The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 01, 1944, Page 12, Image 12

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Tho OrXGON STATESMAN. Cclem, Oregon, Friday Morning, September 1. 13 11 ;
- !
ScBwficiBcB Menu
7here They Are What They Are Doing
............ I
. ! ,; :
: .4" !
Louzheed, pharmacist's mite
tc. Is spending- a 30-day leave
with his frandparents, Mr. and
'Mrs. Frank Ellis of Indepen
dence. He has been stationed in
various parts of southeastern
Alaska for the past 17 "months
as T representative of the bjk
VyHi hospital corps. 5 V
- , J -. , . f.
(Special to The Statesman) y
lSecond Lt Orville D. Beards
,y, sdn of Mr. and Mrs. Harry J.
eardiley, 2760 Madrona avenue,
ilemJ has reported to Randolph
eld as one of the expert pilots
;ltcted for training in AAF-cen-
al instructors school. -
Uooti eomDletion of a month's
jeciaflzed-training here he will
j tq fanother field of the- AAF
ainiqg command to be an in
ructor of aviation cadets. - .
T Set. Robert W. Gabriel,' AAF
idioman, has returned home to
ascadia on furlough for the first
me' since enlisting in Salem be
re Pearl Harbor, He has been
service in the Pacific area and
the son of Mr. and Mrs. Rob-
t Gabriel of.Cascadia. He for-
erly lived in Salem.
Lt Cot. W. Wells Baum Is now
tending the army air forces tac
cal center1 school at Orlando,
4a., after which he will return to
cCook airfield, Neb. Lt Col.
aum was i recently home on
Darwin L. Peterson, son, of Mr.
id Mrs. Ivan H. Peterson. of
est Salem, has completed train-
e at the naval air technical
aining center, Norman, . Okla.,
id received the rate of seaman,
rsi ciass, in ine navy, tie wm
w be transferred to a naval
lit afloat or to another i shore
ation for further ' instruction
td work. .- - :.
ST. LOUIS Edward Grassman
d , Warren Lundy have- been
me from'Farragut on' a 10 day
wwwaar wwil wc -.y'yrw t npmmmmmmm ' .. t ajasB" "
- a; mzi . v i-:,
, " , V-V-. A A ... :AArAA;o.AA; ft AAAi'::
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. . ! - - . - . ' ' ..... j -v
2- C. . S".5", ; ft.,S'l-:r - .r i ... , , -rj .. ... ;
y - v " x -' : ' ' ' :
U ' ' . V :mr : "!.!
. f '
leave. Both are in the navy and
will report back for assignment.
SUNN YSIDE Mrs. K. L. Sher-
wood has received word from her
husband, Kenneth Sherwood,
USN, that he has- crossed . the
' SWEGLE Donald Wayne troop
er, son of Mrs. Charles Knight and
grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Ricket is home from the South Pa
cific for a 0 day leave. He is a
coxswain on the ship and has been
on this ship for 28 months. He is
well and will soon leave' for San
Francisco. 'V- '
Effon Hoffmann has been pro-,
moted to lieutenant, junior grade,
according to information received
by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Emil
Hoffman,. 440 North X7th street'
He has been in the navy for 18
months and is a pilot on a torpedo
plane and has seen much action
against the Japanese fleet
Pvt North Le Roy- Maker, .US
army air corps, has been on a 10
day furlough at the home 6f his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Mak
er, 90 Beech avenue. He is re
turning to his base at Laredo, Tex.
Ronald Carroll McDonald, 'sea
man second class, Is at Brem
erton awaltinr assignment He
Is a son of Mr; and Mrs. C. L.
McDonald, 2490 Hazel avenue
and was home on leave early
in Aurust He is a 1944 gradu-
" ate of Salem high -school and
left for farragnt" immediately
' afterwards. - -
Addison M. Foster, ART 1c, Is
at home from the South Pacific,
visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
W. F.. Foster, 1045 North Fifth
street. He spent the first 10 days
of hb leaveiSi North Hollywood
with his wife and his sister-in-law,
Mrs, Ken Murry. , He is to
report at Hollister, Calif., Septem
ber 11, for reassignment ' . .
V' 11
, r .
I EVER btiort hat war been reported like this!
, phera-the oreoteat staff ov.r to cover a war-are telling the
Jrpnt Ents. The atory of the Infantryman, the boy Jutt out of
iew with the aeneraL For instance, during a recent Wweek
A passing through the New
- -Moring from one area of
Hardships to keep the news and pictures coming through.
