Farm "-TvT rr r-'N-TI-r" -TV - . IVii-ai'Jl ILS. i The OrJSOIt CTATlZMAri. Caltm. Orsjcn. Cundcry Morning August 27. 1844 FAGS CUTLUf t li "0 SjDi ,1 Ji I-1 .-. f 1 i n s; A" i! 1 l! 1 i 1 ; Strictly-Privale" fix. MKrjvea.. .pip CM 5?8 V" IVVCU I HWVVS AMTN T Aivrr SLMuy Quotations at Portland Produce - PORTLAND. Ore.. Aug. 26 -(AP Butter AA grade, print, 46-l,kc: cr ton, 47-47',ic; A grade, prints, 45Uc 46c; carton. 46-46UC , Butterfat First quality maximum of .6 of 1 per cent acidity, delivered tn Portland, 52-52 'c; premium quality maximum of .35 of 1 per cent acidity. M-53'.ic; valley routes and country points. 2c less than first or. 50-51,ic. Egg To producers, candled basis: ease county; select henneries. 42-S3c; mediums U-34C dozen. , . EggsTo retailers: A large, 48c; A . medium, ' 39-40e; small (pullet), A. T3e : dozen. Live poultry Buying prices from .. producers: broilers up to 2 lbs.. 29c; fryers. 2 o 3,i lbs.. 29c lb.; roasters, over 3',i lbs,, 29c; Leghorns. 2Sc lb.; colored hens, all weighU. - 2iic lb.; roosters and stags, 2le lb. i Country meats Rollback prices to re tailers; country killed hogs, best buch- er. -120-140 lbs.. 24-17c; vealers. AA. 22 lic; A. 21V4J- B. W-l',ic: C. l-17c; culls. 12-15c; beet. AA. llc; A, 2Hc; B. lHc; C. 14c; canner-cutter cows, 13-14c; bulls, eanner-cutters. 14-14c: lambs, AA. Mc; A. 2r4c;,B. 22 'ic; C, 10-20c; ewes, - rs. lS'c; medium 12c; R. imc . Cheej-Selling orlce to Portland re tailers: Oregon triplets. 2.4c; daisies, 29 Jc lb: 'loaf. 20 lb.; : triplets to v. whelesalers. 27c: loat 27.fcc ruB. " Rabbits Government celling. 'Ave age country killed to retailers; 40-44c lb.; live price to producers. 22-24c lb. Turkeys Selling price to retailers: dressed hens. No. 1. 29.-l3c lb. - Turkeys Alive: government celling buying prices: hens, 42c; torn. 36',ic lb., dressed basis. Onions Green 67-70C doz. bunches. Onions Cslifornla red. 22.50; WalU Walla 22-2.10 90-lb. bag: Yakima. $2 2.10; Idaho white globes 22.42 per 50 Ib, bag. -Potatoes Local. 22-2.25 orange box: Yakima. SI 65 cenUl; No. 2 21.50 per SO-lb. bag. " Wool Government control. - - Cascara bark 1944 peel. 20c lb. Mohair 1942, 12-month. 45c lb. Portland Livestock PORTLAND. Ore.. Aug. 26 -AP) WFA) Salable cattle for week 3200; calves 915: market active, generally steady, medium - good steers weak to 25 cents lower; two loads short fed steers $14.25-75; medium - good grass steers $13.50-14.50; common - medium largely $9.00 to $13.00; medium - good grass heifers $10.50-11.75; few good $12.00-13.00: common $8.00-10.25; me . dium - good beef cows $8.50-10.50; com mon $7.00-2.25: canner - cutters $4.50- C.50; good bulls $9.00-50; good - choice vealers si4.oo-is.oo; ouik common medium $10.00-13.00. . T Salable hogs for week 3725; trade active, all classes about steady, sort ing more rigid for plain grades: top $15.75 on good - choice 180 - 240 lb. butchers, medium $13.00-50: 241 - 280 lbs. largely $15.00; heavier kinds ' 213.50 - 15251 light lights S13.50-14.50 sows $12.00-50; choice light weights to : $13.00; feeder pigs steady, mostly $12.00- v 13.00. . f ' .. Salable Iambs for week 5550: fat lamb trade slow, good - choice around 23 lower, lower grades 23 to 30 cents of ana in very narrow aemana: lew aecas good - choice rail - shipped lambs siz.50-i3.vo: trucked lots medium - good $10.30-11.50; common S0.50-10.00; smaU lots on feeder order $8X0-0.00; good - c Voice recently shorn springers $0 JO - 10.50; some on feeder - eroer ss oo-s oo; medium good year' burs $8.00-10.00. Portland Grain . PORTLAND. Ore.. Aug. 2$ AP) Wheat futures unquoted. . - Cash wheat (bid), soft white $1.44; sort white (excluding rex) 21.44; white club $1.44; western red $1.54., .. t'.Ii It tlZt .ca Cuici la tie ZZxt'uzu are the graves of Col. Docrlai Cl'. ::rr-J Amy Tfe. CtSa Y. io.;.v- i i ; latter in aeatn a :i : t-.e century u By Quinn Hall t Villi 1 11 rWM AtVTT l.CT "TM IT 8- Portland Hard red winter: ordinary 21.54: 10 per cent $1.55; 11 per cent $1.48; 12 per cent 21.51. . Hard white baart: 10 per cent 21.44: 11 per cent 91.48; 12 per cent $1.52. Today's car receipts: wheat 28; bar ley 35; flour 3; corn 1; hay 2; mill feed 4. Salem Market Quotations The prices below supplied by a lo cal grocer are Indicative of the daily market prices paid to growers by Sa lem buyers but are not guaranteed by The Statesman: