The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 27, 1944, Page 5, Image 5

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    - The CZZGOIi STATESMAN. 'Salsa, Crsejoa. .Sunday -MwaLag; Jlnnst 27. KH
Eidu.3in FTews DBn'Oceffs
nm PMii Bail .When bail
bond for Dan . Hess, charged with
larceny by embezzlement, was re
duced from $15Q0 to $500 Satur
day, bond was provided and Hess
was released." Arrested " at Sweet
Home he was- held v for alleged
embezzlement' of $301 T from' his
former employer,Salem Naviga
tion company, some months ago.
When bailwas Jixed, District At
torney : Miller B. Hayden ex
plained Saturday it was believed
that; Hess, -then in J an. eastern
state would have to be "extra
dited..""'1 :- -, -'
-."''''' - -j ' . -j
Wedding, pictures t a k e nat the
church. 520 JS tat& ph. 5722. '
I Land Girt to. State Formal
presentation ox - aeea to io
.acres ,'of ''land .'at ' thetop'-of thep
Glenn Creek road hill - inyPolk
county to. the state highway oom
- mission for, park 1 purposes was
made Saturday noon in Salem by
A ; A Vk J
. ocueva vuu, prvuiuicui rwuana
war Veteran and attorney. Fouts
celebrated his . birthday by . turn
ing over the deed to the property,
the commission having voted a
month ago to accept the gift.
Excellent unpainted furniture,
desks, book shelves. R. D. Weod
row Co., 325 Center.
. School Bos Struck A school
bus, driven by Harry I Loomis,
Brooks, used this summer to
transport , workers to harvest
fields, was struck by a private car
driven by Grace E. McNeal, 243
North 14th street, shortly after 7
0 clock Saturday morning at the
intersection of Cottage and Hood
streets. No one was injured; both
vehicles were slightly damaged,
city police said.
The Robe,! $2.73. Under cover,"
$1.49. Good variety Christian fic
tion. Bible Book House, Inc., 150 S.
Fires Minor City firemen were
called to two minor fires Satur-
. day, one a grass fire on Smith
street, back of the Cherry Grow
ers', cooperative plant, and the
.other at 435 State street, upstairs
In an office, where a dustmop was
afire. .
2 experienced salesladies wanted.
Ph. 7698.
1 Sim Broken Again The elec
tric sign at Price's store, tampered
. with a number of times recently,
n . -S. .
is again out oi commission oe
. cause of the handiwork of some
' vandal or vandals, city police
were notified Saturday.
Listen to KSLM, 7 p.m. Sunday.
Club to Meet Townsend club
, No 2 will meet at the Leslie Meth
odist church Monday night at 8
o'clock. ' -Glenn Wilson, Townsend
national 1 representative of . Texas,
' will be' the speaker. Everyone is
Invited to attend. .
The Apron Shop, 679 N. High St.
will be closed Aug. 28 to Sept 11.
i Rags and uphol. cleaned. Ph. 6831
Loses Purse, Money Mrs. Peg
gy Steyens of Tillamook appeared
at police headquarters at 2:45 f
a Jn. Saturday morning , and said
her purse, well Xilled with money,
had been stolen or lost. Mrs. Stev
ens was unable to tell where she
had been, or where she had last
seen the purse. .The contents, she
said, were $898 in cash, two trav
elers' checks, one for $1000 and
another for $2000, her driver's li
cense and miscellaneous other ar
ticles. . ......
For home loans see Salem Fed
eral, 130 South Liberty.-
; JUstaaraat Workers Hurt Gary
Hutchinson, 14, jroute six, Salem,
bus boy ina Salem - restaurant,
was giverr emergency care Saturj
day. by city first aid men .after he
had cut the palm of his right hand
on a refrigerator, door handle. He
was the second restaurant' em
ploye to receive first aid in the
24-hour . period. Friday night,
Dolly Wright, 2384 Adams street,
was the patient, having cut the
calf of her left leg on a broken
dish. ,
Listen to KSLM, 7 pm. Sunday.
