The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 07, 1944, Page 5, Image 5

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Tb OSEGOll STATESMAN. Salem., Oregon. Tbursdar Mornlag; SptesLbr 7, 1844
ILHJ05aIl KTws EHMeffs
Campaigners to Get Ga Sup
plementary gasoline may be ob
tained for bonafide campaign
managers for candidate for state
or federal offices, regardless as to
whether such managers are paid
for such occupation, the OPA has
announced. "B" rations will be
available for the effective Septem
ber 11. Applicants must show they
are the principal managers for
candidates and that no other trans
portation is available.
Learn to Sew Complete courses
in dressmaking and- tailoring $10.
New classes now forming. Singer
Sewing Machine Co. 142 S. High.
For home loans see Salem Fed
eral. 130 South Liberty."
Gas Stations Penalised Gaso
line coupons which motorists fail
to endorse are being charged back
to the gallonage allotted to filling
stations accepting them, the OPA
disclosed, Wednesday. It was urged
that all motorists endorse every
coupon they hold.
Regular , Meeting Townsend
club No. 4 will meet tonight at 7:30
at 2125 North 4th street - - -
Wanted:" Good household
ture. Phone' 5862.
Hlberta . peaches . at Eola fruit
stand now ' ready. Mrs. B.' O.
Schuking, Rt 4. Ph. 5730.
Bridge Burns A small' bridge
over a culvert on the market road
No. 3, between Turner and Marlon
was burned by a grass fire on
Wednesday, and according to N. C.
Hubbs, county engineer, is being
replaced with a concrete one.
Excellent unpainted furniture,
desks, book shelves. R. D. Wood
row Co, 325 Center. "
Wanted Neat appearing girl or
young , lady for fountain work,
daytime work and steady employ
ment. Apply "in person. "Wiles
Drug Store.
Application Rejected The state
supreme court Wednesday disap
proved an application for rein
statement of 'William W. j Har
combe, Eugene attorney, who was
disbarred previously. The court's
action was based on a recommen
dation of the board of governors of
the state bar.
Wedding pictures taken st
church. 520 State. Ph. 5722.
men Wednesday were called on to
patch up the third finger of 14-year-old
Herbert Lange's right
hand after the boy, a resident of
960 Broadway, lost the end of the
. digit in a -joiner.
We cure meats to order. Kruger
Locket Sen Ph. 4730. 3050 Port.
Bd. . - , .
IS Escapees Sought State po
lice continued their search Wed
nesday for Andrew Cameron, 30,
and Ted Winters, 20, who escaped
from the State penitentiary annex
" near here Tuesday night. Thirteen
escapees j from' the prison axe
, sought by officials.
Iataam -
Stephen H. Ingham, late resident of
y3 mgnmaa avenue. satem, in t-orc-land
September S. Survived by wtte,
Kdna Infhara, and family, all of ; Sa
lem. Services will be held from; the
Clough-Barrick chapel Thursday, Sep
tember 7, t 1:30 pan. Ritualistic ser
vices by Kinfwood post American
Lesion, at Belcrest Memorial park.
- .
Weill' "
John C. Wells, late resident of 1S10
North 4th street. Tuesday. Septem
ber t, at a local hospital at the aire
f 71 years. Survived by his wife,
Mrs. IonaMay Wells of Salem: four
daughters, Mrs. Ruth Oglesby of Eu
gene. Mrs, Grace Hill and Mrs. Lois
Sawyer, bout of Salem, and Mrs. Mar-
caret Spores of - Marshfield; a step
, ' daughter. Mrs. Vera Fritach of Klam
ath Tails; five grandchildren and two
Teat ft-randchlldren. Services will be
held Friday, September S, at 10 JO ajn..
from the dougn-Barnca cnaoei witn
Rev. S. Baynor smlin omciaung. in
: terment in City View cemetery.
. Censer ".'';'
Omar Conkling Confer, Wednesd-
ay, September a. at tne veterans
hosoital in Rosebura. Survived -? by
', brother, A. J. Conger of Portland.
Tuneral announcements later by w
T. Rigdon company.
Vmaev ' '
WlKrcd Finney, - lata resident of
Jscksonvllle, Ore., at agt of M years.
Husband of Lottie Finney. Shipment
has been mad by W. T. augdon com
pany to :Mdford. - Ore., for services.
