF1NISHKD Price $2009. $500 down. Imra. Poss. S BR. horn. ' has, large lot nice wine cacage. a-rice aaue 2 BR, late buitt heme, all hwd. firs. new, ana nice, north. $4290. ft cash. Be Chet Nelson with C H. SANDERS 231 N. High FADtMOUNT HILL. HOMR Well located on hill, large lot 73x150. Double garage, shad and fruit tree. rm. ail plastered. Would snake a wet dcrful home to remodel. Price 84290, Call G. H. Grabenhorst. lr with 7 GRABENHORST ' BROS- Realtors 134 S. Liberty St Ph. 4131 $2500 4 RM, hsev BR, goad con dition, tot toxioaT - $3S00- rm. hse,XJL DR. K. and s da, a Mka to bus. wired Cor elec ranee. t - - ... . , - $aaO English type 8 rm. plastered hse, hwd. floora. 3 BR. basement furnace.- - 8&M0-B rm. hse, t BR. 1 A. land, family orchard, barn, chicken bee. .474092 BR. home. hwd. Doors, basement large lot 52x123. i $19,J T rm. English type hs, has fireplace, basement and furnace. Has 3 rm, ottaee on lot - OLSON ft REEVE 919 a ComJL i Ph. 4590. Ere. 153$ For Sale -Real Estate : NEWLY "DECORATED, t ROOMS w LDr Jkitchen down. 4 Br. and bath tap, fireplace, basement, garage, extra large lot 100x100. Priced right at 2 1 ACRES. MODERN HOME i. room' Dr. Br. kitchen and both, basement, furnace, electric wa ter heater, double garage. 1 A. under cultivation, timber, family orchard. Le "tfdabout 4 miles from town. Priced at 88300. GOOD I ROOM HOME. $4250 v Living room, dinette, kitchen and bath downstairs. 2 bedrooms up. Large lot with fruit and berries. . Pit AND SUNDAYS PHONE 3779 $2100. 3 RM. plastered home south on bus line. Bath, also wired for elec. range. Garage. S2S5. S .mom hmu mmtt torteare. close to grade school. amAna aT ve easua . . w. wuu a oeoroora name, norm fas Garage, large lot. close atisaa. Smin a t.i. .. ted home north. Garage, Uundry room. 84000. S hadmnm Ikmi e..w High street i , MISIL S haailribsHII KiUMsS awtaabsh 4a klaeW schoot Garage. S42&0. s beoroonv home, good condi tion. rarage, about 1 acre ground. wkwk mm nvx pus une.' S450O. T mom hmu mnr UmHa. large lot. House steeds some repairs. $4750. 3 bedroom, home NE. Base ment, garage for 2 cars, 'two lots. A BUY. " .- - - , $5500. 2 bedroom home N.l Fireplace, basement oU furnace, laundry trays. s. -' - -'- . i- " i " , . . to Jr. high schoot Basement sawdust. $6000. 1 room home on bus line. Dou ble plbg, basement furnace, fireplace. Newly decorated. Can give immediate possession.- - r See O. V. Hume with ; i.?5A?INHOHST BROS- : Realtors -134 S. Liberty St. . Ph. 4131 BE (TlNVIMRm srsS tots -ru MODERN HOME. HAS LR. DR. KIT. ""n rnjjn, a BK3 UUWN AND UNF. ATTIC. HWD. FLRS. FIRE PLACE, , AUTO. HEAT IN BASE MENT. WITH TRAYS ELEC. HW. HEATER. ASK FOR MR. ; HOLMES. SEVERIN REALTY CO. 212 N. HIGH PH. 4016. EVE 8213 $6900. S BDRM. horn in very good location, hwd. floors, bsmt, sawdust heat Mrs. Huff with BURT PICHA. Realtors 33T N. High Ph. 3210 NEAR STATE BUILDINGS T rms. all plastered, oak floors, dbl. plbg, fireplace, basement sawdust heat double garage. Price $8000. Call G. H. Grabenhorst jr, with GRABENHORST BROS, Realtors 134 a Liberty St Ph. 4131 NORTH Church: 1 bdrm. plastered mod. house. 