The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 01, 1944, Page 7, Image 7

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    Deaconess Hospital to Sponsor
Sale of $600,000 in Bonds
Determined to do its part in providing medical equipment and
;'.supplis to the nation's armed forces, Salem Deaconess hospital
t fa sponsoring the sale of $600,000 in treasury' bonds. :
The drive will open Saturday at 6:30 p. m. with a dinner at the
- hospital to which some 50 person have been invited. The dinner
will be followed by the showing of two Combat zone sound pic-
; lures under the direction of First
. ,Xt. M. D. Ferguson, of Vancouver
.'-barracks'-'."- :?..-T'
One of these pictures1 has been
restricted from, public showing by
the army, but special permission
has been obtained through the
- Oregon War. Finance committee
for showing , in -Salem to hospital
attaches and the guests for this
dinner. , The personnel (of Salem
General, the state and tuberculosis
hospitals have been invited to see
the restricted film. ; '
Will Be 'Met '
, f Lieutenant Ferguson is bring
ing his .wife and will be met at
the Greyhound bus depot by
Mayer I. M. Doujghton, represent
ing the City of Salem, and a spe
cial committee on reception com'
.posed ; f John; A., Olson, com
mander of American Legion post
No. 9, 0. E. (Mose). Palmateer and
Rex Kimmel. ; . "If. .
The Legion auxiliary hostess
committee who will entertain
Ferguson are Mrs. James A. Carl
son, ' Legion auxiliary president,
Mrs.' , Stanley -Krueger and Mrs.
Austin Wilson. The lieutenant and
Mrs. Ferguson will be j guests of
the hospital at the Marion hotel
during their stay in Salem. At the
dinner Lynn R. Ms-T
o will
be toastmaster. ' - .
" Short, Speeches'', -j"""':'
Short addresses will be made by
Kenneth Martin, Oregon War
Fi n a n c e ; committee executive
manager, who is ' coming to the
event xfrom Portland; Harry Col
lins of the telephone company;
Douglas Yeater Marion County
War Finance committee; Irl Mc-
, Sherry; State War Chest execu
tive secretary; Charles A. Spra
gue, former governor pf Oregon;
Maycri .'. I. M. Doughton, and
others, J . ' ;
Other guests at the dinner will
be T.M.. Hicks, Jacob Fuhrer.
John A. Olson, O. E. (Mose) Pal
mateer,' Rex Kimmel, Leo N.
Childs. ." . j---,.. i -
Representing service organlza
tions will be Ed Schreder; Roy
. Harland, W. W.- Chadwick, R. V.
Land, George D. Aldfrin, Clay C.
Cochran, Carl- H o g g , Daniel
; H. Schulze, .Wendell Ewing, Wal
ter Kelly,': architect ot . the new
Deaconess hospital building.
Representing . the nurses aides
division of Marlon county Red
wwea wm ivxrs. Louise Afner
son, director, Mrs. Grace Mandell,
Miss Katherine Adlard;. represent
ing American Legion auxiliary,
Mrs. Stanley Krueger; Mrs. Don
Madison, Mrs. Austin Wilson;
representing the press, Isabel
. Childsl S. A. ' Stone; representing
radio; Bill Talbot; besides the
hospital board of trustees, the
hospital advisory council and the
recently appointed chaplain, Sam
. uel Neufcldt . '
Display Planned
Beginning Sunday and Monday
mornings at 9 o'clock a US army
display; -of medical equipment
used J the field ,Ulj be shown
In a'ilent across Winter street
from the .hospital. The' lieutenant
Is. bringing a soldier who ; will
v have dharge of the exhibit' The
Red Cross nurses aide division,
under direction ' of Mrs. Louise
Arnespn, will also help! in the ex-
hibit jkent ' and will direct the
guests I to the dinner and to the
showing , of the pictures. There
will bf no charge or obligation of
any. nature - attached to viewing
-the exhibit or the-pictures.
