The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 18, 1944, Page 2, Image 2

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Holds Meeting
Seventh Annual Reunion
Held at Old Farm
Home Near Scio-
LYONS, Aug. .17 The descen-
dants of Nathanial Green v and
f Rebecca Jan McDonald met at the
Kenneth - McDonald farm near
Scio Aug. IS for the seventh an
nual family reunion. Although the
big white house has been replaced
by a bungalow and the old oak
tree, are much larger, the old
place holds many loving memo
ries, as It has been the : happy
stamping grounds for five gen
erations. .
One hundred were 'present
Mary (Myers) Williams of Los
Angeles , was the oldest, and she
had traveled the greatest distance.
Kathey Anderson, three months
months old daughter of Donola
(Swan) Anderson of Mill City
was the youngest and Harold
(Spud) McDonald of the US ma
rines, was the only one present in
uniform. A basket luncheon was
served at noon hour.
Jim Swan of Mill City was
given a vote of thanks for the
new benches and swings for the
children, who showed their appre
ciation by keeping the swings
busy. As the day was rather cool,
the "old swimming hole" was not
as popular as usual. x ,
Alice Munsie, historian, read
the names of 30 members of the
clan serving In the armed forces.
It was voted ' to send a card of
greeting from the clan to each
one. : ' - . "
A short business meeting was
conducted by the president, .Ralph
McDonald. Officers elected ' for
the ensuing :, year -' are Archey
Lonf, president; Ivan McDonald,
vice president; Mrs. Alice Huber,
secretary-treasurer; Mrs. Alice
Munsie, historian, and Allen
Euing, chaplain.
It was decided to move the
meeting place up the creek, for
; next year's meeting and '"some
permanent benches and tables
will be built ,
Lyons Family
Travels North
LYONS, Aug. 17 Gates Coch-
ran went to. Washington last week
"j; because of the death of hit only
j: sister, Mrs. George Pratt
i . Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Case of
Klamath Falls visited in Lyons
;j and Mill City last week. Their
sons have been ' with their grand
. ,' mother in Mill pity and returned
home fith them (Mrs. Case is a
; . daughter of Mrs. Walter Bevier
and sister of Brs. Floyd Bassett
' Mrs. Mabel Turner and Mrs;.
Guy Trevis of Independence visi
ted Mr. and Mrs. Sanford Bassett
Sunday.: Mrs. Turner is a sister
of Mr. Bassett
Mrs. Carl . Reed and children,
Gladys, Aubry and Wayne of
Valsetz are in Lyons this week,
Claude Wall visited friends in
Lyons last Week, he lived in Lyons'
thirty-five years ago, and was
enroute to his home in Oakland,
Jeff Bevins of Dallas
f . Ill in Hospital There
DALLAS, Aug. 17 Mr. and
Mrs. Freeman Bevins of Corvallis
were here Sunday to visit his fath
er, Jeff Bevins, who is critically
ill in the Dallas hospital. They
stayed with Freeman's brother
Claude in town.
Valley Obituaries
Stanley CurrmgUn "
LEBANON. Aug. 17 Stanlev
Currington died Tuesday in the
1 Corvallis hospital of head Injur
ies sustained when he crashed in
. to a bank while making a sharp
curve on his motorcycle, blinded,
it Is thought by the sun. The fun
eral was held Thursday with bur
ial in the Forest Grove cemetery
alter services In Lebanon.
Born 48 years ago in Buffalo
Gap, SD, Mr. Currington had lived
; here for five years. He is survived
. by his father, William of Lebanon,
two sons, Merle of Gaston and
Stanley -William of Mayfield,
wash.; one - daughter, Margaret
Koberstein of Gaston, and one
Benton Elliott ' .
LEBANON, Aug. 17 Benton
Elliott born in Iowa in 1865, died
at the family home, Lebanon, route
1, August 13. Funeral services will
be held in the Howe chapel in
Sweet Home, Friday at 2 o'clock
with interment in the Lebanon
IOOF cemetery. - r , ; !
Besides the widow, two daugh
ters and three sons survive: Mrs.
Ertle Outt of Sweet Home; Mrs.
