The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 15, 1944, Page 3, Image 3

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Tho OE2GON STATESMAN. Salem, Oregon. Wednesday Morning. November 15. 1S44
page nr.
Miss Pyeatt,
Sgt. Ling ;
To Wed
: Today! romantic news con
cerns the engagement and com
ing marriage of Miss Dorothy
Pyeatt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Carl E. Pyeatt, and Supply
Sergeant Warren Ling, United
States marine corps, son of Mrs.
Flava Ling of Wilmington, Cali
fornia. The announcement was
revealed Tuesday night at a
smartly arranged party for
which Hiss Muriel Smith was
hostess at the Carl Smith home
on D street in compliment to
Mrs. James Neal on her first
wedding anniversary. When Mrs.
Neal opened her gifts she found
a card hidden in one telling the
news. - " ; f-"
The wedding of Miss Pyeatt
and Sergeant Ling will be an
event of Monday, November 20.
He is now home on furlough,
having recently returned from
two years in the South Pacific.
He will report to San Francisco
-for further assignment Sergeant
; Ling is a graduate of Salem high
school. ,
i Miss Pyeatt is a graduate of
Salem schools and later at
' tended Oregon , State college
where she was a pledge of Al
pha Gamma Delta. She has been
employed at the state selective
service headquarters.
, A late supper was served by
the hostess and the table was
. centered with a bouquet of pink
and white chrysanthemums. Au
tumn flowers were arranged
about the guest rooms.
. Miss Smith's guests were Mrs.
James Neal, Miss Dorothy Pye
att, Mrs. Holland Cleveland (Do
ris Pyeatt), Mrs. Wallace Han
cock, Miss Betty Jeanne Smith,
' Miss Jean Webb-Bowen, Mrs.
James Henery, Mrs. Ted Ogdahl,
Miss La Verne Dumas Miss Pa
tricia Ryer,' Mrs. Donald Cut-
Mrs. Everett Smith.."
Ballet Russe to
Play: .Tonight
The" Salem high school audi
torium will be the scene tonight
of a brilliant performance of the
Ballet Russ de Monte Carlo. This
famed troupe is making its first
appearance here in a show open
to general admission.' The doors
wjll open at 8 o'clock.
As previously announced, the
program tonight opens with the
loveliest of all "white ballets
"Lea ' Sylphides. w 1 1 h music
by Chopin and choreography by.
okine; NathaUf Krassovska wig
t featuredVin- fliis lntimher:;'Rt
de, a characteristic American
; ballet designed by Agnes de
Mill ' rhnrMumnhu rt nHiJ
, homa," "One Touch of Venus,"
and "Bloomer Girl,'' will feature
music by Aaron Copland. The
final number is "Gaite Parisi-
, enne," with Nathalie Krassov
ska again starring in one of the
gayest and most popular ballets
. ever staged. - - -
Ticket sale is being held dur-
ing the day at Needham's book-
. store, and. will be continued at
the high school after 7:45 p.m.
... The Ballet Russe appears here
under Record Shop management
1 wins Bom to.,
. Congratulations are being ex-
. tended to Ensign and Mrs. Rob
ert Hugh J Hamilton (Marjorie
Waters) on the birth of twins,
Robert Hugh and Barbara Zoe,
at the Salem General hospital
early Tuesday morning. The lit
tle boy weighed seven pounds
twelve and a half ounces and
, his sister weighed six pounds
five ounces. ,
Ensign Hamilton, who was re
cently home on leave after duty
In the Mediterranean theatre of
wax, Is,i now taking advanced
; training at Little Creek, Virginia.
, The grandparents' are Mr. and
Mr. John L. Waters and Mr.
land Mrs. Hugh Hamilton of Gar
diner. Great-grandparents of the
twins are Mr. and MrsD. D.