BUTTESt, EGGS AND POULTRY Adreaea's Baytasg Prices ' (Seeject U change witheut aetke) BUTTERFAT Premium No. 1 No. 3 ... , M J3 JO - . BUTTER PRINTS A , ' V4 B .45 .46 Quarters ..,.,, EGGS , Extra large Mediums and standards Pullets M 2i 3a. Ji 39 POULTRY Colored hens. No. 1 No. 2 colored hens . Colored frys ., Martem Creaasery's Beybig Prices - (Subject to change wttkeet aettee) POULTRY No. 1 springs JS No. 1 hens - .23 LIVESTOCK Sprmg ) lamb 10.00 .1.00 tot 7.50 .03 'TOO 'to 8.50 .4.00 to 5.50 ....13.50 15.45 ,14.70 Yearling lamb Ewes Dairy cows Dairy bulls : Top veal .:. . Top hogs. 160 to 240 lbs. 240 to 27 lbs. .. Stock Market Has Bad Week NEW YORK, Aug. 26 -P)- Stocks generally turned downward in the past short market week as thoughts of a sudden ending of the European war continued to inspire light selling by those who feared industrial reconversion difficulties at home. There were exceptions through out the 5-day stretch, especially among utilities and other stocks that stand to benefit immediately by the return of peace. Rails nev er got anywhere in particular al though they maintained their bal ance fairly well in the face of the anti-trust action filed against 47 roads.' The wrangle in the war production board aroused some apprehension because, of its threat to transition plans. The Associated Press average of 60 stocks was down .8 of a point at 54.9 on the week. Secondary railway bonds were shaky throughout in reflection of the justice department's monopoly suit Toy. CoLMcNair, son of Lt Gen. lew weens later wnen he was cat down by s Japanese sniper. The little jnaiuyt tauea xcjcrasw lap wlrephoto from ts tsafisn tsrrM Grain Prices Trend Upward The upward trend In prices of oats and barley in the Portland market-which .began last- weekU continued during the week ended August 24, according to report to 4 the War Food admuustrauon. Trading ' was : considerably, more -active in these feed grains, espe cially in feeding barley. ' Market firmness and activity was princi pally attributed to the continued good demand from ? mixed feed manufacturers ' and feeders." for feed grains. Continued - lack - of corn offerings into this area from the Midwest and scarcity of wheat millfeed offerings in the . open marked were Important factors in the improved Inquiry for oats and barley during the past two weeks. Air improved demand for malting barley from this area was reported from Midwestern maltsters.' ; Harvest of winter grain is prac tically complete over large areas in Oregon and much spring grain has been harvested. Harvest was slightly delayed by morning dew locally during the week ' ended August 22. Unirrigated corn needs rain, but irrigated corn is doing well, although much of it is late in eastern countries. The week was favorable for late haying and for cutting and threshing grass and legume seed. Unirrigated pastures continue to deteriorate and some cattle have been turned into stub ble fields. However, over consid erable areas in eastern Oregon, range feed is holding out well. The barley market at Portland showed increased activity during the past seven days and continued on the upward trend in prices. Legal Notice SALE OF OBSOLETE EQUIPMENT AND SCRAP MATERIAL. The , Oregon State Highway Commission has for sale an as sortment of obsolete -equipment and parts located at the Highway Department . Equipment Plants at Salem, ruamatn jraiis ana . ml Grande, and a collection of acrap materials located at the Highway Department Equipment Plants at CoquiUe, Kiamatn rails - ana . la Grande. Partial hsts oi the - van ous kinds of equipment and scrap materials are as follows: AT SALEM: lV4-yd. P&H Shov el. RD8 caterpillar Tractor, jum bo CarryaU Scrapers,: Adams Road Maintainer and Killifer Road Rip- Der. '.. AT clkjuilajs: - scrap . .sieei. cast iron: bronze, radiator cores and batteries. AT KLAMATH FALLS: Galion Patrol Graders. McCormtck-Deer ing 10-20 Tractor, Adams - Koaa Maintainer, Pull Grader, Road Broom, Mowers, Snow Plow, Wa ter Pump, Scrap Steel, Cast Iron, Tires, Tubes, Batteries ana ra diator ' Cores. -AT LA GRANDE: RD8 Cater Eillar Tractor, Patrol Graders, lowers, Trailer, Shovel Bucket, Pumps. Truck Parts, Scrap Steel, Cast Iron, Bronze, Radiator Cores, Batteries, Tires, Tubes ana bcrap Paper. . Sealed bids for the purchase of all or any one piece of the obso lete equipment and