Ensign Barbara
Assistant in WAVE Recruiting;
30 More Needed
formation of Sector's
. Second;-Platoon jCets
Underway in, Salem
Assignment of Ens.' Barbara
Sadler,, of the branch, office ot
naval officer procurement at
Portland, to Salem to assist in re
cruiting of the Salem area's spe
cial platoon of WAVE volunteers
is announced, today,
1 Ensign Sadler, . young ' , WAVE
officer, 1 who ' Joined the naval
,womenV' reserve.'. in July, 1943,
soon after , her .graduation from
Stanford university, tad been as
signed to duty fn the Pacific
northwest ever since she comple
ted officer training at. Smith col
lege. .J. i . 1 : . I fi
A. C. Friesen, " specialist 1st
class, USNR, in charge of the Sa-
lem navy recruiting station, 220
Post Ofi ice building, reported
that formation of this area's sec
ond WAVE . platoon : already Is
gaining! momentum, with a num
ber of enlistment applications be
ing processed at the main WAVES
enlistment office in Portland and
with new applications being taken
daily at the local enlistment of
fice, which handles preliminary
qualifying tests for applicants
from within, this territory. ,; I :
Patriotism Proven j f ; !
x "Successful 'organization ! of the
Salem area's first WAVE : volun
teer platoon is a testimonial , to
the patriotism 1 of our eligible
yonger women in this ! area,"
Specialist Friesen said. ; p
"Now the- call - is being; issued
for a minimum of 30 more WAVE
volunteers by November; 1, to
form the second special platoon
of future navy women j to leave
this territory. We confidently be
lieve there are enough qualified
young women 1 who have a patriot
otic desire to serve their country
and to help speed the winning of
this war, to more thanj fill this
quota by November 1, the! 'dead
line for second platoon enlists
ments. t '..
"Interested candidates are in
vited to consult with Ensign Sad
ler at any time concerning WAVE
enlistment opportunities, the 'at
tractive WAVE pay scale, the
multiplicity of : interesting war
jobs open to women of the navy;
and any other type of information
they may desire. j
"There is, of course no obliga
tion whatever attaching tojan in
terview with Ensign Sadler, who
will not only be available locally
to receive or call on prospects but
also will make : trips throughout
this territory to meet candidates
in outlying communities." I i
25,000 Are Needed
Co-incidentally: with the, laun
ching of the second Salem area
WAVE platoon recruiting drive,
it was announced - that i 25,000
more WAVE enlistments are
asked to achieve the navy's .goat
in word
1 i 1 " 1 -;' , I I. I I , , . . . . ": -1
York ofSce oIom. menuoned mere than IXC3
violent battle to another, these correspondents continuously undergo
Sodler New
in This Area
', i.4. t -
of 100,000 women serving in navy
blue by the end . of 1944. ,v
The number of men whom the
approximately ' 75,000 I American
w o m e n including - about 1,200
from Oregon have released to
strengthen th actual "fighting per
sonnel of the navy is? practically
equal to the size of the country's
pre-war navy. - j '
"New ships'are being launched
in steadily increasing numbers as
the navy expands . its' operations
throughout the jseven oceans anil
the important . factor j is; to ;get
these ships ' promptly i and " ade
quately manned and on their way
to the battle zones. The faster
women join the WAVES, the fast
er those ships can sail against the
enemy," Friesen declared. ;
-V" e I i U
Robert C. Nelson
Prisoner of War i
i .- 'i. A!-;
Robert C. Nelson, ; US army air
corps, is a German prisoner of
war, his . parents, Mr. and Mrs,
Otto Nelson, and his wife , have
been notified. He was missing" af
ter April 13 when he Was shpt
down over southern Europe.
His wife and - three months old
son ate making their home wits
his i parents on -route- 1 Aums
ville). He was assistant engineer
on a Liberator and had ireceived
the oak leaf cluster. Hii family
have had one letter from him sit
Stalag-Luft 3, Germany.
