PAGS DGIITEEN Jhm OS2GON CTATECMAIL Safes. Oregon. Friday Morning, October S, ISM "Strictly Private1 I YMLV5 JT HiFH erCE UMY11) rjWttlfcL ' ' W 1 VUKVi. SAMS THAT TUE P..MOr tXOi SO AWY IS. 1 tAll. Quotations at Portland Livestock PORTLAND. Ore.. Oct -(APJ-(WFA Salable cattle ISO. total MO; salable and total calves 80; market very slow on canner cows: other grades slightly more active than yes terday; few cutter-common steers 7.00 10 00. Including several lota on atocker account at 1.00-8.S0; odd medium iteera 11 JO: common medium heifers 8.00-10.50: cutters down to 00; few canner and cutter cowi 3.50-S.SO: shelly cowl down to 3.00 but many unsold; fat dairy type cows up to 6.50; medium-good beef cows 8.00-10.00; bulls not moving: few -medium-good vealers ll.SO-13.00: common - medium grass calves 7.00-1.00; few medium - good frSaUbl",hogs 550. total 400; 'market active, fully steady: good-choice 180 340 lbs. 13.73: 341-270 lbs. 15.00; heavier and lighten weights 14 00-50: good sows 13.00-30; few 350 lbs: 13.75; food " lb. feeder pigs 13.00: choice above 100 lbs. quotable to 13.75. ml : Salable and total sheep 350; market more active, fully steady; sixeable lot good -choice 32 lb. wooled lambs 11.73; medium grade 73 lb. 10.00: common TO lb. t.SO; common yearlings S 0O 1.00; good ewes 3.00-25. medium 2.23. Portland Grain PORTLAND. Ore.. Oct. 3 -API-Wheat futures and cash gram un? Quoted. ( Cash wheat (bid): Soft white 130; 1 soft white (excluding Rex) 1.50; white eclub IM; western ; red 1 50. Hard red winter: Ordinary IJO; is per cent 1.51; 11 per cent 1.84; is per cent 1.57. , Hard white Baart: 10 per cent 4 .53; 11 per cent 1.55; 12 per cent 160. Today's car receipts: Wheat . bar ley 3, flour , eats 3, hay 1. millfeed 4. Portland Produce PORTLAND.- Ore.. Oct. 3 (API Butter AA grade prints 48-4ViC, car tons 44-47V4c; Agradc prints 45',, 44c. cartons 46..-46.c; B grade prinU 45V-45c. cartons 44-44' ic . Butterfat rtrst quality, maximum of .4 of 1 per cent acidity. deUvered In Portland 63-52',jc; premium quality maximum ot J5 of 1 per cent acidity 63-53'ic; valley routes and country points 2c less than first or 50-51 'ie. Eggs To producers, candled basis: 3 -4c less than selling price. Eggs To retailers: AA " 88c; A large 84c: A medium 42-46c; small (pullet) - A 26-27C dozen. Live poultry Buying prices from producers: Broilers up to 2 lbs. 20c; fryers 2 to 3't lbs. 29c; roasters over J',i lbs. 20c; Leghorns 25,.c: colored hens all weights 25c; roosters and stags 21e lb. Rabbits Government ceiling: Ave rage country killed to retailers 33 -44c lb.; live price to producers 22-24c lb. Turkeys Selling price to retailers: Dressed hens No. 1. 394-43c lb. Turkeys Alive: Government cell ing buying prices: Hens 42c; toms 30'iC lb, dressed basis. Onions Green 70c dozen bunches. Onions Yakima dry 50s 1.25 box; 3-inch 1.50-2.00; locals 1.50-1.75 per 50 )b. bag:-boilers IDs 25c. Potatoes Deschutes No. 1, 3.39 cental: No. 2. 1.40 per 80-lb. bag; local 213 orange box. Wool Government control. Cascara bark 1044 peel 13c lb. Stocks and Bonds Compiled by the Associated Press -Oct 3 STOCK AVERAGES 30 - IS f. IS 00 Rail Indus Util Fogn Thursday .-.76 J 28 8 38 J 55 4 Previous day 76.4 Week ago 75.6 Month ago 74.3 Year ago 60 .3 28.4 , 38 J i 39 J 27.7 37.6 54J t n.S 53.3 34.3 352 49.6 29.1 38 6 56.4 22.9 39.1 49.8 1044 high 78.1 1844 low .69.1 BOND AVERAGES 20 i - ludUS Thursday ;-91.7' Previous day ' 91 3 Week ago 90.3 Month ' ago M Year ago . 76 A 1944 high -. 913 1944 low . - 79 J .. 10 Rails 1052 1052 105.1 105J 109.1 103.7 104.7 10 10 Util Stks 106.8 68.8 106.8 68.9 106.6 68J 108.6 68.6 105.2 . 63.1 107 J 68.8 104.7 63J Salem Market Quotations r mIm Ktnw eitnnn4 ttv a lo cal grocer are Indicative of the daily market prices paid to growers by Sa- km buyers pui are not guaranweu br Tbe Statesman: It OTTER, EGGS AND POULTRY Aaresea's Baying Prices (Si?)Wt to thamje wttheut awtlcs) EtTItSfAT 1 -. .; ' premium i No 1 i r n l M Li'TTE3 PRINTS : - MV i A5V 3Jk B - - Ciarters f viG r.xwa largs Mediums and standards Pullets . 