Ferry Costs Shown Cost of op
eration of the Marion-Polk county
ferry at Independence for the fis
cal year 1943-44 was $6013.18, the
report from Polk county filed Sat
urday-with Marion county court
showsMarion bears half the ex
pense of the operation, which Is
under management of the Polk
county court
Scripture greeting cards. New
Christmas cards already in. Bible
Book House, 150 S. Liberty. '
. On Vacation City Fireman
and Mrs. Robert Mills, who drove
to .Reno two weeks ago on vaca
tion, traveling at; night to avoid
the heat, have returned to Ore
gon and with Walter Mills and
Mike Steinbock are reported fish
ing on the Columbia. They, will
return to Salem early this week.
Listen to TCKTJML 7 n.m. Snndav
Illness Fatal John E. ; Ander
son, 65, of 126 South 24th street,
for whom city first aid men were
called when he became suddenly
ill Saturday morning at his home,
was dead upon their arrival, ap
parently from a heart attack, first
aiders report
For Kem-Tone shop R. D. Wood
row's 345 Center Street . '
YWCA Group Will Meet The
Young Business and Professional
Girls club of the YWCA will meet
at the YWCA on Monday evening
for the regular meeting and also
a no-host dinner at 6:30 o'clock.
Ayrostar all weather jacket . Tail
ored of Skinner's , tackle twill
$10.95. ; Alex Jones, 121 North
Home Sold Bert Keller has
sold his home at 675 F street in
Independence to Mrs. M. .W. Mix
and. has purchased a home at 335
North 24th street in Salem.
Name Changed Change of the
name of the Burying Ground as
sociation of School District No. 2
of 'Marion county, Oregon,' to the
Champoeg : Cemetery association
is contained in supplementary 'ar
ticles of incorporation filed with
the Marion - county, clerk - Satur
day. : . . - v v'-.'
CynV Crontse Photographs and
Frames. , 1st .NatT Bank Bldg. .
Child Injured Sammy Koonce,
3 M 'years old, resident of Abrams
avenue,', received a r slight punc
ture - wound on the back : of 'his
head 'when he fell on a building
block Saturday night at his home,
city first aid men said. -
Improved .' Elbertas,. the perfect
canning, peach. ;. Win . ,be ready
about .Sep$.l: L;L Fruit i Ranch,
Keizer Bottom. ... . -
Kniukle Injured-Don Vautrin,
26, Grand Ronde, who told city
first aid men he had injured his
hand in an altercation with, an
other worker at the McLaughlin
hopyard, was treated for a cut
knuckle Saturday.
The Fashionette's "Clearance
Sales Specials:" Dresses" $4.95,
$6.95, $10.00 and $12.75. Real Val
ues! Hats from $1.00. All coats
Donors Sought Blood donors
for Tuesday should register Mon
day with - Marion county Red
Cross chapter offices, by calli lg
9277, Red Cross workers declared
Saturday when registrations were
80 short
Bartlett pears, 1 mi. N. on Wal
lace rd. Wendts.
Celery Knife Injures Don
Mock, 11, of route two, box 126,
Salem, was '.treated by city first
aid men Saturday for a celery
knife cut on his left thumb re
ceived while working.
Picking Slappys . and Crawfords
now. Elbertas in 10 days. L.
Townsend's orchard, Mission Bot
Teachers Supplies In County
Superintendent Agnes C. Booth
reports that teachers' supplies for
schools over the county are now
at her office and, may be picked
up there by the respective teach
ers. :'
Reroof with Johns-Manville as
pnait sningies. Kight over your
old roof. Free estimates. Ma this
Auto Theft Reported Theft of
his automobile is reported to the
police by Otto Marquardt, route
7. The car was stolen early Sat
urday morning from the Califor
nia Packing company grounds.
Listen to KSLM, 7 pjn. Sunday.
Tire 8tolen ' Virgil Cheshire,
682 North 15th street reported to
police that a spare wheel and tire
were stolen from his automobile
Thursday night at his home.