2 tots, good location. $2750. Call Argo Hotel. Rm. 2198-8 PJd. FINE 2 bdrm. Case Cod type cot tage 2 yrs. old. Hwd. floors, venetion blinds, auto, air con, oil furn, covered inlaid linoleum tn bath at kitchen. You must see this lovely kitchen, with an abundance of built-ins. Close to Jr. High and bus. Priced only $6500. See Mr. Byrkit BURT PICHA, REALTORS i 337 N .High Phi 3219 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 8 rm. bungalow. Northeast. Bsmt, furnace, laundry trays, large lot Fur niture can be bought extra. incJ elec. range. See Mr. Byrkit. ' ' i BURT PICHA. REALTORS 337 N. High Phi 3210 For Sale- Farms 11 ACRES. lb miles from city limits- on Garden road. Beautiful 7 rm. colonial hse. Full basement pipe furn. Hwd. floors. Lge. 130x24 ft. chicken hse. and' barn. Close to bus line and school. Price $15,000. Rte. 8, box 447. Ph. 2-1269. U., . CREEK. SPRING. WELL! . 30 A.. 25 under plow. 8. room plast. house, wired range, old barn, chick house, 3 mi. west of Salem. Price $7500. $2500 down. a If. SANDERS 231 N. High 5838 BUY A HOP FARM Raise 60c to 75c hops. Big money. Ideal locality Butteville Hubbard. 73 acres produced 216 teles or close to $30,000 gross. Owner has 2 .year con tract Also 150 acres plow land, seed ed oats and vetch.. 42 acres 1st and 2nd growth fir timber. All good soil. 4 dry ers, cabins, tenement house. Full line of hop and farm machinery (except combine). $2000 tractor. 2 bottom plow, and horses, barn, granary, chick house. 2 sets of 7 rm. modernized plastered houses, baths, toilets, built ins. dec, RFD. $47,000, $27,000 cash. 830.000 mort gage, t per cent Without equipment S43J00, $23,500 cash. 20.809 mortgage. 5 per Cent Owner wants to ' retire. Chas. L. Holway. Real estate (broker) 278 Harrison, Woodburn, Ore. '139 ACRE ranch suitable for dairy or turkeys. 9 miles from Salem; 74 A. cultivable. 20 A. woods. 29. A. cut over pasture, good set buildings, electricity, ample water supply. $1L500. down pay ment $2000. long term contract L. SL Sackett Sheridan. Ores. . 30 - ACRE grade- B dairy farm. AQ cult, 2 sets bldgs, 3 family orchards, sod email fruit IS cows, 109 chickens, some heifers, hay. (rain, telephone, deep weu. -eiee. water syst, 4 mi. N. underpass. Ph. 229U eves. SI ACRES NX. with S acres under cultivation. 2 Seres of timber, T room house, running creek, large barn, stall room for 12 cows, machine shed, chick en house, garage, all machinery for milking and tor the crop. 1 cows.- 1 bull. 1 calf, all fall crops planted, fenced and cross fenced. 1$ tons hay. All far $13,300. For more detail see P. H. BeR, Realtor . 402 Guardian Bldg. . . Phone 4898 Acreage $2900 CROISAN creek property, nearly 4 A, 9 nice bufldtnsj asots. OLSON REZVR ' 945 8. ComL : . Ph. 4590. Ev. 9538 4 RMS. AND bath, nice built ins. $ A, some berries, small bam and chicken house, close hv. Good bus ser vice. $4509. Terms. Willamette Real Es tate. 172 a Liberty. Ph. 7113. - T A, Hi mi. outside city limits, good 3 BR. house, large barn, ehsckest hse, walnuts, cherries, filberts, grapes. - OLSON A REEVE 94S a Coml. Ph. 4590. Eve. 9538 2i A. 9 ML south. Cute clean little home set among fir trees. Price $1800. II A. south, dote to bus. food 2 BR. home, nJee kitchen, plenty built ins, base, furnace. S6000. C H. SANDERS 231 H. High S839 FOB QUICK SALE $3500 Good new 8 rm. boose north. 