Tkt OZSGOII STATE! MAIL da. Ore-jcn, Cusday Mcrrls ZX IStl i ivlgs czvunnzi Foz Convenience ...... ' Wanted Miscellaneous OUTBO. FISHING motor. 590 N. High WANTEL BY postman Large hlack umbrella. Ph. (782. v , USED BICYCLE PARTS. Ph. 1-1883. CLEAN whit rags. Hog Bros, i 380 State. , ' - , . ! USKD rURMITUBJft- Ptt 9188 WANTED BENCHES OR FOLDING CHAIRS FOR CHURCH. . PHONE DALLAS. ORE, , 327M. WANT TO-Buy. Varna cammt lenses McEwan Photo Snop43 But CASH (or used otano at other tnu deal instruments Call - 4641 days at 537 evenings or aend description to Jaquith Music Co. 181 S High. . CASH PAID tot upnirhT. spinet or grand ptanoa "bona 5707- - WTD., REG. steamer trunk. Ph. 6678. ELEC. TBI, mod. phonograph. 8698. PING PONG table. 8 ft. wide. 9 ft. long. 30 In. high. net. paddles, balls. JH 1U1. - ATTENTION FARMERS. We are paying $92.50 per ton for barley. FOB cars vaney points, stall Bros. Turner. Phone 24.- WANTED. BEST clrc wood heater S2S will buy. Ph. 21985. WANTED TO trade Food i locker In Eugene for one In Salem.. Box 103, baiem -btatesman. ' .- . ' i . ROLLAWAY BED. 757 Center St, Ph. 21835. i . j WANTED TO buy. Electric atove. Ph 131 until 1 p. m. Ph. 3533 after 8 pm CHEAP BIKE, wood heater. Ph. 21989. WANTED: Old fashioned hand braid ed wool rug. approximately 8x10. Call 7430 noon ana evenings. ' WE Buy " an kinds used fura, old glass and antiques, rn. soee. r Wanted Furniture WE MAKE tt our buainoaa to pay tnore for good furniture and eppuances . Bright & Eckley 453 Court St ' Phone 7511 CASH for need furniture hold Roods. 415 Ferry. RAY FORCEY - PH. 7448 Miscellaneous CESSPOOL it Septic eleaaed. Guar anteed work. Ph. 8745. Gene Flte. W. Salem. r STOVE parts and repairing. Woodry Mkt, 1605 N. Summer. Also lawn mow er sharpening and Adjusting, continued. Dental Plate Repair TWO-HOUR SERVICE IN MOST CASES Brine or Mat) Your Plates ret OepatiJ UK HARRY SEMLKK. USJCllbf Adolph Bid State. .Com1-Ph 3311 ganri -1 1 11 it u'nii sstuAjiwh rain nsi ii iiriiTB""iTnii'""" STOVE Parta St Repairing Woodry Auction Market. 1808 H Summer. For Rentv Rooms SLP. RM, dose In. 833 N. High. SLEEP rm, emp. man. Ph. 3437. ' LGk. COMFORTABLE sip. ran. Close In for employed lady. 148- Marlon. SLEEPING room. 1209 Court j SLEEPING ROOM. Ph. 4498. - SLEEPING rooms. Clean and com ibrteble. Close to. 573 Court. Room and Board' 1144 Center St Ph. 8630. For Rent Apartments ' 3 KM. Furn. apt, adults. 288 N. 18th Ph. 3279. CONSTRUCTION workers! Apte, completely furn. Parking - place for trucks. Rates by week or month. Ph. 86R. Independence. i FURN. HSKP. rm, 280 N. 18th.' LARGE DESIRABLE room. hot. ceid Water. 2 burner plate. 253 Center, . . 1 RM. APT, compL turn. Close In. 668 Summer. : Refrtg. 2 RM. FURN. apt, adulU only. TeL 9010. Hear, lights, water. - 1 HOUSEKEEPING Marion. Adults. apartments. . 103 .2 RM. furn. private bath. 1448 Waller. FURN. Apts. 2310 N. 4th. For f Rent Houses " SMALL TWO room garage house, furnished. Highland dist Ph. 3351. MOD. FURN. t bedroom hse, base ment, w.-turn. 1320 N. Uberty. FURN. HSE, elec. t, refrig, phone, close in. AdulU only, ref. required. Box 103. - For Bent ' FREE rent of 3 rm. hse. in country, free milk at lights to couple m ex change for doing light morning and evening chores. Turn west of Keizer ; school, follow pavement 1 mi.- RL 1, BOX I70C. ... i TRAILERS tor rent WoodnTs Mkt. 1605 N. summerv Ph. 8U0. I FLOOR SANDER tor rant ffomery Ward. Mont GOOD Used Piano. H. U Stiff. TRUCKS for tent You drive Me dina. A Loveit phone 8600.; Wanted to Rent GOOD 3 bed rm. unfurn. bouse. Ph. 3492. WANTED: LISTINGS of dwellings. apartments and board and room ayaii- able for rent to school teachers. Phone 137. Public School Administration Of' lice. - k ONE BDRM. unfurn hse. or apart ment, t ail 2511. - - m ADyERTISINQ : ' Western Advertlslnf Representatires -' Ward-Griffith Company, ne San Francisco "' Eastern Advertising " ' Rtprescntatlvejr Ward-Crtffith Company, tne . Chioago. New York. Dettott , Boston. AUante ' . Entered e Ike Ptmotrtr at aToTem Oregon as Second Ciast liattr, Pub lished et-rw mornine except MtmaaM bvstness tijJVcm tl$ South ; Commer cial ft trees. . .... ir ' EmCniFTTCKJ RATE3 iri F"bwlr-'n Rites tn Advance T. iuun Ore an: iaiw and Sunday. Ma fi reni: s mos. ti iji 1 year.-tier l :tfv, ere ' C) cents p-r mo. or 7iJ i r 1 y-r It vsnce. i r c-spy eens r r -C .-riT.- 'a' J 'a montA Wanted to Rent WANTED SMALL furnished house or 2 or 8 rm. apt. by reliable couple. Ph. 14049. LOCAL BUSINESS ' man can give references; wants to lease two or three bedroom house. Call 8623; after 8. -00 p. m, 2-1008. WANTED TO rent . by exoerienced farmer. 73 acres or more grain and pasture; bldgs. and elec. References furnished. B. H. Williams, Gen. Del, Salem. WANTED. AT once. 3 or 3 bedroom furnished or partly furnished house: by reliable permanent govt, employee. rn. - PERMANENT Salem business man wants a tor 3 bdrm. modern unfurn. house. Ph. 7532 or 8419. For Sale Real Estate NEARLY NEW 4 room house (1 bed room) located in West Salem, with electric, range, water heater., oil cir culator, elec. refrig, total price. 