The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 26, 1944, Page 8, Image 8

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    Bevo- Knocked from Coast
' Playoffs by - Angels, 3 to 2
; Shorty sorties: "I've definitely signed Jim, Londos, world heavy
weight champion, for a match in the Salem armory sometime during
the first two weeks In October," announces. Promoter Ira Pilcher,
"and it might be in a title match, too." If Ray Steele beats him in
Portland Wednesday night for the title,4 1 intend rematching the two
for a Salem card. If Londos wins
111 try. to line up a suitable op
ponent for both he and Steele
here and make it a double main
event, .". Which means the pro
moting member of the Pilcher fa
mily Will have a topnotch show
for the crunch customers one way
or the other . . "Golden Streak
Londos Is no doubt the most suc-
v cessful champ ever to wear the
heavyweight spangles, and Steele,
another of those former football
greats. who turned to the torso
twisting biz along with the Son
enbergs, . Nagurskis, Rumbergs,
etc; has also been 'a first - cabin
-matman down through the years.
. . . And ' don't be surprised if
Pilch1 comes up with i a village
match between "The Angel" and
"Strangfer Lewis. He's after it
. . . Interested press box spec- i :
tators at the Washington - Willamette holocaust included naval Lieu
tenants Vaughn Corley, who set a record for being coach at U of Ore
gon the shortest time a week (he was taken into the navy), and
' "Buck" Bailey, he with the protuberant proboscis who was aide-in-chief
to -Babe" Hollingbery at WSC. As Bailey put it: "No matter
where or who, when the old bell rings we're like the fire hoss we
gotta be there." Another was 'Dutch" Clark, boss of the Seattle pro
Bombers, but he couldn't stood it after the first half . , . And one of a
. fleet of assistants to Husky Coach "Pest" Welch is none other than,
Chief Specialist Hal Chapman, the Woodburn high grid boss before
transferring over to Corvallis and then into the navy. HaL who in
tends returning to Corvallis after the war, warned us before the game
. the Huskies "had something", and how true, how true. He's been sta
tioned at Huskyland the past year and a half in the same capacity as
Messrs; Trotter, McGuire and Cottingham at Willamette
Any' Number of Things Happened at Seattle
What happened at Seattle? No one would like to know any more
than 23 Navy cats who actually appeared to be small boys playing
against the men Saturday. As we saw it, could have been any combi
. nation or all of: (1) The 'Cats were Jittery when they went out and
. when they saw how huge and how many were the probably purposely
underrated Huskies wham! (2) No question but what the 'Cats were
far off their Whitman edge and only once during the game found them-
selves offensively and defensively. (3) The Seattle scribes refuse to
call Saturday's mix a' test for Welch's gang, but from what we saw
of reserve strength,' devastating blocking and. tackling, gobs of -beef
which can really hoof it, deception from the "T" and the Notre Dame
single wing which often fooled even the press box biggies, and the
movements of a line which Saturday second-rated the "Charge of
the Light Brigade", we'd say the
to seriously bid for another Pasadena clambake. (4) The only weakness
shown were two fumbles (both recovered) from the "T" and the in
" ability to kick conversion points, but outside those the Huskies looked
whopperish in every department. (S) Perhaps it was the competition
- and perhaps t wasn't. It will take games with such as Fourth Air
Force, Southern Cal and California to show the true metal of the Hu--
kies. But when gents like Prof. Les Sparks, busier than four beavers
on the jaunt,' incidentally, and 'Coaches Trotter and McGuire admit
the Welchmen showed more deception than any Husky team they've
seen before well, you can bet they have something. ,
Huskies Poured it on, All Right