39 2i Ul Cracks " Colored hens. No. 1 No. S colored hens . Colored -frys (Sni-t te changa witiiout Boue) POtLiaT - ;:: . Vo. 1 sprinjs - fj . 1 - 1 r.n 1 1 VI SluCIS .... cari.r,g lamb I ry cows 1 ry buSis .t.00 to UJ X3 .4.00 to s sa .4.C0 to 5 50 0 Vf f.l .13J3 1 ) to 2i3 lbs. .r 15 45 14 76 i. J S7 Us. By Quinn Hall CWT BE SO tfcMfc. ' a j IT. 1- iimw, 10 Portland Mohair 1942. 12-month 45c lb. Hops Nominal contract: 1944, 85c UD: 1945. 75c: 1946. 35c: 1947. 30C ID. Hay Wholesale prices nominal: Al falfa No. x or better S34-SS ton; oat vetch 823 ton. valley points; timothy (eastern Oregon) 835-36 ton; clover 824 ton. . r . Grain Futures Suffer Slump CHICAGO, Oct 5.-VP-Crain futures sold substantially lower in a reactionary trade today and the volume was far below that pf re-" cent sessions. Most shorts already had covered and brokers said much of the buyer power had been exhausted in all pita. A Washington report that the office of price administration may delay for a few weeks announce ment of new wheat price ceilings, expected by the trade to be high er, was one factor in influencing the early trade. Commission nous es and local operators all had wheat for sale at the opening and initial prices were sharply lower, Observers said that despite the lag in buying, bears, mindful of recent losses, were unwilling to press the selling side for fear of further bullish t news of govern ment price support. v At the close wheat was 1V to 2 Va lower than yesterday's finish. December $1.66. Corn was down 1 to lVk, December $1.13. Oats were off to IVi, December 64 Rye was m to 1 lower, De cember $1.07-. Barley was off lVa to 1V4, December $1.05 A . All m , DM l W Crossword Puzzle 12 15 IS lb lb 20 tl 22 21 2 24 2 31 152. 15 3b 97 rt 45 47 16 11 5Z S3 5S 50 . HOBXZONTAL l.SWilM ' 4. throw 8. macaws 12. suffer 13. extent Ii. fodder tank 15. equal: comb, form 1. retaliations 18. rent 20. river in Italy 21. toward 22. English cathedral town 23. mature 27. bitter vetch 29. dance step .. 30. rose essence 31. sun god 32. steep, as Sax 33. beast of -: burden 24. negative 23. masculine - name ' 17. pastry 23.Sshaped worm Z3. burden elXseed . container 4L diminutive for Alfred i2. European , mountains 44. growing out 47. boiling slightly M. sailor -62. Great Lake 53. case for small toiletries 54. silkworm 55. spreads for - drying 8. lairs . , 67. diminutive . . for Daniel 5pH Answer to yesterday's puzzle. CfOjNjC lATUjL A T f D ... C Aph Z L I jDlH 5jp(Apis aTnId mo;ns zTDieTN Ajl At'? TfT P RfTjLS AjfiW g(Ls(g' R A W , i tjsio l TTe (ns R eTa pTs; ;paTT n? " " 1 1 m Tg jwT o g ati on lp' Va U gi 2. IeIsIS' s;gl?t iigAp Average time el Mlstisai IS aitastes. 5ist r KJJ Features Syndicate. Ino. Classified Advertising Statesman i Classified Ads Call 9101 Three Insertions per line ,.. 25c Six Insertions per line , .,...40c On mana per line I1.1S Minimum charge 25c; 3 tl. min : tmum 35c; ft XL min. 45c No refundf. Copy for this page accepted un til 6 30 the evening before publica tion for class ill cation. Copy re ceived after this time will be run under the beading "Too Late to Classify" ;: -'W ; The Statesman assumes no finan clal responsibility for errors which may appear in advertisements pub-: Ushed in its eorumna and in cases where this paper Is at fault wlU reprint that part of aa advertise ment in which the typographical mistake occurs. The Statesman reserves the right to reject questionable advertising ft further reserves the right to place all advertising under the proper classification. . A "Blind" Ad an ad containing a Statesman oox number for an ad arses is for the protection of the advertiser and must therefore be answered by letter. The Statesman is not at liberty to divulge infor mation as to the Identity of en advertiser using a Blind" ad. Livestock an j Poultry vno ear f n nM Iru mw and calf. 100 Madrona ave. (off Pacific Hwy South) after 6 pm. f SHETLAND Pony, small black mare. Rt. 7. Box 62. 