The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 11, 1944, Page 5, Image 5

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    the OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Saturday Horsing, Kovemher II, 19U
Many at Cab-Meeting Seventy Ferry Okehed The wter-coun
five Cubs and their parents at- ty ferry boat at independence will
tended the regular monthly meet- be continued in service after some
log ot the lions club Cub pack 17 repairs, Ted Kuenzi, county bridge
Friday night in c ear Pr ingle Park foreman, decided after inspection.
Scout headquarters. . Ivan Mer- He said load limits would have to
chant was in charge of the pack be reduced.. The ferry has been
meeting and Paul Griebenow hauling rock from Marion to Polk
helped with game activities, while county. Plans will be drawn by
Scout Executive Lyle Leighton the state highway department and
was present to aid in parent or- it Is probable a new boat will be
'ganizauon. Awards were present
ed as follows: -
Bobcat pins, Gordon Jure, Carl
. Montan, and Donald Pyeatt; Wolf
, badges. Grant Shafner, Gordon
Jure, Harold Grimm, Gene Wilt-
ey,; Elmer Winegar, Merle Grieb-
non, Bobby Hayes; Wolf Gold ar
rows, Don Peril ch, Grant Shaff-
constructed when the two coun
ties get together on division of
costs. " .
"Cyn" Cronise Photographs and
Frames. 1st Natl Bank Bldg.
Census Chieftain Visits Earl F.
Kramer, regional - supervisor; for
the department of commerce agri-
r, and rdon Jure; Wolf Silver tarce wasemTrl-
""Z? r TJ- , 7 . 1 visiting the school now un-
vV:r.V.,:. T der Vay for district, supervisor
and assistants far Wrae-on. Aim
KS'S state wpervisor is John Kallak.
liT!' 1 Cramer calls Boise. Idaho, home.
His current headquarters are in
Bear silver arrows, Wallace Car
son, Jim Roberts (2), John Tem-
pleton and Laurence Kimbel; One
year service stars, John Temple-
ton and' Laurence Kimbel, Gary
Black, Darrell Knapke, Donald
Blischke, Wallace Sills, , Eugene
Gibauer, Ben Sills (2), Roger Ge
baur, Harold Grimm, Gene Wilt-
sey, Leonard Le Blanc, Richard
Fisher, Leroy Vanover.
.More Rock Crasher The coun
ty rock crusher will be moved
Salt Lake City.
Dessert for your Armistice, day
dinner, "The Pike" ice cream. 16
flavors. Also soft ice cream. Open
Sat & Sun. 138 So. Liberty.
Seeks Former Pest Mrs. Edith
Bynon Low, "who for several ses
sions of the legislature held the
office of calendar clerk, will again
seek the post this year, it was an
nounced Friday. Mrs. Low has
from its present location to the J been Vacationing, but sent word
A. '. DeSantis place at Hullt The I here she would be in Salem in the
county, expects to turn out about next few days to. make an active
4000 yards of rock at the new lo-1 campaign Jor the job. She Is the
cation, natu lor immediate use on sister of Allen JBynon, of Port
roads and half for the stockpile, land,-a former state senator.
The county will pay five cents per 1 ;
yard for rock crushed, this, price Wanted: Home ' lutings. 'HIT
JnHuHinif a stodmfle location for I many cash buyers. Grabenhorst
a period of five years. County Bros., Realtors, 34 S.f Liberty St
'Commissioner Rov J. Rice said t Ph. 4131.
i this location would save the coun
ty a 17-mile hauL
Schneider's Coffee Shop will be
closed each Sunday. Open Monday.
Wrist Broken - Mrs. Howard
Stover. Enterprise, the- former
Mrs. Blanche -Ferguson of Salem,
broke her wrist in a fall from a
horse, Mrs. Nona White received
word Friday. Pigs stampeded the
horse while Mrs. Stover was rid
ing with her husband, Rev. How
ard Stover, in the last ride of the
season. ,
For home loans see Salem Fed-
' ..1 Cnif)i r .thartN
finger Cut While working at
HrubeU & Bushnell plant Easlee
Shaw, route 6, cut off the tip of
Vi Itttla-'invar rm hit 1ft hand.
