The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 30, 1944, Page 6, Image 6

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    Miss Bliss ;
Pre-Game .
Miss Martha Jane Bliss,
daughter of Lt and Mrs. George
C Bliss,, was hostess for a de
lightful buffet supper party Fri
day night at the Bliss home on
Center street in compliment to
a group of the younger set. f
The supper-party preceded
the Salem high school-Klamath
Falls football game. The foot
ball them was carried out m
the table decorations, with a
miniature field with goal posts
arranged as the centerpiece.
. ' After the game Miss Bliss and
her guests returned Jta the JJliss. .
home for dancing and refresh
ments.. " ." '-. ' : ' ':. . ' :
At - the dinner .coven- were -placed
for Miss Rent Skaggs,
Miss Barbara Ryan, Miss Bar- .
bara Bates, Miss Marian Sparks,
Miss Sally Smith, Miss Pat Long,
Miss Carol Fallin, Miss. Sally
TerriL Miss Diane Riggs, Miss
Josephine Woelke and Miss
Martha Jane Bliss. v j -j
Miss Reed Weds
In Long Beach ;
The home of Rev. and Mrs.
W. Irwin Williams In Long
Beach, Calif, was the setting for
the marriage of Miss Lucille
Marie Reed, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Leo- V. Reed of Salem, and
Mr. Harold J. Hohnstein, motor
machinist's mate, second class.
United States navy, son of. Mrs.
George Hohnstein of Portland,
on Sunday, September 24.
Rev. Williams, former pastor
here, performed the ceremony
at 4 o'clock in the afternoon.
Miss Madge Lewis played ' the
wedding march and her sister,
Mrs. Iris Lewis Eschelman, sang -0
Promise Me and "Because."
; Mr. Ted V. Soy ha gave his
niece in marriage. She wore a
marine blue tailleur with black
accessories and a corsage of red
rosebuds and gardenias.
Mrs. Alfred Skaggs was her
sister's honor attendant. She
wore a forest green suit -with a
corsage of gardenias and yellow
rosebuds. .
Mr. -John Johnson, United
States navy, stood with Mr.
TfMinafoin n fut man '
Mrs. Reed, who accompanied
her daughter south, wore a black
euit with ! corsage of gardenias
and roses for the wedding. I
A reception for the wedding
guests was held after the cere
mony at the Williams home. I
The newlyweds left for San
Diego, where the bridegroom is
stationed, j Mrs. Hohnstein will
spend . several weeks .With her
husband in San Diego before re
turning to her work at Emanuel
hospital in Portland, where she
Is a member of the cadet nurse's
corps. '' -.',' f;-.
The bride is a graduate of .
Salem schools and Emanuel
School of Nursing. Her husband
Is a graduate of Benson j Poly
technic in Portland. ' t
Todays Menu
Apple muffins are the special
dish for this weekend, and menus
will include fall vegetables and
fruit ' i
Today i
i Creamed kippered salmon on
! Baked potato
Buttered broccoli
) ; Celery sticks
Chocolate cake
I- Fruit
Stuffed tomato salad :
Breaded veal steaks
. Scalloped potato
Harvard beets
Baked pears with "
Caramel sauce
a a
Menday ; -.
Avocado salad
Hamburger cakes
Spicy bran apple mutCii.
. Spinach
Cookies and fresh plum
"'i- '. '" s':
Spiey Apple Bran Muffins
1 cup bran".--'
. 1 cup milk ' ....
cup sugar .: '
2 taklespoons shortening -
1 egg, unbeaten
i cup chopped fresh apples -1
cup sifted flour
3 teaspoons baking powder
't teaspoon cinnamon
Vi teaspoon salt
Pour milk over bran and let
.-. soak S minutes. Cream sugar and
shortening; add egg 'and beat
very well. "Add bran mixture and
apple. Sift together flour, bak-
. ing powder, cinnamon and salt
Add to first mixture and mix
only enough to blend. Fill greas
ed muffin pans full, sprinkle
- with sugar and bake in hot oveo
(400 degrees) 25 minutes. Makes
12 medium muffins.
mix trzrir, tr-Tt tzzzs cr
Ire- j LI
Instant:.-, rtUtt rri r'"j, snecry
custress cf head cr s i itaerni-s
fcea yci tut a 1 . 3 jk-trt.ri o
each nostra. Also l.J;s r"""t l"- T
colds trom deveiepi-'! if ue,i It t
Just try ltl inlaw wecani la t tr.
a. m tm -mm -, ft W ,
: , ' : L- ' " " -JJ,,JJMMMMMBaMMMMaMMWeKieMSSeaaWeMeW i, t .. j, j
Rites' Read
At "Church
first Church of the Nazarene
was the setting for the marriage
of Miss Geneva 'Hammer, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs! L. V. Ham
mer, and Mr. Jack McNeill, son ,
of Mrs. Roy McNeill, on Friday
night at 80 o'cloct Rev. W.
