The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 06, 1944, Page 14, Image 14

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vtzz rc
; Uhere They Are Whet
: UL Clinton Wampler, son ef Mr.
and Mrs. Lewis Wampler, route
even bow a supply ef fleer at
s Russian sir base, recently re
eeived another Oak Leaf clus
ter to add to his collection.
: Awarded tn connection with the
second presidential citation to
the flying squadron with which
he operated in the western Eu
ropean theatre, it had followed
aim since he left England more
than six months ago. Mall
tomes Irregularly about twice a
month, he writes. Wampler, a
graduate ef Salem high school.
was a junior at OSC and a mem
ber of the air corps reserves
when he entered active duty
two and a half years ago. After
a year of service with the fliers
. " who received the first presiden
tial unit citation In England, he
was selected with ' group of
other men to attend intelligence
, school ' in northern Ireland,
where they were trained for
service at a new Russian air
: base. -En route to Russia the
group stopped several months
at Cairo, Egypt, for further spec
lalised tralnlnc.
Ending- his 21-day furlough vis
iting his family and friends in
Salem, Capt Cecil H. Quesseth
left Monday for Santa Monica,
.Calif, where "he, will be assigned
, to new duties.
' For his part in 251 hours of
combat flying in his P-38 fighter
! plane, Capt Quesseth has been
, awarded the silver star, the dis-
tinguished flying cross and the
air medal with eight oak leaf
He flew 53 missions into enemy
territory in the southern European
I war sector. He is credited -with
two enemy planes definitely shot
i down and four probables.
-Ralph George Burns writes. his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jerold
Burns, 225 Hollywood avenue,
that he has been advanced to sea
man first class rating He is serv
ing in the Pacific aboard ship. His
brother, Robert R. Burns, has just
started boot camp training at Far
ragut. 8WEGLE Sgt J. Warren Miles
has been visiting his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. James Miles in Auburn
district and with his i wife's par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. William Mc
Kinney on Garden Road for three
weeks while on furlough. Tuesday
morning he left by auto accom
panied by bis wife and young son
for his station at La Junta, Colo
rado. He has been stationed there
at the air field for nearly -two
Pvt Marion West is now be
lieved to , be somewhere in the
south Pacific. He received his
training at Camp Roberts, enter
ing the service last spring, v
who is stationed at Norfolk, Va.,
has been visiting his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Richard Paul, sr, his
wife and their children.
Cell O
j mild
2.T.cI:bg Aecssscrfes
Call oTUnt Wlndproot t3c
Csi U;ittr.
!r.:3 UilUr tu Ztl 2 fr U
lUU t:;.9 tzzzrtn, ZZt
tl.C:J Vc!-i A!ri:?t Tctsteo FmcI,
$!.::) Vt!: Uz'.Ur IU3-U? Tebcceo
C; Clz-Ttlli Tc-tn, 6 fr lit -
They Are ? Doing V
JEFFERSON IX Jaek rarrlsh
of ,AJot" Arizona, Is home 'on a
three weeks leave, visiting his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Par
rish and sister Patsy. '' :
"He recently .won his wings in
the army air corps; alter complet
ing advanced, flying school train
ing at Williams field. Chandler,
Ariz. He is graduate of Jeffer
son high school and former stu
dent of Oregon State college. -
JEFFERSON J a liter Re se,
seaman second class, stationed at
Farragut, is home on a furlough,
visiting his family and other rela
tives. He is a cook at the camp.
JEFFERSON M r a. A r t bar
Rhodes received word from her
husband, Arthur Rhodes, seaman
second class in the navy;, that he
will complete his training as cook,
at San Diego, Calif., October 13;
and hopes for a few days visit at
home after that. Rhodes was em
ployed as a cook at Camp Adair,
before entering the navy. , .
f. 4
, 5
V; K :
A to
Out for a stroll in
quaint provincial
little town near i
Pacific base are
one of the
streets of
lb advanced
two coast
guardsmen who are attached to
a - coast guard-manned troop
transport Dick Parker, seaman
first class, Salem, right is a
member of the crew of the ship
which Is shuttling troops to the
fighting area. Pictured here
with Parker Is Jim McCarley,
Los Angeles.
ber received a letter from her bro
ther Frank Tichy,- who is in Ha
waii, 'that Jie met Lawrence Et
rel, another Jefferson boy, who is
a telephone and telegraph oper
ator in the signal corps in the is
lands. They had supper together,
and needless to say a good visit
Frank Tichy is boatswain's mate
first class in the Seabees.