for all. or any one. of the several classes of junk materials will be received by the, Commission in the Stock Ex change Room of the Imperial Ho tel, Portland, Oregon, at 9:00 o clock a. m. on Monday, Septem ber 11, 1944. Proposal blanks and full infor mation for bidders may be ob tained at the office of the State Highway Commission, Room 319. State Office Building, Salem, Ore gon. Separate proposal blanks have been prepared for each one of the above four groups , of ar ticles. The bidder should specify which ones are desired when re questing the proposal forms. Each bid must be submitted on a proposal form obtained from the State Highway Commission and must be accompanied by a certified check or bank draft in an amount not less than twenty- five per cent (25) of the total amount bid. where the total amount is $50 or less and ten per cent (10) of the total amount bid (with a minimum of $12.50), where the total amount is over $50.00. The right is reserved to reject any or all proposals or to accept the proposal deemed best for the tate or Oregon. OREGON STATE HIGHWAY COMMISSION. By: H. B. Glais yer, Secretary. A.27. 1 U V) 1 I IIcNair. ehfcf ef stiff. T7ih array Leslie J. McN'alr, killed la Franee, ' OasclfSed Advertising t : . Statesman ' Classified Ads ; . v Call9l0l, Three Insertions per iine .... 85c "Six Insertions -per -' an ,; One month per line t5 minimum charge 25c; 3 tL coin- traun S5c; tl sain. 45c Ne refund,' 'j - -1 - I ' Copy for dis ; page accepted inv til f 30 the itwtnc before publica tion ' for ' clasaincatwa. Copy re ceived after ibis tine will be' run under the beading ."Toe Late to Classify" - The Statesmaa assumes! no finan cial responsibility for- errors which may appear In advertisements pub lished In its columns 'and ta case where thte paper. Is at. fault wOl reprint that part of an i advertise ment ta ! wtuch the 8 typographicaJ mistake occuis, . 4 is The Statesman reserves the right -to reject questionable advertising , It further .. reserves the! light to place all advertising 4 tinder thei proper classificatioa. .'I,.'--"-'--' A "Blind V Ad en ad coaulning a Statesman oox .number-for an ad dress is : for the - protection oi the' advertiser and must therefore be; answered toy-letter. -The Statesman Is not at liberty to divulge infor mation a - to trie identity ef an. advertiser using a . Blind" ad, 4 ; - i Livestock 'and Ppultry. WORK' HORSES SADDtK HORSES Bar K Stock Ranch T ar0 uiartinmt on hand at aU times at weiy attractive prices. CRED IT vtvM tntMi, rkiomiitlt fftr : Guaranteed as represented. I"ret de livery Marry- nuenne. variwn, ww Located ', nu. iw. ox newoerg, FRESH MfLK goat Rt , boxj 531J HORSE I AND saddle. yr. oldj gen tle, nice color. Ph. 8460 or 5437. 1 JERSEY 4c 1' JERSEY tGUERNSEY cow, good milkers. l mil. E. Swegle schL Rt. S. Box 242, l. cnaries Morton RABBIT FRYERS and furs. Phi 8983. NEW Hampshire chickens, various ages. Rt 3. Box 13. saiem. Ph. 2223 WANTED: .Beef and canner cows bulls and veals. I Will call at farm E. I. Snethen. 3570 E. Turner Road Ph. 2134S. Morns or eves, j . j I ATTEKTIOK I WUl remove dead St worthless : stock in a moment's notice I SALEM FER TTLIZER i BY-PRODUCTS. Phi 6000 Collect (No other Phone): - k Help Wanted NOW REGISTERING hop pickers for lMtm hnniL Starting around Senti- 1.' 4 miles west Salem. William & Tnacker, Phone 2-331 or aisa !..... t - . DINING RM.- help:- kitchen help, diet kitchen help, hospital- makls and- iani- tore. Good wages. Oregon -State TB hospital. I : - 1 ' SEAMSTERS wanted. - Son eitperi- enee preferred. Good Job ifor. the win-- ter, -saiem -Tent at Awning c is N. Liberty. - - - 1 . - . - POULTRY - PICKERS wanted. ! .Part time-work. Northwest Dairy St Prod-, ucts C. 1 Ph. 7007. .' '1 ' '"n '" J T "'WANTED I . I . ; ., I MAN AND WIFE ' ! CARETAKER YEAR round beach re sort Apt, dec kitchen, linens, lights, heat 1 furnished.' Salary S12S.00. Write orj phone iSurftideS, Oceanlakc, Oregon. i - -1 WANTED: Elieible men or women 18 to 45 who are interested in steady work with ODBortunlty- for advance ment in ! Vital food distribution i field. Get set now for a pleasant inside win ter job. Good pay wniie you tearn. Opportunities also tor young men 15 and older going to school.! Apply today. Safeway stores district office. 