The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 01, 1944, Page 6, Image 6

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Miss Helen Purvine and .
Mr. Andrew- Burnett
Married Thursday
: j-; ; Miss Helen Purvine received her platinum circlet from Mr.
Andrew Hammond Burnett at a beautiful wedding ceremony
Thursday night at the. First Congregational church. Tht bride
is the daughter of Mrs, Ellis Purvine and her husband's parents
are Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Burnett of San Francisco. He. is the
grandson of the late Mr. A. B. Hammond of Corvallis.
1 It was at 8:30 o'clock that Dr.
Daniel H. Schulze performed the y "' T A T 11 '
. nuptials; before a rf'.VlSlIOF .Will
'I bridal party, entered Dean Mel-
vin Geist sang "Ich Liebe Dich"
M by Beethoven and VDu Bist die
f Huh" by Schubert. Mrs. Jean
j Hobson Rich played the organ
-:. accompaniments, "Calm as the
Night", Schubert's 'Serenade'
and "Ave Maria."
J The gothic style sanctuary was
. V decorated with masses of gladi
i d I u s e s " and chrysanthemums
' shading from ivory to pink and
V woodwardia fern. Cornucopias
filled with the same flowers were
placed on the pillars. Vases cf
Chrysanthemums and gladioluses
-' were ' arranged on the altar.
Many lighted ivory tapers cast a
sof glow over the church.
j The bride walked down the
Center aisle on the arm of her
brother, Lt Ralph Emerson Pur
vine, who gave his sister in mar- "
riage. For her wedding she chose
a smart tailleur of fall rose gab
ardine worn with a printed scarf
St the neckline. Her matching off
the face felt hat was of felt and
her accessories were black. . Pin
ned, to her shoulder was a cor-
age of chatreuse cypridium or-
chids. -Z ' ... ; -.
Sister Only Attendant ;
j Miss Margaret Purvine of Co '
rona, Calif came north to be her
sister's only -attendant. She wore
a becoming aquamarine wool
dYessmaker suit with black braid
trim. Her small black felt hati
was trimmed in black starched .
lace and her accessories -were "
black. Her corsage was of yel
low orchids. r I
Mr. Donald J. Kennedy of Sad
Francisco stood up with the
groom as best man. Seating the
guests were Mr. Robert Needham
and Mr. Edward O. Stadter, Jr.
I For her daughter's nuptials
.Mrs. Purvine selected an attrac
tive almond green wool dress
maker suit embellished with .
matching square cut stones.- She
wore a black hat with gold se
qiiin trim and black accessories. '
Her corsage was of white orchids.'
Mr. Burnett was here from San
Francisco for his son's' marriage.
j The newlyweds received their i
con gra tula tions-'at a reception at
the home of the bride's mother ';
on University street. Bouquets
of gladioluses and chrysanthe-
mums in shades of cream, whUe
nd rose decorated, the mantle
and guest rooms. . ' -
Miss Sybil Spears greeted
guests' at . the door. Assisting
bout the rooms were Miss Julia .
...... Johnson of Chicago and Miss FJ-"
eanor Trindle. Mr. Leona John
Son was in charge of the dining
froom. Mrs. Ralph E. Purvine
cut the bride's cake and the
bride's two aunts, Mrs. Jay Bow
er man and" Mrs. E. A. Pierce tf
Portland, presided at the coffe
urn and served the ices. Assist-,
iing in the serving were 1 Mrs.
j Wayne Doughton, Mrs. Manfred .
jOVson, Mrs. Kenneth Hanson and
Miss Jean McElhinny of Mc
l Minnville. , :
! The bride's table was centered
. I With fin ImnMAmui't 9 wz.T-
roses and white bouvardia flank
ed by, white tapers in stiver can
delabra, i : -Te
Live In Saa Francisco
When the couple left on their'
wedding trip the bride donned
beaver coat over her suit. Mr.
and Mrs. Burnett will return to
Salem before 'leaving for San
Francisco where they will reside;
They will be at home after Sep
tember 1$ at 352 Greenwich
street, where they have taken an I
apartment on Telegraph. HUIJ
The new Mrs. Burnett is a
graduate of Willamette univer
sity and a member of Beta Chi
aorority. She received her mas
ter's degree-from Mills college.'
She has been making her home
In Berkeley the past seven years
nd recently was connected with
Leon Livingston Advertising
Mr. Burnett, is a graduate of
Leland Stanford and a member
of Phi Beta Kappa. He also re
ceived his master's degree from
Stanford. He now has a govern
ment position In the bay cityi
Dr. a4 Mrs. , B. F, Williams j
will -be hosts for an Informal j
dinner party tonight at their!
