The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 06, 1944, Page 15, Image 15

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The OrJCGOIl STATESMAN. Salem. Oreyon. Friday Uoxxdnq. October 6. 1341
vcrsccs Giv j
' Fcr Caek J!eereiKe
'".!" ..-... . :'. :.' ft
m m
, m m r -., - -or o
ncm3 trnyzizizn -
La La
-. -
MaU vour overseas Christmas
. t ; . .- :-. :
The, Modem Home : Pbyskian .
helps you take care of your fan
int and
tly nealth.: 1 his book is edited by fi
Vkxor Robinson, MDL Next to
'.your doctor this book is your best -J
Bifdjral friend.- i Z '" A- '-f .--v'
. - ' .... " ' v
Netvly Arrived '
i '-- s r .. i
ffrsf JUi Ktit jfor ke Cor
or Home r. . 7-4
AUrcciivc, ricl-Ic:Id3 tsxSx
Vood$ Emergency -1
First ill j Ilit 1
rrnfN i(d n r
i I I II " NX
.(0)C Bd ySrj
i. ' ' ! - .t i - ' . 14
Sgt Kenneth Morton, of Dudley, Worcestershire,. England, listens with
Interest as Elaywe Hume, singer, iImwi him a nylon parachute and
explains that the used household fats American women save go into
war production such as the' manufacture of nylon, and other synthetics
for the U. 8. and our Allies.' : - .
McMillens Hosts
For Friends s
Millen - entertained a group of
friends Bad relatives 'Sunday by
giving a picnic dinner-in honor of
her husband, George J. McMillen,
electrician mate second- class, US
navy, who is home from the South
pacific I ,,
Those present' were Mr. and
Mrs. C. H. McMlilen and family,
and Ed McMillen from .Tacoma;
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Webster, and
lamily from Salem, Mr. and Mrs.
Eoy Hagedorn and daughters Don
nai and Danela from Salem,-Mr.
and Mrs. Will Webster and daugh
ter Agnes from liberty, Mrs. Opal
Billings and family from Liberty,
Mrs. Leota Sipe and daughter Eliz
abeth from liberty, Mr. and Mrs.
Joe Webster and daughter Pearl,
George Webster, Mrs. Nelt Reed,
.Rollie Webster, Ernest Clark, Mrs.
Sally Jones, Mr. and MrsiJCharlie
Janes' and family,: Miss . Ardis
Johnson, Mrs. ; Gwen Sherwood,
Melvin Hegedorn and Bob Larson
from Bremerton.
Woodbum Furnishes ,
Blood Donors Tuesday
WOODBURN Blood donors
going from " Woodburn -Tuesday
morning to the blood bank in Sa-1
lem were Mrs. Leslie Paulson,
Mrs.. Josephine Dunton, Mrs. Ly-
j; T ot11 T:. HAW
Leona Petshow. Mrs. Helen
Brackett, William Brackett, Mrs.
William Murphy, Mrs. Anna M.
Kossee, Irs. Carl Gustafsen, Mrs.
Gerald Smith, Mrs. V. L. Reinecke,
Land Mr. find Mrs. Amos Bonacker.
Mrs. Dunton and Mrs. Smith fur
nished 'cars for the trip.
The mobile unit will visit Wood-
burn early in December. The date i
will be announced later,
i . it
Scio Stainp Sale
Shows Increase ."V
i .- - .:... ' ..t- i
SCI D i Continuina a- trend
showTi t in--previous quarters '-of
J944, the Scio post office showed
an increase in stamp sales and a
. decrease in money orders, ' cora
' pared to 1943 figures. Stamp sales
for the September quarter Just
ended were $1440.39, J compared to
$1344.08 for 1943. Money orders
for 1944 were $9263.21,. and $11.-,
11.58 for 1943.
Series war bond sales for Sep
tember "were $1660Postmaster E.