Weaver Hess officiated before a
setting of chrysanthemums and
gladioluses In ' autumn shades.
Lighting the altar candles were
Miss Bunny and Miss Ferae Kel
ley, who wore white dresses.
Before the bridal party entered
Miss Connie Keller sang "Be
cause" and 1 Love You". Miss
Ruth Remple was the organist.
The bride, who was given in
marriage by her father, wore a
white satin gown designed prin
cess style with a full train. The
bodice was enhanced with pearl
beading 'around-the V neckline.
The long sleeves were full at the
shoulders and ended in points
over each wrist
Her train length tulle veil was
fashioned with a face veil which
cascaded from a coronet of pearl
beading. She carried a bouquet
of bouvardia, stephanotis and or- .
chids. v
The bride's sister, Mrs. Nor-'
man Fletcher of Portland, was
the matron of honor. She wore
an orchid taffeta dress made with
a gathered skirt, three, quarter
length sleeves and a fitted bod
ice. She carried a large French
nosegay of -pastel flowers. 4 i
Bridesmaids were Miss Mar
velle Calbraith and Mrs. Harry
Wilson, another sister of the
bride. Their dresses were of yel
low taffeta made with short
sleeves, sweetheart necklines and
full skirts. They carried pastel
nosegays and wore wreaths of
flowers In their hair.
Flower Girls ,
Diana Sitton and . Tamara
Needham were flower girls. They
wore matching ; green taffeta
frocks and carried miniature
Mr. Lawrence Shaw stood with
Mr. McNeill as best man. Ushers '
were Mr. George Grabenhorst,
jr Mr. Stanley Nueuns, Mj. G.'
B. Kelley and Mr. Roy Hammer.
For her daughter's marriage
Mrs. Hammer chose a renoir blue
two piece silk ensemble with
navy blue accessories. Mrs. Mc
Neill wore a plum crepe dress
with ; black accessories. Their
corsages were of gardenias and
The newlyweds greeted their
guests at a wedding reception at
the Salem Woman's club imme
- d Lately after the cerem&ny. Mrs.
Earl Hammer cut the bride's
cake and Miss Bunny Keller
passed the groom's cake. Missy
Elsie Bowler poured and assist-
ing were Miss Feme Kelley and
Mrs. Merrill Gallagher. Mrs.
Leonard Hammer was in charge
of the gift table. -
When the couple left on their
, wedding trip to , Seaside the
bride wore a black pm stripe suit
wjth fuchsia accessories. , Mr.
and Mrs. McNeill will return to
Salem to reside at 448 Belmont
street He is connected, with Ot
to J. Wilson Co.. i
iUte yew wdk ee eW- f " V'""1 V" Tl
OwseitwsiiMllo.lri'y .
ekah Me, lar or mm-, i fl J V ' -
f k
UBKKRKBKH eawaaaseaaooaaaaaawiwaaiA iaiaa
: ' 7 - . i I I I in) irrr--n -TT r i n 1 -
i MONDAY ' .
i Raima Rota court Order of
v Amaranth. buslMM meeting,
j Wesleyan Service Guild, Jason
1 Lee church, with Mrs. Lowell
. Joaea, Wi Nortn Mta street
' pjn.
" Delta Delta Delta ahimnae wlta
' Mrs. fred Moxley, 673 Miasloa,
I 7:30 pjn. '
j American " Legion ' auxfliaix,
I Woman's club- a , pja. f
: tuesdat :" " i" f j" i
t AAUW , recent fraduatcs meet
I with Mrs'. W. H. Bradford, X070
?. Center straeV S pjn.
.-- Mlsaourl Ladias auxiliary with.
IMr. A. Vlttone. 11M North 4to
: street, one o'clock luncheon. .