We wish to express our sin
cere thanks to all our friends
and neighbors who have helped
to comfort us in our recent be
reavement, in the - loss of our
dearly loved husband and father.
Also we thank each and every
one for the beautiful flowers.
Mrs. C. S. Thomas
' , - Lloyd L., William C,
. EarL and Albert R
- Oou! Oou! : '
Safeway has select quality, tree-ripened Hales and
Elbert aa I You won't find better fruit or lower prices
tsywhere than at your nearest Safeway Store. Make
ycur selections TODAY! .
Policemen Resign Two state
police department patrolmen, sta
tioned in the Salem district, Wed
nesday submitted, their resigna
tions to Charles P. Pray, state po-"
lice division superintendent, he
announced. Both man have been
connected with the department for
several years. . -
- Karl Murphy has accepted a po
sition as YMCA physical director,
James F. Dimmit will be associ
ated with a Salem tire concern.
, Assistant Named Appointment
of T. Walter Gillard, until recently
a lieutenant in the United States
army, as assistant attorney general
was announced : here Wednesday
by Attorney General George Neu
ner. Prior to entering the army
Gillard practiced law in Portland
for several years; .He has been as
signed to the state industrial acci
dent commission. 4
Improved Ebertas, the perfect
canning . peach. ' Will be ready
about Sept. 1. L. L. Fruit Ranch;
Keizer Bottom. ; '. : .(
Locker Signup Scheduled Les
lie junior high school pupils are
asked to visit. the school In com
pany with a partner and sign for
lockers between now and Septem
ber 18, it was announced Wednes
day. : Pupils should ' come' armed
with, the 25 .cent, feeJ it was
stressed. , "
For Kem-Tone shop R. D. Wood-
row's. 343 Center Strt. . 1
. Injury Still Mystery Floy An
derson Hastay, found injured by
state police here Tuesday night.
was reported in' fair condition at
a Salem hospital Wednesday. How
he sustained the injury has not yet
been determined, police said. ,
Prone Processing Starts Prune
processing got under way at the
Allan Fruit company plant here
Wednesday. A large part of this
year's pack will be frozen.
Beauty operators: II you are a
graduate of the Oregon Beauty
School, shops in and tmt of town
will pay you best . salaries and
commissions. For jobs call 6800.
Bennett Speaker - at Lions
Frank Bennett,) superintendent of
the Salem schools, will be " the
speaker at4he Lions club at "noon
today in the Marion hotel.
Cyn" Cronise Photographs and
Frames. 1st Natl Bank Bldg.,
Teachers Ready Salem school
officials said Wednesday all teach
ing positions had been filled for
the next year. The date of school
opening, September 18, was an
nounced previously by Superin
tendent Frank Bennett A heavy
registration is anticipated.
Hosiery mending. Montgomery
Wards. Quality work, reasonable
New Leslie Paplls New pupils
this year at Leslie, school are asked
to register, before school opens.
Registration hours are from 9 to 4
o'clock any day but Saturday.
Chfld Cuts Wrist Sheila Ry
land, 11, 3205 Portland road, was
taken to Salem General hospital
Wednesday night to have severa
stitches taken in a wrist she had
cut on a glass. The Salem first
aid responded to the calL
Hospital Plan
Is Approved
The state board of control Wed
nesd ay tentatively approved
sketch of the proposed new addi
uon to the nurses' home at the
Eastern Oregon state hospital at
Pendleton, at a cost estimated at
S4L300. The 1943 legislature au
thorized an appropriation of $45,
000 for the project
; Hospital officials informed the
board that this structure probably
could be erected before the end of
the war and bids may be sought
within the next few weeks. While
in Pendleton next week . board
members will confer with the hos
pital staff. '
The new addition will house J8
nurses and attendants.
Embarkation' Road work
Contract Is Awarded ,
1 PORTLAND, Sept 'HV-Park
er-Schram company. Portland, has
been awarded $29,621.50 con
tract for roadwork at the Portland
sub-port " of embarkation, CoL
Ralph A Tudor, district army en
gineer head, said today.
