Thm CHEGOII STATESMAN. Salem. Oregon. Saturdar Morning, November 1L 1SU ,;:;'vj,': v :;k PAG2 TWO British Troops Capture Forli In Italy Push ROME, Nov. 10 JP)- British troops of the 8th armjr, widening their grasp on the southeastern edge of the Pd plain, captured the old Italian fortress town of Forli on the Rimini-Bologna highway and loosened up German positions in the hills south and southwest of the city, the allied command announced today. 1 Forli a community of 05,000 population 38 miles southeast of "Bologna, was captured after" the 5th corps under Lt Gen. C. F. ' Keightler. had made it so hoTfor the Germans on the west side of the Forli airfield soutneast oi me city that they were forced to pull ' back after many days of stubborn defiance. r- , " ; The 5th corps then thrust swift ly ud the Rimini-Bologna high way and captured the Forli bar racks, a little more than a mile east of the town, and the railway station on the .north side. Other British units moved up the -airfield road into the city. Some 250 Ger mans were captured. ' ' OX-POWERED AMBULANCES-with wages draws by exes serving as amhalaaces, wended Yageslavlaa partisan lighters are moved from a field aaealtat to a fcldeeai. $160,000 Due For. This Area, If SolonsO.K. i WASHINGTON, Nov. 10 - (A5) -The - northwest electro-develop- snent laboratory has a check wait : in for $160,000 but it must be ,'. countersigned by congress. ' ' i At the office of Representative i Ellsworth (R-Ore) it was an i nouncedf that the budget bureau "ha ' approved the allowance to ' provide operating-funds for the ; Albany, Ore., plant for the re mainder of the current fiscal year. ' An appropriation by congress now : is necessary to make the money available. ; The plant, is engaged, says Dr. R. S. "Dean, assistant director of ' the bureau of mines. In activities designed to "adjust our technology and use pattern to the raw ma terials of this country.' . "Much of pur technology Dr. Dean told a:, reporter, "has been - based on use of foreign ores. It is desirable to find new means of . treating 'our own ' ores .and new uses for the materials 'which we ,', can develop from them.". E. W. Newman, .a bureau of i i. ; mines . engineer, "recently told ? a I greatest mineral .wealth of the senate committee that by far Ithe western states" falls into the class for. which uses and markets must , be found, f. This, Dr. Dean said, describes the objectives of the Al bany plant and the electro-metallurgical laboratory at Las Vegas, Nev. An additional goal is the ap plication of cheap power available at western federal power plants to the reduction and preparation of western) ores, he said. - The plant, Dr. Dean said, is working now on Oregon beach 1 sands, following up chroraite re covery work undertaken by gov : ernment agencies in. a search for war materials, and the further , , utilization of iron manganese chromium ores of Washington 1 state. This, he said, is in addi tion to further experiments in the utilization! of light metals, produc tion of ; which for war needs be came a, sizeable industry. In the west , I .. - . : JAPAN ' Zra PBBL 0k i gff ' SHIKOKU ( ) U. S. Bombers Blast Kurile Island Bases Killed H IS US PACIFIC FLEET HEAD QUARTERS, Pearl Harbor, Nov. 10-(JIV-Army and navy bombers attacked Tori Shima island in the northern Kuriles Nov. 6j down-J. ing three ; e n e m y Interceptor planes, Adra. Chester WY Nimit t announced, today.: , iiirtU- One army medium bomber was lost in a furious air batUe with.-? 15 or 20 enemy fighters over the Kuriles; at the top of Japan's em pire, i . One Nipponese plane was dam aged and another probably shot down in addition to the three def initely destroyed, m ; i . i The American planes attacked nine self-propelled wooden barges off the east coast of Paramushiro and saw two of them blow up. liberator heavy bombers, Nl mits reported, raided Paramushi ro, Matsuwa and Onnekotan islands In the Kuriles Nov. 8. Oth er Liberators raided the Bonln and Volcanb islands south of Japan Nov. T and 8. They scored a direct hit on an enemy medium cargo ship at Chichi island, bombed two barges at Haha island and also blasted Iwo island. : Ernest Buckingham , . . .. ... r . - . Salem Sailor Dies in Action Cpl. Lehmann Dies on Isle CnL Herold Lehmann was kill ed in action at HoUandia, October 9, bis mother,' Mrs. Emflie Leh mann, 1573 Bellevue street, has been notified by the war depart ment ' ' CdL Trfmnn was Inducted Into the army in February,' 1943, and went overseas last January He would have been 22 years old January 2, 1945, and was born in White Salmon, Wash. His mother came -to Salem in 1937 and he worked around Salem for some time before he enlisted. Besides : his mother he Is sur vived by three brothers, Manin, Theodore and Arthur, and one sis ten Alfrieda Moore of White Sal mon, and a second sister, Serena Danielson of Santa Ana, Calif. SOUTHERN JAPAN This new base snap of southern Japan tncrodea the area In which snack of Nippon's heavy industry has been concentrated, v ; . 