200 Mc Gilchrist bldg. i HOP PICKERS. Extra good ! crop, about 30 days picking starts August 23, pay S'aC, excellent i camp: -with cabins, stoves, wood, . tights, store, res taurant good water, gasoline can be obtained 1 for transportation. Call at ranch ori write GOLDEN: GATE HOP RANCH.! INC., four mUes south of INDEPENDENCE, ORE." j 1 HOP PICKERS WANTED 250 Acres Choice Rivers Bottom Hops 4 miles s.w. of Salem. iFine picking beginning September, first. , Good camp ground, fine cabins! Or free bus transportation, to and from yard, Reg ister at i our of f ice. 147 ! North Com mercial Streeet oa write John J; Rob erta ft Co, Salem, Oregon. Phone 9623. WANTED, HOP pickers. Start about Sept 5th, 4 mi. E. on Garden Rd. Will furnish transportation. Ph. 22543,i R. G. DeSart. : 7 - i HOP PICKERS wanted. Early and late hops. Long picking, good) hops, good camp. Electricity,! wood, etc. Store on grounds. Transportation fur nished from Saiem. Picking -starts Aug. 23. Ph. 1 22786, i or - write Orey Hop Kancn. to. s, box m. saiem. . r ATTENTION HOP PICKERS i Register now at our Wil-Hart farm. ml. s. of St Paul on Newberg-Salem Hi way.- Early and late cluster: hops. Excellent picking. Cabins, wood, elec lights free. Store and meat market in camp. Best of accommodation, j Write Ward Lundy. Gervais. Ore. Ph. Salem 22681. i . i ! 1 Wheat, Rye Futures Gain' ! CHICAGO, Aug. Z&-(JP)-Com-mission i house buying and short covering caused upturns in wheat and rye; futures markets today but oats were under pressure through out the! session and tie May and July contracts sold at liew seasonal lows. I . j Some! wheat purchases resulted from wet weather which has de layed further the harvest of "the northwestern crop. Most of the trade, however, was limited to spreading. : Quantities' of Septem ber and December wheat changed hands with traders pitying a' two cent premium for the; nearby de livery, i ... ..... 1 T i DRESSED! j Veal and ; Ccgs Uanidl U Top Prices Paid! 1 Prompt Remittance - Ship to ! : FrcdIIIeycr - lltzl DivBcn i 414 S. VP. TamhCj St or 8. C. t2nd ft Foster Clvd. f-l-,. Ka can accept only animals killed tn eorcp'Jasce wiib O P. A. rea-Qlatlons. I Help Wanted- ' Hop Pickers : ROBERTS HOP YARD Transportation facilities leaving each nerning commencing Friday, Septem- ner 1st, aa xouows: - At 5:15 a. m. and a. m. rrom Capitola Bonesteele Garage r . - I Fairgrounds Road & Myrtle avenue. Highland school. ' - . - - J - Larmer- warehouse - Commercial and Center ' - Ladd Bush, bank -' , '. i Miller and Commercial ., - Capitol and' D - Capitol and Garden Road ; Garden Road and list. .. D and Slst ' f D and 17th - ; . - ' -17th and Center, - list and Center - ' . 1 MthV and 'State. ' 4Sth and State- . ., , - . I 12th and State - f v JFerry and Cottage ---- - j Farm Employment oHieer961 Che- meketa - - ' - Lee and -Tinner- read . ... - 12th and Mission .High arid' Mission .- Leslie School - . Commercial and Hoyt , , . Jefferson hwy. and Hansen Ave. ( Salem 'Heights school ' ., - ! -Yard 4 miles - out - on ; South River Read. For- further information phone 623. ... . - . ;.. - Male or Female Help ; m- Wanted PERMANENT PROOFREADER five nights weekly from p.. m. to 2 a. m. Experience preferred but intelligence, reliability, and good personality more important. : Applicants should have own means of transportation for early morning hour or reside close to Salem business district -Write Box 13. care Statesman, stating age, qualifications, remuneration expected. ; MIDDLE AGE man for year round work. Edwards Hatchery,- Rt 5. box 91. Ph. 2-2943. WANTED Inside steady workers. Thomas Key Woolen Mill Co. HOP PICKERS Hop picking will start Friday, Sept. I. E. Hartley yard on Minto island. Free bus transporta tion to and from yard. Register at 311 Richmond Ave. Ph. 5028. HOP PICKING will begin at our Lakebrook hop farm August 28th, Bus transportation will be available each morning, beginning- at a. m. Bus stops will be . made at the - following locations; ; Fairgrounds Road it Highland Ave. : Capitol - and Market streets. - - -. 17U-and -Market streets. "17th and Center streets. . 1 17th and State - streets. . 12 and State streets. ' : Leslie fSchooL - ' " Commercial. -and Center streets, t Commercial and Columbia streets. - Kebser scbooL -ARE You 'Interested lit meat -cutting as a profession f If -you -are and have had some retail -cutters experience 01 farm cutting experience, you . can se cure - Immediate employment . In a steady- position with- full -opportunity tot learn -the business while you-earn a ' good wage.