- I . 0G0:J CTATwIMI. Solan., tagea.- THm2ax Ucxzlj. Au 31, 1211 Scrvico Women .What they can do What they're doing about It JEFFE2.S ON Slaxiae Stevens I ot Oswego has enlisted in the WACS; the spent Saturday and Sunday visiting at tte home of her sister, Mrs. Charles Smith, jr., and family. ..Miss Stevens will , leave , Sunday . foe Des Moines, Iowa, for training. She is the daughter of Mrs. Gertrude Stevens of Oswego, and attended high school in Jefferson and also West Linn.- ..--. f Salem Man Weds In North Carolina. FreinJs of the groom are inter ested in the announcement of the marriage of Staff Sgt. Philip GQle, AAF, son of Aldecman and Mrs. A. H. GQle of Salem, to Miss Frances Davis of Columbus, Ohio. The ceremony took place August 11 at Wilmington, N. C where Sgt. Gillie is stationed at Bluethenthal field and where the young couple will reside. Sgt Gflle, a graduate of Salem schools i and a former . Oregon State college student, was em ployed la the United S&te,Na tional .bank in Portland prior , to enlisting in the army air corps in - September 1940. ; ; Mrs. Frank- Hut entertained members of " her bridge' club Tuesday night at her home. Spe cial guests were Mrs. Kenneth - Sherman and Mrs. Harry Car- ion, Jr. Mrs. Hannah Martta Hansen will lead a discussion on "Legis lative BOls" at the Salem Height Woman's club meeting Friday afternoon. , . .. ' MONMOUTH Annonnce- ments have been received by friends and relatives here of the marriage of Miss Agnes Dorothy Campbell to Major Thomas la- qua Steere, 17J5. army, at Los I . Angeles, August 14. , The couple will be at home after November 15, at Rosamond, Calif, ' The bride, a native of Mon- ' -mouth, attended schools here be- - fore going to- Columbia univer sity. New York. She has been a teacher of. art, also a fiction writer. Recently she has been doing defense work in California. Her, late father, .Thomas F. Campbell, was one of the presi dents 1 of Christian college, now Oregon College of Education. ' RATIO!! CALBZDAB - Boolr Blue stamps A through ZS Ti valid indefinitely. MEAT. BUTTS K. CATS CBECUS: Book 4 Red stamps AS through D9 valid ineofinlf ly. T . lUOAIt - Book 4 Sugar stampe X si and . S3 valid Indefinitely.- pounds eaen For eaneang eeays Sugar stamp S aUd for S pound Apply at local OP A board for more. aaoia: Lease Staa.se tavatM: Booh S Airs lane stamps 'Nee. 1 and S valid Indefinitely. - GAIOUNS - -A" N IS valid tBroogk - Sep tember 1L a tattoos each.'- "B X a X r may e hp wad within tort, not before 15 days from date on eoeer. -. ' KtL OIL . "- Period -44 cow none valid through - September 30. till tank NOW I . TIME 1NSPCCTION: . ' Records must a p restated lot r-wasntiae Mnewela? apacaat applica tions, and turn repiscsmenta. , STOVES: V- Apply at local OPA board for par- . enase cernrjealee WOOD. COAL, SAWDUST J ORDER NOW I Deal Halt sbortag surrr winter.'