1 ?'$yy
Gty Limits
Are Discussed
The letter nd intent of a four-
year-old taty-approved resolution,
granting permission to the-Salem
Electric Cooperative association to
set up 20 poles for the distribution
of .Bonneville power, was under
tudy by the city's street and util-1
ities committee today. . C i 1
The resolution was brought to I
the attention . of the . city council
through allegations that the coop
erative was .violating its grant by !
exceeding its' pole limit.
One letter j from W. M. Hamil
ton, manager of the Portland Gen
eral (Electric! company in Salem,
declared the cooperative was "cir
cumventing'' its grant by putting
up additional poles on , private
property,' away from street and al-
ey lines, and by , making use of
other poles, j j
Hi B. .Read, cooperative presi-
dent speaking outside' of council I
chambers, and "we 'have set no
poles in violation of feny ordinance
x x and have as much right to
the streets and alleys of our Own
city as does absentee power.
The limiting grant was made In
July of 1940 after an investigating
committee reported that Bonne-.
ville power officials at that time
were opposed ' to duplicating sys
tem. . . . . . ; .
r - - r- 1--
SPj&S Names;
T, F. Dixon, vice president, and
I general manager, SP&S railway
company announces the promotion
and appointments J. C. Moore to
the position bf traffic, manager ef
fective September 1, a newly cre
ated position, i
Moore entered railroad service!
as messenger with the Union Pa-1
cific at HunUngton: Ore in 1903.1
transferrins to Portland in 1907.1
serving in the local freight office
fori two years." Shortly after the
SP&S railway and subsidiary lines
were built, Mr. Moore joined these
lines in September. 1909 as rate
clerk in the .traffic department,
and' has .received successive ad'
vancements through various posi
tions. During the past two years
he has headed the traffic depart
ment in the : position of general
freight and passenger agent
Platoons Get
Extra Notice
J.: - ; I f;
Two Salem farm platoons were
mentioned by the farm labor of
fice Wednesday as having drawn
particularly favorable comment
this season.! -- 1 1 r
The one led by Mrs. Calvin
Kent, which includes 40 to 50 chil
dren, has worked steadily since
June 27, first on a long task with
cherries at; the Pearl Gould or
chard in Mission Bottom and then
in the bean patches of H. L. Pearcy
of the samej general area. At the
finish there! Mrs. Kent treated the
platoon to ice cream and in turn
received a gift 1
The platoon of 40 children, led
by 1 Mrs. Carl Aspinwall, played
the role of. goodfellowship Tues
day. When, the rancher for whom
they had been working became
handicapped by illness in his; fam
ily, tne enure platoon donated a
full day's work to aid him. ,
II::Ic:5 She!: Szil
Bits of embroidery adorns
this dashing slack suit and
gay bolero and again on the
belt that w h 1 1 1 1 e s your
waist ' line to the merest
whisp cl slenderizing beau
ty ' gay colors too for
;Your- entertaining or leisure
mood, .'i
$3,0-95 , J SJ2-95
111 "
I i o )
IPcalbDilc IHIsgondb V
Laurence EL Addison vs.'Claud-
ine Addison; complaint for divorce
alleges cruel and inhuman treat
ment.': -; -
State Vs. Gerald Anthony Wal
lace and -George .C Bernard;
charges .unlawful .use" of "vehicle;
Bound over to grand jury and .bail
set at $1000. ; ' '. . " ? ',
rpadrick vsV Errion mvolviof
coos i ovster lands. . testimony
heardi continued ft September :
at 90 ajn. . -
State vs. Andy Eide; defendant
charged with larceny , from build
ing; bail fixed at $500 and commit
ment issued. 1 . i.'V ii'-J..
William Goode and C K. Den-
nison t doing - business as Electric
Fixture and Supply company: vs.
Mat:tRingwald; -,' satisfaction of
Edgar ' ' Crosby vs. ' System
Frelcht - Service: petitioned to
strike; out certain motions in com:
piaini : - . -
: .Emelia'' Schatz vs.' Jacob 'F.
SchaU; application to place on di
tvorce calendar. Hearing set for
September' 18, 10 pjn. , . ' -V
Curtis Ferguson vs. Edythe Tec-
guson; puunuxf replies to answer
with counterclaim."
E. B. Cochran vs. J. O. Farr up
on motion of deferidanV matter of
water right referred to state en
Chester. R, Robinson 5s. Gladys
Robinson; complaint - for . divorce
alleges cruel, and inhuman , treat;
ment and ask4 custody of two chil-
Jean 1 Saunders vs. . Udell Frank
Saunders; decree' gives .custody pf
child to piaintm, with S3U a mpntn
support money .and $300 alimony.
