The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 03, 1944, Page 3, Image 3

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    Thti OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Cre5cn, Friday Morning. November 3, 1814
Mrs. Weavill
Ori Wisconsin
g ell Weavill and daughter, Luella,
left Monday for an extended visit
10 Wisconsin. sne expect? iO
bring Weavill's mother back with
ner wnen sne returns. '
Mr. land Mrs. Karl G. Miller,
who have Just returned to their
farm after an absence of three and
a har years while employed in
oeieiuse won, are now clearing
out the brush and vines that have
overgrown the garden. They will 1
remodel the interior of the house
and repair walks and outbuild
ings. Last week the Millers went
to Heppner to attend. the funeral!
of Mrs. Miller's brother, Lee Ra-
ney, who lived in Salem.
, Miss Clara Miller, Mr. and Mrs.
H. G. Henderson and daughter, i
Ida Jo of Salem, were guests
Wednesday of Mr. and Mrs. Karl
Mr. , and Mrs. Pendergrasa and
. cmiaren, rairicia ana rercy, vis-1
Ited friends at Roseburg last week.
WhUe there they hunted in Olalla
valley. Both Mr. and Mrs. Pen
dergrasa were successful, each
getting a deer.
Others who have been in -eastern
Oregon hunting deer are Mr.
and Mrs. Karl SUiwer, Mr. and
Mrs. J. C. Terhune and Mr. and
Mrs. 'James Wied. The Wieds re
turned with a 200-pound deer.
Four new pupils were enrolled
at school Monday, They are Alice
Irene, Hildah and Cecelia Quiroz
and Sammy Duncan. The Quiroz
children formerly attended school
in Los Angeles and Sammy Dun
ran ltmniifrrH f mm Khnttur-k-
school, : Portland. I
None of these children had ever
beenf in a rural one-room school
before.' , Many questions v were
asked that , were quite interesting
to the other pupils, most of
r whom have never attended any
other school than Looney Butte.
The enrollment is now 15 and
all grades except the sixth and
seventh are represented. Jean
I Farmen is the only eighth grade
Friday, November 3, is Teach
ers' Institute day, so the school
will .enjoy a one-day vacation.
Hallowe'en ij being observed
with i appropriate decorations and
stories and poems about the
characteristic features of the sea
son. !;.'
Raymond Terhune e n j o y ed a
brief vacation last week visiting
his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
Carey, in Salem, while his par
.. ents took - a vacation : from the
Philip Hockspeier of Vancou-
ver Js . visiting his grandmother,
Mrs, Carrie Hockspeier, while his
mother is in Wisconsin.
The Willing Workers club was
entertained at the home of Mrs.
Lloyd Park. The club' will : meet
on the second and f ourth Wednes
day "iof each month. -.
The school children have en
rolled in the Junior Red Cross
and ! have received the pins nd
poster. Last year, with the as
sistance of the Willing "Workers
club, the girls made a convales
cent' robe of squares of wool ma
terials for the army hospital. The '
first project this year is collecting i
waste paper, All who have i a '
Quantity of such paper are asked
to tie ' it securely 4n bundles, so !
the children can handle it
Union Hill Women'
Club Meets Thursday
Kostenborder entertained the wo
men of the Union Hill Woman's
club Thursday afternoon. Scrap
paper was brought to the meeting
to be turned in. In two weeks the
members will meet at the Verny
Scott house, to make scrap books
for the hospitals. f
Present for the afternoon were
Mrs. Dolph Heater, Mrs. Henry
Peters, Mrs. Verny Scott and Clif
ford Keith, Mrs. Adolph Heater
and granddaughter Margaret Hea
ter, Mrs. C. E. Heater. Miss Flor
ence Pottorf f, Mrs. Mary Tate, Mrs.
W. M. Tate, Mrs. Bruce and small
son i and Mrs. Kotenborder.
Swegle School Nurse
Holds Conference
s SWEGLE The school nurse
ifor East Salem, districts, Mrs. Ras
ley,' held a teacher-nurse confer
ence at the school last week.
,No school will be held at Swegle
Friday so the teachers will attend
the county convention being held
, In Salem. -
Tti'lred Lcwytr end Rancher
is for
From Tie
- f
UVeFSlZeQ Kelt
Raffle Pi T?&A
t TT f-i
JUUil JL1 Ullll
LYONS Setting a trap to catch
the thief which was' taking his
pig feed, Amos Hiatt caught a
large black rat, of a kind he had
never seen before. "
Faith Rebekah lodge will give a
i series of card parties at the hall
i throughout the winter months,
proceeds to go to the roofing fund;
The first will be Saturday night.