Kenneth Hagg, R T 1c, left
Wednesday to return to his ship
on the east coast after spending a
few days with his father and mo
ther, Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Hagg at
497 South 23rd street - t
Walnuls and Filberts
Top Cash Prices
Delivery and Payment Made at the
Corner Trade and Cottage Sta. - - Phone 491
11. D.
Include m His Christmas Gift Package
, Just Arrived Hew Shipment j
Dunhil! Service Ligliter:
Mads by $
hemous uunnill
Built for outdoor service on die fighting front on die home front.
Made of reclaimed metal, enamel finish. WinJproof. Uses, regular,
flints. Large fuel capacity, compartment for extra flints. BuHj
mailed. Bur one for rourself and send another to servicemen over
seas. Boys overseas obtain Hi-Octane gas for toe In fighters. YouH
want to lay away several for Christmas, too. - Mail, orders filled.
Include 10 additional for handling and mailing. I - r
Flint Vindproof Ucjhtcr, Kt
oTtneas. Wtndprcof. easy to eany.
vompsrunent wiw tzwa uinu. vomm m
. Tobaccos .lUiiJS:
lie Prise Albert, Velvet cad llcif cad
Hlf. 2-ox, ICt to. ;
58c Prince Albert 43 16-ox. 73c . '
lCc Modal Pocket Package." 3' let ltd
18-os 74c
2z, LendeVDeek. KIsVCrcft. C
Vc!rst. Cic!s tlssd, Va tfr'ZZt:
5?e; C- $1.15 -
6 UrJZt v
11 Local Marines "
Enjoy. Furloughs - -
PORTLAND, Oct 5.-(ff) The
following Oregon, marines fcre ei
ther enroute or home on furlough
after combat service' In the Pa
cific; -r ,7 fi r S;X
. SHverton Pfe. Lee Pierce,1 208
Central street; field musician .Vic
tor C. Tokstad, 410 Silver street;
Pfe. Maurice C Cooper, route two,
bOZ lift. -J-,-;,.. :. . .'
Woodburn-Staff Sat WDUs B,
Eppers; Pfe. Elton V. Pulver, route
one, box 168-C . :
- Dallas--CpL ' Warren . A. - Ben
nett,. 10 Hayter street V '
Salem CpL . Gordon A. Krne
ger. 917 Kingwood Drive; Platoon
Sgt Jack F. Thompson, 2110 Myr
tie avenue.' - ' .
.'. Sdo-rPfe, Wilbur F.i Gorman,
route one. - I- s
. Molalla Pfe. - Otto F. Daven
port, rural route. ,
Albany Sgt David -M.- Cope
land, route one. ; '
..: Sgt Mervln W. Escola who has
served 30 months ' with the 41st
division and seen action In four
campaigns is home on furlough:
Mr. and Mrs. G. BKelley of Sa
lem, his brother-in-law and sis
ter, met him in Portland Monday
night His wife and child are now
residing in Portland. Mrs. Escola
formerly was employed at the
Physicians and Surgeons associa
tion in Salem.
Pfe. Richard P. Barton, son ef
Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Barton of Sa
lem, ..Wednesday, September . 27,
received a science degree in elec
trical engineering from Oregon.
State college, .where for the past
13 months he had been studying
in the ASTU. . : . r
He has been transferred to sig
nal corps training center at Ft
Monmouth, NJ,' and with two. fel
low students is making the trip to
the east coast by automobile. Mrs.
Barton, formerly Anita Irene
Webb r of . Salem, : will spend the
winter near Sacramento, Calif.,
with her parents.
