The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 03, 1944, Page 5, Image 5

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    ! The CCZGON STATESMAN. Scdara. Oregon, Tuesxr Morning, October 3. 13U
PAC3 nvs
ILsobqD IIws DB&TOffs!
1 1
Open. Ho e Planned Residents j Drlrer Arreted Caxl J. John
f Salem have been invited to at-1 nn f aimt twf i-n
tend the, ppen house reception of tjn. Monday by Patrolman. Marion
Marion county nurses' aides and Mathers on a charge of reckless
ed Cross home nursing students driving. The officer reported lie
z; . 7 ATT J7 I spottea J annson driving south on
FridaiL Pf , 6 Fairgrounds road at what appear
trom 230 to 9 p.m. The invitation 4.
t extended. Bed Cross workers and -docked" Johnson from Smith
aid Monday, to familiarize capi- stnei to.Ta road reported
- YZt v v w7"c the driver exceeded 40 miles per
work undertaken by j these two v 51.
oups, the training required and Johnson failed to stop when first
e interest shown. . , . gWea the siren. Johnson posted
Wanted: - experienced lady cook: I 5 J
icnneiaer r uoiiee. bnop. Come and meet your republican
' - . ' - J women at noon luncheon at club
t XT?! , Jr house, 460 N. Cottage: St, Wed-
itt.3ry Brix. 67. pioneer logging U- rt a ZZaa..-
'l' ursaay- near a- es by George. Tv CerlUiger.
idle while driving his automobile, national; committeewoman. and
pnx, an extensive logging opera- Mrs. John Y." Richardson! vice
Kr in tne lower oiumma area,
aras widely known as a writer of
prose and poetry. Survivors in
llude Mrs. Margaret Erp of Salem,
-1 sister. Funeral services were
Veld Monday at the Hughes-Ran
1 torn mortuary in Astoria.
: Participates mWar Oxest
chairman of state central com
mittee. : Women unable to - attend
luncheon are welcome to hear ad
dresses at 1 pjax Luncheon 65c
Auspices of Marion county com
mittee. Doris Woodburn, vice-
chairman. (Pd. adv.)
Wedding pictures taken at the
rhun-h Stat Ph 5722-
Enlistment Re-opened Enlist
ment in the US coast guard re
serve will be opened October 1
to 17-year-old men, after having
been closed since February, LL
(ig) L. A. Murray, 13th naval dis
trict, personnel procurement offi
cer, has announced, uregon men
may apply for enlistment at 808
SW Morrison street, Portland, Lt
Murray said. .
Excellent unpainted furniture,
desks, book shelves. R. D. Wood-
GasoUae Limited With the fall
opening of school, toe district
OPA has announced that only the
athletic coach or school teacher I school district books have been
who is regularly engaged in con-1 audited and may be called for at
ducting athletic training of the I the office of the county school su
team and requires mileage in car- J perintendent in the New Bligh
lying out his work, may obtain I building, it is announced.
an nrninational B ration to trans-I
I wm . . . ww ,.
oee conns upucai ior emm
Hearing Aid and supplies. Batter
ies for all standard makes
Valley Credit service vs. Lloyd
O. Weaver, Clarence and -Otto
Boetticher, Jr.; requests for execu
tions in alT cases filed.
Arguments for. following cases
heard: : Thomas Burton Hill vs.
Pearl May Hill, motion ' tor ap
pointment of referee; Cathcart vs.
Cathcart, taken .under advisement;
Kref t vs. Kreft !
Judge Duncan will preside be
fore new " October ; term Jury,
scheduled to report today at 9
an. Scheduled for trial are: City
of Salem vs. Ralph Miller, on ap
peal fro mmunicipal court, 10 ajn.
this morning; Madsen vs. Possehl,
alienation : case set for 9 ajn.
jinursuay. - -
Chester H. Robertson . vs. Hazel
Robertson; divorce granted; . cus
tody of .minor child to plaintiff,
with right of visitation to defend'
Sally. J. Knapp vs. "Alfred 0.