1 ml. N. of underpass on Kapphahan Rd. RABBIT FRYERS furs. Ph. 2-1234 StocksMake NEW YORK, Oct. 5.-flJ)-Low- priced specialties carried the ball for the recovery team" in today's stock market although rails and assorted pivotal industrials were in the front line with activity the best sipce early September. Carriers enjoyed a late flurry on w o r d the interstate commerce commission had been petitioned to reinstate 1942 freight rate in creases which were suspended last year. i The Associated Press 60-stock average was up .4 of a point at 55.4, widest jump since Sept. 25. Of .875 issues appearing, 517 were up 156 down and 202 unchanged. Transfers of 1,001 .200 shares com pared with 821,030 yesterday and were the largest since Sept 7. ' j SPOKANE, Washl-ff-Chair-man Thomas A. E. Lally of the state game commission, piling wearily into bed at 6 p m Sun day, arose at 8 by his bedside clock,' shaved, dressed, got his own breakfast and stepped out side. " . A-;-.-!; It was pitch dark. ! Retreating to the . telephone, Lally dialed the time operator and was told it was 9:30. He demand ed, the day and learned it was still Sunday. He hung up, washed the "breakfast" dishes and went back to bed. 10 II r4 'A n 2 25 2b 'A 4 21 JO 11 21 45 44 50 si 54 SI 10-4 ILdUtress call 17 within " , 19. therefore , 22. consume . 24. neuter ' -pronoun ; 25. cooking . , ' utensils ! 26. Cupid i . , 27. therefore 1 28. shower ' t ' 29. foot-like organ . - JO. Peer Gynt's mother 32. goes on with - 33. assistance 38. symbol for v lutecium 37. courteous , ' 38. puffed up'" -40. peeled .4L4ndefinite -article 43. note in the scale 44. shield 43 ancient Gaelic capital 46 Ireland 47. rigid- 45. anger j -49 j.mcnj " i tpoet) 13. religious tliitr ., VERTICAL 1. mixedrain , ice 2. river In France 3 exhibits ' malign aat- ," tsf action 4. mind ,' I 5. land-measure - . calyx leaves 7. linger 8. classifies . 9. narrow inlet -10. entire t -amount . Sharp Jump P sUlTlEf UIaIcI Help Wanted WANTED Experienced Salesmen and Saleswomen Here is opportunity for the future! Good posi tidns! Good pay! and commissions, paid vacations! House discounts! Many departments open: Furniture V ; . Shoe department Men's furnishings Hosiery and accessories Sporting goods Shipping department Excellent Opportunity for Advancement with MONTGOMERY WARD & COMPANY ' Salem, Oregon - 155 N. Liberty - Phone 3194 Help Wanted Male . Help WantedMale ; MEN WANTED Sjteady Employment , 1 50 M capacity mill located in city of Salem, Oregon.; Two blocks from city center. 48 hour week t time and one-half over 40 hours. W. L. B. Wage Scale. 4 .r-. ,i OREGON PULP & PAPER CO. LUMBER DIVISION " . . . . ' - . - . -. . - I .. : - j Front & Ferry Streets, Salem, Oregon ' Phone 9236 . PAPER MILL MEN 'NEEDED Mill Laborers . Millwrights ' Experienced Helpers of All Kinds . 48-Hr. Week - Time and Half over 40 ( HOUSING AVAILABLE j Grown Zellerbach Corporation Lebanon, kUS Employment Livestock and Poollry FOR SALE-REG. AB ERDEEN ANGUS BULL, AGE 2V2 years. ! J. W. CAMPBELL Rte. 1. Box 413 Beaverton. Oregon ATTENTION Will, remove dead Ji worthless stoca a a moment's notice! SALEM lER TILIZIR St BY-PBODUCTS. Pn. SO00 CoUect (No other Phone). i HIGHEST prices pd. for rabbit skins. W. Side Fur Co, W. Salem. - OR TRADE for what I can use, 19 rabbits with hutches. Mrs. Evelyn Meyer. S44 N. Com'L : , BOILERS At FRYERS 33c lb. live weifht. Joseph Herber. Rt. 7. Box M, t mi. East of Keizer school. Xeizer View Dairy. RABBITS WANTED, buy, Tues. A Wed,: also furs.- Breeding stock for sale. Harder Rabbit Farms. M0S Cha ry An, ph. 3-1S62 or 9983. WANTED: eet . and canner cows bulls and veals. Win eall at farm E. L Snethen. 