Did the Huskies pour it on? We think so. True, Welch used every
uan he had on .the bench, but not more than once when the reserves
Vere in there were they all alone. Key regulars were in and out right
bp through the final gun. With the score 32-0, Welch started his
first string the second halt Could be they were still smarting from
, the pasting taken from Southern Cal in the Rose Bowl and felt they
must get even with someone. Maybe "more experience needed" was the
reason.. . Vv :- , ij'
Speaking of smarting, for a team advertised as "green", the Hus
kies were certainly hep to all the tricks known generally by seasoned
veterans only, and no less than 14 Navycats came home feeling phy
sically fortunate to get here. Elbows, knees and fists flew through
out, tell the 'Cats, and to look at 'em you'll believe 'em. In short, read
the casualty list and then put two and two together:
Guard Ken Mantleknee which will probably bench him from
here hv Tackle Bill Blade-Ruptured blood vessel in arm from cleat
and battered knee. Tackle Jerry Wolfsehr missing front tooth and
not from biting on a tough steak. Fullback Floyd Simmons black eye
- and face bruises. Halfback Don Rochon knee and ankle injuries and
face bruises, especially around mouth. End Bill Cate knee injury,
serious. Guard Dave Lofts face bruises and wrenched ankle. Tackle
- Phuyn Schapacher wrenched shoulder. Quarterback Con Pavlocck
egg on forehead, and not of species which, will fry. Halfback Ken
Waldroff ankle. Guard George Fraser limping and not because of
- tender corn. Halfback Win Gallagher possibly broken ribs. Quarter-
oaca; zmu Anaerson limping, uuara wait Jacobs duck eye and a
beauty. .; . - ; v . : ''
. The foot back in football, in other words, along with a few fists.
The "green" huskies learned fast. : r
Salem Golf Club Championship
Meet Swings Into Second Heat
With all first round matches
the second heat also carded, the
tournament is well into second round firing. Closing up opening round
battling in the championship flight, BUI Stacey, the meet's medalist.
edged out Bill Busies: 1 up on the
win. Lawrence "Monk" , Alley
downed Millard Pekar, 4 and 3,
and draws Walt Cline, Jr., in the
second heatV-
i Glen Lengren advanced to the
quarterfinals by eliimlnating Bud
Waterman, 3 and 2, in their sec
ond rounder and will now play
the winner of the Leo Estey-Bob
Powell mix. In a second flight
first-rounder, J. W.' McAllister
nipped R. II. Baldock, 1 up, and
Lt Harold Hauk ' downed Walt
Larson, 6 and 4, in a sixth fUghter.
Second-round results in the first
flight saw Busick come hack to
eliminate Don Hendrie in another
match extended to the 19th hole,
Rusa Bones teele topple Jack Nash,
; 1 up, and John Graham close out
i Lloyd Davenport, 1 up. r
Dr. C E. Bates defeated McAl
lister In their second flight scrap,
3 and 2, and Tom Wise eliminated
noyd Baxter, 3 and 4 (Harry
Gustafson advanced in . the third
flight with a default: win over
Echreiber. ', .
A I) second-round competition in
the fourth lht was finished with
the following results Sunday:
Dave Eyre tipped Dr. IL E. Gadwa
3 up; III Hainan ' tapped Ralph
iactzics -3 and 2; Ecx KlmmeU
Washingtons definitely have enough
finally salted down and 13 others in
annual Salem Golf club championship
19th hole, and now plays Bill Good
ousted Ross Coppock 4 and 2 and
Ted Chambers nosed Dr. George
Hoffman 1 up. The only sixth
flight second-rounder saw C Bol
ton oust Pat Johnson 4 and 3. 1
. Second round matches due this week
and deadlined Sunday are as follows
cnamptonsmp eight stacey vs.
Goodwin. Cline ts. Alley - and - Estey
vs. Powell, rirst flight Thrush vs.
Pekfir. Second flight Thomson vs.
King and Scales rs. McCrary. Third
flight UeLaughlln vs. Emlen. Wood
vs. Baldock and Kenyon vs. Convey,
Fourth flicht all eotnoleted.. Fifth
flight Harris vs. Larson, Payne vs.
ugnmer, uunter vs. Marr and Clara
vs. Higgina. 6ixth
flight Uaukr vs.
