The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 11, 1944, Page 3, Image 3

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    Tht 02SEG0IY STATESMAN. Salem, Ortejoo. Saturday MorsSng. November II, ISI4
Lidbecks to
Preside at
Holiday visitors in the capital
are Dr. and Mrs. Bruce Titus
and children Bruce, Jack, Nan-r-y
and Timothy of Portland.
They are the weekend guests at
the homes of Dr. and Mrs. Wil
liam L., Lidbeck and Dr. and
Mrs. Willard N. Thompson.
Tonight Dr. and Mrs. Lidbeck
will preside at dinner at their
East Center street home in com
pliment to Dr. and Mrs. Titus.
Contract bridge will be in
play after the dinner hour. Bou
quets of chrysanthemums and
dahlias will provide the decor
dative note.
Covers will be placed for Dr.
and Mrs. Bruce Titus, Mr. and
Mrs. Clyde Cutsforth of Gervais,
Judge and MrsTE. M. Page Mr.
and Mrs. Max Rogers, Mr. and
Mrs; (Charles S. McHhinny, Mr.
and Mrs. Dan McLellan, Mrs.
Howard H. Barlow, Mrs. T. T.
McKenzie of Corvallis and Dr.
and Mrs. William Lidbeck.
Auxiliary Is
At an organization meeting of
the' Junior Chamber of Com
merce auxiliary, at the home of
Mrs. Elmo Lindholm on Thurs
day night, temporary officers
and committees were named.
Mrs. Lindholm will act f as -temporary
chairman and Mrs.
A. C. Newell treasurer. Commit
tees will include: membership,
Mrs. Lyle Leigh ton, Mrs. Wes
ley Goodrich and Mrs. Wayne
Adams; constitution and by
laws, Mrs. Wendell Ewing, Mrs.
Richard Lockhart and Mrs. Cal
vin Kent Other women present
at the meeting were Mrs. Al
s Morris, Mrs. Donald Ream, Mrs.
Ray LaVodie, Mrs. Howard Wal
ker and Mrs. Kenneth Mather. -The
group will meet on the
third Monday of each month,
'and the November 20 hostess
will be Mrs. A. C. Newell.
Miss Yantis
Honor Guest
" A dinner honoring Miss Laura
Yantis, who has just completed
30 years', service with the Pacific
, ' . Telephone and Telegraph com-
pany, was given Tuesday night
by Miss Florence Bentroth and
' Miss Maxine Moses at the lat
ter's apartment
r . . A bouquet of yellow chrysan
themums centered the dinner ta
ble, and kother bouquets of fall
flowers were arranged about the
zoom. Miss Yantis was present
ed with a corsage and gift
The guest list included Mrs.
Charles Boelens, Mrs. Maurice
, Ramsey, Miss Helen Ruettgers,
Miss Gertrude ScholL Miss Au
drey Vaughan, the, guest of honor
and the hostesses.
Program Today '
A concert of recorded music,
consisting of excerpts . from
grand operas, will be given in
the recreation room of the
YWCA on Sunday afternoon at
S o'clock.
. I Robert Rawson will offer his
5 usual comments on each num
ber. The public is Invited. .
From "Porgy and Bess" Cershwin
I Summertime'
j Lily Pons
' X Cot Plenty o' Nuttin
j' Todd Duncan
I Mr Man's Gon Now
j; - Anne Brown .
! Buzzard Song
' ... Todd Duncan and chorus
From "The Naughty Boy's Dream"
: ........ Ravel
-Piv O'clock"1
I Continental Symphony orchestra
from "Ruy Bias'' Marchettt
I A miel rivalll cederi iTo My
I Kivals I Yield
Mattia Battiatinl
rrom "Madeleine" j Herbert
i "A Perfect Day"
f Frances Aids
front "Mignon ...... Thomas
l- Addlo. Mtgnon. (Farewell. Mignon) '
i A. non credevt tu, (Pure as a Flow
' I ' ; - Tito Schipa '
From "The Sicilian VespeiVi-Jverdl
I Bolero .... - . .
l-v- :i Rosa Ponselle '
From "FalsUfl" Verdi
Ford's Monologue
I Leonard Warren
From "Manon" Massenet
I Gavotte
, I AmeUU Galli-Curcl
From "Simon Boccanegra" Verdi
! Garden Scene Duet
I - . Rose Bampton and
Lawrence Tibbett '
V Ensemble. Council Chamber "Scene
. Tibbett, Bamptoiv MartineUi.