; Phillips stated. September bond
j sales at the Scio State bank to?
tailed : $5978.75. including one
$1000 series G bond, according to
Waldo DeMoy, manager. But one
- email bond was cashed in here,
aince release of the 60-day limita
tion, DeMoy said. :-
S. W. Archer is caretaker for
4500 turkeys owned by the Scio
Milla nd Elevator company on the
I Jim Trollinger place- north of
Ramona Qub Has
Red, Cross Meeting
Woodward, was hostess at her
home- Tuesday afternoon to the
Ramona dub when Mrs. R. A
McClanathan spoke on Red Cross
work and distributed ; 54 djtty
bags to be made by members. As
sistine Mrs Woddward "were Mrs.
Roy Larsen and MrsV Bbward Loe.
Bridie-was playedj fluruigithe di
version hour. t '"-i ' " '
Present were Mrs. R. A. Fish,
Mrs. Lloyd Larsen. - Mrs. Roy
Skaife, M. Enrol Ross, Mrs. Lee
Alfred. Mrs. W. Clark Bachman,
Mrs. E. A. Finlay, Mrs. Harry Mc-
Crea, Mrs: Wright, Mrs. Walter
Taylor of Corvallis, Mrs. C-. W.
Keene, v Mrs. W. P. Scarth, sr.,
Mrs. L. C Eastman, Mrs. W. R.
Tomison. Mrs. George Hubhs,
Mrs. Elizabeth' Jamie, Mrs. George
Cusiter, Mrs. Ella McCleary and
Mrs. Julius Aim, sr. :. -: -
Bucna Crest Has
Clubs Organized
:r. BUENA CREST Pupils whose
names were on the spelling honor
roll the first week were Elvera
Henry, Buddy De Geer, Donna
Hall. Elsie rieldi Bobby De Geer,
Arlene Cook and Junior .Coburn.
The softball team has been or
' canlzed with John Turrentine ser
ving as cantain and Buddy De
Geer his assistant. Jack Hall and
Alan Ritchey will servo as bat
boys. . - '
-- TTpnlfh work lii tha uiSoer crades
.will again be carried on through
a 4H healta club. 'This club will
be organized during health period
:next Friday ,
: Visitors at the school Friday
were Mrs: Agnes C. Booth, county
cuoerintendent and Mrs, Carma-
Jite Weddle, rural superintendent,
i and Dr. Leon Lassers from the
atate department of education.
' - - if-
.' CAMP,. CROWDER, Mo.--Kmith
im not an unusual name but
CpL Joe Smith, stationed , here,
-.lifts riam above. the ordinary
by explaining he l a direct de
scendant of Adamtand'Eve.
' Mates were skeptical and final
1v called him. Smith, whipped out
bis birth certificate and read from
it; Josenti. Smith, born to FAe
" Smith and Adam Smiih.w
38 Pupils Enroll
At Mehama School
MEHAMA Roy Pfailippi suf
fered a fractured ankle Saturday
when he fell. He is now on crutch-t
es. .
Thirty eight pupils are enrolled
this year for tho school term.
Teachers are Miss Olson of Sa-1
lem. uoDer srades: and Mrs. Sny
der, of West Salem, lower grades.
The Oakdale tniDils Who for the
past two years nave gone to tne
Mehama school, now have a teach
er and are holding school In their
own district. Mrs. Jennie Hof-
stettler is the Oakdale teacher.
All the houses built this year by
Roy PhiliDDl are now finished and
occupied by lumber workers and
their families. . .
Chris McDonald and Earl Hens-
ley returned from a "deer hunting
trip at LaPine with, a three point
mule deer. The reported weather i
was - hot and they had to return
sooner than they expected to save
the .meat. -
Soft and downy unwrapped cleans
ing tissues. Extra large. Extra ab
sorbent For home and office.
At Fred Meyet Drag SocHos
Sell AcDliod ot Home : Irfeol for Celat. Maktap.
. .- -i . Be.