Probable Ute
i SALT LAKE CITY, Sept 23 (JP)
Morris FickUn,' a star at Grand
Junction, Colo,. high last season,
probably will be at left halfback
for Utah in its football opened
with Idaho, southern branch, here
Saturday. Other likely starting
backs are Ben Zundel, quarter
back; Darren Hafen, halfback, and
Bob Summerhays, 'fullback. ".'
Pieretti Drops
Finale; Seals,,
LA to Battle
Seraphs Cop Series
Four Tilts to Two 'J
The Los Angeles Angels, winner
of the regular 1944 Pacific Coast
league pennant, tonight swept in
to the finals of the President's Cup
playoffs with a 3-2 victory over
the Portland Beavers. It was the
Angels fourth straight win over
Portland and gave them the series,
four. games to two. The Angels
now meet the San Francisco Seals
in the finals, that series slated to
start Wednesday night t ; ; i - .
San Francisco had defeated
Oakland, four games to one, wind
ing it up Sunday at San Francisco'
with a double header win, 9-7 and
2-o. .'v-y .-i,rL;::A
i Los Angeles 'also dumped Port
land twice Sunday by scores of
14-3 and 11-1 to gain the edge in
the series after Portland annexed
the first two games. '
t "Red" Adams,' former Western
International league pitcher best
ed Marino Pieretti, diminutive ace
of the Beaver staff for tonight's
clinching win. Adams allowed the
Beavers nine hits while Pieretti
was being touched for 10. The An
gels, after scoring twice: in . the
second inning and then allowing
the Beavers to tie it up with sin
gle counters in the third and sev
enth, put the game away with an
other tally in the ninth. Portland
acted as the I home team. ' BbtK
teams played errorless ball.
iThe loss closed the season for
the . Portland club, second , place,
finishers in 1 the ; regular ' season
race." :Z:Z:iZ ZZ'lX't-'
L a. , . . 020 tee eoi 3 10 V
Pert .;.T 001 000 1003 II
fi C Adams and Sarnl, Grlgg;
Pieretti and E. Adams. '
3 - ( ;t
Jayyees Sked
Grid Battles
I Four full teams deep in man
power but every one greener than
the grass they ; wish they had ;to
practice on, the Salem' high' Jay;
vees are rapidly rolling' toward the
opening of their grid season. The
team Is to be coached by Veteran
Herm Schwartzkopf. . , . ; ) r ;.
Thus ' far the. Jayvees have
scheduled definitely games ; with
Duration league teams Canby, Sil-
verton, Woodburn; Chemawa and
Molalla and will probably Include
two or three more with other elev
ens. Last night the team scrim
maged at Chemawa with Coach
"Chief" Thompson's tribe.
(Three leadcnvin each league)
Player. Clnk G AB K H Pet.
Walker. Dodaers 141 513 77 1SS J83
Mulil, Cards 651 107 , 1M J44
Medwick, Giants 126 -489 165 .337
Johnson, Red Sox 13S 500 106 163 .326
Doerr, Red sox l 48 n 193 J25
Boudreau. aeveld 143 S59 SO 181 .321
Runs batted in: American lea rue
Stephen, Browns 103; Johnson, Red
Sox 100; LindeD. Yankees S4. National
league Nicholson, cubs 113; Elliott,
Pirates 105; Sanders, Cards 101. Home
runs: American league Etten, Yan
kees 21; Stephens. Browns 1; Lindell,
Yankees 17; Johnson, Red Sox 17. Na
tional league Nicholson, Cubs 33;
Ott; Giants 86; Northey, Phils 20.
Funland whitewashed Master
Bread three straight, Senator Bar
bers nicked Keith ' Brown as
many, Paulus Bros, nudged Gold-ies:2-l.
Salem Golf club dropped
two) of three to o Portland General
Electric, Hartman Bros, toppled
Good Housekeeping 2-1 and Wood
burn bumped Court Street Radio
2-1 in Commercial league bowl
ing at Perfection last; night M
Harry Gustafson set a new sea
son nign lor single game with a
248 for the Radiomen and War
ren Valdez tossed a 573 series for
Funland,, the high for the night
The Funland 'series of 2612 was
a new league high and the single'
game total of 941 by the Barbers
wag also a new high.