2 Bat,. wired tor range, stectrlc water syasesn, V acre.--- - - .-: , OLSON REEVE 943 8. ComL Pb, 4590. Eve. 9538 $300. 9 . ACRES good soO. good 3 rater prras, spst, arch. - snt berries, laundry rrn, dose barn. large poultry te school. M3LUN With see Ha. Mc- Hawikns l Roberts, Inc. Pb. 4108. After 6 ph. 81F21 94500. 1 ACRE Just out of city limits, good 8 bedroom house, only $ years old. Chicken house, auto, water sys tem. See Mrs.-Huff ; v. - . , ... ' KIIBT CtrUl BMj ' ' 23T. K." High , Ph. 2216 14i FERTILE acres. Meal location 10 acres of fuberbv 8 years eld and In perfect cultivation. Tractor and all tools go. Modern house with city con veniences. Also 4 rm. house and stream, schools, stores and churches near. See Mr. Holmes , v .:...L.--" ' SSVERIN REALTY CO. 213 N. High Ph. 40l8.Ev. 3213 Acreage . IS ACRE BARGAIN - f Located miles out on paved rd. City water, good sou. mostly all un der cult Some family fruit 3 bedrooms home with part basement elec and plbg.. Barn, chicken bouse. Some fur niture and oil circulator go with bom Price 86000.. . .. Call G. H. Grabenhorst. Jr, with s. ; GRABENHORST BROS, Realtors aajeetjr St j- Vb. 4131 23 ACRES. Good 8 rm. house, barn. IS A. fin soil, creek. $7350. 46 acres. A good buy in a home on SUvertoBi rd. Owner wanting to retire.: This la in Howell Prairie. Price $15,000. R. A. Forkner, Realtor ; 1853 N.' Capitol ; ; I ph. 3031 $2950. 19 ACRES ' -4 rm. house, barn, milk house, chick-: en hse, brooder hse:. tool shed, 3 cows, and some equip. 1 mi. east See Mr. Byrkit ( - . : v . . .. . BURT PICHA, Realtors - I 337 N. High -t Ph. 3218 88250. 2 BEDROOM mod. home. 30 A. woods, excellent set of poultry bldgs, suitable for chickens or turkeys, 6 'a miles out weU located. See MR. Mc MILLIN with.. '.- i .j Hawkins & Roberts, Inc. - ReeJtors : s Ph. 4108 After f Ph. 81F31 ACRE HOME SITES T A 1 mite MtxkiB r4tw thnlta Thrsa are nlcn Mvinw rrm TriH wwt soil and good road. Price $900 cash or $430 for one-half acre. j uu u. M. uraoennorst. jr, with ' GRABENHORST BROS, Realtors 134 a Liberty St .u . Ph. 4131 CLOSE IN. good soil, has been hv cultivation. Easy to prepare to seed er plant- Build later. 1 acre tracts or larger, north of aluminum plant jj RICH L. REIMANN. Realtor I 187 S. High . s j Phone 9202 25 ACRES close in on pavement S A. filberts. 3 A. R. A. cherries. 17 A. farm ground, best of soils, small mod, house. Urge barn, $8500. See MR, McMILLIN with .7 Hawkins & Roberts, 'Inc. Realtors Ph. 4108 j After 6 Ph. rini 10 ACRES river bottom land. 2 Br. house, eiee. deep well pump.