3570 E. Turner Road Ph. 2134a. Morns or eves. Auctions Dairy Auction HAVING SOLD OUR PLACE WE WILL OFFER FOR SALE OUR GRADE "A" DAIRY HERD AT OUR FARM LO CATED S MILES NORTH OF SALEM ON TURNER CUT OFF ROAD OR MILE EAST HAYES VILLE SCHOOL Sun., Oct. 8th at ! , 10:30 a. m. IS extra food dairy cows. 9 heifers. 1 Jersey bull. 1 saddle pony. Surge milker. 1 unit. A-l. otheT milkinc quip., manure spreader on rubber. International 10 incn ensilage cutter, Avery mower, other machinery, etc. Montag wood circulating heater, elec tric toaster, wauie iron ana couee urn. round oak table, chairs, numerous other, articles. ,. , ,' C. E. Andresen, Owner, Rt. 7, Box 381," Salem Col. C. W. Lucas, " . Auctioneer j For sale dates, Ph. 22989, . : Salem ' . 1. ' 1 auction Sale A J. BAKER. SALEM AUCTIONEER. Writ me for sale dates. Gen. delivery, or see roe at Camp Joy, 1 blks. N. of underpass, Portland Road. Hwy. 99. Help Wanted ARK You Interested in meat cutting as a iprofesaioar . If you are and have had mom s Tetall gutters experience or farm cutting., experjenoe, kyou can se cure -'immediate ' 'employment in a steady position' with .full opportunity to learn 4fae .business evtiile you .earn a . good wage. Mi - axe-.: prepared. 4p teach you. As a retail meat cutter you will be rendering a genuine war time service to the community. Posi tions . available both in and out of Salem. Apply Safeway Stores District Office, Room tea. McGUchrist Build ing. Salem. - . . . fSSeHT ' Pkersbeginnuif; Friday. Special rate 240 Fisher Rd. Ph. 21183. BERRY Vine trainers 75c hr. Bert Jones place. Mission Bottom. Ph. 22447. FILBERT Pickers transportation fur rushed. .John J. Roberts it Co. Ph. 9623 or 24Q52. Leave Em p. office at 730 a.m. VDISHWASHIR WANTED. Carleson s Caie. h : ' -1 - - - v - - : riLEERT PickT9 'wanted.: W. - E. Shaw, Et. S. Box 123, AuimsvUle eut-oli WANTED Matron & Janitor, Mont gomery Ward Co. . . i J ' Help Wanled r ; - r : . ::f .: ; ; . ; x W " . ;. Oregon Service Office Help Wanted MAN or Woman to park cars. Park ing km comer uourt anat.. mot sis. Call-between A$ 10 a.m. or 4 Jt p.m. . TURKEY Pickers needed.' Essential work. Season Just starting. - Register at Northwest Poultry, 1306 N. Frost. Ph. .7007. ; , ; MORS Poultry Pickers wanted. Northwest Poultry and Dairy Co. 1509 N. Front; Ph. 7007. LAUNDRY Help wanted. No exper ience necessary. Apply Salem Laundry Co, 263 So. High St. NEEDED at Oncer Experienced first cook, man or woman. Tel. 4072. . WANTED: Filbert picker, big trees and good picking. Starting Monday 8th. Henry Erikaen. 7 ',4 ml. South Silverton on Stay ton Highway. 12 mites East of saiem on Pen Koad. " Help Wanted r Male Workers now employed in war pro duction should not 'apply and will not be considered for employment by em ployers advertising in this section.. MECHANIC i Unusual opportunity . for capable man See shop foreman or ; write us for particulars. , LODER BROS. 445 1 Center St. . Salem. Ore. KITCHEN Janitor. Steady employ ment. Marion Hotel. . ' SAWMILL Help wanted. Fotaora Mfg. Co, Wallace Road, West Salem. Steady work, good scale. WANTED: Delivery man. Model Food Mkt. ... -k MAN wanted. Ph. 2-2881. Lee's Hatchery. -. t.- v-- EXP. DRYER MAN to work In nut dryer. Good wages. Fred McCall, Rt. 2, Box US. Ph. 2-2U0. . MIDDLE AGED MAN. steady work year around. ' Edwards : Poultry Farm ana Hatchery, kl , box i. rn. i-ou, STOCK man wanted. Apply F. W. Woolworth Co. . ? ..- t , 2 MECHANICS. Permanent positions. Excellent wages. Herrall-Owens Co. v WANTED: Bus boy, day eve. shift The Spa. u.r -. ; ... ,--' FRY and Dinner Cook. Marlon Hotel GENERAL Garage work. Perm, po sition.' Night man. Preferably univer sity student- Herrall-Owens Co.- Help "Wanted Female WANTED: Laundress. Oregon State School for Blind. , ; WAITRESS Cafe. " WANTED. Carleson 's WANTED: Housekeeper, no washing, iron clothes for -one. 2 small meals, small house. State salary. Box 82. Statesman. . r:-.