83500. Liberal terms. Large house on 75x175 lot close to high school with extra rental and 5 room for owner. Full basement. A good investment at $4750. Half cash. 3 bedroom house on large lot close in. fine location. Price $3250. 2 bedroom house In good condition. V block from Highland Ave., close to bus and school. $4000. $1500 will handle. 2 bedroom nearly new house, full basement, furnace, on nice creek lot. Price $5000. $2300 will handle. Very fine 16 acre tract In Xeizer district. 7 room house, best of soil, suitable for sibdivlsion. Price $11,600. Liberal terms. S. M. EARLE 208 N. High. 3 bedroom plastered borne, living St dining, shade, bus. Price $2500. ,i cash. 2 bedroom home, szeso. $1000 down. 2 bedrooms, partly furnished home, nice corner lot. Price $3000. 2 bedroom home, new, excellent con dition, worth the money. 83300. Immed. possess. , 2 bedroom older home, nice- cor. lot, plentyshade. $3400. $1000 down. C. H. SANDERS 231 tt. High 5838 FOR SALE by Owner: 8 room mod ern home. Full cement base, auto. sawdust furnace, "fireplace. Complete ly redecorated inside. Nice back yard. seswu. 111a n. enures. 85800 (ACREAGE IN TOWN) 4 acre with good 2 bedroom hse. basement, fiirnaoe. laundry trays, wired for range, chicken hse, 24 fruit trees, 3 blocks to bus. Mrs. Huff, with BURT PICHA,' REALTORS 237 N. High Ph. 3210 8 ROOM home close In, basement, house has been newly decorated inside and out. Price $4000. Call O. V. Hume at GRABBNHORST BROS, Realtors 134 S. Liberty St. " Ph. 4131 2 HOUSES n one lot. One 8 rooms. 3 bedrooms all first floor. Other is a 3 room and bath, utility, both . plas tered, wired for ranges, close in south. Price only $5500 cash. C. H. SANDERS 231 N. High 5838 APARTMENT HOUSE Showing good interest on the Invest ment of $21,500. Ask tor details. Call Mrs. Ellis with LEO N. GUILDS, INC, Realtors 344 State St. . Ph. 9261 BY OWNER View property in King wood Vista. 'New 9 rm. mod. home, hdwd. firs, throughout, auto, sawdust furnace, fireplace., Immed. possess. Inq, zoea iaurei Ave, or j'n. ma. 1 BEDROOM home at 528 N. 21st St, newly decorated, close to bus line, garage. Price $3250. Call O. V. Hume at GRABiMHOitsT BROS- Realtors 134 S. Uberty St, Plu 4131 -" - CENTER ST. NEAR ltTH 3 bedroom - home, plumbing up and down, casement, rurnaee. eooa - iocs uon. Priced to seu at 84308 terms.. C H. SANDERS 231 N. High 8838 $5250 buys g room mod. house, bamt. furn, fireplace, electric range, trash burner, close to bus and school. Call 4785 after 3 p. m. or Sun. 4 RM. shingled house in Hollywood district. li S3xu. ITU1T, price SZ700. 337 N. High Ph. 3210 NORTH. NEAR INDUSTRIES ONE OF THOSE GOOD LOOKING HOMES. 6 R, FIREPLACE. ELEC. COOKING At WATER HEATING. BASEMENT - WITH - FURNACE. NEW LY PAINTED AND CLEAN INSIDE 8c OUT. WITH NICE BACK YARD AND GARAGE. PRICE $6950 JX). SEVERQI REALTY CO, 212 N. HIGH ST. PH. 4016. ASK FOR MR. HOLMES YOU WILL LIKE THIS STUCCO HOME On beautiful Fairmount Hill. 4 large cheerful rooms; good plumbing, plenty bum ins, unfinished attic, basement furnace, laundry trays, garage, large lot 50x150 ft., lawn, shrubs, flowers and garden, price only $4500. See lcu . childs. inc. Realtors 344 State St. Ph. 9261 BEAUTIFUL modern S bedroom English home, close to school, bus St stores. Just Tight for residence office. Laffe living room, fireplace, hardwood floors, double plumbing, automatic sawdust heat, double gauge, full bai ment. 1115 N. Capitol, NW cor. Bel mont. Bjr owner. E, L, Miller, Phone 4ZH. 7 RM. MOD. house, rood location. ius s. mgn, between 9 a.m.-4 p. m CORNER LOT: 2 blocks from Hoi. lywood. 2 .bedrooms, large dining rm. Bviicnen. osmi, lory, trays, stoves, pa rage. Just painted inside and out 82800. ee owner, esv M. ZIST, . BEACH COTTAGE 1 BDRMS, LIV. rm. utility rm. rage, city water, completely rum. LARSEN HOME Ac LOAN CO 765 S. Com'l. St Ph. gm CLOSE IN. completely turn, home ana income of 2 apts, large lot. cherry Ac walnut trees, berries, grapes, shrubs, large garden, new chicken house, fen ced. $4300.00, some terms. 824 N. Front street. HOME WITH 4 aDta. furn.. rood la. vest, priced reasonably for quick sale Dy owner. . bhown by appoint only, fa. aiow. GOOD 3 BDRM. home, firenlace, H. W. floors, full bsmt, furn, $1,000 cash, bat monthly. See MR. GOOD WIN with Hawkins & Roberts, Inc. Ph. 4108 Realtors After 6. Ph. 8718 CLOSE IN HOME Five rooms, large living and dining room with oak floors, fire place, ce ment basement furnace, garage, cor. lot paved streets, blocks out in a good location, seso cash. GRABENHORST BROS, Realtors 134 S. Uberty St . , Ph., 4131 . VACANT Almost new house, 8 rooms, hardwood floors, oil heater. Venetian blinds, at' tached garage, . auto. elec. water sys tem. 1 full acre. Terms. 81200 cash, bal anee less than rent. Total price $4700. For: more particulars and location see . ALFRED" DUMBECK . Room 3 Ladd At Bush Bldg. Help Wanted Hale WANTED AT ONCE r STEADY. T70RK i v A-1 Mechanic . . Experienced ; Lubrication Man ; EsseWal ;Vorls'f' Top S7c- i- STATE M0T0RS,; Inc:i:r;:'r ahcl PsroSll Jlead For Sale- Real Estate 6200. 