4 1 Society Clubs "''. Music A. Harvey Qulstad 'and son, Mark,' of 'Portland who are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. S.- Lochead. Lt Quistad, who is stationed at Eagle Pass, - Texas with the army air corps, joined his family here last week." The Ouistads formerly made their home In i Sa lem. ' Mrs. Ouistad will be remembered as Mary be th Rumsey. (Kennell-Ellis photo.) Return Home ... Mrs. W. H. Henderson and her daughter, Mrs. F. L. DeHarpport and chil dren, Marie and Dale, have returned, from a trip to Rochester, Minnesota, traveling by way of the Canadian Rockies. They stopped in Vancouver, BG, Regina, Sask., and Winnipeg, Manitoba. In Rochester they were the guests of Mrs. Hender son's son - in - law and daughter,' Dr. and Mrs. Howard Varney. (Eleanor Henderson), who are the parents of a new little girl, Mary Ellen, born , oh July 8: Dr. Vamey is tak ing a three year course at the Mayo clinic, ? y-fr -w-$- v ; SECTION . ' V , '.. ' . '-,-.. i t- ; ' - - ' . t i , . . - . . : , f ;! i- 'W . - ff : . . :f:w-1 Jf r"v III 4" 4 1 1 1 , -' 4. Phyllis -Ryans Betrothal . iss Phyllis Ryan had a surprise, for ' Quests - al the' bridge supper party , she ' gave Saturday night The sur- - prise was . the announcement of her engagement "to ' Mr. - James Glasse, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Al Glasse. of 'Ala ; meda, Calif. The bride-elect is" the daughter of Mrs J. H. " Ryan. No. plans have been made" for the" wedding. i- Guests were invited to honor Miss Jean Newman, who . Is leaving in mid-September for Ma&'.WiscbrisIn "where ., she will attend the University of Wisconsin this. year. .Tally coids. bearmg the betrothed news. iV A late supper followed an evening of bridge; Bou quets 'of summer flowers were' arranged about the", "guest rooms. - ; ."' . - . -,,... . , . The bride-to-be is a graduate of Salem-high school arid this summer started her college'days at WiUcanette.univer- 7 sity.-. Mr. Glasse attended Willamette university where he was a member of Sigma Tau fraternity. - HeTias been" in the army receiving a medical discharge this -year. ; This . fall he will enroll for his junior -year at Occidental college Bidden to ' ' the anhouncement party were ' Miss Jean ' ' Newman, Miss Aririe and. Miss ; Jane Huston; Miss' Lenav . Tingelstad, Miss Harriet Hawkins, , Miss'- Nancy Wallace, ' wick. Miss Beverhr McGilchrist. .Miss Shlrlev Rol-iwnrni Mis Sharon Burnett Miss Jbtrtcia Ryan and Mrs.- J. H. Ryari. - J-r ictured on me steps at the West Lefelle street home of Dean and Mrs. Mel V vin H. Geist are Mrsv Donald M. Campbell and son, Larry, of Kansas City, Kansas. They arrived last week for an extended visit in the capital. Mrs. . Campbell's husband is a brother of Mrs. Geist and the son of Mrs. L B. Camp bell, who resides at the Geist home. Mr. Campbell is now on active duty with the navy. (Kennell-Ellis photo). v Travelers V Highlight the News . . .. . : . .. ; - By JERYME ENGLISH : ' ' "'r Statesman Society Editor . . ' . Travelers continue to hold the social, spotlight these late summer daySi Salem lolk are leaving each week fori various parts of the country to see members of their families, while others, are going on trips. . Mr. and Mrs. Custer Ross are leaving this month for an extended trip. which will take them to Victoria and Vancouver, BC, Lake Louise and Banff. They are planning a cruise of the Great Lakes on. the Canadian Steamship line. They, will begin their cruise at Fort Williams and will leave the boat at Port McNicoll." From there -.they will go on to Toronto, 'Montreal and Quebec. Before returning home Mr. and Mrs. Ross will visit in New York City and, " In Chicago where they will attend-the " American Bar association convention. ! - Judge and Mrs. George Rossman are taking the streamliner out of Portland on Friday, September 1 for Chicago1: They will be registered at the Drake hotel during their 'stay in Chicago. Judge Rossman will attend the American Bar association and the commissioners meeting which precedes the week before. The Rossmans plan to be away; - several weeks. . v". . ., 2. Leave For Neio York V;... .-' - i ' - : . -.- .. 1 -! . Mr. and Mrs. Arthur E Utley entrained Thursday night from Portland for New -York City where they will visit their son, Mr. William Utley, who is in business in the eastern city. ' They plan. to be gone a month. jEnroute both ways the Utleys will visit with friends and relatives in Sioux City, Iowa, Sioux Falls,- South Dakota and Chicago. j 1 -. Mrsr. Patrick Reynolds (Frances Lilbum), daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Iilbumhas left for Macomb, Illinois,! to join Corporal Reynolds, who is stationed at nearby Camp Ellis. The couple resided in Salem while he was at Camp Adair. ;', . ' i ' " - Miss Betty Childs, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leo N. CKilds. will leave Thursday for San Francisco; San Jose and ' other bay cities where she will visit her Delta Delta. Delta sorority sisters. In San Francisco she will be the guest oi Miss Molly Jean Maison, who has just returned to ttie south. Miss Childs has been attending fee University of Ore-j gon isummer session cmd returned home Saturday.'-She' "will enroll for her senior year "at the university this f alii !"r , Mrs. Taylor Hawkins and her daughter, Miss Harriet Honwxirfs, and-W.' and ' Mrs. Robert : McMurrav of Port-T, 7's , land are leaving ihursday lor a vacation in Vancouver and Victoria, BC. They plan to be gone 'a week. Return Home ' ' - . , Mrs. Douglas McKay and Miss Mary Lou McKay are expected home Monday from Norman, Oklahoma, where! '" they have been visiting the formers son-in-law and daughter, Ensign and Mrs. Wayne Hadley, and their year old daughter, Lileen Patricia Lnsign Hadley is stationed at the naval air base in Norman. v Staff Sergeant and Mrs. Russell Beardsley (Betty Wirth) arrived in the capital Thursday from Grenada, Mis sissippi, where they have been residing. Sergeant, Beardsley is stationed at Camp McCiart. They are visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. rtaipn Winn ana Mrs. vjuve M. ceardsiey, lor ten days. 1 iss Molly Jean Mcdson, daughter of Lt Col. cmd V.- "Mrt." H.- C Maison. who has returned -to aaa . s-v ! Francisco after a. visit in Salem with her mother and v - -I friends." " Miss Maison, a graduate of Salem" schools, - ' "' r recently completed her pilot's training and has her ' She is now awaiting assignmentjn the bay - ; , Beaches Attract Many . . y- : - The beaches and , mountains . are - popular resorts for Salem vacationists. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Devers and chil 'dren, Suisanne and Jimmy, of Portland are spending the :weekend in Salem withtheir families. ' On Tuesday they will leave for Neskowin where they have taken a house for ' '. Ml . 