' Olmsted and Mrs. Lena Waters
of Salem and Mr. A. W. Holmes
of Holmes ' Island, 0 1 y ra p i a,
Wash. '
1 Mrs. Nicholson
Feted at Dinner
Mrs. James" H. Nicholson, jr.,
' was the honor guest on her birth
day Monday night when her par-
- ents; Mr.-and Mrs.- Rue Drager,
entertained at dinner at their
' country home, V' v-.:---
Covers were placed f or i Mrs.
' Nicholson, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence
. Hamilton, Douglas and David,
Mrs. James H. Nicholson, sr
Mrs. C S. Hamilton and Mr. and
Mrs, Rue Drager. .
Entertain' .
Several hostesses are arran
ging luncheons and supper par
ties for members of their bridge
clubs. Mrs. Kenneth Wilson has
invited her club to the first fall
meeting this afternoon at her
- Fairmount Hill home. A lunch
. eon, will be followed by an aft
ernoon of contract
Bidden are Mrs. Wolcott E.
Buren, Mrs. Kenneth Power,
Mrs. Raymond Bonesteele, Mrs.
Wallace Carson, Mrs. Kenneth
Perry, Mrs. George Weller, Mrs.
Willard Marshall and Mrs. John
Mrs. Clarence Hamilton will
be a bridge hostess Thursday
. afternoon at her South High
street home to members of her
club. Mrs. Donald Harger and 1
Mrs. Charles Wood will be addi
tional guests. A dessert lunch
eon will be followed by several
hours of bridge.
A luncheon hostess' this after
noon will be Mrs. Ralph Camp
bell. She will entertain her club
at her Center street home.
Bridge will be in play after the
luncheon hour.
Mrs. Delwin Finley has invited
her club to an evening of cards
Thursday night at her Fairmount
Hill home. Mrs. Ira Fitts will be
a special guest. A late supper
. will be served by the hostess.
Women Hear
Mrs. Moorhead
i A Report of the meeting of the
General Federation of Women's
clubs board meeting in New
York was given to members and
guests of the Junior Woman's I
club at a meeting Monday night.
She discussed the GI bill of
rights, and other issues in which
the General Federation is par
ticularly interested. ' jj.
I : Mra. Moorhead repecleithat
50 new clubs have been added to
' the General Federation list since
-5 the spring convention. ': -
During the business meeting
- which followed Mrs. Moorhead's
. talk, Mrs. James Pike presided.
Reports of the $106.03 rummage
sale profit, of the child welfare
committee and the Thanksgiving
dance committee were made.
Mrs. Fred Cast,- county federa
tion chairman made a report on
- the conference held in Woodburn
in October. ,
f Mrs. Roy Mink was appointed
to replace Miss Juanita Syverson
as recording secretary and Mrs.
Charles Isora .. -to replace Mrs.
Merrill Falkenhagen as second
vice-president Both former of
ficers resigned. .
Mrs. Claude Murphy and Mrs.
: Charles Kinzer will attend a re
ception in honor of Mrs. Sadie
Graham of Corvallis, grand chief
of the Pythian Sisters of Ore
gon, tonight in uCorvallis. Mrs.
Murphy is a past grand chief and
Mrs. Kinzer is supreme manager
of Pythian Sisters.
Or ENS : P. M.
! . . . Closing Second.
Big Week In Salem!
... Still Hue for '
You to See it!
Feat; VyTT '
:" I
' " - : . ':-4
- . ' i
Uny rmenAt
. SrmkMHU6M
1 First ', Congregational circles:
North With Mr. K. E. FrocUch,
1663 Court street, 1 p.m.; South;
. with Mrs C. E. Forbis. Liberty j
, road. 10 a.m.
Daughters of Union Veterans.
With Mrs. Paul Bales. 1868 Center
Street. S p.m. Election.,
Mayflower Guild First Presby
terian x church, meet at church -parlors
2 p m. I
Nebraiva auxiliary with Mrs..
William Worm. 1235 Elm street.
all day meeting, no-host dinner
at noon. -1
Pi Beta Phi mothers meet at
chapter house. 2 p.m.1 ' - -
, Hazel Green Sunshine Sewing
club meet with Mrs. Julia Slattum
Sweet Briar club with Mrs. E1-.
iner Smith, 2 p.m. .