John A. Schram .vsJ Mabel . L
Schram: 'amended . complaint . for
diyprce.- charges cruel and. inhu
man treatment: accompanying af?
fidavit declares plaintiff is able, to I more than four Tears of imnrison-
pay$30 1 -a montn lor , support j Jment-from two Parisians, one "an
mtnnr child. " I . - .
rhtJ B. Fisru vs. ZelDhia wumau niarnea to
rene Fisrisrcomplaint for divorce Frenchman and the other a French
alleges desertion; married Aug. 21, 1 physician In the ' underground
1931, at Fort Morgan, Cow. J movement which by last Thursday
nrder directs defendant1 to show aainst e Gtrnians ln this dty.
cause on Sept' ,29 why he should woman, born In New. York,
not be punished for ' contempt of I whose hus"band runs a Paris fac
court ," -. ' . ;. i V ; : I tory': ;;:
Mary J,, Ashinhust ;by:- Ruth '?f V 'A iiU'
King, guardi.n ad liTX.-T
defendant in military 'service ex
pressly consents to .trial without
necessity 1 of his being represented
by attorney. .4,.
Anna M. Larsen estate; final ac
count of Roy B. Larseh,: adminis
trator, shows receipts of $1884.75,
with $1754.10 for, distribution fol
lowing disbursements; hearing set
for Sept 30. ."..'! .
Residents Tell r
Story of Paris
Under Bonds c '
PARIS, Aug. 26-(rT)7These are
stories of Paris-rci Parisduring
rrwo things have taken me by
my heart. The first was whenthey
put the flags back up Saturday on
the Hotel De VOle (dty hall) and
the prefecture (police . station).
Then when ' they came yesterday
to liberate us.
"It has been four years of wait
ing. ' I love France and I love
America more. My sister has been
sent to a concentration camp. We
Henry Schultebein estate; order have been on such rations here
for citation on sale of real, prop
erty upon petition of Martha Neit-
ling, administratrix. Property in
volved, lots 1 and 2, block 2, Dit-
ter's addition to Sublimity.. Ralph
W. Skopil named . guardian : ad
Litem for Robert - Stevely, minor
heir. i ,
Lyman Rife, 30, truck driver,
and Marie Dickens, 25,' both of 310
Water street, Salem, j .
Cedl James Gantenbein, 24, US
navy, 1997 State street Salem, and
Rose Marie Siereg, 21, Norfolk, Va.
Eugene Richard Davie, Sweet
Home; defective brakes; $5 bail.
Harvey J. Reinke; assault and
battery; $50 baiL
Ray Orvil Blair, Dallas; reck
less driving; $25 bail.1
Harry O. Webb, route five, Sa
lem; failure to stop; $2.50 bail.
that nobody could really live on
thenl without . the black market
The ration was one fourth pound
of butter a month for one person
and a fifth pound of meat
Only the very rich have been
eating decently here. It would take
at 'least $600 a month to feed a
very small family. The black mar
ket people used to go' out of Paris
in a hearse and bring butter and
American Tank in Marceille
A French-Manned American tank rolls' along a street in Marseille,
- Riviera metropolis and second largest French city, hunting isolated
' German units trapped in the dty. (AP wirephote from signal eerps
food in here in coffins. They
wouldn't stop coffins.
' "The Germans took all the food.
You wouldn't believe it but they
had every farm checked off. They
knew just how much every one
would produce and they gave ev
ery farmer a quota sa much but
ter, so many eggs, so much wine.'
"I don't know of anybody , who
has actually starved to. death here
but there are very many and
nearly all of them children who
have been suffering for a long
time from undernourishment"
The doctor, one of the really big
men in the , French resistance
"Last Friday night .it really
started. We captured the Hotel de
Ville and the Prefecture. We had
those by. Saturday morning, - but
the Germans were counterattack
ing us all the time until you came.
We started this attack .with 20,000
partisans. We 'ended . it yesterday
morning with . 100,000. . .
Roles Under
SEATTLE, Aug. 28-P)-Walter
E. Hess, who claimed successively
nadian -Mounted police, a ferry
Ore, Is being held for question- :
Inrr al fhm lall Online '
William Feek disclosed tonight ' '
itiessj ciaa in a blue-gray unl- -form
trimmed in red and wearing .
a campaign haV waa arrested at ;
a downtown jbotel yesterday, Cap"
tain Peek eaiL". after "toe" hotel'
clerk suspidoned him and not!-1'
fled authorities. :'.-.
