The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 26, 1944, Page 3, Image 3

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Tlx OSSGON STATESMAN. Salem. . Oregon. Tuesday Morning. Saptcxnbar 23. 1S44
page Timrr
From The
Family Visits
Jefferson Lodge Plans'
For Luncheon at
Auction Sale
JEFFERSON Members of the
Rebekah lodge will serve the Iun
v cheon at the Piri Beach home
Monday. Miss Laura Thomas was
named chairman of the luncheon
committee, and her helpers in
clude Bertha Curl, Bessie Porter.
Nettie Hawk, Battie. Goin and
. Lillian Smith to plan the refresh
ments. . .:;,
" Mr. and Mrs. James Stewart of
Los Angeles are visiting their par
. ents, Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Stephen-
son and Mr. and Mrs. Rex Stew
art and other relatives in this
. community. They came with Mrs.
Irvin Grenz and son John Wayne,
who drove from Los Angeles to
. her home in Lebanon. Stewart is
employed by the Los Angeles Mo
tor Coach, and is having a vaca
tion. They plan to stay ten days.
Mrs. D. W. Moritz and son Bil
ly, who spent the past week visit
ing at the home of her sister, Mrs.
Charles Smith and family, re
turned to her home at Jennings
Lodge Friday morning." .
, The all-day sewing of the Past
Noble Grand club which was sche-
. duied lor Tuesday, nas been post
poned until later.
; Mrs. E. M. Ackerman received
word Friday that her son, Lindsay
Doty who has been in a Seattle
hospital for treatment for stomach
. ulcers has been moved to his home,
much improved.
Oliver Stephenson has just fin
ished putting a new shingle roof
on his house in the south part of
Modified Bucket Brigade Utilized
Polk Prunes Handled Rapidly
By Family Co-op Work Plan '
Y . By Anna J. N.
JNORTH DALLAS At one of the
.vicinity the local reporter found
son in full swing the other day.
by Abe Ediger, who just recently-
' boxes so he wouldn't run short
; through the rush of the season.
'-; He had 1000 boxes on hand so
now the total of 3300 boxes will
be filled, hauled, emptied, hauled,
and filled as fast as the tunnels
will swallow, the luscious fruit
The prunes are large this year;
The buyers want them. So Abe
and his wife are drying them. Of
the many orchards he has under
contract several are cleaned up
and the season is only well be-,
gun. '"'v..
When asked about the labor
situation, the Edigers said, "We
were going to have all relatives
'working in the drier but find that
' others are needed extra." They
have about 40 relatives working
but many are otherwise ocupied.
Ediger's brother and wife run
the drier at night! The other night
' brother" John was caught between
' two stacks of trays in the hot tun
nel. He soon made his where
abouts known by. lustily 'voicing
his discomfort It was quite some
time before he was heard, how
ever, and a very excited ' John
emerged when helped by tran
sients sleeping nearby. The excit
, ing experience seems just a pas
sing incident in the rush of things.
.The Edigers employ about 50
pickers, and of this group there
is one family the like of which
never has been heard of in this
vicinity. In this family was found
a mother, father, one grown son,
two grown daughters and three
' youngsters, the youngest SV4 years
lolcL They use an effective sys
tem: one child brings empty buck
ets, another brings empty , boxes,
. the two men shake the fruit off
the trees, the others pick it- The
VA year old fellow picks 10 boxes
'a day, a feat which many a 10
Statesman's Community Correspondents
Settled Originally by Duhkards
Historic Bethel School District
In Marion County Has Reunion
- '.! ' ! - i V"
BETHEL One of the happiest occasions ever to take place at
Bethel was the reunion of the earliest pupils of the school on Sun
day. This historic district, first
from territory taker! from Fruitland, Macleay and what is now
Little Demand
For Livestocks
. SCIO Machinery and furni
ture brought satisfactory prices,
but livestock found a slow market
at the Frank Carey farm sale west
of Scio this week; according to E.