3 BEDRM. home about 6' blks. from city center,; living, room, dining room, basement, automatic gag s beat, wired for range, laundry traya, work shop. Mrs. Huff, with ' . BURT PICHA, REALTORS ? 337 N. High 4 s . "Phone 3218 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 1 : Larga dwelling in apartments, only 8 blocks out. good location, large; lot. Price for quick sale $6500. cash. , GRABSNHUK3T iuius, Keanors . 134 S. Liberty $t . ,- Ph, 4131 FOR THE THRIFTY BUYER i lots. 8 room older type house, oiled street. 2 blocks from business center In Turner, Price $1400 with some fur niture., Alfred pumbeck. Ladd & Bush Bldg, room 3.; -....- LEAVING TOWN, must sell today for cash; ! two 1 bedroom bouse, bard wood floors throughout with or with out furniture. Beautifully landscaped yard, south part of town. Open Sun day. Price aasuo uniurmsnea. 4-none or see me 1887! Water St. Phone 4555. 84750. CLOSE IN 3 bedroom home, dining room,: fire -place, basement, fur. wired lor range, gar., pavea si. OLSON 6t KE&VJS 945 S. Com'l - Ph. 4580. Exes, 9538 7 ROOMS east Salem, large lot with fruit and nutans . , . Modern five room dwelling, nice con dition. NX Salem, immediate posses sion. 85800. 1 .1 - 1 7 room dwelling north Salem, ! large, lot. hardwood floors, full basement. $6800. f S r - -5 - 5 room moaern cicsc in norm, sow. Immediate possession. H. P. GRANT, REALTOR 529 Court St. Phone 8744 Close In Winter St. North 8 large modern: rooms with large unf. attic, lew minutes waix to state nse. Price 87500. Let us show you by appi. C. H. SANDERS 231 N. High 6838 S R. HOUSED floored attic basemt, furnace, hwd. floors, 1 large- bedrms, R 1- D. and i kitchen. ood location north. $8000. terms. C, J. Jackson,; 841 State St, Salem. - 1 ; : . MODERN BR home in N. Salem. Dot pib, autm oil beat Close to all schools and ; bus line, Chas. Hudkina or Walter Socoiofsky, 875 Stete St, Pbene 9494. 1 a f 3 1 i . ON NORTH Commercial St, close in. large house. 8 stories, good income from rentals. Priced at $8500. A modern country home on Turner Road. Shrubs, fruit and nuts, double garage, on a bus-line. $8500. $ 1 - P. Hi BELL. Realtor ! 402 Guardian Bldg. . Phone 4898. GOOD 3 bedroom house N. th St, newly papered; i basement $3000. ; 1 see mh. quuuwim wrtn i t : Hawkins & Roberts, Inc.! 4 i -Realtors i 1 ' PhJ 4108 IS ?. After 6. Ph. 8715 6 ROOM home rtn S. High St, newly decoratedt ! Can give .immediate pos session. This home is well located on nice large lot. Several fruit trees. garage. Price $4500. : CaU O. V. Hume at ' 5 GRABENHORST BROS, Realtors 134 S. , Liberty , St . Ph. 4131 82950 WEST Salem Heights. ,i - A, 1 BR, LR, Kit. nook, betn, full base ment, garage, terms. - 84000 seven ' rooms. ; good condition. wired Tor range.- 2 car garage,- Rich mond aenoot district. - 85500 aeven brooms, basement! near Wash, school. Terms. . ..a, 1 e :. i . a. $4zuo eigne 'rooms, extra large jot with fruit and' nuts, chicken house At garage combined. Near Richmond seh. 86850 two houses on one lot rent one live in other. ; Both face- street One five rooms, large LR gcDR across en tire front fire place, basement fur- nace. gar. Other house is s rooms. Wonderful lot ; Terms. ' 84758 three BR Fairmount Hill dis trict Loreiy LR. 'DS. fire place, base ment, furnace,' lovely- lot. xerma. ; LARSEN HOME LOAN CO. 765 S. Commercial St ;- Phone 8389 A FINE 8 room, 2 bedroom bunga low, close hv Breakfast nook. elec. rang, refrigerator. Immediate posses sion. Complete! basement, garage, etc. Must sell. See L. L. Thornton, care of r. Ulrica Co, 202 Pearce Bldg, Ph; 9383. " TODAY'S SPECIAL I All for $3000. Bungalow, 4 rooms, large porch, 2 bedrooms, considerable fur niture, basetneirt.: between 4 and 5 cds. of dry wood.i: large walnut ? trees, some choice shrubs. Possession within 2 weeks. See Mrs. Needham or; Louis Bechtel. 341 State St, room . - DANDY 8 room: modern stucco: hme. just like new and I will say it's a dan-; dy for-$o. wortn. HOME Ac INCOME Close in. 10 room house. 3 single apt.; one sleeping room and two 3i room; apts. aownstaira. s aouoie garages, nas income 01 $119 per mo. ana 3 rm. apt. to live In. $7500. Terms. See JAS. D. SEARS. REALTOR 507 Center enter i J Ph. 9444 CREEK LOT. CLOSE IN NORTH room horned basement and. furnace. double- Kara. Price $5000. : ' W. G. KRUEGEH. REALTOR : 14T N. Com'L St ; Ph. 4728 829S0. NICE 4 room plastered house Wired for rsnge, garage, bus by door, some fruit. Terms, see Mrs. Hurt wun i RIIRT 1 PICHA. REALTORS 337 H. High v Ph. 3210 tor SALE b owner Modern 7 rm home 1819 S. Church (facing Leslie Jr.; hieh school. 