"Turner Merchant Plans
To Improve Property
TURNER Lee Barber. local
merchant, bought the Bair prop
erty across from .his store from
Mrs. J. M. Bones las.t week. Ht
plans to erect a building for an
up-to-date confectionery store as
soon as building materials . are
..'' IS- ' II.
and picture. Associated Press correinondonts r-' r' '
real, human, complete story. They lire the story th?7 t 1. :
high tchooL b the atorV thty tell. Just as they re--.t r
period. The AP service of regional war oic-Uire. Wi over?- 5
Their achievement is without parallel
Army Takes
Blilitary Work
Of United Air
. As United Air lines today turned
over its domestic transport opera-,
tions to the army air forces,' the
copnpany " pointed to ' a record ; of
6,810,222 miles flown, or, the equi
valent, of ,2570 coast-to-coast
flights, within this country for the
airtransport command. ,
'United Is continuing' its flights
for the ATC across the Pacific and
toj Alaska, but its domestic mili
tary operations and those of other
airlines are, being taken "over by
in army air f orcesin "line ,with
the government's decision that the
army bow is adequately ejuippipd
to; conduct these flights ajidthus
relieve both - flight. aaoT, ground
persBnnel of the airlines tor their
ovta .commercial hpasseofer;' mail
arid :expres4"services;;'
jf. A. HerlihytJni'ted's vice pre
sident in charge of 'operations,
said approximatelr;2i pilots and
considerable ground employes ; ef
Uhited would be relieved of full
f !
I Tfie
135 II. Connercial
You may eat what you Jike
when you like if you use
-J tv'" ::!- .-It--"--y
Schaefer's Aniacid
Tablets 50c a box -
Don't Growl About Itf
- a : ' uMt'lii,
v l Schaefer's
Herbal Balsam
j " :- A:j ' . '- ': -f " . ' - '-':" ' ;-
V ',- ' : . . f . . A . --" ;
50C and $1.00
i For those Pimples try
Deraanol Oinlmenl
50c ,
ICrff nPWn'C ITT?rvrin nntTmr'n
dbimUliU O l.Ui ILIIjIU rUWUill
. . .. ,:. ik ' ' - . - . ... .... . , : ;
fcost extreme hazard c- .
or precedent I
Maquis Killed
French Star '
PARIS, Augi 31 JP)r Maurice
Chevalier, French star who sang
and clowned his way to fame in
American" movies, was believed
killed-by. Maquisjaear Cannes in
southern FranceJFrench forces of
the interior said last night How
ever, the FFI said the death had
not -yet been "confirmed.
I Chevalier 4eft Paris five months
ago .for southern Frahce. and . his
whereabouts have been a '"'mys
tery since." v'v',::'-;
The FFI said rj never had
been " an active . collaborationist,
merely following the inath4 which
Ussuredim of the roost comfort
able living. He was friendly with
vicnyites , and . Germans in the
.manner of making , the . best of
things, it was said, but he was
not known tohave done any spe
cial harro, '"-.- i
or part time military contract du
ties to devote full time to United'
commercial operations as - a re
sult of the change-over. "
Original "YELLOW FRbNF' Drug and Candy Special
Sole Agents for Penslar Remedies for Marion County
Prescriptions Filled 1899-1944
. Step Right Up!
' Get Tonr Bottle of
Schaefer's Cornl Remedy
No Relief, No Pay
This is the official Penslar Remedy Store for 'Marion
county. You will find these preparations of highest quali
ty and guaranteed to be exactly for what they are sold
and represented to be.
rjHk OffenJIng Others
. - --I-.. -.,.. -..;
Wa mtn kst m mum af (ad at at Mm
umKAaaMaJaMaaliaiaM am a. aa.
aiaatka. Dm'I tmd IwIIm l aaaaly
. - .. A-' .1- , -A : A - I !
?? ?tLc U A R D 'SHELLBACK '-size wuiiam B.
vouu-K, usm, ei las Angeiea, ukes to toe rardarm as a "buc
caneer" after, being made a "shellback" as his ship crossed the
equator, somewhere In the Pacific, Hying the Jolly Roger.
Everyone sho u I d try to keep
healthy o see your doctor regu
larly for la physical chek-up. He
and your druggist are - ready to
"help you.! - .
Wkaa extra makes yuu Mr
and stiff mm th pun with
rular UmbanngThi.
25 c and 50 c
For Quickest and
Most Lasting Relief
J Vf1 vitamin aWiciancr J
uuraiwlar 1
Phone 5197-9723
for t h a t tired, rundown
feeling :
SoM Only at Schaefer's
Winter Vitamins
Stop that Winter Cold
Use Hi-In-Vi
r Vitamin Capsules
Sold Only at Schaefer's
But be careful, maybe it's
Poison Oak Keep a bottle
of ;..!: ; , ;-a. y; ',;
Hood's Poison
Oak Loiion
Haady for sure relief.
50C and 51.00
.... ,
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hlJksdLJ (ft I. ) :-
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