---' ? !'' 'KITCHEN help' at ' Lausannt ' HalL Navy unit. Ph. Miss Jack. R265.- t 'SWITCHBOARD, operasor.teady po tition. Marion Hotel. ' --- ; - - i wnMlW ta learn nressinc City Cleaners. 124 State. - STENOGRAPHIC and general office work, permanent position. State expe rience, if any, also qualifications. Box 129. Statesman. TTTTiTTf rhir. Exn. desirable but not necessary. Apply in person. urana xaeaue. - , -. EXP. waitress wanted. The Spa. WANTED: Hotel maid. Apply at Bligh Hotel. 441 SUte. . EXP. Fountain girL The Spa. EXPFRlENCro Waitress wanted Schneider's Coiiee Shop. ' LAUNT3HY hetrw"te4 Apply Cap ital City Laundry, i.-t Lroauway. Situations Wanted LUMBERMAN wants connection with building material firm. Experienced in retail lumber selling, estimating, ac counting, manager laL Twenty nine years of age.; Married. Box No. 243 Statesman. .:,....-,:;.:..-' .....-v GUNS Repaired. C 8. Svoboda. 2065 N Liberty. PAINTING. Kalsominlng, hanging. Ph. 8084 or 7793. Paper Preschool Playschool; 1381 State Ages 2 -a. Part or all day. Ph. 1430. CHILDCRAFT Nursery We pick op and deliver 1895 Trade. Ph. 212 Money to Loan ' Quick Cash Loans! On any. worthwhile secur ityRepayable in 12 ; -' months - . - Company ta locally owned and - Managed. , GENERAL FINANCE CORPORATION S-138 Phone 1162 131 S. Commercial St, Salera PRIVATE MONEY Auto And Truck Loans Contracts Refinanced Money for aew and used ears e trucks regardless of age No delay bring ear and title and get the money You retain possession of vehicle. .. 1 to U jiontha to repay. Aftei I o'clock pa one 3381 or 11142 for . appointment ROY H. SIMMONS Regulated by state 131 S Com 1 St Phone 111 M 1531 $ MONEY $ RIAL ESTATE LOANS . PERSONAL LOANS CAR LOANS We Buy Real Estate Mortgagee and . ... Contracta . STATE FINANCE CO. Lie. 8-m at-an. til Ouardlan Bldg AUTO LOANS Use your car as security. Prompt private service. glS.OS per mo. repays fisv in u montns. come in or phone ' Personal Finance Co. . Room 125. Second Fir. New Bligh Bldg. 618 State St Phone: Salem 3181 Lie. S-122 M-145. N. Anderson. Mgr. . , "V; Auto Loans , . Willamette Cretiit.Co. STB FLOOR GUARDIAN BUILDIN& - -LICENSE W M IN , Loans Wanted ' FARM 4 LOANS I A. N. Duncan, 10 Ladd it Bush Bldg. For i Sale Slisccllaneori ; SMALL COTTONWOOD and maple logs wanted at mill on Wallace road, West Salem. Folaom Mfg. Cor. , -USED SAMSON Hot pUtet 2 burner, thermostat switches. 2205 Portland Rd. Ph. 2-1004. . - i LADY'S coat 820. 2 dot. fruit Jars 25c doz. Ironing beard 84. . Elec. Iron aa. n n, nra. - i . i BLUE r Concord grapes. 2 ml. out wauace Rd. Quarter ml. last. .W. L. Ncison, ku I, box 183. Ph. BF2. MAN'S pre-war . bicycle. . balloon area, gooa conaition. Priced to sell 400 So. 18th. Inquire after 8:30. - t USED 40 gaL' hot water tank. Ph. 7174. . BABY Clothes, etc.' Excel, cond. l.i mL .from abridge on Salem-Dallas wj . ni, ami I ..Toilet chair. SOS Breys Ave. Ph. 4538. PIANO, good cond. B. F. Keefer. Rt. a. Box 840. Out D St. CIRCULATOR Heater, like new.- 235 Union. ;. .:.--; . -f- :: , :,.;. -j;; 8 CORDS old growth fir: wood split for range and heater, price $100. Dav enport, rugs, tables, dressers. Universal wood range; garage doors, misc. arti cles. No, Saturday calls. 808 N. 19th St QUINCES 3c lb. 830 Norway. PRE-WAR Davenport. ' full spring construction, simple lines, suitable for slip covering. 835.00. Ph. 2-2849. WOOD Range 820. Ph. 21785. CANNING Tomatoes for sale, you pick them. Bring containers. 81.25 per bushel you pick. , Geo. Asher, Rt. 1, Dayton Ore. ' "I : WOOD dreulator: wood range. 2020 Broadway. Ph. 5902. ;-r -j .. -.-., - COMB. Radio and phono, like new. Ph. 5583. , VELOUR davenport, chair, double spring construction, almost new. Ph. 2-2973. w;-, ,;.- , ANTIQUE walnut burl bed room suite with marble top. tear drop draw er pulls. Ph. 5258. 8x12 -ALL Wool rug. pad. good up right piano. new- Cooterator, other articles.