5 nark and swimmmx poet. X bedrocks; full basement fire-' place, ijfarage. , un new. (.ompietciy redecorated inside .and out Would take- car as pert -payment Immedlaae possession. Open ' from 12 to 8 p. ra. Phone szaa. a issoo. NICE 2 bedroom home north. Living room, dinette, hardwood firs.. fire piece, wired xor range. auxomatK sawdust nice- backyard, some fruit See Mrs. Huff with BURT PICHA, REALTORS 337 N. High i Ph. 3218 $2350 Setni-modern 3 room house on- three 43-ft lots. 3 blocks from State St, 1 1 - $4750 3 bedroom house; close to hieh and grade schools,, good location. $1?00 will handle. ; f R. E. MEREDITH ' 3163 Portland. Road Ph. 4463 3800. 6 RMS. bath, garage, chicken house. 50x100. '4or business or home. Oil heat, some furniture, on 99 highway.: Rt 2, box 341. Woodbum. Wm Bre- uen. Ph. B41l. Salem. BY OWNER New 3 rm. house, 1255 sixth st, w.sawm, : CREEK LOT. trees. $425. MELVUJ JOHNSON 723 Court St? .. Ph. 3723 - FURN. 4 RM. mod. hse, bath, util ity rm, wired elec. range. Shade, fruit: walnuts. - nice neighborhood,. Z'.i nucs. city center; dose to Dallas grd. end high scl. Quick possession. Price 82750. A. R. Eklund. 3v8 Mill. - ROOM home north, garden spot garage, has dirt, basement Price fjouo. Call O. V. Hume at ' . - ? GRABENHORST BROS Realtors' 134 S. Uberty Kt - Ph. 4131 Help ; 7chted llale For Sale-M-Real Estate d rvERs miD farms it Our farm listings include some ex cellent ail-purpofte farms from SO to 300 acres. Farm s investments art ssfe. If you are considering buying a Xana we can help youj Also 1 FARM LOANS At 4 per cent interest 183 acrea with good set of buildings: 110 acres in cultivation. . Well located. Two miles oft S9W highway, priced at $80 per acre.; Terms. . 226 acres, good buildings. 150 acres In scultJvation, irrigation system. Price $21,000 terms, i s .. 1 : 100 acres Mission Bottom, good soO. Cbehalls sand Newberg. Buildings. $200 per acre; ! ! ' . : FILBERTS . 30 acres, very good buildings; 23 acres in. filberts 12 and 14 years old, Wil lamette soil, splendid country home Ac income property i s See A. N; DUNCAN BR. -S Ladd Ac Bush Bldg. 1 . Salem eaasaasaaeiaeeeesM Englewdod District i" 6 room modern home, 1 BR down, base, fur, hwdS firs, fire place, east front, beautiful i yard, excellent loca tion, a good buy at $6500. Terms. . C. H. SANDERS. 131 N. High, 5838 I V2 Acie ' North Cape Cod home. excellent condition, basement furnace fireplace, hwd.-i fl, elec. water heater, beautiful grounda, fruit berries.! flowers. Price 86500. Ph. 26122. Suns, or evs, 1 ). " 2 . i " FOR SALE! ' - , ' 6 room modern home located at 2180 Laurel street Automatic gas beat,' lot 50x150 feet. This ; is a good modern home , with basement Price $7350. See G. H. 1 Grabenhorst jr, with GRABENHORST BROS, Realtors ! 134 S. Liberty St 2 BEDROOM house south. A good ouy. s47jo. see i. t. puray. witn tt. J. ruAKNiK Realtor 1853 N. Capitol i i , Ph. 3031 or 8015 Nice Creek Lot, !; Shad Trees bedroom modern home with fire place, hardwood floors.; basement fur nace. wired ! range; lot . 47x91. Price $5000. $2300 will handle. C. H. SANDERS 23) ? N. High 8838 TWO BEDROOM home, with 4 room apartment for income, adjoining. Auto matic water heater, i laundry trays, basement N 1 ce 1 y landscaped. . For quicK aie. u. n lut'Hi L. kkimann; 1ST s. High i .- v Phone 9203 2 BEDRM. HOME for sale bv owner. Inq. 1860 S. 12th. 1 s .j : $5500. i acre t blocks from city Urn its. Nearly new; 3 room bouse, hard wood floocs. fire place.' auto, oil furn, wired for rangqeJ unfinished attic. 18 cnerry trees. ! 3 5 ! 1 : OLSON & REEVE 945 S. Com'l. ! jPfa. 4590. Eves. 9536 IMMEDIATE POSSESS ION HILLSIDE VIEW i PROPERTY LOCATED 1 MX W. from bridge on Salem-Dallas Jrwyt Mod. 4 rm. plas tered hse.. large front rm. with fire place, bdrm, kit J fcaundry rm, down stairs, bdrm, bans upstairs. Plenty of built-ins Closet space, wired for range, w. htr. Garage end large- size lot Spe cial price. TkTtei S950 down bal. . easy terms. Sold by owner. H. W. MeCax- ley. Rt 4,Box 481. a 85150. ! Completely furnished house with A iroem. ant 'Furniture iacludea Tcsrieeretor, overstaffed sets, oil heat ers, radio, rants, evervtrdne- needed lor e home; Niae well Jstpt Jot with small house on rear which can be rented. If yon ere Making: for a bom with in OLSON At REEVE' 948 S. Comt j Ph. 4990. Eves. 9538 Business Cards la tbii directory ran n si monthly bstts only. Raies lJCS per; lino per month. li Accounting; BOOKS keDti boeratinc statements and tax reports-prepared, systems In stalled, i Fsrris L.i Morton, Ph. 2-2659. 4888. 595 Front St j Airplane I Models KITS land SUPPLIES. Cherry City Model Aircraft ?st At Market i : i ! P I Alterations ' t 1 ! i ALTERATIONS sewing, fur work. 180 N. Commercial, Room 28. - 4- Ar Tile I BATH Room, drain 'board, fireplace or stont fronts Ph. 932L Auctioneer i AUCTIONS conducted Anywhere. Max Groesbeckli Box 20, SUvertoa Road. Phone eovg. j Aut0e Brakes '."'! I " ; ' .. i j ' 1 i 1 " HERRALL-OWENS CO .233 & Coml. ifike Panek. 27b S.i CemO. Ph. $161 Brake sad ; wheol aligning , gpecteUst Auto and Truck Service HXRRALL-OWSNS CO. 333 S Coral J Bicycles Rrrrvf-r.r I NmI ana reconditioned Harry; W Scott 147 S tiomH. P. 43.6 Body & Fender Repairs HERRALL-OWSNS CO, 233 S Coml Cement : Contracting CEMENT- contracting. C. . B, CXI. Ph. 487L it Chimney Sweep Nerthnesa Chimney "weep Ph 4458 Florists Brelthaupfp . 