- E I i - 1 . P j ! ? i 'It v ? i I ! I 1 - ! " 'II !i. mi '! - - - i J I If y, tf-i fcxaiiaa,) Kisau ortgca tssccy x-lccCag, Acyat S3; .v. . tout . . as ct photogrcrpher vn had a shooting stars comedown oa Monday w photographed feat very one u yengiui,jne. next day it was a lieutenant cornmander and later In fee week we had. aone away down to a mere air cadet with one star and not even a stripe on his cuL Speaking oi admirals. . . none have ever seen themselves or heard of themselves more frequently : than did Admiral Gatch. Half the town knew stories about his youth ful days, or brought photos of him as a baby or a youth for his wife to view. -., Here we come. . We've found some thing else- fee Calif omians are liable to claim. During feat 4 wonderful display of Seen and Heard . Byi JERYME HIGHLIGHT of the week wu the Informal reception on. Mon day for Sear Admiral and Mrs. Thomas L. Gatch at the rirat Presbyterian church, . . This was only the second time Ad- miral Gatch as returned to his home town since he left for the Annapolis naval academy . . . There were many of his. old friends present, many bringing snapshots and pictures to recall the old days . . . Mrs. Gatch, a -very friendly person in sky blue suit, was meeting: her husband's friends for the first time . ; Presiding at the- punch bowls were Mrs. George C Bliss, who wore a grey and white silk print suit and a white hat, and Mrs. George W, Shepard, whose black silk dress was trimmed in white lace . . . with which she wore a matching hat i - From out-of-town . came for mer Governor Oswald West . . .. Mrs. Bruce R. Baxter, who was smartly, dressed in all black, was enjoying seeing her Salem friends . . . Bishop Baxter was in the -east and was leaving for 4lka ItABel 4Kaf 1 rtVk vm Maw 1V VWSW Maes Uilt iiVUI AWT York . . . Mr. and Mrs. Ame dee Smith also came down from Portland for the event 1" . . Lt. Cmdr. and Mrs. Roy S. Keene, who arrived that morning from San Francisco, were being greet ed by their many friends .... Another high ranking officer in the crowd was Brigadier Gen eral Leo Walton, who came to visit his brother, William, and also to attend the convocation - ceremony . . He arrived by plane from Idaho.!... That night P r e s i d e n t Gl Herbert Smith took a plane" for Washing ton, DC . ; . President and Mrs. Smith entertained at a beauti fully arranged luncheon at noon in honor of Admiral land Mrs. . Gatch . . . Mrs. Smith and daughter, Margie, accompanied Dr. Smith to Portland: and saw him off. . Mrs. E. E. Bergman and daughter-in-law, Mrs. Howard .Bergman, ,-were particularly in terested in meeting Admiral -Gatch as. LL Howard Bergman Is under Admiral Gatch's staff In the South Pacific . i . Inter ested friends of the admiral no ted amidst the crows .: . . Mrs. Frank H. Spears, sr., who wore . a becoming navy blue silk suit .and pert navy hat with fuchsia and blue bows ... Mrs. Prince W. Byrd with daughter, Betty,' .... the former wearing a blue and white silk print and ' white . straw sailor . . . Two distinc tive in all black were Mrs.: B. O. Schucking and Mrs. William . Connell Dyer . '. . A threesome . . . ; Mrs. Clifford Brown, wear ing a black and aqua print and matching hat, with Miss Eliza beth Lord and Miss Edith Schry er . . ; . MrJ David Eyre with his n e w 1 y married daughter, Mrs. Stewart Johnson . . . . . Others in the 'crowd . . Mrs CP. Bishop, Mrs. George Rod gen. Mrs. John