1 Ilovia Vfavo
! Pcmiinenl Uave
, ' Set ;
2 Sets
in .1 1-.
: Movie wave permanent
wave set contains all , the c klm aist
; u.iw MHotl eUW
easy to use ana leaves your j ""fi 7V i TTT ywr
nair lovely looting.
"- psaiasaseBaaipifjBji-fc. .---.-("
Sleek Ccg
Eioflc Skorfes
.7- Heart .Throb
Ratca! Red AJ
Dork; Secret 7" .
- Honey
All entrancing shades. Large sis
lipstick. Adds glamour
to. any makeup.
w4 w
OH) & aasmiv
4 i.V,S-rt:.
., It
P.... tt.2fcAeolniMtM
With Purchase of Rti. 43c
Zephyr After Sbve Lcti:a
73c Yc!a ftt
Doth for SV
For rfmi njoynnt try
- tica ptor. Ac giv you .jlfi;
Zephyr kk h your Am nd Uv
frnh and cooL .
Tk. Lr Sis. for icoa.-y ' 0Mafcto
Mr.-r- Lotus
BrarflM Shv
Cnao. givtt you
a tcnoochtr and
cooler, ihm (or
' W awney. Buy i
ftt lttit "
Sdfcry UUts
Packat Qr
of 53 ';CmH
BliUGty Schools
Enrollment Jumps
MILL C ITY Enrollment In the
high school is 85- compared with
67 last yeatCi Of this unmber 47
krm ' in the freshman class. Fitf-
ures wera announced by" Frank
Smith,' superintendent'
In-, the trade school the enroll
ment the first day was 171 and the
second week 180.- Last year the
enrollment wah 168. ' ...
The first higK school dance will
be October 8 for all students. '
Thi Flnett T Brush Menef
...a- -Csm Buy!
MeJiutn awl turd bria
tlet. - Designed to teach
all hidden
ing lha teeth ' aparUing
ft'hk and lovely, -
J' "
.j5 a -
Gtf roar Ckrlifmot
Wropplag Paper Now or .
" Tkbso Overseas Gltt ;
; : Christrnas
Wrapping Papsr
Lorgt Sheets V 25c -
Large white sheets of tissue paper
(or trapping most little packages
for overseas.
Thi.)MTilnCllhwRf-j5 ; -rouH tike the war
Ee.e Slin. blck;b.. rbimtie pu. t WherB trouble Is to
piafc tomTot pep 1 ww, p i open up nose-relieve
ia oirriiia. p" 4 stuffy transient eon
kodaebea asd Un. FI. 1 . gestton,(Al90 grand for
dnH lor W head 'eofiroUow
' Tilla, mi aueemfuUy by Butuona foe orer . rCCUOnj JU IOldeT.
irs;i aa w
lasiar I
I ... Vi-
for f k Youngiftrt
m t m aa sni
Soft, cuddly Panda dressed in
black and white. The kiidks wiH
love to play with one of these
Teddy Dccrs, $2.C9 ,:
Brccniy Gc5, .$5.93 ;r...
17gs!:z!d Toys, '2.09. - '
-Tvinplex Stropper $2.C0
For G. L Joe to use when he sharpens his own razor blades. Hejpi
to make blades go a Iongway. -
Gera Junior nazorwWM 39' "
A fWn 5?afetv Razor, all complete with blades in box, make? a i
perfect gift for G. L Joe. Slip a few extra boxes of blades in
with his Christmas pack.
In IJetcl"1;".
Woods Emergency Kit contains aQ '
the necessities for givir.g khmedute
first aid Ideal tar office, home
or cat. - . 7 ,
first A!J Kit &J3J0
AatoKli. U9: ,s
FirVi Aid Hi"1?? 99
Travel Hi. 59 . ,
For Oversees Peckiag
f V" coma .