. . PSUCB CONTBOL. Refer inquiries and eeenplatnta to . . price clerk at Meal beardL Today's ' Needlecraft Little girls love ruffled pina fores over their frocks. Wh'U and contrasting material makgs this one in lazy -daisy embnxd- Pattern ' 930 contains - transfer pattern CI embroidery; necessary pattern pieces In sizes 2, 4 and 6 (all in one pattern); directions. Send ELZVE CENTS In coins hJ this aattera la The Orepon States man. Needleeran IVpU Salem. Ore Write plainly PATTERN NUMBER .your NAME and AODRTSS. rmeen cents ewe nns yea em Hew SS-par Needlecraf t CaUipe . 133 Uustrattona rra foe embroidery, aaittine. erecheU oailta home decortUoa toys IT functlimfil pertcxE dawrbanoea tnaxe you If I terrous, ttred, restlaas, aiaci-d out" uca tlmaa try 3 eao. Lydia E- Ptaiistm'a VeeetaWe Compound to sucn srmptanM. It helps natitrtf ptniluim'a Com pot a4 af 'jo a r?"l sicschie tonic Tallow U&et C-si-Z3. Von. trj'.a; E. i C Mrs, Walter I Spaaldinr and her brother and sister-in-law. Mr. . and Mrs. Clay Miller of Portland, , left y Wednesday for Newport to spend several days: Girls ef Hllcrest wHI present a program of sacred music Sunday afternoon from 4 to 5 o'clock. All interested persons are invited to come at 3:4 o'clock. Perry Burton Arant -Note iii California MONMOUTH Perry Burton Arant, who formerly lived here, is the guest of his sister, Mrs. Joyce Emerson and other relatives. His home is at Pomona, Calif, where he maintains a private piano stu dio; and composes music ' Today's Patteto v Look trim, look pretty in this charming version of the pinafore, Pattern 4440. Such fun to make - and so easy! Sleeves, ruffles op tional. s. :', Pattern 4440 comes in sizes 14, 16, 18, 20; 32, 34, 38, 38-40, 42. Size 18, pinafore, requires 3 yards 35-incn fabric. Sand SIXTEEN CENTS ta roe tais pattern The Oregw HI teaman Pattern DeoL. ' Salem Ore. - Write plainly SIZK. ' NAME ADDRESS STTU ffUMBER. 1XN CZNTS more nrtagaeur 1S44 Anne Adams spring ranera Ewoa. Hew easy-UHnake sty tea rraa PaV printed u 1T(iDiDs3y?s ESLM MBS TSTCfcSDAT 13$ Ke. SM-atueteal Ttaatkeeaer. SIS Hews. -.,-. VV Mews. ' . T:1S Maxlne Keith. ' . 7 JO Komaocera.. 15 Today's Tea Tradea. IM-Bivn of Best. ' S:30 Naws. 8r43 Orcbtra. Boaka Carter. :15 Pastor's Call. . - sao Midland USA. 1:49 Amazlas Jennifer Loeao. 10:0a News. 10.15 Jack Berch. 10 JO Luneheoa with Lopes. 10:45 American Woman's Jery. 11 M Cedrie Fostes. 11:15 US Nary. ' . 11 JO Jane Cowi. 11 :45 Musical Library. 11 .-oe OrsanaM ttea, . -12:15 News. -' . .v 12 JO HUlbiHy Serenade. 12 35 Smoothies 12:45 Sky Una Sereaade. 10 News. i.-OS Interlude. Iris Lam n' Abater. 130 fna Speed Akead. 20 News. 245 Broadway Bandwagon. 2:15 US Nary Band. 2.43 Radio Tour. Site News. 3.D5 Concert Hour. 2:45 Johnson Family. 44)0 Fulton Lewis, Jr. 4:1 Real Life Stories. 4-JO-WorUf's rront Page. 4:45 Roumlwa Revelers. 5410 News. - 5:15 Superman. 5 JO Tonk Mix. I S:45 Night News Wire. 8:00 Gabriel Heatter. S:15 Screen Test. S JO Orchestra. 70 War Commentary. . 7:15 Lowell Thomas. . 1 JO Red Ryder. - - S 4M Orchestra. S JO Sky Riders. . 