Th CZZGOU CTATECMAIL Sden. Ore;cx Scalar llezZzz. i:orebe? 5. 1814 fags nnnnziT Hills Vliifened Near Mill Gty Logging Camps Report Two to Six Inches Of Snowfall . MILL CITY The hills ground Mill City were covered with snow Wednesday dor the first time this season. Reports from the logging camps reported from two to six inches of snow. Mrs. Robert Schroeder was ill last week. . , Cleo Mundt ia employed as a waitress in the new Bank Cafe recently opened. She has been employed in the Red and White Grocery store.-' Martha Podrabsky has taken over Shirley's u Beauty Shop and opened for business the first of , November Mrs. George ,Laird, owner, has joined her - husband who Is in the service and recently "returned to the states from over seas duty. Fred Duffy fell from the roof while painting recently and sprained his ankle. '. Frank Splawn.Avho is employed at the Pink Mason Service station, was burned seriously at his home when he threw crank-case oil on a burning trash pile and the blaze ignited his clothing. : He was tak en to the local hospital. - Mrs. . Henry Kaplinger ' entered the - Deaconess hospital Tuesday for treatment. ' Mrs; Orr Robinson of Holly and Mrs. Jesse Splawn of Brownsville were called here " when Frank Splawn was burned. Mrs. Naomi Carey and ' Mrs. Stanley Chance spent the week end at the homes of their mothers, ivirs. uari inance ana mti. wmie. Both are employed in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Mathls and Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Kadley vis ited at the George Cree home Sun day. The. women are sisters' of Mr. Cree. They were on their way to eastern Oregon on a hunting .trip.--, ...,-.. : Phyliss Beatty spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs Fred Beatty. She graduated from Mill City high last spring and is now ' at Providence . hospital in Portland taking nurses training. Guests at.the Fred Duffy home last Friday., were Mrs,. A. Ring .of a w a From The Statesman' c Community Carres riondents Sewage Plant At Mt. Angel Local Issue MT. ANGEL Election day next Tuesday will not only decide mo mentous matters for the nation and state, but will likewise de termine an important issue for Mt Angel, namely, whether or not the city council shall levy a tax, not to exceed five mills, to provide funds for the construction of ' a sewage disposal plant. This plant is to be built as soon after the war as shall be deemed wise and prac tical. . . A sinking fund for this purpose was established a few years ago but the amount that now finds its way into the fund is pitifully smalL A special; tax1 would be hardly felt by the individual tax payer yet the amount realised from the tax on the combined tax aoie properly would amount to a sum that would work considerably toward the financing of the ex pensive but necessary project. By adding the treasure to the regular election ticket,' the city council thought to save the people of the community i the extra ex pense ana trouble ' ox holding a special election next spring. I Candidate for, the four vacan cies in the city council will be vot ed upon. Candidates for the two year term position are Mike Hoo fer, Carl Mucken, Walter P. Smith, A. G. Traeger and Joseph I. Wachter. ; Nominees named for the unex pired term of Joseph J. Keber, who is moving to Portland, are Raymond Terhaar, Victor Frey and E. G. Unger. . East Mt. Angel will cast its votes at the city hall -as usual. Voting of West Mt Angel will be done at the N. B. Traviss Plumb ing shop instead of at the Mt An gel Motor company as in former years. Lyons, Mrs.. K. Morris and Mrs. Harold Moon and son of Mehema. Delores Ann Smith underwent a minor operation last Saturday in Salem. She is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smith. V- Mrs. H. R. Brown and Mrs. J. E. Dowling and baby were in Port land last week. -- Mr. t'and . Mrs. . Wade Dickinson of . MMinnviUe ' visited '.Mr. and Mrs. :lwelt'Ceetlast'Jtreek.'-.':;'' J Miu wiyriiremen itere cauea in a flue fire-Suriday ' at the Elmo Smith residence and Monday to Pacta's hotel. No damage was re ported. - " " f " Spring Valley Boosts Its Quota by $18.65 . SPRING VALLEY This com munity came through with flying colors again in the war chest drive, raising $83.65, which was 118.65 more than their quota of To Be Ordained SMITnFlELD.