The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 01, 1944, Page 8, Image 8

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Tho OHIGON CTATE5!.IAI Cedent, Oregon. Friday MornIno September 1, 1S14 j
Service Mejti
Visit Family
Jefferson Residents .
Host to Vacation
Bound Traveler I
JEFFERSON, ' Aug. 31 Zrol
Howell who has been with the
marine service in Alaskan waters
for the J?ast year was an over'
night guest of. his father,. 2. E.
Howel, Monday. He will leave
for New York Monday for four
months training for the service. he
is interested in. Mrs. Howell wOl
accompany him.; .
Sunday visitors at, the" home of
'Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smith, jr.
were Mr. and Mn. flrnvr RtnVi
ens of Salem. They were enroute
from Scio where .they 'visited Mr.;
Stephens' sister, Mrs. Boy- Aiken.
Mrs. Virgil Hall and small
brother, Billy Chilton, returned
Tuesday from Seattle, where they
spent a week with their -father,
William Chilton, who is staying
there receiving treatment for ear
trouble, f ;
Mrs! HalTs husband, Pfc. Virgil
; Hall of the US marine corps, sta
tioned dnlBainbridge island, vis
ited them while they were in
Seattle. . - 'i : ' . ' .
. Verl Suns, gunner's ornate third
' .1... T TO .lnti ,4 ... T
C1U3, uo sutv, DMUUUCU at OICU1-
erton,. Wash,- has leased a fur
nished . bouse in Port Orchard,
Wash; and Mrs. Sims (Betty Chil
ton) left last Week for Port Or-
.' i . .
cnara wnere sne wm remain as
long as her husband is stationed
there.' Sims has been in the navy
over two, years. He-enlisted right
after Pearl Harbor.
, Leon Hampton, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Clint Hampton Is spending
two weeks in Oakland, Calif- vis
iting his uncles and aunts. He
earned the money for the-trip him-
- self and plans to return home Sat
urday. '." ' - -j- . , '
; : Vernon ! Harris is visiting his
brother Pitchlyn Harris" at Long
Beach. Calif V. who is ft, the ser
vice. He is aviation ; JmachihiE
mate first class and is stationed at
an air craft base near Long Beach.
' George Bailey has completed
painting the Devaney school house,
and returned to Amity where he
win teach this year. He is a son-i
in-law of Mr: and Mrs; C. C Hart!
Mrs: Alice McYaV and daughter
nor ura 01 .xneaiora were recent
guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Apling, who iivebn the Guy
.Aupperie farm. v j
Mrs. William Laverick left for
her home in Hollywood, Calif.,
Tuesday after a two months visit
with her sister,; Mrs-H. W. Libbyl
Fire Spreads
Into Timber
. . ' ; x.,- - . - '. ; - "
Silver-ton Firemen Get
Early Morning Call
To Erens Valley -
SILVERTON Volunteer fire
men of Silverton answered their
third call in as many days in the
Evens Valley district when they
went out at 4 ajn. Thursday to
check a brush fire which- got out
of control in the Jim Reed woods.
The fire was controlled as it
threatened the barn and left the
final work to the farmers- them
selves. :",;'.
The first firs this week in the
Evens Valley district destroyed he
A. E. Beed barn. Wednesday, fire
broke out from a tractor used in
combining on the Jim Reed farm.
Three acres' of wheat were de
stroyed and the fire jumped into
old timber on the Reed place. It
was from this that the call came
Thursday morning when the blaze
had spread, threatening farm
buildings. 4 . .
'Silverton firemen are not oblig
ed to take their equipment; out of
town to serve farmers who do not
contribute toward the support of
the equipment. 'Efforts have been
made by some farmers to. form a
fire district but so little interest
was shown that the district could
not be completed. It is likely that
the city of Silverton will charge
$50 or more for rural calir. city
officials stated - Thursday unless
the district is completed soon.
It is known that a number of
cities are charging as much as $75
and SlOO to answer any calls out
side the limits. The majority of
fire calls this summer to the Sil
verton department has been from
outside the city limits, it was stat
ed Thursday morning. r
Gervais Club Member Wins
fit - ? 1
GEB,VAISBrentford Miller jr, son of Mr. knd lira. B.U.
Miller, is shown with the three trophies he has won in 4-H club
work. The trophies include the Hayes-lAbish Faring special tro
phy, won at the state fair on his grand champion market hog over
ail breeds; the I. L. Fatterson iro-
Waslungton Man
Visits Daughter '
MONMOUTH W. D Smith of
Harrah, Wash-, is spending his va
cation here with his daughter, Mrs.