D. Myers, former S c, I f banker,
who clerked the sale. Carey, with
his sister, Miss Roberta, plans to
make his home wjth relatives in
California. 7 . ; - - '
W. H. Dennison, : Scio ' mer
chant, is reported improved from
a heart attack suffered Thursday
at his home here. ."--V 7 ':
Vladimir , Prokop ; is reported
seriously ill at the home of his
daughter, Mrs. Joe Boyanoysky,
in south Scio. ".v -v. H '
Norman Long, who has been in
falling health at his home on the
west outskirts of Scio for the past
several years, was a business vis
itor in town this week. .
Rumhiage Sale Planned
DALLAS Final plans for a
rummage sale were made at
meeting of the XL class of the
Methodist church Monday at the
home of Mrs. P. Jj Voth. Mrs
Cristine Bennett was co-hostess.
Edlrer - ,
large two unit driers in this
an interesting prune harvest sea
It is the one owned and; operated
bought 2500 more prune bushel
year old would find hard.! ' "
Saturday morning th family
started in a 17 acre orchard and
by noon they were at the drier
asking for the next orchard. This
is not a local family, they follow
the harvests around the country.
During the bean season they
picked a ton of beans a day. They
saved 40 tons of beans for Ameri
ca this summer. Just think of all
the dried prunes youth in the ser
vice will have available this win
ter through the assistance of this
family, whose -name - isn't even
known. If kodak film were more
plentiful a picture would be forth
coming. This, however, would pro
bably cause the fanners to mob
the family for next season. ; : .
Twice 11 Sign as
Aumsville Rooks
AUMSVILLE, Sept 25-lSchool
opened here Monday with an at
tendance of 62 in the high school
and 106 pupils in the grades. More
students are expected to enroll as
soon as seasonal work ends. Aums
ville has a. full corps of teachers.
Principal R. E. Hough reports
an unusual situation in the high
school freshman class.' .Twenty
two, of the 27 enrolled are boys.
Slim chance for an interesting
freshman prom. ;
Silverton Folk Visit -r
AURORA Mrs. J. C. Warnock
and Fred Warnock of Silverton
were guests Sunday of Mr. and
Mrs. James Ogle. ' !'
We Are Now Canning; Corn and Dehydrating Beets
West Salem Phone S223
. v. ;
settled by Dunkards, was formed
the Rickey I districts. . The old
Dunkard church was; purchased
and served as schoolhouse for
many years. -The present modern
and well equipped school is built
in the same school yard. ;
Mrs. sJ. G. Lauderback and
Mrs. A. L. Schulz planned the re-
Union and searched the old school
records ffor the names of I pupils
attending prior to : 1908, that be
ing about the number that is was
believed that the building would
accommodate.: Those who attend
ed the reunion asked that a -permanent
f organization be. formed
and a similar gathering held an
nuallyl '-.-.-'--' . ; i ;'r:,J.
W. It? Baker served as tempor
ary chairman and was elected
chairman for the coming year,
Wltn Mrs. bcnuiz elected' secre
tary-treasurer. The committee on
arrangements is Mrs. J. G. Lau
derback, Mrs. W. E. Branch, Mrs
George IE. Bahnsen.,
While still seated at the dinner
tables each guest was called 'on
for a thumbnail biography telling
of their families, their work and
location Those who had come the
farthest; wei e Mr. and Mrs. J. W,
Schrunk of Redmond. Mrs., Emma
Trice of Sheridan was the oldest
one. present; The youngest was a
granddaughter of Miles Branch of
Independence. . The ; one : living
longest in me community was
Mrs. (Remoh Evans) Schulz. -
i The heads of the families in at
tendance were- Mrs. Emma Trice,
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Trice, Sheri
dan; Mrs. Robert Kopplien, Mr
and Mrs. Arthur Kopplien, Has
kins; Mrs. Martha Anderson, De
Poe Bay; Mr. and Mrs. Miles
Branch, Independence; Mr. and
Mrs. M.s J. Crabtree, McMinnville
Mr. and Mrs. Louis B. Johnston,
Robertsf Mr. and j Mrs. Clifford
Johnston, Jefferson; Mr! and Mrs.