. Center street home In compli-'
ment tq a group of their friends, i
Bridge will be in play after the
dinner hour. i !
Be Honor
i Miss Grace Covert will enter
tain Saturday night at the Cen
ter street home of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Covert, in
compliment to her house guest.
Miss Esther Mae DeVore. The ,
visitor, who formerly resided in
Salem, has been spending : the
summer in Walla Walla, Wash.
The group of Miss DeVore's
Willamette university- friends
have been invited to the dessert
supper party. Bridge will be in
play during the evening. Ar
rangements of autumn flowers
will provide the decorative note.
Honoring Miss DeVore will be
Mrs. Bruce Van yngarden, Mrs.
Adam Dlebert, Mrs. George La-X
Vatta, 'Mrs. Donald H. NageL
Mrs. Sumner Gallaher, Mrs. An
thony Nunn, Miss Muriel Lind
stron, Miss Margaret Ewing, i
Mrs. Craig Coyner, Miss Zillah
Frogley of Portland, and Miss
Marita Flagg
Miss Marita Flagg was honored
on her eighth birthday Tuesday
with a surprise dinner party giv
en ia her honor by her aunt and
uncle, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Park
at their home in West Salem.
f Covers were placed for Marita
land her mother, Mrs. Marvin W.
Flagg. WaHy and Joey Park, Mrs.
O. Flagg; and Mary, and Mr. and
Mrs. W. R. Park.
Merita's fattier is Marvin W.
'Flagg, AS. with the US navy at
. . Miss Jalia Johnson will en-
train today on the Streamliner
for Chicago after spending sev
eral weeks in the capital at the
home of her mother, Mrs. Leona
Today's Pattern
Only ; four main pieces 1
front, 2 back and so easy to
put together! Pattern 4354 has
flattering waist treatment and
heart pockets.
Pattern 4554 comes in misses'
and women's sizes: 12, 14, If, 1$,
20; 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 44.
Size 16, frock, 3 yards 35-inch.
- stnd rrxxror cints" ta- coins
for tntt. pattern to Iti Oreca .
Stattsman, Pattern Dept, Saltra.
Qra. Write plainly SIZE, NAMX,
I1N CKNTS raor tnnr our 1M
Anne'Adami Spring Pattern Book.
Nw. easy-to-make styles. Trea Pat
tern printed ta book.
For peach pack, prune and beet packs will follow. We
need FULL-TIME and PART-TIME i workers gtgrtini
on Thursday, Aug;. 31. ,( 'f
VDay Shifl Ccrinczccs C:C3 A. II.
:lm ZmXzzzizz 7:C3 P. IL . ,
PART-TIME VICTORY SniFT 7:00 P, M. i 11:00
P. M. Cannery BUS wUl pick up and take home
worken on NIGHT and VICTORY SHIFTS in Salem
and vicinity of Cannery. , , .
Phone 2-2038 for More Information
- At liberty, f-i
" This advertisement ia fppperatlon with
, Salem Canners CSornmittee. " .
: v -
v" ' r( " :".v.- -""1
Navy langvage and navy ways
of doing things are how becom
ing a part of the life of Miss Irma '
Jane Huber, above, 965 j Court
- street, Salem, who as one of the
24 members of the first Salem
WAVES platoon is now in Indoc
trination training at the USS
Hunter,' U.S. Naval, Training
School for jWAVES, New York
city, yesterday reported Recruit
ing Specialist, A. C. Friesen.
Miss Huber, who is now calling
floors, "decks" and walls, "bulk
' heads', is marching in regiment
al reviews land is learning the
navy job she will handle when,
she releases her trained blue
Jacket, for service on a fighting
ship or ata n advanced base.
Miss Huber .graduated from
the high school at' Winlock,
- WaslL,) wherc'she was editor of
i the- paper and the- annual. She
attended Willamette university,
majoring in business administra-
- tion. Miss Huber was a member .
of Alpha Chi Omega sorority.
She has been employed as an
office manager with Honey wood
Distilleries, Inc. Miss Huber is
a member of St. Joseph's Catho
lic church, ; Salem. She is the ,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. X.
Huber, . 'Star; route,'. : Winlock, '
Wash. ' " fj - 'r r 1
" .
.netlle M.I Sehwlchtenberg,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. A.
Sehwlchtenberg of Salem, has
- completed training at the naval :
ari technical training center at
Norman, Okla; and received the.
rat of seaman, first class. In the
WAVES. She will now be trans-
f erred to another shore station
for further Instruction and work.