447 Court Phone 9188 Hosiery . Bear S01t Hosiery HUH, Ph. fTCL J , Mrs. Moseley. PX- Bo . t53. r Implement. Sharpening -Discs tail Cue plow tnacMne sharp ened.: 3 ml, W,-a Dallas cuwsy. ! Lairrisiowc? Cthzip'sidzj 5 cuARjOrrrrtr -rrv' en. special ntctorv ri indere fry . Larry W. Scott "The Cyue LUa 147 B. Commsrclsl tt Gilts 'Ilniia ' Lesions SPAKTSa" St Esw'-i.i CuVo and Use For Sale Real Estate View of Salem i ' New S room strictly modern home with oil furnace, located en Kinrwnnrf Hta. Price $6100. $2300 will handle. ; oearoom modern home. Kingwood Heights. Base, oil rurnaee. launrfrv trays, lot 75x150. double garage, 8 blks to bus. $5500. Terms. C H. SANDERS 231 N. High 8838 Oatstandinz Buv . Very lovely 3 bedroom home, double ptumning. located N. 17th. Beautiful yard; must' be seen to appreciated. Price on this fine property Is only $8250. We will be glad to show you this fine home. N. Llndgrea or Ed Potter, Realtors, 173 Highi Phone 3630. t - Excliange Real Estate' FOR SALE OR TRADE : " 12 A- GOOD SOn. nnr rirnfc fan Free water right fenced, some bldgs. wouia iaxe iraiier-nouae or what have you. szm. e. o. box 241, Salem. For Sale Farm 120 ACRES 78 acres plow land, balance timber and pasture, urge barn. 7 room house, ir rigation ditch through farm. $70 A. Claude Boone. Aumsville. Ore, . PRICED TO SELL : ' 378 acre ranch with .bldgs, 125 acrea of good farm land, balance inasture with lots of oak timber, north of Rick real near P. highway. Price $12,000. 4a cash, balance terms at 8 per cent interest- If you want an exceptional vaiue see wis. GRABENHORST BROS, Realtors 134 S. Liberty St . Ph. 4131 76 ACRES, 21 acres pesehes. 17 A. filberts (23.000 sounds last year). -4 A. Royal Annes. 3 A. timber, 18 A. un- aer plow, Daianee pasture, creex, jien ty bldgs. One of the best farm 30 mi. saiem. J . C, H. SANDERS 231 N. High 8838 ' GET SET FOR PEACE Here is a farm of 288 acres., all good cultivated soil. with, planting of over 100 acres fescue- grass, balance -good grain, corn or clover land, large older house and barn, pressure water ell this for only $85 per acre. 82 acres choice river bottom land, close to Sa lem, no bldgs, 8150 per acre. 50 acres, 3 bedroom house, electric water sys ter. bent 'ettxSO. t etanchiona, live stream, equipment including Ford-Ferguson tractor mower, rake, grain drill, tiller, plows, ete, U oes for 811.500. C W. BARTLETT R. W. BENT Realtors , ia New Bllgh Bldg. Phone 7171 TO CLOSE AN ESTATE , 160 acres (no bldgs.). 100 under plow, creek, good for stock or beans. Irri gating ditch. Price $6400. : 60 .acres west good for fruit, no buildings.' Price $3000. Trade for Salem. C. H. SANDERS 331 N. High 5838 -60 ACRES 8 miles south of Salem, good '8 room house with running wa ter but without elee. Good i income from about acre berries. About 45 acres timber and pasture. D. A. Fish, 477 Court Phone 6524. ! 70 A. RANCH WITH 40 A. hops, 7 A. alfalfa, bal pasture, also gravel bar that will he m demand after the -war as there is several thousand dollars worth of gravel. Hops will be ready to pick About 12th of Sept, good build ings At hop equip, all for $30,000. good terms, as widow says sell. See MR. LARSEN with . ! .. Hawkins & Roberts, Inc. Phone 4108. ' - Reartors 50 ACRE GRADE A dairy farm, has t i nice houses, large barn Ac other buildings, fruit nuta At shade trees. $18,000. Close in. JACK HENVTNOSEN STATE FINANCE CO,.BALTOR3 212 Guardian Bldg. - 7 Phone -4121 Directory Painting & Paperhanging EXPERT Workmanship Painting Brush eV : spray Painting. Ph. 32795. PAINTING St Decorating. Ph. ! 7552 Plumbing BT LICENSED MECHANICS. John Fisher. Pa. 3018. 533 S. 18th. A. L. SKEWIS et Ca Plumbmc Heating. S48 N. High. Ph. 6223. ; iBOWEN BROSL Ptumbinx and Heat ing. .35 N. Cetn'1 Ph, 7213. . n Piano Tuning PIANO Tuning end Repairing. I Prompt service. BruneQe. 3-4043. Printing ma STATIONERi. rarDs, pamphtets- programt boom or any kind of print lag. call The Statesman Printing De partment 819 V . Commercial Tele 9101 i . ; .--I-.. .Mattresses . ! CAPITOL .' BEDDING CO Pbone 0C8 i Radio Service LOUIS Du Buy. 33T Court. Ph. 3028. Sand and Gravel SAND, i grsveL crushed' rock, ready mixed concrete. - wailing nana ana GnrveL Ph, 8581 .. i.. , Septic Tanks Cleaned GET my prices before- having work done. Ph, 4450. Permanent . resident of W. Salem. Kenneth Hamei. 1143 8th st Shoe Repairing ' Stubblefield Shoe Repairing, 352 Stete Shoes shined, cleaned Ac dyed. Transfer D-DRIVE ' TRUCKS FOR RENT Blank eta furs 197 S Uberty Ph 062 FOR LOCAL OR DISTANT 1 tranfer store e. burner oil. briauets rrueke to Portland daily. Agent Pierce ; Auto Freight tnctudtnp Calif polnta Larmer Transfer. Co-. Ph SUL' ' i . Upholstery Cleaning RUGS and ophoL clean sd. Ph. 8231 Vaccsni Oecncr Service CERTIFIED GUAR. eerr. Ail makes Vince's 1 -ric. 157 S. Ub.,Te. ,6J FR" 1 4 section ta votir home. . All thot . Hoover service We service all ana ) c.arws' Uogg' Broe' Ph. Si9 X7dz'XCk Clock Tsy tor's camp. State Street T7uidow Qesnicit ' City window r!ea"ers. P. tlCl Flon waJis, woodwork, work guarantees - ALL ? work guaranteed, - Wlhdovs weiis, woodivork c..?ted tloorssxti Insured worfc"ea. r-ro;exilOBJJ t-cJ :S4aiesszian Cks&aS-sd h-SLds!