Tb OREGON STATESMAN. Salem. Oregon. Friday Morning. September !. 1344 US Bombers -Hit Jap Ships In Kurile Raid ALEUTIAN HEADQUARTERS, 11th AirTorce, Aug: 2T -(delayed) - iJP-la the second- consecutive day of army-navy air raids against Japan's Kurile island back door, navy Ventura crews reported a 7000-ton oil ; tanker was left in flames today after a. ; direct bit " amidships and a damaged freight er exploded after a strafing attack. The raids against northern Jap anese shipping and Kurile island installations were made by army and navy bombers of the combined aerial task force commanded by Maj. Gen. Davenport Johnson and Commodore Leslie E. Genres. ;. Lt. Andrew Gelier of Hanston, .Kans., and . his army Mitchell bomber crew sank, their ; second enemy patrol vessel. They got their first on August 12. . . The Venturas, operating from fleet air wing four's outer Aleu tian base, caught the oiler off On nekotan island. The freighter was attacked in Suribachi bay, Para - mushiro island. : t F f " Army Mitchells swooped down in a low level attack on a force of 10 or 12 small Japanese patrol ves sels in . Paxamushinv strait, be tween Paramushiro and Shimushu islands. In addition to one defi nitely sunk, another was left dead in the water in sinking condition. The sinking was the eighth, cred ited to the Mitchell squadron since May. Lt Douglas Banker of Jack son Heights, Long Island, and his crew of another Mitchell drew credit for an assist in the latest sinking, . .r - i 5 Effie (Klinker) in Press Assoc. 1 - Effie KBnker made her preview appearance as shewas Introduced to the press cameramen of the cinema city by her prond mentor, Edgar Bergen (right). Occasion was the dinner of the Los Angeles Press rbotoiTaphen' association at tha Brown Derby. Effie. a new addition to the family of Chariie McCarthy and Mortimer Snerd. will make her air debut aver NBC whed Bergen's show resumes September 3. Photo shows Irrta Forbes, president af the LAPPA, as ho oaot her aa official member of Jio association. International. Grain Futures In Recovery CHICAGO, Au SMtfVGrain futures showed recovery power to day, gaining more than a cent a bushel in some cases on buying by commercial interests, commission houses and shorts. Pact of yes terday's sharp losses were re gained. Only September oats, showed a ! average was off .1 of a point at Peace Stocks Attract Bids NEW YORK, Aug. Sl-ff)-Se-lected stocks in the peace classifi cation again attracted modest bids today while many market leaders slipped a notch or did nothing. f The 'good war news and chances of a nearby collapse of the Nazis made reconversion arguments the principal topic of board rooms but it was suggested this influence possibly was : less depressing to trends because of tho thought that many corporations ; were - farther along in their rtansition plans than generally expected. . - . j " The Associated Press 60-stock strong contrary movement, dip ping at one time to a new seasonal low of. 06 but recovering some what near the close. ; Rye was in active demand.' Prof it taking cut some of the gains, however. j " ' r 'JX- Gains in both rye and wheat partly - were a technical reaction following the losses yesterday. Mills bought whet, also, and there were reports of moderate flour .business. - Wheat closed . to IV cent above the previous dose,' Septem . ber $1.55, oats were- ft lower to lYi " higher,1 September 66-4, I T- rye was ft to lft cent up Septem ber 1.0iftft, and barley was unchanged to i off, September 1.12. ; 54.9. Of 818 issues appearing, .299 were down, 280 up and 239 un changed. Transfers dwindled j to 604.740 shares from 894.655 yes- terday