- 295 S. 22nd. USED Sewing Machines US up. Singer Sewing Machine Co, 142 S.High BULBS: HYACINTH. DUS. JON QUIL. KING ALFRED, TULIPS, CRO CUS. D. A. . WHXTS a SONS. W9 STATE ST. ' - ' " - :- BOSC PEARS. Ph. 47F3. 1 1942 Westcraft house .trailer 21 ft long, air brakes, new tires,- Butane range, a ruu sue seaa. hi sagewater. West Salem, Auto Park.. WOOD cook stove. 1825 N. Front BUNDLES of Old papers 10c States man office. APPLES, crapes. 851 Gaines. Ph. 8352. IJEAvrJHS town, must sen 8 rms. of nice furniture. 293 Kingwood-Dr, w.: saiem. . . -o- i; . 1 i CREAM SEPARATOR. Royal Blue. bench model, sizes 43. in good condi tion $20. Rt, S. ox 301. 2nd gravel road to" the klgat-past Rickey school. IW on gravel ro. .- . Wood cook stove, 20 Duncan Ave. FOR SALE: Child's hwd. high chair. Phone 5539. 1080 Garnet ATMORAYS OZONE, sell end rent B C Puah Pb t-2458 P.O.. BOX 482 r.Bpr! Be ih. A. W. Crocker. Fair- view Home Road. Rt 5. Box 88. ; , nn wt rv-B nmM Btitnmatie make. manual control 8S5. Victrola, buffet style., massive design, walnut cabinet extra nice lis. 1145 Nebraska. Ph. 3817. SUKS WINCHESTER 4 1 bOXCS Of shells. Z350 M. cnurcn. er at. muroRD CRAPES. Stoddard fl'i mi. on Wallace Ra. box i' rr rr ivn swiTpra. ti3: 2 nrs. flowered drapes: 8-way fir, lamp; comb phono, and radio with records., $50. lias s. 14th. t--.- .- Eanish squash, 8 ea. deL Ph. For Sale Miscellaneous Johnston Sheet Metal Co.' 1410 S..12th. Salem, Oregon Phone 5391 :VM aI .Tn.i4fiM enables US 'to . W. w . , give you guaranteed workmanship. Air conoiusiuns. x wu Eave troughs. Skylights. Smoke stacks. Tanks and repairing. FREE . ESTI MATES. rfnrL WOOD OR coal range with copper coils; elec oil burner, large elec. Port al Telegraph clock. 897 S. 14th, , ; . ifmmm ei m m m BARITONE HORN. Ph. 2-1894. -BRAND NEW pre-war wood eire, 1 gas ranges, bdrm. set. misc. articles, canned fruit, tools. 1285 D St - LADIES BROWN coat box style, with blue fox collar, like new. Reas. 180 N. Com'L - k' ;,- LANG RANGE, white enamel cook stove. Montag heaters, twin bdrm. set complete, .bicycle, dog house. 1680 N. Com'L. - -.- WE ARE now making fresh apple juice daily. No preservatives) . Puri- Un Cider Wka. wesx i Salem. PRE-WAR World bicycle. MS N. 5th. - CAMEL'S EARLY GRAPES. 3c lb, you pick. E. J. Montondon. Rt 7, Box 325. ph. 39-F-14. -i ; TRAILERS for rent Woodry Auction Mkt. 1605 N. Summer. . Avon Products. 1186 Bdwy. Ph. 21003. -WE HAVE hog wire fencing and light barbed wire ta stock. Montgomery Ward Co FOSTiarsi detracts. 344 N. 23rd. L MYRTLE Wood. New shipment rare quality. Pemberton's. 1950 So. 12th. SMITH tc Barnes piano & bench. Music cabinet Some sheet music. $133. Oak dining rm. table. 8 chain Ac buffet $60. Edison phonograph Ac records $15. Call 11 AJH.-5 PM. 1555 N. 8th St. ' WRINGER Rolls for. all makes of washers. See Ed Ellis, manager of Nelson Bros. : Furniture Co., . 315 N Uberty St- FOR SALE: 8 hole Frigidalre ice cream cabinet and x HJ. Frigidaire compressor Phone 4Q44. ' , . - . , FULLER Brushes. 1749 Grant P 1357 Wanted Furniture Ph. 7511 If you nave furniture to sell. CASH for used furniture and house hold goods 415 Ferry. RAY FORGEY-i - FH. 1448 Wanted Miscellaneona FIR LOGS wanted at mil on Wallace road. West Salem. Folaom Mfg. Co. WANTED- - WOOD, any kind, any quantity. 4 ft. or 18 in. Ph. 8885. Call Chas. F. Simon. 1311 N. Liberty. : We Buy Furniture TRADE WITH A FIRM OF 30 YEARS REPUTATION OF BBSINESS INTEO RTTY IN THE WILLAMETTE VALLEY ; HIGHEST- PRICES PAID FOR USED 'yff'fy-Pianos ''"f ;::J-'. Furniture and Appliances ..-Call 9149 for appointment. HOGG BROS. - v State St. -.