W. R. Mitchell, Kansas; D. R. El
liott, Arkansas; W. C Elliott
Washington, and K. P. Elliott Leb
anon, route 1; also 11 grandchil
dren. . v- :-:
Reports From
Richard Singer, Harold
Polti Marion Club Members Win Honors
v 7 ,..; ...... j. ; - - - k --
In Livestock Judging )on Valley
- :'
Richard Singer, Polk county
club member, placed second in the
livestock judging contest on the
Willamette Valley livestock and
crop tour made this month. Har
old Watts of v Silverton, Marion
county was third.
During the two-day tour, which
is an annual club activity, the boys
visited experimental plots in pas
ture and farm crops, the forage
crops nursery at Granger, hybrid
corn trials, vegetable seed experi
ments and KOAC radio transmit
ting studio. Practical instruction
was obtained from livestock dem
onstrations in fitting, showing and
judging, as well as valuable sug
gestions relative to fattening eco
nomically various kinds of live
stock for profitable marketing,
further states Bishop.
The following boys represented
Poly county: Bill Nelson, Bill
Nelke, Jimmy Gibson, Herbert De
Vos, Jack Ryan, Marvin Dixon,
Kenneth Gardner, Lewis ' Holt,
Danny Jones, Jim Hoban, John
Peterson, Willard Emerson, Billy
WoodalL Fritz Kathriner, Richard
Jenkins, John Grund, Jerry Laud-
erback, Barney Rogers, Richard
Singer and Wendell T. Martin.
They are not in picture.-
James Bishop is the Marion
county club leader and Ted Tib
betts is in charge of Polk county
club work,
Given Party
ST. LOUIS Honoring Miss
Adaline Manning whose marriage
to Harold Hanegan is to be an ev
ent of the near future, Mrs. Ar-
mond Wilson, Mrs. David DuBois,
Mrs. Raymond Manning and Mrs.
Alwin Manning entertained with a
miscellaneous bridal shower at the
St Louis hall last Sunday. Games
were , played and refreshments
were served by the hostesses. ,
Invited runts were Mrs. Ed Sequin.
Mrs. Fred Manning. Mrs. Albert Pran-
U. Mrs. Clarence Grassman. Mrs. John
ny Graszman. Mrs. BiU Aurand and
Dorothy Aurand.
Mrs. riooert Horning, Mrs. iet
Kergil. Mrs. T. Parteb. Vera and Mar
garet Parteh. Mrs. Uopd Johnson, Mrs.
Edward Nolan. Mrs. Agnes Yoder. Mrs.
Gene Goldade, Mrs. Iouis Scbmerber,
Mrs. Pete Lelack, ar- Mrs. Arthur Cof
fin. Mrs. James Leith. Mrs. U C.
Terschweiler and Doris Terschweiler,
Mrs. Fred Goffin. Mrs. Margaret Kraus,
Mrs. Aioert Leitn. Mrs. carter Keen.
Rosalie, Alma and Margaret Keen.
Mrs. Jess Lucas, Mrs. Bernard Tersch
weiler. Mrs. Charles Hannccan. Maria.
Evelyn and Rita Mae Hannegan.-
Mrs. Clarence Goffin, Mrs. Henry
lUrkwood. Mrs. Frank Jungwirtn. Ma
rl and cieanor Jungwirtn, Mrs. Jim
Mahoney. Mrs. George Mahoner. Mrs.
Alex Manning. May and Tbereaa Man
ning. Mrs. Otto Bittler. Mrs. Jo Scho-
mus, Mrs. Cyril Schomus, Mrs. Jerry
connor. Mrs. m. w. Manoney, Mrs.
Reuben DeJardin. Mrs. Felix Moris-
ky. Mrs. Frank Thompson. Mrs. Zo
MccornicK ana Mary Mccormick, Mrs.
Oaude Belsler, and Mildred Heiiler,
and Mrs. John Klenskt
Mrs. o XlenakL Shlrler and Gloria
Klenski. Mrs. Arthur Hemsnorn. Mrs.
oeorg sermour. Mrs. Julian DeJardin.