Onion Topping Started Tuesday UNIONVALE Onion topping for seed was started Tuesday mor ning in U. S. Alderman's two fields at the Mrs. Ida Miller and C! R. Smith farms. j - Twelve Mexican laborers are doing the work. The onions are of theJYellow Danvers variety. This is the first year onions for seed ' has been raised by Alderman, j GrangeretNowfl MACliAY-Frlday night is the annual grange meeting night The lecturer's; program will include musical number jby the BoUche orcnesirs; ; . t r - , Mother Assists ' Her Daughter FAIRVIEW Mrt. -Vernon Ste phens and infant son, Louis, came home from the McMinnville hos pital Friday. Her mother, Mrs. Will buren of Hopewell is caring for then) and assisting with the housework. i I ' Mr. and Mrs. Howard Stephens accompanied by Air. and Mrs. L. lemDKie attended the Mciunn villa ShOdeo Sunday. : Composition brick pattern aid- ing was spur on ine Marion uuvai residence. He did tho work him -1 Fish Asks Release of Married Men Over 35 WASHINGTON, Aug. H -(JP)- Rep. Fish (R-NY) suggested yes terday tiiat married men 33 and older, bi released from the armed forces when tho war, with Ger many ends. He told the house he would pro pose this as an amendment to the post-war mobilization and recon version ibill. , t , Grain Harvest, Fruit Yields Good in State PORTLAND, I Aug. 13H-The US weather bureau id its weekly survey. of Oregon crop: conditions today reported ' favorable , grain harvests and orchard yields. , , 7 Except for light rain in the northwest pari off the) state, little precipitation was noted last week. Temperatures climbed to over 90 degrees late in the ;week after starting; fairly ,cooL ::k Outlook for crops:, t ;.?; Grainr Good conditions tof spring grain harvesting irrigated corn progressing, jbut) unirrigated fields dry,i ' - ill.An i: Hay: Most fields harvested, ex cept late alfalfa;! some livestock- pastured on stubble j fields . and meadows; unirrigated pasture! need moisture: I ' 1 - . - ' Orchards: . Favorable yields on peaches, Bartlett pears; prune shipments j due f r o m Umatilla county; prunes coloring in, west ern section; nuts excelles : , Vegetables: Early potato -digging started; later ; potatoes maturing with : damage from idea beetles and light frost reported in some areas; sugar beets In good condi tion; beet seed harvest advanced; harvest of 'onion feed started; fcop picking progressing; marketing of some melons; bean packing and canning under way. I , ; ' " , ; PAGE nFTEtri ' ' I ' i '- - " " ' " -.. . .--1 r. .. .-- ,rr) ff fo) p, J . pf , : i I - - 7 I - I I - I T I I 111 I , i I mtv 'lf" oMWoaSfcoSMWS----"-J " i i. . .y ... .py..,. Mivirii m - "1 " i l r iti M' -Mt -V" I y ' -"irn'r T" aw i IT' frtfii iii-j'trBir- li.. f i iCiaiTln inianiMQ lIsWUI fnillllit 'l 111 I f r lll 1 1 a iniii 1 1 r i lajilliisiLa t IQamath Firm ; In New ands KLAMATH FALLS, Aug. 31 (")-Loren Pahnerton and William Spangler, Klamath Falls, and Don Weidler, Chicago haVe purchased the Klamath Moulding company, a lumber! remanufacturing con cern. L j '' ,!. '--;"r . X : H -:: The corporation now manufac tures moulding j f r o m Klamath pine, but .tho new owners said they plan , to expand. They will rename . the. firm "the Klamath Lake. Moulding fompiny . Organized in 1923, the corpora tion was founded, by Claude Cald well, A. j. Lundell jind Bert C. Schultz. Mrs. "Lundell and Mrs. Schultz,- how widows, and W.l R, Sayre of San Francisco sold the company.! j ' ' - Lfli ;:'r 1 Second Gra$s Fire j Hits Rickey Area ; . ; WCKEYThej second grass fire of the season : was put out with little, damage by volunteers. Started presumably jby a cigar ette at