He was taken to first aid. Floyd SH November
1 nt sQa Mill street, cut I ia a,K1 '
I Bridge Damaged A railing- on
a small bridge on road No. 604 in
the Clear Lake section was side-
swiped by a car and after the
owner of the vehicle had notified
the county of the accident the
bridge was repaired at cost to the
informant . 1
Tires -and recaps for your car and
truck. Fan belts, batteries and
auto supplies at Stevenson it
Mefford. 619 Court St
; Te Denver County Commis
sioner Roy J. Rice, with Clay
Cochran, Salem Chamber of Com
merce manager, and Frank Doer
fler, Salem nurseryman and
chamber member, will leave today
for Denver to attend the meeting
of the National Reclamation asso-
New Cub Pack
Organized at
Grade. Scliool'
- Described as one of the most
successful - Cub-parent meetings
ever held in Salem, the Thursday
night organization session at
Highland school drew 45 Cubs and
twice as many parents. -
This newest Cub unit in Salem
is to be known as pack three,
sponsored by the Hollywood Lions
club. The pack has been divided
into six dens, with, the following
serving as den mothers and den
dads: Mrs. R, G. Crawford,5 Mrs.
L. H. Blankenship.'Mrs, H. Robin
son, Mrs. I S. Blensly, Mrs. K.
Prince, Mrs. H. J. McGuire, Harvy
Greene,' Preson Faught, Jacob
Doner, 'Peter -Eneholdsen, Roy
Pense and Melvih McKee. U. Q.
Wolfer is Cubmaster of the" new
unit - r
The den mothers are to meet
Tuesday afternoon at the home of
Mrs. Mackey. 2302 North , Fifth
street, to select times' and places
of neighborhood meetings. Boy
Scout den chiefs from the Holly
wood Lions ; troop three are to be
assigned , to each den and ' first
meetings of the new pack will "be
held the week of November 20.
Addition of the new pack brings
to nine the number of such organ
izations in Salem, with more than
400 Cubs,' and makes the total en
rollment 75 Cubs and Boy "Scouts
in Highland school.
RayD. Gilbert
Dies Friday, H
Rites Monday
his left eyelid in a fall from a bi-
cvcle and received attention at
first aid. ' a . ."-J.
Wedding . pictures taken it the
church. 520 State. Ph. 5722.
Every form of Insurance. R. G.
Sever-in. f212 N High. Tel. 4016.
Constant' dependable service.
: Ray David Gilbert, 72, died early
November 10 at the Salem Gen
eral hospital as the result of
heart attack. From a prominent
pioneer .family, Mr. Gilbert was
in the grocery business in Salem
for a number of years and had
been connected with the Oregon
state highway department since
1924. ',;. ; . I .
Ray Gilbert was born In Salem
February 1, 1872, son of Mr. and
Mrs. A. N. Gilbert Oregon pio
neers. He married Gussie Steiwer,
ebruary : 15, 1892. Their golden
wedding anniversary' was cele
brated two years ago. s
His father, A; N. Gilbert, and
the late Gov. Lee Patterson were
partners in a grocery store which
Ray Gilbert bought from them and
operated until 1924, when he sold
It ,- . r .
Survivors include " the widow.
Mrs. Gussie Steiwer t Gilbert and
sister, Mrs. i Agnes G. Schuck-
DAVs Called te Farade Wil
liam Crochan. commander of Sa
Child Injared Judy Barker, I lem post of Disabled American
three-year-old daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Kenneth E. Barker, was
injured and given medical aid
when she caught her hand in a
wrlnge at the family home.
Shop Woodrow's for fine unpalnt-
ed. Furniture, famous Kem-Tone,
Nason Paints and Auto EnameL
Shatter Proof Auto Glass, Kelly
Tires and Wniard Batteries. Wood-
row's friendly store. 245 Center
Veterans, Friday requested, all
members of the organization ' to
meet at Marion square at 10 ajn.
today to march in the Armistice
day parade.
7 nr. developing & printing service
at Burke's Camera Shop., 174 N.
ComT. . ' ;. ,
Expense Aeeemat filed Sam J.
Butler, county treasurer, Friday
filed in the county - clerk's office
an affidavit indicating expendi
ture of $42 in his campaign for
Gaa Staatps Stolen Jack
White's Service station, 546 Norm
High street was entered and a
number of gasoline stamps stolen, I Turkey shoot. Sat, Nov. 11, Sa
K was reponea o puce "7vijem Trapshooters club,
Entrance was cained by breaking I i
the glass in the front door. . ! Library Ctosed Hugh Morrow,
" librarian, has announced that the
Fall bulbs. Floral section. Fred public vbnry will be dos-
Meyer Drug. ed today, but will be open as
gale Place Eatered-Mri. Wayne from J to 5 on Sunday.
Henry, manager of Spring Valley
Missionary society, reported to po
lice Friday that tee society's rum
mage sale room at High at Ferry
streets had been entered and one
black Melton overcoat and two
fountain pens stolen, - .
' lllwrni '
Mount Vernon Underwood, at his
residence. 14S North Capitol street.