Rand, Mrs. Per cy Kelly and Judge and Mrs. James T. Brand. ARMY-NAVY JOTTINGS i . Westward bound are Ensign and Mrs. Elmer Harrold (Mary Jean McKay) ... They havejbeen in Raleigh, North Carolina, and their new base will be at Sac ramento . . . ' Mary Jean went south in May to be married. Also coming west are Mrs. William C. Dyer, jr.' and seven month old son, William III They 'have been living near Camp Carson, Colorado, where Lt. Dyer nas been stationed . , . They are expected to arrive in Salem late in the week r. . . Her sister - in - law, Mrs. Clay borne .Dyer, went south Wednesday night to be with Private Dyer at Fresno, Califs for a few days. -i A GARDEN TEA a week ago when Mrs. Thome H. Hammond entertained for her house guest, . Mrs. Hal Bolin'ger (Florence . Marshall),' who formerly resid ed here Homer H. Smith's gardens were the setting for the tea ... A warm summer's day ; and guests enjoyed sitting in the garden and chatting with one : another . . . The hostess and honor guest, who received informally, t wore pretty pastel print dresses . . . Several visitors and out-of-town guests called .. . .'Julia John son, who resides in Chicago, ar rived in Salem that morning to spend her three weeks vacation . . Lt Helen, Trindle, of the army- nurse dietician's,, corps, who was in Salem for the week end, came with her sister, Elea nor i . i Mrs. Joseph. E. Harvey, jr," was down from Portland and assisted the -hostess . . From Albany came Mrs Melvin Goode . v,-ho were an attractive red and white suit with white hat . . s ccoir.panyiag - her was her two 3 car c!i sen, Johnny I.Irs. Ecn Gerii (Sylvia DuUois) ho loo' :i stur.nins . ii t!ack California so about . fee meteors ' down there, remember that at least they passed over Oregon on their way down. 4 f Picture me. . . rxslAig in fee sunshine of Wallowa lake, amidst fee Swiss Alps oi America for fee next, two weeks, and don't even look fori this weekly column. I We'll dip an occasional toe into fee lake, take a walk or two .around? fee cabin and spend the rest of fee time '.just siftin' and eatinV That, by fee way. Is very hard on fee figure,' but awfully good for; the soul. ; ENGLISH moire suit and black bat, very , becoming to her grey hair ... Brunette Mrs. E. O. Terrell was smartly dressed In a luggage lin en dress and chic white hat ... her shoes were green and the wore white accessories . . . . .. . and Mrs. Edward O. Stadter, jr. wore a. cool looking-, blue dress With luscious pink hat Dedication Of Plaque Today Of interest to members and ; friends of the Girls Service Or ganization of the USO is the un veiling and dedication of the Victory Roll plaque, which will honor members of the Salem GSO-USO now serving in the armed forces, this afternoon at the USO.- The interested public is invited to attend the S o'clock : ceremony. Mr. Tinkham Gilbert, chair man of the USO council, will preside at the ceremony. Mrs. E. J. Kortzeborn will lead the group in singing "America" and "The Star Spangled Banner." Rev. George H. Swift will give the invocation and benediction ' and Miss Mabelle Frazer will sing. Lt George C. Bliss, executive officer of the V-12 naval unit at ) Willamette university and for mer governor, Charles A. Sprague, will give the main ad- dresses. Mr. Mel Kennedy and ! Rev Swift are in charge of un- 1 veiling the plaque, assisted by Lt Edith DeRi, Ensign Barbara Sad ler, Yeoman Evelyn Schwier and Corporal Betty