Knapp; charges cruel and inhu
man treatment, asks custody of
minor child and $70 per month for
its support . ,
Judith Tull vs. Lawrence Tull;
decree awards plaintiff custody., of
minor child, except weekends and
during summer months; defendant
to pay $20 monthly for child's sup
port, except during summer
Willie Poole, 33, Camp Adair,
and Mathilda Petrosiitch, 32, can
nery worker, 559 North 1 Liberty
street. ;-r- "T. t
Rolland Cleveland, 21, foreman,
Salem, and Doris Pyeatt, 19, clerk,
Salem' ". - . i
Adolf Krehbiet 41, .merchant
Pratum, and Elizabeth Toevs, 42,
beauty operator, 2073 Fairgrounds
avenue. " 1
Bureaus r Inc. vs. Max
Wanted Experienced meat cut
ter at Stat RtrAt MarVt
Morrow on Job Hugh Morrow,
O T . T A,.- ! I 1 I
aaiein ki.j uorarian, wuo nas oeen I "a-wj
on leave doing war work in the Salem Sea Scent ship No. 12, sponsored by the Veterans of Foreign Wan. starting reruari weekly months.
Seattle area, resumed his position meeUn in the Veterans hall on He4 and Church streets, is an eider boy ranen or b7 seomts ex Credit
here Monday. Mrs. Morrow and I America, ae of the parUdpatlnr agencies or we nuem unuea nrax vnesi, which bwm yern Shewey and wife; transcript
their two chfldren will join him f Til wlS " " State of Oregon vsi EUen Swen-
here shortly. Neva I LeBlond, who! Asskrtant Scent Exeentlve Harry Mlehelsen ts en deckto inspect the ahlp ; ff; case dismissed Monday tiDOH
motion of district attorney. An
indictment for forgery was return
ed a year and a half ago.
Cyrus F.-widrick j estate; ap
praisal of $8550 filed by Chris Ko-
his absence, has accepted the (Inn rrsvn I An I rl
Umatilla county libwlanship. r.C,V"V,VM
with headquarters at Pendleton. k " " a. ' j
Deafened are finding Salem's new VX "V
hearing aid headquarters means rvi' " a. HP Ji
better service. Free hearing test lOUTlSt 1(1 C
and private demonstration of new
symphonic acoustlcon. 90S 1st Na
tional Bank bldg. h
Prcdanalica 242 Girls Get
the Citizeni of Salem: ' CAllAJl.t aOH
By virtue of my office, I hereby OOrOIliy VUll
oclaim the week of October to I r ie "w '
port an amateur athletic team.
Legal secty. wanted. Ph. 9232.
Visit Detroit School Agnes C.
Booth, county school superintend'
ent and Carmalite Weddle, rural
school supervisor, visited the De
troit school Monday. The schools
farthest from Salem will be visited
first with others scheduled later
when the weather may not be as
14, 1944, National Business Wo
men's week. I urge the citizens of
our town to coonerata with the
Private burinesa in Oregon, if Business and! Professional Wo-
brganized to fecurt tourist trade, men's club of Salem in observing
Clerks Books Audited The could obtain for this state many this week.
times more than the less than 10 1 "Are We Part-Time Citizens?"
per cent tip from California's tour-1 is the challenging theme of the
1st industry" it now receives, Ar-1 week. It is question that every
thur Kirkham, vice-president of citizen should ! ask himself. Dy-
KOIN and representative of the namic citizenship requires work
Portland , Chamber of Commerce every working day of the year. ; A
committees on tourists - conven- once-ln-f our-years-citizen is not
tions and recreational resources, much good tot himself or anyone
told a Salem Chamber of Com- else .lor he has failed to observe
dab Will Eat The Dakota club forum; luncheon audience that cardinal principle of citizen-
Aurora Women's Club
Opens Fall Program
AURORA The ' fall opening
meeting of the Aurora Woman's
club will be held Wednesday, Oct
4,. at the home of Mrs. Emmett
Fountain, assisted by the presi
dent Mrs. Ray Yergen," and the
calendar committee u hostesses.
