it" Thm OSLGOn STATECMAIl Scdm. Oregon. Sunday Homing. August 13. 1944 7K . 1 'f. jpagz crvErnxnr se Statesman ;ClkssiieS Ads! Wanted Miscellaneous We Bay Fiiraiture. trAdb with A" riRM tor so years REPUTATION OF BUSINESS INTRO HfTY IN THE WILLAMETTE V ALLRT . -HIGHEST PRICKS PAID FOR USES Pianos1 ' .- i ' Furniture and Appliances ' Call lilt for appointment HOGG BROS. ' 360 State St n. I.', i i' i i i. . i muminr - -M 1 s ' "WILL par cash for dec. refrtg. end 'White - wood rang. Ekkaa Turoidge, v Jefferson, Or. Ph. BSC Wanted Furniture1 , WE MAKE tt our business to pay mora for food furniture and appliances Bright fc'Eckley 433 Court St. - Pbaaa 1911 CASH for used furniture and house hold goods. 413 Ferry. -- RAY FORCEY PH. 7443 Miscellaneous ; How long Will You Be Making Big Money? ' Anstrvction. I Male. The war . went ' last forever when it 1st over, the man trained for the right industry will keep on making good money: The untrained man will lose' out. Prepare- now . so your earnings will stay UP. Get Into this sound industry: We will show you how to overhaul and Install AIR CONDITIONING ind KUKKiEKAT 1NG equipment. If 'mechanically mind ed, just a few hour weekly spare time all you need. No interference with present Job. For Information write at once giving name and address. Utili ties Inst.. Box 110, Statesman. 'I . CESSPOOL & Septic cleaned. Guar nteed work. Ph.. 8745. Gene Plte, W. STOVE parts and repairing. Woodry Mkt.. 1809 N. Cummer. Also lawn mow er sharpening and adjusting, continued. . Dental Plate Repair TWO-HOUR EH VICE IN MOST CASES Brtiu? or afafl Tour Plata ferjtepetr DR. HARRY faEMIJR. Adolph. Bid Slat STOVE Part Bepalrtog. Woodry Auction Market.. MS N Sumeaer. For RentRooms . ROOM near State house for eeaptoy d lady. Kitchen prtviligea. Ph.. 5324. SLEEP. .Km. dose to. 963 N. High. . SLEEPINO room. 1209 Court. SLEEPING - room. 734 Ferry. , SLEEPING looms. Clean and com fortable. Ctoao in. 878 Court. . SLEKP. rns. at ke Center. Ph. MM. SLEEPING ROOM. Ph. 449a. RoomVahd Board 1144- Center St Ph. 9430. GENTLEMAN would like ftaot class room and board with, small adult- fara "sly. Permanent. Box 43, Statesman. BUSINESS snan.-single, would tike roam, breakfast dinner, garage.- home convenience and privileges private family. P. O Boa 544. For RentApartmerits 3, RM. furav pt. ,1029 Batfnaw. 929. - 2 ROOM furnished apartment. 1139 Center. Ph. 9400. . - . . 2 RM. furn. Apt. 043 Fecry. NEW 4 rm. apt, turn. On bus line. Adults preferrd. After (3 or Satur days or Sundays. 2442 Lee. APARTMENT, 2 room. . unfurn, tight, heat and waser tarn. 9X7 JO. Beinholdt St Lewie, Ph. 9991. Housek'g. Rm, EmpL- girl. 1929 State. ATTRACTIVE bsmt. apt. for employ ed girls. Utilities included at $2230. ?'h. 0409 for appointment or call at 43 N. 14th. . - - ' . ; 4 RM. Apt, wen fun. Apply 474 B. Coml. Woodry Furn. Co. FURN. 2 rm. apt. suitable for 1 or S Working people. 680 N. Liberty. . LARGE hskn.. room. 2054 N. Capitol. Apt. a. . ' y..,, - - .r.......- HOUSEKEEPING , aparUneaU. 