Taylor. Committee members arrang ing hte dedication are Mrs, Bert Hulst, Mrs. Jack Pederson, Miss Gladys Conner, Mrs. Kenneth Humphreys, Misses Marian Bretz, Erika Ohmn, Lei a Stortz, Alberta St Clair, June Craig, Ruby Kuenzli, Marjarie Donald son, Delores Donaldson, Margaret Forsythe, Rosalie Hartman, Mar cella Schwartz, Anna Ruth Gooding, Barbara Spaulding, Donna Donnell, Eunice Osmin, Claudine Drake and Geraldine DriskiU. On the Plaque Salem GSO-USO members who have entered the armed for ces include: Dolores Marie An nen, DeLores Artz, Virginia Bartruff, Marjorie A. Bergsvik, Carolyn Brown, Marian Boline, Evelyn Carbine, Gloria Jean Da vey, Emily J. Downey, Oloanne Dykeman, Eugema Finegan, Er ma Graham, Birdie Dean Hebel, Cornelia Hulst, Jeanette Hulst, Judith Jensen, Shirley Dathel Johnson, Janice Jones, Grace Kingsbury, Eva Koessler, Ma belle LOburn, Mary McNulty, Frances Paris, Loretta C. Per reault , Natalie Phillips, Fern Ream, Virginia Rentz, , Patricia Riches, Dorothy Ruecker, Lela Runcorn, Lela Bell Sanders, Vi ola Schultz, Virginia Scott, Mona Skaug, Betty Taylor, Bette Weems, Bertha Welsh, Gene vieve C Whelan, Barbara Jean Williams, Jerry Elizabeth Wolf,! and Velma Yeoman. . ' p- mirm nuw rrainrl $177-59 v frotf , , Xl - this past Week, we noticed went torn the north toward when fhey start boasilnar Marine Buren I Sales! friends of Mr, and Mrs, Samuel Darr and their daugh ters, Xrma and Arlene, will be interested tot learn that they have returned to Salem to re aide.' They are at home at 1280 ' Hoyt street. The Darrs have been living In Raymond, Wash, - the past 14 years, - i ; ;iJ, , : - "" f i. : gl . Professor and Mrs. Jit, Bnun ; baugh of Corvallis and daughter, , Miss Madeline Brumbaugh of Chicago, are the weeeknd guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Devers. , Miss Brumbaugh is a teacher in Chicago and is spending: the summer at the home of her par ents.' i : l f f:.. Mrs. T. A. Uvesley, Mrs. Can rid W, Paulus and Mrs. Asahel Bush will be in Portland Mon day to b& .guests at a luncheon for which Mrs. W. E. Burns will be hostess at the Town club in . honor of ; Mrs. Palmer Dawes (Mildi' Roberts) of Jacksonville, Florida. . : . ',, ;ii;L- f Mrs. WaKer L. gpauldiar. Mrs.iWaldo Brown of Hubbard, and her daughter Mrs. RadcUff Park ot Washington, DC (Betty Leone i Brown) are guests in Portland today at the home of . 'Mr. anb; Mrs. Clay C Miller, i t " ! ' ' s SILVERTON, Aug. 19 Mr. and Mrs. EUing Tollefsrud are announcing fine engagement lof their oungest daughter, Elaine Carol, ;to Phillip Stanley Tor vend, son of Mr. andMrs. Henry TOTvend, an of Silverton. The Redding date has been set for September 17 at i Trinity church with Rev. M. J. K. Fuhr officiitiiag fif; - 'C j -,, , . Miss! Tollelsrud was graduated from the Silverton high school in 1943 and Mri Torvend fin 1942. YiMtf chOcTt eyes are t cioast Kothiag cm eeplaw them. It'syoar hity toftro tect jthemHis whole f utwe may depend opoa what yow ' dci about jNS vitiw NOW. Safest coviM to to bring him to for eheck-pi Vow 1 cant be tea SURS about matter to important I have rooa anirs EYES EXAMINED. 