4 . T i a weet -iney will be accompaniea Dy Mrs. Lynn neise and son, Iohn, and Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Devers, sr. Weekend guests of Dr. and. Mrs. Burton A. Myers at. their beach home at Delake are Mr. and Mrs. E L McFJvgiri, Ccrp&in arid Mrs. Frederick Sullivan, and Mr. Harris Lletzl -Mrs. . Liet? and me Myers' twin daughters, Jeanne . and ! Janice, have been spending the week at the Myers' beach house.: - r i ...!.'", . ! :T Mr, and Mrs. Edward O. Stadter, jr., and son, Greg ory, have -been vacationing at Neskowin the past weekl I Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Halley , are spending . several weeks at their summer home at. Braemar beach. . . j ' - Mrs. pale Shepherd and son, Jeff, have been guests of Mr. and Mrs. Allan Fraser of McMinnvill at their summer home at Devils Lake the past week. j " j ' Mr. and Mrs. J. Marvin Ritchie and daughters, Linda and Patricia Sue, and Mrs. Roger Kellogg are leaving Monday for Oceanlake where they will vacation for a week, f Mr. arid Mrs. H. L Braden and Mrs. Gertrude Hodges ore spending several days on the North Fork of the San- tiara: i - . A'- 'f .'-I.. - ; l ; ; Mr. and. Mrs. Gardner Kriapp and sons, Jimmy and ' Eddie are expected home the first of the week from a fort night's trip. The first week they camped at Three Creeks v lake and visited with friends at Union Creek. The past, week they have been guests "of Mr. Knapp's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Knapp. in Grants Pass. A ' : . , - i ;-- , ., i 1 . i ' " y'r-- - - - '1 - - . ' ; j Lunching at the Marion : Mrs. George Weller was having Junch with her two. sis? ters from Portland, Mrs. J. F. Elton and Miss MarierChurchilL iThey have been here a week arid will leave on Monday. -Miss Churchill has also been visiting in Monmouthduring the week.! " " ; -' t . - - Mrs; Warren Pohle,' in from .her rountry'. home' near Turner, was lunching with Mrs. Edward K. Piasecld . The Pohles have had a busy summer harvesting their crops and entertaining house guests. ' - Mrs. Kenneth1 Sherman (Marjorie Van DeWalker) was at a booth with Mrs. Albert Currey . . Their army hus-, bands are both in England . . . Marjoriei has received word .. from Kenneth, a lieutenant in the air corps, that he has re ceived the air medal and several citations. p ... .Two young business matrons lunching together . .. - Mrs. Delvin Durham and Mrs. Al Moen. - ; Encjagemeht :T61di at TM " Guests, who called "at' the tea' for" which Mrs.' William, H. Fisher was hostess. Saturday afternoon, were "tcld of th' betrothal'of her daughter Miss' Norma Lee tFisher;"to Sei , . gearit. Herman' F.' Dale of Topekai . Kansas', son of Mr. and MrsC F. Dale pf Hiawatha, Kansas No plans for trie wed .1 ding Jidve been made. V v , ;!- V t '. . The bride-elect.' the daughter ;of Mr. arid Mrs! illiam ,H' Fisher, ' is a graduate of Salem . high schooL ; She is em- ployed, at the secretary, of state's office. Her fiance was ed- t2Z, ucqted;iri Kansasr.' He is now stationed at Camp Shelby, ; iviissiijljjpj. . . f t , ji . ... : .. . . i I iOver d hundred guests called between 3 arid 7 o'clock, :' Miss Lois Ruth Fisher, the bride-elect's sister.Soperied me K door and passed' the announcement scrolls. Mrs. Fisher and her daughter received their guests informally . during '.'.the "afternoon. t: " " y- - : - - t -. 1,.. J t ; Presiding at the tea "urns wee Mrs. H. W. Gross, Mrs. ; H. L. Reurker, Mrs. William Hinz and Mrs. Herman Schoen of Hillsboro, formerly of Salem. Assisting were Mrs. LeRoy iMittendorf,- Mrs. Jack Brown,: Miss Wilma Papitz, Miss Pru i,dence Foster and Mrs. ,G. A- Brodhagen. A I IJ .V ' i . - Bouquets of gladioluses were Gtrangedabout. the guest ' rooms."- The tea table wa3 centered with an arrangement of .