- We - are prepared to teach you. As a 1 retail ' meat- cutter you will be rendering a genuine war time - service to the . community.-' Posi tions available ootn m - ana . out Joi Salem. - Apply- Safeway - Stores - District Office. Room 208, McGilchrist Build ing. Salem.'. .- . ... .... . M ! XT YOU are Interested In comb, grill at sandw. worx. utchen work or- wait ress, apply Mickey's Sandwich - Shop. 47 court POULTRY farm heln wanted. Steady employment indoors. Ph. 22861, Lee's uatcnery. : ELDERLY MAN and woman wanted as caretakers. Man must be able to care for horses. Ph. 21143 or 9168. Help Wanted Male Workers now employed tn war pro duction should not apply and will not be considered for employment by em ployers advertising In .this section; WANTED Men to work on log boom. (No experience nec essary. Long time job with very steady work. Can Earn $75.00 a Week Contact Delbert Cutsforth at 22S Mc-Nary- St , W. Salem, or the log dump on West side of W. Salem. Pope At laiDot, inc.". ; WANTED: A-shmgler to shingle a nouse. 1111 s. lvtn. MECHANIC Permanent position. Ex cellent pay. Herrall-Owens Ca - EXP. DINNER and fry cook.-Good wages. Steady position. Marion hotel. 1 LUMBER trucks with drivers to haul 3,600.000 ft of lumber. Salem Box Co. WANTED MAN for granary and warehouse work. Permanent job, at Rhoten farm. 8 ml. south of Salem on River rd. or phone 8174 daytime or 3-1583 evenings. ... MAN TO help telephone cable-soli- cer. Apply to 1. M. Lamb, the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Co., 740 State St, Fh, 4118. , - . WANTED MARRIED man ' on dairy farm, 8175. House, lights, milk, pota toes. Ph. 871-15. J. M. Nichols. Rt 8, Box 141. ' CLERK AND general work In fish market Fitts Market MEN WANTED for track work. $1 per hr. Time & a half overtime. Apply at 7:30 a. m. or 5 p. m. to foreman at Oregon Electric Freight Hse. WANTED: Dairy hand. Scbindler Bros South Salera.' Help Wanted Female OFFICE EXPERIENCE preferred for clerical & cashiering. Opening with Montgomery Ward. See Mrs. Matherly. CAPABLE SALESLADY, preferably with household goods selling exper ience. See Mrs. Matneriy at Mont gomery Ward for permanent position. GENERAL OFFICE work, small am ount dictation, . permanent: state ex perience, references. Box 114, States man.. WOMAN WITH some dry cleaning exp. Capital City Laundry & Clean ers. 1284 Broadway. - SCHOOL GIRL to work for room and board and wages caring for small child evenings. Fh, 9336, . GIRL FOR housework. Ph. 8882. EXP. waitress wanted. The Spa, PERMANENT position at - Sunrise Mineral Springs, Hubbard, Oregon, Call 2503. WANTED: MIDDLE aged lady dish washer and waitress. Apply room 8. State capital bldg. -. . EXPERIENCED VARIETY irl,"food pay. hours. Capital Variety, 12C2 State. EXPERIENCED WAITRESS wanted. Apply .Jn person. Schneider Coffee Lm U$ &. iUh ia iiotel Salem. . Help Wanted -Female Reeds Millinery v 508 State St. requires . the - services ef an -assistant manager. Permanent position. Pleasant working; conditions. Please apply, in person w-t. t - y WANTED "'Reliable - woman for housekeeping and care of convalescent Phone 8460. iEXPER. HSKP. under 45. SIM Per mo., go home nights, no Sun. wk. Ph. 4887.' - -CARE OF 2-vr.. twins. Ne eookinx. no washing, no hse. cleaning. Perm, room, board, 840 per mo. Apply after 12. 233 N. Cont'L, Sun. Ph. 9510. MEDICAL TECHNICIAN for .per manent position Portland laboratory..- Good salary.' State - qualifica tions. Box 117, Statesman. - -. --...-, TYPIST. MTMtNr.n .nn.M Must ride bicycle. Orive ' automobile. Call Marjorie -Whitmore, 9211, P.G.E. Co.. 137: N, Uberty.St. t v , - . ' EXP. Fountain - girt. The Spa.-r- r -WANTED:- Good 'experienced wait ress, day .wages." top -pay.-Pade's Cof- ree enop,-iii siaia at. . LAUNDRY hln wantt Annl fan.' lUl City Laundry. 1264 Broadway: Situations Wanted " CARPENTER WORK, remodelina- of al kinds. 248 Marion St, apt 3. MIMEOGRAPH work and typing ex pertly done in my home. 668 N. 16th St. Phone 3843. wTLL CARE for children, mv home. Day. week, monthly. 725 S. Commercial PERM. " POS. switchbd.. 1 vr. nn Ph. 8420 before 3 p m. PERMANENT POSITION as secre tary-stenographer. Engineering & legal exp. Statesman Box 111. PreSchool Playschool: 1381 State Ages 2-8. Part or all day. Ph. 8430. CHTLDCRAJT Nursery We pick up and deliver. 