Frardc Ft Wedel. hospital ad
ministrator, said Thursday1, "We
want the public to have an op
portunity to see -just what their 1
money is spent for when they buy
bondS and earmark them for such'
; humanitarian purposes as medi
? cfipplies, and so we feel quite
proud of the interesting material
that Lt Ferguson is bringing, to
. Salem. ? . - j
Contents Described
"We do hope that the parents
of our boys in the set Ace will
take advantage of this opportun
ity, the first like It I believe ever
to .have been' shown in! Salem. Lt
rerguson informs us that the dis
play will show in part: Aeronau
' tie first aid . kit, parachute first
id packet, motor vehicle first aid
kit crash splint unit field ope
rating tahle. Jungle first aid- kit
snake; bite kit, folding aluminum
i litter, dental operating chest med
ical field chest, , medical officer's
iiiStrument case, . flight ! ierylce
v."1 chest field ' dressings field drugs;
vjecines. .XytUow eyer typhus,
. phiguf, uJera, etc.) i! field hos
Vpital'iterilisera.nd" agjila? field
" ambvlanee tfS wr."', id Wedefu
' -.ThlsOIdTrMtOMntOftMa V
I - Brings Happy Ralwf , -
I their trouhla mr ba tind kirfiwnm.
. ; 1 1) kidneyt r Natur' chief way of tak-. .
fpt ih nan ackts sad vast out of ttraUood.
1 help moat people omm abcut3 piati dmr.
, j w iien duorUer of fcNlaey funetioa paraiit
(oii)(Kiu msttr to rwmuft in your blood,' it
Cosy mum nmnHof bock&cba, rbeumatia ''
pauMkleg pafata,km of pep aad enerty, gt-
ta up BiKbts. wUim. paiimom adar tb ,
ym, tiexiacfaee and disauMM. Fraqoeft or
1 . reDf.r peaaitcet with aoMutuig nd burniag .
omrtiiuee aiiowt there fa f""Hhiag wrons
- it h yoor kidoeye or bladder.
Doa't witl Ask your drunut for Dou't
wuc im uuikt lunci niisa m poiono
. wbt ben jreur blood. Get Doeaa
18 Military
Posts to Act :
As Centers
Designation of 18 military posts to
serve as "war department person
nel centers to process personnel
inducted into the army or 'releas
ed from active duty was aii
nounced today by the army.
The centers will include a re
ception center .for, processing
newly Inducted men prior to as
signment, a reception station for
receiving; and reassigning person
nel returned from overseas, and
a separation center for processing
menreleased from active duty.
The centers, j located according
to population 'densities, include
F Logan, Colo.; Ft Sam Hous
ton, Tex.; Ft Bliss, Tex.; Presidio
of Monterey, Calif.; Ft Douglas,
ptah, and Ft Lewis, Wash. .
j -r Operation of the centers will be
under " Lt Gen. Brehon Somer
vell,' army -service forces com
mander. .'
Special Court Considers
Price Increase Request
PORTLAND, Aug. 31-()-A
price increase request rejected by
the OPA was under consideration
today when the federal emergen
cy court of appeals met here for
the first time.. '.
The court is headquartered in
Washington, DC. The price ceil
ing on gray iron castings is too
low to maintain production, con
tended the Crawford & Doherty
Foundry in their appeal.
Mrs. Margaret
Simmons (
Sears Expert Corsetiere I
. ' ' '"i.v , ':
: . Transparent
. Sheer !
' liahtwelaht
. . . yet serviceable.1 It will
. hold those r rayp'n ( stockings
:. securely in placmcl give
youxnammy Tmewee bit iof
7,ogntrolit needsIx)vely riy-.
stitched front fiact hook'fa
tener. ' Fpur. long adjusfabl
; garters.! rluVie t and Jf white.