- Fori Sale Farms 4SVm ACRE farm With flood lrrlral tion about 2 miles from Salem. Good dairy and bean land, two barns and modern milk house. : Farm also - has swimming beach and" picnic grounds. Phone 831 or 9475. " . ATTRACTIVE FARM BUY 282 acres well located in the: famous Waldo .Hills district few . miles east of Salem. Good set of farm buildings. 200 acres cultivated, t balance pasture and timber. Well, several springs and year round creek on back of place. Close toschooL Priced reasonable for $20,000. Part terms. See . t . LEO N. CHXLDS, INC Realtors 344 Stete St, Ph. 9261 Acreage r Polk- Co. Bargain 4 ; 111 acres fin land. 10 miles from Sa- lem, Jr'out- co, . nice modern 3f bedrm. home, elec water system, wired for range; ! family fruit i 1 acre s prunes, balance all in cultivation. Price $6000. $2500 cash, balance mortgage; N. J. Lindgren or Ed Potter, Realtors, 173 S. High. Phone 3630. "' t- OWNER SAYS SELL ' Priced reduced $7000 to $6750. 2 acres With, nice 3 rooms and bath, full ce ment basement double garage. Also another 3 room house, some large trees. On. pavement $3350 cash if sold on terms. Balance $33 per mo. budget loan. N. J. Lindgren or EL Potter, Reals tors. 175 S. High St. Ph. 3630. " 18 ACRES all bearing filberts. Mo dern 8. room house, paved road near Salem. Shown by .appointment only. f. 15 acres. -good home, : basement fur nace, walnuts, filberts,: cherries. 88008. : 30 acres, near Salem, stream, beauti ful new home. A real buy. 113,500. ; ' R A. FORKNER. REALTOR !" 1853 N. Capitol Ph. 3031 : Special 28 - acres of ' good land, Swegle ' school district all in cultivation, no bldgs. Priced to seU at 85600. n. J. Lindgren or Ed. Potter, Realtors, 175 8. High. rnone sojv. : , t . . t ACRES east cloae in, 8 rooms mo dern house; beautiful lawn, outside fire place, lily pool, lots of. fruit dow- Dieearage ana goasi serge oexn, a very good buy. $7800.:' . A 8 acres in Salem Hts, 6 room mo dern houses furnace,! fire place, elee. water system, double ganage. Very good large chicken house, variety of fruit and nuts. $.500. . , r 88308. 27 acrea 5 mUea i out of town, e acres of variety of fruits and nuts, two year round streams, bal ance timber: and farm tend. Good mo dern plastered house j. R. Z. MEREDITH " ' 3155 Portland Road j Ph. 4463 Vm ACRE east 8 room house. 'garden. immediate possession, price $3000.. BURT riCHA. REALTORS 337 N. High 1 Ph. 3210 t A SOUND INVESTMENT 1 TO 2 ACRE tracts. ' Good solL all cleared, some in cultivation. Buy now on. easy terms for your future home. RICH L. RETMANN, 187 S. High - Phone 9203 t - 3 ACRES '- NE on i bus Hne, 7 rm. mod. hse, ' filberts.! walnuts, fruit, grapes. A very nice! place for $8750. Mr. Byrkit with BURT PICHA. REALTORS 337 N. High s - Ph. 3210 ATTRACTIVE i ACRE Just outside city, fruit shade, berries, 3 bedroom home, bam for 8 cows. 300 capacity hen bouse. Let us show you this nice place. Only 84750 C ' H, SANDERS 231 N. High 5833 4i ACRE NX, 2 bedrooms, bath. liv. room, dining room, kitchen, boilttns, elee. water heater, wired for range. unfinished upstairs, t $4000. Mr. Byr kit with ' BURT F1U1A. KEALTUKI ' ! ' 337 N. High j Ph. 3218 2.8 ACRES EXCELLENT soU with all year creek and three room house. 83,- 800. ! - 1 . j RICH L. RETMANN, 157 S. High , t Phone 9203 ' ; NEW 4 ACRE COUNTRY HOME ! The 'one you've been looking for with view, terrace, 3 bedrooms, large maid's room, unf in. attic, auto, sawdust fur nace, cheery kitchen and dining, large living with fireplace. 4 miles city cen ter. $8500,. - , ' -i - ' ' C H. SANDERS 231 N. High St 5838 ,, MR. CHICKEN MAN ; 1 Here Is a dandy 8 acre chicken farm south. . wrth two good pool try nouses 20x68 and 20x80, water la each. 2 bdrm home with bath and elec. water sys tem, double garage, ; small barn. We have the keys immediate possession. $5500. - j 1 ' t u. vr. UAKlLl l It. W. Mn i ! Realtors 1 122 New Bligh Bldg. ; Ph. 7171 i,4 ACRE at 4 Corners. 2 bedrooms. living room, dining room, kitchen and built ins, full bath, automatic, water. Price $26L Mr. Byrkit with BURT PICHA. REALTORS ! 337 N. High I .! Ph. 3210 X ACRES (4 miles city center), mod ern 8 room heme.. Also smaller house, built among nice oak trees, paved rd. and bus. Price $5730, C. H. SANDERS 231 N. High St. 5838 BY OWNER 3 bedroom house. Us acres. X chicken houses (cap, 3501, barn, garage, fruit room, berries, shade, lots of shrubs. 3 blocks outside city lim its. Price $4500. 2594 S.i Summer, turn left at 2590. white house with picket fence. Phone 9348. : 840002 A. 4 RM. NEW hse,; garage. chicken nse. 39 filberts, young orch ard, V ml. N, i rm. E. Keixer school. CaU eve. Owner. B. D. Snook, 1.48 ACRES GOOD s TOStlyln cultivation. Small grove fir trees on front cornel! for home site. ' Easy terms. RICH L REIMANN. 