J. W. Schrunk, Redmond; Mr. and
Mrs. F. P. Runcorn, Gervais; Mrs!
Marion Arnold, Corvallis; and
from! Salem vicinity the families
of Harvey King, A. W. King. A.
E. LaBranche, Henry Carl, W. E.
Branch,! J. G. Lauderback, E. E.
Matten, C. A. Johnson, W. R. and
W. A. Baker, George Hain, George
E. Bahnsen, ; Henry Bahnsen, O
B. Chapman, A. L. Schulz, Mrs.
John Wright Mrs. Roy Mar
chand and many other guests and
children. , ' i
Pringle Declines
To Take Pupils
On! Tuition Basis
PRINGLE A Joint meeting o:
the faculty, ; school board and
maintainance personnel was held
last Friday night to go over plans
for the iroming school year. Ross
Rickert ( gave instructions on the
care and operations of the stoves,
which have been overhauled and
put in good working order.
The board adopted a policy of
not accepting tuition students from
outside his district.
Mrs. James Adams has been
named chairman for Pringle dis
trict on ,the United ; War ; Chest
drive and all members of the dis
trict will be contacted to give them
the chance to make a contribution.
ColfprepataUoP a directed
n u
Scio Property;
lhanges Hands
i Greenly Family Moves
.To Acreage Near ; l ;-.
City Limits !
SCIO Mr. and Mrs. Erich
Heise have . purchased from Roy
V. Sheltoa a lot in block nine on
the corner of Fruit and Oak street
In Wheeler's addition to s o u t h
Scio, and will move a house pur
chased from A. A. (Pete) Seaman
from, the Shelburn neighborhood.
The 'Heises have . resided , for the
past several years on the former
Joe Holub farm on the east out
skirts of ScioJ" ' . ; '
The Charles W. Greenly family
have moved - from the former
Andy Hetsendorf place on Frank
lin Butte ; to ; the , 20-acre farm
west - of Scio which they pur
chased - from ' the George . Ralle
family, who have .moved to Terre
bonne in , central i Oregon. The
Greenlys plan an increased acre
age of irrigated mint. A small
planting of that crop on the place.
this season yielded 5 pounds of
Oil to the acre, 50 per cent above
the average for this locality." i
Mrs. Anna Dobek Chladek, for
tnerly employed as a housekeeper
at the Joe. Oupor ' residence, has
purchased the residence; of
Smokey" Warrenstaff on Wheel
er street in north Scio. The War-
renstaffs have moved to an apart
ment at the A. C. Asbel residence
in south Scio. The Asbel house
was the residence of the late! Dr.
S. C. Browne on Main street 1
Mr. and Mrs. John Gabrek have
purchased the small residence of
Mrs. Ollie . MacDonald on north
Main street and will take imme
diate possession. L Mrs.- MacDonald
has not announced future plans.
The Gabreks have sold their resi
dence and 10 acres on the north
east outskirts of the, city to Mr.
land Mrs. Rolla She! ton. I
Ruth DeSart Returns .
.. - i
From California I
Sart has returned from Sacramen
to after spending the summer with
her uncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Van Dyke. She vacationed
at Lake, Tahoe. and .visited many
Other interesting places in Cali
fornia. . . ,
Miss De Sart will make her
home in Salem i where she is em
ployed. She was formerly em
ployed by the Long Bell Lumber
Co. -y , I
4-fooh3-foo Six . jJ) .jz-
. '. To 4-footxMoot Sh. j Wf 1
SQ, FF.- . . c. U "
You can apply it directly over present
walls without special preparation.
Makes gleaming, watertight walls for
kitchen or bathroom ... it's moisture,
crack, peel and chip proof ; Easy to in
stall, or installation can be arranged.
(cm n m m ,ra m
V M: V M
Leslie Whites
Turner Guests
TURNER -Mr. and Mrs. LesUe
E. White and daughter Leslie Lee
of Philadelphia, Penn, visited the
O. A. Warren family last week.
White is Mrs. Warren's nephew,
and is an executive of the Cole
man Lamp and Stove company.