Sizes 32 ' to ,40. ;- : i . C
434 State Street
3i;viiiil!i!' !., iin inn
' ,
Hospital Tells
Uses of Bond
Drive Money
The $600,000 worth of treasury
bonds i which S a 1 e m Deaconess
hospital proposes to sell in a
campaign opening Saturday bight
wui; De dedicated to construction
and, furmshing of: :
. One collecting station, $400;
two clearing stations at $30,000
each; one mobile surgical uit
truck, $400; one 400-bed evacu
ation hospital $65,000; one 750
bed evacuation hospital $90,000;
one convalescent camp ; $41,000;
one convalescent ; hospital $100,
000$ 100 blood transfusion appar
atus $2,500; 225 ampules penicil
lin jj at $5.00 each, and complete
equipment for one general over
seas! hospital $232,000. ' j O
When treasury bonds fire
bojight the buyer must state
clearly how he wants his purchase
earmarked; for instance, the buy
er prmarks his purchase fori a
clearing station or so many iam
pules of penicillin.
Groups . may sponsor ; through
Deaconess, hospital any one or
more of the above list as a co-operating
sponsor with the hospital.
Those who want to help a local
hospital, either the General or
the Deaconess, may do so by hav
ing their bonds made payable! to
the hospital they wish to help.
Deaconess hospital is arranging
to take applications for bonds at
the hospital throughout the drive.
It is also planned to; sell many of
these treasury bonds throughout
the' United States as a part of its
building . fund campaign, accord
ing! to hospital authorities. While
no attempt will be made to sell
bonds by direct solicitation dur
ing the celebration, yet arrange
ments are being made to serve
those who may want to buy
; - s - -
Retail Trade Bureau
Approves Bond Drive
Salem Retail Trade bureau has
gone on record as approving the
plan for financing the new Salem
Deaconess hospital building, j Ed
Schreder, president, - announced
here Thursday. . - . j
; Charmode
: "I ft.:-',:. ,il-'
Numeral Bras
s-" I
will fit you
I j . :
Four different developments
in each size, proportioned toj
give beauty to the small
btsl line-stitched to achieve!
youthful founded uplift for
the j medium and specially
designed to support the full
er bust. Lei our corsejieres
fit you correctly -no extra;
C i
Salsnj, Orejoa
(M j
4 .' ' D - .... '.M.I.-: ' I
THt 0S2G0H STATESMAN, jScrlsn,
SetUnffjUp Gtjf Rule
In France! Tough Job
PORTLAND, AugJ 31-flVSet-ting
up new city governments In
French towns is no easy task,
Capt. ' Jerrold "Owen former di-
Mifii Mr' 4Viai; ereA iMTAvana ' Viv a
reau, wrote friends here, i I
In one French community Owen,
serving with! AMG.i thought the
mayor was all set td take over
only to find ihlm taken prisoner
by the nazis.j . '. ,i : .:. ;
Owen i named , a second mavor.
Before th appointee! could speak
the -oath of office, he was killed
with 20 others by a shell. ... -
Fancy Dogs Barred
From-This Pet! Show
HnXSBORO. Augl 31-MV-The
cream oil canine society reeister-
ed pet will, be barred from the
i . ' ; f j at
wasmngxon county junior :iau uog
show.. .'Ii! ' " K
Only nlutts! can Win a prize at
the Saturday afternoon ' show,
sponsored byithe Rotary club.
Morning to
MIS ! Blithe little
"-v j PIIUIV l WW 10
orxlate dresses. Colorful berets, cafots, "hair hats
and Dutchie caps a type for every ensemble. All
headsizes. ! Others to 740. ' " "
Jackets The classics that click with everyone.
Wear with a plaid or contrasting skirt -Add ; a
matching skirt, and have, a mix-matchable suit.
New fait colors. Sizes 12 to 20. Others 5.95, 6.95.
Skirts There's' smartness in these Match
Mates. Juggle them win jackets or sweaters to. suit
your taste and vary your, wardrobe. Pleated and
.amJ .fuli Call rftlnr RIt 19 tA 9fl. . -
V W VS ' 9 - . 9 w w
-,1; f. 1 . . .. . .
wesses 1 Show
of bright dresses. we. nave flattering Diues, reas,
Lataaaa ia m 4 t III Iafe4ak m Mm I I f 4UAn fftkriC
browns and black in better; quality, rayon -fabrics. !..