November S Sunrlvtd by nephew In
California. Gravesid serricea Monday,
November 13. at 10 JO a an., in Mt. View
cemetery. Oreeon City, direction ol
Ctougb-Barrick company. . - ,
Charles G. JanrUl. laU reaidenr of
S9 Mission street, on Wednesday. No
vember t. e ot 62 years. Survived
by son. Patrick JarvUl; brother. Thorn-,
as JarvUl ol Okarche, Okla.. and
randson. Robert JarviU of Salem. Ser
vices wUl be held Monday. November
13., at S p.m.. from the Clough-Barriek
chapel with Warren C. Hale officiatmf.
Interment M Belcrett Memorial park.
, Ray David Gilbert, late resident of
1825 fHr street at a local hospital Frt
d ay. November 10, at the age of n
vra. Survived by wife. Mrs. Cuasie
Steiwer Gilbert, and sister, Mrs. Arnea
nuhrt Fchuckine. both of Salem. Ser
vices will be held Monday. November
ii at 1-20 nnL. in the Mt. Crest Abbey
mausoleum, with Rev. George H. Swift
: officiating. Direction uourn-uimci
" company.
" Mctaaa
jnhn B. McLean, at his residence.
vnut S. October U. at the age of 4S
Mrs. GravMid services will be held
uabmt. November 13. at ISS I
in the XOOr cemetery. Dtrectloa of
, CloghBarrlck eompany. v
Lady's new English riding boots,
size - 7. Double sink portable
wash trays. Ph. 8380.
Clnb Meets Tanlttt-Tonight's
meeting of Townsend dub No.
at the Fraternal temple, 447 Cen
ter street is. open to the public
Seaile Visitor Miss Doris Arm
strong, clerk in Salem justice o:
l peace office, is visiting in Seattle.
OT President
Will Go East
Pres. G. Herbert Smith of Wil
lamette university will leave Sa
lem Monday to attend an inter'
fraternity conference in Chicago,
and then go on to Washington,
DC, for the final' congressional
meeting on education.
While - in Chicago, Smith wUl
address a group of .Willamette
alumni of .that area at a meeting
at the Central YMCA. Enroute he
will : transact university business
at various cities. . .
While at the fraternity meeting
Pres. Smith will participate in a
panel : discyssion on the topic,
Traternity Intangibles.'' In Wash
ington be will meet with other ed
ucators and members of the house
committee on education where the
results of a three monihs study
made on the effects of the war on
Mrs. Agtres Grind, aged years.
..l-mv. teiiA Kavtnaw atrt
I'riday. Novembar 10. Wife of Klling I colleger Will be found.
Grind of baiem; mounr Am
AdaUne and Delonsa Orinde. all of
Salem. EUiiwr . Jr. and George- Grmde,
both tatiMU navy: daughter of Mm
Magnus Nelson of Bottineau. KO4 si
ter of Mrs. -Lara Ssndvik. .M. Ola
Bispar. Mrs. X4 Aames. Mrs. Martin
Wcnsted. SMrtin Nalasa and Cart Nel
son. U of Bottineau. NO. and Mrs.
Henry Brunt, Modesto, Calif, Mrs. Ray
Hully. Sanooorn. Iowa. Mrs.. Charles
WauHha. OravevUJei NO, Mrs. Angus
Fraila of Everett Wash and Josepn
Ne2soa of Salem, funeral announce
menu . Uter by the CJough-Barrick
company. . .
'rarl illL'sr. at tW residence. Tt
rninn trt. ,Trl(iT. .November 18.
S,urvived tv w ..-. l:rs. Gladys Hiiler,
m i .. .:er. iMtia Midori both f
S i.em. i unfal annoiincements later by
Realtors Told
Bush Property
Good City Buy
- Members ot the Salen Board of
Realtors at noon luncheon Friday
were urged by Mrs. Winnifred
ettyjohn to attend the Novem
ber 20 meeting of the city coun
cil and to give voice in support
of the proposal that the city buy
the-Bush pasture.
"It is time Salem begins to plan
for the future,' Mrs. Pettyjohn
said, "and turn a deaf ear to those
whet say the city' already has va
cant land which it has failed to
develop. The Bush acreage should
belong to the city because of its
natural beauty. For. one thing the
city should buy it and eventually
build an auditorium there. ;
The Salem Community Concert
association now has a maximum
membership of 1800 which is ca
pacity ; for the' largest auditorium
in the city. No new members have
been added for three years. The
only method of securing a mem
bership at this time is through re
linquishment, of a membership.