- roses, asters and gladioluaes. tt ' Jv67 a a dessert supper party Wednesday -night was the betrothal of Miss Coralee Nichols. . daughter of Mrs. Cass A. Nichols,, and Mr. Douglas R. Baker, son of Mr. and Mrs, R H. Baker. The wed- ding date has not been set (Kennell-Ellis photo). Couple - -Miss Helen Purvine;1' daughter of Mrsi Ellis Purvine,- who will be married to - Mr. Andrew Hdmmorul Burnett o Sari Francisco on Thursday, August 31, is the center of much entertaining-in the lew days before her jfnarriage; .' I ; , ' Mr. Burnett, his father. Mr, W, S. Bumett, and Mr Donald J. Kenrieidy, who will serve as best mdnl for me' bride groom, are expected to arrive irt the capital Tuesday mom-ing from San Frcmdsco. Mrs.1 Ralph E Purvine, the bride lect's,sister-iri-law, will return this weekend from Wmona 'Mirmesotov where-she has been spending the1 summer with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Guy E. Raymond. She will be accompanied r by her young' son, .Bill. Hostesses Entertain For tonight Miss "Eleanor Trindle and Mrs. Manfred Olson are, planning a party Jn compliment-to Mis3 PurvineV Guests have been invited to a.7,o'clock supper at the William H. Trindle home on South Commercial street Guests J; will -be seated at small tables centered with pastel summer jflowers. ;An everung of follow, thai, supper hour." r Covers will be placed for. Miss Helen Piirvine; Miss Margaret-Purvine of Coronov Calif., Miss Julia Johnson of Ch'. cago. Mrs. Kenneth Hanson,5 Mrsl Harold Shogren, Mrs. Woe.Doughton.rMrs.' Chbincey . Gettman of Dallas, Mrs. ' Richard A. Olson, Miss Jecav McElhinny of McMinnville Miss Sybil Spears, Miss Eleanor Trindle and Mrs. Manfred -Olson. . - . '"Y-- t-. v";:'''- ; ' :' : --Vv :'r ' U'a Buffet SupPr:1 '- - - -'?". - ': iv,: ;. V---,:,r . - -Mr. end Mrs. FrarO H..Spears,: sr and. Miss Sybil Spears will be hosts for a bulfet suppef,TuesdjaryvnlghV'a"7 -o'clock at their Chemeketa street home in compliment to Miss-Purvine and her fiance. : . - I -: . :--',..1 " Gtrssts will .be seated at individual tallies .where ewers wiU be placed Mr. Andrew H. Burnett Mrs. .Ellis Purvine, liss Margaret PurvineVLt and-Mrs. Ralph E. Purvine, Mr.-W. S. Burnett' ; . Mr, Donald J. Kennedy. Mr. arid-Mrs. Charles A.. Srague, i Mr. od Mrs. T. W.G Ju-; lia Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Edward O.Stadt sr. jrM Mr. cmd Mrs ; Robert Needho lidm Connell Dyer, Mrs. Russell Catlin,-Mr s. Frank IL Spearsi jr and Mr.-and Mrs. Frank-Spears, ttir'- ' I - . ; .; - . "5. - , :, . ' : A . - .: :;,..--;.;:.,.. - -,v 1 .-!-- - : "":..r."v . i ; :-A f " hief Petty Officer and Mrt George Bighorn Cau-. $ey (Mary Josephine Geiser) snapped-by the photographer in front of the First Methodist church -after their marriage on August -19. - The bride' is. the " daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter W:Geiser.tend her , ' husband's parents are Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Causey. The couple will live at Manitowoc, Wisconsin, "where ' he is stationed wi me navy.-aCenriell-Ellis -photo). iss. Peggy-Lou Uritz. above;"' daughter of Mr.;. . ... . v-'.' and MrsTHartfo'rd M.'Lintt 'whose engagement to Mr. Herbexf I Steed.' USNR son of Mrs. J. Lymcn ' - SteeoVhas been cnMoimceoL jo-date has been est -" for the 'weddmg'Miss lintzctnd her fiance, are grad- -'i votes ol Salem high school. -lr.-Sieed is' now home - -on leave from Farragut' !He enlisied in the navy this""' -'-spring as one of the-WillametValley -Victoi-y .-Vol-v imteers. (Kennell-EULs photo). , , . . '