Frank Robinson, and family, and
with his grandson, Gga Robison
and family near Pedee. He expects
to stay until October. i :
e Checks Distributed
e Bean Pickers
SWEGLE Tuesday rioon (the harvesting of beans at the
Hayes-Labish field was finished and a group of school children
and adults in this cornmuriity Were ready to begin other work.
For 20 days a truck driven b'v Ernest Paee had takn a dai lv gv.
'm A .
rKe vi i.o out to in is neia. Most
o? the group were high school and
seventh and eighth grade age. I
HfkA. U...1J L. t
i iicu r a a-t u x u vv anienpaugn,
timekeeper, came into the Red
Community store to' pay off the
y.w "tax xj fuuu Weft UiaulkJU
ted in the community as there
were few checks for less than $50,
and; some for over $100. One eighth
grade girl, Peggy Straw, did not
miss any day and several only one
trip. There was no Sunday pick
ing and usually one day between
the times for going over the field.
The. "season " lasted four days
more ; man last year and beans
were picked smaller. There "was
excellent organization in the field
. under the direction of Clarence
very ! little play during
workmghours, and the hours were
long, froinSajn. to 6:30 pjn., and
jxi the rides tand from the field
good order in thetruck was main
tained with no one person, but the
driver in charge.
This is the fourth year this
muruty of f elks has ha
this, bean field with the help
the neighbors and t few from
Brooks. Only one came out from
oowmown saaiem, out the best two
weeks six or eight school children
; from Hayesville came out ori the
truck. -.. . y
- 'The topping of onions for Rob-'
ert need on his East Turner acre
age began Monday and those who
picked beans plan on workin in
onions this week and will begin
In some hop or prune field next
. week.
Turner Man Will
Supply- at i Willamina
TURNtai .C. F. TrimMw!n
supply the pulpit at the Christian
church in Wlllamina Surlday. The
pastor, Harlan woodpdff is on his
vacauon. -
Change Farms
JNear bt. Louis
ST. LOUIS 3Mrs. Robert Horn
ing has been notified that her son.
auiwcujuer, uo army, was
wounded in France' and 1 in thm
An exchange of farms was made
when Ronald Pomeroy of this
community moved to Hopmere on
the Bill Heean farm and Jnhnam
moved on the Pomeroy farm.
Farmers of this community are
busy now With all their mmHinM
"frying to get all the harvesting
none as soon as possible.
Mrs. Joe , Schomus has been
spending the past week at the
home of her son and daughter-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Schomus
and other friends.
Valley Obituaries
Mrs. Iner Mortensea ; f
DAYTON i Mrs. Iner Morten
n, 57, died, at her home in Day
ton Tuesday night after three
months illness. She was the
daughter of the late Mr William
Hibbert who came to Dayton from
Illinois In 1886. Mrs. Mortensen
was born near Dayton August 1,
1S87, and ..was married July 7,
Mil, to Iner Mortensen. ' ; - -1 ,
She was a member of the Chris
tian - church, Missionary: society,
Rebekahs ani Maccabees of Dayton.;.-';;'
' v .0;:.':;-' ,T .-".'A,-'. vi ';'
Survivors are hee widower, one
brother, James Hibbert, both: cf
Dayton; one step-daushter, Mrs.
Cora Newcoraer of Coulten, Calif.
. Funeral services will be held at
the Dayton Christian church and
. burial will be at the Dayton Odd
Fellows cemsterv. The exact date
awaits word :from Mr. Newcomer,
probably FriJay. ' ' . : '
New Buildings
e underway
i ne Ataen rummers are enlarging
their Jouse and have dug a base
ment And are adding to the front
ci ine house. Hammer !a Hnin
his own work.
illiam Towrv la hniMir. -
- uuu&xj m
laixe hollow tile
vegetables. Hendrnn ! Ha-
-mm w
g the carpenter work. . --1 ."
Leland Kiethlr is building n
house on his farm. He ha Auo
large Dasement and will have
iarge recreation room In it He
tore down ;his old house, one of
the first ones built in this district
.;. James BethelL six vear nlA
of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bethell, fell
irom norse and broke his collar
bone last ' week. i
Conrallis Man Will
Supply in Jefferson
ver of Corvallii will serve as pa,
torof the Jefferson Evangelican
cnurcn xor the conference year,
andjwlil be In charge of the morn
ing service every Sunday morning
at 11 o'clock. ,i .
: The Sunday school will meet at
iv o cuxs wiw classes for; au ages.