! "Warren. Nicholson and chorus
" '- "
Vex Pop en M n d a y1 night,
;wUl be broadcast . from Chico,
Calif, from 9:30 to lOXo'clock,
and will feature the juniorftw
Cross. Every school child in Chi
co belongs f to the junior . Red
Cross, and the program is to be
. given there . in recognition of
-.. this. .
ilrnislica Day Celebration! i
Celebrate Armistice day at. Hood and Church
Streets in Salem. .
Vclcris cf Fcrcija Uars
Eats Drinks - Amusements
Frcn Cr.: h Czi, CIzray, IIsv. 11. 1CM
Dance to the Music of The Oregonians on one
cf Oregon s finest dan$e floors, 9 p. m. to 12
. J . "'"' . . , .
At Homes -Event
Event of the Armistice Day
holiday is the informal at home
for which Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Kirk will be hosts at their coun- '
try place at Morningside.
A group of their friends has
been invited to call this after-
noon from 3 o'clock on. Arrange
... ments of autumn flowers and
' leaves will decorate- the guest
rooms and buffet table.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Lester New
man will be hosts for an open
house today at their Center
street residence. Over a hundred
and fifty guests have been in
vited to call between 2 and 8
.-o'clock. .'. i ...
Alumnae Groups
... . :
The Pi Beta Phi and Kappa
Alpha Theta alumnae groups
met informally Thursday night
for their regular meetings.
The Pi Phis were entertained
at the home of Mrs. James
Brand on North Summer street
Assisting hostesses were Mrs. El
bert W. Roberts, Mrs. Douglas
Chambers, Mrs. Albert Currey
and Mrs. Forrest Stewart.
A dessert supper was served
with a business meeting follow-
. ing. During the evening mem-
, "bers sewed on felt shoes i for
Russian children. I
Alumnae attending were Mes
dames Cornelius Bateson, Philip
J. Blake, Lee Bown, Wolcott
' Buren, James Clayton, Joseph
M. Devers, jr., Charles. H. Hugr
gins, James R. Humphrey, Edwin
; Keech, Vern Miller, Marion Mul-
key, Richard Polk, Dwight Qui
..: senberry, Edward Roth, G. Her
- bert Smith, Floyd Thompson,
Chester ZumwaU, William Ful
ton, John Hughes, Ralph Barnes,
Russell Mef ford, Ernest C. Rich
' ards, Merrill Ohling, Paul Morse, .
i Thorne Hammond, Wilson Sieg-
mund. Wheeler English, Man- :
, fred Olson, Charles Sprague,"
Misses Lila Cation, Lillian Davis, "
Loretta Fisher, Sybil Spears, and
Patricia Vandeneynde.
' . ' : i
trM Alvtlitt Th(a I
Mrs. Taylor Hawkins and Mrs.
Richard Slater entertained the
Kappa Alpha Theta alumnae at
the former's home on Fairmount
Hill Thursday night Plans were
discussed for the year's project.
A late supper followed the bus
iness meeting.
Those present were Mrs. Char
les Wood, Mrs. Willard Marshall,
Mrs. William E. Deeney, Mrs.
James L. Sears, Mrs. Creighton
Jones, Mrs. Rosalie Jones Por
ter, Mrs. George Hug, Mrs. Don
ald McCargar, Mrs. Richard Sla
ter and Mrs. Taylor Hawkins.
Mrs. C. J. J. Miller entertained
the Waconda Community club at
a covered dish dinner Wednes
day noon. Cards were in play
during the afternoon with prizes
going to Mrs. Jay Bartholomew,
Mrs. , Fern Runcorn, and Miss
Hattie Skelton. The next meet
ing will be November 29 at the
home of Mrs. Robert Runcorn.
The DeMolay mothers net
Thursday for luncheon at the
Masonic Temple. Mrs, A. H. Da
vis and Mrs. J. C Jones were
hostesses. The table decorations
were autumn flowers and orange
candles. Mrs. William' S. Wilson
was welcomed as a new member.