DAV auxUiary charge of USO
scrap book service. USO. t
West; Salem Woman's club,
city hall. 2 p.m. " :
Pythian Sisters, Fraternal Tern-
pie, 8 p.m. 1
Willamette University Faculty
Women's club meet in ' Carrier
room. First Methodist church.
2:30 p.m.
DAV auxiliary covered dish
dinner. Veterans' hall. JO p.m.
with chapter. .
Fidelis . ; class. First Baptist
church, 1 p.m.
Women's Council of the First
Christian church meet for lunch
eon. 12:19 p.m., business meeting,
program. 1 :15 p.m. i T.
Hayesville Woman's club with
Mrs. E. L. Moore Thursday at 2.
1 . - j - - - : i -
Music Clubs to
Broadcast j
The Salem Federated Music
clubs,' numbering 22. organiza
tions, I are giving six public pro
grams and six radio broadcasts
this year. The first radio pro
gram; will be at 4:30 this after
noon 'and the 'first program on
December 1 at the YMCA.
The program numbers to. be
broadcast over KSLM today are:
Hanging- Gardens .1 ...Davies '
i Deanna Broer 1
The Buzzing Bee . Mark Nevin
-Patricia Megquier
The Swan ....u i Saint-Saens
s Muriel Steusloff
First Movement Sonatina Op. 95
- t ' ( - Xuhlau
Virginia Benner .
Danse Amertcaine i .Mowrey
Edna Man Hiu
Counsellors fori the above students
are: Ruth Bedford, Jean Hobson Rich,
Dorothy Pearce, Prof. T. S. Roberts
and Jessie Bush MickrUon. Conduc
tress of the program at the radio sta
tion will be Mrs. Walter Germain.
Miss Tucker Is
Honor Guest
Miss Gene Tucker was honored
with a farewell dinner at the
Lion's f Den on Monday . night.
Miss j Tucker, i daughter of Mr.
and 1 Mrs. Arthur; Tucker, will
soon ; entrain for San Francisco
where she will make her home
and be connected with the Sal
vation Army Western Territorial
Training college. She is a grad
uate of Salem schools and is em
ployed at the unemployment
compensation commission.
' Honoring Miss Tucker were
Mrs. Hal Harrold, Mrs. G. Ster
ling Kelsey, Mrs. Elvln Van San
ten, and the Misses Mary. Vif
quain,'; Esther Murphy, Ruby
Friesen, Esther Riedesel, Esther
Herbert, Lois Ritdesel and Vera
Merk. ,v -i
- OPENS :45 P. M. -
How Stowing!
...Fun in Them
Thrill Co-Feature!
wiih hadl
Fred Scott )
"S:3i C: A
W 1
Travellers :,.
Highlight .
Travelers and visitors contin- .
ue to highlight the social news
these late autumn days. Mrs.
Louis Lachmund has left for San
Francisco where she will remain'
for an extended visit While in
the bay city she will be regis
tered at the Palace hotel. :
Mr. and Mrs. Donald McCar
gar are leaving today on a bus
iness and pleasure trip to Seat-
Ue. i While there they will ; be
registered at the Olympic hotel
The McCargars also plan to visit
Lt (jg) and Mrs. James - Wal
ton, former Salem residents, :
during their week's stay in Seat
tle. ...
Lt. (jg) and Mrs. Lewis P.
Campbell and son, Michael Scott,
of Seattle will arrive in the cap
ital Friday for, a, week's stay.-:
They will be the house guests of
; Dr. and Mrs. Frank V. Prime, sr.
The Campbells made their home
here before he entered the serv- .
ice. - - !
Mr. and Mrs. Brown E. Sisson
have returned from . a week's ;.
stay in Yakima. Accompanying"
the Sissons on the business trip
1 were Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Miller "
of Portland, formerly of Salem. v
' Mrs. James Heltzel is visiting
in Portland a few days with her
son-in-law - and daughter, Mr.
and Mrs. Bruce Hamby.