H. Valdes ' ' ',; '
P. Valdei ,147
BUI Strode r ' 1M
W. Valdes 114
S. Mills 16
18 46
-878 836 881 SOS
Handicap 19
19 87
Boyer ,
Ashby i,.,..178
7U 781 2337
.? a
9 84
790 850 2394
Houser 171 169 217837
Welty . 11$ 136 179436
Cline , ia 172 171603
McCune : . t.ta 178 13 497
Dablberg i , mi 137 211629
. Handicap
.783 SIS 941 2338
IB5g 3s
In Baseball ,V , i.
146 :
10 SO
14 4'tO
'Biitt Battle' Set
, The "battle el the batting ti
1 eeppersAer "who's got the hard
est headr hlghnghta tonight's
armory eating
by the lixht
kitT y torse
twlsters, Paave
"King Keng"
Ka,tenen and
the r e y
Mask" the ma
sele misters
who are U do
! the erantam
cracking. The
"Mask," farmer
world champion who made hie
debot here last week,-;: hardly '
' a. sweat o wheal he Us-
t Ernie PUaae m twe
straight falls after baahuig the
1 -i
Battered Navymts, Happy Viks Back to Work
qhNetOuti Elevens 55
One herd bearing enough wounded to jam sick bay for a week and the other perched amack in the
state prep picture as a pigskin power already, Willamette Us Navycats and Salem high's ,Vkings hobble
and hop back to the practice fields this week for next excursions.'' Both village elevens look Klamath
Flying. Steeder May. Z v
Do It Literally?
The Aftoabladet said ' today In
'Its sports pages that - the
"chances are maeh better new
that Ante Aadersson and Gan
der Haegg" wiU be able te fly
te the United SUtea for the la-
doer track seasea this winter.
The article added that a deci
sion ea the proposed journey f
the Swedish middle distance
aces would be made In a few
days. ' f ) .
Pennant' Derby Glance:
BY the Associated Preset
- Gams
Teaau 1 W L Pet. Bhd
Detroit Z- S4 S4 SKA
St. Louis 84 . 64 J6S
. s
New I York -.81 67 Ml S
Remaining games: - Detroit Home.
Philadelphia (3), Washington 4).
Away, none. St Louis Home, Bos
ton (2). New York (4). Away, none.
Mew York Home, none. Away, Chl
cago ().;St. Louis (4).
Towe 'Z.
.142" 122
16 '178
.170 : 122
174 629
Scales ,
-799 760
787 8348
Lloyd -Herr
.708 772
771 2251
CLUB (1).
43 128
Parker " '
Emlen .
Haman .
752 2343
Totals L
Raybura "
Tto 821
CO. 2
.182 149
143 170
150 177
134 131
161 139
a. k.
Greene .
Totals .. ' -772 782
Duncan 131 180 154
'ones u ,. 13S 113 131
Talbot 184 141 138
Schmidt ,182 174 154
McCluskey 166 154 171
769 2323
.793 738 7 732 2248
Handicap 21
D. Trotter ' :
Hsttman. HA
Welch ' -
21 63
atcKlnoey- .
Totals -L
-793 743 788 2303
Curtis i
Kirchner J
Totals -:.
Perd - ' ,.- '
Austin I ,i I
Hicks -.
.769 784 780 2329
- 97
for Armory, &g Tonight
Portlan&er lnte rabmlsslon with
the head-to-head -hold." Net a
very big amy, the "M ask" is
stacked solidly and tarns te the
tricky and meanie staff te get
by. K a t e n e a, else former
ehamjtion la bis ewa right and
as ragged as they come ia the
pretty tights, has also used te ad
vantage well the noggin thampa.
