- PAGscairr i -. i '. , . '1 M(BDD J V I7here They Are What They Are Point SWEGLE, Aug. 17 Ensign Glen Larkins is spending . 20- day leave at the home of his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. "Glen Lark ins, sr., on Gardeh road. He came home from Chicago where he com pleted his carrier plane training, and Will. go to San Diego for as signment :.i4':..4 '' '4444' ' 4 Since graduation from Willami na high school in 1942 he has been trained as a civilian pilot, had pre-flight and flight training. He received his wings at Corpus Christi, Texas in March, ,trans- Dort instruction, ' and for ' two months was in Florida.; ' ' Raymond Bond was home for a short furlough from Camp White with his parents, Mrv and Mrs. O. P.; Bond, route six. . Fvt Marios West arrived home for a short furlough from Camp Roberts, Calit, on Saturday. Arnold Nelson, son of Mr. and MrsJlDan Nelson, has received his discharge from the navy. Last week he and his wife moved from the' home on Swegle road where she has been living to a home at Pratum. IX Robert Byrkit of 1365 Mission street, spent Us leave of 11 days ' at the family home and has been ordered to the replacement cen ter at Lincoln, Neb. - . Byrkit (rained at Stockton field as a B-17 pilot and was stationed for a few weeks at Las Veras, Nev., before beinr or dered to Nebraska. He entered the service in January, 1943. 41st Veteran Back in US. Pvt kennethj Cater, son of Mrs. Harold Burns ok Salem, has all he can do to keep tvarm in Lettennan hoBpitatafteriitwofc :anda half years in' the South and Southwest Pacific 4 j . ,- V - " . A welcome telephone call came from thie veteran of "Salem's Town" 41st division tft'S. week, telling of his safe arrival tin' the .United States and conmenting , that he was wearing tvjro pairs of pajamas and was still cold, 4 i - Private Cateif, who suffered re current malari4 14 times, told his mother no other Salem: men" re turned -with hm but indicated some were expected to follow. It was understood he was tabe transferred . from Letterman, in San Francisco,, to. another army base hospital within a few days Sergeant Fniechting Given Airj Medal forj Bombings in Europe ' (Special tjo The Statesman) - .. - it ' , AN EIGHTH ; AIR j FORCE BQMBER. . STj ATION,.. England Staff .Sgt Raymond. J. Preuchting, 25, . of Salem) ?re-waisi gunner on an; Eighth air force B-17, has been awarded the Air Medal for "meritorious achievement while participating . in tbombing attacks on naid war industries, and on coastal defenses and supply lines in ui9prt of the t allied invasion of. FrahceT i :j V :- . : He is the son j ot Mr. . and Mrs. John ti. Freuchtinf of RED 2, Sa- ( Special to The Statesman) 15TH AAF IN ITALY Master Serreant Marion L. Scharn. son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul W. Scharn of - Salem, Oregon, has been awarded ' a" distinguished unit citation rib bon. ' - r Sgt. Scharn -is the armament chief in a P-38 Lightning squadron of a veteran group which was cited for outstanding performance Ijn aerial combat over Steyr, Austria, on April 2, 1944. The Lightnings . achieved a striking aerial , victory ' in beating off an attack by a su- perior number of enerpy aircraft ; which 'attempted to attack the bombers they were escorting, j In ' destroying twenty of the Luft waffe's aircraft, the group's pilots helped make possible the success . of the bombing. Sgt.; Scharn also wears an African-European-Middle East Cam paign ribbon adorned with ' four bronze battle stars which -shows ' that his unit has participated uVj the Tunisian, Sicilian and Italian i campaigns as