- brooder house, some timber. North of Keizec 85500. i RICH L. RETMANN,) Realtor t 187 & High , : Phone 9203 : SPECIAL' , I T acres, good 9 rm. house, hwd. floors, bsmt and furnace. A very nice home. Owner leaving reason for selling. Price reuucea so sngav sor quick sale. R. A. Forkner Realtor 1853 N. Capitol phone 2031 10 ACRES in Keizer dlst, by sfloo..m. 20. eves, j Wanted Real l Ertate ; I WANTED WANTED - Listings of your property or busi ness of all kinds. Homes of all types, vacant lots, small acreage, farms, bus iness property, auto parks, service stations. Also strictly modern suburv ban home with 3 bedrooms. We have many cash buyers. Do it now. List with us for quick results. See Louis Bech tel or Mrs. Needham. 341 State St Sa lem. Ore. rm. 4. Bayne Building, f WANT 3 bdrm hse. for cash at once Willamette Real Estate, 172 S. Lib erty. Ph. 7113. i - 1 WE HAVE calls for several houses. Especially a $ room up to 96300. and larger house, could be older type, up to $5500. D. A. Fish, 477 Court Ph. 6524. . ,- ...J , f WANTED LISTINGS ON f BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES If you want 'to sell your business. smau or urge, any nno, come and see me: yean or experience selling busi ness of, all kinds. . , j L. M. CHWSTENSETi COAST LAND CO. ! 219-219 Oreg. Bldg Ph. 8024 WANTED Listings of suburban a country for quick sale. Immediate attention ia given all calls. 4 LEE OHMARTi & CO ' ' Realtors I . " -J 1 ' 164 & Commercial St . ' I. Phone 9699 After 4:00 and Sundays Phone 2779 j NOTICE: XT' your pioueity Is lor sale, rent or exchange. Ust It with us We have an kinds cash burets. STATE FINANCE CO. REALTORS 212 Guardian Bug. homes Business Dire Airplane Models i j KITS and SUPPLIES. Cherry 3y Model Aircraft. 21st at SCarket.- Alterations ALTERATIONS, eewtng. fur 199 N. Commercial. Room 28. Art Tile! BATH Room, drain board, fire pi see r store fronts. Ph. 4509. UU N. 13th. Auto Brakes HERRALL-OWENS CO. 233 S. ComT. Mike Panek. 27s S. Coml Ph. $191 Brake and wheel aligning speciellss Auto Repairing Any make car. Reasonable price tor work well don. 20 years experienced mechanics. All work guaranteed. See ley a eon. Buick and Chevrolet special 1st a 940 Ferry. Ph. 21534. ; ' ' Aoto & Trnck5ervice MARION MOTORS 1 NASH SALES er SERVICE J Experienced mechanics. Otto Butt. -foreman. 373 Center. Ph. 3158.; HERRALL-OWENS CO. 239 & Bicycles BICYCLES New an reconditioned. Harry W Scott. 117 S sai'ct f 4M Btxly & Frader Repairs BXSALL-OWZKS COj CS a Cbtal. Bolldoxiiis - 'J Cofstractixis LAND eJeertef . ' read const. Gka as Ji Cexnect Ccntractizs CEMENT uasU acting. C gt g3H Ph. 407L i ExpmSawFUics ' Band, clrcl. crosscut 1S1I N. Church. Ph. 3303. Lawisraower Lharpeairr GUARANTEES WOES ) apectel tsctoty - grinder by Harry W. Scott -The Cycle Man" 141 a Cemnmrctel 4t Florists Breiaiaupt'S 447 Court ; Phone $135 VTssnted Real Estate SALES SERVICE WHY DO SO MANY OWNERS OF QUALITY HOMES ENTRUST THEIR SALES TO SKVEKIN REALTY CO.7 BECAUSE THEY KNOW THEY WILL RECEIVE COMPETENT ADVICE a GUIDANCE a WILL ! HAVE THEIR EVERY INTEREST SCRUPULOUSLY PROTECTED. WE HAVE INQUIRIES FOR MODERN HOMES FROM $3009 TO $15,000. IF YOU WISH TO SELL. CALL SEVERIN REALTY CO. YOU WILL RECEIVE ' DIGNIFIED. CONFI DENTIAL, PROMPT i SALES SERV ICE, - - rw.'j i : t : .