The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 22, 1944, Page 6, Image 6

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Tit CZTCCII CTAnznfJI. Cclxru Ornca. Sunday Hz OcUber SI IZU
(Continued from -Page 4)
laid an" ccs right on that table
20 minutes later, he just nodded
and picked it up and tried it,"
Friends are trying to get the
Legion of Merit or some other
decoration for Pfc. Rocco Gra
xiano of Brooklyn, N.Y, who took
. a bunch of : C-ration biscuits,
crumbled them in water and mol-
. ded them in a flat dish and came
forth with an edible piecrust.
CpL Cyril J. Puhala of Braddock,
Penn., Rocco's buddy, said , it
tasted rood, adding we still dont
believe it." ,
A patrol included Staff ' Sgt
James Brown - of Georgetown,
Tex.; SiL George Florence cf
Falmouth, Kjr, and three Pfc'a,
Victory Fields of TJmona, lla
Lee Jones of Lone Oak; Tex, and
Lester Gillespie of Yates Center,
Kas was sent on a mission to
clean out small French house
up ahead. 4 .
- They didnt find any Germans,
but what ' they did find was a
Frenchwoman who had a . gift
ready for the- liberators when
ever they arrived. FoUowinjt their
noses, they : located it a crixp, j
delicious deep-dish apple pie. - '
.After they ate that one, she
Cave them two others to take
back to their buddies. But they
remembered they had - been
..assigned -to clean out the house
themselves and decided to take
the order literally. ? :
- This doesn't exactly concern
food and It doesn't have a happy
-ending. But the story that Lt
Arnold .Korctunan of the Bronx,
N.Y.. tells about his Jeep driver.
Gtra Trcta Dcir
7ell in ZIsrsMisld
UARSHFTTT.D, Oct 21 -JT)-Urs.
C. RJ of Zlars&fieli
points with pride to two healthy
crowing orange trees and a bloom
in lemon tret bearing ont lemon,
both of which she transplanted to
her yard. v:--..
Pvt. Elmer Lets of Peoria, EL, Is
indirectly connected with the sub
ject It seems that these two in
fantrymen were ' driving "' down
a road when a croup of hidden
Germans opened fire on them,
fordnf them, to hit tho dirt
and . abandon' their . jeep tem
porarily. Later they cot the- jeep
back but that didnt" satisfy
Private Lata. - f ; . hi
"He's mad at the whole German
army, Krochman said. "When
he hit the dirt he lost his false
teeth." - -v ;- ;:--v
Be Converted
POBTLAND, Ore, Oct Zl-P)
Plans to convert Vanport, Ore
con's second largest dry. Into' a
model Industrial center when war
industries no loncer employ its
40,000 residents, were disclosed
hen today.
Chester lfoores, chairman of
the federal housing authority,
said he had asked Washingotn,
DC, authorities to approve his
recommendation; that the 780-aere,
largest war housing unit in the
country, be used for peacetime In
dustry. The plan, which has the back
ing of Mayor Earl Riley and oth
er officials, eallsf or orderly
demolition of the temporary
houses and other buildings as the
war industry need far Cheat
passes. A ''v:";:'"'l':J,-.
Moores said there are "upward
of S3 Industries' Interested In
postwar operation in tht Port
land area. -.. -1 ....-. S, IS-
Salem TZoman Io ;
Aumsville Guest
AUUSVHXE ilrsl Fred Klei
ner had as guests Thursday her
mother, Mrs. Emffie Meyer of Sa
lem,' and. her.' sister, Mrs. "Agnes
Harvey : of Portland. Mrs. Meyer
went to, Portland to visit Mrs.
Harvey for a "short time.'.
George Steiner with the army
service is now In Panama. His
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stei
ner, have just been notified by
airmail, "-' . : t V '.v. ' -.
Larry Olsen, who has been
spending the week with his grand
parents, -Mr. and Mrs. C Wood
in Salem, returned home Thurs
day. ? '
Hallowe'en Snnclio Radio Topic
For Home Demonstration Agent
Marjorie Tye, home demonstration agent for Marion county
will discuss "Halloween Snacks" on the regular Tuesday morning
home extension radio , broadcast over KSLM county, farm and
hofnt program at 7:15. : ' " . j
October discussionson orestallmgvlMmq'ueiMyM will be con-j
tinned In the county .by 'Miss Tye
with meetings scheduled for Pra
tum, Stayton, Marlon and Edlna
Lane, the coming, week. i-J :;
.T Tuesday, October J4, the radio
broadcast on KSLM at 7:15 win be
byJDss Tye.' V'C
Tuesday afternoon at ISO, thej
Fratum-uacleay Home Extension
unit will meet with Mn. CC
Bateson of Pratum. - Wflma- de
Vries js chairman, -i -t
" Wednesday, October 25, at Stay
ton, the Women's club will meet
In 'the dub building with Mrs. H.