Mrs. Thomas Tongue, III, and
son, Thomas Healy, of Portland
will arrive today for a several
days stay at the home of her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank S.
Healyy. , . 1 ' '
Salem friends ef Miss Patricia
Edgerton will be interested to
i learn that she has pledged Kap
pa Kappa Gamma on the Uni
versity of Washington campus.
Miss Edgerton, daughter of Mrs.
Wallace Foster of Seattle, for
merly of Salem, took her fresh
man year at Wellesley.
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Bone
steele and daughter, Barbara, are
now at home at heir new resi
dence, 340 Rural avenue. They -formerly
resided on Fairmount
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Heltzel
and children, Tommy, Katbie -and
Charles, have returned from
a week's stay in Portland with -her
mother, Mrs. W. W. GabrieL
4 , . -V. m t SL -m -m . : m s
'... V. '-.vyt . : !'; ' -. .-j: ..
i y U' ' I
ouf1" . lit V
Mr. and Mrs. John C Savage, who celebrated their
golden wedding anniversary on Sunday, November 5 at
an Informal reception at the home of their ion-in-law and
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Goodenough. Mr. and Mrs.
Savage were married in Salem on November 6, 1894 and
have lived In the Willamette valley ever since. 'The Sav
ages have six children, 'nine grandchildren and three
great-grandchildren. (McEwan's photo).
Zontians to Meet
A Hillman Home
Members of the Salem Zonta
club will be ejn tertained on
Thursday night at the South
Church street home of Mrs. Gro
ver Hillman, by Mrs. Hillman
and Mrs. B. O. Schucking. The
meeting will begin with a din
ner, later a business meeting will
be held.
Following the business session
a forum will be conducted by
Mrs. Or a F. Mclntyre on the ne
gro problem. Mrs. Oscar Mel
gaard will conduct the business
v.. 7
J Aony
t f Pc hy CKGOtrtATOFF.rrod h DAMON f
fte&St M
-A -
' V I:
i - ,
i - (
Mrs. B. H. Wihte has left for
Portland where she will remain
until after the Thanksgiving hol
idays. She is the guest of her
son-in-law and daughter, Mr.
and Mrs. Herbert Hardy. : ,
- ! : !,: . .'-:,! .
Mrs. George A. White af Clack-
' amas is visiting for several days
at the country, home of Mr. and
, Mrs. Homer Goulet, sr. j
Mrs. Charles S. McElhlnny was
hostess to the Theatre Arts group
at a dessert luncheon Tuesday
J afternoon.' ' . I ' j ; !
: Miss Jane Carlisle of Eocene
was the weekend: guest of Miss
j Patty Wilson at the Kenneth
I Wilson home on Fairmount HilL
otuiaraaShaw-s Iaily from 1 P. M.
fftiK''ri 5
Bv,ry ; fob.
Th AWropoZon Opera Smgar I
- by i. A. Kington '
Nazi Prisoners in America
Executive Board
Makes Plans '
Mrs. W. H. Anderson was hos
tess to the executive board of the
American Legion auxiliary at
her home on Monday night Mrs.;.
Don Madison, unit president, pre
sided over , the business meeting.
The group spent the evening as
sisting Mrs. Anderson with unit
sewing and signing Christmas
cards for unit members' sons
and daughters In service..
Executive board members pres
ent were: i Mrs. Don Madison,
Mrs. I. N. Bacon, Mrs. Austin H.
Wilson, Mrs. John Olson, Mrs.
James Aj Garson,. Mrs. George
Gabriel, iMrs.: Merle Travis, Mrs.
. Frank Marshall, Mrs. J. H. Brady,
: Mrs, A. W, Lovcik and the hos
tess. ' i -
Plans were made for the next
' unit meeting on Monday, Novem
ber 20. . New members will be
initiated with: the Past Presidents
group assuming the various posts.