Suiinyside School -Has
New Pupils J
SUNNYSIDE The grade school
opened Monday, ' Mrs. M. Zuu
principal, reports 12 in her room,
and Mrs. Thomas, primary teach-
er, has 16 New pupils are Elea
nor ' Myers, Kay Elliott Nadine
Thomas, Gerald Butler, Madonna
Butler, , Virgil Myers, Vinal My
ers, Paul .Butler, Bernice Myers
and LeVbne "Ziegler.
The school has Joined Junior .
Red Cross and started the 4-H .
health club. " ; ' -
Mr. and Mrs. L." Sherwood gave
a dinner Friday for George J. Mc
Millen, who . is home ,on leave.
rrmi i ' L : ' -a . . . .
i nose present were air, ana mrx.t
George J. McMillen and 'family,.
Mir. and Mrs. Luther Billings 'and.'
family, Mr. and Mrs. Will Web-'
ster, Agnes Webster and Mr. .and'
Mrs; Roy, Webster and family. '
mftVAT.T.TS. Oct X-4A-Thir
teen mtionsl sororities t Oregon f C. O. Huggins and Ralph E.
stst mllMr nlnHmt Ml irl I Moody appraisers. Final hearinf
this fall torm. th hlshast number I set for November 4.
for anv nledae teriod excent the Eug George Shattuck estate;
first week last year, when 254 final hearing set for November 7
McntA mk. o ajn. aran mmwcs, aa
Th. fniiowtn w- from ministratrix, reports balance of
the Salem area:
Janice Lemmon, Salem, Alpha
will meet on Thursday at 6:30 at
WCTU halt Those attending will
bring basket supper, and coffee!
will be furnished. All former Da
kota ns are invited.
Myrtle wood. New shipment rare
quality. Pemberton's, 1950 S. 12th.
here Monday! ) (ship. "Be ye alert in exercising
A return of $200 for each dollar I your civic duty every day irt the
expended Is available:: for service year."
enterprises which wU band to- wnw .n a citizen b alert? The
gether to tell the world about the .nswaV i nlain . hv knowin the Hug, Salem, Kappa Alpha Theta;
' & a ... a I . i . f - wm 1 . Ji fM i . -
joant jkbkt ana rnjim juac-
Gregor, Salem, Kappa Kappa
Delta Pi; Ruth Van Orsdet Dal
las, Alpha Delta Pi; Betty Lively
and Marie Newman, Salem, Sig
ma Kappa; Marryanna Bollinger,
Nancy Montgomery and Pat VI
esko, Salem, Chi Omega; Anita
Hager and Jean Smith,' Salem,
Delta Delta. Delta; Jane Crider,
Dallas, Gamma Phi Beta; Jane
Findley, Rickreall, Margaret
Hughlett Salem, and Kathleen
Varied wonders or uregon, iutk- men and women nominated for of-
ham declared. Quoting figures of f. by watching the government
Investment and Income of the rhareed with local state and fed
Kfwanla Sneaker Tnt. Walter three California Organizations .rat administration, b readlntf re-
7 nr. developing & printing service Lansing of the Oregon state police, j Which sell the state but retain it porta, attending public hearings of
at Burke's Camera Shop. 174 N. will be the speaker at the Kiwanii """- the board of education, finance
Export Ualch
By Scientific
The Jcucl Dox
44S SUte 8t : Salem, Ore.