1995 Trade. Ph. 21829 Money to Loan Quick Gcish Loans! On any worthwhile secur ity Repayable in 12 m on llis " Company Is locally - owned and -.Managed. i GENERAL FINANCE' .CORPORATION . ' v S-138 . Phone 9188 , " 138 S.-. Commercial SUSalem PRIVATE MONEY j Auto, And Truck Loans - Contracts Refinanced i . Money Tor' new and . used cars et rucks -regardiess ef age No delay- bring ear and uue and get the money you -retain pussesston or , vemcie, - -1 to -19 jsonths - to -repay. ! - After 8 o'cloca .unone S361 or 21143 for appointment - - , ROY H. SIMMONS ! .-v. .Regulated by state 138 S Coml. St' Phone 9188 (M 1521 CASH LOANS ; Use your salary, 'furniture, automo bile or . livestock as security. Quick, private, no red tape. Just phone or come in. No waiting. ' - Personal Finance Co. ': Room 125. Second Fh, New Bligh Bldg 518 State St. Phone: Salem 3191 Lie. S-122 M-165. N. Anderson. Mgr. Money to Loan WANTED. REAL ESTATE mortgage loans city or farm properties: loans made as small as $300. See us about re financing your present contract oi mortgage. . . . Leo N. Childs, Inc. 344 State St Phone 8261 $ MONEY $ REAL ESTATE LOANS PERSONAL LOANS CAR LOANS We Buy Real Estate Mortgages and Contracts. .- STATE FINANCE CO. Lie. S-216 M-222. 212 Guardian Bldg Auto Loans - Willamette Credit Co. STH FLOOR GUARDIAN BUO-DING LICENSE H M IM Loans Wanted FARM 4 LOANS A, N Duncan t Ladd & Bush Bldg For Sale -Miscellaneous FULLER Brushes. 1743 Grant P 8357 FOR SALE Almost new chicken bouse, 8x8x12. 280 Park avenue. GRAVENSTEIN APPLES. S3 busheL Bring containers. 935 Norway. GOOD DRESSES, skirts, sweaters. coats, etc, for girl between 8-12 yrs Ph. S355 or 5533. . , . ; Avon Productt. 1185 Bdwy. Ph. 21003. BASSINETTE, padded and lined in pink satin. Phone 3652. ' , - ED SAUL. 70 Liberty' road, has dill cucumbers for sale at 5c lb. Drop by or drop me a card. . ' 1-USED TOILET complete. l-Used wash basin complete with faucets. 1-Bird eage & stand. l-'37 Chev. Motor. l-'38 Buick motor. ; 1-'3T Packard motor. l-29 A Ford Coupe with rumble seat ACME AUTO At TRUCK WRECKER MIKE STEIN BOCH 3055 Portland Road t.isr.r nRT.Tr-lotTS Blums. 2 kinds. 7c lb. Bring containers. 1908 Center. on -mo 7 Mn Hnnt. Almost like new rubber. 480 S. 18th. Ph. 9509. WOOD RANGE. $22.50. Ph, 21783. nraivfi rriRV sse ner sk. Place your order now for Aug. 31 del. Marr uroc. fn, holster & 3 boxes of shells. 293 N. Ub- erty. - . 2 SPORTLIGHTS. 295 N. LIBERTY. SEVERAL USED car radios, 395 N. Liberty. - . mSP?. 1. Imlah Fruit Farm. Ph. 22326. Rt 1, Box 125, Wallace Kd, MOTOR GLIDE motor scooter, 295 N. Liberty. . ...... GOLD SEAL coffee Yeater Appliance ui-. " 7" "--! ...... . . i.ik nMt units for an makes electric rai-ges. A eater Ap pliance Co., 255 N. Liberty. .. l.WHTTX TRAILER. 16-tach tires. 2JJ 14. Lioeiyr. ' For Sale liscellaneoat PEACHES Improved Elbertas About Sept 1 - , .We WUl be located .again at -Ram.' met's Capitol St Gro. across from ice arena. . Ac also 870 S. Com iust south f Dairy Cooperative -Creamery. . - F; M. BOIES : Rt 1, Box . HI . "- Brooks, Ore. LATE CRAWFORD - peaches reedy. Elbertas and Hales next week. Joe Diedrich. Rt 2. box 146, Salem. I mi. straight West of KeUer sch. - LEAVING FOR California. Complete S rm. hse. furnishings. Pre war beau tiful carpets. 1640 Broadway; " . ' . HAMILTON ' BEACH - vibrator, type K.- Beautiful new Jiand made nuut Phone 3562. . . -BMMe- siess44sasBMSsaaSBMaeaB'aasasaka(aMBMP - DINETTE 'SETS, 849 30 -end up. Nel son Bros, Furniture, 315 N. Liberty St ' FOLLOWING "ARTICLES In? good condition: Servel gas refrig. large size. National, cash register, small size. Universal -gas -range - with - oven.- auto. gas b. wt tank,- large size, heavy-duty gas piate gnu, -large--sue. -11 leather covered stools end various other arti cles including 'dishes, counter, "booths, etc. Call at 2062 rN.' CapitoL Hollywood Dist,-between 9M. a. m.-S p. na. -: COUNTERrtong." 3 ft" g to. tall. 1 ft 8 in. wide. 7 drawers. T doors, marble base. Ph. 7785. 240 Vista Ave. AUTOMATIC GAS water heaters St elec. heaters. Nelson Bros. Furniture, 315 N. Liberty St LOVELY WICKER bassinet, stand and' mattress, excellent condition. 