Cecelia and Agnes Reubens. Mrs. Joe
Warginer. Mrs. Id Jaenlcke. Mrs. Ed
Veteto, Mrs. AHyn Ninom. Mrs. Pearl
Patterson. Mrs. Adaline Kennedy, Mrs.
M. J. Mahoney, Mrs. Oliver Edwards,
Mrs. BUI Maitceer. Mrs. Hemnr Sta4.
ford, Mrs. Weidner. Mrs. Carl Brown,
and Shirley Brown, Mrs. Ivan Brun
didge, Mrs. Nellie Goffin. Mrs. Eleanor
Thompson, Miss Emma Jean and Ruth
J ones, Mrs. Emu cramer and Mrs. Jo
sephine Ale In. . ,
The wedding ceremony will take
place September 20 at 9 a. m. in
the St Louis Catholic church,
How Playfca!
nv va iivtuicsi
The Statesman?s Community Correspondents
SodemJ Orecjon, Friday Morxilng, ';Anjgaai W 1944 I 4 1 . .
Watts Named Best Judge
Jadging lambs from eastern. Oregon
Marlon county's dab members on
Howard Schelske, Tamer; Frank
verton; Wally Winner, Turner;
Billie Prnlett, Jeffersoa; Larry
Mrsi Smeenk
Comes West
MILL CITY, Aug. 17 Mrs,
Smeenk, I Baltimore, ' Md., xama
west to visit her parents, the John
Swans. She will go to Portland to
work. She has been ' Working In
an aircraft factory in Maryland.'
Her husband, Pfe, Al Smeenk, US
army, is In France, - i
Pfc. Carl KtUy,1 army air corps.
is home on a 15 day furlough from
Laredo, Texas, with his wife arid
small daughter, Karen Jean. He
is the son of Mr; and Mrs. Carl
Kelly, sr. He reports for duty in
Las Vegas, Nev., Aug. 20, and his
family will return with him.
Pfc. Johnny Siems, I quarter
master corps, !s visiting his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Olson.
He was wounded in New Guinea
and has fully recovered. He re
ports for duty at. Camp White af
ter his 21 day furlough. . . if
Making a three day visit with
relatives here are Mrs. Lester
Reid and son, Glenn, of Dallas.
Pvt MP Lester Reid is stationed
in Ft Devens. Mass. I
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Duffy are
expecting their son, Raymond
Duffy, bakery third class, US navy,
home on leave this week. i
Grimes Family j
Visits thlamet
LYONS, Aug. hisx. and Mrs.
Chester Grimes went to Cathlam-
et Wasb, Sunday, called mere by
the serious illness of her father;
Janice and Janet Huffman are
In Eugene at the home of their
aunt and unci i( Mr. and Mrs.
Clarence Decker.'
CpL James Abel of Briggs
field, El Paso, Texas, visited
friends in Lyons Thursday. He
and his aunt Mrs. May Swank,
were dinner guests at the home
of Mr. and,Mrs..Roy Huber. ,
rf n Vl
"i f-V 1
Li ,ti
vamm Jr. ju. i v
cross bred ewes by Eomney rams.
the trip, (right to left); back irow,
FarrelL Salem; Harold Watta Sil
front rows Arnold; Schelske, Turner;
Laeey, Turner.
i !
Middle Grove Mitsio
Group Plans Uietini
an's Missionary group will jmeet
Tuesday night
Aug.! 22, at the
home of Mrs. Carl SnVder for the
August meetingj
Mrs. ir. H. SchaH Wl give the
report of the convention held re
cently at Jennings iiodge.
Grange Meeting. Held
At Webfoot Hal
DAYTON Twehbr two fflem-
:.T - r TTi . IT -
bers of the Dayton i-j Webfoot
grange attended the moritniy
meeting Saturday & jthe Webfoot
halt Mil, and Mrs. C Sloan of the
Pleasantdale district were hutiat
ed. A hildrens program liy the
two Ulrich girls arid
was presented.
housc tm-t wft SuaT
Opens SM FLtM.
iia or tbi cfwiars
saumi wont w m Bints
How Showing!
DOB! 1 1
Fall Oub Show
Is September 8
DnFair grounds
Marion county 4-H club fall
show land fat stock sale will be
held September 8, at the- state
fairgrounds' in Salem, Recording
to James Bishop,! county club
agent All exhibits are to be at
the fairgrounds by 10 o'clock.