1ST b. tUgn i i Phone 9203 I l ACRE MILE out on Stete St. road. hunealow. lie. im- 2 bdrma-kitchen. nook, wired lor range, weu. eiec pump, fruit-rm, garage, poultry hse. bam, several trees, vou. - . MELVrN JOHNSON 723 Court St Ph. 3733 rnnrrrjtwn TiTsTRTtrg j 1 7 'acres with 8 room bunxalow. barn, garage and poultry bldgs, family frutt and berries, good well and never fail ing ereea. : nce smuu. u sota soon will Include fine cow. barn full of hay and about 40 chickens. r .ALFRED DUMBECK 1 ' Rm 3 Ladd At Bush bldg. Ph. 5823 18 A. FOR sale or lease: 1 8 acres prunes (fair crop), 8 room house, elec tric pump, lights, water in house, Mi mile to school. 6tt miles south of Sa lem. 8500 down, balance en terms. E, E. Olson. Rt 4. box 227 (Sunnyslds dist). Call after 8 p. m. 42 A. ORCHARD near Dallas. Ex Calient condition, good a equipped dry er and other odd bldgs. weu located and a money maker. As an Investment this Is tops. $8000, or can be bought with crop which will pay i of farm price. M. B. Stagne. KO'L ; FOR SALE 2'4 acres bearing cherry orchard. drilled weUV no- buUdingst Usht line. Price 81000. acres located eouth on main Pacific highway, creek, timber. 4 acres bearing cherry orcnare. met r - v. . GRABS v HOR3T V f.oS Realtors , lir S; LEb'.-rfy tr- .jU-- 33 ACET3 an.cuKlv soil, locs'ei rirf tt ,. Price $5 . HP.X. -a ....: Phone 8J ,t-. -.-'- 3 4 $00. 13 A.r6rt. 1 i-rt. tivatlnn. i n 1- 1 timber. 4 r.u tsr..inia.tfl house; i.- t house and i nam. - r . I A 1 TVS til R. Coml' . Ph. 4. -3. Evesr-:M -. . -wr SALS ' ' IS aerM 1ruatd S mlteS SOUUl, 3 room home witlt modern piurtbunr. 19 acres of prunes, f benf "'t fami.y fc-. .t -i y " a e lot '.g 1 r a comt. try t-.e wos A tne r ---y ya wiil buy t s t !ee. Price t ; t-". I', f - -erhn-it, J", wi'JS Rcsoxt Property Your D our uream G m t-'T-'. omes Irue! : With real estate coming: Into real value on the coast, you can't go wrong on this completely furnished modern beach .cottage that , was built fot 41 permanent home.; This home consist- of -large living and . dining room, kitchen With buUt lns, two bed rooms; bath; utility room, storage room. . garage, also boat ; house. The ' lot"' is large and is. Ideally located to boating, fish lng. crabbing and swimming. Near fine store and "all city convenien ces. r- w , V -"Lr i . . - - f t ; ' - Priced to SeR!at: $3750 Home & Loan : Pn-"- 1 " 765 South Commercial St. . Phone 8389 Suburban WALNUTS A good 6 room home with basement, city water, barn and 38 acres of ex cellent j soil all in bearing walnuts, all nice large trees, prospects for a good crop which is included in sale. Price $17,500 cash. If you are looking for a real investment and home, ; see this right away, r- ,. GRABENHORST BROS, Realtors 134 S. Liberty St Ph. . 4131 SUBURBAN " Modern beautiful home, exceptional. Must be seen to be appreciated. See Fred Rawlins with - ni . R. ! A. FORKNER, REALTUH 1853 N, Capitol Ph. 3031 or 7903 Wanted Real Estate 1 SALES SERVICE ' ' ' WE HAVE ENQUIRIES FOR CITY At SUBURBAN HOMES, APARTMENT uniTtn uvnr.MTTTT : T1IJX1S-. fBUN CALOW COURTS. IF YOU WISH TCk SKI.I PILL SEVEKUM KEAL1 X CO. TOU WILL RECEIV : PROMPT. COURTEOUS SALES : crvrsm Ptll.TV ro. Senator Hotel Bids. Ph. -01$ Several Listed . is Severin Sow. nivi risw borer for -rood modern English type home. Chas. Hudkins, 17$ State-St Phone vtse. . - WANT FROM owner. 3 rm. home. Moderate price. In Salem. 8858 Maple. rnone ease. , - - - viimn TO huv from owner. Mod' era 3 or 4 bedroom home to Sasem, close to bus and grade school. Might consider i trading good Eugene resi dence. Send full details and location to Box 103, Salem statesman, ; . PRIVATE PARTY nay cash for fan proved i or unimproved acreage. Must DO gooa ouy. SOI liu, ounrairam. WANT MODERN house: 3 bedrooms. or 2 and finished attic. Not over 86000. C. A.- KIRKPATRICK, 3680 senste Portland Phone WE 1648. notice: IF . vour nroDerty Is for sale, rent or exchange, list it with us. We have all kinds casn Duyers. i STATE FINANCE CO, K-M..IVrw i. 212 Guardian Bldg. Business Opportunities opportunity to combine a home and a nice income. A complete three bedroom ! home with fireplace, hard wood, basement, furnace, beautiful lot Will pay for itself. $11,500. Terms. A completely furnished home ' with enoughi income from apts. to pay for it. This IS au pre war xunuiurs era it Is good. $8500. terms. i Completely lunusnea, never nas diu vacancy, good Income, - almost all velvet close in. 316.000. terms. - LARSXM HOME LOAN CO.' V 769 S. Commercial St Phone 8389 GOOD COUNTRY GROCERY 83758 1 for stock and equipment 8 pump filling station, modern 8; rm. Irving quarters. Rent $25. Dandy pro position for two people. TOwtUbX LAMf 1 xvnuJbn j-awv 8 acres, sice fir grove, large com munity, bldg, good . revenue, north. C H. SANDERS-231 N. High St-5838 eaiiini ii-is isi- j- ii if 111 - - ASSOC OR group to loin me to buy vat oil land and royalty in new prov en field. Big deveL soon. Big opp. NOW I Let's cooperate. Invest protec. by A-l re. est Box 44. Compton. Calif. CIGARS RetaU 12c, merchants buy direct from factory 885 a thousand. .Spanish hand made. Sample box of tiny, uiaz, uox sum, xampa. WISH TO buy interest In small busi ness in valley. References gtaoiy ex changed. . Send details. Box 65L States man, j I ... . . s i . i . GOOD GOING garage. Sacrifice on account of sickness. 