Committee in charge are Mrs.
George Berry, Mrs. Floyd Bassett,
Mn: Al fbvfokM and Mn. nWrto
Bressler. A general invitation is
extended to alL
Mr. and Mrs. George Berry en-i
tertained at a dinner Sunday, for
their son, Marvin Berry, seaman
first class, who is spending a short
leave here. He just completed
gunners; school at Fafragut and
will report the last of the week at
Shoemaker, Calif. ,
; Present were Mr. and Mrs. Ray
mond Berry and son Donald of
Holly, Mr. and Mrs." Floyd Berry,
Joyce and Jimmie and Mabel, Mr.
and Mii Roland Berry, Mr. Ben
Bodeker of Mill City. Levi Gar
rison, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Bodeker
of Lyons, Betty Jean Bodeker 'of
Corvallis, Mr. and Mrs. Berry and
son Marvin.
Mrs. George Cllpfell entertained
Junior Epworth League members
at a Halloween party in the com
munity club house Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Johnston and
children of Fox Valley were Sun
day guests of his mother, Mrs,
Daisy Johnston. t
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Kuikenare
the parents of a 13-pound daugh
tern born October 30 at their home
on McCully mountain!
Mr. and Mrs. Orville Downing
and daughters Juanita and Mode
na visited Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Ross Kellogg in Redmond.
Mrs. Laura Neal and Mrs, Gla
dys Kuiken, teachers of the Lyons
school, entertained " their pupils
Tuesday with a Halloween 'party.
The time was spent with games.
Winifred Martin, petty officer
3c, who has been stationed at
Palm Beach, Fla., visited relatives
In Lyons. Mrs. Clyde Lewis en
tertained ' in her honor Sunday.
Covers ; were placed for Winifred
Mrs. Floyd Martin, Cut-
ler City, Mr. and Mrs, Loris Trask
and son! Billie of Stayton, Mr. and
Mrs. Albert Ring, Lucille ; Lewis
of ScioJ Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Lew
is, Miss; Beulah Lewis and Ken
neth Lewis. Miss Martin will re
port) to Philadelphia following her
leaye ...""'.'-
Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Day and fam
fly visited her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Hollamark. in Marshfield
Mrs. 'Arnold Syverson and In
fant son, Lyons route one, are at
the home of her sister, Mrs. Flod
Bassett, for an indefinite stay.
Bud Gescher of Camp Walters,
Texas, is spending a ten day fur
lough with his wife and children
here. He will report to Camp Ord,
Calif., later.
Infection Afflicts
Roberts Woman
ROBERTS Mrs. Louis John-
ton is confined to her home with
a serious infection in her arm.
Mrs. i Leonard Zielke has her
hand in a cast' after breaking
. i -. ,'- it. i ?. '.,-1 , 1
r '
1 4
arae iiue v
Stat&man's Community Correspondents
Valloy Calendar
Salem Helchta Woman's club. Com
munity hall. 1:30 pjn. . , '
Marlon county teachers" Initltute,
Liberty Plans
LIBERTY -Mr. and Mrs. Phil
lip W. Roberts, state director for
the International Child Evangel
ism Fellowship of Oregon, will be
present and are on the program
for the Red Hills district Sunday
school convention here Sunday,
November 5.
The convention theme will be
"Evangelism." After morning ser
vices in each Sunday school, they
will come together for a 1 o'clock
no host dinner in the dining
rooms at Liberty halL
The program will include, song
service led by Robert Neal. Ben
Bretx is president and Mrs. J. W.
Simmons, secretary. Missionary
offering for Miss Edna Holder's
work in China ; "Child Evangel
ism," Mr. and Mrs. Roberts; dis
cussion" on "Youth Evangelism by
Rev. Oscar Brown; Rev. Earl Ba
ker will give the benediction. No
special children's program is
scheduled as so much of the pro
gram will be of special interest to
Turner Election
Board Is Ready
TURNER The local precinct
boards are composed as follows
C. F. Trimble, chairman; Anna
Kunke, judge; Rosa Ahrens, Lu
cille McKinney and Louise Small,
clerks. f -
The counting board is composed
of John Schifferer, : chairman;
Perry C Baker, judge; F. A. Mit
chell, George B rower and . Karl
Wipper, clerks. .Voting will be
held at the Masonic hall. The
women of the Methodist church
will serve fried chicken dinner on
election day, November 7, at the
home of Mrs. Hogsed for mem'
bers of; the board. -. , I
Roberts Hallowe'en
Party Held Tuesday ,
ROBERTS Thirty persons of
the community met in the grange
hall Halloween night to play cards.