50 Million Christmas , Packages Go to GPs WASHINGTON, Nov.. tit (JP) -1 About 50 million Christmas pack ages are now. en route to American troops overseas, the army said to day. ' .'.- The shipment ' represents the greatest mass movement of pack age, mail ever to leave this coun try. Delivery of the packages to the GI Joes will be by every type of army transportation, - ranging from dog teams in the Arctic to camels in Africa and from special parachutes to jeeps and trucks, -r Agnes Grinde Dies Friday: Stayton Woman Hurt In Santiam Accident Mrs. Frances Morgan, Stayton, is reported seriously injured as the i result of an automobile accident near . Suttle lake on the Santiam ; highway Thursday. . . She sustain ed a fracture of three clavicle ver tebrae when the' car in which she was, riding, driven by Mrs. Mary Boeschcn, Salem, skidded on the icy zngnway. ' The women .were i en route to Bend to attend an Eastern Star meeting" and to visit relatives. .Mrs. Morgan is hospi talized at Bend. Mrs. Agnes Grinde, 43, late resi dent of 1490 Saginaw street, died , at her home here Friday. She was ; a native of Norway. . . rI .. K 1 She is survived by the widower, Elling Grinde of Salem; three daughters, Alice, Adaline and De lores of the home; and two sons, Eling, jir, and George . Grinde, both in the U. a navy., r " Also surviving are her mother. Mrs. Magnus Nelson of Bottineau, I program. , uax.; eight sisters. Mrs. Lars the flag anemic, Mrs. oi Rispar, Mrs. Ed. Aames, Mrs, Martin Wensted, 7 all of Bottineau, N. Dak.; Mrs. ' Henry Bruns, Modesto, Calit, Mrs. I Ray.HuDy, Sandborn, Iowa; Mrs. . Charles Waughn, Graneville, NJ), and Mrs. Angus Smith of Everett, Wash, and three, brothers, Carl and Martin Nelson uc Bottineau, NJ), and Joseph Nelson of Salem. Funeral announcements will be : made later by the Clough Barrick ; company.-. 1-, ; . Brazier Small Speaks At Leslie Assembly ' Thumbnail of War! . (By the Associated .Western Europe The US Srd army, roaring ahead on a 75 mile, front, threatens, to encircle Metz and at one point moves to within 21 miles of the Saar basin. ; Rassla Red army drives a wedge between the .German de fenders of eastern Slovakia and Budapest, 65 miles northeast of the Hungarian capital. ' ' :: Italy - British 8th army cap tures Forli, 38 miles from Bo logna. C 'v l ? Pacific - American planes and PT boats sink ; seven Japanese destroyers and .a transport k but : the : enemy - is able to land re inforcements at Ormoc on Leyte; Yank ground-forces moving on Ormoc make advances against bitter resistance. - i', ' :. China Japanese report the capture of Kweilin and Liuchow, but Chungking says fighting still rages around both towns. Verl Milligan KUlcd In Action, Family Told GERVAISr Nov. 10 Pvt. Verl Milligan, 20, was killed in action in Italy, October 19. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Milligan.' live in.Crabtree and his sister Is Mrs. Roy Rickman of- Gervais. She Re ceived the word of her brother's death Monday from her parents. Boys Rnn Away State police today were on the lookout for 'two runaway boys. sons of Mr.! and Mrs S. O. Vertz of Brooks. The boys, Kenneth Howard, 15, and Clarence Henry, 17, were believed on their way to California. ; . Too Late to Classify FFA Banquet Set Monday Salem chapter, Future Farmers of America, will hold its 11th an nual banquet at 8 o'clock Morula; nient in the senior high scnoo cafeteria.' - '' : ,; "With the exception of speeches by Earl R. Cooley. state director of vocational education, and B. BennetV superintendent of lem public schools, the pro; will be entirely by the boys who comprise the FFA membership, Featured speaker is to be Reed Volsteadt, Albany, state FFA pres Ident. Leonard Perlich of the Sa lem chapter, who represented Ore gon In the -national FFA public sneaking contest last summer, will be toastmaster. Ernest Archie Buckingham, ma chinist's mate 2c, USNR, has been killed in action, his mother, Mrs. Katherine Buckingham, 20 South 8th street. Salem, was i. notified Friday.