888 , Liberty Pbone 84IL BY OWNER Modern 3 ant house. I apts. furn. Auto, oil heat and water. IBM n; winter, ra, wus. - FOR I Ouick sale because of i pool healths 3 furn. court apts. and service station. Income $210 per mo. contact owner iat 1674 Court St or fn siae RESIDENTIAL INCOME PROPERTY downstairs. 6 RMS. and sun-room. hdwd. firs, fire pi. basem, sawdust burner. Priv. entrance to 3 upstairs apts, brtngmg income of $90 per mo. Large lot with room for court shrub bery and trees, race u,suu. ., r ? i SjrST.VTM lOHNSDH t " 723 Court St . .. . Ph. 3723 Vood Sawing Wood sawing. Ph. 23483. Can. eves. Transportation WANTED , .Elde ,to central Neb raska about Seot' let by mother and 12 year son. 34 Kearney St Lest xnl Jocund LOST Ker ring and keys between Lsdd end Bush and state, capitol on State St Reward, ra. 4H. - - i. IXXSTf- Upholstered -arm . chair between- Tola and Vinona, Pail's Si-tn road. Inward, rnone 311, LaUasi LCCT TV, O r.x.4 r -on books; Al ice and Earl Pat ton, Ta. 21777. - S-STATEa FCVJTX in f '-m. fra,-- r'v f-T rn it I . . nn, i.t LARSEN For .Sale Used Cars YOU; WILL ALWAYS FIND j A? BETTER CAR ' XlJLfSJLS.S-1 . STX. : JJKJM. JL ; DEAL -i AT- L0DER BROS.- 443 Center St ? Pbone '8133 "Our 16tb Year tn Salem, Oregoo'V' "OldsmobUe Sales and Serylce".-! ; . . "Home of Good Used Cars"..-: MaMsasieseaBi . Farmers' Attention! Dodge 1-ton 1-vyK. truck flat bed. Dual tires. . , i S315.00 HERRALL-OWENS CO. 633 S. Coml. Phone 3169 t 1938 CHRYSLER sedsn. all good 8- ply tires, celling price $710. WU1 sac rifice fori cash or terms, $545. Till 3 p. m. Sundsys, Monday and Tuesday after f p. m. H. M. Finney. Apt 3. 692 N. Summer St rear upstairs. . , 1928 LOCOMOBILE eight Sell cheao if taken in next ten days. 147 No, Commercial St, Apt 12. " 1938 MSTER Chev. coach, clean, me- chenicaily pearfect Prewar tires, radio, ' heater. Best offer. 1019 N. Winter. 1938 FORD ! flat bed truck for sale or trade for car. Write Robert Barks, Rte. 1. box 683. CorvaUla, Ore. . "33 PLYMOUTH 4 dr. sedan, good tires. 1850. N. Coml. Ph. 3309. - t 1937 FORD eouoe In aood condition. good paint and tires, private owner. Will deliver Aug. 21st J. J. Huss. Ill Chemeketa. - - ; 1930 CHEV. coach.: excellent tires. good running- condition, clean. $185. 563 N. Winter after 6 p. m. ..; TRADE IFOR LATE) MODEL CAR '41 4 ton; Osev, 4 speeds. Grsln and stock bed. Truck will be in Sunday, le a: m. D. O. Dels. 948 Edeewater. W. Salem.) i - WRECKING CHEV, all Prts good. Running gear for trailer re- Served. I i , - I i HALE MICKEY !- 813 S. 12th " Ph. 9090 Wanted Used Cars Do! You Know " that you can' seU your automobile to us for a3 much as to a private1 , j party r, ;. ... ,.f. See us before1 you self WE HAVE A NICE STOCK OF USED CARS TO CHOOSE FROM ,,, ' OTTO I. WILSON , fC0DlPA3Y-.-.- ' 388 N. COMMERCIAL .1 ; .V PH. 8451 I. ... For Late Model Cara: V -I Vi IN AVERAGE CONDITION OPA CETLTNO PRICES Keep your ear in good condition. .We have excellent mechanics. v HERRALL i OWENS ; i COMPANY 233 S. Commercial St Top Cash Price . Paid for! LATE MODEL used gars; ORVAL'S USED CARS CENTER AT i CHURCH " PH. 4703 WE PAY ! TOPS! : Get every dime rout ear- 1s worth. Cash on! the Barrel-Head i 6ri Qnnnrir SALEM'S eldest dependent used ear MM 'Church At Cham Ph 7922 FOR PERSONAL use 1938.39-40 Pontiac $ pass coupe. Mr. HerralL' 238 S. CommerciaL Phone 3169. -s WANTED A CAR: preferably 37 be 38 Chev. or; V-8 from private party. 18F24: Could trade "31 Model A.- Ph For Sale Wood ATTENTION: BUY mlllwood, cheap est. no splitting. $18 JO triple load. prompt del. fa. eeea. ? , i ' 1 SPECIAL -Short time only, t loads 16" green edgings $12. deUvered N. of i Stete. Oregon Fuel Co. Ph. 8533. ; . . FOR Dry Wood call Hollywood Fuel Co, Ph. 373L HEAVY mill wood $6.50 load: $13 double load.; 4 ft slab for furnace. Ph. 7721.! i . j . DRY 4' 'or 18 fir. Ph. 3380. 1 16 SLAB wood and. edgings. 2 cord load $14.4 Ptu 6683. . . , , SPECIAL FOR 30 DAYS ONLY f 1 load dry wood. $8 50r 2 loads, $li HOLLYWOOD FUEL Ca Ph. 3731 GREEN old, : growth 16 In prompt delivery Phone 844 1 sUb, Lost and Found LOST 1 Gasoline A book or 1923 Ford, sedan, license No. 229874. Walter M, Pound. Km S. 21st . . j LOST Black purse. Please return purse - and urse and personal contests 'and , keel contests 'and . keep money t Return to JK5 ,S. t I2th fSt i LOST At Waters park: -flower's glove marked K. Ov Z. Reward i fa. LOST: LARGE White purse contain ing ration books, keys and money; Se ward. Mrs. Ralph tjurgls, Ete. J& box 53. Brooks, Ore. , . t J Lodies sT: ' PailfJcLote'T:8 "A. r. A At A. M, F. C. degree aTuks- - r - 1.J-. 4". A. T. Jk GASH "I Ea, Lmi e..w- court, li lex aervtce. ia, (C : . .. .: . .