Judging and showmanship con
tests .will begin promptly at 10:30
in the" morning and the fat stock
auction sale at 20 o'clock in the
afternoon.-" f:'--K:rf
Club members will exhibit their
beef, Jdairy, hog, sheep, poultry,
and; rabbit projects at the one-
day show which Is again stream
lined this year in accordance with
wartime conditions. Canning -ex
hibits in all divisions are expected,
also corn, potato, 1 forage, home
beautification, . and rose an d
flower ' projects will be on dis
may. I Upon victory garden exH
hibits,, in which over one hundred
members are ' enrolled, special
emphasis is being ! placed, states
Bishop. Other projects in home
economics and ' agriculture were
exhibited at the spring show in
ApriU" !
The fat stock auction ; sale,
sponsored by the' Salem Lions
club, will be a special feature of
the fair program.; Several: beef
animals, hogs, and sheep are now
being fattened by the club mem
bers 1 for this sale. The public,
meat , packers and dealers, ; and
restaurant operators are urged to
attend the sale as buyers of the
stock; which will be finished and
ready for market j ;
A complete list of fair prem
iums, special awards and con
tests is being sent to all exhibitors
and leaders from the county club
office, i -.-.j' . " l-:"r-'-".
Boys and girls enrolled -in 4-H
clubs are doing their , part in the
present emergency in a fine way
by making valuable food, clothing
and ; better living contributions
to their rural homes and commun
ities, Bishop believes.
Laymen's Retreat
Opens Tonight
At! Kit Angel'
MT. ANGEL, Aug. 17 Rev.
Edward -Spear of St Benedict's
abbr, "who last week conducted
one .of; the most successful) lay
womens retreats in the history of
Mt Angel academy, will be the
retreat master this weekend for
the annual August laymen's re
treat at Mt Angel college. ; x
The opening conference will be
held Friday night, August 18, at
8:30 pm and the retreat will end
Sunday afternoon, the last con
ference and benediction scheduled
for 3 pm An informal social
meeting and luncheon will follow.
The retreats have been gain
ing popularity each year, and this
year has been all-high for atten
dance. -One hundred and twelve
men were housed in the seminary
building for the June session. An
equal or even better number are
expected for the opening. session
tonight . - - j
Contmaons from 1 P. M.
: How Showing!
f wm sari bm uesa
mm mat risa KJI
r i: ;)FcARY
tassBBBsWSS J3SMaSSSMSSjSJBaSSSi( It Iftmite w.
CLOVE2DALE Verna Vlck-
ers is home after spending a week
of vacation visiting friends and
Sarah Walker at Brook.
Visitmr at the Fred Schifferer
hornet last week were cousins of
both Mr. and Mrs. Schifferer. Mrsi
W. H. Beach of Portland, a cousin
of Mr. Schifferer visited also with
other cousins. -' ; -
Miss! Sophia Lechler of Holly
wood, Calif., who is Mrs. Schif
ferer cousin has also spent some
time with other relatives here,
! Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schampier
started! to work Monday at the
Staytott cannery. Others from here
working at the cannery are Elmer
Guenther, A. J. Kaeppelli and
George; Sherman. - ; !
Mrs. Floyd Pence who has been
in, is much better, although- very
weak; ret; She had been picking
beans: but had tn give udJ Mrsi
Edythe tVaJdrope has been taking
care 01 ner work and her. I ; 1!
Mrs; KirkDatrick
Funeral Is Held
DALLAS, Aug. 17 Mrs. E. C.
Kirkpatrick died suddenly, in her
home Monday. She had not been
seriously ill and was living alone;
though: friends had come Jnfto
visit and were with her at the
time of her death. S
i Mrs.! : Kirkpatrick was i b$rn
Mary Hagood, daughter of Henry
Hagood and Mary Stone Hagood,
on the family farm north of Dal
las, May 7, 1867. Her husband,
E. C. Kirkpatrick, dwd in! 1838,
Survivors are a, nephew, Graham
Glass, ijr, and a niece, Mrs. Air
fred Dobson, both of Portland.