Right of visitation granted de
fendant " - .. ' ..
Fern'Gallion vs. Hubert Gallion;
decree of divorce restores maiden
name of Fern Smith to plaintiff.'
Raymond ' John" Fruechting" vs.
Jean" White Fruechting; complaint
auegea cruet- and inhuman -trcat-
ment and asks divorce. Married
May 10, 1943
Margaret'Gertrude Edwards' vs.
CeciT- Albert "Edwards; decree
grants 'custody of two children to
plaintiff, with $30 a mdnth support
money lor each.'
. -Myrtle; Phillips and others vs
I Glenn E. Prine, jr and others
decree quiets -title to block t lot 10
of Highland addition. , V ;
Leonard Chadwick estate; final
account of Bertha Chadwick, ad
ministratrix, approved.
Charles ' Washington Usher es
tate; final and supplemental ac
count filed, William J.- Linfoot, ex
ecutor. Total receipts $175.74, to
tal disbursements, $175.74.' ; V. .-.
Henry S c h u ltenbein estate
Ralph SkopU, guardian for Robert
Stevely, minor, alleges insufficient
funds on hand to satisfy bills due
and asks for order of court author
izing sale of property. -t -
Notice of assumed business name
of City Center Court filed by Wil
liam E. and Beulah L. Foren. No
tice j of retirement from Motor
Courtel filed by William E. Foren,
How To Get Your Share
Of Wtiihv
"TUE to circumstances i beyond our control, wc
. know that many of our friends .try. to; buy,:
, Olympia Beer and meet with disappomentJr -; .
, If you are one of the thousands who prefer mild, :
' light Qlympiii we suggest leave advance
orders withyour grocer, xlruggist, dispenser, or other :
j . V Beer-by'the botde ;
--.-?.-- m , - v. : . , . 4 . . ..
H' ; :r: c Ibvcitp dispcnsersffrequently find themselves
without a 'supply to accommodate the carry away'
: trade. In such cases, try again. ,
! i We are making a sincere and conscientious effort
to distribute our supplies .equitably to all retailers.
Ray Borglo and Grace F. Borgio.
Walter A. Lottis, notice of as
sumed business, Valley Welding
Supply company! . ; ;
Jonathan Schindler and others.
vs. Lena Stahlin and others; an
swer of plaintiffs for order of court
to tletermine irrtereits of parties in
regard to certain TeaT property and
to appoint suitable, referee to sell
said property. '
Douglas Allen Wilson, . minor;
Belle. Zike approved as guardian.
Guardianship of Richard Amile
Aufranc, a minor; settlement ap
proved.' Y;.- j; .
William E. Deeney estate; al
lows until October 20 for Marie
Louise Deeney, executrix to file
Warren Robert Palmer estate;
appraisal of $3500 made by W. G
Krueger, ' L M. Twedt and C A.
Martin. -'!;' -j - -i '
Final decrees of E. A. and Anna
Thayer estates filed. " '
Arabel Haskms Warren estate;
final account filed by Warren; A.
. . .
msKtns, executor.
Case of Charles Alvin Wade on
charges of unlawful possession of
liquor and unlawful transportation
of liquor continued. -Defendant is
held in jail on failure to make bail
of $500 and $1000.; " j:
Robert W.: DeArmond, 28, attor
ney"and'Maxlne Pearl? McKUlop,
26, secretary, both of Salem. - ;
Board DeterTOines
State! Will Gontintie
Insurance on Flax
i The state board f cohfxol Wed'
nesday voted to continue carrying
insurance on the state flax plant
but ..did. not. designate how", much
insurance , would ' be carried - or
where it would be purchased.
Until September 25, when some
LiTcstock Poultry
Cannins;'- Farm Product
jit. Show 1030 A. M. :
Auction 2 :30 P. M.
Scppsrj fixz ASL Boys and Girls
- A - - ' ' - . - .
Producer T2.LTAST" m superior Brewers
Yeast ifllgh NATU2AL L-CompUx Vitamia
of the policies elapsed, the insur
ance aggregated $432,250, with an i
annual premium of $13,000. 5 Fol
lowing three costly fires in 1940,
Which destroyed three flax sheds
and a large amount of flax straw,
the - Insurance . was taken! out
through the Beck Wadsworth com
pany of Salem. .