" s -
Pocket Nail Set 1.39 ; Kcapitd Gotten
Irtais Up Cooejosfloo to
Chest Hubs
hiastercle. 33
Pevefb. 35 --
Denver Mui 43
Cfeors Noiol Paiiogtt
Nose Drops
s;llcse preps, 27'
Ancn, 43
brlv49' !
O's, 29
Verrcnd, 24
ijtrdch Apjc-js. 39
File, tweezers, cuticle pusher and emery, boards, in snap-fastened
tan leather case.
Compacts 1.50 to $17;50
" Sterhng silver, silk, wooden, enamel, bate and plastic
At Fmo KUyor Drat Soctioa
. Makes You Feel Better
B Eomplen
Loss of weight due to lack of appetite, constipation and ner ,
vousness all are symptoms of lack of vitamin B complex.
: These easily may be overcome by taking Yitamin B complex
tablets. , f i v
All the Commonly Deficient Vitamins
: Fred Meyer
Uitamins ADi 02 (G) D
Caps i3)V 253 Ci?$, 2.69
Reg. 39c tft
1-Lb. Rolla V
Frrnnt M a shock absorber in
mailing oveocas to prevent break-
age. In case of breakage 31,ab ,
sorb liquid and prevent .nuning of , ,
other kerns in gift box. ; .
Word Off CeltV .
Cold Tablets
Groves, 27V J
Hills, 24 lv
iVqy, 17
Papes, 27 V
Weeks; 25
Zerbstsi39 ,
U?j:hn Cc!d Spec, 75,-
Supplement to the daily diet Containing
all die minimum daily requirements.
Fred! Meyer A and D
.$1.63 !U..47c
Deficiencies in vitamins A and D may ause night blind
ness, retarded growth, nose and throat infections, rickets,
, poor assimilation of calcium,' thus resulting In crumbly teeth
nd brittle finger nails.
1 - -" -i . '
Freveafs Cogklf Dee fo .
colds ,
Cough Syrup
Frael Moyr
Cc:;h Syrc? 5J!r 27 -BeH'sg
t : : . . ,. v
Eiickbs, 5-ol. 79
Chitbsrlin's U. 45.
Crecdsi:n l 1.12
W.ri Off. C,U
g:J.:-;Aspirih-;: .
Fredfcyer fzi
Sqb, ICaTcis.?
i jLinimsnts
ii::;t:.:;Ir. i CI
S!:rj, 6-cl, E
Pcd DA CiCL, $1.CD
RefrigbrG5ed Insulin;
All types and brands of insulin are available in Fred Meyer
prescription sections. Refrigerator storage assures quality. New
Huber point insulin needles now available in all sizes. This is
the needle mat takes away the push mat Is necessary with ordi
nary insulin needles.' ' ; - . '
H:d. 25c D-B fcsdli 2 fcr 25
r.:j 25c D-D 1 Pc!:f i:::3.2 fcr 25. :
n:j EC: leVcz. C::.:ats S":n, 35
. Frei Moyat Pretclatiea Soctioe.
, Fer Moof Wosa oatf Gars ft 1
Ustcri:.?, 14-ct, 59 !
S-T.37,12-cz.1.17 -j
CjtlPezfccrescl i.C5
.P4ifihr' r-i z 53 3
Zdfs, frci, 47
'-i vl I. '
ftjces EnrcnvE fhiday tut.ougii moiiday
I C ' r; 0
Drug Llig.-- K3 XL Iiierty CL '
Federal Sales Tax ef 239V arte aH toiletries, perf ernes,
etc, lacladed U the tax law. and wiU be adied to the retail
price at the check t'.n.Jj. IVe reserve tterlstt te llm4
fjoantliles. " - . , . ' .
. ! Ceoa Oaf leer Sytt on 4
"-- LdndJivos ", 43
Exlair, 23
Cccccrots, 35 " . jf
Ccrfcrs liver 19 f
thal.JmafojLaaytuiaiHotp'o. r
ma nana from root blood. Get l Uh.
U4t4l.- w