top - m i wm
Under the guise ef s "Betterment learae", bat timed for
political pmrpeees, there, has appeared tn the Salem press
vicioos attacks vpen the Courts of West Salem and the West
Salem Police. These attacks, while purporting to be for "bet
terment" purposes, are a reflection vpen the Jadrment ef
the good people ef West Salem la their elected officials and
can be nothing- bat harmful to the City fa general etty
f which the vast majority ef ns are Justly proud and which
we would like to be kept clean. Having nothing but the true -Interests
of West Salem and the surrounding territory tn
mind, the undersigned law abiding, patriotic citizens or
property owners ef West Salem and vicinity respectfully re
quest that this vicious attempt to break down law enforce
ment and return us to highways ef drunkards, broken bodies
and wrecked ears be stopped:
O. E. Snider
lut Laka Producers
Max Gehkn
Oregon Fruit Products
Goo. JL Rhoton
Willamette Packing Co.
Norria H. Looney !
Eivar Band Sand & Gra
' vol Co. .
oMBuoauoauBO - .
J. Hcrogtn i
190 Boaomont St
W.R. Mercer
Eal Estate .
Hans Hansen
S7S Edgewater
C A. Hauon
975 Edge water
H. a White ,
1091 Edgewater
I. W Thomas
1383 Edc
W. B.Gortk
Gerth's Cash Grocory
Leo A. Spitxbart
Boute I
Paul J. Woodrofte "
Saving Center ;
Fred Gibson .
190 Engwood
C M. Quislad
Beutler - Qulstad Lbr. Co.
S. G. Bohfason
Real Estate. 1132
Home Burglarised Ray Bail-
eyfs home at 1725 North Capitol
was . burglarized- between S ajn.
Saturday and Sunday night a
khaki army Jacket man's over
coat and a camera are missing. A
glass removed from the front door
admitted the burglar.
For home loans see Salem Fed
eral tin Smith T.ihertv.
dub luncheon at noon today la the
Marion hotel.
Willard batteries last longer. R.
D. Woodrow, 345 Center St. ,
Eugene KC Meeting Many
from Salem and Marion county
will attend the Knights of Colum
bus initiation next Sunday at Eugene..
tamed that business there - looks
upon the tourist dollar as an im
portant share of its legitimate in
come, a source second only to oil.
R. H. Baldock, state highway
engineer, and Sam Boardman, su-
perintendent of state parks, were
credited by the speaker with de
velopment of a state park system
of inestimable value and of su
perior - highways connecting all
portions of the state. Private in-
committee, health board, etc. And
by registering and voting, of
course. ' :
The Business and Professional
Women's clubs- have .undertaken
the task of making our responsi
bilities clear to us. i May public in
terest be their: reward. ) '
I. M. Doughton.
"May Mount Posters Marion
uounry. iuDiic neaim associauon i -n ' 1 1 A P71
was granted authority by the Sa- f llTCliaSC J4? I A
lem city council aionaay mgnt to
put posters on light poles of the
city to advertise Christmas seals
during the annual seal sale this
Civilians May i hjfr Catholic Group
J about both parks and highways Jnt o .
Cyn" Cronlse Photographs and
Frames. 1st Natl Bank Bldg.
Curtis Is Caller Ralph C. Cur-
tis: former managing editor of
The Statesman, who leaves early
next week for Ketchikan, Alaska,
to become, a partner in publication
of the newspaper there, was in
Salem - on business Monday. :
Photos made in the' home or stu
dio at pre war prices.' Ph.' 4522.
Hi-Lite Studios, 175 S. High.
New- - Secretary Mrs. Roger
Kellog on Monday became secre
tary to the county court and to
Mrs. Nona White, county -juvenile
officer. Mrs. Kellog had previous
ly been employed at the state
house.. ; ; i , '
Wanted Experienced meat cut-
. tor at SUte Street Market
Blase Halted Fire broke out in
the basement of a house, at 1125
North 21st street Monday after
noon and was quickly extinguish
ed by the fire department
Hundreds of new neckties Just ar
rived. Sugar and spice, and Cre
veling. $1. Alex Jones, 121 N
.High. .
Hospital Inmate Escapes Salem
police are looking for Dan Ott S4,
who is reported to' have run away
from Oregon state hospital Sunday
morning. , 1 .