Due to arrive In the United
States soon on furlough from the
southwest Pacific theatre of oper
ations are: -
Sgt Marvin R. Cook, husband
of Mrs. M. R. Cook, 550 North
Summer street 1 I
Pvt Tberon H. Field, husband
of Mrs. T. H. Field, route two,
box 225-B, Salem, who has served
31 months with the army corps of
engineers. " . - -'
Pvt Robert V. King, son of Mr,
and Mrs. H. G. King, 1770 South
Liberty street who has served 31
months with the infantry. '
' Word has been received by the
family of Sgt Troy W. Lockhart
that he has arrived in France with
the infantry.' ' ,
Sgt; Lockhart 'served for 18
months j in the south Pacific, and
was awarded the order of the pur
ple heart for wounds received in
New Guinea. He was one of the
survivors of the march of the
126th infantry from Port Morsby
over the Owen Stanley mountains
to Buna. . - i . ; -
. Lockhart son of Mr. and Mrs.
J. H. Lockhart of route 1, box 48,
Brooks, enlisted the day after
Pearl Harbor. His last furlough
home was in ApriL '
Jcncs -
TJso any lighter
aasortea eoiotm.
CC:T CTATi::!. Cc!rra.
above planning the construction of their new stone house, are mem
bers of a signal company attached to a 15th AAF B-24 liberator
wing headquarters stationed In southern Italy. They are, f left to
right: Sgt John MeCrary of Fort Jones, Calif.; Pfe. Robert J. Bas
lett ef Seattle, Wash.; and Pfe Orville A. Leno of Grand Ronde, Ore.
3 s
f -
- :
Capt Charles . Hoagland, Sllverton, receives the eongratvlatiOBS of
s Maj. Gen. A. Y. Arnold of the Seventh Infantry division, left Pon
t receiving the Bronse Star medal for merltorions achievement in the
battle of Attn. The presentation ceremony was at a central Pacific
base where Hoagland Is now stationed.
Capt George MeLeod, former
dean of the Willamette university
law school, is visiting his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. L. C. McLeod. Fol
lowing a short leave here he will
Join his wife and their son at Ber
keley, where he will be stationed.
Casuals for All ground Wear! Comfortable
Dressy Styles! They f re Morale Lifters!
. Shea
Chiffon lisle are in tune with the times, they are smart and
and semi-dress. Ideal for sports wear. Reinforced at points
favorite shade in this smart selection. - ? '
Cre?oa. l"jil:ry Kin Octcbcr
group of west coast men, shown
Scott and his brother Carl E.
Scott sons of Mr. and Mrs. Fran
cis L. Scott, 1050 Huge street are
now with the US army in the
South Pacific 5 . 1
Nev Foil
Femininity and ease of
sty lino; distinguish
these casual dresses.
Your favorite fabrics
in a wid VArietv vf in.
teresting patterns and
weaves. Shirt waist
siort and other styles.
In newest and smart-
-A interestino; hues andfi
C. It 11 .
Troubles Qiaccd
Away in 'Soutbland
Bursts of Music
w -I"
--. HATTIESBURG, Miss .-3V
War has brought tck the old
time version Of the 1am session"
to Forrest county. Monthly now
farmers and fiddlers come to town
to 'play,. the'; troubles; away" in
impromptu concerts at an unused
coortroom. ' "
. - Popular again 're such tunes
as Torked Deerfoot,,, ."Mississip
pi Sawyer "Little More Water,
Johnny," e a t h e r Breeches,
Black-Eyed Susan" and "Irish
xWasherwoman., V
7 After 'the i musicians " set to
town. with their mules or afoot,
the townspeople come out There
are elderly men, women carrying
babies and, down In front, the ser
vicemen and the younger set
They nod and keep time , with
their 'toes as the old tubes ring
out They say the. purpose Is
achieved, "those ' troubles are
played away." .
Oregon Boys at v
Hardin-Simmons i
ABILENE, Tex, Oct 5.-(Spe-
cial)-Twenty two states, Cuba and
100 of Texas 254 counties are
represented by students enrolled
in Hartiin-Simmons university In
Abilene " for the fall semester, a
check of registrations discloses.
O r e g o n's representatives in
clude: - " '' ' - j .
