The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 26, 1944, Page 7, Image 7

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    CI P
Tfc OUTGO!! STATESMAN, Seism. Oregon. Tuesday Morning. September S3, 1SU
Many Attend
Remodeled Building Is
Dedicated Sunday
. SILVERTONj SepV 23 Sev
eral hundred attended the ordin
ation services for Robert Neal, the
homecoming and dedication of the
rebuilt church basement, all three
held at the First Church of Christ
Sunday morning and afternoon.
The Rev. W. O. Livingstone of
Vernonia, assisted by Rev. Russell
Myers and I. R. rJeal, ordained
Rev. Robert Neal at the morning
service, following the sermon on
"Dedication given Ty Rev. Mr.
Myers. Special music " was fur
rushed by the choir, and by Mrs.
W.' O. Livingstone. Mrs. J. W.
Jordan directed the choir and
congregation singing.
Following ordination the Rev.
Mr. Neal gave the benediction and
lead in response.
At 2. o'clock . the dedication of
the remodeled first floor of the
church was held. Mrs. J. W. Jor
dan was in charge of the music
with Rev. Mr. Neal directing the
song service which preceded the
remainder of the program.? Rev.
E. J. Gils trap of the Turner Mem
orial home gave the invocation.
and Rev. Gene Robeinson both
the scripture reading and benedic
tion. The Rev. Dudley Strain of
Salem was the speaker of the af
Rev. Mr. Strain stressed, the
place the church should and failed
to fill in the war, .particularly
with the young people.) Strain
thought the church has done
poor job in its program of religious
education because of the number.
of spiritual . casualties . occurring
" daily. .. -;, .. -; .-V;V'
At the reception which followed
Miss Mary -McCall, Miss Louise
Specht Mrs. Victor Hadley and
Mrs. Robert Dickman poured at
lace covered tables centered with
michaelmas daisies and gold and
blue tapers..,': - P !
Among the out of town visitors
present at the Sunday services
Included Mrs. Victor Musgrave of
Portland, Mr. and Mrs. C P. Ri
ley of Hubbard, Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Rahn of Salem, Mrs. Rex
Lauson, and Rahny Gale of Yam
hill, Rev. and Mrs. W. O. Living
stone of Vernonia, Mr. and Mrs.
H. Gardon McCall of Portland,
Miss Geneva Gordan, cadet nurse
from Portland, Miss Louise Specht,
RN, Portland, Miss Bernie Gay,
Portland; Mr. and Mrs. Emil Oe
der, and Mrs. Win Lynch and
William David of Portland; Rev.
and Mrs. Gene Robinson and Tim
my of Turner, Rev. Dudley Strain
of Salem, Rev. L J. Gilstrap, Tur
ner; Mi. and Mrs. John Larson,
Corvallis sEUi: :wmtT;
Mrs. Ruth Jones Hall, Salem; Mrs.
. Jennie McClellan of West Stay
ton, and V. C? Peterson, Miss Min
nie Peterson and Mrs. George
White and Mrs. Anna Windom of
Aumsville: - and Frank Wray of
Tacoma. -':.-:. V, .
7oman Held in Bend i
or Fatal Shooting f
MADRAS, Sept 25-A-Arrest-
ed a few blocks from the scene of
fatal shooting, Katherine Grb?
ton, 33, was held in the Deschutes
county jail today. . . . ij
Jim Roach, 28, Warm Springs
lumber worker, was shot through
the stomach Saturday as he stood
in his apartment . here, Sheriff
Henry A. Dussault said. His wi
dow and three children live at
Kinzua, Ore. . - " 'j
Authorities took the woman to
Bend because the local Jail has no
facilities for women. - t
Seaman Dies
In Train Car
SAN PEDRO, Calif, Sept 25.-
WHTrapped nearly a week ago in
a refrigerator car, Orville Oliver,
Tacoma, Wash- seaman, was
found dead today. ; Police said he
probably suffocated when a fire,
kindled in an effort to keep warm
or to escape, consumed the oxygen
within the car. i e i:V
Oliver, student at the naval
small crafts training school on
Terminal island, had been work
ing on a banana loading dock in
his spare time. He had been miss
ing since Tuesday. , -
V A fellow . employe found the
body upon unlocking the car door
for an inspection. ,
Mt.ngel Service
Man Is Honored
MT. ANGEL A no host. lawn
dinner and supper in honor of Sgt
and Mrs. C J. Ebner, here on fur
lough, was held at the country
home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
Wavra Sunday. Cards and games
were enjoyed during the after
noon. "". - V ' ' " -"V- '. ': I
Present were Mr. and Mrs. G.
D. Ebner and Dolores; Mr. and
Mrs. Ray Ebner and family; Mr.
and Mrs. Bert Ebner and family;
Rev: Fathers John, s Hildebrand
and -Sebastian; Mr. hand Mrs.