Returns to Desk Gov. 'Ear!
SneU, in eastern' "Oregon 'deer
- hunting for several days, will. re-
turn' to his desK here today.
Army Vehicles
Procurement of 1471 military
vehicles from ninth service com
mand installations during the past
fivemonths by the treasury de
partment for disposition as sur
plus property in civilian fields, has
been announced at Fort Douglas,
Utah, command headquarters.
Value of the vehicles, which in
cluded . passenger . and command
cars, station wagons, ambulances,
weapon carriers, dump and cargo
trucks and motorcycles, amounted
to $531,862.98.
All of the equipment was turned
Over to the treasury department's
procurement division when it fail
ed to pass high requirements i of
army ordnance inspectors. Despite
failure to meet army standards,
many thousands of miles of usage
John Stephen Orth. lato resident Of
Medforo, Or., at a local Hospital Oc
tober 1. Survived by two daughters.
Mrm. Dorothy Barnes or Talent, ure
nd lira. Eleanor Robertson of "Med
lord. Announcement of ervlces later
by Clough-Barrick company.
about both parks ana highways jnt : o o
if the state and its business are II VI VP ft ftrVlift
to casn m to uie zuuest.
?I The Redwood Empire associa-1 Catholic Charities organization
tion, which though located in plays a major role in the welfare
northern California includes a cf Salem1 youth and in character
small sector of Oregon in its ter- building. This ! agency is one of
ritory, by private collection raised
7,000,000 to : purchase the red
wood groves which comprise its
chief stock in trade. Oregon's for
est!, rivers and beaches are avail
able to all, thanks to the fore-
sishtedness of Boardman ' and
Charles A. : Sprague, who as gov
ernor initiated, the plan for a con
tinuing lumber industry in the
state, the, speaker declared.
Thieves Take
Auto Parts .
the local groups to be maintained
with the assistance of the United
War Chest The local group is
affiliated with the Catholic Chari
ties of the archdiocese of Port
land. The Salem unit is composed
of six f directors, chosen from
Catholic membership in Salem.
General social welfare is stress
ed by the St Vincent de Paul so
ciety and character building; is the
inspiration of the Central Youth
organization. The youth group
sponsors and maintains program
of directed , recreational and ath
letic activities for Salem youths.
The welfare organization operates
under a trained - worker and a
volunteer group of laymen who
look after the needy, with food-
shelter,! clothing, medical care,
i We're
5 . ioLn:
Proud of the
at our Avon Refinery
f Thefts of accessories; from three
different cars were reported to
still remain in the vehicles if prop-1 police over the weekend.
erly utilized in civilian fields. W. U Phillips, 195 West LefeMe rTTsnitafLn"
oiiii;e tast Apru, military insuu- i iucci, niiwwu uiei. vm. iwu
lauons throughout the nation have! chrome spotlights from his car
turned over more than 50,000 mo-1 while it was parked in the 800
bue units to the Treasury Depart- block on North Winter, street
ment for resale, f If? Jim Loder, h 1870 ; Broadway.
Information relative to purchas- (asked police to be on the lookout
ing such equipment may be ob-1fdr two teeridrop green color
talned by writing the procurement I fender pants which he reported
officer, United States treasury de- stolen from his 1941' Chevrolet
partment, at 1623 West Thurman I whfle it was parked In the 800
street Seattle, Wash. (Washing- block on Court street
i Homer Smith, 87S North Sum
mer street, reported blue fender
pants stolen from his Buick. while
it was parked at the corner of
State and Cottage -streets, '
ton, Oregon, Montana and Idaho).
e iroes
Baek to Duty
Back to active duty for service
in all theaters of operations went
more than 15,000,000 pounds of
salvage metals collected during
July at ninth service command
military installations located
throughout the West
r The metals, which, included fer
rous and non-ferrous iron, copper,
brass, and aluminum, are syste
matically collected at installations
each month and sold on the civil
ian mart L- ' v -;Y"P v-'-'.-
Fcr Sale Cheap
Used Ilcdag Fiimzce
With approximately 111 feet
pipe. Suitable for 5 er I room
hoaset Small repair wfll aaake
rarnaee rood for many years.
