The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 03, 1944, Page 16, Image 16

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Tli OnZGO!! STATESMAN. Calami Oregon. Friday Morning, Nortmber 3. lSlt
Mrs. Slater Goes
To Coast Home
- PIONEER Mm. Dale Slater
and infant son ol Oceanlake re
turned home Friday after spend
ing six weeks with her sister Mrs.
Johnnie Keller. , ' -
Mrs. Frank Dornhecker, is war
. chest .chairman for this district
The community quota, is $73, Mrs.
Dornhecker has asked that con-
tributors see her . as-soon ax pos
sible. ' . . . .
Mr. and "Mrs. Roy Cozel ' of
Brooks were guests of the J. H.
Keller, jr.'s Saturday and Sunday.
Mrs. Carol Saling t Portland
visited relatives and friends here
last week and returned home Sat-
' urday ;
A group of neighbors met, at
the Robert Kent, sr. home Sunday
to put in the winter supply of
wood for the Kent family. Mr.
Kent .was injured two months ago
said is unable to work at present.
The wives of the men prepared
a covered dish dinner for all at
r noon. ' - ;.'';:." '; . r
Those present were Mr. and Mrs.
T. B. Keller and Richard, Mr. and
Mrs. Earl Wood and children, Mr.
and Mrs. Clinton Wood and family,
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Black, Mr. and !
Mrs. William Thiesies, Mr. and j
Mrs. Henry Hamm and Mr. and
Mrs. Johnson and family. '
June Schneider of Dallas, grand
daughter of the J. H. Keller, sr.
underwent an operation on her
yes at the-Salem General hospital
. Mrs. Frank ; Dornhecker ' has
. completed the school census for
this year. There were 21 boys and
13 girls, a total of 34. Last year
there were 37.
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1. i
South Dakota Woman
Honored at Party
SWEGLE Mr. and Mrs. C.
A. Salter entertained at their coun
try home on route 6 Monday night.
Honored guests were Mrs. Alice
Mack of Huron, South Dakota and
Mrs. Edith Murphy from Belling
ham, Wash.
Guests ..included Mr." and Mrs.
John Henning and John junior,
Mr. and Mrs. Ora Salter of Salem.
The rooms were festive" with
Halloween decorations. The time
was spent informally.
Mrs. Winina Patz assisted the
hostess. . . .
Lincoln Honor Roll
Announced by Teacher
,; LINCOLN - Children reported
by the teacher, Mrs. Roy Ham
mer, to be neither tardy nor ab-
- sent during the past six weeks are
Martha and Virginia Williams, Al
lan Meissner,- Kathleen Hicks,
Franklin and LeRoy Williams,
Kay and. Conrad Everson and Ga-
rold Klrkendall. . .
, Report cards were given put and
the six weeks test completed, this
Many Attend
Flower Show
lJaCX5I2J-ttendmg the flow
er show at the YMCA from Lin
coln . Sunday were Mr. and Mrs.
R. J. Meissner and Allen and Ju
dy,' Mrs H. W; iAshf ord, Mrs; J;
D. Feller and Mrs. Lois Craw
ford. : -.r.-:;.
They also visited the chrysan
themum gardens of M. ' Jarvis on
the Liberty ; road, where they saw
chrysanthemums of the varieties
which he had on ; exhibit at the
show. ' " : l
Jarvis now has over 1100 known
varieties of : these . beautiful fall
flowers and plans to get enough
more so he will have at least 2400
varieties next year. ;:;
Mrs. George Smith (Lucille
Hackett) and , children, Jill and
Three Year Old Girl .
Run Over by FatherY
Truck Near Jefferson
-JEFFERSON Madeline - Carol,
three and a half year old daughter
of Mr. and Mrs.' Bob Hart, is in
the Salem General hospital with
broken pelvic bone.
She was hit by a truck driven
by, her father. He was backing a
truckload of cauliflower from the
driveway, to take it to the' can
nery.Thinking the children were
in the house, he started to back
up, when he h e a r d the . child
scream, and stopped the truck im
mediately. She will have to re
main in the hospital for sometime.
Timothy of Redding, Calif- are
guests here at the home of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hack
ett .
Rehf elds Visit
In Jefferson
JEFFERSON Mr.' and Mrs
Frank Rehf eld are enjoying a visit
from their son and daughter and
their families; 'Mr. and Mrs. Or-
ville Rehf eld and daughter Kay of
Seattle, Wash., and Mr. and Mrs.
Hart Barnes and three sons of
Vancouver,' Wash. Barnes :j is em
ployed in a shipyard in Vancouver'
and-Rehfeld works at -the' Boeing
Aircraft plant in Seattle and is on
a vacation!' . , .'-,i!t'-
W. L. Jones returned Tuesday
from Redmond . where he visited
Mr. and Mrs. Perce Jacob and Mrs;
Jacob's mother Mrs. S. M. Green,
former residents of Jefferson.