A musical program was a fea
ture of the meeting. .
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Oppen-
heim of New York City have
been visitors - in the capital.
, While here they were registered
at the Marion hoteLi The Oppen
heims accompanied Mr. and Mrs.
Conrad Paulus north from San
Francisco. ' J ". ;
L. , A. DeBeck has re
turned to her home in San Fran
cisco after a several months stay
. in Salem with her brother-in-law
and sister, Mr. and Mrs. T.
A. Livesley.
-'- j 1 f J - ' - " " - "" .
Hollywood Lions auxiliary ,
luncheon meeting. Lions Den,
1:15 .m.
VFW auxiliary. S p.m. veterans
hall, department president's visit.
Deaconess hospital auxiliary
meet at hospital. 1:30 p.m.
Executive board. YWCA. li) a.m.
Delta Phi Mothers club, chapter
house, I pjn. :
- Junior guild of St. Paul's Epis
copal church, no-host luncheon
meeting, 1 p.m. t
Central WCTU. at hall S p.m.,
membership tea. f
AAUW radio group with Mrs. .
J. A. Jelderka. 156 Center
street, 2 p.m.
First Congregational circles:
North with Mrs. R. E. Froelich,
1663 Court street, 1 p.m.; South,
with Mrs. C. E. Forbis, Liberty
road.' 10 mxn.
Daughters of Union . Veterans,
With Mrs. Paul Bales. 1S6S Center
street, S p.m. Election.
' Mayflower Guild First Presby
terian church, meet at church
parlors 2 pjn.
Nebraska auxiliary with Mrs.
William Worm. 1235 Elm street,
all day meeting, no-host dinner
at noon.
Pi Beta Phi mothers meet at
chapter house,' 2 p.m.
Reports Given
At Meeting
Reports on the benefit parties
held during the past month were
made by Mrs. Florence Brennan,
Miss Loraine Meusy, Mrs. Ellen
Elvin, Mrs. Selby Shunterman,
Mrs. Haizelle Guenthner, Mrs.
Susan C. Wruble, and Miss Mary
W ruble at the November meet
ing of Court Capital City, Cath
olic Daughters of America, held
at the Salem Woman's club on ;
Wednesday night.
Rev. Bernard J. McDonnell,
Court chaplain, spoke briefly on
topics from the question box.
Mrs. Maude Rocque, state secre
tary, reported on the new court
of 106 charter members organ
ized at Hills boro on Sunday.
Plans were discussed for the
initiation and reception of new
members on January 14. It was
announced that initiation will be
held at Portland on Sunday, No
vember 12, and Stayton on Sun--day,
November 19, with several
members ' of Court Capital City
planning to attend.
Late refreshments were served
by the committee, Mrs. Martha
Coffey, chairman, Mrs. Johanna
Perry, Mrs. Lorene Zerzan, Mrs.
Marie Gamroth, and Mrs. Clara
Schroeder. ; j
Pfe. and Mrs. Norman J. Yagle
(Helen Ostrin) are receiving
, congratulations on the birth of
a son, Richard James, Friday
morning at the Salem General
hospital. The little boy, who
weighed eight pounds five oun-
ces, is the grandson pf Mr. and
Mrs. C. H. Ostrin and Mr. and
Mrs. N. B. Yagle of Rockford,
Illinois and the great grandson
of Mrs. Helen Goodenough. The
baby's father is now in the
The Keizer sewing club met at
the home of Mrs. Whitehead and
a no host dinner was served at
noon. Red! Cross sewing was
done during the day, the club's
major project for the year. Pres
ent were Mesdames Gardner,
Claggett Yunker, Earle, Spen
cer, Lerud, Lancing, dimming,
Hill, Ideen, Whitehead and Ma
son. Mrs. Savage will be hostess
on November 17. . j
LlTTvC HQjt-C "TH TmC t WT
i rf STl fl
OPENS 12;45 P.L
Now , Showing! '.
At !:
1:00 i
'II, i,
Frank McffJSH
iamtt IZ . a . -
A Birthday
Luncheon .
Friday ' '
Mrs. I Russell Catlin was the
honor guest at a smartly ar
ranged one o'clock luncheon Fri
day afternoon when Mrs. Henry
A. Cornoyer entertained at her
North Summer street residence.