1 Funeral services were held
Thursday at 2 pjn. at the Henkle
and Bollman Funeral home. The
pastor of the Dallas Christian
church, Rex Lawson, officiated.
Burial j was made in the Odd Fel
lows cemetery at Dallas. .4
1 1
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! ' " ' I WAITEI AtEl I
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'"'rry' lOICRT SHAY N l
I i r , . JOHN AltKANDtt
... . i . " imiANTir suroiriD ir i?
rS V claude rains:
1U look-of-tUMonthpub-B book of-book Directed by VINCENT SHERMAN A
fbieomM WARNER BROS. Hit-of-HM - rrodiKd by JUUUS J. & PrBUP G. EfSTIIN
. . j ; , . i - ,, MMts hf Manx Waxmam J
Birthday Dinner Party j
Given for Relatives
SILVERTON Mrs. H. E. Steen
and her daughter, Mrs. Elmer
Johnson entertained at .Mrs..
S teen's home with a birthday
dinner for Mrs. S teen's daughter,
Mrs. H. Gordon McCalT (Edna
Steen) and her granddaughter,
Edna Jeannette McCall "both of
Portland. i
Covers were also placed for Mr.
McCalL Wallace and Kathryn Mc
Call an of Portland, Mr. and Mrs.
E. Jay McCalL Mr. and Mrs. Ed
win Holden and Mr. and. . Mrs.
Johnson and Mrs. Steen all of
Silverton. " -
ldgesUnite 1
For Meetings !
LYONS, Aug. 17 Faith". Rebel
kah lodge of Lyons and Santiam
lodge of Mfll City held a joint j
meeting - at Lyons Wednesday
night honoring Mrs. Ethel Bailey
of Roseburg, president of the Re-
bekah assembly of Oregon, on
her official visit to both lodges, j
The president with District
Deputies Helen Anderson of Ly
on and Lois Anderson of Mill
City, were introduced and wel
comed. . .":':.-" ; : !
Mrs. , Bailey talked on Look
for the Good" which she has cho
sen, for her f slogan. The Lyons
lodge draped the charter for Rose
McCroskey, past president of the
Rebekah assembly of Oregon.
Alta Bodeker, Alma Olmstead
and Beulah : Lewis formed the
program committee. Mill City en
tertained with a drill; reading by
Laura NeaL "The Rebekah Picnic
Postponed This Year;" piano solo,
Fern Gavette; reading, Mr. Bailey
of Roseburg; reading, "Oregon Is
Still Good Enough for Me," Albert
Julian. Alice Huber, Ruth Day
and Goldie Rambo, assisted by a
committee from. Mill City, served
refreshments at the close of the
meeting. . , :-j
Home Burned
LEBANON, Aug. 17 The Mor
ris Taber farm home three miles
northeast of Lebanon was entire
ly destroyed by fire Tuesday. A
strong south- wind fanned the
flames which1 spread rapidly to
all of the outbuildings.
The Lebanon fire department
responded to the call for help but
as the connections in the farm wa
ter system were broken; no water
could be had. Only one chicken
coop was saved. - :-:;v ?:
The fire was started by sparks
from a generator which Taber had
left" running to recharge batteries
while be went to town. Mrs: Ta
ber at the time was in Klamath
Falls where she had gone on ac
count of asthma. ;
Harold Alfreds Visit'
With Silverton Family
SILVERTON Phar macist's
Chief Harold Alfred and Mrs.
Alfred and their five children
arrived Wednesday from Bremer
ton to visit his father, L B. Alfred,
and his sister, Mary Alfred and
other relatives. Alfred "Will report
in San j Francisco Aug. 22. Mrs.
Alfred will accompany him and
leave the children in Silverton.
Later she will return and take the
children back to Bremerton.
Two brothers are in the army,
MaJ. Lee Alfred" in the South Pa
cific and Capt "Frank Alfred in
India. '
Now Showing
Edward Gi Robinson
"Tiger Shark
Gene Kehy in
"Cross of Lorraine
M&rh Mcntez - Joa Hall
i also
Csjlaca ort 2iws ;
U-1Ai- r- 1 i ?
coimr t.ound!
- Tat lUn No, 4