Newcomers wishing to join the as
sociation are disappointed when
informed . the " organization can
take no new members. Our mem-
Dersnip cannot exceed our ac
"When .M-foot-wide streets
Were suggested for Salem, many
scoffed ; at the idea. Today the
wide streets are one of , the city's
greatest . assets. Building ' them
wide was proper .application - of
PT Institute
To Be Sunday
SUverton Sunday School
Group Meeting Set
For Calvaryv Church r
SILVERTON The Willamette
Valley Parent and Teachers Sun
day school institution will be held
at Calvary church in SUverton
Sunday at 2:30. Bev. O. ,C Olson,
pastor, has announced mid-week
Bible study and prayer service for
Thursday 2 pjru,
The Methodist church Women's
Social Service society will meet
Tuesday at 2 o'clock In the church
social ' rooms.. ' Rev. O. Leonard
Jones, pastor, is ill at his home,
and Dr. E. C. Richards, Salem,
will speak Sunday morning.
Rev. rM. J. K. Fuhr, pastor of
Trinity - "church has 1 announced
Luther -League win . meet in the
church social rooms Sunday night
at ,7 o'clock with Mrs. Fuhr in
charge. The Dorcas society will
meet Tuesday the afternoon group
at the home of . Mrs. Alf Nelson,
the night' group at the home of
Mrs.; Ben' Wage. '.
'1 The Mission Circle meets Wed
nesday at 1 o'clock with Mrs. Carl
Johnson for Red Cross work. The
family Bible study hour will be
Wednesday at 8 pan. Trinity choir
rehearsal will be Thursday .at 8
with Mrs; Tom Anderson, as ' di
rector. The Lutheran Men's as
sociation of which Jonas Byberg is
president, will meet November 17
at Trinity .church at 8 "o'clock.
Confirmation instruction win be
Salem Churches: V '
, " . V I 1
park site wfll be considered just
At Immariuel church. Rev. S. L.
mrA PrnfiwmTiAn rloecM Ca tisr.
raCllOOl IrODUJiltlOn day at 80 ajn. Members of Im-
I ' X . ,1 maniwl wfll attn1 th Knnrlav
school PT institute at " Calvary
church Sunday at 2:30 and 8 pjn.
At All-Time High
Registration in Salem public
six weeks of the- present term Holiness Association
Meeting Is Tuesday
reacnea an au-tune nign witn a
total of 5417, Supt. Frank R. Ben
nett said Friday. This is an in
crease of 60 over September 25 of
this year and 167 oyer a compar
able period in 1943. !
The high school has an enroll
ment of 1509 and the eight grade
buildings 2357. - Registration by
buildings: Bush 434, Englewood
424, Garfield 185, Grant 197,
Highland ? 423, Richmond 221,
Washington 195,: Leslie 568, Par
rish 983 and senior high 1509.
People of the various churches
affiliated with the Marion County
Holiness association will : meet
Tuesday, November 14 at the Wes
leyan Methodist church. South
15th at MilL Rev. and Mrs. Devee
Brown outgoing missionaries to
Honduras will speak and ' Rev,
Patzsch, evangelist of the Naza
rene church will preach. , The 730
meeting will again be in charge of
Rev. and Mrs. Brown.
Valley Churches
BETHEL BAPTIST - SmltH. pastor. Sunday school at i:
North Cottage at D street J. T. Ol- ajn. C M. Roberts, superintendent,
ihoff. DD. pastor. Sunday school t:49 Morning service at 11. Sermon subject,
ajn. George Sdurman. supeimtendent. -Christ After Chaos." by the pastor.
Morning service at 11. Sermon suoject. i jsvening service at uy qbu awuwwi
"The Preeminent Christ.'' Bev Kdwara and couege xouut aeuowsiups.
Allen., euest nreacher. Na aervlce
at nisht Rihl atud nrl nnwr Wed- I USUI METHODIST
nesaay at pjn. - - I oouxn ummrmw mi mcn.
CALVAKT BAPTIST - I a jn. Morning service at 1U Mrs. C.
Corner of South Liberty and Miller I H. VanMeter, guest speaicer. xouut
streets. Rev. C Howard Smith, assist- groups at JO p.m. Evening service
ant pastor. Sunday school at S:4S ajn. at 7 JO. Sermon subject. "How to Know
Rev. L. H. Randle. superintendent. If You are Not A Christian." Services
Morning service at 11. Artrid Peterson, each night this week except Saturday,
returned mtaakmary from West China.
guen speaJcer. Baptist xouut rcium-i wisliiah kubuuui
ship, S20 pjn. Evening service at 7:30.1 12th and Mill streets. Lowell GOger.