610.50. Folding play pen, 85.95. Cell 7450. . PEACHES-AU varieties. ' Orchard prices at Saving Center. : l',i miles N. the underpass. Salem and at foot of bridge in W. Salem. ' PIANCS See the MirrApiano. Spinet styled 8395. Rebuilt grands, uprights St play ers re as. Priced. Tallman'a, 395 S. 12th. FLASHLIGHTS COMPLETE with batteries. Yeater Appliance Co., 253 N. Liberty. C-O-TWO "Dry Ice" Fire extinguish ers. Chas. H. Fowler, Ph. 9650. FINE 50 gallon lube oil drum, com- ?lete with pump, gauge, strainer, etc. h. 5533 or 5355. BUNDLES of old papers 10c. States man office. FOR SALE Pre war davenport & chair, dinette set and marimba. v 9x12 rug and pad. Phone 4688. 362 Jerrls St SECTIONAL bookcase and 2 sets of Worlds Best Literature, 817. 1293 Mar ket st raone szw. - - - GOOD WOOD ranee;' SIS. rood con dition. - Baby buggy. and - walker, A-l condition;' Oak dresser, $4.50. Oak din-' ing room table. $3; extra leaf. 8 beds, cream color, each 83. springs, 83. Wood frame ceil spring. SI JO.- Also smaller articles.- 1144- center St. - raone soao. Closed Sundays. - . - - GOOD '-.SMALL house : trailer. 248 Marion St. apt 3.- -... - UNFINISHED Chest of ; drawers, i onu, lown-tn-u a wu shelves. Nelson Bros. Furniture, 315 n. juiDerty oi. ; t. ANTIQUE dishes rand - glassware: 2 9x12 wool rugs. Ph. 21443. IVORY BED. chest of drawers, suit able for child's room. 1677 Chemeketa. 14 ' TOOT - mahogany -Century 1 boat and 9 h. p. Evinrude motor, 8250. Call Frank Brown at 9111 or 2-2813. BARBERS ELECTRIC clippers. 21872. 1535 Jefferson St, Salem. - SLIGHTLY USED pre war davenport and chair. Nelson Bros. Furniture, 315 N. Liberty St LARGE tapestry covered chair, . good springs, comfortable, suitable for slip covering, $20. Call 7450. - GOLD ITALIAN velvet fire side wing chair in perfect condition, pre war. 850. 1815 Fair-mount WE HAVE a few oil circulator heat ers left They are getting scarce. Bring your certificate to Nelson Bros. Furn. 315 N. Liberty. 8 PIECE dining room set. water fall design, walnut finish, like new. 1S35 Hudson Terra plane coupe., first grade 6 ply tires, nearly new, in good mechanical condition. Ph. 24081. 1010 Garnet - ATTENTION fruit growers: For im mediate delivery without priority, steel cots, mattresses, pillows, wool blankets, sheets, pillow cases, tents, etc. 120 SW Stark St- Portland 4. Ore. SEAL - O - MATIC tin can sealer like new, aU attachments. $10. 850 Saginaw. OCCASIONAL tables, .good assort ment of styles and sizes. Nelson Bros. Furniture. 315 N. Liberty St. CIRC. W. htr., water coll pipe, board complete. 850 Saginaw. - INFANTS enameled tub. even flo bottles and wire rack, metal teeter babe. Man's Bramer - Scotch woolen pull over green sweater, size 40, like new. 100 ft 3 ft -chicken wire. 1050 N. 15th St - PEACHES. 260 Center St I DELAVAL cream separator. No. -15. Ph. 7765. 240 Vista Ave. ; TRULY RIPE PEACHES LaFOLLETTE'S MISSION ORCHARD Golden Hale. Premium canner obtain able in bushels and crates: sweet white peaches for eating: Gravenstein apples for canning. At our "Gervais 4 Cor ner" stand on 99E. Also at the home orchard stand on River Rd 1 ml. north of Mission Bottom sent IRON AND appliance cords. Yeater Appliance. Co., 253 N. Uberty. WILL BUY for cash, sell or trade guns, amnauwition & scopes. Don Madison. 590 No. High. - " INTERNAT-L. COMBINE mod. 61. bought new in 1942. 6 ft. cut. WiU seU under ceiling for cash. Sherwood, Ore, Ph. 4507. PEACHES ALL varieties. Orchard prices at Saving Center. M4 miles N. the underpass. Salera and at foot of bridge In W. Salem. PRE-WAR OIL circulators with elec tric fans. Yeater Appliance Co, 255 N. Liberty. 2-WHEEL TRAILER. New. 1150 N. Church. . - . ""DUTCH OVENS. Yeater Appliance Co, 555 N. Uberty. . WHEAT AND cats. Ph. 22974. SLAPPY PEACHES. Bartlett pears. Rollin Beaver, Ph. 47F2. Up Glen Creek road. . - FLUORESCENT DESK lamps. 1 Yea- ter AppUance co, zu n. Liberty. of The Swapper. Hundreds of . pre war articles. 25c copy or $1 yr. post paid. Write: Herren, Box 4255. Port land 8, Ore. ' WE HAVE hog wire fencing and light barbed wire tn stock. Montgomery Ward aV Co. - ATMORAYS OZONE, Sell and rent H. C Pugh. Ph 2-2458 PO. Box 463 7antetl Jliscellaneous EL. WATER htr. Ph. 443. WANTED PAIR OF light weight hip boots. Stee a Will pay good price, Pn, 8418, eve. Wanted P.Iiscellan eons Wc Buy Furniture TRADE WITH A FIRM OF 20 YEARS REPUTATION OF BUSINESS INTEG RITY IN THE WILLAMETTE VALLEY. HIGHEST PRICES PAID fOR USED "Pianos r: : 4 Furniture and Appliances Call 8149 for appointment - HOGG, BROS. 288 State St WANTPD- flnetdt lira, umwit awk er- small old grth -stumpage within iuua vi oaiem. to, 1, BOX "A Sa- i lem. ' . 