Leonard Fisher and family; Mr.
and Mrs. William Beyer and fam
ily; Mrs. Ida Kirsch and AUie, Joe
and Mary; Mr.' and Mrs. Ed Ebner
and family; and Mr. and Mrs. Jo
seph Wavra, and Jeanette, George,
Donald and Charles. j (
Sgt Ebner is the son of Post
master and Mrs. G. D. Ebner. He
will return to his post at Fort Ri
ley, Kas, on Wednesday. His wife
will remain with her sister! at
Reedsport for the present
Knife, Fork
Club Dinner
Plans Ready
; ' tT 1 -. ...
The Knife and Fork club of
Salem is to be installed as the
first Oregon chapter of the Knife
and Fork Club International in a
program at the club's first din
ner Wednesday night in the Hotel
Marion , which will precede . the
address by George J. Rony, Euro
pean motion picture director and
author,, who i ,to speak on the
subject: ."Underground Europe
Fight Back." .
Secretary of State Robert S.
Famll Jr., will extend greetings
to the club on behalf of Oregon,
Carl W. Hogg, president of tee
Chamber of Commerce,, is to wel
come it : as a , Salem institution,
and the Knife and Fork Club In
ternational's director of public
relations, Paul B. Corr, will ex
tend greetings from the Interna
tional's president, Benjamin
Franklin. .
Frank B. Bennett, Salem sup
erintendent of schools and vice
president of the club, will respond
to the greetings on behalf of the
members. Justice G e o r g e Ross-
man, president of the club, is to
be toastmaster. The invocation-is
to be given, by the Rev. Dr. J. C
Harrison of the First Methodist
church, and the dinner is to be
preceded by the singing of the
national : anthem by Mrs. Frank
FBI Arrests
Spy Suspect
NEW iYORK, Sept 25.-vTVA
Holland - born former American
merchant marine captain was ar
rested by FBI agents today on
charge that he had been sent to
his country by the fascist Italian
intelligence to obtain plans for ra
dar, E. E. Conroy, special agent in
charge of the New York FBI, an
novnced. 4 ' ' ',
The 50 f year -old i naturalized
American was identified by Con
roy as Laurent Hendrikus Johan
nes Brack, who has been under
investigation since 1940. Brackx
said he was innocent and demand
ed a hearing. He was held in $25,
000 bail on a charge of conspiring
to commit espionage. ; . , .
Fruitlancl Will
Reopen Friday
(FRUITLAND The school will
begin here on Friday, Sept 29,
with Mrs. Elsie Giroc in charge.
The schoolhouse has been painted
and decorated on the inside.
The school bus is being driven
by Don Bisbee who picks up pupils
here, at Pratum, Bethel and Rick
ey for the junior and senior high
schools at Salem.
Hop picking was finished in the
Charles Yergen yard this week.
Considering the dry year he had a
very satisfactory yield. ,
Joyce Lambert has gone to Eu
gene to take nurses training at a
hospital there. She plans to en
ter the army later on. Before go
ing a party was held at the home
of Evelyn ''Peterson in her honor.
Adair Forest Land
Suggested for OSC
Suggestion has been made here
that the timberiand areas in the
Camp Adair military reservation
that have been declared surplus
acreage be turned over; to the
school of forestry at Oregon State
college, the state forester announ
ced. Monday. These tracts would
be included in the McDonald fot-
est ' . , ' .' , I
The original , area acquired by
the army comprises 1 58,000 acres,
and embrace timber, grazing and
farm lands. -j. I
Portlanders Report
Shortage of Lambs
PORTLAND, Sept 23.-W-
Housewives and butcher shops re
ported I a Iamb shortage here to
day, only a month after livestock
men complained of a surplus.
"The price paid by Portland
area packers is too low to bring
lambs to this point," was the rea
son given by R. iu. Clark, secre
tary of the Portland livestock ex
change. He said many local
lambs were being shipped to Chi
cago.:;" '' : v : - -.! - f ! '
He attributed the present scar
city partly; to OPA's "belated Ac
tion" in validating a spare ration
stamp for Jamb.
i- - - v - : - -
r - m
Turner Woiiieii
Are Hostesses -
; TURNER Mrs. Chas. . Standley,
Jr entertained the Sunshine club
Wednesday afternoon. Plans to
make scrap . books ' f or'; the USO
were discussed. The hostess served
refreshments to Mrs. Edith Mellis,
Mrs. J. Whitten, Mrs. Bernice
Johnson, Mrs. Estella' Miller, Mrs.
Pauline Regier, Mrs. Marjorie
Mitchell, Dale and Freddie. .."