-' Waldo 1 IL Wi who will fee ordained -as "a minister- of the Evaageltaal Men-! nenlte charch at Dallas. Ber. D. . Sennits, paster,' wul effldate. Both Mr. and Mri. Wall wUl be ordained and. wilLlg Jater-te Meatana where they will work. Stayton ! New Bus" Put in Operation '. ' - ,4 -3i...t.!'v 4-"'-w - STAYTON, Nov i-The hew school bus arrived in town Tuesr day night It was driven west from Richmond, Ind., by M., and Mrs. J. ' L. Siegmund ind was used Wednesday , morning. ; v i The bus, the second ; in opera tion by school district 71, seats 41 students and will be used for ,the North Santiam-West StaytoA loop. The buses are being driven by Pius Lulay and Henry Minten. Swegle Starts!! Hot Limcleoni SWEGLE The school has been assured a hot lunch program again this year -under the spon sorship of the jParent-Teacher ohm ganization. Plans are to start No vember 8. Federal aid will again be given in proportion to that paid by ' the parents. For some time it was believed this aid could not be secured but a readjustment : was made. Mrs. Percy Kleeman has consented to do the cooking. Mrs. E. E. Brandt was appointed chair man of the project and she will be assisted by ' the PjTA president, Mrs.. Charles Norton v-,-V' i Four (memhers of .the organiza tion' attended the .county ; council meeting in Salem .Thursday, They Were .Mrs. Charles. Norton Mrs. William, :HenselL Mrs.t Charles Bottorff and . Mrs.' William Hart ley. The hot lunches and- the new legislative measures that the state group - will endorse were the main topics or consideration. - V The Swegle group was lso hots for the noon luncheon. Mrs.- Hen' sell and Mrs. Bottorff attended the county, teachers' institute In Sa lem on Friday, in charge of PTA publication table. ; - Birthday Party Given For MonmoutJi Girl , MONMOUTH Mr. and Mrs Ben Friesen were hosts Sunday at a birthday dinner for their grand daughter, Muriel McKnight of Dal las, age 14.: . ; Present also were her. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil McKnight and brother Robert; Mr. and Mrs. Paul Yung and son Vance of Salem; Mr. and Mrs. Martin Berg and Ronnie of Jennings Lodge; and Mr. and Mrs. Friesen. Monmouth Property Sold During Week i . v r : MONMOUTH Three new houses built on West Main street by IF. I. Bressler of Salem,, were sold this week. A. F. Huber sold to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Smith of Monmouth, to Mr. and Mrs. Philip Taylor of Independence. Mrs. Dora Goodman sold . one house to H. Kl Browitch of Inde pendence, i Mrs. Goodman also sold the Rabe duplex on Warren street to Mr. and Mrs. Ira Ray of Monmouth. Salem Women Guests 0 Swegle Tnencls' . ; LABISH CENTER' '- Margaret Scruggs, spent several days as house. guest of Connie Weinman Miss Scruggs -Is a j music teacher at Willamette university. The Ladies Aid society met at the home of Mrs. Harry Boehm on weanesaay afternoon, a , supper and bazaar have been planned for December 6 and committees ap pointed. Dallas Store Is Sold To E. A. Cutlers ! DALLAS H. H. Harder has disposed of his store on Church street to Mr. and Mrs. E. A, Cut-t ler, who took possession Wednes day. The Cutlers will. move into the residence adjasent to the store just vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Har der. They were former residents of Dallas having spent the past years in, Portland and Vancouver. Parents Sponsor Holiday Party - MONMOUTH Hallowe'en was featured "here this year by an' in novation, in the way'of entertain ment when', parents - of -upper giade school, boys and gkls gave them 'si theater party," sponsored by the 'Women oC the American Legion auxiliary; Mrs. Edwin Jen sen, president of 4 h e auxiliary, plaoifed .the affair, -and was as sisted by .Mrs. G, L. -Tomkins, Mrs. Jack Stump and Mrs. Oscar Groves. , , .. High' school students had a par ty at me community, building, ar ranged by teachers and parents. Rev George Turner new minis ter of, the Christian church, as sisted, with- .enterUInment, j ri The fire siren was heard only once in the interest of Hallowe'en, and altogether it was the quietest holiday of its kind on. record. Scio E Bonds S Totalis Down SCIO Series E war. bond kales in Scio during October were $8, 581.25, according to totals released by Postmaster . " Phillips . and Waldo DeMoy, manager of . the Scio State bank. The figure, is $1100 less than , the September to tal. Sales at the postoffice. were $3937.50 and at the bank $V ..The John Turptn family has moved from the John Brock farm residence in Richardson gap to a place in' Crabtree. s , . ' ,v" Charles Leffingwell and family have gone to . Santa - Monica, Calif,," to reside. They have oper ated a berry and nat farm south west of Scio for three years. T Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Rodgers of Pratum, formerly ot Scio, were weekend visitors at, the parental home, Mr. and Mrsi" George Rod gers. ; Melvin Sweet and family have returned from