- . -SPARK or n.C. Little oil circulator. New or 2nd hand Ph. 2619 Eve. ROYAL portable typewriter In good condition. Ph. 3380. or 844 Mitt. TO SELL your stove ph. 2-1985. " FILBERT . and Walnut drying. Ph. 2-286L BIKE I can fix up. Ph. 2-1965. CASH PAID tor uprteht spinet grand ptanos "bone 5707 CASH for used piano at other mu sical instruments Call 4841 days ot 8537 evenings - or send description tr jaquitn music, co -hi s High. used rURNmiRX pi eiat WANT TO Buy. Useo cameras at lenses McEwan Photo Shop 435 State Miscellaneous FREE crutches. Woodry - Auction Market 1605 N. Summer. Dental Plate Repair ! TWO -HOUR SERVICE 04 MOS1 CASES Brine or Mail Your Plates tor Recall DR HARRY SEMLER, DENTIST Adolph Bide State 4 Coml Ph 33) WE Buy and sen used turn,; ranges, htrs. sew.- mcluu. bicycles, guns, dishes and elec. equip. Brooks Used Furniture. SUte at 19th Ph. 7598. STOVE parjs and repairing. Woodry Mkt, 1605 N. Summer. Also lawn mow er sharpening and adjusting:, continued For Rentoom u WELL FURN. mod. ' rm close m, em p. person preferred. 148 Marion. . ; NICE FRONT heated sleeping rm, hot and cold water. Prefer man. 255 Center, -SLEEPING ROOM. Ph 4498 For Rent -Apartments RM. furn. apt., lights a water furn. Adults only. 897 S. 14th St S Rm. furn. Apt 1620 Ferry. Ph. 9068. For ; Rfint -Ilouses S RM hse number 50 Highway Ave. See owner; 482 N. 18th St . 1 8 ROOM partly modern house, wood shed and garage, acre, close to bus line In Salem. Rte. 4, box 177, at Rose dale. t UNFURN. flat. ref. required. Adults. Box 914 Statesman.. . For Rent LOCKER plant In N. Salem. To open about Jan. 1st Lockers $1 per cu. ft per yr. pd. g yrs. nt advance. Register now. Give name, address, ph. a aise of locker desired. Box 173, Statesman, - GOOD Used PUoa B. U Sttft . FLOOR CANOtn tor rent, esmsry Ward - W. t ' Mont ' TRAILERS for rent ' Woodry'8 MkL. 1605 N. Summer.- Ph. $118. - - t f TRUCKS for rent Fou drive Me Cune V LovelL phone 8SC5. . Wanted to Rent' I 4-0 RM. house, rent or lease perm. Suburban. Box 178, Statesman. - - MOD. I or 3 bedroom hse, furn. or unfurn., Salem business men for ref. Call 9502 between 8:30 and 0 p. m. - RESIDENT business man wants a 2 bed room furnished house any time before Nov; 1st .A home we can ap preciate and take care of. 2 . adults. No pets. Will lease. Call 3S32 or 4441. URGENT: 2 bdrm. unfurn. hs. wired for Tsnge. Ph. 2is;a, FARM 10 to- SO acres. Building and elee. res, close to Salem. R. D. An derson, f.t. L Box 22. . Wanted to Rent FURN. 2 bdrm. house before Nov. 15. Ph. 8687. 2- OR 3-BEDRM. mod- hse.. unfura. Call 7177 bet 9:30 a-nv - 8:30 P-m. - s j , nvniur resident desires 5- room modern unfurn. house, lndefl- itely. Ph. 2-1349. eves. UNIVERSITY professor desires 2 or 3 bdrm. hse. Will supply references. Ph. 9265. For Sale Real Estate $30004 rms. Corner lot . $50006 rms. Base, furnace. $65006 rms, ' (8 Bd. rms.) North. $68507 rms. (4 Bd. rms.l Base. furn. $75000 rms.. mod., north. Vacant WILLAMETTE REAL ESTATE 171 S. Liberty ; - Ph. 711S BY OWNER 4 bedroom house. X sets plumbing, hardwood floors thru out downstairs,' full basement wood furnace, tile drain boards, north. Ph. ' 2-1831. big value room bouse and z lota, garage and woodshed, bearing 1 peaches, apples, prunes and grapes, lo cated in Turner. Price only $1900. $400 cash, Alfred Dumbeck, Room 3, Ladd and Bush bldg. 3 BEDROOM house, good location. 2365 Center. ' FOR SALE or rent: 27 acres, with bldgs.. 4 ml. SE of StaytonafSee owner, 483 N. lath St .... T , 4 ROOM plastered house with fire place, nice location near Leslie school. Prtee $3350 with $700 down, balance like rent. Immediate possession. $ room plastered house with nice large lot A good buy for $2850 with $1000 down. ROSTEIN a ADOLPH, DIC. HQ1,, N. Commercial St Phone 3030 $5950. Immediate possession. Nice new. home East. . Living-rm, dinette, X bdrms unfin. upstairs. Venetian blinds, hrwd. firs., fireplace oil furnace, util-ity-rm. large lot See Mrs. Huff with - - BURT PICHA REALTORS -337 N. High Ph. 3210 nr. schools. 3 bedrooms and den.. oil 1. . . 1 a . . . . nem air conaitionea, GOUDiC piumn ing. fuU basement etc. Phone 4422. 83750. 