Mrs. Frank Marshall is making
arrangements' for the initiation,
"assisted by Mrs. .George GabrieL i
Mrs. A. W. Lovcik - will have
charge, of refreshments. During
the evening Mrs. Virginia Ward
Elliott will sing for the group,
accompanied -. by . Mrs. . Ralph
On Thursday, November 16,
Mrs. ' Ella Voves will , entertain
the sewing group at her home on
North ' Cottage street Members
are asked i to come at eleven
o'clock. A covered dish luncheon
will be served at noon.
Mrs. Don! Madison will open
her home ' 1 to the officers and
: chairmen of the unit for the an
nual Christmas party. She will
be assisted : by executive board
members. J
-----'. - I', -. --.
WCTU Announces
The j South Salem Woman's
Christian Temperance union an
nounces the following commit
tees for the ensuing year, by ap
pointment of the new president
Mrs. Vergil Burson.- .
Representatives to the Salem
Council of Women's organiza
tions; Mrs.! H. E. Melchert Mrs.
Vergil Burson; Children's Farm
Home, Mrs. George Henderson,
Mrs. Dennis Saunders; flower
and calling, Mrs. Leona Johan
son; legislation, Mrs. Mason Bi
Plottinx World War III?
i " , Mil . -- .-
- !
shop, Mrs. Charles Ha worth;
child welfare, Mrs. F. M. Lob
dell, Mrs,G. E. Ross; Interna
tional relations, Mrs. Emil
Stripling, i iMrs. Leonard Gilkey;
alcohoh education, Mrs; S. M.
Laws, Mrsj. C. W. Stacey; Chris
tian citizenship, Mrs. A. W. Cas
well, Mrs. H. C Leavenworth;
religious ) education, Mrs. John
Trachsel, Mrs. B. J. C. Patton;
evangelistic, Mrs. C T. Cooper.
Today's Menu
- - Sliced tomatoes and cauliflow
, er will appear on the menu for
today. Tjjljr. -vV-irs .
Sliced tomato salad - 1
Liver, country style
-Shipped potatoes '
; j Cauliflower ; , ' j -Chocolate
icebox cake
, 4 slices bacon I
2 tablespoons flour ;
1 ' 1 teaspoon salt
teaspoon pepper ) j
2 cups milk . t v -:
1 pound sliced liver v;
Va cup buttered crumbs ".
: Cut bacon in squares, fry in -heavy
skillet until crisp. Re
move bacon; add flour, salt, and
pepper stirring until smooth.
Gradually add the milk and cook
until thick land smooth. Roll liver
slices in flour and brown in ba
con fat 1 1 Place alternate layer
of liver! slices, bacon and gravy
in a buttered casserole; top with
buttered : crumbs and bake in a
moderate pven, 350 degrees,
about 45 minutes or until tender.
Serves C.' l "
Must; ,Get Sugar
By Tonight
. .1. i !: ij "-; ' .. ". -f!-
Applications for canning su
gar, made with spare stamp 3,7,
will not i be accepted by local .
boards after midnight tonight,
Willard Case, district OPA food
rationing representative an
nounced.! jjj ' ' : L
' ' "The ; canning season is con
sidered ; officially closed today,
Case explained. Sugar stamp No.
40 in ration book 4 will be good
for 5 pounds of canning sugar
AD lAJt V...
; other thai this no canning su
gar : wili be available to con
" sumers ) after today.r ' : " I'"
For regular suear allotments.
sugar stamps 30 through 33 are '
valid indefinitely, and ' sugar
stamp 34 becomes valid on No
vember! 18 for five pounds. !
Eleanar Fawell 4 Eeiuiis O'Keafa
Sensations of 1945-
t Francis Lederer . 4-. - .
-Voice of th Wind"
. Mi!! r'
. ChnrchiU in
I Moscow I
I , Neir Cargo Plane i J
y ! . Paris Fashions
i-i tVjifl ' Parade , . u
Yin v;.:::d r:rEr::n
f ' r ,'