1 : isitr-S- f--.i : -hp - 1 in)sH (mil The diamond ring with which you ; expms jrour devouon to dHglrt ' ' you love is bfinitelf saore lhaa a rirg" It is the eadwriag 'symbol ol someihtcg very, pre tiows toVtt both. At sack it should be cboseti carcfttfly J houfht from a erwtkt wboat yo ' fCM tpm implkhly tot quality, value sad tattgrky. ' J , v 'i " v ' I . Mr.' and Mrs. Alva Dlddnsoa (Dorothy Mason) wnd ; werv rnarrid tin the Carrier room of & First Methodist church August 13. ! The bride Is the daugrhter of Mrs. Warj ren Edwards of Corvailis and her husband Is the son of Mr. Georgre 1 Kcldnsori. Mr. Dickinson; torpedo man sec-, ond class. United States navy, has been in the Soufti Pa4 dfic for 20rnonths. Hejand hisjbride are leaving ttiis week for Newport, Rhode Island where he will report for4 ". .. .v ;i : SCUOOLGIRLG CAN'T DO without Iwadoc mi ivool . - --4 -It -1 r , . .-' - - . . . - . . T f ! . ' mi i; - K ' - i - 1 '- "At . . wj ' . r-v t A- M - S ' . i! j,. : 1 i! ... They're datset and . know that ALL WOOL wears and looks better for days . - - - j - . f v ' v . on end etpedally when It boars the famous Carol Rrent - '..,....:. :..,- . f, .i' " .'..'V. .. " " :' I. label. Both slipon and cardigans -Miss Darr -Now : Mrs. " In Colorado Springs, Colorado on; Saturday, ' August 8, " Miss Leisla Darr became the bride of . . Technical Sergeant Clarence IL Weber, son of. Mr .and Mrs. Fred Weber of Freeport, Uli . ' nois. .The bride, I who Is ;the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. R. . Darr, returned to Salem Friday i to make her ; home while . her .. husband is In the service. - 5 Tie bride : wbret two piece vrdress with- flowered ski tt and f'; white waist "forlier 1marriage. - She -wore a. white hat with black " veil rand - her accessories were .' white 'and black, i Her' corsage r:wu of Ted roses. . r-f-' ' Standing with the: groom was Corporal Davis Lombas; : , . ,. '. Sergeant and Mrs. Weber went to Freeport, Illinois, ; to visit his , ' parents on their wedding trhj. , The bride is a graduate of Sa lem schools and IS employed at the public . utilities commission. Her husband- was' stationed at Camp Adair. Since early spring he has. been: at Camp Carson, : Colorado, y .. riio.- MONTOOMIRY WARD at mwch a part of your Jife at L -Si sodas! And what co-ed doesn't come In 6 Fall colors. 3240, lis, X7litTZajCet Lsha4 , as her guests the past week her sister, and sunt, Miss Girths Price and Mrs. Will Taylor of . Corvallis. - : - t ' , r j - : r Weekend gnests ef Mr. and Mrs. Heal Craig are Mr. and .'Mrs. Vernon" Wedin and chil dren. Kirsten and Vernon, Jr, of 1 Chehalis, Wash. r' CGT YOUnGELF A PAIR OF Cr- -I 1 1 al : Yes, here they are . ; . the shoes you'll wear -' ! ' ij '. "" - jii s . - V. . 'I - - . ?i -. ? everywhere with everything this FaR. Velvety black ' : ' i ;- - - ' . .Si i " - -j, , - .1" ; 1 suedes that .are sleek and smart, perfect tor your new I FaB suits or dresses. The clever new styles ' - si .- . s i f- i:. i illustrated are designed for snug fit and for top-of- ' :. " "! ! .. - i ! - , the-season good looks. Wear a pair right out of the j - ,' .. I j store and you'B be first with a FaR style leader. !'. wu . Hi-. - ; t , ' - - , - - - i-- f ' - ' - - ---.!-. H . 1 . - . . j-. i. - t :Tpi ; ' : ' '' Ivontomeiy The social xf CxtoMXU Or der of the Eastern Star will meet 04 Tuesday for an all day sewing for. the led Cross. The group wiU sew on ditty bags, : A no-host luncheon will be served st noon. . CLXJ3 CALENpAB ' TVKSOAT li Social Day eluh. Uasoaie tenw.. pie. all day sewing. . MONTOOMEIY WARD a tl; ;:-.i!v- THESE POQ FALL 4.49 WlAYaor Ska Caoao 3.90! Tour oho Coupon . vard TTTT T ; 1:3. Uo: uizttj 1S3 Ko. Libert Phca 3194