pheasant hunt and visit with his parents," Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Sweet, Weiser, Idaho. lloscoe Ames of Albany, chair man of the Linn county war sal vage committee, was in Scio this week in the interests of a tla can collection here. ..; H'S . !T r.Ionmouth Mayor seeions om lerm MONMOUTH Dr. F. R. Bow- ersox, who has served as mayor here 'lor seven consecutive terms, is again a candidate, by petition. Sharing the ticket with him are G. M. Partridge and J. it. caay, councilmenf whose terms expire - this, month. Mayor Bowersox has . ; been in at a Salem hospital .but,, is now at home recuperating, r j On the "ticket nominated at the caucus are the names of Clares C" ,; Powell for mayor; Mrs. Elsie Bris bane, recorder, and Emmet Staata. '; and D. R. Dewey f or councilmen. Visite With Parents f N MONMOUTH Mrs. Arthur Lacy and daughter Ardine -of Portland spent several days this week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Derby.' ' . f- "Holly" Jackson (Says:: Well folks, everything Is alright again but at our house. We've agreed to both refrain from voting so you're just going to have to get t along i the next four years without a president . The "little woman" said if we'd make a change that's Just what we'd be doing anyway and I says 'well we've had lots of prac tice the last 12 years ! doing without" etc, etc, etc, so instead of spending all oQt energies on politics we're going to work tvery minute getting together the best assortment of jewelry, watches, diamonds, silver, salt and peppers and : other nice things for you to give those extra nice people for Christmas, i So waen you uuxi& ot uuuuuu uiuuk m. . W. I. . i I Jackson Jewelers . 225 .No. Liberty Opposite Golden Pheasant ' M.wiwwit.wiiiipnw.iwtMnininir'Mniwwiwiwrwi npniii piiifinnrnirimrr'innnTnrininf ii' T'Tffrnflir" tit" Scio Woman Mayor Aim, Recorder Believes SCIO Scio may have a woman mayor or at least a councilman or two from the distaff side, if a movement in that direction mate rializes here. No nominating peti tions have been filed as yet how ever, according to report of Acting Recorder Virginia Dolezal. . j The petitions must be filed with the recorder before November 20, in order to meet the charter dead line for the city election December 4, at which a mayor, six council men and a recorder will be named. None of the nresent officers is a candidate for re-election. Rickey School : to Hare Hot Lunches RICKEYA hot lunch program for Rickey school is sponsored by the Rickey ' Garden club, which was . organized "Wednesday ' eve ning at the home of Mrs, L. J. Stewart on East State street Thetime was spent in making plans," which included several projects in conjunction with the 4H club and Girl Scouts. Mrs. Hershfelt, Mrs. Nash ' and iMrs. Schrecengost volunteered to lead groups in camp cookery and bachelor sewing. - - - Officers elected are Mrs. Ernest Walker, president; Mrs. : Ross Chrisman, vice president; "Mrs. , Frank South, secretary-treasurer, and Mrs. Homer Bales, reporter. Membership in the Garden club is unlimited and anyone in Rickey district interested in joining is in vited to come' to the next meet ing at Mrs. Frank Souths on the evening of November 29. Members of the new , club are' Mrs. Frank South,-. Mrs. Meritt Nash,' -Mrs. Gentemanny Mrs. Al bert Brant Mrs. O. W. Bullock, Mrs. Hunsaker, Mrs. L. J. Stewart, . Mrs. William Schaich, Mrs. Ross . Chrisman, . Mrs. E. R. ; Corning, Mrs. Ernest Walker. Mrs. W. N. Sjovangen, Mrs. Theodore Herr mann, Mrs. Schrecengost, Mrs". Hershfelt and Mrs.. Homer Bal C:C3 P. II Cs7. TL:s. E. '" -E3U57..;. C:15 P.'EI. Before You Voiel yS All Networks- Spedd Crtawiie . ''ITetwork Paid A4v. Re. Slate" Central Comet. Hartsn Elix Port land, Ore. rl ; ' C ; 9. XTTTi Ai X v.y i rr w',; ' vt ttky x-x V V V; 7 uvi "p x v - z ' t . . i , I WAV laprovcd im02lMt Sprino-FiWocI Soito VJhh Posforo-ForaGob and Dddisior'SaprcdQ Conkrt! I -1 T - Kroehler is alwajs ihe first with the newest in design and comfort improvements. Here is a taite of unusual beauty and built with new style backs and seats ihat properlysupport you complete body. - - See it and try. its comfort ' today: Feel the luxurious deep-pile . covering: fabrics. 1: YEAR TO PAY t DAYINf OJtT AND CHAlt - .Sired. -' fanYnD " " il 0 na !Zif I: . .-Buy WARDS . . a good store for - tneit who want good clothes .SAut m if. a Fine Suit ! v -. - w a . . . . : i i - J bb . c h v aw sat a m .... : - a a a. w 'r ; " tike VTICC i l ' UtiT II. rrf 11 'ViV'- mo- 0 service " -1. I 1 . - PrtCltl cod f ; - i I 115 Ho. ITr-r Hicr. 31 l i ' t ' r . 'v '- f t t it-"- i'... --3 - t ' il