I ! I B
Mr, and Mrs. William Bosick
had as their guests for several
days her nephew and niece, Mr.
and Mrs. Howard Leslie of Mos
cow, Idaho! They have been at
tending the; University of Oregon
summer school. Mr. ; Leslie will
be on the University of - Idaho
faculty this year.
i t i 1
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Carson,
son, Wally; Mrs. E. X. Bragg of
Portland i and Ann Carson,
daughter of the t John Canons,
are spending lithe week at Glen
Mrs. Herman Kates and daagh-
ter, Elizabeth, and : Mrs. Wilson
Siegmund and son, Jimmy, have
returned from Neakowin where
they have! been vacationing the
' past month.
I f v - . i
Mrs. Clifford Brown, Miss
Edith Schryver and Miss Eliza
beth Lord were among those in
Portland this week to attend the
performance of "The Merry Wi-
fdow." jj I 'i
11aedu-G02f STATESMAN. Salem,
; i 'i ;
What they can do
What they're 'doing about It
Beginning the training ' which
will, prepare: her to release a
navy man for service at sea or
at an-advanced base, Miss Merna ,
June Bissel, above, route 7, box ,
224, Salem, has; reported to the
US Naval Training School for
WAVES, New) York city, for in
doctrination in this women's ser- i
vice of the US Nayy, yesterday
reported Recruiting Specialist A. ,
C. Friesen...' j ; ' "
Miss Bissel Was .one of the 24
members of the j first Salem
WAVES platoohi which left here
August 20 for the New ' York
training' school.
; Miss Bissel graduated from the
high school at Lincoln, i Neb.,
where she was a member of the
Girls Athletic association. From
. October, 1942, i to August.; 1944,
Miss Bissel was employed with
. the Western Paper Converting
company here; She is the daugh
ter of Mrs. Zenb A. GreggSalem.
' ; Is!) i 1 r
.To Leaje jfor
East Tonight
I' 1 - ' 3 : .
Mrs. Robert 'Pickens (Mary -
Yeager) and I son,! Robert, are
leaving by plane! tonight for
Philadelphia I and New j York :
City after a summer's stay in ;
the capital. While in Salem she
was the guest of her parents,
Mrj and Mrs. GJ M Yeager, and
of her husband's I parents, Mr.
and Mrs. K. H. Pickens. - ;
Mrs. Pickens will be met in .
New York by her i husband, and .
they will spend; the weekend
there with relatives. Mr, and
Mrs. Pickens make their j home
in Philadelphia. ' 1 !
Mrs. Haxry Parker was hostess
to members of her sewing club
at a picnic in the garden of her
parent's home,; Mr: and Mrs. Ji
W. Hansell; on North Summer
street Thursday night j
; fl
- . 1 ) i . I,,-''
Jubt Receiv
r I' I
Tea Sp
! Forks
! j Oyal Soup
j 1 ; "I
155 NijObertv! : I.
Oregon. Friday Morning. September 1. 1314
Marriage of
Couple Is
Revealed - '
' At a quiet ceremony Wednes-
day night at the First Methodist
' church parsonage Miss Kather
: ine Meers and Mr. Howard Mac-;
Quarrie were married. Dr. J. C
Harrison performed the service.
M 850 o'clock.
The bride chose an aqua sQk
edit with white accessories and
ax corsage of pink gladioluses and.
bouvardia. She wore a bracelet
; of diamonds and emeralds, a gift
of the groom. .
' Mr. and Mrs. Jake Foos at
tended the couple. She wore a
pastel blue suit and a,, corsage
- of gladioluses and larkspur.
After a? wedding trip to San
Francisco the couple will return
to Salem to; reside where they
have1 an apartment at the Am
bassador. Mr. MacQuarrie is an
engineer at the Alumina Con
. struction company.
14 I ' - '
Saddle Club Fun
Night Begins
The Salem Saddle club will
begin Jheir fall activities with
their regular Friday fun night
The first fun night to be held
v September 1 at the Fairgrounds
Stadium, will start at 8 o'clock,
; the first two events to be held on
the race track. .
Prizes will be awarded to win
T ners of each event The public is
cordially invited to attend.
Recent Bride; ;.