Chad wick chaptar. Order of
Eastern Star, S PJIU, Maaonte
. tampla. - A
Salem Central WCTU meet at
hall t pnt, tastallation of otfl-
Auxiliary and St Paul's Guild
?of St Paul's EplMopaL
North and South Circlea. lint
i Caocresational churdw meat at
church, S pja. 1
i PKP club, Schntidert. pjn,
-Call $783 tor retervattons.
Ratcliffs Hosts j
At Dinner i
;! Dinner guests at the home of
Mr. and Mrs Charles A. Rat-'
cliff, Friday night were Rev. and
Mrs. S. Raynor Smith, Rev. and
Mrs. David Nielsen and Mr. and
Mrs. F. P. Phipps. The table
was covered with a Belgian cut-
- 1 '. - , -s.
work embroidered linen cloth
. - i . i i
and centered with , a double 1
tiered plate filled with; tuberous
begonias and flanked with rose
Candles in crystal holders.
.1 Members, of the I Friendlyi
Neighbors Garden- club and their J
husbands were invited to join
the Ratcliffs ! and their guests
later in the evening when Rev.'.
Smith showed colored slides of
powers ne nad taken, special;
guests were Mr. and Mrs. E. F.'
Carleton and -Mr. William Mc-
Reynolds.'' - ff - ' :
Tonight Mr, and Mrs. Ratdiff:
Will entertain: at dinner for Dr."
and Mrs. R. Ivan LoveQ, Mr. and!
Mrs. William McKlnney. Mr.'
James Selplt' of Louisiana
Mr. William McReynolds.
Auxiliary Has
Meeting : m
i 1 f - - - S
t Auxiliary to the Carpenters
Union met on Thursday night at
tabor temple and made plans for!
a cooked food sale soon. ' ;
.1 Those present at the business
meeting included Mrs.-Jean Sel-'
lard, Mrs. Carolyn Johnson, Mrs.1
Evan Melvy, Mrs. B. Davidson,:
Mrs. E. C Cooter, Mrs. A. R.f
'Smith, Mrs. Sam Carter, Mrs..'
Jess Barnes, Mrs. Clarence;
Crowly, and Mrs. Ralph Maude.'
; Miss Ethel Lawler, daughter,
of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Lawless,!;
Will leave Sunday for Monmouth
to enter! the Oregon College of
Education, t
warded to
Salem Girl
First recipient of the new
Nancy Black Wallace scholar
ship Is Miss Geraldine Schmoker,
. 18-year-old graduate of Salem
nigh school, who this week was
awarded - full' ! tuition for four '
years in Willamette university
college of music, i
A violinist with an impressive
record despite her youth. Miss
Schmoker was chosen for the
new award from competitors
through the northwest and Call
fornia. v Selection was based on
try outs on the; campus, on mu
sicianship, poise, personality and
scholastic record. In scholar
ship, she has a record that rivals
her jmtslcal achievement, having
graduated last June as one of the
two top-ranking students of Sa
lem nigh school. t
The i new scholarship was
founded by Mr, and Mrs. Paul B.
Wallace of Salem and bis sister,
Mrs. William S. Lambie of Scat
borough, N.Y, In honor of Mr.
Wallace's mother. In learning of
Miss Schmoker's selection, Wal
lace expressed himself as well
satisfied with the award, since he
had followed the young violin
ist's musical career for years In
Salem and knew of her qualifi
cations. I : ; ;',: ; ; .;; .
Miss Schmoker has studied vi
olin for! eight years with Mary
Schults Duncan, of the Willam
ette faculty, and has studied pi
ano for four years. She has play
ed in the first violin section of
the Salem Philharmonic Sym
phony and other orchestras arid
participated In music festivals
and contests winning top ratings.
- In 1943 she won the Iva Tur
ner Memorial contest sponsored
by the Oregon Music Teachers' ,
association for the Salem district.
In 1942 She won the privilege of
going on to the regional-national
festival jef the National Vocal,
Band and Orchestra associatio.
There she won first division su
perior rating, i v
. At Salon high school, Miss
Schmoker was a member of the
Honor, society, vice president of
the Crescendo club, vice presi
dent of the Spanish dub, mem
ber of the Civics club and Pep
club and reporter on the Clarion.
- , I . .