well as the air of fensive against the enemy over Europe. - Mrs. Marion L. Scharn, his wife, resides with his parents in Salem. Sgt. Scharn's brother, CpL Leon ard D. Sham, is in the paratroop - ers, stationed in the United States. d '...::4-- : " ' i j (Special to The Statesman) MOSES LAKE, Wash., Aug. 17 Private Clarence E. Grubbs, for . merly Shell Oit service station op erator, at Salem, now stationed at Moses Lake army airfield . near v here, has recently been promoted . to the rank of corporal, j Entering the service September f 15, 1943, Corporal Grubbs,. upon . completion of - his basic training, was stationed at Hammer field, .near Fresno, Calif, until May 1 of this year when he was transferred tot his Fourth air. force post. r. .... ; i He has been assigned to duty at the air supply depot Waldo Gilbert, son of Mr. and Mrs.: Ralph Gilbert, has been ad vanced to staff sergeant, according to a letter sent to his parents. Sgt Gilbert has been in the South Pa cific for 30 months and has been in the campaigns of Salamaua, Hollandia and Biak. WPB Ortl4rsStopage Of House Construction Portland Aug. njeyp. War Production board, charging; its regulations: ha; been ' violatedj: today ordered contractor Josephf A. Hull to sfop vail work on al $10,000 house pn which construc-l turn was well underway l According to C' T. Mudge, as-r sistant WPB director here, an or-e deri ssued in Washington, DC, as-i serted that priorities and lumber conservation regulations were Vio- lated. i Hull ihvas; forbidden td! make even alterations. ! is 1 W 9k Pvt. Kenneth Hoogerhyde arrived in Salem this week, flown 7000 miles in four days from the Gil' bert Islands to be at the bedside of his mother, Mrs. Cornelias Hoogerhyde, 498 Ford street. 'Pvt. Hoogerhyde has been ov erseu la Hawaii and.the Gilbert Islands' 30 months and this It his first furlough since he was In ducted In February, 1942. . Mrs. Hoogerhyde has been In bed six weeks and suffered sev eral paralytic strokes but was conscious and recognised, her soldier son when he arrived home Monday. He Is on a 30 day emergency furlough arrang ed through the American Red Cross. Besides Kenneth a daughter, Mrs. Hobart Dixon, lives In Sa lem and a brother, Clarence Hoogerhyde and a sister, Mrs. Ross Sherman live In Dallas. 507 Pounds of Beans ; Record Season "Take" I TJNIONVALE.Au. 17 Mrs Robert KelleyJ regular picker hi ik. TT to ! 11J' '.' Oti'i. T 1.J: bean yards in the. Unionvale dis4 trict, picked 507 pounds of bean$ Tuesday, i ThiA is the record ing so farirepol'ted for this seasonf The regular! scale of- wages, of 2V2 cents land bonus, is paid. S w. is included in wounded - (Special to The Statesman) 15th AAF IN ITALT-Second LL Harold W. Maker, 25, of Breek avenue, Salem,. Ore., navigator on a B-24 Liberator bomber, has been a warded the air medal and an oak leaf cluster, 'two 15th army air force announcements released simultaneously today, declare. Almost identical citations'' ex plain that the award was made - for meritorious - achievement- in aerial flight while participating in a u s t a i ned : operational activities against the enemy." " Lt .Maker, who enlisted Octo ber 12, 1941, is a member 'of ; a group which has seen , action in the Italian campaign ior live months and has participated in re peated aerial flight against the . network of German industrial centers thoughout southern Eu rope. - 100 Persons: Attend I Metal Workers Picnic Annroximatelv 100 Dersons! at tended the pcni given, Suiida at nouywpoa ipanc Dy aneei uviej Members of thie - comniittee iri charge were Albert "Johnitoi Fred BadfertecbetS. S Griffin Charles HfeatH and -Joseph Wich? man. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kist, 124 KTnrth ' 1 fill Wf' Salm. veti ..vi . .w-t -, W day received a cable announcing the promotion of their son, Cec W. Nist, froml the rank Of lieiiten- ant colonel tdl CQlonel in the fbrmf infantry. Thfj plomotion bedamjB effective AugLstlO, approprlatel- ly enough! in that the colonel! was 44 yeirs ld fort (that day. Col. Nil it, a graduate of 1 Veft Point, has befen in the servic s 25 years; He is bow believed tn be stationed somewhere in the Pas cific area The nimelotiSUff Sgt. Palmer, sbn of Mrs. Clam Palmer, 2?9 Rock street, Silverto8 ia list of Oregon knert in Ictibn in the South-- west Pacific ire released by. war department Thursday. Salem's Yourig Salts?' Wliere Dud Hit the Texas B .1 II 111 JlL.y:V-y-. . J . vr : : ' - -' 1 ... i . .;... .... i 1 :. v. , ' . - " ,: r - J ' . " ' ' 1 ' ' .-? - ... .. . i ...., . . ,, , nr- irn- 'it-' i rtir t -i i'r r "nsM-imiwraj xtitaiJr : Salem and adjacent communities in the mid-Willamette valley underwent ah "invasion" Thursday. But the "invading" forces were friendlyt a and other communities on their line of march In mildly expld eiirA en4 - oThtihoMnr $ a cViiam f f E I file ; . Making up the "conquering horde's"! were some 88 young inn xrom this section or the "volun teer' state", home on the first leave after graduation from boot camp at Camp Farragut, Idaho. -Salty" Looking , ' . The more than four-score youths now trim and "salty" looking navy r blue jackets are members of the Salem area's own "Victory Volunteer" company of 17-year-old enlistees who by an odd co incidence, last June tr9 landed: at Farragut on 64f0day"-and ghidt uated from if'boot camp", on tie day American forces opened their invasion jot southern France. - I . f 1 j. J . ;iL. . . . ' Mil ai tveryi memoejr. oi uie aaiem company completed the boot camp adventure without mishap or Iser ious illneis of-any kind. Ddri-Jtg recruit school, this all-Oregon! uil it distirigiiisjied itself - for high marks in many phases of training, , L i!Ll ' -J ill! mciuuing iwjjnraing, visual eiKutif ing, strength! test, drill, seaihan ship, ; plane recognition and other acUviUes. f . Get 13-Day teate Upon gifediiatfon, the youngl na vy men ; aulhyere advanced from apprentice! starnjen to 4he rating of seamen second-class. They j will enjoy, a l B5-day leave before! r- for- turning , ti Farjfagut - for f uEther duty assighni ces. The Salem traveled y A repair crewman Inspects a hole made In the side of the US battle fhia Texas by a dud shell while the vessel was shelling German coastal batteries at Cherbourg. (AP Wrephol from US navy). Sa bus 4 41 tion was ex ent in the naval ' area navy youths tmn from Farrhgut io, Portlarjd ajid- trickled into! lem. in groups --yesterday by or private! canyeyitnce. . Station Thronged . . The local riav recruiting si In" the Irioslaffice' buildmg- thronged iviHh groups of rctuAtifig sailor boyk who; dropped in td tell recruitersl tnerf, iioout their periehceS j in j boot camp. " -It ; was! the general concensus of 'opinion among them that3"tiie boys are pretty,. happy about beuag m.theria.Vjl' S... J. Worked Hard - . l , worked -ard,- drilled hard and studied; hard to be the best company Ithat Farragut has jeer turned oit 1 ana we pretty- succeeded" 1 6n member of the unit -said-jprpudjf. f- ;,.;; 5 "At tha simev time, though added, V'e Ihad a lot of funj and interesting expercrGes. that Jjve were all pom towni or the samel part e made it a lot more fun a grouji.of a lot of The ; fact the same of the sta than belhgj among. strangersi' Capitol it Market St.