Rev. L. H. Randle, speaker. . I pastor. Sunday school 10 ajn. Morning
service at u. win i pjn. tier. mts.
rntST BAPTIST I Vera Willis, returned missionary from
Marion and Liberty ; streets. Irvine I Africa, win speak- on The You in ot
A. Pox. DD. pastor. Sunday" school at I Africa. Evening service at 7:45. Mid
9M ajn. Morning service at 11. Ser- ( week prayer meeting Wednesday t pjn.
mon suoiecLiPrevautna prayer.
ninr serviee at 1.2a. Sermon subiect. I FRST PBSSBTTEBIAM
Bible Questions Answered." Younat Chemeaeta at Winter street. Henry
people's meetings and adult discussion Marcotte, DD, pastor. Sunday school
SiSOpjit; School of missions Wednes :4S a.m. J. J, Pitzsimons, superintend
day 7 JO pjn. Special feature. J. Wilcox dent. Morning service at 109. Sermon
or Chemawa Indian school. Young pro- subject, "Bring Me Men to Match My
pie's prayer meeting Wednesday at Mountains." Evening service at TdO.
130 pan. I sermon subject, "Profit and Loss in
rersonaiity. xouut meetings saajun.
IMMANUEL BAPTIST . - (Monday TJO. Boy Scouts. Thursday at
Corner Hazel and Academy streets. 1 1 30. snid-week service.
Warren C. Hale, pastor. Sunday school I - - - : A '
0:45 ajn. Eunice Hart, superintendent I ITJtST CHURCH OP CHRIST,
Morning service at il Dr. w. A. Jepson I atutTiaT i - - -
of the Christian Business Men's asso-1 Chemeketa and Liberty streets. Sun-
ciation of Seattle, speaker. - HOding I day school 11 a.m. Set ices at 11. Sub
Halvarson. also of Seattle, will be guest 1 Ject, "Mortals and Immortals," Service
soloist Evening service at 7:30. Fellow-1 at pjn.. Subject. "Mortals and Im
mortals. Wednesday service at S pjn.
Includes testimonies ot healing. Read-
COURT STREET CHRISTIAN 1 ing room at 148 South High street
17th at Court street' W. H. Lyman. I : i
pastor. Sunday school S.-4S ajn. Morn- CHUBCaT OP CHRIST- - - -ing
service at 10 JO. Sermon subject Madison , and Baker streets. L. L.
"The God of Peace." Christian Xndeav- Freeman, minister. Sunday school 10
or S3 pjn. Evening service at T JO. ajn. Morning service at 11. Evening
Sermon subject "God's Need of Man's service, -song practice at T. preaching
Help." Mid-week church night Thurs- at 7:45. ' Bible study Wednesday at
day at s JO pjn. irav pjn.
Center and High streets. Dudley I Cottage "and Shipping streets. H. R.
Strain, pastor. Associate minister. Clay I TbonuulL pastor. Sunday school 10
Pomeroy. Sunday school eat ajn. I ajn. Morning service at 11. livening
Morning service at 1050. Message by service at 730. Young people's meet-
Dr. C T. Rwander of Portland. Youth I ing t JO. ua-week service at T30.
meeuncs at mm njn. Evenine service
at 7 JO. Sermon subtest "The DisDUted I PIKST CHtntCH OP GOD
Ordinance." by Dudley Strain. Church i Cottaae and Hood streets. Rev. H. A.
night Wednesday, meisaxt by Dudley Schlatter, pastor. Sunday school t:U
Stt-ain. j - : I ajn. junior cnurcn at io:. Morning
service at 11. Sermon subject "Wist
PIKST CONGREOATIONAL I Not That the Lord was Departed.'
Marion and . North Cottage streets. I Evening unified service at 7 :15. Ser-
David Nielsen, pastor. Sunday school! moa subject at S, "How Long Was the
M -ajn. Morning service at 11. Ser-Law to Continue
Dr. Ci ! IF Swander ef , Portland,
state secretary ef the Oregon'
Christian ehurches, will be the!
gnest speaker at the First Chris
tlaa : : ehnrch Sanday morning.
Dr. Swander Is well aevRainted
with yeath work, . t
ship meeting Wednesday at t'M pjn.
roon subject "Frontiers of Our Faith."
Tounf people will meet at the church
at 13 to go to peruana youtn meeting.
040 South 22nd street Rev. G. i
Qeghorn, pastor. Sunday school at 10
ajn. Morning; service at iu Evening
at i Ue at S. Prayer service Wednesday
at 8 pjn. Young people's Endeavor Fri
day at pjn.
died two; years ago in California.
Services will be held Monday
at 2:30 pjn. at. Mt, Crest : Abbey
mausoleum. Rev. Geore H. Swift MKNNONXrg BRETHREN
c ....! . Tsii-i 1 1 Elm street near McNary.' Wert Sa-
V junwmi. , ' T Mar. Klin.
rhiirrh. will officiate. fTImisrh-Bar- !sv school SHS ajn.. Moraine service
in: Wiitm flint - v-uL'-j-i- i- i service t iat. irf
m . - m wiuuicr.iiui u u. v. kuiiuH mMBn aaonaav ve.i
nt raiT mastist .