Feek said Hess told the clerk
lie was a mmmtlii whA Tiad 1nf
his money and papers and would
have to wire for more when he
registered, s The clerk's suspidons,
were aroused when the supposed
mounted policeman spelled Can-',
ada with two N's, Feek explained.
When . p o 1 c e arrived it was
learned from', other guests the.
story of his occupation had been
changed to that of a ferry, pilot-
-v Under questioning at the police
station, Hess said his address was
LawrenceburgInd, and that he
was a "machmfe inspector, who
had been employed briefly as a:
Swan Island guard. In his pos
session, Feek said, were a bank
book under another name, a lieu
tenant's bars and a letter of com
mendation, purportedly from thej
secretary of navy.
California Sizzles
Under Heat "Wave
- s -
LOS ANGELES, Aug. 26-(P) i
The temperature rose 96 degrees!
here today, highest recording since
103 on i September 23, 1943, the
weather; bureau said. !
Riverside sizzled under 112 and
its neighbor, San Bernardino, re
ported 111. Other torrid readings
induded Tarzana, 109, and San
Fernando, 106, both in the San
Fernando valley, and North Hol
lywood 102. ;
The weather bureau, forecast
maximums of 105 to!. 110 tomor
row. ' i
., . ' , ' j- , ,
Leaves for Visit Albert E. Ras-
mussen, superintendent of the
Masonic Temple building left Fri
day for a visit in San Francisco.
Taylor '
- William Taylor, late resident of 1395
South Liberty street. Tuesday. August
22. at the age of 68 years. Survived by
his wife. Mrs. Mary E. Taylor of Salem,
three sons. Robert E. Taylor of Corval
lis and Joseph and Howard Taylor of
Chigwell of Alberta, Canada; two sls-
; ters, Mrs. Barbara Baker of SeatUe.
Alberta, Canada- and Mrs. Frances
Dodson of Ohio; a daughter-in-law,
' Mrs. Lavina Taylor of Benicia. Calif.,
and seven grandchildren. Services will
be held Tuesday. Aug. 29. at 10:30 a.
m. from Clough-Barrick - chapel. Rev.
Joseph Knotts officiating. Interment in
' Belcrest Memorial park.
Mrs. Mamie A. Binegar, at the resi
dence at 70 East Turner road, Thursday,
August 24. Wife of Ota D. Binegar -of
Salem: mother of Mrs. Paul ZielinsW
of Salem. Ota D. Binegar, jr of the
army air corps at Santa Ana. Calif.,
. Frank Blanchard. with the US army
in Burma. India, and, Donald and John
nie Blanchard. both of Lebanon; and
sister of Mrs. Hattie Varonos of Tu
lare City. Calif.; and Mrs. Dora Pick
ens of Portland. Also survived by
three rrandchildren. Services will . be
held Monday, August 28. at 2.-00 p. m..
from Clough-Barrick chapel. Rev. W.
Harold Lyman officiating. Interment
in Belcrest Memorial park. .
c HMaMai : " " A-
John D. Koontz, at. his residence
1885 N. 19th St, Friday. Aug. 23. at
the age of 70 years. Survived by his
wife. Mrs. Ida Mav Koontz. of Sa
lem: two sons. Harold V. Koontz of
Salem, and John D. Koontz, Jr.. US
coast guard; sister, .Mrs. Pinkerton
Day of Seattle; - two grandchildren.
Rndeer D. and Harold V. Koontz. K
both of Salem. Services will! be. held
Monday. August 28 at 10:30 a. m.. from
f-louBh-Bamck chapel. Rev.f WiUard
Hall officiating. Interment in Belcrest
Memorial park. (
Frank S. Giddings, late resident of
465 Columbia St., Wednesday, Aug. 23,
at the age of ss years, burvtvea or
wife. Mrs. Mav Giddines. of Salem
three stepdaughters, Mrs. Bernice. Ha-
We wish to express our heart
felt thanks for the kindness and
sympathy, also the many beauti
ful flowers, extended us on the
recent loss of our dear husband
and father. Mrs. Mabel E..Mc
Cauley and family... ;
zel of Salem, Mrs. Doris Le Baron
of New York City, and Mrs. Esther
Saunders of Catskill, NY.; two sis
ters. Mrs. Jennie Woodworth, of Hast
ings, Nebr and Mrs. Rudolph Col
gart of Hartwell, Nebr.; two brothers,
Charles Giddings of Western Springs,
HI., and Emmett, Giddings of CaldweU,
Idaho. Services will be held Monday,
Aug. 28, at 3:30 p. m, from Clough
Barrick chapel with interment in City
View cemetery. . 4 . r
John Edward Anderson, sr at his
home, 198 S. 24th street, Saturday,
Aug. 26, at the age of 67 years. Sur
vived by wife, Mrs. Mary B. Anderson
pf Salem; three sons, Howard of Mc
Minnville, ' Marvin F. and John E.,
both of Salem; two daughters. Miss
Irene Anderson of Auburn, Calif, and
Mrs. Margaret Young of Monroe, Wash,
sister, Mrs. Alice Rolefson, of Cato,
Wis.; two grandchildren. Services will
be held Tuesday, Aug. 29. at 24)0 p. m.