Beth bleeppera can also raasle,
bat after their half of the doa
ble main eveat Is ever some
body's . beond te have a bead-
ache. - I.: -4.v;jv;IC- C'
Jack fP 1 a - a a Bey" Klser.
pride of the people and one ef
the most pepolar coast champs,
ever te wear the eeveted belt.,
shews ta the - first aaala eveat
against Toothless Tooghle Por
TIC SMrrn, UCLA halfback traveUlng behind pewerfal Interference,
'lugs the ball for ate yarda against Southern California as M.00I
fans, swelterlmg aader a 101 aecree aaa. Watch the -opened fee both
team. The thrilling battle ended la a 13-13 deadlock. (AF wire-
photo) ; ; - -.-.::.
.I-. . ' f- ;,-:J :.' , -
' assSsSsssssMfwigyssssisssss-- '.- '
sayw,sssassayeaSSS f
How They
gTTAMIlD. . .
W L Pet. W I. Pet.
Detroit S4 64 jeSiCleveand 72 7S .480
St. Louis 84 64 J68Chicago 89 78 .466
New Yrk SI 7 M7(Phlladel 68 SO .438
Boston 74 74 J00Washing 61 87 All
Yesterday's results: At Detroit 1.
Philadelphia S. At Chicago 1-4. New
York 3-S. At St Louis 3. Boston 0.
At Cleveland 6, Washington 8. Sun
day's results: At -Chicago 8-2, Wash
ington 5-0. At St. Louis a, Philadel
phia 8. At Detroit 8. Boston ' . Tt
Cleveland 4, New York 1.
W L Pet W L Pet.
St Louis 10846 .689 New Yk 65 88 At
Pittsburg 88 63 .583 Boston 61 87 .411
Cincinnat 84 63 J71jBrooklj'n 60 88 .406
Chicago 7S 75 .480,Philadel S 89 233
Yesterday's ' resuiu: At PnUadelphla
8-1, Chicago 7-4- (first game 10 tim
ings).' At Brooklyn l. fit. uuis a. At
New . York 8, Cincinnati J. At Boston
8-1. Pittsburgh 13-4. Sunday's results:
At Brooklyn 10-3. Chicago 3-4. At New
York 8-Z, Pittsburgh 4-3. At Philadel
phia 3-e.- St Louis 4-1. At Boston 1-0,
Cincinnati s-l . . ' -
Brecheen Hurls
, 1
Cardinal Win
Harry Brecheen warmed up for a
possible world series start by turn
ing back the' Brooklyn Dodgers
with six hits 3-1 but needed a two
run single by Augie Bergamo In
the ninth today to earn his 16 th
victory and No. 102 for the Cham
pion SL Louis Cardinals.
St. L. 809 tit 8022 f 1
Brook. J0O 109 IDO 1 S
- - Brecheea and ODea; Melton
aad Bragan. . . i
Jr. High Grid
Practice Delayiid
Leslie and Parrish junior highs'
football . practice. . scheduled to
open yesterday, was postponed
until Wednesday due to the fact
that no doctor to give physical
examinations was available yes
terday. All players are required
to pass a physical exam before
being allowed to participate in
public school athletics. '
RecIIeg Hopes Sink
NEW YORK, Sept 23.-
Shortstop Buddy Kerr put the
chill on Cincinnatfs dropping sec
ond place hopes today by driving
a ninth inning homer off the left
field wall on Ed Heussera first
pitch of the frame for a 3-2 vie
tory. ". '
Cincinnati ..C39 111 CC2 71
New York ..e09 CCJ C21-3 f 1
Censser r and If seller: Feld-
: man, Adams (9) and Ilancase,
Torres (f). " .j.
ter, .the Seattle jumping Jack.
Beth; gents are strictly , ea the
speetaealar side with their crun
ching and could easily swipe the
shew with one of these bell-te-bell
; hair-raisers. Beth mala
events are set for twe-ef-three-f
alia and limited te one hoar.
' Pas -Kewdy-f ODowdy.the
Balldog ' Jackson protege ' with
the earnlrai shew tactics, takes
ea Ernie Pilose la the S0 p. m.
opener. Either Ivaa Jones er
Milt Olson wd referee.' One . er
the ether, he win be asked by
Kaieaea,te examine eempletely.