Sizes 9 to 15 and 12 to. 20. ;Qthers as.low as 4.S3. ; .i", - -
t iyburi'Seantv'ciassic ?or.ts beautiful cleancutl j (fKit !r..7 -r
fines arid exquisrt details.. Boy casuals Ches . I ! I)
JerfiefdsL wraparound styles infalk colors. ' ?rJVv; --;j . -V.r
uuu vu f e vsrw nnur
ullIlS To wear feht no w, ind s t r a I g hi "fl
throusrh'tha winter,
v 3
soft classics, t-buttori
ringbones, tweeds and '
f- -"
Oregon,' Friday Morning, ScpUrabti;
T"11 '
Charge Filed
In Portland
. PORTLAND, Aug. ll.-r-A
plagiarism suit was filed In fed
eral district court today against
Rutherford" Montgomery, author
of "Big Brownie," a literary guild
DooK-oi-the-inonthr selection for
zEleandr Roosevelt, as a member
of the j literary guild "selection
committee, was also named as de
fendant in an action asking the
court o halt sales. of the book
and order an accounting of prof
its. ' : j- I - . k ' - " - - '' ;
John ,M. Holzworth, who said
he worked In Alaska for -eight
years under the US biological
survey and the national museum
in Washington, DC, charged In
his complaint tjiat the book's plots
and incidents copied his ." "Twin
Grizzlies of the Admiraly Island,"
published in 1932 by J. B. Lip-
Mdnight Favorites
hats to tOD vour snorts clothes
liaM 1W hVf JVUI aWI WlWalf
w w w .. wav w aa av awai , . ,
. . S i . - Others from 2,93 to 6.95
your colors in a wardrobe' full'
ni mi niv vnn n rraxsura v
- button tailored classics, . J
favorites. Checks, her-
flannels. Sizes 12 to 20. -
Te 18J5
L 1SU . V
plncott & Sons. Both books deal
111. -.. m . -
wun Aiasjcan Dears.
Holzworth also named Henry
Holt & Co, publishers; the liter
ary guild, and the J. K. Gill com
pany; a Portland book store, as
defendants. .
Big Turnout of Women
Voters Is Predicted ' 'S
RENO, Nev -Aug. 31-rMiss
Marion Martin, vice chairman and
director of women's activities of
the republican national commit
tee, predicted today a re cord
turnout of women at "the polls on
November 7.
. iShe said a survey In 'the state
of Washington indicated - that 63
pr cent of the. votes in that state
would .be cast by women. . , ;
, J Miss Martin is touring 14 west
ern states. She will leave, here-for
San Francisco, where , she will
hbld conferences September 2-3,
and then .will go to Los Angeles
for a conference September 4.
jThe Caspian, is the largest In
land salt sea in the world. '
I 1"
I "m
-nwaaa. J- -
ffh A K -':
i n al "V1' V
, ".."-
. .j f
a t
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Admits Error
LONDON, Aug. JLVAuthor
P. G. jWodehouse, who made five
broadcasts over the German ra
dio during his internment in the
reichjwas quoted in a dispatch
from Paris today as saying he
believes he made "a terrible mis
take,; but means no wrong. "
In an interview with a London
daily sketch correspondent, J.
The Perfect Canning
3ry I
' . - ..H;-A U' I
- - 1
V ,. ..,.-. 3 i -'T
' oji
Darcy Dawson,' at the French
capital, ; the 63-year-old - Wode
house said: J " . f
"While I was in camp I had re
ceived 50 letters or more from
readers In the United States and
I thought I would like to answer
them more or less in a broadcast
about how I got along in camp.
"I arranged for a series of. five
broadcasts describing my life, in
the live camps where I had been.
I never intended to do any more
than these and never did."
Peach -i Tree Ripened
I . - ' :'
I .''''' '
I - r . "! -?--.';-