The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 20, 1944, Page 11, Image 11

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    -; i
i Li 1
Tia CIGOU STATUS !AII Calsm. Ornjao. Sunday llaenln?. August ZX IS II
PAC- nxvni
ftr the first time since January,
Set Harry Bonner Ilarrold, US amy signal corps, (center) has been twa yean In New- Guinea and spent
his 21-day fmrleoch here and has sea t Caasp White. Hal Harreld, chief motor machinist's . mate,
(rlht) US nary, has been la the nary for six years most of the time la Hawaii. The younrest brother,
Bruce Ilarreld (left), ship fitter first class, US nary, has been five years In the navy and spent the last S3
months on a repair shir in the southwest Pacific Mrs. Hal Harrold, the former Kosemary Herbert, hat
lost returned from Saa Dlero where she visited with her husband. The three boys came hero from No
braska and .Bruce finished Salem
tnroruand. - - "
Sergeant Sing Gets ; '
.Oak Leaf Cluster '
(Special to The Statesman)
BER STATION, England An oak
leaf cluster to bis air medal has
been awarded to Tech. Set Ernest
J. Sing, 25, son of Mrs. Dora J.
Bing, 944 North Commercial St,
Salem, Ore., tor "courage, coolness
.end skill displayed while partici
pating in several bombing attacks
upon German military and indus
trial targets. 1 - '
He Is the radio operator and a
gunner on an Eighth Air Force
; B-17 Flying Fortress. . ,
Cpl. Stanley R. Stiffler, wfiose
parents, Mr; and Mrs. Lloyd Stiff
ler, reside in Salem, Ore, recently
rounded -out his 18th month of
service on foreign soil, entitling
him .to wear three gold overseas
stripes. ' 1 .y.
The Salem soldier earned - the
stripes serving as a radio oper
ator with a B-25 Mitchell bomb
squadron, veterans of the Tuni
sian, Sicilian . and Italian cam
paigns in the Mediterannean area.
He is entitled to wear the European-Middle-East-African
and the Italian campaign star. ..
Uomca's Laid ilrmy
Join this patriotic service .
Woniens Land Army be
prepared to respond to immedi
ate call for emergencr harvest
ing' of crops. Bo proud to help
'Food Fight for Freedom!'
w !
1941. three bus C Mr. and Mrs. H.
hih school la 1939. The parents,
, .
CNIONVALE R b e r t Allen
Macee. son of Mr. ' . and Mrs.
Lewis Ma gee, who graduated
from midshipman's school ' at
Columbia university, New York
City, last week and has been
commissioned an : ensign. He
will be stationed at Newport,
XL for torpedo training.
First LL Edward H. Farringtoa,
nephew of Mrs. Furth Van Patten,
2047 Mill street has been award
ed the Bronze-Star by Ma. Gen.
Walter M. Robertson for excep
tionally meritorious achieve
ments against the enemy in
France. . ""t". " " , ,
" '.
lap mi mm unwipiix.. jwwwwwwm
If .. If
' - ' - " 1
mil Turn-
Sail "m? msmM
J. Barrold net la Salem recently.
Mr. and Mrs. U. J. Harrold, bow live
I v, -
Salem Nurse Nor , J ;
Second Xieuteiiarit i - i
!' (Special to The Statesman) i
cently cammissiopsd s second
lieutenant in the army of the
United States, and assigned to
the army ijurse corps, is Pat Ma
rie fcergiiv 47T, Winter, Salem,
Ore.! Lieutenant Bergin will re
port to Camp. White, Ore, to re
ceive basic i training before re
porting to1 Dibble General 'hos
pital,v Menlo Parle, Calif, where
she; has been assigned for duty.
S1LVERTON, Aur. Walter
Rue, son of Mr and Mrs. Bert Rue,
Silverton, ; has, joined 1 the j para
troopers at Fort Bennlng, Gjl, ac
cording to word received by his
parents. He has been in the in
fan try and has been serving in
Alaska. , He was ; expected! home
on furlough but his recent transfer
made; it necessary to cancel the
trip, f : 1 ; t j f -
DALLAS Theodore L.
aviation metalsmith first class US
navy, visited; with his wife land
family , in DaEas Tuesday, their
11th wedding anniversary. He was
recently transferred fromj Long
Beach, Calif., to the Astoria naval
air station. - - ' -
o) aA i r
1 . " i ' : El - - 1 tit
IIarvc:i cf ihis vilal war crcp dennfa cn
my run lens ci
ine snno lino cent real ccney.