In the ring, the -Wet hood worn
by "Mask," for last week many
easterners theaght the
eeaeealed a metal plate
his shroud, i - v
II irilil
Falls way the Vikings against the
Pelicans here Friday night and the
Cats against the K-F Marines
there Saturday, afternoon.
In the cast of Coach "TT-ommy
Drynans prepsters, it'll be a good
chance-ior their third victory in
many tries after knocking off
Milwaukee and Lincoln of : Port
land. And the 33-0 pasting suf
fered by the Pelicans last week at
the hands of Grant of Portland
tends to swing the favorite role
over to SHS for the annual clash
The T men proved they had
what it; took against a strong Lin
coln eleven with that 20-18 hod
and escaped the brawl with all
hands accounted for physically.
But In the case of Duke Trotter's
troupe, t isn't a question of a pos
sible victory against the GIs the
headman would be satisfied to
know whether hell be able to put
11 men ion the field Saturday. No
less than . 14 Navycats staggered
home from Seattle Sunday after
licking wounds all the way, some
of 'em serious. The huge Huskies,
advertised as a green club but cer
tainly up to snuff on all the, time-
tested tricks, dished out a frightful
physical, plastering to the 'Cats
while pouring it on the scoreboard.
It will take most of the practice
week ; to find 11 V-J2'ers sound
enough to waltz against the Gy
rines, but if time allows. Trotter
Intends 'working over ; the sieve
like line which was shredded all
over picturesque Washington Sta
The earliest equivalent of the
modern newspaper was a series
of Dublic announcements issued
during the Roman empire. ,
Purdue-JWichigau Battle Looms
: CHICAGO,' Sept 25-(ffH)e-spite
Pardae's 27-18 setback by
Great Lakes Satnrday, the meet- -lng
between the Boilennakers
aad Michigan's Wolverines late
ta Oeteber may settle the West
ern conference championship
which both teams shared last
seaaeai With v: doe respect te
scrappy Illinois which opened
the conference campaign Satur
day with a 26-lt victory ever
Tnflta", the leagne power still
seems vested la the reigning ee
.j Purdue made Its debut under
new Coach Cecil IsbeU with a
mature: eleven that atgalned
Great takes but waa victimised
by the sensational play of the
' Bluejackets' Jim YoueL Frits
Z Crisleri Welverines, meanwhile,
I rolled to their second straight
twin wUh a 11-0 eeaeaest ef
lUroette at JSlwaukee, Wis,
Satsrday night The Wolverines,
- who outplayed Marquette la first
'downs, 18 to 9, open conference
play next Saturday when they
play best te Indiana. - . - j
T h at coziest sloulJ prevUe
Brovng Blank, ox,
Tie for 1 si. Spot;
aukee ; Cop . Pair - '
, Potter Hurls 2-Hit Job; Detroit
Knocked Off 2-1 by Oiristopher
- " . By tee Associated Press'.'...-. .'
r - The fighting St Louis Browns climbed into a first place tie -with
the Detroit Tigers Monday night in the American league .
pennant race as they -defeated the Boston-Red Sox, 3 to 0r behind -,
the brilliant two-hit .pitching of Nelsori Potter. Earlier in the day
4t Detroit tte.tlim'were btimiied by'the Philadelphia eU(,-
2-1. Meanwhile, tho New : Yocsn Yankees, practically counted out r
Browns or Detroit,
'Birds Handed Nod
.: - - nj jacK uana -.--i-i.