Mrs. Edward Di Jones of Cleve
land, Ohio, who spent two weeks
visiting her mother Mrs. George
C. Mason and other relatives, left
Monday for home. 'She will stop
in California, and Louisiana for a
visit with her sisters and their
families; planning to reach Clev'e
land November 13. ; .
D ought on Hardware has been appointed agents
for Dupont-powder in the Salem area. t
355 Court
iPhone 6788
- .;'
John Carlisle, a 258-ponnd man who suffered a leg Injury when his
automobile plunged into the Platte river at Denver, Colo., is half
- hoisted h&lf polled frem his wrecked ear by firemen and police
' using ladders; life belt, rope and pulleys. (AP wlrephoto) '
Stephen Foster, ;
Singer, Coming
To Silverton
SELVERTON Hazel Hildrer,
a young American mezzo contralto
will appear in concert at Silverton
at the high school November 9.
Miss Hildred has been recog
nized as one of America's fore
most interpreters of Stephen Fos
ter and her first group of songs' is
entitled "Southern Melodies" in
cluding "Old Folks at Home," "My
Old Kentucky Home,n!01d Black
Joe,H and "Hard ? Times Come
Again No More." .V.;; f :,
The second part of the concert
is the "Love Theme" and will in
clude "Jennie June," "Gentle An
nie, "Nelly Bly," "Eulcilie," and
'Katie Bell." - I
In "Candle Light and Dreams,''
Miss Hildred's third group, are
"Linger In Blissful Repose, "Un
der the Willows She's Sleeping,"
Sweetly She Sleeps," "My Alice
Fair" and 'Ellen Bayne."
Miss Hildred will conclude with
Jenny's Coming O'er the Green,"
Ah May the Red Rose Live Al
ways," "Open Thy Lattice, Love,"
and "Oh, Susanna."
The second concert of the season,
presenting Miss Gertrude Hop
kins, will be held December 14.
Four Corners Children
Given Holiday Party
l'V :; t.'- ::.(,.:. '4,... ..,:
i FOUR CORNERS The seventh
and eighth grades of Rickey school
were entertained with a Hallow
een- party Tuesday night by Mrs.
Homer Bales and Mrs. Ross Chris
man at the Chrisman , home on
East Turner road. '
; The boys and girls came In cos
tume and 'after an- evening of
games refreshments were served
- Those present were Jimmy
Stewart, Jack : Richards, Velma
Howard, Wayne Mercer, Lee Gen
teman, Gay Clearwater, Milton
Rickman, Vivian Marht, Ruth
Chrisman, Delma Herman,' Alfa
dine Howard, Mildred Bales, Pat
ty Brattain, j Barbara S c h a i c h,
Deon Jones, Mary - K. Bullock,
Ross Chrisman, Jr.,. Bales, Jean
Chrisman, Mrs.' S c h a I c n, Mrs.
Howard, Mr. Bales and Mr. Chris
Homecoming Meeting
Planned at Bethel
BETHEL The special home
coming meeting of Bethel local of
the Farmers Union will , take place
Monday night It is hoped that
there will be a 1 large attendance
of members and old friends. Mrs.
Ralph Wilson, junior leader, and
her group of young people will
put on a program.
t -v : i
IT:"'' j
tlo Rsctlcr how mcny sw of Hills Bros. x -Coffee
you buy, you can depend on every single " ;
one to have the same matchless flavor and uni
form quality. And good reason too! The blend
of Hills Bros. Coffee is composed of the finest :
coffees obtainable. What's . more, Hills Bros. -Coffee
lone is roasted by the exclusive process
Controlled Roasting, a method which roasts
the blendevenly confinuously just a few
pounds at a time. Vith every cup you'll say,
"Now that's what I call good coffee!
::::? 0:3 cuyii:d u;n douds-a:d theii "keep ti::,
V O. pgNNKY CO,, NO,
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Oif-Duty Dresses A M ; tV n 0
1 V
1 sh
Beauty ; . . Simplicity . . . Durability .
These are the precious qualities a Woman treas- j
nres in her wardr9be, and the patterns! by which all our
i ; clothes aire cut ! These fashions 'are gems
!. - - - ; Pit . i
brilliantly designed L .
faultlessly fitted and tenderly detailed. Fash
ionable fall shades that excite any wardrobe.
:7 -riv5r:S3;
Soft, feminine fashions for those precious
hours when you're doing the town .
I - or a furlough with your own person- ;
al hero. Rayon crepes, part wools, all in the ;
pleasant fall shades. ; They are the . i
most compliment-provoking 'dresses
as ever charmed a fighting man! ;
n9o n90
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