? . CV",
w'r- 'r-i'V.: ' ' Vw J '
- i Phone 7762 "
Or Call at 10S9- S. High
IZoff jngo Loans on Dshl Propsrl
pio::zsd 7LU3T co::?aiiy. -
Estate Administration General Insurance
Commercial , Salem' - ; . Phone 3133
. , , i , '. MRS. FRANCES EDWARDS . ;
, v. - ; Lady Attendant ' ' i . "
Memory Pictures That Endure
1 "I cttfadn wish to express my gratitude to your
firm in making my Father's luneral sa lovely. I .hare
a great feeling of comfort over the last rite to ray dear
Father's memory," :'
, : , . : Sincerely, 4-- "
. . i "(signed) Mrs. F. t, Cl r '
(The above is an actual copy of one of many unsolicited let-:
ters in our file from one whom we have sensed) -
HbweU-Edvaids Funeral Home
545 North: Capitol Street- rhone S672
. formerly ! ; ' ' i - . -
Walker-IIoweU and Edwards-Terwilliger -
: (HityV sitting rmeords for meicn j 100-Odcn
.'. : Aviation Gatolitf for our fighting forest)
-1 cs, Associated is prood of the men and women who have worked so
: loyally and uueauttingljr at our great Avon refinery, turning out record
; quantities of 100-octane aviation gasoline, special fuels and 'lubricants for - -the
armed forces. - 1 ' ;
'- TTe're proud, too, of the others ptrriodcallj bending every effort to speed
completion of our giant new catalytic cracking plant-world's largest fluid ; . I
- " Type Catalytic Cracker unit which will vastly increase our aviation fuel .
pfoduction still further. I ,4 - f j ' -
.:... . '!'. i i. ;
I Avon's 10O-octane output was large in 1940, for Associated ercn then was
pioneering commercial volume production of tins super-fueL SiflcePearl -
. Harbor,' it has been doubled, redoubled and doubled again by immediate all
. out conirersion, plus tireless eHorts of the good soldiers in laboratory, draft-
' ing room and production line. Before this year's end, the new "Cat Cracker
will bring production to more than fifteen-fold rhelJMO lereL And it will
pour out additional thousands of barrels daily of die amazing new super i
V!4 aviation gasoline when the Army calls for it.-?; -
' Cur hats, are off to the Citizen Soldiers who Hare sldjtd on the ioh tt
y. 'Avon and at our other refinerieswho are finishing the jolt of helping our
! J fighting forces finish the cemy. - 1 - j - -
- . -. ?v ' " ' " i " , v.
. .,-brkers in refineries and other. war plants are not the only Citizen. Soldiers. &X
-Vou, siid mulions ince you, contribute mightily to Victory in" dozens oii ft U
dvilian activiricj, a few of which are fisted here. Let as all be Cozen Soldiers - iJjjL
r all the way." Led ttj on the joh nd finish the ot. t .
Art Yew Doing ALL You Cam
, Regular Blood Donor . O
Red Crass Worker . ':, . . . O
Active Nurse or Nunt'i Aide .-
- doaserviasvEMeatuI XfateruU . O
. Member AW.V,Cateen,UO.
Victory Cardeaer, Harvest Helper Q
SlTSlng Metal, Paper, Fats . O
Carina foe and Sharing Car , Q
' Doing NO TJaoecetsary Driviag
Olxenriag Cciliag Pikes i . .
Avoiding BlackMarkeu . . . O
Buying War Bonds to tit limit Q
:, Cnatriboting to War Fund . . O"
cAsowiS towns m attack
na roonut sckisuu .; -
I Iktu fo AssoctofW TootbaS
f perfects 17 A Ynar