I 3
Join fEIom:3uif3fs Sncrid'
: - . i ' I I, Ii 'I '
Special busses leave from the farm la
bor office at 8:30 each morniidg for
housewives unable to leave earlier. Re
turn in time for wife; to prepare cve-ningmeal.-
;- , . r
CLUE 45 , -
! - ;:: :'";
Where They Are W hat
MONilOUTH. Anr. 1 Sgt
Donald 1 McEldowney,; prisoner of
wjrr in cfermany;- has emmnnnfeat-
ed diredlr wi& hlk jwife, Gloria,
here,-and his mother, Mrs, T. A.
McEldowney of Burnt, Woods, as
ink postal cards: issued by the Ger
man government for such purpose.
The date was May 4, and the hand
writing sis recognized as the ser
geant's, the cords coining from s
camp near Eressiau, i uermany,
called Stalaglutt IIL He stated he
was well, and was fed and treat
ed all right; St:it-.f-.r
Sgt McEldowney, tail gunner on
a B-17 bomber; was taken prison
er by the Germans when he baaed
out on i flight over France- last
April 2p; He U a native of Mon
mouth, and graduate; of the local
high school A aa was torn to the
McEldowneys July 2L - -
.1 '
Virgil Wuson, peamaa Qdrd class,
I US asrry. Is bow hi Salsaswtao-
!- eordins to word received by his
j.' wife,! the former Joyce lively.
I He Is; the sea of Mr. and Mrs.
A. Wilson of Jefferson. Seaman
Wilson has jeeri In the service
for two years and! was at Pearl
Harbor before going to Salpaa.
His wife and nine month old
soa, Douglas Dale,! reside In Sa-
,enH - II II! -1-
Clarence Conrad, javlation ord-
nanceman second class, has just
completed his seven-day leave
"with his parents, Mrj. and Mrs. C
J. Conrad, 11x15 IMadison street,
and has returned toi duty at San
Diego naval air station.-He is
jturretspedalisll fj1-; t-i '
;:: Young; Conrad came from San
Diego by naty plane to Sand
Point, Seattle,! and j spent a day
jvisiting j his , ste, jRuth, a stu
dent Jn Seattle. He jspent the re
malnder of hi time here. ' "
tsars. Help ic:a ice iifjzlisg nen by helping its
f !
M 1
B -I-
164 liAYJES:
! 1 -.i - : 1. . J - - J,
1 U ' "l ! '-I
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4 ii i
- -e , - i.
This Vital MessazA Sponsored by "
They Are,' Doing ;
DALLAS Cast Wayne 3.
Page is in England, ills wife, . the
former Jean Balburg of Salem has
earned, ffii parents,' I!k aadlirs.
4 J. Pagej live here. Capt Page
is a . former Dallas doctor, and
graduated from Dallas high school
to the University of Oregon, and
University Medical school. He vol
unteered in March, ilS42, ' and
served fat Camp Adair for : some
time before going: to Camp Grant
lit, where he was stationed unta
recenUy; . . ;.. ..vS.vt'
In Camp Grant he. was an in
structor; at : the. medical i center.
Mrs. Page and their daughter, Ju
dith Ann, were with him at Camp
SALEM Capt Martin J. Elle has
been la the South Paeifla area
for the vast 22 moafhs la the
administrative branch of the
j photo reconnalssanee. Capt
Bio has been stattoaed at New
Zemlaad. Gmaajilcaaal. New H
rbrldes Islands, and New Cale
donia. Friar to eaterinr the
service, Capt EUo was asslst
'ant superintendent of edaeatton
for he state -of Oretoa.
i 1 - i
DALLAS Ed. Janzen. boats
wain mate first class in the coast
guard; who 1 was a state police of
ficer until , his enlistment 26
months ago, has been transferred
to the district headquarters intel
ligence'; service in Seattle. ' His
famflyjjhas Joined him, and wlil
uve in Seattle. 4 v
DALLAS Cat James Laaey.