8:45 Russ Morgan Orchestra .. S0 News. f 15 Rex Miller JO Fulton LewV Jr. :45 Merkc Pitt Orchestra. 10A0 True Detectree Mysterka. 10 JO News.-. 10:45 Orchestra. ' llOOOpea House. 11J5 News Roundup. 12:00 SiB OfiL KOtN CI THURSDAY se . Ke. t:15- Western Stars. SJO KOIH aUock. . 1:1S News. , i - T JONewa. -.. 7:45 Nelson Prtnfle. BlW Valiant Ladv- SJO Usht of the World. S.-45 Auat Jenny. ee Kate Smith Speaka. S.lSBiS Sister 9 3 Romance at Bden Trent aV4S Our Cat Sunday. 10-00 Life Can Be Beautiful. : 10:15 Ma Perkins. 10 JO Bemadine Flynn. 10:45 The CoMbersa. 110 Portia races Ufa. 11:15 Joyce Jordan 17)0 News. 12:li-NiChbora. 12 JO Briabt Hm lxaeia. 11:45 Bachelor s Childrea KXV This Chansing World. 1:15 Bob Anderson. News. 1 JO Mary Martm. 14 Problem Clinic DRESSED 43 a) . l MAa aAa Top Pricts Pzlil rrampt KemiUanca - ShJ ta Fred Il-jcr 4U 8. 17. YamhSl Ci. or 8. C. f2Bd A raster ClTd. I.f We can accept amly . aalmals killed ta compliance with Ol T. A. rerslaUsBS, - Tcxiay's Menu make the main dish today, Chilled melon Double decker rye sandwich Russian dressing Apple pie On -each plate lay a large slice of rye bread, spread with butter. Cover each slice generously with lettuce, and sliced tomatoes. Next is a layer of cheese. Crisp bacon strips make the top deck. Cold sliced chicken is a fancy addi tion, but not essential. Over this towering sandwich pour Russian dressing, just before serving. Garnish each plate with relishes and potato chips,. Guests are en thusiastic about this "eat with a fork" sandwich-salad. Bassiaa Dressing 1 cup mayonnaise 3 tablespoons chili sauce 1 hard cooked egg 1 tablespoon' minced green . pepper " 1 tablespoon minced onion - teaspoon paprika ' Combine, mayonnaise, chUi sauce, diced egg, green pepper. onion and paprika. He's Helping War Effort PORTLAND, Aug. SO-tfVDis covering tnat a cannery was throwing away-piles of beans too stringy for commercial pack but good for table use.- V. G. Cajver, retired contractor, picked up 1250 bushels In his 1930 model truck and gave them away. : Neighbors, USO clubs, hospitals and children's homes benefitted froth his philanthropic enterprise. Last spring the- "one-man food salvage crew" distributed 35,000 pounds' of vegetables from a de serted victory garden. - There are just two catches to his planer (1) People can't believe they'd get perfectly good food free. (2) Carver has trouble find In' somebody to help him with the distribution. urnrxjE miss shabee . . FRANCE-(ff)-There's a Bttle new citizen of liberated section of France named' Marie Seabee Fou- chard in honor of the US navy's "Seabees." This miss made her en trance into life assisted by Com mander Richard Anderson Cam dennj, chief surgeon of a Seabee unit . ' " - - IHigidlDdD IPi(n)gEaai I Mewipaper of the Air. '. 2 JO Meet the Missus. , a so News . . .:. . j. . 3.-15 Hollywood." SJO Stars of Today. : World Today M News. 440 Lady- of the Preaa. 4:15 Diana Gayle. Songs. 4 JO Tracer f Lost Persona. . 5 DO Fletcher Wiley. 