, Mrs. Annie Windom was honors
ed Thursday afternoon when the
c,uilters of the Christian church
met at the church for luncheon, on
her birthday. -
Cornelius Dairy I
Sale Average Higli
SILVEftTON, Sept 25 Sixteen
cows in milk averaging $223 with
top going for $400, was the report
of M. G. Gonderson, salesmanager,
Saturday following the Friday sale
of the Osman Greathouse herd at
Cornelius. "- - .--'-i- 1
Mr. Gunderson said the weather
was just right and a big crowd was
out. Peterson Bros., of Tillamook
bought four head for $1200, pay
ing $335 for two, $300 for the third
and $230 f or the bull sold. f
E. Mcllvenna of Vancouver also
purchased four head, Including itip
at $400. Mr.' Mcllvenna has one
of the highest testing herds in the
Northwest. :-vv -:::r'
A total of 25 head - were sold
with CoL J. W. Hughes of Forest
Grove crying the auctioh and Tool
Abst of HiUsboro helping in the
ring. ' - '-'' '-:'' '
Mrs. Faulhaber Hostess
For Birthday Dinner
MT. ANGEL Mrs. Joseph L.
Faulhaber was hostess at a dinner
at the family home Friday night in
compliment to her husband and
his cousin, Fred Geshwill, both of
whom i were celebrating their
birthdays. ! i " ' '.; ; -: '
Present were Mr. and Mrs.
Feshwill and family, Mr. and Mrt.
Mike Hopfer and Anna, and Mr.
and Mrs. Faulhaber and family.
Gardners Visiting f
With Keizer Relatives
J KEIZER Guests Thursday at
the home of-Mr. and Mrs. D. M.
Doll were Mrs. Doll's sister, Mrs.
John Thoraa and son Don of Leb
anon. .
1 Mr. and Mrs. John Gardner and
14 months old son Johnny of Hol
lywood, Calif., have been visiting
at the home of his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. J. Ai'Gardner. " He was in
ducted into the army here Wed
nesday. I His wife and son plan to
stay here a few weeks. '
Three Rob Portland
Restaurant of $1500 :
masked trio of gunmen robbed an
outlying restaurant here of $1500
'. early today. ; ':-h
. One took the money i from the
safe as employes and customers
watched. The others guarded the
front door and another entrance.
Police were told the thieves fled
south on North Denver avenue inj
an automobile. ,
VFW Suggests 10-Year
Ban on Immigrants
i A 10-year ban on admission of
immigrants to this country was
advocated today by the Veterans
of Foreim Wars as one method
of reducing competition for Jobs
in the postwar period.
Thm immirration barrier was
one of four points included in a
VFW program of action ana out
lined at a, news conference by
Jean A. Erunner, recently-elected
- 4 4 ' , ; I
DUMMY CUM CAMOU FLAG CD Csasilm troops eatertag BXaafreBa Tartar Oetr
drhro to BoaIga fotaaA this ftaauay 15taun. gam eaaaoaflaged la a Freack grata ftcU.
. . cl.- - -fr ! iiiv -ty--1 -i-fin- ii - -r---' it i J- -"TtnriMiilii"iW-ir- mm'iai
ALLIES NEW 'STACHOUND'bdo iarlar tests r
I em a factory prorlag groaai. tide plctaro shows the aew 14-toa
i armored ear, called the "stagaoaaoV Which is spearheading Allied
advaoees la the European theater. ; '
7"; i :
( J
COAST GUARD RESCUE TEAM-An oatrrowOi of the war Is tab Coast Gear alr-
' tea rescue unit a plaat aai a cotter which also wia operato ta peacetime.
SKILFUL WORKMAN Lt Comdr. Koger L. Pataam
(left), back from Iraaee, examlaes the work of Huro Zessia, wbo
tarns oat gyro-compass rotors with a tolerance of .oWS inch la
tat fackago Machinery Co. war plant, SprlnrneM, Mass.
-: ' .:: : -
r - :; -.-
CANDIOATE This official campaign picture of FTCsidcnt
i "Xoosevelt was issued by the Democratic sutieasl commlUee.
SHAPE LYriere's the aew
est plctaro of Fr&aees Vorae,
New Yorkvrirt wbese pla-op la ;
: a two-piece swiaunlag rait made :
from a ctptnred Germxa para
ehnte won movie contracts for
both her aad the photographer.
IXkhael Levelle, -
4 ' "
INDOOR RAIN STORM-The nim Is falling oa a.
soaad stage, bat It's lost as wet as It would be aatdoors, oo a
"prop maa holds aa mbrella over Rath Warrick aad Coaala
. Laird, f , ta a llalae utorm scene for a film. -'
i r
UOM WEE cncial etcpalgn r'.clur tf r:-it;r nrry.C ;
" Tramaa. Demoeratls vice pretl-ea"al aoialaee.
OUTDOOR C II UHCII IN FRANCE An trrle ercisrl s:r.rRt.ers la rrsnee bCir'i'fa rt'.:r!3rs i:rr!:cs fcr
oKctrs. Crs ?i T7AC? cc?i?ct? sy Cspt Johnstone Cett!i, rre!etcMrl?!?. frcrs. VrAs Iilari. If. T. ,
EUckoBt," Coast Guard mzsctt
oa an LCI, who weat ashore la
Elcily, Italy aad Nnr.anir. Ka.
wrs a I-'e izcUt r.xi ty Vj
pIj just la case. . -
. t
ier in chief.