The occasion celebrated Mrs.
Catlin's birthday.-
Covers were placed for four
teen guests with Mrs. George A.
. White coming from- Clackamas
for the affair. The table center
piece was an arrangement of
autumn flowers. .
Contract bridge was In play
. during the afternoon , with Mrs.
Charles H. ' Robertson winning
high honors.
Party Honors
Mrs. Taught
Mrs. Jessie Faught entertained
a I m 4al!rvVitfiil tnfftrmal ' nar4
Thursday night at her home on
North 18th street in compliment
to Mrs. Helen Wintermute, who
recently 'retired from her . posi
tion at the Pacific Telephone and
Telegraph company.
After an informal evening a
late, supper was served . by the
hostess. Mrs. Wintermute was
presented with la gift from the
guests. : Bouquets of chrysan
themums decorated the rooms.
Honoring Mrs. Wintermute
were Mesdames Christine Mumn,
Mona Waring, Blanche Main, El
la Lovre, Lena Victor, Bonnie
Horsman, . Nina Mattson, Lola ,
Davles, Ethelyn ' . Thompson,
Hugh Scott, Robert King, Esther i
Goodwin, May Johnston, Lena
Vaughan, Veda Craig, Ruth
Balrey, Iren Larkins, Lois Pade,
Maxine Moses, Nellie Eyre, Veda
Barker, Mary Bailey, Misses
Hazel Cook, Connie Smart, Lou
ise Pettit, Helen-Prettgers, Mil
dred Simons and Mrs. Jessie
Faught ( . i
Spinsters Enjoy:
Beach Party
The Spinsters are enjoying the i
Armistice holiday at the beach
home of Miss Sybil . Spears at
Neskowin. The girls left Friday
night and will return on Sunday.
Enjoying the beach party are
the Misses Phyllis Adams, Jean
Burrell, Carolyn Brady, Florence
and Doris Duffy, Emma Lou
East Phyllis Fisher, Connie,
Stella and Mary McKay, Janice
Nelson, Betty Simmons, Patricia
and Dorothy Yandeneynde,.-Nan-.
cy Stricklin, Lorraine Taylor,
Amy McGregor, . Jane Huston
and Sybil Spears, t
Pre-Game Dinner
On Friday
A pre-game dinner party was
given on Friday night by Miss
Mina Lee Spranger,' at the home
of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A.
C. Spranger i in' the Bethel dis-;
trict Thanksgiving decorations
and favors were used.
i Guests invited were the Misses
Marcella Wolk, Charlotte Hain,
' Viola Perlich and Messrs. How
ard Mader, Donald Mader, Leo
nard Perlich and the hostess,
Miss Mina Lee Spranger. . '
Bill (Hopalong) Beyd
Tirortei on Horseback''
Gay Music 1 Romance I
Thrills) on Ice I
st sa a k aaoa
...along the
Hid Crar.da
, I
News) '
I . ' I It
Y.. ... ;t j
a Ttr J
Service Women
What they can do
What they're doing about It
It Js Sergennt Nellie Sienke
now that . the Salem WAC re
cruiter has received fier promo-.
tion in grade to T4 from a cor-
1" " " Tl, . BU"
UWV : M . U1C Tf WHICH (UliU
Corps in her home town of Min- '
neapolis, Minnesota. I Since her
entrance into service, Sgt Sienko
attended the army Administra
tive specialist school at Des.
Moines, Iowa, and has been sta
tioned -at various aiif bases in
California, - WashingtonJ - and
' Mrs. Cleda Fmtnam
Tuesday night for Lbs Angeles
to visit her con,- Pfc. Robert M.
fumam, . wno is - suuonea
Camp Cooke, Calif.
(And Preview of
'Sensation' Only After
Midnitej Toolt!)