-. . SEVERIN REALTY CO. SENATOR HOTEL BLDG . TEL. 4018. AFTER $ P; M. 82U -" "EVERY CUSTOMER A REFERENCE Bosiness Oppoitnnitica A FOUR BUNGALOW ; COURT THIS IS A GOOD INVESTAIENT These four cottaeea are leea than four years old. On two nice lota. Three of them have 3 bedrooms each. The fourth has one bedroom. All have fire place and Venetian blinds. All have garage attached. This court can be bought for $14,750. i R. E. MEREDITH, REALTOR 3155 Portland Rd. Ph. 4463 3 APT. HOUSES wen located, good furnishings, all the equipment. Real investments. Lus Realty Co. 209 Ore. Bldg. Ph. 7952. i GROCERY STOCK and some fix tures. Living quarters in the building. Box 281, Statesman, i LARGE GENERAL merchandise and grocery store. Sam owner for 30 years. Ia extra good valley town. Doing fin business. Approximately $8009 to $900 for stock and fixtures. Old age reason for selling. Shown by appointment on ly. Was. P. Harris.. Lafayette. Oregon. Phone 13F7. Lafayette. - GROCERY -SZR. ST A, with mod. hse. all gas heat cooking, water heater. On Hi way 2 mi. from Salem. $1000 invest ment Frank DooUttle, 363 N. ComL Wantetr Used Cars WE PAt TOPS! .Get every dime rear ear Is worth Cash on the Barrcl-Head "CiSHROCK SALEaTS eldest Udepsndent ! ilralrr Nl Comer Church At WANTED Good Used Cars TOP CEILING PRICE PAID FOR ALL MAKES at MODELS USED CARS 853 Center St For Sale Wood HEAVY null wood $850 load: $12 double load. 4 rt. slab for furnace Ph. T72L 1 .,-'f I,:!-;;.' 16 IN. SLAB $8 per 'cord. Cord, ltt at g cord load; Capitol Lumber at Fuel c. rn. tiii. tr SLAB wood and edgings 2 cord toad $14 Ph. 6683.! GREEN oii growth 18 in slab prompt delivery Phone 8444. . : Lost1 and Found LOST: " Identification bracelet Ed win S. Sikorskl, USMC Return to Sa lem Boat . House. June, Rosebeary. LOST: Probably E. Center. Gold pin engraved "RoseUa.! Ph. 2174. LOST: AFL union card bidder con taining A a B gas stamps and other valuable papers. - Reward. . H. Bruce. Ph. 22823 . j ,: - ... '-. MACS Cvds i thjslonetecr fbb Saw) Repairing m a monthly basis only. ; j 'j sUtea 4L4S per line' per BlTffon Saw! Works, ua sVlgewater . : St, W. Salens Beaut saw, round aaws. Btonth. J ; ' gunvpJng-tensloning-flllng. - fasiilaUon , Sewing AkeJrfne Repairing FREE Estimates on installed cost of lA L." . rLi' Reck WooL Ph $985. T. Pullman. T Con- f- ,3823 W. A. Gy. Slagazme SnbscripUons " SepticjTanks Qeaned rAUl BV HAUSER. Ph. 7S2S. tSttVLSTi . . . W, Salem. Kenneth HamsJ.' 1143 8th St New or renewal. EsteQ C Jones. oau-u. w Ph. 3482. - NEED yuur eeespobl or aeptle tank 1 ' 1 " cleaned? CaU - VMS and get our pile Mattresses && gaerrgawK .e:?!?:? -r-KrV'Shoe Repairii;-tg3; Mnsic Leaaona stubbteaetd she petru. wmL - . Sbm ahiaed. eJedned dyed. i. SPANISH h Qawiten Guitar. Mando- ! :j " - ttn. Banjo, ete -1533 Court Ph 759. Spwy Painting j i Paintings ConbaHo. fcrpert work. Pn. 424C PrTERRM and Exterior. Ph. 8058. . .. . j' ! j TraXtsfeT PAPfTctQ and sisosointea, Ph. gin 04axvs iraoacs rai RENT.' 1 Blankets fur 17 S Uberty Ph 9062 PAINTING, at rscorttev Ph. 7552 - rOSt LOCAL Oft DISTANT Wastfer. storage, bin liss oil, tellies Is .Frucks to Painlingl & Ieirliaggias JSTu! " Transfer Co Pb. rial t . Paper hanging St. painting. Ph. 3963. : ".CXPtaT. Wortotumsnb - Phoot 33 ? UphclhtCTy Qt&lisg -:j-inami 9X309 W . -. . . . - Vaccina Cleaner Serviee . - . ' B3CPERT 8ERVTCR ' i . John rkllial Ph. S01S. 43S SL ISTh. 1 annwasv r- u-t av leoa. CERTIFIED j GUAR, -rv. -AB anake. as - ' vTSx. UactrltvlSl a LIB. Tat C32, A. L.. t SEW IS 4V CO. Plumbtng , Beattng. 