Mrs. John Kins I superintendent
Idaho Couple Come to
Make Home in Oregon
Rex "Johnston of Coeur jd'Alene,
Idaho, arrived here this month to
maket heir home with h
?.!rs. Mary Tomlinsnn.
ho spent 27 years in the US navy
is now retired. " Mrs. Johnston is a
former teacher,' 1 both in 1 Kansa
land In .Oregon. . - : I ;
phy and the 5tate Bankers ' tro
phy. He also won the Valley Pack
ing company's 4-H club special ion
his grand champion pen of four
hogs Hampshire and Berkshires
over all breeds, . - !
i Starting when; he was'nine years
old Junior entered some of 7 his
vegetables at I; the state fair and
won his first priaTmV next year
1933, he attended his'first summer
school at Ctarvallisi He'won schol
arsbips for summer school in 1934,
1937, 1938 and , 1939. In' '4937 he
was a guest of the Firsts National
Bank of Portland, along with
many -pother 4-H club members,
and was recognized as the Out
standing 4-H club boy in Marion
county. . ! JU-;!. -1. , 1
In 1900 he was president of the
Marion county advanced 4-H club,
He won the fThomes E, Wilson
prize, a1 17-jewel Elgin gold wrist
watch, ; for achievement as state
winner of the 4-H meat animal
livestock project contest He won
at both the state fair and Pacific
International. In, 1042 he took his
hogs to the Chicaga International
exhibition, where he won a $200
scholarship., He Was on the execu
tive; committee j at tha - 1941 and
1942 . summer! dub session! and
was voted champion pig showman
at the Pacific International, and
hai won three championships and
two grand championships and 40
first prizes. , j . w -
While. Junior has studied j other
projects" bis 'specialty has been
hogs in which' he has attained re
markable success. In addition to
the trophies, the watch and schol
arships he has won numerous' rib
bons on his exhibits. - j -
In his 1J years of dub work he
completed 50, projects; led eight
clubs; was -president of the Mar
ion v countyr advanced club in
1941; he has sold products valued
at $10,042 value of products used
at home and on, hand, $12,957;
prize money if earned, $765, or a
total of $23,764. Q
Junior is now serving In the US
navy, leaving Treasure Island Au
gust 3 for service on the seas. His
father is keeping up his herds dur
ing his absence. In reply to a ques
tion whether! he would care ' to
continue in this work he replied,
"Yes, I love the work and plan to
continue along this same line when '
I return from the service.! " it
" r!"Xi' .-i
1 I
Thomas: Rites
Are Friday
SWEGLE. Aug. 31 Charles
Sheldren Thomas, 75,'died at his
Hollywood Drive home Wednes
day morning. Funeral services tan!
be held t I o)clpck Friday from
the Clough-Barrick chapel with
burial In Belcrrst Memorial Park;
Rev. Dudley Strain will officiate.
Mr. Thomas was bom March
27, 1869, at Downsville, Delaware
county, New York, moving to Ne
braska wit)) his parents at the age
of seven years. He was married to
Jennie Jane Tricker, December
13, 1894. He died within only a
few months before their 50th Wed
ding anniversary, M .
In 1903 he moved to Oregon
and has lived on an acreage near
Salem; since that time. He suffered
a second paraiytic stroke on jSat-
"a : .1 I! I
He Us survived bs if our sons, all
of Salem: Llpyd L. iThomas, Will
iam C; Edwards E.j and Albert
R.; five grandchildren andl one
brother, Andrew Thomas oil Sa
lem. '
Port Orfbrd ' ;
Couple; Visit i .
j Amity Residents Bosts
To Vacation Bontitl -
AMITY Rev. and Mrs. J. G.
Turner of - Port V Orford were
guests of her grandparents, Mr.
and Mrs. J. W. Both. Rev. Tamer
was the guest speaker Sunday at
the Christian church In Mon
mouth. t , j ,
. Mrs. Harry Felt has left for
her home In Champaign. TH., af
ter a three weeks'; visit in Amity
with her parents, Mr; and Mrs. O.
H. Newman and other ' relatives.
Her brother T Vi Newman and
son Eugene accompanied- her to
Portland. ; t .. ' .
s Helen Jean Gerrard and sister
Charlotte, of Hillsboro, are guests
of their grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs. William Gerrard.
I: Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Green of
Portland recently visited her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Roth. f.
i j Recent visitors j at tha T. V.
Newman home were' Mr. and Mrs.
W. S. Jackman and family of Mc
Minnville and Mr. and Mrs. J. H.
Newman and son Merrill of Tills
mook. -They were i enroute for
week's vacation at Breitenbush
Springs. ;
Valloyi Births
SILVERTON' Born to Mr. and
Mrs. Ivan Kqrpf of Molalla, a girl,
at the silverton hospital Wednes
day. - .-
. JEFFERSON Mr. . and Mn.