Starring ,: . JJ " Of i A
ElfililOi f OK Ufiltti XJ'
t f N- ' ( iw'" V j
I i
Breakfast to ;
Honor Mrs:
Past Presidents club ' of the
American Legion auxiliary wi,ll
hold Its annual Armistice Day
breakfast -this morning in the
Marine room of the Marion ho
tel at 9 o'clock. The breakfast
has been an annual event since
1939, at which time it was in
augurated by Mrs. Earl Andre-sen-
r -1 -
j The table centerpiece , will be
a -basket of gold chrysanthe
. mums tied with blue ribbon and
, flanked by a set of miniature
auxiliary colors Mrs. . Frank
Marshall will ' preside at" the
breakfast . ' "
Mrs. Donald Madison,1 presi
dent of the auxiliary this year;
will be the honor r guest' Others
attending will : be Mrs. 'Albert
Gragg, Mrs. Jennie Bartlett, Mrs.
P. N. Waters, Mrsi A. M.-Johnson,
Mrs. , Beryl ; Porter, Mrs.
Onas Olson, Mrs. Leon Brown,
. Mrs. Earl Andres en, Mrs. O. E.
Palmateer, Mrs. Frank Marshall,
Mrs. Stanley Krueger, Mrs.
James Garson, Mrs. Hattie Cook,
Mrs. Paul Gemmell, Miss Jessie
Rodman, Kxi, E. W. Richey, Mrs.
. Ella Voves and Mrs. Florence
.'-'Ames. if.,
Miss Delphi Demos, for three
years a leader of a Brownie
troop of Girl Scouts, has turned
her. troop over -to Mrs. Lloyd
Riches, of the Women of Rotary.
" The former leader, was recently
married. . . i :
'. T .
- :
: ' -.;f . . i
r -. -
i i
Today's Menu
The double holiday makes
cooking complications. Well plan
menus as usual for the biggest
weekend dinner on Sunday.
, TODAY v ..
i , i : Apple-carrot salad '
Hamburger cakes with
Gravy on toast -'
- Buttered green beans
z. . Apple cobbler .
. 1 ... : :scnday... 1
V .1 - Jellied fruit salad
Baked veal chops with
, . ' ... i Noodles-..:,
- . . y .. Baked squash ,
: Frozen berry j shortcake
".,.. MONDAY
. . ... Cream, of onion sHip -.
. . v Vegetable plate ' . . . i
- (Spinach t i m b a 1 , cauliflower,
" :.! i . peaa) ; '
, , . Hot biscuits
' Mincemeat pie
'f s-. f-M-iVl
:t. 4 veal chops I . , ,
. 1 tablespoon flour ... i
. "4 teaspoon salt .
Vt teaspoon pepper
,.2 tablespoons' butter or other
2 sliced medium sized onions
1 cup sour cream -. '.
Season flour with salt and
pepper. Wipe meat with clean,
I damp cloth and dredge with
1 seasoned flour. . Saute chops in
fat until well browned on both
sides. Place in a greased baking
dish, add sliced onions and sour
cream, cover and bake at 350
degrees for one hour, or until
chops are , tender.;
ds C . T u . J
. it t
- ' "5
. rt;.na ,V
Siherton Women's Club
GtU New Meeting Place
Women's club will meet Novem
ber; 16 in , the chamber of com
merce rooms because' the : regular
rooms are being redecorated.
1 Books will be the topic tor the
afternoon and number, of new
books will be on display. Library
patrons and others interested in
books are being invited
to ttend
is presU
the; meeting.
Mrs. Clark Bachman ra presi
dent of the group and Mrs. H. B.
Latham is chairman of the day.-
hj : H
Gervais Re-elects City
Officials on Tuesday
' ! GERVAIS The city election
held Tuesday passed off quietly
with 72 votes cast Mayor G. J.
Moisan, City Recorder B. B. Bar
ner City Treasurer Pear Stevens
and Councilmen C W. Cutsforth
and Joe Kuhn were re-elected
without opposition.
Hi pound broad noodles
1 clove garlic , t
$ tablespoons butter
14 teaspoon salt
Va teaspoon pepper
2 tablespoons bread crumbs
2 tablespoons grated cheese.
Boil noodles in salted water
with garlic until noodles are ten
der. - Drain . and - remove garlic.
Add pepper and butter and place
ini i greased baking dish. Mix
bread ' crumbs and cheese and
spbead on top of noodles. Bake
for; five minutes at S50 degrees
orjluntil cheese Is melted.
Hurryl End Todayl
j i j "Sinco You
'ill Went Away-
Teat at 12:30. IJ5.
'I'll- 9M .
(On Screen