- ), Young Buckingham, who at tended Dallas high school, where he was captain of his freshman class ' basketball team, Iras em ployed at California Tacking cor poration's Salem plant prior to en listing Nov. 7, 1942. He would have been 21 years old had he lived until next March. ! Survivors in addition to the mother, are five sisters; Mrs. Le- ona Foster, Silyerton; Mrs: Viola Kliever, Salem; Mrs. Loraine Dill, in South Dakota; TJarleen and Carroll Buckingham at home, and one brother, Bruce I Buckingham, at home. The young navy man's father, a veteran of World war I, died three years ago in Dallas and the family moved to Salem a few months later. i Two Lebanon Men Killed, Families Hear LEBANON, Nov. 10-The names of Sgt Elgie Berg, U. S. marine corps, and Pvt. Alvln Jennings, army Infantry, were -i added Jto Lebanon's list of killed in action on fhe eve of the armistice anni versary, j ;V;-;;n7"L:';' 1 ' Sergeant Berg died July 21 of wounds received on the island of Guam. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. Othmer LBerf . of .the Crowfoot community near here, received the Information from the marine corps commander this week. Ser geant Berg was 22 years old and had attended . Lebanon schools. Besides the parents,-survivors In clude a sister, Phyllis Wald and his grandmother, Mrs. Mary Tate of Sublimity. Pvt. Alvin Jennings had previ ously been reported missing in ac tion in Italy, and now his wife, Margaret Smith Jennings, who has been in Portland, has been notified he was killed. His twin brother, Calvin Jennings, - Was Air Raid Alarm Sounds In Chinese Capital. : CHUNGKING, Saturday, Nov. ll-C?P)-An urgent alarm, the first in the Chinese capital this year, sent Chungking's million inhabi tants scurrying into damp and musty dugouts late! last' night as Japanese planes invaded Szech wan province, The all-clear was sounded at 1:15 o'clock this morn ing. The capital .escaped attack. McLean Services Set For Monday Morning Graveside services for John B. McLean, 48, ranch hand who was killed October 31 when Struck by a car on highway 222 southeast of Salem, will be held Monday 10:30 a.m. in the IOOF cemetery, McLean, had been employed by the Gus Schlicker dairy and had no known relatives. Services will be under the direction of the Clough Barrick company. tjk uran room rurniabeo apt t WANTED Housekeeper or helper. Board and room. Pbone 8432, or Call at 396 Jerris Ave. . - ; TOR SALE Simplex Ironer. Schick Elec Razor, and tun. . tOST Wirt haired female terrier. J Tinder please Inform 'Mrs. Victoria S tiffler at 2049 State St or Phone 8541. , Leslie Junior high school stu dents at their Armistice day as sembly Friday heard r American uegionnaire Brazier small speak on "The Purposes of "Armistice Day! and emphasized the import ance of winning a total victory.: The Leslie band and chorus classes contributed music for the Boy Scouts conducted ceremony, "- and - Billy Johnston, student body president presided.' '- r - r Gov. Snell Designates 1 nSESlVing Sunday9 , of his death are lacking here. Salem High Graduate Killed (in England ; : Curtis Welch, graduate of Salem high school in 1024, and for a number of years a resident of the capital city, was allied October 22 in England, his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Lee McAllister of Salem, have been notified. - Welch was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Welch, who now re side at Long Beach, Calif. Details PORTLAND, Nov. lO-i-Goy. Earl SneU has designated 'Novem ber l as Thanksgiving Sunday," marking it for a day of thanksgiv ing for. "the beauty of Oregon roadiidu and matchless scenery." . Ths Cr:r:n roadside defense council ur: i rdal Thanksgiving Sunday prc.