Herbert Loohey ' were. In Lebanon
Tuesday to 'get acquainted with
their new granddaughter; born to
Mr., and. Mrs. vDelbert Cox, Mon
day, August! 28, : in the Lebanon
hospital. .The baby weighed seven
pounds, and has been named Ger
aldine Irene, !She has one brother.
Mrs. Cox .will be remembered as
Louise Locfney;:"7;;t
l.:Mr.' and' Mrs Varion Gold are
parents of a nine pound two ounce
taon, born August 28 at the . Salem
Rlrs. Wanless
Fairvieiv Visitor
FAIR VIEW Mrs. Edythe Wan
less and Mrs. Wanda Van . Horn,
both of Amity, were Tuesday
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wood
on Mrs. Wood's birthday. ,
Mrs. L. E. McKirmey and Mrs.
Delmas Hooker went to Portland
Friday for medical treatment" !
': - Mary Ellen Putnam of Hopewell
is a guest at tha Charles Andrews
while her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Oswald Putman, are on a business
trip, to Burns.
Glendale Pastor
Visits Relatives
comb B rougher, pastor at Glen
dale. Calif, visited his cousin. A
Lj Brougher Mondavi
Mr. land" Mrs. Dewey McBride
and son of Silverton visited 'at the
W. C Miles home Sunday, i
' Ronald Syron, on furlough, and
his! wife visited friends -here Tues
day, m M.' :,.;;:; .
R.I. Hurst, seaman second class.
has returned to Farragut
! ! , . i . -
MacDonald Potts Dies
At Oregon Gty
1 SILVERTON. Aug. 31 Mrs.
George Christianson has received
word of the death Wednesday of
her' brother-in-law, Macdonald
rwts, 70. He: died unexpectedly
at the Oregon ,City hospitaL He
was born in Canada but had lived
in Oregon for several years. ,.
Survivors are the widow. Har
riett Potts: daughters. Mrs. Jean
Wright, Big Creek; Mrs Barbara
Carlin, Greely. Colo Georsia
ons oz Portland, i
BdekHo Schooli Sale I
(.,1,,.,r.......,.,..i.. ,j j,.
r : "
.r -'it &
r ?
i !
" : ' .Ii'"v i-'- !
- - I h
j. - th
feBinkPea'ri: Eraser 'end
SfToS Kligh School VlMs "aiftja
Aaa.e kuwi wv a pleasure, use nign quality supw
DUeS. Fine two fir throa rinr Iaas. -P.'llvJ . t - 9CL fmim.
rink Jrearl tram-r and rVv; - t.:iLU -i . m S
nad or a Carin TaMf 'T i " "11 - All tOf
Pkg. of 16 Gennine Crayolas,' 15c '
Pkg-. of 8 Crayolas, 9c j
Res:. 5c! Rainbow Scratch Pads, 3 for 10c
Reg. 10c Stenographers Notebook, 9c ea.
Pink Pearl Eraser, 5c ea.
itFiIeJf!)let' 45 sheets 5c ioc
,CIpadTabIetrvllO sheets, 3 for 24e
Merit Typing; Paper, 30 sheets, 5c
1 Security Typing Paper, 55 sheets, 9c
2 or 3 Hole Notebook Filler Paper.
30 sheet 6e I . 9
2 r 3 Hole Notebook Filler, 0 sheets,
3 for - 21c H' 1 J-v': i , t-
Assorted U-Rite Notebooks, 5 ea
a lor ivc
Spelling Tablets, 5c ! and 10c I
60 Sheet! High School Pads, 10c,
3 for 25c - f -
2 or 3 Hole Canvas Hoond Notebook
with metal rings, sdze 8i) by 11.
Complete with notebook, paper, 25c
10 Sheets Elack Pencil Carbon Paper,
10c pkg. : I
Pen. Points, assorted sizes, 5 for 5c
Wooden Pen Holder, 5c - f-
At Fred
Heyer 5c :& lOc-Soctpa 173 IT. Iiberrr Street
Free Gummed i Reinforcements, box of
xuu wun eacn purchase of Notebook
I Paper, 5e or 10c- i ,
12T Wooden Rulers, plastic edge, 5c ea.
Carter's Ink, 2 oz. size, 10c ea.