15 RccTs Gear JO Harry riannery. Mews 5:45 N-ws S iS Bill Henry. Sa MajorvBewaa JO CorUsaTArcher. . 7:00 First Line. 7 JO Here's-to Roroanea. SflO I Love A Mystery. 0:15 Passing Parade. SJO Death Valley Days. 0:55 Hews ': SO Mystery Time-. t JO Jerry Sears Presents. 10-ea rree Star final. IOtIS Warttme Woeaea 10 JO Gardening with Bouquet. 10 JO Orchestra. . 10:45 Texas Rangers. llo News. 11J35 Voice of the Army. 1120-Jan Savitt Orchestra. 11 JO Airflo of the Air. 11 JS Orchestra. .. 11:45 Orcnestra. 119S News ' " 120 fierenade 12 JO-CM aum Music and News. KKX-BN-TBL-VSnAT lilt Ka. iXV-Masical Clock.. " .15 Farm and Home Makers. 0:45 western Agriculture. 7-00 Home Harmonies. 7 M Organist. 1:i-Aew ; - - , ' 1 JO James Abbe Observes. 7:45 The Listening Post., SflO Breakfast Club .DO Glamour Manor. t JO ttteaktast at SardTa 10:00 News.- j 10 JS Stars of Today 10:30 My True Story. 1035 Aunt Jemima. II 300 Baukhage Talking. 11:15 The Mystery Che. 11 JO Ladies Be Seated. 12:00 Soncs. br Morton Downey. 12:15 Hollywood Star Tuna. 12 30 News. 1:00 News, v 1:15 Radia Parade. 1 JO Time Views the News. 1:45 Glancing at Hollywood. 1 JO Gen. Paul Malone. -2-0O-Whafa Oninc ariiea 3 J(V-Voice of Sxperience. 25 Christian Science Program. S.-0O B. N. - 3:15 Lawson McCaH. 3 JO Rolhe Truttt Tnna. 39 Don Norman Show. 4 00 Musical Mysteries. 4 JO It's Murder. 4:45 Sea Hound..1 sae Terry and the Ptratee, SJ5 Dick Tracy. SJO Jack Armstrong. . 55 Hop Harrtsan. . tVO Sunset Serenade. :1S News. , aa-SpoUMtht Band. . SJS The Story TeUer. 70 Raymond Cram Swinf. . 7 JS Appointment for Life. 7ja-oa C Bream, .. aO News. :19 Lurrr and Ahaer. ' tO-B. N. Freddy Martin. ' SJO News. : 0:45 Jotmny Harreira Gang. Fro!::! Gzr ' i. ' , Vota Yea-X Ilorember 7 on O regon'i' CosClaSoaci Amendment to Provide Monthly Annniies. tZO rr.!n. OaTZlTl at . Z - e.i ir.it t ?T - V a)a f aV w 4x -net Mrs. Oveross Dies Tuesday SILVERTON, Aug. 30. Anna Over oss. 70. died at a I viuuiu hospital Jate Tuesday night Fu neral services will be held" at 3 o'clock Friday "from the Ekman Memorial chapel, with ! burial in Valley View cemetery; Rev. M. K. Fuhr will officiate. i - --: Mrs. Oveross was born in 1874 In Norway and came as a girl to Pierpcit. South Dakota.) She was married to xrs oveross in iwuo and they came to Silverton in 1911. He died here in 1926. Survivors are Henry, Lloyd and Casper Oveross, ana Mrs. Deward Walfard and Mrs. Henry Amund sen, Silverton; and Mrs. Edward Schubert of Salem; and , Sgt Mar don Oveross. Sae R. Flannery DALLAS, Aug. 30. -s Funeral services for Sue K. riannery. 82. who died Tuesday, will be held Friday morning at 10 o'clock. Rev. Rex Lawson will be in charge and burial will be made in the. Odd Fellows . cemetery. , Henkle and Bowman are in charge. Mrs. Flannery waa born in Jas per county. Mo-r August 2, 185." She was married in 1890 and they lived in the Prairie Dale and Bal- ston communities unul 1923 when her husband died. ' Survivors are a son, Max Flan nery of Salem; three sisters, Mrs. Martha Clay, Dallas; Mrs. ' R. B. Beard, Muskogee, Okla.; Mrs. W. D. Dickson, Tulsa.; and brother. George J. Robeson, Santa Barbara, Calif. Brush Blaze Breaks Loose NORTH BEND", Augl 1 30-(ff)- brush fire four, miles south o: Charleston broke from control today and blazed into j new brush slashing, the Coos county fire pa trol reported here.