East State and lima streets. Sunday
school 0:43 ajn. Ben Swinford, super
Ida C. TragUo vs. Edward Lu-
kinbeal and Violet Lukinbeal; or
der permitting defendant to with
draw exhibits on file; stipulation
filed. - :- -'
Lena Rose Scott vs. Alvah Lo-
ren Scott; divorce cranted to
plaintiff plaintiff given custody
of minor child, with $30 per
month for its support; property
settlement agreement ratified.
Harriett -May Shreve vs. Wayne
Morris Shreve; divorce granted
plaintiff; plaintiff given custody of
two minor children with $31
monthly for support of each end
$33 monthly for plaintiffs sup
port. firy: 1
G. E. Wise vs. H. M. Adams and
others; suit to quiet title to real
property. I ' -, ' "'
O. E. Price vs. Esther M. ros
ter and Myron Foster; answer of
defendant Esther M. Foster, ad
mits and denies. '
Velma Lee vs. Joseph Lee; di
vorce complaint; alleges desertion;
asks custody of minor child and
defendant's equity in real prop
erty owned jointly with plaintiff.
v Joseph Schweifler vs. Betty
Schweifler; divorce complaint; al
leges cruel and inhuman treat
ment; asks maiden name of Betty
ReLonde be restored. ; .
Dorothy Virginia Seideman vs.
William : C Seidemail; divorce
complaint; alleges cruel and inhu
man treatment; asks custody- of
minor child with $30 for its sup-
Port. - : i " M .
:n Wilma Shollenberger vs. Byron
L. j Shollenberger; divorce com
plaint;. alleges cruel and inhuman
treatment; asks that maiden name
of WumaJBussard be restored.
Marvin K. Helvey vs. - Zeta K.
Helvey; order of default entered.
State vs. Raymond Nathan Bas
cue; trial completed on charge of
receiving' and " possessing: .' stolen
property; jury in court of Judge
E. M. Page returns not guGty ver
dict at noon Friday. -
TEkina Jane Fliesbach vs. Roger
W. Fliesbach; divorce trial; test!
mony 'and arguments ; heard by
Judge George R. Ihincan Friday;
taken under advisement; attorneys
to file briefs. . '
Emily B. Boas estate; final ac
count filed; order entered, indicat-
1 ! --
J ..." !. Down Town The Tall White Spire
. Semon bj Dr. J. C ILarrlscn
Charck School, t:IS; Yooth CI: arch and Nsrsery, 11:CI
. Visitors la the City and Friends Cor CUV, f Invited
ing no inheritance tax due state J hAtesvuxs bkanch
or federal government; hearing on of fmst baptist
final account December 20.
Helen S. Gibbs estate; order ap
pointing Clarence W. Holder to
succeed Lawrence Trask, edmin
istrator. resigned; i $1000 !' bond
Lirzie Ilmari, incompetent; Ida
Dola petitions for; appointment as
HayesvlUe school. Sunday school 1:45
ajn. Fred Broer, superintendent.
Rev. W. H. Cookstey. pastor. Sunday
school 11 ajn. Pierce Col lard, superin
tendent. Moraine seiskie at 10. Sermon
subiect. "Saved bv Grace." Eventec
aervtce at 0. Cwioa subject. "Our
ChrlstUn Obligation."
KNIGHT memorial::
10th and . Ferry streets. Willard - B.
EalL pastor. Sunday school 10 ajn.
Morning service at 11. Sermon sub-1 BETHANY Xv. REFORMED
Ject, "These Make lor Peace." 1 Capitol and ! Marion streets. X. A.
..L - I Kiehaneier, pastor. Sunday school 10
SAINT PAUL'S EPISCOPAL : I a jiu Moraine t service at 1L Sermon
CnurCB and Cnemeaeta Streets. eV. I subiect "Our Otizenshln in Heaven.1
George H. Swift, rector. Holy commun-1 " i . ,
ion 7 JSO ajn. Church school 0:4. Pray-I PTRST EVANGELICAL ' - i
er service and sermon at 11. ChUdreni Corner Marion and Summer streets.
earea ser m me parisn nouse ounng i Rev. J. Kenneth Wish art. pastor. Sun
is w ivjkw, luay scnooi :a a.m. k. h. urmei. sup
erintendent. Momins aervica . at 11.