Mrs.! Dohfrio
In the sanctuary of University
Methodist church; Los Angeles,
Calit, September 7, Miss Mary
Elizabeth Wire, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Wesley M. Wire of Sa
lem, became the bride of Mr
James Louis Donfrio USN, of
Canton, Ohio. V - . ,
i The Rev. Qyde M. Crist offi
ciated. . Miss Ann Gray, cousin
of the bride, was maid of honor.
Mr. R. I Dana Shultz, USN, a
friend of the groom, was best
man. I " ,
Mrs. Dorothy Gray, cousin of
the bride, lighted the tapers and
the bride's mother, Mrs. Wesley
M. Wire, gave the bride away.
The young couple have both
been students at Willamette uni
versity and Mrs. Donfrio plans to
re-enter as a junior next semes
ter. In the meantime she Is liv
ing in Los Angeles to be near her
husband, who ; Is stationed at
Camp Pendleton, i
" - If I r
Mrs. Harry Wiedmer, Mrs. V.
E. Kuhn and Mrs. Eugene HaHey
have returned; from 'a several
days stay1 at the Halley summer
home at Braemar Beach.
-1 .-
You can have your
exact . and IndiTid
nal dress form now
by the simple meth- -od
ot h s i n f the
F0IWI KIT, which
is available. now at'
Miller's. Instruc
tions are easy to
follow. Limited
quantity on hand.
Oregon. Saturday Morning. September SX 1944
v " Deem Molvin Geist ol the Willconotte university coUecjo of music Oeit) cmd Paul B.
Wcdlace donor, congratulata Miss Geraldine Schmoker, 18, Salem hijh school craduate,
fcla week' awarded the irst Nancy Black Wallace scholarship of full tuition for four years
in the Willamette music college. i
Plans Made
For District
Meeting ;
-i Members of Zonta Interna
tional, meeting' on Thursday
night at the Golden Pheasant,
made plans for a district con
vention to be held at the Ma- ,
rion hotel on October 21 and 22.
Mrs. Oscar Melgaard, local pres
ident, 1 presided at the business
session, and Miss Helen Yockey, -district
president, who will be
in charge of the convention, out
lined plans and announced com
mittees for the conference, which
is expected : to draw ISO dele-
gates from Oregon and Wash
ington. ; v' ,;.
Among other plans, is mat for
the celebration of the Zonta
club's silver anniversary. .
Miss Lena Belle Tartar, a
charter member of the Salem
club, is again -Included as a
member in the club, and was
Introduced on Thursday night,
with three new members. Miss
'Hazel Roenicke, Mrs. Gladys
Bacon and Miss Marjorie Tye.
Others present were Mrs. Os
car Melgaard, Mrs. - Margaret
Rosecranz, Miss Nellie Schwab,
Mrs. Theodore Madsen, Mrs.
Rollin K. Page, Mrs. Lelace El-,
jlis, Miss Helen Yockey, , Miss
Genevieve Morgan, Miss 'Anna
' Peters, Mrs. Byron B. Herrick,
Mrs. B. O. Schucking, Miss Dor
othy Pearce, Mrs. G rover Hill-
man, Miss Katherine Carthew,
Miss Edna Lucker, Miss Maxine
Buren, Miss Neva LeBlonde,
Mrs. Lucia Dare Tyler, Miss Ma
bel Savage, Mrs. Phil BrownelL
Mrs. W. E. Smith and Mrs. Ora
F. Mclntyre. .
Special DAV
Meeting 4 j
A special meeting of the Dis
abled American Veterans chap
ter and auxiliary wfil be held
Sunday night at 7 o'clock at the
home of the auxiliary! president,
Mrs. Stuart Johns, 470 Monroe
avenue. ' . j
Plans will be completed for
the Forget-Me-Not sale on Octo
ber 9 and 7. At the meeting the
flowers will be checked. !
Mrs. Robb a
Club Hostess j
Mrs. Verne- Robb 'was hostess
to members of the auxiliary to
the Isaak Walton League at her
home Wednesday night," Bridge
and pinochle were in play and a
late supper was served.
On October 11 the group will
hear Miss Marjorie .Tye, home
demonstration agent,; talk on
methods of preparing game, fish
and wild fowl " I
: f - - !- - '
Mr. and Mrs. Heater Gemlet,
sr, and Dr. and Mrs. Hugh Wil
liamson of Portland have return
ed from Seaside where they vis
ited with Commander and Mrs.