103 Marion. Adults. I RM. turn, private bath. 1440 Waller, FURN. Apts; 2310 W. 4th. , . For Rent Houses - CREEK location, near State St. 9 rms., -bemt., - furnace. Adurta. '949 sno. ' at kuvi - . ' 943 S. Commercial St. ONI of the most attractively, fur nished modernistic homes in " Salem. Newly decorated. 2 bdrma etac. stove, rerrtg, auto, gas furnace and water neater. Short distance from . Busin district. No children or pets. Ref. re- ajuirea. S73 mo. box w Stai 'PARTLY furn.? roorn house. Adulta. S239 Portland. Road. ' MOO 2 rm. hse. Inquire after 12 Sun day. $39 mo. 930 N. 19th. , For Rest Farms FOB RENT: 129 A Farm. Modern bouse, bora Si ther 'bldga. 19 bead cattle. ' 4T sheep and' feed for . sate. For Rent ROOM and garage. 230 N. 18th. Ph. l-itM sun. or eves alter I FJL TRAILERS for rent. WoodryV Mkt, xsva i. summer, fa. alio. -. FLOOR SANDER for .rest Moot- ymery yim. . , -,--j-r .. GOOD Used Piano. H. U stiff. TRUCKS for rent Yon drive Mo- Cune Mr Loveu. , phone 9600. ; c5 Otenon630tattsiiau ' ADVERTISTNO - Wettern Aavertlslng , Representatives - Ward -Griffith Companx, tae . ..San Francisco . - Eaxtern Advcrtislna KeprescnUUves Ward-Ortffltb Company. Inc. , . Chicar. New, York. Detroit - Boston. Atlanta - " Entered rt the Port office et salens. Oregoii as fecond Class Matter. Pstb .Vthed -eeery morning except Monday. itistRrrs 9JJIC9 xii sovu . conwif c4ai StTttU . v SUBSCRIPTION RATES Man Subscription Rate tn Advance? Within Oregon: uany ana aunaay mo. i mnf a max. t3.00: l rear. 34.00. I -,erviitr CO cents per ma. or 1729 I t 1 yr Itt aavance rer copy a -cerns r r.jv farrier; 73 cents a month. f i a yesr ii advance, in Hartoa and Wanted to Rent PERMANENT state employe wants modern 2 bed room home, unfurnish ed. Ph. MM. ' . V - ' A RM. house close to town. Write Statesman Box 94. i or 4 Bdrm. unfurn. house about Oct. 1st. Adults only. Ph. 4534. eves. WANTED to Lease: Mod. J rm. turn, hae, no children. Ph. 4274. 1 BDRM. unfurn. nse. Fret. -Eagle-wood or, Holly wood Dist Perm. Salem residence. Ph. 6839. . .. PERMANENT Salem wants a 2 or 9 bdrm. modem unfurn. house. Fa. 1332 or 9419. 1 or 3 Bdrm. modern unfurn. house. Permanent resident. Please call L. Stabler, California- Packing Corp. Ph. 461. . , - - For Sale Real Estate HOUSE. 9 apts. close in. 95230.00. House on creek, close in. 96009.00. Good house, basement. Upstairs rents for - 930.00. This is a. nice home . and a good Income for someone. William E. Moses REALTOR IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 95.000 will buy this S rm. home with unfinished attic, full basement St fur nace. Completely done over inside and out.. Located at 480 S. 23rd St. CaU G. H. Grabenhorst Jr.. -with GRABENHORST BROS.. Realtors 134 -S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131 NEW - HOME BEAUT, new home. Must be Been te be appreciated. Shown by appointment only. 910.900. . . R. A. FORKNER, REALTOR 1953 N. Capitol ' Ph. 9031 BY OWNER: Approx. 90 a. Ketaer River Bottom. 