NEW YORK, Sept 25-P)-Writ
lng a comparison piece on the 1844
world . series is -Hke swinging a
punch in a dark room.' You dont
know who you're swinging; at and
which way to duck. ' v- r ? fi ; .r
Figure Detroit's pitching due of
Hal Newhouser and Dozy Trout to
give the American league an edge
and you may wind. up Oct 4 with
the St Louia Browns - on . I your
hands and a crew-of veteran hurl
en who will be hard pressed to
match the Cardinal brand. '
If the Bengals can sustain their
two-month spurt through the last
week of the season, the series
schedule calling for one off day
after three tilts in St Louis Would
permit Steve O'Neill to stick with
Mr. Left and Mr. Right all the way
with the exception of a third-game
start for Stubby Overmrie. -
Both Newhouser (27-t) and
Trout (26-12) .have proved , they
can and will , work with, a two or
te day -rest .- A . southpaw like
Newhouser figures to have just the
equipment ior sxauing.ine tjarar
left handed power found in. Stan
MusiaL Ray . Sanders and Johnny
Hopp. Overmire, - another lefty
with an 11-11 record, might be the
"sleeper" Of the classic. He has
won bis last six with the pressure
on. .. 't.'st
In . the' vital statistics depart-'
ment Newhouser stands out in the
league as the strikeout, king, with
171: but also leads ' In walks with
88,- allowing 253 rhits in in
nings.; 'Trout has 139 strikeouts,
has passed 81 and allowed 294
blows in 330
workhorse" innings.
Rufe Gentry has won 11 and lost
13 and Johnny Gorsica has a 8-14
record. . " - '.
If the Browns nip the. Tigers at
the wire, Luke SeweU's quartet of
Nels Potter (17-7), Denny Gale
house (8-9), Bob Muncrief (13-8)
and Jack Kramer (16-13) will
take their turns. They'll get some
help from fellows like Sig Jakucki
(11-9), Al Hollingsworth (5-7)
and George Caster (6-6). Mun
crief has been troubled by a sore
arm for a month although taking
his turn now. . j .
Despite the brilliance of New
houser and Trout -the Cardinals
will go. into the series as favorites
on the strong right arms of Mort
Cooper and Ted Wilks and some
southpaw aid from Max Lanier
and Harry Brecheen.
Cubs Sweep Couple
PHILADELPHIA, Sept 25-(ff)
The Chicago Cubs swept a dou
bleheader from the Phillies to
night taking the nightcap 4-1 af
ter going 10 innings for a 7-8 vic
tory in the opener. Only 1611 fans
watched -the proceedings. . ;
Chicago 163 909 191 1-7 15 9
Phlladel. 620 062 002 0-4131
Gassaway, Yandenberg (9)
and Williams; Ripple, Karl 3),
Covington (9) and Antollck,
Peaeeek (10).
Chlcaro .....900 100 120-4 9 0
Phlladel. .-1.001 000 000-1 6 1
. Passeaa and Williams; Bar
rett Shaman (0); aad Peacock.
lime comparison between the
Wolverines and the IlllaL while
the meeting between Pardee and
Marquette also booked Saturday,
may throw stronger light on the
respective ..talenta -of -the -co-champions.
Purdue and Michi
gan collide Oct 22 at Ann Ar
bor, Mich. A third fray involv
ing a conference asember last
Saturday produced . a 19-13 . de
feat of Minnesota by the lewa
Seahawks who bowed te Michi
gan. 12-7. the previoas weekend.
The 'Boilermakers carried the
fight to Paul Brown's Bluejack
ets, but Yeuel's efforts, particu
larly in the final period, ruined
IsbeU's coming eat party. After
tossing three touchdown passes,
Yeuel streaked S3 yards en a
pant-return to clinch Great
Lakes' second victory and snap
Purdue's undefeated string. The
Wolverines .scored both tench
downs against Marquette la the
final half, calling on their bril
liant pass - eoistinatkm of CIU
CuCigaa and LLi Clfenburg for
a payoff aerial u'Ur Traduaia
Cese Dcrr!cc'.:i sc&red overland.
of - the torrid - flag chase, bounced
back '.into contention by taking a
doubleheader from the : Chicago '."
White Sox at Chicago, 3-1 in 12
Timings -And 5-4. -The New York
wins- left them three g-ames behind ;
the deadlocked ,: - Tigers V and,.
Browns. rj .. 'z ; - " . -v.- ..