-s In the i state's churches. ... r- , ; ni E . ; Jlatinee Today 2 P. M. Coatlacocs 1 t it i . v . rrt'ia - ; - l - V.' ' 'i niiiirimi i rii wiiTj.. WITH BOWED HEADS AND A! PRAYER-" IN OUR HEARTS LET US PAUSE AND MEDITATE ON THIS ARMISTICE DAY, 1944, FOR THOSE WHO DID NOT RETURN FROM THE LAST WAR - - FOR THOSE WHO WILL NOT RETURN FROM THIS WAR A - -FOR THE SPEEDY RETURN OF THOSE WHO STILL FIGHT - - FOR TOTAL VICTORY AND A i LASTING PEACE. ' " OHtheHOMEFROHT By ISABEL C7IHD3 killed in action in France, July 17. The parents, Mr. and Mrs.' Ji B. Jennings, .live here. : , The J9-year-old twin brothers had lived in Lebanon since they were ; six-months-old and were really! separated only when sent overseas,' Calvin to .France, Alvin to Italy.. Both were married while in high school, where they were outstanding athletes.' - Calvin's widow, Margaret Fair banks Jennings and their six months -old son, Calvin, Jr live in Lebanon. Alvin's widow, Marga ret Smith Jennings, nas been! in Portland, recently. - Germans Interning None Railroaders STOCKHOLM, Nov. 10 fl?V-r Lterman occupation authorities; are Interning several hundred Norwe gian railroad men after working hours t each day, probably in order to Insure movement of German military traffic in case of "serf ous events" in the country, a Nor wegian legation staff man said to day. !r s "A blare kf bugles and ruffle of drums'' jean always mingle, with laughter the tears of my gehera- - ! V Our first.1 patriotic parade of any . consequence . iook: puce zo years ago today. We slept through it, but remember it as well as if it were passing by-a g a I n . tins morning; The talL slender man who let the! flag standard buster the hands iri which the army had refused to put a gun, and his wor shiping oldr son who ; was so weary from; the long march be side his father in the early morn ing hours that he forgot to be a general over! us younger children for a full jlay seem to be leading the parade! jfoday.- v - r i Somewhere in the South.PaciCc that boy j is remembering with those of jus at home how our celebration j of the gala occasion was made more rich and colorful as our rejoicing was tempered. He recalls tears in calm hazel eyes as she who was the hub of our young lives heard how the pa rade had paused and the flag had been lowered before a home where it seemed; there might never again oe re peace. And in his own grey eyes; as he thinks of his two small sons at home there is, I will wager, ajl jreflection of what he read in herf so long ago when she looked speculatively at her two boys in khaki-Jpiaysuits. El Toros Cxiwh Foe - - - U t -. .- - . V - i . SAN DIEGO, Calif, Nov. 10-flP) -The ElToro Marines pushed over a touchdown in the first four min utes of their game with the Coro nado, Calit, amphibious training base tonight, then went on to wallop the J Bluejackets 51 to 7. ThevAmphibs scored their lone tally in the last quarter. FDR'a Oregon Lead Now 21,403 Votes PORTLAND. Nov 10 -W)- Pres ident Roosevelt led with 244,268 votes td Dewey's 222.86S toay when unofficial returns were -complete from 1827 of Oregon's 1829 precincts. ; . . - The' missing precincts, from democratic Multnomah county, are likely to boost the president's plurality , even higher. Bond Purchase Planned - 4 v - i K--r-.. -I ,. Purchase of $50,000 worth of short term treasury notes during the coming war loan with city wa ter commission funds was author ized by the commission at its regu lar meeting Friday night. ; i Eagles Lose Puckster PORTLAND, Nov. ,10-P)-Ken Barker, Vancouver, BC, hockey defense man reportedly on his way to ioin the Portland Eagles, has signed! with the Seattle Iron men Instead, Jimmy Ward, Eagles coach, said today. Y ' Salem Marine Wounded WASXUffUTUN, NOV. XO.-F) Oregon paval casualty:- Ruther ford, Walter A, private first class. Parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter W. 1 ilil .-. :Jv:- The Panama railroad and the steamships! run in connection with it between New York and Colon are owned; and operated by the US goverhinent LAST TEIES TODAY Fins Diehard Dix "MARK OF THS, in ! WBXSTLER" ? STMTS SUIIDAY hi lovEfSTOlmj v Yr ' VJ ? u f ; t. vA rW im i i . kwr v Vic I SiQ-rM I ' M I Kin -i i hi VWfr U 1 1 1 VJL 11 c T...l.r ' PTGV "r . . , a av a a , 1 SNNTif ' Sloris Today 1 putstanding i Features - V ... - . J Trnnuinninn ILlDltlbULUn HERE'S A NEW KIIID OF STORY... RICH, EXCITING, YOUIIG AND BEAUTIFUL! it!' HI yff WlWi..j, W)ti.H asuwiamiwaiwJiialiml US qch r nn UL-lIUU " WAUPBt : - " IOM ' . - . BRDIiUII-llcCALUSTER- CMAtLOm vx r.pii?i.pFni7nnn.HivER . :.- wawaiaa) j aaaa w wsav wmmm Plus Ompanion Features) ' . i 'ka mm 'U m mi II I x r . i X M i ' . I I I I ,- . I f J 1 V ti mf t V i.m i 1 cmkii turn -Mm - , r 1 ' ik i ') , . . Open r - m t , . ' : J, I 1 i i, v- rtzrl3 Zilzy, Nov. 12 t .Tl t V (( i .... i V wt I " . i ' .ill x .2 . . U , - CASTOON . NTV73 - -1 k AND MAKiy MEN, IN a - r y; : - J : house a hot 2 . "8aWS?1WWB8'Hfcii'i''iii"Lfc- V " i w m w