A no host supper was served.
Mr and Mrs. I. W. Irons won
high score for five hundred;' Mrs.
Alice Coolidge, low.
High scores for pinochle, Austin
Coter and Mrs. W. Mullicans; low
Roy Rice and Ray Rogers.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Minch won
the prizes for pedro.
A similar party will be held
November 8. -
Masquerade Party
Is Given Tuesday
, ' -
TURNER Mrs. W. H. Griffin
entertained her ; Sunday v school
class with a masquerade, party
Tuesday afternoon at the church.
There were 14 girls present They
played Hallowe'en games, 1 helped
their teacher serve refreshments
and all report a good time.
s.ti m:
Best in Style, Tailoring;
and Fabrics
Don't wait for tha last
minute to get that
much needed top
coat We've an im
pressive selection on -hand
right now.
Coats tailored by the
skilled hands of
master craftsmen -r-cut,
from the finest '
fabrics inoney can
buy in ' styles . de- .
signed to suit every
figure. 1 Come in and
choose yours today.'
1 - !
Pringle Pupils
Have Frolic
, j t " -!
PRINGLE Two '-' new pupils
were enrolled in school this week.
They were Bob Kelstrom, eighth
grade and Gaynell Heist rom.
fourth grade. The, Helstroms
moved here from Portland.
Each class room had a Hallow
een party Tuesday afternoon, Mrs.
Meyers pupils wore costumes and
the others had masks. The chil
dren bobbed for apple hanging
from a string and played games.
Halloween was Karen Friesen's
fifth birthday, and an apple bob
bing party was held. Present also
were Mr. and Mrs. J. C Adams,
with Jimmie, Lyle and Carolyn
and Karen's parents, Mr. and Mrs,
L. B. Friesen. j.
Lyons Woman Gives ;y
Card Party Tuesday
LYONS Mrs: Pat Lyons; en
tertained the Tuesday afternoon
card club when! several tables' of
00 were in play. High score went
to Mrs. Earl Allen; low to Mrs.
Fred Dallas; Mrs. Arthur Ander
son had the traveling prize. Oth
era present were Mrs. Oscar Naue,
Mrs. Merrill Brassfield, Mrs. Floyd
Bassett,1; Mrs. Arthur . Olmstead,
Mrs. Bert Lyons, Mrs. Albert
.. r n r r .
1 :
Delicious Hoi Ralston is the fastest selling hct .
whole wheat cereal in
up breakfast for sll the family. Protects from
tha inside ' hy cupplyins yrhola wheat energy
end nouiichsient phis extra mounts cf wheat
germ richest cereal cource cf tha protectivo
.B-vitaniin3: Cocls in 5 rninute3. Try it tcdsy!
Jefferson Board .
Ready for Vote
On November 7
JEFFERSON The Masonic hall
will be the voting place for next
Tuesday's election. The first board
will include Karl Steiwer, chair
man; John Calahan, judge; and
clerks, Gladys Shields, Millie Bil
yeu and Nettie Reeves. The' sec
ond board will occupy the upstairs
dining room. J. T. Jones is chair
man; Forrest Miller, judge; and
clerks Fay Smith, Doris Hampton
and . Martha Hutchings.
All city officers were elected at
the primaries in May so there is
no city contest now: .
, T. O. Kester is mayor;. E. E.
HowelL recorder; Mrs. Marvin
Hutchings, treasurer; Frank Reh
field, marshal and water super
intendent; members of the Coun
cil are E. S. Gleason, W. D
Barnes, W. C. Chilton, Geln Cobb,
Walton J. Looney and R. W. CurL
Jefferson. Football j
Game Set for Today
JEFFERSON , The Jefferson
high school football team will play
a practice game with the Indepen
dence team on their field Friday,
The next home game will be
with Stayton, November 10, on
the local field. The boys are hop
ing a large crowd will be present
to witness the game. .
America! No better build
Pearsons Are
New Residents Rent
Parsonage; New l- .' ' J .J .
Firm Reported'
TURNER Mr. and sMrs W. B.
Pearson were hosts aj: a family
dinner Sunday honoring their sis
ter and brother-in-law, Lt and
Mrs. O. O. Williams, who have
returned from I the east arid are
visiting In Salem before returning
to their home in Seattle. '
Other guests were Mrs. George
Moore, Marcia i Moore, Mr: ! and
Mrs. Roy ' Mink of Salem, Mrs.
Nellie Gunning and the hosts, Mr.
and Mrs. W. Bi Pearson and child
ren, Marilyn and George. .