patient at the Barnes hospital at
Vancouver, visited this week with
Mr. and Mrs. Laird V. Woods of
Dallas.' . His home is in Visalia,
Calif, j Mrs- Woods is Red Cross
"gray ady ;at Camp Adair hospi-
taVand met Cpl. Laney there.
uddiliial hnarlrcds cl
t - i .i...n - "i if
crv 7 ! t
Fill Eiisscs hid Trnclis
Free transportation i$ provided
which starts from County Farm
Labor Office each morning 6 to
6:30. Women, you will be back
in plenty of time to prepare the
evening meal, j - j j i
: , . I
V .I ' I ;"i
STL - Mala 2S0
f Step right np and pitch 'cm on the
when the cameraman caught this group at aa American Red Cross Service club somewhere tat Australia
eetebraUng the Fourth of Jsly at a "state fair." Six states are rtpreseated by the group. Girls la the pk
tare are a Red Cress worker from Denver sad s WAC private from New York City. 1
SDLYESTON, Aug. 1 Lt How
. ard lieehty, US army air
who has served maay
tas In Italr and tai other
d Eureaeaa areas, is. aow visiting
; hh pareats, the Albert Lleeh
. tys. He wul be located at a
. Caliorala base f ollewlas his
4 leave. J.,;1t fl
Tech. Sgt Robief M. Etelmaa,
scat of Mrs. Myrtle R. Holman,
740 Ferry street, Salem, -is due to
arrive in the United States this
montti :, on furlough 'from . flie
Southwest Pacific; theatre of op
erations, Where he has served 27
months with the medical corps.
Iccal nea, ncnea and
nmcr.uto grcTrs ins
i 1
OIEMEKETA;- PH. 2-1653
' ' '' y '
SI IIiKm.,
! I ! i ' . .
i - ' f- w i; 5.
I::! '
aamberr Carl W. Keascher, Ph. M
From Japan
SCOTTS MILLS A letter from
Sidney E. Funk, prisoner of war
In Japan, was received this week
by his sister, Mrs. Fred Buck.
He writes that he "is: working
every day except Sunday." Food
is fair, and he hopes tq be home
soon.'- r -I :l - " " j 1
The family has heard from him
only three times since October,
1941 -:when he, left Shanghai,
China, for the Philippines. He was
taken prisoner after the fall of
Corregidor. . . I
This last letter was written with
a pencil m his own nandwrning.
The others, were typed "with only
his signature written.
Pvt' Floyd L. Barnes, Jr, who
has recently completed a course
at enlisted cadet school. Camp
Croft, N. C, is home on furlough
with his wife and two; daughters
at their home at 1764 Market
street' '
LHSESTY Lt Staryt C. Austin
flew home from Dover, Del, on a
IS. day leave. ; He is the oldest son
of Mr and Mrs, S. C Austin,' is a
fighter; pilot and has been instruc
tor at Lake Louise, f .' s
children. A day cf delay
Iccl Lf3 palnslic ana al
ILL J u U liH
J. 1 ) I) n i
it! .- i '
' - ?
. - - . v $
i EmiM alaM
Kcsp.Fhlcans Frill
Youngsters in platoons .' keep
platoons at top strength by not
missing a single day at this criti
cal period. , Get a substitute if
you are unable to pick. Help
Food Fight for Freedom! I 1 :
r t ' II I ; I ' M M
1e, Salem, far left had just pitched
i -
FRINGLE K tberl -Blaekmore,
soa "of Mr.! and Mrs. Floyd
Blaekmore Is t a k I a g radio
trataing at Memphis, Tenn and
expects to bo transferred to
Florida to complete his course.
Francis! Fred Matthewson, son of'
Mr. and Mrs. Frank W, Matthew-
son, route lour, , Salem, Ore, - has
completed !a ' refresher 'course at
the Hutchinson naval air station
and is now qualified as a patrol
plane commander of a navy PB4Y
patrol bomber j ' "
It Matthewson will now join a
squadron which soon will go into
:Combatj h t t ' -W-.-iv;
H II Ifci Vk.
- PH. 44
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