-; . ;. The Coos head park jpatro! bat tled to save buildings of an aban doned station endangered by ' the spreading flames. ; ;, I . A series of blazes j sprang up throughout the Coos area. Twenty five acres of small timber were blackened south of : Bandon be fore crews from Gold j Beach and Fourmfle checked the flames. A slashing fire was reported ' near Gravriford and another near Ben nett's butte. . : I It America's Town Ueettnc 11 0 Conosrt Heurw j - KGW MBC-THCTtSOAY - 4 .0 Dawn Patrol. JO News 7W Mxancal Memories. 7:15 New tteaoluies 1 7 JO Here's Glen Alain. 1:43 6am Hayes I - ' See Stars ot Today. I S rlS James Abbe Neasv SJO Mirth and Madness.' 0 Personahry Hwuri 104)0 Ruth Forbes, i 1 10:15 Laweon MeCaB. tlews. 10 JO Aunt Mary, i I 10:45 Act Bakers Netebeek. 11.-00 The Guiding Light. 11:15 Today's duldrenj It J0-Women in White. 11:45 Hymna All Churches 12J0 Women ot America. 1J:1 Ma Perkins. ' i 13 JO Pepper Young's tamflfY 22 MS Right to Happiness. . 1 JO Backataee Wde- j 1:15 StaiU Dallas. 4 1 JO Lorenzo Jones 1:46 Young Widder Breem. 2 DO When A Gul Mamea. 3:15 We Love sad Leans, SJO Just Plain Bin. i - 3:4 Froot Page FarreA. 3:00 Read of Life.! i 3.15 David Harum. 3 JO B. Boynton. - 345 Kamblini 4i)0 Dr. Kate. 1 -4. IS New of the World. 4 JO Voice of A Nation. 4:45 Day Foter. Commentator. 50 OK for Keteasa. i 5:15 Relax in Rhythm. SJO Songs of Good Cheer. 35 Louis P Lpchnex. - M Mosie HaU SJO Charlie Chan. I " 7 i Presenting Harry Savoy. . 7 JO March of Time. ' t ' t DO Mercer's Music Shop. 8:15 Night Editor j SJO Those We Lore.' t :00 The American Challenge. f JO Eliery Queenr) ' 100 Newk Flashes.1 1 ' 10:15 Your Home. Town News 1025 Musical Interlude. 10 JO Strings for Meditation. 1035 News. - 1100 Hotel BUmora Orcnestra. I1J0 War Roundup. 12 2 a .-awtai Shift. KOACTBUUOAT-tS Ea. -News 10 J 5 The Hememakers Hoar . -110 Allen Roth. . 11 JO Concert HaU. U40-Mews. -1 ., - U: 15 Noon Perm Hoar. 1 9 Ridin the Range 1 :15 Music ef Many Lands. : 1 JO Variety Time. 1M-Homemakers' Half Hour. ' ' - 2 JO Memory Book at MuaM 30 News , 3:15 Music 4 Horace Heidt 4 :15 La tin-American Neighbora 4 JO Traffic Safety Qjftx. 4 .-45 Excursions tat Science. S0 On the Upbeat SJO Oonaitfaine for the Girts. '. S5 ira Oregon's War. -n-News. SJO Evening Farm Hour. 7:30 Uft rj Thy Veiee. ' ' SAO Lest We Forget. -.. t :1s Musical Comedy Xrrue. JO Music that Caduraav :.. JO News. :4S Evenine Medltationa. , 10:00 Sign Off. 1 -7:15 k. Taonhs , TILI. - c::i lee-:::t;.u V 7altcr Qii-omy Returns to Work CIO w Waller'. Chrbmy'' h a i returned to his work in. thecler- cal departmit of "the Vancouver