1145 Center. Ph. 8630. r"OT T irr-mw wraiti-re s the Golden Age 0Pera stars, like Ca- Sute price. Box ISO. Statesman.- nnnn.imue tm,n.i..i. -. especially fond of children. Ph.- 4715. NEW OR used elec. wachm mu-hlii. - la good condition. Ph. 7174.---. USED BICYCLE PARTS. Ph. 2-1985. CLEAN " white raea Haft Rm, -mn Stale. . , . ELECTRIC RANGE with or without trash - burner. .Box 119. 'Statesman.9 "WANT TO Buy." Used cameras at tenses McEwan Photo Shop 435 State: CASH for used piano at other mis. slcal instruments - Call 4641 days or 9537 evenings er send description to Jaquith Music Co- 191 S High. USED FURNITURE Pta 9185 CASH PAID tor unrwut - aninat n grand, pianos Phone S707. Wanted Furniture WE MAKE It our business to pay more foit good furniture and appliances. (Bright & Eckley 453 Court St Phone 75U CASH for used furniture and house hold goods. 415 Ferry. RAY FORGEY PH. 7445 Miscellaneous CESSPOOL & Septic cleaned. Guar anteed work. Ph. 8745. Gene rite, W. aaiem. . STOVE parte and reoalrine. Woodnr Mkt.. 1605 N. Summer. Also lawn mow er sharpening and adjusting, continued. Dental Plate Repair TWO-HOUR SERVICE IN MOST CASES Brine , or Mall Your Plates for Repels- tR HARRV SEMLER. .DENTIST Adolph Bldg . SUta Cora'l.Ph 3311 - STOVE Parts - a- Repairing. Woodry AucUon Market . 1805 N. Summer. . For Rent Rooms LARGE "sleep, room. Phone 7571. FURN. OR unfurn. : room mil a. rage man ana wire or S Jaaies. Closet storage space, bus stops at door. Priv. inome. fn. aoie. SL. R1I.-M0 N. ComX Ph. 216S0. FURN. RM. suitable for.f employed, kit, pr.. Ph. ' 4897 after 8 30 p. m. 354 N. Winter. PLEASANT Tr:r ln rm : twin Ph. - 7772. - - -i- . : - ATTRACTIVE SLEEPING rmk, new ly decorated and nicely -furnished. See ly mattresses. Twin beds or single rm. 685 N. Church. SLEEPING ROOM. Ph. 4498. For Rent Apartments LGE. LIGHT hskp. rm. Prefer single person. 653 N. High. 2 RM. FURN. court apt, priv. bath, laund . gargge. fuel, water, blk. from bus. adults. $22.50. 1805 Lee St NICE SMALL furn. apt. 570 Union. ONE UPSTAIRS 3 rm. furn." apt adults only. 2160 N. 5th. . . HSKP. RM. Empl. girl. 1525 State. LOVELY .3 rm. furn. aDt. bath, re frigerator: Adults. 1410 Ferry. 3 RM. APT, refrig, nicely furn. 666 S. Summer. Adults only. - CONSTRUCTION workers! Apts, completely furn. Parking place for trucks. Rales by week or month. Ph. 66R. Independence. For Rent -Houses ONE BEDRM. house. V acre ground, fruit and berries, on Spruce St.. nice district. $50 mo. See Owner, 255 Cen ter street - - LARGE furnished house: Ph. 4332 after 6 JO.' ,. .. .-v 1 j CABINS AT Neskewin. Ph. 4422-3877. For Rent TRAILERS for rent Woodry's Mkt, 1605 N. Summer. Ph. $110. ' FLOOR SANDEn tor rent Mont gomery Ward. " GOOD Used Piano. H. L, Stiff. TRUCKS for rent. : You drive Mo dine 4r LoveO. phone 9600. - Wanted to Rent 4 OR 5 RM. hse., with barn and chicken hse, near Salem-or W. Sa lem. Adults. Mrs. M. E. Horn, 1740 Oxfort street 1 , EMP. COUPLE want small hse. or apt, unfurn. or ptly furn. Perm, Box 118. Statesman, WANTED. FIRST floor apt. or court, furnished or unfurnished. Two adults. Ref. furnished. Ph. 2-1827. WANTED 5 OR 6 room modern fur nished house -or apartment perman ent references. Call 7660 after 5 :30 p. m. WTD. BEFORE Sept. 10. turn. 2 bdrnu apt by 2 adults. Ph. 6400. after 6 p. m. ' LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE natX concern wants modern unfurn. or partly furn. 3 bdrrn. hse. Will take lease. Ph. 8202. r S RM. HOUSE, unfurn, by perm, resident, immediately. Ph. $845. s WANTED: LISTINGS of dwellings, apartments and board and room avail able for rent to school teachers. Phone 9137, Public School Administration Of fice. , PERMANENT Salem' business man wants a 2 or 3 bdrnt. modern unfurn. house. . Ph. 7532 or , $419. , For Sale Real Estate GOOD $ rm. home on Bellevue St lot 87x192. there are J plum. 2 apple and 2 walnut trees. $2930. $750 cash, bal. $35 per mo. See Mr. Goodwin witbi Hawkins & Roberts, Inc. " 'Realtors ' J--'---i- M: Ph. 4108 , After 6. Ph. 871S NICE NEW suburban home, hdwd. floors, fireplace, gargae connected i;S acre ground, close to school.- Price S4756. H. L. Marsters, 1756 Court St. Phone 9569.