HIGHLAND PKIENDS ' jj IMrs. Rodney A. Sundberg. recently of
North Church street at' Highland I changsha. China, cuest speaker. Youth
avenue. Herman H, Macy, minister. I mmna at sao n m rvmin unri
Sunday school 10 ajn. Clifton Itoss, at 130. Sermon subject. Tth Step to
supexunemem. aoraiui mt im I Hevtval. "Personal surrender, by Rev,
sermon loptc aohuohi ura-1 wtabart. Prayer and BUHe hour Thurs-
oia snoeavor at av pjn. &uius I aay taw pjn, ;
of Pacific college of Newberg in I SEVENTH DAT ADVXNTTST
charge ef the service at night. Prayer I North Summer and Hood streets. FJ
meetias Thursday ?30 pjn. I der G. T. Dickenson, neater. Sabbath
L-...n ii.iL. ii.- I school t JO . ajn. Mrs. A. R. Tartar,
SOOTH SALEM FRIENDS ' I superintendent Morning servica at 11.
oouw (Jjounerciai ana w asiungwu i Toung people s meeting 3:19 p.m. Mia
streets. John and Laura TrachseL pas-1 week prayer meeting 7:30 pjn. Wed
ion. siBuiy 1 iiii. auzn. iu
service at U. Guest speaker, RoylpTLGEfM HOLXNEgg
Knight Of Paetfie college. Evening ser-1 rii Market street. Paul C Nering
vice at 730. Sermon subject.- Faith." I pastor. Sunday school 0S ajn. Morn
ChrtetUn KndoavOT pja. Poarlling service at U. Rev. Prank Win of
Pearson, leader. Prayer meeting 7 30 1 Battle Ground, Wash., guest speaker.
pjn. Thursday. I Young people service at 7 pjn. Preach
1 , I in at 7 -30 ajn. Praver maetine Wed.
ni . 1 nesaay at iat sa ; : - -
SO North Chwrch street. M. A. Get-1 .
sendaner, DD. pastor. Sunday school I ENGLEWOOD CHURCH OF THE ?
ti43 ajn. Morning service at 10. Ser-1 uvrrEn- suietheen th chkist 1
mon -subiect. "Medium of Fjcehange," I . North 17th street and Nebraska ave
Lttther Leajfue 1 p jn. . Deaaa Leelnue. J. M. Goodheart. pastor. Sunday
ueuna. jeaoer. i"iuif samce a a. 1 scnooi JIMS a.m. Albert autunger. sup
Sermoa subject. "What Does A Chris-1 erlntendent. Morning service at 11. The
nan Believe?': I choir wfll sinr "Morning Comes." Ser
mon suhieet. ''Tha Greatest Pair In the
CHRIST LUTHERAN ALC) I WorM," father and son sermon. At
State- street at ism. r. u. i neuer. 1 aa njn. vouaer naonle atudv with the
pastor. Sunday school 0:4S ajn. Mora-1 pastor. "Christianity for Youth Today
ing service at 1L Educational appeal I ga adults study with Mrs. Bradbury.
Bread Alone." Confirmation class Sat
urday 030 ajn.
rtHr lw1 ngmln I formerly Ida neeDes care. soia. en
7. , I j T I Salem-Dailaa highway six miles
Lizzie Ilmari and sunerintendent I of aaiam. Rev. Aivin and Theima Soi-
of state hospital to appear within J217j
10 aays to snow, . cause wny a i jerry Owen
-rv I rvm . .1
Asanei BUsn estate; i aye I School auditorium. Rev. David Hamm.
Bush anoointed administratrix I pastor. Sunday school 10 wjb. Morn-
uu umxui ja,. laaaajn. evening service at a.
Busiv a zu,ow a. si. xiusn sure-1 aT-ANUEL mennontte
ty; estate value nxea at 110,000; 1 Pr-tum. J. x. Turnbuu. acting pas-
H. V. rjmntnn TL O. Staltr. r . I tor. Sunday school 11 JO ajn. Art
and Karl Wenger appointed ip- L. ,t 11 sermon subiect. "A Sure
praisers.- r 1. f ' Foundation." Evening service at S.Ser-
Wnitam T W11i rfTT 4rrM I nwno(i, m m -"'"""""
............ w. itha Mima'
nnai seniement. i l 1
Roy G. Buchanan estate; final
accounting filed by Anna K. Bu
chanan; decree of final settlement.
Comer ot 10th and A streets. K. 1
Gross, pastor. Sunday school 0:30 ajn.
Morning set rice at 1030.
Church and Stat streets. Dr. J. C.
Harrison, pastor. Church school at OaS j
ajn. Preston Dougnton, supermtenaent.
Worship at 1049. "Christ After Chaos."
sermon bv the pastor. Youth church
and nursery at 1L 1:4J pjn- "Mew
Lamps for Old. ;
- North Winter at Market street. Rev.
M. P. . Kaigge, pastor. Sunday school
0 as -ajn. Mendmr-service at 11. Rev.