9 rm. hse. 20 A. suit able subdivision. Box 93. Statesman. . TWO choice lots. Close in. Inq. Kt. 1, Box U, Glen Creek Dr. 3rd house Wert of Wallace Road. A MIGHTY FINE 'Modern home in N. Salem with ex ceptionally large living rm, dining rm.. kitchen. 2 bed rooms. Nicely landscaped grounds; sawdust burner. Price ssseo, . LEON C. COONEY with Bllven. Alderln At Cooney.' Realtors 430 Oregon BIdg. Ph. 7909 BUYERS desiring exceptionally well cared for home. 10 yrs. old. consisting eg a dam rooms, beautiful rear yard. east, front, located near Market and 19th. ' lor "9C500. Please call for appointment. $2000 will handle. Imme diate pose. C. H. SANDERS - 231 N. High -.- 9938 4 ROOM modern house, double ga rage, chicken house, located on ap proximately 1 acre tract Just 2 miles from Salem. Fruit . and. berries, nice yard with ahade trees. Deep wU with electric water syttem. Price 93500. 6 room plasteaed house with: 1 bed room -downstairs ami 3 up; partial basement; close -in North. "Price S3800 with 9700 down, balance like rent. HOSTED at ADOLPH. INC. -1101a N. Commercial St Salem. Oregon 5 RM. bouse near Highland school 92750. rm. house North. 93009. 4 rm. house on S. Winter. 93TIS. 4 rm. house, nearly new, fen.' rm. house. A real buy at 96239. P. H. Weir : Phone 9411 REALTOR 499 Center COURT ST. HOMES Modern home. .3 apta. InCame. extra large lot. laat-eaiheec you .this. nice place.- Price fU.900, Large modern older type borne cloae to State House. Price 47300. . NORTH WINTER ST. 9 larce modern rooms, naf. attic. few minutea walk to State House. Price 97500. Shown by aippt. C. H. SANDERS - Z31 K. High . U3S 4 BDRM. hse. on .i acre of land joining creek, baa 3 car garage. Price 96500. Mice 9 rm. house and 2 lota, full basement, sawdust furnace, on bus line, near Richmond school. Price 95000. see Jacic Henningaen with STATE FINANCE CO, REALTORS 211 Guardian Bldg. Ph. 4121 3 RM. . bouse with garage- attached. Just east of Capitola. k acre of land. Price 91000. A. A. Geer. Ph. 4183 after 3 PJtf. ; 2 B. R. olast home. 11 v. & dirflne. shade, bus. Price 92500 ',i cash. z b. K. nome. szuso siooo down. IB. H. partly furnished home, nice cor. lot. Price 93000. 2 B. R. home. new. excellent condi tion, worth the money. 93600. Immed. possession. - 2 B. R. Older home, nice cor. lot. plenty shade. 9340091000 down. C. H. SANDERS - 231 N. High - 5839 S4T50 will huv thia a rm .tm a halt home with basement furnace. nrepiace.. launary trays and garage Wired for electric range. bee Jack Hennmgsen with STATE riNAKrr rn urii Tnne 212 Guardian Bldg. . . . . Ph. 4121 FOR SALE- Stmrt4ii1 lun tu school and stores, on. bus line. 9 room. moaern. nnruDoery and laws at good garaen space, rnone aux. 2 BLOCKS from Holrrwaad: rnnu. lot. a oarms- large living rm, kitchen, full -beam t, idy. trsvs. stoves, earaea. Just painted inside and out. ctImh. TeaKiy to move Brio, see . zist. - , : Salem. Mrs. Charlotte Van Ban ten, Rt! x. ouTcrwm, wre. RIVER frontage of 1 A. Half acre bearing fruit at nuts; 2 bdrm. bouse, automatic oil heat- eiac. range, re frigerator at hot water heeter. ether furnishings. Beautiful shrubbery. Own er going across. Priced right at $5000. ,- L WiWJjB fZTI rYJUMN, REALTOR 14 X. 14th- IMMEDIATX POSSESSION MODERN. View. 7 rm. house ffacine LesUe Jr. Jligh school, park 4c awha- iag pooij, at isia B. ururcn. run bamt Fireplace. Like new; completely re-decorated Inside 4c out. Open from 12 to T P. M. See owner at 1313 S. cnurcn..: . . - BY OWNER: Price 95000. 