- Mr.- and Mrs. W.. E. Wheeler
have - rented ; the Methodist i pari
sonage and moved to Turner. They
came here from Hammond, Ind.
Wheeler belongs to the firm of
Wheeler and Oswalt, who bought
Shower's garage, t .1 !; 1'
Mrs. Nellie Gunning has com
pletely recovered from a fall 'she
sustained some time' agoT " I
Irma Riches who has been visit
ing her -niece, Mrs. - Lucille ,Mc-
kinney for the last month has re
turned to Portland. . L .
Cniu. Complete j
JEFFERSON !- Mrs. Marvin
Hutchings, desk of school district
No. 14, has completed the school
census and . reports 283 children
of school age in the district, com
pared with 274 last year. ' "
Of the 283, 150 are boys and
133 girls. Mrsi Hutchings took over
60 names off the list and: added
more than 8Q
new ones. 1 1
1 Shredded Ralston is whole wheat ready to eat'
fib popular the flavor tccrct is patented! Cricp
toasty bite dza biscuits t riht cnyour cpoon.
A dcliciou3 energy fcxskfcct that hclpi your
family! get fjcin hecp (joinj. Dcn't inbjeut
on thi3 cne-cent cab.. It's a : thrifty v?ay to
., - . -j j - ' ! .... - .-- .. -
Silverton Girl Scouts
Guests on Hallowe'en
SILVERTON Mrs. Wendell
Heath and Mrs. Carl Hande were
hostesses Saturday night at the
Hande home to 38 girl scouts, com
mittee mothers . and Girl Scouts
officials at a Halloween party.
. Mrs.. Kenneth Williams, who
served as their leader during the4
past year was presented with a
gift Juanita Meyers won the a
ward for the best Halloween cos
tume. ' i - ' .'
Committee ; chairmen present
were Louise Hoblitt, refreshments;
Marjorie Leonard, games; Gloria
Cobly, decorations; Vera Bailer,
clean-up chairman.
Adult leaders were Mrs. Russell
Myers, Mrs. Mahlon' Hoblitt, Mrs.
Charles Leonard' and Mrs. Wen
dell Heath,-Miss Hannah Olson,
Mrs. Sam ' Bailer, - Mrs. Kenneth
Williams, Mrs. John George and
Mrs. Carl Hande; - - '-
Dr. Irene Waldo Talks
To Aunisville Group
-, - - -
AUMSVILLE The Townsend
club meeting at ' the city ball
Thursday, night - when Dr. Irene
Waldo of Portland was speaker.
After ' a discussion of the Little
Townsend bill, a round , table of
questions and answers was held.
Other,, speakers expressed the
opinion that club members now are
on the last lap of an 11 year cam
paign for 20,000,000 people who
have no social security for sick'
ness and. old age,, .
.- Doctor Waldo also entertained
the club with: vocal and piano
numbers of her" own composition.
She was an overnight guest at the
home of Mr. and Mrs; T. C. Moun
Slielburn Has
School Party ' k
Parents and' Pupils ;
Join in Hallowe'en ' ,
. iK --Si .') ' ' 1 u
SHELBURN School chUdren,
roast at the school Tuesday night
Lester Kuiken, with the US
navy, .Is home on a 15-day leave. -He
spent most of the time since
his last visit to Oregon in Port
Barrow, Alaska, then was moved
to California. '
- Mrs. Jerm Kau has returned to
Albany, after staying with Mrs. (.
McClain i since the death of her f
brother, . Charles ' O. McClain.
' Carl Farmer has a crew of men
building his new house on the for
mer A. W. Ewing farms. Farmer's
son, who is in the navy, is visit
ing: at his new home now. i. ,
The well driller who has been
digging at W. R. Kuiken found
plenty of water at 280 feet. He is
now at work -tor George Miller,
Dl Mi! Churchill and daughter
Irene are at the Shelburn farm
gathering their winter apples. Mr.
Churchill has been transferred 'to ;
Reedsport as section foreman and
Goodman has taken over the Shel- 1
burn section, j , ' i .
A change in mail carriers fof
this community! will take ef feci
soon. Rolio Shelton will take over
the! route which has been covered
by j Lawrence 1 Montgomery , for
many Years.' '
Dlth Pneumonia
AUMSVILLE Word has been
received from Mrs. - William
Broylesof Seattle, former Aums
ville resident, that their small son, ,
Joe is in a Seattle hospital ill with
pneumonia, r
i iij ; ; ' v 'V'- . ' '
:15 7crJi!i!
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h l. wil, Afr t-e!. far' -Jfid. Or.