from Clough-Barrick chapel. Dr. Hen
ry Marcotte officiating. Interment In
Belcrest Memorial park.
Memorial services will be held Sun
day, August 27 at 2:30 p. m. at the
Howell-Edwards chapel (Walker-Howell
Funeral home) with Rev. W. Har
old Lyman officiating " for Staff . Sgt.
Alexander M. Schmidt; 23, former res
ident of 1010 Oak street, who was
killed o Biak island. New Guinea,
June 14. Surviving are the wife, Mrs.
Norma .Schmidt of Salem; a daughter,
Jo Ann Schmidt of Salem; five sisters.
Mrs. James Uebelman and Mrs. Otto
Hoppe, both of Salem. Mrs. Ed Ricks
of : Jefferson, Mrs. George Slater of
Seaside and Mrs. Jack Metcalfe of
Turner: and two brothers, Christ
Schmidt of Turner and William
Schmidt of the US army. '
William D. Watson of 9909 NE Pres
eott, Portland, in that city August 24.
Husband of . Minnie DeLong - Watson
of Portland: father of Mrs. Madeleine
Dunlap of Phoenix, Ariz, and Mrs.
Charity D. Stepp of Portland; brother
of Mrs. Marguerite Masaon of San
Francisco. Also survived by a sister
In Michigan and two sisters and four
brothers in Scotland. Services will be
held Monday. August 38. at S p. m.
at the Howell - Edwards chapel (Wal-
wr - Hnwcu Funeral home) wun m-
i.rm.nt n tha Citv View cemetery.
Arrangements by Ross Hollywood
mortuary of NE 48th avenue and sail'
dy. WU1 leave Portland at 11 a. m.
Monday. -
We o!!ar lot sale the lovely Roy leene horn at 543 Le
fHe street. It contains tdx large rooms, three of which
axe bedrooms, on down, two up. Double plumbing, din
ing room and Idtdxen harm numerous buIIWns, coxy
krtcHccst nook, tn!ranc hc
cheerful liring room large windows and fireplace.
Automatic cdr-conditioned oil heat and electric not water
beater. The) home is completely, tarnished, including
electric range end refrigerator. Tho lorely yard contains
numerous rare shrubs and trees. Garage. The price ts
only $12,503.' Shown by erppointment only.
SSvEOEl n3zUT7,0"E?m
212 North Kgh CL Phone 4316
'VI i
2& '
Hov ycu can
have a beautiful
kitchen now!
A beautiful new coat of
paint for your breakfast
1 room set. i - -
Paint bright colors
on your cabinets.
Paint new color on your
garbage receptacle.
Color spots for accents
really smarten up kitchens.
ItmiSWEXmCID $1.66
will do probably
4Ai tbest
Tor color Ideas '
tctfd like to lend you
Simwm a Williams.
" ' ' gmmm
"WARDS . . . a good store for
men who want good clothes
1 t v -1
Brent is the choice of the man who KNOWS a good suit
when he sees it. He knows it is precisely tailored of 100 ,
wool . . . he knows it has a reputation for long, hard wear vw end
he knows Brent is tops in suit economy
Vt Wards .'r.'. Pcymtr.i Fht
.... rWo Charz for Aktrd'am
1S5 North Liberty
Phone 3194
375 Chemeketa St.
Dial 9221