Is Honored
Mrs. Kenneth Hysler
thy Louises Dodge),' a-
recent bride, was honored Monday at
a surprise shower at the home
of her great aunt Mrs. Carl
Schaeffer, on North Capitol
street The bride, who was mar
ried to Sgt Hysler on August 19,
is ' the daughter
The evening
mally with :
late supper
tered with
oluses. Arrangements
were used
' Bidden to honor Mrs. Hysler
.were Mrs. Frank - Smith, Mrs;
Carl Schaeffer, Jr., Mrs. Floyd
McFarland, Miss Mary Ann Mo
Farland,' Mrs." M: F. Becker,
Mrs. Pete Hughes,! Mrs. Louis
Burgess, Mrs. James' Gorton and
Mrs. Joe Himel.
Visiting at the heme ef Mr.
and Mrs. B. E. Edwards are her
brother-in-law and sister, Dr.
r and . Mrs. J. E. Lon'i and Son,
Jack, of Nyssa; Wednesday night
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Harland were
'hosts for a family dinner in hon
or of the Longs. .
Mrs. James Cormack, her
daughter, Mrs. John Hanselman
and children, Michael and Susan, .
of Portland are guests at the
home of Judge and Mrs." Arthur
Hay. Mrs.' Cormack is a sister of
Mrs. Hay. ' -
' Mrs. William Newmeyer en
tertained members of. her club
at a bridge, luncheon Thursday
afternoon at the suburban home
of her sister, Mrs. Mona Yoder.
Mrs: U. Scott Page was a special
Yorlc Pattern
of Salem. tSSSSSyi
was spent infer- J&KOS
the guest, served a mSSAtS?
at a large table cen- NlOrAWCT
a bouquet of gladl- I " tfWVSSWl: iK
about the rooms. ' I JV05Sy35S5SW' I
Silver Plated on
Carbon Steel Base
t . . . 1 ; . ' - 1 x
ornery -.Ward
Salem Heights Woman'a Club
- meeting, 2 ujti.. Hannah Martin
Hansen, speaker.
Woman's iRelief Corps meet at
YMCA. ragular session.
DAR irieet with Mrs. R. - 3.
sOstllnd, 360 East LeteUe street.
. S board" meeting I HQ p.m
.' - American War Mothers meet
all day at Chemaketa street VSO,
"business aoeettng, 2 pan. . .
Celebration at;
.; Several occasions were cele
brated at the E. H. Beals, jr.
. home in liberty Sunday. They
included the 38 th wedding an
niversary bf Mr. and Mrs. . C J.
Hagen of. Salem, the birthday of
Bay Claybough, and a . going
away pary for Mrs. Adelaide
McGuire, who entrained Monday
for her hqme in San Francisco.'
Those epjoying the day were
Mrs. C. j. Hagen and Lloyd,
Mrs. Cecil Beals, Patty: and,
Beth and Bay Claybough of Sa
lem, Mrs.j Adelaide McGuire of
San Francisco, Mr. and Mrs. E.
H. Beals, sr., Mrs. William Al
bin, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Dunn,;
Donald, Jjean and Mary Ann,;
Mr. . and Mrs. John. Beals, Le-
Roy, Bruc4 and Sharon and Hen-1
ry Peterson of North Howell,'!
Mrs. Bert Reveal, Donald and i
Yvonne , cif Pendleton and Mr.
and Mrs. IE. H. Beals, jr CarP
and Bernice.
The afternoon was spent vis
iting and
playing games.
Youll want to crochet a set of
doilies toj-match;your favorite
pineapple chair set
ensembles are so
. Hand
crocheted doilies en
hance and protect your polished
furniture j Pattern 883 has direc
tions for doilies; stitches; list of
Send ELEVEN CENTS In coins fu
this pattern to The Oregon States
man, Needlecraft DepU Salem, Ore
Writ plainly PATTERN NUMBER,
your NAME and ADDRESS.
Fifteen cents more brings you our
New 33-page Needlecraft Calaloc
. . . 153 Uustrations of designs tor
embroidery, knitting, crochet, quilts
home decoration, toys. .
1 -
Vhz 3192t:
Tur- tut IVa: r; XC-Jfti-CTSI
of zinnias UHrlTri5a
Invitations to
Ceremony: ;
;, . ' X ' r-
. Invitations were received in
the capital Thursday telling of
the corning marriage of' Miss
Lorraine Nelson, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. John Christian
Nelson of Ketchikan, Alaska, and
Mr. John Hire Ellis, son of Mrs.
R. V. Ellis and the late Dr. El
lis of Ketchikan, on September
9. The wedding will take place
at the First Lutheran church In
Ketchikan at 830 o'clock. -
-. The couple's engagement was
announced here, in the spring.