what is known as Gesner's it ran along the fence; north on the line of the Claude Ci Ashby f arm for 'several rods ' before-it was put otrfc s Zuni Indians of 1 PIGGLV WIGGLY . '"4 tS' ':: f Suicide! is unknown among the New Mexico. L Pigly Wiggly Store TTill Be Closed Ilcsday, Labor Day, Sept. 4lh TROCO Lb. 4' HIST FAMOUS DRESSING 10-oz. bottle 29 i C i . flonr GOLD MEDAL, 10-Ib. sack 55e. 25-lb. sack... 2. BLEACH Quarts 15c al. SpbrPancdic Flour 221p Corn Ileal yXw.yi. p. 22 0 SbfiariLk Cairo Flour SU:2Ql0; Sanifary Ilapldns 2 390 Trut AmetJcan..b,-bot carton 230 Sanlia CoKcD.i-ib; SS0 Snnrk3 CcIfoD:.l:.:.j.lb. 26'0 ? Roaster Fresh, Ground to Suit- Your Requirement j A Ileal Uilhcd Ileal ; Is a Ileal Inconplele Try our top quality, Grade A Beef. It's) the best ypu can fet anywhere." , '1 tbo family. FRYERS VVmW tr-wmr ATmmA slfisfl drtx-mml A Irfftt fftr . If- OPEN DAILY TILL 7:J0 P. IjL For Ileal io Eal - Ue Can't Co Deal ! ons lea 530 Cliichca Ct ITcodlos IS&ZiZH ,n JoUy Time . i J "3' ill White or Yellow..10-oz. ttn il if V tt-Ib. pkr. Ponco Kraft Dinnprsl.L4.Pkk 100 sim'sFrcn 5sSaIi 330;- -330; .260 VL&Df . 47-oz. tin GrapqIruiI;Juico ElirccbTJIiin SjLlJii lots oi? noon so pznc ;on oon -urn o" U v y i lJ II COATS, SUITS : " io Cloarl , ' Fur trintmedr " tweeds, shet lands fleeces in boxes and fitted styles. ' T- . - Res. 24.75 now 12.0 I Kcr. 11.98 now 8.01 Iter. 12JS now 101 i Ber. bow SUt SEEDSUC SCmTS . -I Were JJS Now- 90 IIEII'S POPLUI SP0I1T JACKET Sizes 38-45. Reg. 4.91 t -A' : Now- SPOIIT COATS Olive green - twill, sizes 38 to 46..,. Pre-shrunk. Res 3.45. . ' Sale, 2.90 . . r . -3 Pedrs Only! : iini'S wbnK f; ; shoes rr -!. v.-- i - ; Sturdily ' made. Cord sole, rubber i heeL . Brown. 6"; Keg. ' JS, j- f , Now 349 3MN. JESSEY f Res. 1-59. . JLoO sT Sale, yard - S4-IN. ASST. WOOLENS Reg.- 2.29, Sole," . yard 1.69 ASSORTED BUTTONS on CARDS Reg. lOcj special 5 ' -I f f- : ..." .: '. - - .. : COOKIE JABS ! .-' .' - .'! '-"V .... - ' 1 Beg. 1.98' -, 1 , SPECIAL' , 90t i . ! TOILET BOWL - CLEAIIEII Reg. 23c ,New 19 KITCIIEII IIEQB SETS -i Rej. 1.00 Now 69 8" mi SKILLET Ref. 35c (". " 'j i Special 290 .-' ; : ; ".- , ":f;- i ' I HOOKED wool nnc 24x48. Reg. 7.95, mm now 5.08 TO AY SniK 1 t 20x1811" deep. Acid resisting. Ref. 18.45, . ..j Special 13.95 ' .1 FEUETOATHIG FLCDHSEAI. .Ref. 3.49 gallon - 2.90. SfeeUl .; CaUonr IIAVY BLUE t snmTS .. Reg, 75c Special A.- :.0.'S,iUIIEE - DAnilESS Reg. 55.00 .ui S0.C9 GADDEII iiDicnEns . Reg.J.49 ' :n.V:7o79 IIAVY IIELTOII IIACIICIAUS All wool, sport back. 38-44. Reg. 9.98. . Now 7.90 3 FD. UOIIEH'S DOCIIELLES . Medium heel oxfords, i - :Reg. 3.97 j Vil . Now 297 Sdccn Covered COIIFODTEIl Wool. filled. Sizo 72x84, In green, rose and peach, Reg. 8.081 FOniSETTIA TUIIBLEI1S - .:" .- " - - Reg. 5c, now 3 t'lOt SETTEE SET 2 Pieces i Reg. 119.00 ) Sala IIEDICniE CADOIET Outside mounting with fint quality mirror. . Reg.- 4.80, Now 429 , M Mttal - picnraE 1- FllAIIES w -.. ' .- :; i , S'xlO'V Reg.i2.29 . . ' -- . Now , ii59 DAEY APnons- Heg. 1.98 - Now i;50 riiiGEHTip jacket ; .AIL wool, tan color, sizes 30-48. Fly front, zipper fas tener, plaid - lining. Were M3, now 6.90 " Womtng IIOn-nATIOIIED PLAY SIIOES -Ref. 2.98. : Now ' UIIIFOBIIS -. DEDUCED! . 1 All sizes,- white, blue - green li29 u li90 BADBECUE BACKS : "Reg: 123 ' . . 090. DAQCEL cnAm 1 Rose tapestry. Reg. ,36.83 . j New 23.88 Ilasler Painiers GLOSS EIIMIEL ' "Ret- - I Now 2aT3 Gallon : 1 onlyl Front spring for 2 onlyl Front sprinqr for Chav.' 4 and 6 2 ' onlyl ' Front sprin? for Chev.' ViU C0LL0I7 AUGEQS 1 .ivC: . - . t - Reg. S.lt t ... ... - -. " r '' -Now', 2.90 J ( r-; i fir-, i