846 N. Sigh, Ph; 323.; PEEK nwessttsei a eowr Ao- thertxed Beeeer ervtss. Weveenrtee ell BOWEN BROS. Plumbing and Heat- nissss rlssnsri aioctv Broa -Ph 914 ass, 333 H, CiOeal Pb, T213, : -' ..,,t,....j - : Vatchja.aocltlls-paiiing IMntiiig U- " Decker. Tslort caenp. State Stt set FOR 'STTATIONERY. cards, pamuhtet i i u ' i piogiawis books or any kind of print- ' .if- . '.; SnOr Window Cleaiurg phon tlBL - . : , , 1 . ' - I " ' ' ALL work gissranteed. Wtndewa, , - .. i walls, woodwork eteened iToers sraxed. Service tMWL?wfcJ?,..rj " ciean- " ing Servtc: Pa... 4482...:, - - - - - Louis duDuy. . 35T iCoeirt.-' Ph.- 302S. -. . ' . . ' WINDOWS. : Boors cleaned. Ph. 21458. Sssd and Gravel ' . . 11 1 ' 1 .- Wood 3wir? " ' - SAND, gravel, crushed rock, ready ' -! mixed concrete, . Waliing Sand and , . -. . ... Gravel Ph tM' . Ph. 3-2S17 James Pttersoa. : ....a i; ..; J.;; ".y 'V '-' i.' ,j -C " ' v ',"..-".' it . For Sale Used Cars OHO I. WILSON COMPANY Hi ' ' 42 Buick 6-Pass. Sed. " 40 Fordl4-Dr. Sed. 39 Buick 4-Dr. Sed. 38 Buick 4-Dr. Sed. 3fT Ford 4-Dr. Sed. 34- ChevJ 2-Dr. Sed. : 32 ChevJ4.Dr.Sed. AND WE HAVE IS OTHER CARS - TO CHOOSE FROM 382 N. CoraX St , Saiera YOU. WILL Always Find a BeUer CAR AND MAKE A BETTER jiDEAL : II - AT. . - LODER BROS. 445 Center Phon $133 "Our 18th! Year tn Salem. Oregon" 01dsmobile Sates and Service'' "Home; of Good Used Cars" aBSaSwwaaBweaiasS CARS PRICED RIGHT 1931 FORD SED. 1938 CHtV. COUPE . 1936 FORD COACH - v 1934 CHEV. COUPE 1933 FORD COACH 1932 FORD COUPE ' , ; 1931 CHRYSLER SED. 2 MODEL A FORDS Willamette Used Cars 973.COMMERa MUST SELL equity in 1937 V-8 snort coupe. Ph. 4071, after 8:30 p. m. I 32 V-8. GOOD cond. and tire. $225. 1998 N. 4th. CaU after 9-p.1 m. eaaaasssnvaasakasssantaNsni M T'U st"af j - af2Aaajl . sPaweaee aeww4 rubber, heater. $350. 930 Broadway, Apt a. - v - ' 29 NASH sedan. $125 or 24 Plym. i tudor. $250. Ph. 21238. f 39 STUDS; coupe 565 N. 18th. 2 MODEL: A-Tord 4 dr. Sedan, good I cond. $200.1 14 4675 Yew St Ph. 7591. 31 CHEV. ! Clarence Beaumont 2413 N. Uberty. TRUCKS H - . ' ." ; '40 DODGE . : DUAL TERES - EXCELLENT CONDI . TION j HERRAIX-OWENS CO. 1941 FORD log truck. Pierce trailer. Excel, cond. ; John Aebi, Dallas. Ore, Rte. L 1 mtjNW. of Dallas. ,.. I i-Personal LONXSOME9 Hundreds of sweet hearts are waiting. Details and descrip tions free. Members everywhere. Acme, Box 4255. Portland -a, Oregon. , Transportation RIDERS FOR 8 o'clock shift Com mercial Iron Wks. Ph. 6622. . Lodges a . SALEM LODGE No. 4. A. F. A At AM.. Wednesday. Nov, 15. riif1detr ' P M- a Pacific Lodge No. SO. A. F. -.V,, St iAi M SUted meeting. Fri day. November 17th. 7 Jj P. M. c t o r y l-f- v