Carter! Library Paste, 2ft cz. size, 10c
CicoUbrMy Paste, 2ft oz, 10c
Arabian Mndlagc, 2ft oz 10c 1
Spread Top BIncilage, 2ft oz, 10c
Iron GIne, 10c ' ' ' i . -
Scripto Pencil Leads, 10c pkg. ,
Scripto Pencils, 120c -ManoIU
Brand Lead Pencils, 2 for 5c
Ticonderogat Pencils, 5c f
Mongol Colored Pencils, 12 ia box, -r
98c fax - ! ( , z- Z i
J'ypewtiter Eraser with Brush, 15c
Wedge Shaped Pencil Cap Erasers, .
I 4 tot 5C',f p-- ' T-r v ;;
6 Cello Ruler, 5c ea.
Fountain Pens, SSe and lQ ,
12" Ce!o Ruler; 10c ea. " t
Lawrence Slide Role, 23e and 35c
viuuicie msirncuon iook ior oiiae
Store Hours
9 a. m. to 6 p. tn. eek Days
--- i . MS , 1: - "
9 a m. ta 9 p. in. Saturdays
Deaconess hospital.',
a sister, . and has
Sterling James. !
The baby has
been named
Monmouth ilan'gy Wife
Visits His Parents-":
Mitchael is ; expected here this
week to visit her. husband's par
ents. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Mitchael. A
Georgia girl, she was married to
Mr. Mitchael while he was station
He Is now at sea, and after a visit
here .she plans to make her home
os the west coast. f
Sirs. Roubal Is Better '
bal, who has been at the Silverton
hospital j for the past several
months, is improved and able to
sit up a portion of each day.:
Make Fred Meyer Your Shopping Headquarters for Your Smok
ing PteasufQl Fresh Siocksl Thrifty Pricest Vcf e Vanefy Over
seas Mailing to All of Oar Men! Gilts for the College Maul
T jiss tj Mwa iiwww iiviHyw wsii
Certified -::
Haslercrdl ; $195
Boxed. With cleaner filter. Comes In
sorted shapes and finishes.
For th Pip .Satoker
AIMsple. AtmssUo. lSs. S2.1S -
L15 Vai Kan ft Maple, AromaQc,
-H-es.1 UM
SL1S VL. DUr Best. 8f.trs.t, IS-m,
' 74e lb.
tUi VsX India House, H-ox, $W lb.
And many other .varieties from which to
, . h ! . comet,
At fni Meytr
Gift S
Assotttd ahapes and finishes. -
..!"-i"-T..--'i: ..-.;. . .
Roycl Du!iea rogu!cr,$10
Nationally known. Alr-eondttlonsd. spsdsHy
M designed to trap Impurities. AssorUd aoapei
and finishes. Qlft boxM.
Match King Cigarefto Lighters. !
?Cc each ...
lights Uk match works almost Uks tnsaia.
Rta. ?8c Airtite Poach, 8?c
NttloniUr adftttiied. -SesH u It closat."
toofeo? freah. Assorts4 gsnutns laath- 1
tsTwW nastw sapper,. .
Reg, 98c Cencint Leather i
. Peudi. 89c 'i
mrattw leattnr. Rubbertsed llBlacwltlk
. LeatUer bound. wtcIom rail-n otvla.
Tseeees SscnVss 'I'vi 'K-rt M 1 f"--'
DruST Building i i
143 N. Liberty Street
Xlimta Deparincnl
Exclusive with Fred Meyer!
, Celcanese
Si,rei5,Cii:'fbp :
The Rayons that make people ask, "Are you
wearinsr nylon4' . . . They're that dull and fit
so well, are exquisitely, fine yet itromr fibre
Our prices
Arp cci.:ng .
Or Lower : V
Size, . vV
FaHCofors W
Wt hava mesh hose, lisle
sport hose, anklets and
bobby j socks. Get your hose
wardrobe here for all fall
and winter. .
CcHL-ig 75c
FvllFoiUon :
Slight Irregulars
Sizzt QYZ to 10yz
Non-Run VJTcavo
CeWon IVjesEi.
Cc!:!r.g prisb ..Ke:
,51.65- ;' l If
Fun-fashioned hose that are kefinHely
fashioned rijit. Non-run weave'andTein-'
force it points of wear. Siics 8V,.to 10y2. ;
Chiffcn L?:f3 He-
Full fashioned rayons in slight iirerulars :
ftf nnrlfirrf mi1ifv V.n.;. T.l
a no way -detract from the appearance of 7n f1 For ore strsncu j,d W
" A.cAiiAUi vtru points ox wear. .(, . -- won n
Tn -tj r ww,,".ttal hose ytw eaa wear with fi-w . '
clothes.. Sizes SH to 10 1L
V Drug Bunding-.143 N. Liberty.
Priced Effective Friday thru Monday
I ft iN
f: or,
- - i)