Mrs. Nellie Gunning, who was
injured when she fell from a lad
der while picking' peaches, is much
improved at her home. -
W. Taylor ; Cooper of Newport
is visiting Mr, and Mrs. E. J. Gil
strap at the . Turner Memorial
Home. He will; leave next week
for Roseburg where he will spend
the winter.
. George B. Kellems and bis sis
ter; Mrs. Anne Burnhard of Eu
gene, moved in one of the cottages
at the Davis Court where they
will reside. L
' Charles Johnson,' employee of
the Keith Brown Lumber Co,
bought the Tom Ramsey place east
of Turner, part of the Charles Lit
tle farm.
Youths Damage .
City Water Main
SCIO Repairs have been com
pleted to the steel water main
crossing Thomas creek on Main
street The large leak, which im
paired pressure in south Scio for
several days, is stated by city of
ficials to be the work of Juvenile
Mrs. Anna Hirons. formerly of
Yakima, Wash., is making an ex
tended visit at the Com Osborn
farm north of Scio. Mrs. Hirons
is a daughter of the pioneer Mr.
Washburn, after whom, with the
Oregon trail Shelton family, the
town of Shelburn was named.
2 V- y
i.,, i m i 'I i
Dr. Harry AC Brown
184 N. Uberty St
Loo!:s end Vccrs LCtc Red Tils; Costs Atr.cdnHy Loss.
Cbohc of Ivory. White, Apriso end French C!-je.
Aumsville Families -Entertain
t AUMSVILLE Mr. and Mrs.
Merritt Brown, and daughter Jo
ann were weekend visitors with
his mother, Mrs, J ohanna Brown.
Mrs. Olive Snyder -who -has
been at Mill City with her daugh
ter, Mrs. Betty Frank, was here
at her home; for a week. She is
now visiting a daughter at Carlton,
and from there will go to st
with her son; Lester Snyder in
.Seattle. He, has . been ill but has
bow recovered sufficiently to re
sume his work at the airplane fac
tory, - - . - -
Average 6-Roent Hem
Requires Only 46 Bags
Insulate your home now against next winter's cold weather . .
You'll save enough on fuel bills to pay for the insulating
material. One bag covers 18-square feet 3 inches deep. Mineral
fill acts as a barrier to the spread of fire, won't rot, decay or
disintegrate. 1 : '
MIX Kllidfe 111) w.
, I ..I I"" II
484 State Street
Woods Family
Holds Reunion
DALLAS, Sept 25 Mr.
Mrs.. J. L. Woods, and Mr.
Mrs. Carl Black and son Maynard
of Montesano, Wash were week
end guests of Mr." and Mrs. George
Woods of Pallas. J. L. Woods Is
a brother of George Woods; Mrs.
Black is a niece.- This is their first
trip here in 20 years, j. .' t "
Mrs. .George Woods entertained
at a . birthday dinner. Saturday in
honor of a third brother, Everett
Woods, also of Dallas. , In addi
tion to the above house ' guests.
Saves Winter Fuel
u gfif-
. v
For Purchases TotcHng $10
ca lonaay
. SCOTTS MILLS The grade
school opened Sept 25, with Mrs.
Dora B. Rogers as principal. Bar
bara McGee and Mrs. Martha Gos
nell other teachers. ,
The school house has recently
undergone lots of repair work and
painting of the inside walls. Also
a new furnace has been installed.
those present . were Mr. and Mrs.
Everett Woods and daughter, Eve
lyn, Mrs. Jane . Baxter, and Fred
i in 25 bag lots
Salem, Oregon
9x9" Marbleized
Sq. Ff.
Merbltlzed Grtcn,
Red. Tan, Clack or
Gray; Plain Clack.
The madam floor finish.
Fire resistant and long
wearing. Stands up under
I m p a e t and abrasion of -heavy,
walking and acuf .
ling. Precision cut adgta '
maka H easy ta lay . -na
wasta for a u 1 1 1 n g .
. around cupboards as wltli
" ordinary floor, covering. ,
Colorful, a t a I a and spot .
proof surfaea la aay ta
; clean and keep clean. ' !
:"-Jr. F