Harold Gflman, son of Mr. and
Mrs. William' Gilman, route six,
Salem, v'-.: r .-;'- ".
Pete Fast son of Mr. and Mrs.
Henry L. Fast, Dallas.
Two Meliford Doctors
Face Federal Trial ,
" MEDFORD, Oct. 8 -'(ff) - Judge
James A. Fee said, today that trial
of two Medf ord Dhvsidans Ac
cused , of violating the Harrison
narcotics act would be started in
federal court here later this
month. -kr-1''
Neither Dr. R. Clancy, whose
trial will begin October 17, nor
Dr. A. F. Kresse, to be tried Oc
tober 23, appeared this morning.
Both were released yesterday on
$2000 recognizance j bonds.
Creation's in
practical for both business
of wear. You will find your
p. gt.4 T.' "v -' -
w. a
1 I
I it
SUELniTTT Harold Wolf," CM
Se, son of Mr. and Mrs. N.
W. Kremer, has Toeen assigned
to s new ship after three months
" at gunnery school at San Diego,
Calif, and leave here with bis
parents and friends. Prior to the
schooling he spent It months est
the USS Long Island aircraft
carrier, traveling' a distance
equal to more than fear times
around the world. ' .:
Kenneth Lyle Mohney, phar
macist's mate" 2c, is spending a
30-day leave at his home, 1515
Bellevue street, Salem, after serv
ing 25 months at Pearl Harbor. .
Son of R. A. Mohney, sr, he was
graduated from Salem high school
In 1941. This is his first leave
since he enlisted in the navy on
February 20 1942. " ;
Xlic jaational institute
of JTreading Standards
v takes pleasure. in announcing the
y1 '
J , . jKa6Kr Sendee
v ; r rr; ';--y '::j;A '' : r; -;
hat iujccessfully passed a rigid mvestgatton
- as to refiabtfity, skill in workmansftip and in-,
egrtty and is entitled to be designated as a
Certified Master deader
and may use the Seal of .Qualify and safety
on tires retreaded by htm. Being a membefj
signifies that he adheres to the highest stand-
. ' . . "
ards and assures each patron of quality work
manship at a fair price."
Looks so rood, lasts
, so lonjr, costs so little. Thafa wh v
mor0 more wise car
teriabwd Goodyear tested insthods . ...
developed through Goodyear Research ; . to give you
plua perfcrcance over thousaadg cf extra- '
BUes. i:a ccrtiiicate's needed, so brin? in v " '
your feccthlea' today- for. FAST, extra
. nilert recappicx, " ,- - - " ' ,
. c.c:sid z7; -
LIU Anel Council
To Have Vacancies
; 1ST. ANGEL--A city caucus for
the purpose of nominating can
didates for the . offices of three
coundlmen ; whose terms expire
the first of the year, will be held
FridayV night October 13, at the .
city hal .Voting win be done at
the "regular election on Novem
ber 7. -' - " - I
Councflmen whose terms ex-
pire are Leonard Fisher,. Joseph
I Wachter and Joseph ' J. Keber,
.Coundlmen Keber and John. Jl'
Kloft and Marshal. Frank' Schmidt
have . tendered JtheJr ; resignations
to the city council and the coun-'
cil has accepted thenu:'
Thief Gets Refund ;l; :r
On Stolen Sho .
- OKLAHOMA CITY, Oct 5-(ff)-Mrs.
C. H. StegaB reported theft
of a pair of shoes from her auto
mobile. Police, checking .the store
for a detailed description of the
footwear, learned the thief, capi
talizing on the old saying : about
a woman changing her mind, . had
returned them 1 and received; an
$11 refund, explaining his "wife
had decided she didn't want them
after all.
Visit Sunnyside
' SUNNYSIDE Kenneth and Ed
na Williams from : Salem visited
Sunday: with 'Mr.- aind Mrs.- Paul
Cammach, and family. - ; ;
v- .. l .
ownera r fiVrft, liJ
At Frsd Meyer Tbc SoctiM
r-i c
I u
i .'1 1
U3 !L
Pfccae 4164
. -m ' - J