Charles G. Robertson,; who reside
at The Tides. The Goulets and
Williamsons stayed at the Sea
side hotel during their stay at
the beach resort .4
. 1,
Birthday Party
On Sunday
The home of Mr. and Mrs. Jo-
seph Herbert er on Norway street
will be the scene of a gala party
Sunday afternoon when their
twin daughters, Janice ; and .
Joyce, and son, Bobby, celebrate
their birthdays. The twins will
be four and the boy five. S -
After several hours of games,
.birthday cake and Ice cream will
be served. Prizes and favors will
be given the guests.
Honoring Janice, Joyce and
Bobby will be Franlde and Rod
ney Harris of Portland, Patsy
and Jackie Castle of Portland,
Rene Fritz of Prineville, Jimmy
Woodry, Duane, Jimmy and Ka
ren Wylder, Bonnie and j Billy
Johnson, Rita Jean and Connie
Holman, Tommy Van Houten,
Stevie Walen, Dennis and Keith
Olson, Delbert Isaacson, Charles
Allen and Tommy Herberger.
Richard Smarts
To Entertain ;
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Smart
will entertain for a group of
friends tonight at their j Rose
street home. The Smarts ! have
invited their guests to an Italian
dinner. Pinochle will be in play
: during the evening. ' V;
Covers will be placed for Mr.
and Mrs. Norval Edwards, Mr.
and Mrs. Roy Harland, Mr. and
Mrs. Wilmer Wells and Mr. and
Mrs. Richard Smart.
: yfm tJiow you ust two cocts do largt coItacHenir
nettd forbtouty tfyle, accurctt fit end flaw! tst :
wcrkrncnihip. Whether you choot on unf urrocS)
; cact cf tupsrb febric; cr cne rich with luxurfot.j
fur,ycu will went the ouurenco of basic quality that ?
. you find in ell our coets.Womsn(s tptdclizcd hzu i
Miss Gilles
Will Head
Plans are being: made for the .
first meeting of the PEP Teach
ers' club which will be held at
Schneider's Coffee Shop on
Wednesday night, October 4 at 6
o'clock. Hostesses are Miss Ma
thilda . GOles I and Mrs. Lucille
tend must , notify the V county ;
school superintendent's office, ,
piMMie VIW UUt "Vi p.
day, October a. AU new leacnera
ycetvaiai 1, aae na evwaa
Salem are invited to attend.
The PEP club was organized
Mrs. Mary L. Fulkerson as a -study
club for elementary teach- i
era. it ursi mecung was neu -
A "J.AA . .
on novmocr xa. ia, u jmh
ago, at the Liberty. schooL At
this time the first officers Were .
: elected who were: MrsJ Grace -Sehon,
president; Frank Ingham,
vice-president, and Mrs. Cecil
Wiggins, secrete ry-treasurer.
Salem Heights school - was se
lected as : the meeting place for
the first year. The name was
suggested: by Mrs. Emily Van
San ten and means Progressive
Educational Pedagogues.. 1
One of ; the first pieces of
work done by this group was
the booklet printed of story and
reasoning problems to be used
. in Marlon county schools in cor
relation with textbooks. Prob
lems were written about items
and prices within Marion coun
ty, and with an interesting and
an understanding background
for boys and girls of our coun
ty. Two ; years were spent on
work in art with' oil painting,
pottery, and pastel work. One
year : professional books were
read and discussed. Another
year was spent on the study of
the testing program in the coun
1 ty. Now I the club has ,! a social
and j recreational program.
Several charter members still
remain in the club ' including
Mrs. Elsie Carpenter, Mrs. Agnes
Booth, Mrs. EmUy Van Santen,
and Mrs.' Grace Sehon.
Officers for the coming year
are Miss Mathilda Gilles, presi
dent; Mrs. Lucille Kennedy,
vice-president; Mrs. Florence
Booth, secretary-treasurer, and
Mrs. Barbara LovcOc, reporter.
Mrs. James Davis (Mary Jane
Kestly) of Seattle arrived in Sa
lem Friday night to spend the
weekend! with her mother and
sister, Mrs. Walter Kestly. and
Mrs. Wendell Patch. This is Mrs.
Davis first visit to Salem since
her marriage in Seattle in June.
Free Installation -
Venetian Blinds
Free Estimate - Ne ObUsatiea
Write Bex ISC, ee Statesman