Potter ?r bested - Rookie -- Clem
Drelsewerd in his fame, the latter ,
giving. up eight hits. In stoppings
the Detroit winning streak at four
Straight Russ Christopher, lanky :
A's moundsman, - gave the .Tigers c !
but four hits -while Rufus Gentry ',
was touched for six. The Mack-,
men put the- game , away- in the
eighth inning after both teams had r
scored in the second. Only. 5881 -fans
saw it " . -
i 1 Rookies Mel Queen and t Walt ;
Dublel tossed the Yankee victories,
Queen going the route in the long
opener and allowing eight hits. He
bested Orval Grove. - Dubiel al
lowed 10 . hits in the second game. -
Bostoa 900 009 800-9 2 9
St Louis JL 100 009 llx-S II
; Drelsewerd. Barrett (I) and,
Partee; Potter and Haywerth.
PhlladeLJ til 90S 919-2 S
Detroit J. 019 900 900-1 4 1
Christopher and Hayes; Gen
try and Richards.
N. York., lie 000 000 002-J 11 1
Chicago . 100 0t 108 000-1 SI
"". Qoeen , aad Garback; Grove,
Torner (12) and Tresh. -New
York.. 003 000 200-5 11 2 '
; Chicago Ill 000 120-4 10 1
-"' Dablel and Garbaek; Havnesi :
Maltzenberger (I), Ross (t) and
Jordan. "
Oswego First
OSWEGO, Sept 25-(P)-Win-.
ner of the grand prize at the Lake
Oswego - - Hunt club's ' Western
Horse show! was George Potts,
Jr, -Salem. -Potts earned 27 . points -on
Chief, which he rode from Sa-.
lem- to enter the show, .'and re- V
ceived a silver mounted saddle.
r. Second place at the horse show.-
I which ended Sunday, : went to
can loop, saiem, riding Rabbilt;
third to Craig Landeen. Oregon
City, riding -Jerry, and fourth, to
Harry Knoop, Oregon City, riding
Rocket 1 ' ' '
Braves Nail Pirates
But Lose Make-up Go
BOSTON, Sept 25 -(ff)-After
scoring another run for a 13-8 vic
tory while completing a game sus
pended here after eight innings on
Aug. 1, the Pittsburgh Pirates to
day dropped the regularly sched
uled contest to the Boston Braves
by a 5-4 margin in 13 Innings.
Unfinished first game of Aug. 1:
(Stopped at end of 8th inning)
Fittsbargh .. 430102 201 13 18 1
Bostons. 000 003 230- t 12 3
Starr, See (8) and Lopes; Ta
bln, C. Barrett (2) Klopp (7)
Cardonl (9) and Mast,
(Regular game)
Plttabg. 010 000 030 000 0-4 13 1 r
Beaten.. 000 200 000 0001 5 7 1
; SewelL 8tarr (10) 'Resdgne '
(11) Ree (13) and Lopes. Davis
(9); C Barrett aad Poland.
Indians Nick Nats, 6-0
CLEVELAND, Sept 25-C)-Ed
Klieman shut oat Washington with
four singles tonight as the Cleve
land Indians defeated the Nation
als 6 to 0. U M ,
WasbingteB,. 1 000 000 000-0 4 3
Cleveland.. 001 021 llx-8 11 0
Haefner and Goerra; Klieman '
aad Resar. "
Big-10 Biggie
Claude (Buddy) Young, na
tional sprint champion, scamper
ed te one teachdowa and set up,
another ta Illinois victory ever
Indlaaa which waa pat ea ice
by Dea Greenwood's pay-dirt .
scramble with an Interception of
a : desperation toss by Indiana's
Bob Uoernschesneyer. A. aeeoad
conference tut next ; Saturday
sends - Wisconsin lata a seasea
inaugural against ' North westera
which opened Friday night with
a 82-0 rent ef De Paaw;',' V !
l -
Of.f .TXaavM Jl. Df2.ChaaJ4J)
CCLVESS Oerballsts
. . 241 North Liberty
Upstairs Purtland General Bectrtr
Co Ofnoa uos) Saturday only
18 am to l pja4 to 1 pm Con I
nutation Blood orcasuro and arlns!
testa ar trs M aharg. PraeUocd
tUice 1S1I