shipyards after ; spending a two weeks' vacation with -his parents. Mr.' and Mrs. YTj J. Chromy. ; in Scio. Mrs. Ida Thomas of Corvallis and Lucy Swift of Seattle were recent guests of Mrs. E. D. Myers. Sue . Fjrskine nas , returned to Seattle after -visiting her brother- in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lambert v Logging operations in the Scio area - were suspended Tuesday when" humidity - in the- woods dropped below the minimum of 30 deemed safe ffom fire hazards. iTVJO MINUTEST 5 MOT f MM ILATI9 AFOCT 0U8 MOOMUSWT KiO, CAPTAIN T r MOPg yoo voter febu rr the samc SC02CHY SMITH BASNET GOOGLE MICXET MOUSZ so NERVOUS-r wakip 19 shaking. THIMSLE THEATE2 to catoi ttj yrz ... '"SaTS-aaa-aaaaaa. I - i... - 7i i a i-s5tssi s i ii: trzz. I I I t - '-a lT I I HERE'S THE CORONERS REP08T, TD PROVE MONK COMPLETELy CCEAS0 ltttix junns toorn TrgS gLVEg CULLET HAP 1 rV rVWVtK; )1 J rnoTECT youh rr.czzN rcoc3 vrmi C . . Laa 'Chaw Terbaccy Wl -Cost Llore September 1 WASHINGTON, Aug. 30 - "Chaw terbaccy" is going ta test more. - Beginning ? next Monday, the office of price administration announced, "Z manufacturers may increase f their . prices of ."plain chewing tobacco by about 20 per cent, and the "sweetened variety by 10 per cent It means the con sumer will pay about 12 instead ef 10 cents for a plain plug, and. 11 instead of 10 cents for a sweetened plug. ; . -V-; - Combine SeU Fire SILVERTON, Aug. 30. -Three acres of wheat field were burned over Wednesday afternoon when a combine on "the 'Jim Reed place backfired. HAVE THE FRONT POOR OPEN, BUONDIE. thanks; sheriff: your LEGAL PAPERS (WE MONK MURFEEISPSADrBUr MONK NEVER MAO AKr - l RESPECT; FOR THE f Mf7AN0M.I'Vg T,,r - ?ttw rr&iifr to Y- ( I HT A UO0f AT VV- I yoix cuff ftrur, , 4 A errefX . ("I SOT A I u2J THATttXiLDl PT2APS HAND t9 CDLT flliCXN TOR THEM U lX!STl LAV )V'-Svf Mr up tut? I Uittpg AIL ilAIWA r 1 I TVFV BROUGHT I I !z2Z . T-Txs '.. I I k TTn5T r- nI I a r,c i I w , ' ML r b;i -r V.lStf'jalCat.- P ' reaa umi. a.x WTIta at vteit,! t fjg:'i C:U fceTTows fiyle. CeHsrhaae lined. Casy sesieJ w$:b gao'crately fcet Irs a. riata, ejaarts, tall filloES, fawl aad tsikey sixes. t O ST-1 ATT L E CAME craft carrier at reate back fret : :..tmtm cngaga t a Uvely jfvt WI2f fHVttV rWOTNATg, I V flSHCr.', AM PtAL HJPffiVT, FM0H& WJ TCMnJl ... PtW fOX A VAM 0 WAXI ANTf . I kwow rr ems ttmio that . woe a awt n - front outviw.'rif rr j aoh f -fow a HtvttN.--y BUT A DOZEN WtTNESSES THAT'S REASON ABLE, BUT MY HUNCH W0NY SAW MONK LISTEN TO GANG 01 El SEASON CU KcAVAJN HTO LWTX. J 1 ; im C, I.JO 4 LJW W t L 13 I 1 1 I . . . 1 I. wi awrr w wrr Lb. A ' H 1 1 i 1 'A " 1 - Om th. 4k of a u. s. alrl action la tae Faeine, enlisted gaaae af atedktae bait . E 61VEME V SS j -mo open r rfrV (MM8E THE .ou-: 2L & ZEST, WCat 6EE.ZER0, MR. REMBRANDT KfUSTBCSlCK-HSHOLDlN HIS PIPE. BUT HE5 N0TSM0Klr! HESlOOWNjBLn-rCOOESKt SEE AnYi hIN i D: w Ij Lirr7 --- v.. v -i ry n,f J MwaBrj Cef CaawaeavTte-eal