ShoVvs Movies
To Rotarians
The importance of the produc
tion line in winning the war was
stressed in a picture of the Inva
sion of Normandy shown Wednes
day at the Rotary noon luncheon.
Ma. H. D. Williams, army signal
corps, stationed In Portland and
attached to the ninth service com
mand unit, .spoke regarding the
picture. :;:'-k-
In'xonnection with this picture
another The Hidden Army, is
being shown to employes of local
canneries' to illustrate the impor
tance Of the work involved.1 The
hidden army' is the twomen of
the nation who are helping extend
the manpower of the nation to
harvest and preserve the crops.' .
- The picture will be used in re-
cruiting additional : help for the
canneries, Chet - Nelson, cannery
coordinator said after the meeting.
.These pictures' are available for
showing for any groups wishing to
make use of them, Jlaj." Williams
said. The picture .was shown last
night at the Labor temple.
Canadian' Oty Feelsfl
Fih Earth Tremor ; '
: Cornwall; ont;;sept e.pj
A.fresh earth tremor, of. short "dur
ation tonight was felt in this east-
era ' .Ontario 7 district 'which lies
near the epicentre of 'Monday
night's - widely felt f disturbances
that caused heavy damage to this
industrial city. -: f ''' .K'
.... Ti.. ...
S. &
: Jr. IVV1I I MM m -
Glibsts Haunt
Portland Home
PORTLAND, Sept t-(JPh The
George DeWaides are sure their
home has attracted some hostile
gremlins if not a human van
dal. A string of mysterious happen
ings, climaxed during, the last. 24
hours by a shower of rocks on
the house, began several ' days
ago, they told detectives. De
Waide chased away a strange In
truder the other night who "ran
like a deer."
Furthermore there have been
anonymous telephone calls at
tempting to "lure" Mrs. DeWalde
from -the house, attempts to set
the place on fire, slashed screens.
and a ribbon tied on the front
door.- .
r "
Talk about expert dealing ! That
little round dtributor-box oh the
side of your engine is a shark.
More :than 5000
times a minute
it deals the right
ainount of electricity
, io the right spark -plug
at the right
instant. And there's
never a misdeal or
hardly ever. .
If it should,get out'of whack, your
engine would run jerkily or knock.
Or you would hear those loud bangs '
down underneath in the muffler. .
One of the best ways to keep
yoiir dffibutof deag-tliosel.
sparka without a imss is to have . .
Shell lubricate y'xSgvyl ." .. r
That's the way 'pitttiWeor'. I
important parts of your car," too. ' . i ' f V .
- ' i; : . ' '. j "-V Vr " - .-
Shellubrication is ( the safest ? : ,
guarantee we Imow tlmt . something
hard to replace won't burn out, break, ; ;
or just get tired v; .
and quit (And 6000
cars do quit. every "
. day junked by f .
neglect and War-..'
time Stop and Go
driving.) !
Let a regular check-up by Shell
experts on your spark plugs, y. "
battery, lighta and tires oe your ounce
- v of prWention::Kep your -
troing for the duration.' 5" 5 " r ! V ! :
, -. - ,s - - .-I ' ' . ' .
Caution Urged
flu Insurance
A number of accident health
and life insurance companies not
licensed to operate In Oregon are
soliciting business by mail, Seth
Thompson,' state insurance com- .
missioner, declared Wednesday. .
Thompson said -these companies .
have what are known as "sucker,
lists', and warned ' that r persons
desiring Insurance should patron-'
ize only those agencies which are
licensed to 2 operate .within . the r
state. The Insurance commission
er stressed that in cases where li
censed j companies . fail , to meet
their obligation, persons purchas
ing J insurance have redress
through his department - '
Lists of licensed companies are 1
available at the state commission.
is. a
- J
10 OX, G3LS I Get Shell's FREE '
booklet, AUcm in Motorland, It
snakes carkeeplnf simple a ,
housekeeplaz. Your copy U wait- -.
Ins at the nearest Shell pump. : j ..
IntMfntti ,r ,
: r
: 1
Salem's Exclusive Specialty
h09. . . ...
315 Court' -Thone StZl