Miss Nelson completed her
sophomore year at Willamette
university this year. She - Is a
member of Delta Phi sorority.
Mr. Ellis, brother of Vinton
Ellis, former Willamette student
has been' In ! Seattle with the
United States coast guard.
Birthday Party
For Sara Allen
Sara ARen, daughter of Lt
and Mrs. Reynolds Allen, will
celebrate her fifth birthday Sat
. urday afternoon. A group of
her friends have been invited
to a garden party at the home
of her grandmother, Mrs. George
E Allen, on North 21st street
Refreshments will be served af
ter several hours of: games.
Bidden to wish Sara a happy
birthday are Beth Needham,
Burke Loring Schmidt Tommy
and Kathy j HeltzeL Barbara
Roth,' r David t Perry, Phil : and
Gary Goulet, John Brown, Billy
Waterman, Al King, 1 Lucinda
: Jones, Conie Collins, Jimmy
HeltzeL Douglas Hamilton and
Chris Wood.
The Florence Vail Missionary
i society will have a picnic meet
ing today in the garden of Mrs.
Jack Hunt's home, 120 East Mey
ers street beginning at 10:30
' ajn. Mrs. W. Meeker will have
i charge of the afternoon program.
Hostesses are Mrs. Hunt Mrs.
Alta Hanson, i Mrs. Dale Taylor
and Mrs. Kenneth Graber.
-i '.. '-' ' ': 1' .1 ,. :'
Item Saa Diege, Califs eomes
word of the birth of a son, Peter
Lewis, to Mr. and Mrs. Delbert
J. Jepsen, on August 29. Mrs.
Jepsen is the former Elizabeth
Lewis,' daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
C A Lewis of Salem,
A L. Brougher entertained Satur
day for their granddaughter, Ruby
Harriett Mulvihffl, WAVE, USN.
She- came from New York fo
spend' her leave with relatives
here. - ' , ',
Present were: Miss Mulvihill
and her mother. Mrs. C. K Mulvt
hill of Portland; Dr. and Mrs. JoHn
Brougher, Vancouver, Wash.; Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Newton, and Mr.
and Mrs. E. W. Coulson and Edgar.
Kay's yf or
School Wear!
3L.9S to 5.95
3.98 to 5.95
jackets: .
;.ew w. B.
'O Cia'.e
Today's Menu
"Fish will loin corn to make the
day's featured dish.
y "r - .Fruit salad bowl- .
Fish. -corn casserole
. , Fresh sninach
- Pears and cream - ,
- - Cake '
Fish, Corn and Macaroni
t 1-package elbow macaroni i
. ,2 tablespoons butter or mar
garine uiuiespouua uuur '
cups imut
r 1 to 2 cups cookedt una, sal
h : mon,' halibul or other fish
l'cup corn .
' Salt pepper, paprika
1 cup grated cheese
: Cook elbow macaroni as di- !
rected and drain. Melt butter.
stir in flour, gradually add the
milk and stir over low fire until .
smooth and thick. Stir in fish, 1
corn and seasonings to taste and 1
half the cheese. Arrange fish
mixture in alternate layers with
elbow macaroni in a buttered j
baking; dish, sprinkle with re-;
'maining cheese and bake in a
moderate oven, 350 degrees, until
brown. . ' '
PKOCcsscn roons: . . -
Bookv 4 Blue stamps AS through
ZS FS Valid Indefinitely.
Book 4 Bed. stamps AS through
I DS valid Indefinitely.
Book 4 Sugar stamps SO, SI and
SS valid Indefinitely. I pounds each.
Fer caaniag ealy: Sugar stamp 40
valid for S pounds. Apply at local
CPA board for-more. ' .5
: gHOESt Loose Stamps la valla t '
!i Book 3 Airplane stamps Not. 1
and S valid Indefinitely.
"A" No. IS valid through Sep
tember Jt J gallons each. B 1"
or "C 3" may be Venewed within
but not before IS days from date
on cover. !
i FUEL OILl ' '. "
Period 4-4 coupons vaHd" through
September 30. mi tanka NOW!
Becords must be presented for
gasnUne - renewals, special appllca
nona. and tire replacements.
Apply at local OPA board for pur
chase certificates.
1 ORDER NOW 1 Don'jt risk shortafe
1 nxt winter. .
Refer Inquiries and complaints
: price clerk at local board.
see etkar awasaxa reees-eii saat as
AU the things that are
so right for your school
wardrobe are 'right
here in our shop. Smart
sweaters, skirts, blous
es and jacketschoose
now from our. fine collection.
lis- Z -