9 rm. mod. house. -Englewood district Fenced in back yard with fruit and nut trees. 1343 M. 17th. :) . . EXCEPTIONAL BUT - -9 rm. Apt complete ry furnished 3 rm. apt. completely furnished. All on first floor. One 3 rm.' nse. partly furnished. Gas range, automatic gas water heater, oil heat clee, refrigera tor, washing mach, bamt, laundry trays. Lot - 50x1X0. Fruit shrubs and nuts, pneed 95959. Mr. Srrfcit with BURT PICHA. REALTORS 337 N. High Ph. 3210 T RM. Ant. hae.. full faaaat- I)U, phunbing. Big garden, fruit and nut trees, izus o 6t Near High school. Help Wanted ?.lale WANTED AT iONCE J STEADY WORK ; A-1 Mechanic Experienced Lubrication Man Essential Work - Top Wages . STATE MOTORS, Inc. 248 BJ. For Sale Real, Estate u J i 8 HOUSES i 't - -92950. West Salem Heights; t Acre. 2 BR. LR. Kit . nook, bath, full base ment garagei n Terms. ajnMir Cmh: mmii jwwI MHfHm wired for rant. 2 -car garage. Rich mond achool; district - 95500. Seven rooms, basement fur nace. Near Wash, school. 94300;; Eight h rooms, extra large Jot with lots of fruit trees, chicken bouse at garage combined. Near Richmond school., ? . -' 96850J Two i houses on one: lot rent one. live in other. One has fiva rooms, LR 4V DR icross entire front with fire piece, basement fur, gar. Beauti ful corner lot, 3 Rm. house. LARSEN 1IOMZ , at LOAN CO. 70S So. Commercial. Phono -9399 1 , HOME BARGAIN: Modern 3 r. home with large living Mt dining r, oak firs, basement fur nace, fireplace, - eor, sot. pavea sts, garage, only 9 blks. North. Price 98750 Cash. YOU WILL LUCE THIS 'HOME. GRABENHORST BROS, REALTORS 134 S. Liberty- St.- PiU 4131 9 R. house; floored attic, base, fur nace, hwd. floors, 2. large bed rooms. room for two up. good locauon norm. 96000. terms. i i? C J. JACKSON 341 SUte St, Salem LATE builti B rms. Wired for range. Furnished or unfurnished. (Small down payt.) t Willamette Real Estate. 172 S. Liberty. Ph. .7113. fc. . , n 1 i VERY Larsa; lot. In business zone. Car. St another bldg on lot. 950, 9200 down. ' Y-mstt i ttnoi on balance.; I On through street). 'I ' ; f Fine Urge tot close in. witn garage. Suitable for S cottage court or l resi dence. Large? trees. fl200. Willamette Real Estate. 17 8. Liberty. Ph. 7113. S TODAY'S SPECIAlJ 15.000 wiU buy this - strictly modern 4 rm. home With large nook and corner cupboard. Hardwood in living and ball, two nice bed rooms, full basement auto, heat and auto, hot water beater. Nice yard, large lot This la a bargain 1 Call O. - tiraiMmnora, Jr, with GRABENHORST BROS., Realtors 134 S. Liberty. SW-. Ph. 4131 4 RMS. (Including trange A oil heat er). North: 92700 cash. 9 Rms. uar, sisoo. Terms. 4 rms. Lat4 ' built Includutg stoves. 