Arnett. evangelist, speaking. Evenine
service at 130. Youth groups 0:s pjn.
Services each night at 130 except
Saturday. . ; '
m a a aw mm MpuwaffP
-v North Whiter at Jeffersoa. S. Raynor
"Fizst Negro Bishop, Richard Allen.
Evenine- service at 7 JO will be fa
charge of our young people. They wul
; Xyontmued on page 7)
: Speaker
Dr. It IL Jepxcn
f the CluisUaR Botttness Men's
" Assoclatlee ef SeaUle,
1 tVashhigtu.'j -
Bir. RUdlBa' HaJvarsoa
of Seattle. Wasldagtcdt,
IaiRUuiae Baptist Church
Cormer of Basel aad Acadesay
Stmday. Nov. 12. at the
' Mormla- Service at 11 A. M.
. Rev. Warren C Bale, Paster
Guest Speaker
Former Grid
Player Leads
Revival Service
Tne itevival services by Evan
gelist Jerry Owen have been well -
ttended in spite of rain and elec
tion interest this week, those in
charge Report. Services are held
at the school administration audio
torium,!;460 North High at Mar
ion street. . j
Many call Owen the second1
Billy Sunday because of the em
phatic way of giving his sermon. .
He quotes the Bible Verbatim
without jthe aid of script or text
or note ; of any kind, those who
have heard him say.
Beside preaching Rev. Owen is
coaching the Hubbard high school
football! iteam.! :
He Is i a former football star of
the University of Southern; Cali
fornia, i ; It was there that he laid
down the football to pick up the
Bible and start preaching. lie built
the large San Francisco sospel
cesiterijjj X '
At the School Administration
building; auditorium services are
held leach night except Monday
and Saturday at 7:45 p m.
With Owen is Martin Frey, a
well known evangelistic-pianist
Additional Church
News! on Page 7
vcrdicl of
Ihc ilgcs
Alongside of alcohol in im
portance as a post-war prob-'
lent j of the first magnitude
comes venereal diseases.
From time, immemorial,
these! two forces of moral,;
physical and mental destruc-
tion have been born conn
pardons In their work of ini-j?uity
Never was a greater truth
spoken than mat credited to
the New York Alcohol Au
thority: "The more alcohol;
the more syphilis."
."An article by Dr. John W.
i Churchman in the Journal
of Preventive Medicine and
Public Health on "Preven
tion i bf Venereal Diseases
points out that "Alcohol is
the , best salesman and pro
curer known, and is a con
stant and essential stock in
trade for the promotion of
prostitution." , v
i . P4. Adv. by a Grwap ef
i Salem Cltixens
ReginaMaisel estate; $5705 ap
praisal made by George H. Bell,
aa 1 a 1 aw - a.
aaarun t-reruen ana n. rescuer. 1
' Chester Thomas Malcom, Port
land; charge, failure to give right
of way; bail 110.
Enid L. Grabenhorst, 623 Center
street; r' charge, drunk : driving;
fined $100
Orval L Ohlsen, 1055 6th street;
charge, reckless driving and no
driver's license; car; held for, ball.
Raymond Matterson Harmon;
no clearance lights; fined $2.50
and costs. :f r--i ;..';;,';;
La von Benson Bell; no 1944 last
half license plate on trailer and
no 1944 last half license plate on
truck; fined $15 and costs on each
charge. - ' 1 !; ,
Sylvan L.- Gosliner, 39, and
Ruby Flnley Farris, 31, both of
' Melvin H. Emra. 25. Eugene,
and Anna J. Risteen, 25, of 2296
Lee stteet, Salem.
vf i:;w Sp:snT
YcziH Ecxrxr:!
Mrs. Vera M. WDlif wd speak
: to tne young people ox tne
- bietiiodist cnuircn
At ? P. IX. SRRday, Nov. UZX
Subject: Af rieaa -YootV
Since Mrs. Willis has spent
.14 years as a missionary to
Africa she can give actual
experience on this field. :
rabSe CordiaZy lavitetT!
i:.h & 13.
:- J 1. V-; ill!4; - . .- - ,-!."'!-'
Sweeps Into do ih week
i. 1
Be lays down tha foetbaS te pick mp the KMa
-.. . PV . . , - .
. - ;
Pa!--w n.a ri 7'i F !
r Marvin Frcy, pianist
WnM r:ir v;3'-i v-t
' Phendmtmdly Different t
: - Intensely Interesting! . -
ScripturdU? Authoritative.!
! - 1
You are welcome to hear this man of God as he
quotes the Ward of God under the cmnointina
of (he Holy Spirit ".';!' t
w-i 6.1 ) i.. i uJ. i. 1 iW-.s-J l.-J te
t -,e t;rr.vr-rr:.k cTa"y.