-- Salem i :-;.; p!:-j Qkaris ; ; ISC . J:GaUons 2SC CUBE GLOSS I STARCH ; 12-oz. I Sits CREAM CORN STARCH lib; 1 pc Trocoi 1 lb Llarcrar I - me Super) Suds 22-oz. pkg.:.. II Amityi WSCS Metis TTcdncsday at Chorch j , AMITY, Aug. 17 Tho Wo men'sSociety of Christian Service of the Amity Methodist church lem, and his .Wife is Mrs. . Jean Eruechtinf ; of Tulia,-.Texas, j He entered: the AAF in May, 1941; - met Wednesday. Mrs. W. E. Tay lor led tha opening devotions and lesson, her topic was "Achieve ment Through Self Discipline ! V A social hour was enjoyed and refreshments, served to 18 mem bers and guests. .' i Hostesses for the afternoon were Mrs. John Gibbs, Mrs. Wiel Patty, Mrs; " Clarence Rosenbalm and Mrs. Ernest Gibbo. t Aids Vital Farming Marvin YanCleave of tha Hazel Green area is continuing to aid in the operation of a large farm. It was erroneously reported . In a story on the farm page Thursday that he had been In the servic and had been given a medical discharge.'-., 11J Peeis i Granulated Soap 33-c 2IC Chicken boodles j g)c Lyndens, l-ib. f gl i :s. - 1 "1 Treel! Luncheon Ileal "2lc i ; , - t j aJ JkmmT 12-oz. j tin..... .. j r ;- iFi I ; - j '. i - - Porh&, Leais j .51SC Van damp's, 27? o: :. tin ...!.. ;.......... ....4 ELJI Vai Vila Mackerel! 1 tS ?-'..- T .1 -Pi ri 1 1 -- Paragon, Fancy? Tuna j g(g)? Florida Orange Juice H&D, 2's tin-.. 21c Sau:a l-lb. glass... CoUee' 114-4 Golden West: Coffee l-lb. ijar A 4 - Tender Ui-ibi pkgj U 1 1- ii Loaf i Tea f ' -w CO) Dexler's --j .. (. i 14-oz, carton..'.. ! I Dreamd Honey f Ll.l- M, . I I lis! 11 Me or EMin Hix fEhiff. 14-oz.' pkr4- 4- t ..-J-'-- 't i - - I .-I Sr.ovflahc Soda Wafers i v.cn.njii...,..t.)..,i...4.........,.- ktMf 1 j 1X3 4i ; v:iKI- 4;: For top. qua! ty ' government inspected beef j steaks and fircds A: Dec! r$astsrr-see Qirtis .Market. Wet have .ai fine display to choose from, t .1 v 1; i - -1.4 4 l Fried Chichca! t ; Choice : fryers all, seizes. Treat jroiir familyjto a chicken dinner ,this- weekend, r 1 . . .!.'.;- . 4 . : hi -T T -j , - I v - ! L' f . - j -r OPE? DAILY TILL 7 :30, P, M. ! Fcr IIc lo1 fed f Uc Ci E3 E:l N. Capitol at JIarket St. Salem m - ' '" - you should! know afoouft ': I r - "4- ;! 4 4 ". .i: 4 . . ! ' " ' ;4 v 1: -:-:::' --4 ( d j - 4.1-4: 4 i..;4.;.j-r-'4"':" , . ' ' 4 T j !SliliH444 -v; ' 4.4.444 ;,, '. 4, - ..u:!4.4;4. .- . : 4; ;;'!pl---; f 1 P;VHa f tYoutiay make a loan for any t iV r t0!-; worthwhile : I- fli" '-44 " i ; ; I : :4 -; 4 .4 ;'... I . , ft S , J ' v Pf v : ,t ;-44. ti:,,;-l"t4' 4 --4r-'4r" 4- V 444 i : . . i-' i-r ' 44-. " ' : -r - 1 The ;Cost is low. . j 4 ; ! , "Z A " ' t '. ' ' , " ,v " ' 51 s" -' " s 0 i v - l;C -5 rl44-4:: 4 it ' '. j 1 4v-v4'' ! v,' t:V'' IS You repay monthly over 4-C4 a year's period !;v ' ' 4il;- ,.t:44l i :n;ip:v:TU-4-rb--'4i j4iilj.4 . k'; y;V"vi'i :4'4-;4 xk.av , iy- 4 : ' :;4 4i.4 -' ;.: IIJo- :from 50 to MOOO..- j4 - llf liiiiSS:)': 1 4? t4?i ;-i 1-4 :fp34;i'4 ;p:4;.--' . 4v& '4-1 ;v. ; ' -4 ' - '. -' '.f ; r - 4- ." J j '.---' -4- 4 :li4444f4l - -i WmmSm You establish your bank credit J ISfefe 4 4i-4. 4'? .- 'J II :L: -I' ' ;; r''44444i i-v'' "4W -f:44i4 -? 4ifor,foture.uso.r44 ' 1 1 r : ! - ' '4 4 '4 'I'" ' 4f "t ,- j , ' XTN i ; U4 ' i I 44" o J i: H v: ::rrf - ill 4;, C, : . ; ' ' "4 1 v - ' - 4 J . ' 4 4 ' :- .J . .. f f v 'mil n ri " r '"1 S"r-i-.-i'5'''lv . 4 r-'Wr-f- i j.' .' -:,t : : 4 : , .! m 4! 44! ;. ..yjrfos. ' ' ; - : :t ' c ;i ;. ' j ' t ; 4 - - "i ' i ' " r ; -J- ;. . j - ' - - - . ( . si j- " First .National Dank on tlio Pacfvfc Coast! i I