93000. North. (Make 'a fine rental) 9 rms. Base, "furnace. Close in. Nortbi iCxeelc lot) rms. (Late built) Excellent shape. Stoves included. 4000. Willamette Real Estate. 379 S. Liberty. Ph. 711 J. 4 RMS. Newly decorated. 'Wiring. Hi lots. Terms. ; ?, 4 rma.-(NewJ) 94200. Both houses in West Salem. rWUtaanette Reel Estate. 172 S.- UbertF4 -:: J . ' 3 WEST! SALEM HOME 94.459 wiU buy this late-built 4 rm. home with 3 bed rooms, located at 1597 Sixth Street West Salem. Sta tionary tubs,: garage - and gas , water heater. Immediate possession. - Call G. H. Grabenhorst. jr. with GRABENHORST BROS.. -Realtors mjrst . PJK1413I 29 A. timber on' WUlamette river within 4 mi. of Salem, on good high way. Place includes river ; frontage: 2 -all year creeks: large 4 rm. mod. hae. with chapel type ceiling in living rm.; finished ;i In knotty cedar; ex ceptionally IgeJ fireplace; view of river from bouse; .-one' oroooer nse. atrxser. built I yr. ago:?l comparatively new laying bouse- UrxOO;. 2 elec. sUrting Batteries: 1800 chick caDacitr: 4 metal fattening batteries; 700 bird capacity; 2 elec. brooders: raise, feeders and equapment: 900 fryers 11 wksv old: 900 Now Haaop. layers l yr. oio. price complete 415)08.00. WU1 consider sell bsg wlthoe 5 chickens and chicken FAXRMOUNT HILL HOME This as nniiiexceDttenal bargain. 4 raoms, plaaaered, large lot 75x150 feet Fruit 4t tMrt -trees and two fir; trees. That la a err fine lot well located on the. bill. Would make a wonderful en to resaodeL Price 93794. . Call -G. 34. Grabenhorst Jr, with. GRABENHORST BROS:. Realtors 134 S. Liberty St ' . Ph. 4131 Lin Income.-: Home Security: Mod. ra. apt bhtg, fl2.000, 1940 N. CapitoL " A. Hew hse, elec. w. ays. Kelzer vntx. f toue. e i 95004 burs 3 rms, an plastered, full bsmt.,!; furn,!; large lot pavmg paid. 92750. 4 rms, -Urge corner lot nay in paid. Terms. . 93000: . 7 . rms,- near : Honywood.- EL A. FORKNEBL REALTOR 1853 N. Capitol' - Pb. 9031 ENGLEWOOD DISTRICT 17 Via will -Hitw tMi a rm mwtanrn home with dble. DlbC. 3 bed room full basement 1 sawdust beat-and fire place. Nice yard. Large lot This borne in good condition, f - - .-. call g. H.: orabenhorst, jr. with GRABENHORST: BROS, Realtors 134 5. LiDerty st. rn. 4iai ON South E Winter, i a 3 bed room modern home. -basement furnace, hty. trays, wired if or range, trash burner. fruit tt shrubbery. Lot saxios. ua race. 26000. $-1 - ,S - i. A comfortable room cottage for 94250.- Close In. " - v - in Hoiiyweoa. ' a e room moaern heme, basement, furnace it idy. traya. dose to dusl uarage. wuo. P. H. II BELL. REALTOR " P 402 Guardian' Bldg, Phene 4994 7 ROOMS. 4 B. R. Modem, Large living rm. Dining rm. H. W. floors. Fireplace. Modern bath rm. Kitchen. Bkfst. nook. Bamt. Auto, sawdust fur nace. Air conditioned. Ldry. room. Large lot beautifully landscaped. DbL garage. A real home, priced right at stow. f. s f-a ' -. - t - j. . i - at ra-JkriM av" msmvm i ' - 949 S. Com'l. St Phi 4590. Xve. 9539 T ROOM house.. Located on corner lot close to High SchooL Good con caete basement. 2-car garage. Several fruit and nut trees. Price 93000. Call O. .V. Hume t GRABENHORST BROS, REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St i Phono 4131 . 