8 mo. hse. Large living and dining rm. Auto gas water heater. Paved St. Near Leslie High. OLSON At REEVE. REALTORS s 945 S. Coml Ph. 4590 Eve.: 8536 SPECIAL - -Modern 5-room bungalow. Good size living room with fireplace, dining room with corner cupboards. Kitchen with built-ins, wired for range, 2 corner bedrooms; - bath; oak 'floors in living and dining rooms: Full cement base ment furnace, laundry trays. Good location. Priced only $4950. See Mr. Voorhees with s LEO N. CHILDS, INC, REALTORS 344 State St - - , Ph. 8261 ' OWNER 3 bdrm. modern house. Full basement, new mmm furnace mra heater, near bus line, store, theater. -rncea rignt. rn s-w. i FURNISHED DUPLEX Close in. automatic oil heat complete electric equipment $82.50 a month in come. Terms. . Ohraart & Co. Realtors 184 S. Commercial St Phone 9680 - $4200: 8-r. refinished and newly dee orated, pipe furnace. cash. South. $6000: New 5-r, creek lot 100x272, S. 12th St The making of a beautiful estate in town. ----- - ABRAMS A BT-W INC. ' : 441 Masonic Bldg. .... Phone 6158 Insurance Money to Loan garage, cor. lot. shade,- wired fof range. Terms. 992 N. Cottage. ' Modern 8 room home. 3 bedrooms, hardwood floors, fireplace, full base- meni, uuKucapea Decs . yarn, along creek. Price $6000. v . LEE OHMART & CO. , ' REALTORS ; 184 S. Commercial St . 1 Phone 9680 $6500. North. 8 rms. 2 bedrms. Fire- S!ace. Hwd. firs.- Basmt Sawdust fur. arage Paved St OLSON ot REEVE. REALTORS 945 S. Coml . Ph. 4590 - Eve. 9538 2 CITY LOTS about 70x200. Good bus. site on S. 12th. with home site on creekJ $875. Terms. RICH L. REIMANN, Realtor 167 8. High Phone 9203 84000 bun a X timtl Mom for electric range. Utility room. Ga rage, in is property rents for 845 per month. Possession Nov. 2nd. U44. Lo cated at 250 Crawford Ave. w. c minr.rji BntTnn ' 147 N. Commercial Ph. 4728 2 Rm. House. Inq. 292 S. Cottage. LET US ahnw niu Kte secluded Dutch home with hand hewn ocainea ceuing in living room 18x30, stone fireplace, plate glass window ovarlAokintf it-w kkwiMjiii 1 . - - j ..w.mwvw. . wi m thru out large living dining, paneled den, 2 B.R. down, unfin. attic, auto. oU furnace, step-saving kitchen, patio. Extra Urge lot: Only $7500. C H. SANDERS - 231 N. High - S83S a ROOM motn,x Iimi. XT m r to Hollywood. 2 bed rooms down anel 1 upstairs. Basement and furnace. Thia house ia in the kiMt .r mmMin. Ti . $6950. ... , ' See Mr. Hum at CRABENHORST BROS, REALTORS 134 s. Liberty St Phone 4131 FOR SALE - owner S rm.! hse, garage At By fruit trees aV rirnan n . .v itn runs from 23rd St to Rose St. Clean " '"c"nl- -"c wuo. . siooo down. tol St Ph. 8784, "-"" r- good lot good location, price 8240, V. cash - C. H. SANDERS - 231 N. High 5838 V: INCOME PROPERTY r 1 nam witK a -.... . ment with i uwrfutt m heater. Also 1 home with 2 ap'ta. Ala X l-familv . hntiiM , ait . . ii . - - --ii Aurnianvvs except mur. apt Located N. E. -ear double lot. Close to Stat bldgs. These -' m a gooa income. Price complete for 4 houses $13,000. 4 , .. , -See Mr. Hume at GRABENHORST BROS, REALTORS a s. Prry 8t Phone 4131 furnace, double garage. Close In off " - -- (, , - " V . - U ' w - .wwuia. iivuh ukju- - f f," b,T,t- on pavement and v.- B. E. MEREDITH t ' ' 3155 Port Bxk , Phona 4482 North Summer- Sti - T . Rm. ktml-maikni ln mum n k It ..k , vww.vw. ',s cash.. . ; -. j H. P. Grant. Realtor' 529 Court St Phi 6744 MOD. 1 rm , Kmn. vtmt . nki Plum. Nice back yard. $4454. Ph. ff??s, ' $7350. - Good home about ta n. m Large ltving-rm, din-rm, 2 bdrms, fire- k-vc u, wu. iui, veneuan ounas, wired for rangeDbL garage. Sawdust heat. ece .aara. nun wiut - BURT PICHA REAT.TOWQ 337 N. High , Ph. 3210 MEDvnitri HOMT a .. - m f.ltnlulat1' 'I d location. mu irwr ror saiem noma ox equal value, or acres re close to. Chas.-Hud-kins, Phone 94.4. 275 SUte St ' "-. 8 RMS. MODERN North. t:2S0. For, particular see Van M. Greer With H. P. GRANT, REALTOR 5 Court Et .. In. 6744