J. Row the chiV president Miss
Tye Is scheduled to speak: at 2:30.
Thursday, October!:, the Ma
rion - Tanners Union v auxiliary
which Is taking the home exten
sion pitgram for the first time this
year will meet at 12 o'clock at the
Farmers Union haU. Mrs. George
McCoy is president ."
Friday, October 27v the Edina
Lane . home extension unit will
Pacific. Coast Railroads
Need IMany 7orkera .
PORTLAND Oct 21-tfVPadf-ic
coast railroads overburdened by
the- Philippines invasion military
demands, need more workers, the
office of defense transportation re
ported today. . - "y i
The Portland terminal needs
switchmen and brakemen, Frank
XL Hocken, Portland district ODT
director, stated. He said that ODT
has increased demurrage rater on
closed freight cars speed turn
around t!m at terminals. , , :
meet with the chairman, Mrs. K.
L. Zwickerat 130. V
- Home ; Extension meetincs are
open to any woman interested in
attending t whether a member of
fiie group sponsoring the program
or not - ":-, -rv , -
650 Montgomery Word store. &.A
ofl.rhT worktd fogsthsr to mete Ah
.reot ! possible. Come Ui . . . hoP
in fYary department for fimelf volae.
J " ;
' ' - '
w wiu w-
ev po.. " dy9d coney.
lim. ...
coof. : :,M!rt oXeA,. .... . 44 of
- ...oh 0f i94s, rcbocfcs ,
W U- W TW-- Why
inmrm ... . i
" 7 " '
"57 (
l-r-i , ,
If yovVe looking Uf wonderMy warm blankets off on amazingly
low price, come in mad see thete Ward Week voKml They're worth
' mekina a speda) trip fori Made of soft, warm all new wool in at
trochve -pawels bRw,- eeee, cedar', and green! wen J In fafraut.
reyen satin to merttH They're good looking and long wearing! They
: weigh 3 pounds and Measure a fufl 72 x 84V
A Um4 f IS weet e4
75 raywh te eieny beewlifJ
! wUniPhafareVeMetendJacM
' 41' 4;'. trpicsi el Were
wVI fQQt tWf
ft' a werffcwMU Werd Week In-
r vtttiMnH Sturdily reinforced at
: strain poinhl Weed frame! Holds . .
A' . uj teOgeriMnhl Walnut colon
. ; e4r2f2lV . ,:---'
No need to sol your handi when you can protect them with these;
inexpensive gloves! Made of extra heavy canvas with non-rip lock
sftched teams for extra strength. Softly napped Inside; knit wriW
They're extra keavy wt!;!4 t-ex.
dehfaewRk -: doubles wn tnaia
stamv 'riveted buttons!,
. Hew
' Stipzstnl5
.'".'" ' ' ' 11 j
"v-- - - - - f .""-:.'- -"-I ' - I ' - ' , gitar.v,; ""iV'.il""''' ' '
. t . . ward week r
Milf Of ' sr values
111 lfe&L.:JgftL I
-4:Swl F
? i x ovfr Bmad Kl Com. l, ..rT - -
' r ' I
m Ts-v .14.. m-C3S,
fur wntfe. No saadii mot tfielr
ftuffy fceevty! Hue ceHea, ftnafy
weven, softly napped. 78"x95"
N 4 ne Ironfca. J
Smart, Budget-Priced
Cannon Hand Towehv
Tfco fameut Cenaee M3tt keve ..
wde 1m wediuwi weigM terry
.spelt te five yaw. swart thfa
end long' wear at price wl
wMn.your kWfL 20"x40 -
52s -Ke
tfcjnting for smart fowels that wO give yoa good wear at a mod
orate price? Then come, in end -see these! They were madewiih
vst such specftealkxa in niW, by the famevs Comon Ms that
have been spedaTiiing In fine towels f or rnvelions! They're ay
good mdlum weight terry and aSey com in popUor styles and
celorsl Wonderfwny abaorbert, tool f j
: : Gloves .
, vaxss u:irui
. ya::i aoTittiCc & 19c
krery Iwusekold needs plaatyf
Wsila w color. leckftdU4
' edges for exlre wear.-
. . ' ' ", .
MaMHMMsaaHB'v. ' "
. . ' j '
So good looting, you'd wen Ihey cost much more! Sturdy part
wools In lovely paste! plaids or smart grey nwnswear. Soma all
t woo!;cbred f'sLJrts, fool Sires 14 to 30, also Juniorx, ,
, wj )j j MW nXiJi 1
. 153 North Ulttty , , - hone 3ig4
, ... , . - ... .