9 LOTS 50X100 ft, on Hansen Ave. AQ for S800.SA. a Polston,-I20 Han- 9620ff. 9 rm. English style home in Englewood district modern In every way. in . execDent condition, beautiful laws St', shrubbery. Immediate posse sion. j:? - j- J s . - MELVTN JOHNSON, REALTOR ' 729 Court St - Phone 3123 1 BED ROOM home at 334 N. 21st Newly- decorated. Immediate posses sion, price 93250. "if -" - -. Call O V. Hume at GRABENHORST BROS, REALTORS 134. S. Liberty St ; Phone 4131 92650 9 rm hse. on 16th, in good, condition, bath, garage, imnvediate pos session. M ; it i. -!: '.f; 99O0.i 2 rm; hse: in 4 West Salem, te good condition, sink, . toilet. lighU- dt water, on paved St - v - 96600. 4 rihi English style home North, hdwd, fir. In bving rm, t bed rms. oh 1st ; up. basement aawduat burner' furnace, fireplace. MELVIN JOHNSON. REALTOR 725 Court St ' Phone 373 4 ROOM home at 1333 N. 19th St Has late type; oil floor furnace. Fire place. Modern kitchen.' Auto, bot wat er. Price 95700. Call O. V. Hume et GRABENHORST BROS, REALTORS 134 8. Liberty St . Phone 4131 Help Wanted Lisle HIGH ST. for ale-Ueal Estate , TOR SA1LE: Larrei- house, close in. full; basement double plumbing, 3-car garage.pavement large lot some fruit and shrubs. Could be arranged in 9 apts. Might take Jow priced land as part payment Price 93609. Terms. iAU KUI uuaiuta ;Room p Ladd St Bush Bldg. saioa. 9 "" rm.' atrtetlv modern. . weU built house on Cascade Dr. Large lot This is a pretty house. Inside and worth the money. ! , . S4454. Large bouse suitable " for 2 families or . ante.' 7 blocks from State bldg. off SUte St ".fc- cash, bal.,, 930 per- months . " ' i ' - J --R. E. MEREDITH - 3159 Portland Rd. - " i - i Ph. 4443 ti ACRE 'tract - ott Teas Ave. and Park St Royal Anne cherries, bear ings Price f 750. ! I;- is H. PL Grant. Realtor 929 Court ?t l .... j,iPbone 4744 M CENTER ST. NEAR 19th 3 B. R. home, nlumbina up St down. base., furnace. Dandy location. Priced to feu at 94300. - U 3 : B. R. all first floor, basement no furnace. A good 1 buya 94200. C. H. SANDERS 231 NJ High - 5838 Ssftltr ninri. hMn I M. TT. . hdraiL. liv.jrm, din. raw kitchen, hwd. firs. basenw furnace,, laundry ; trays, elec. water heater, tinfin. upstairs, lot 50x150. Price 95000. j Mr. UByrkit with M BURT PICHA. .REALTORS S37jH. High ji'.l Ij-i Pb. x3M ENGLEWOOD (DISTRICT -S-lROOMf MODERN HOME. 1 BED ROOM DOWN, it tJP.U PLUMBING BOTH FLOORS, FIREPLACE at OAK FLOORS. (AUTOMATIC HEAT. YOU CANT DO BETTER rOR-f7300 CALL UK UULME3 WITH i; If SEVERIN i BEALTV ' CO. " 212 i N- HIGH. i;i TELEPHONE 4014 : 1 -NEAR CATHOLIC CHURCH Five room bungalow, wired for elec. range, basement furnace, outside fire place, lovely shade, i Small cottage in rear. 9 bits, from Pdat office.- Can be shown - any time. See Mrs. Needham or touts Bechtel ;341j State St Km, 4. FDR SALE by 'Owner: 9 room mod ern; homel rull ii cement f base., auto, sawdust furnace ji fireplace. Complete ly redecorated inside: Nice back yard. 96504. 1715V N. Church. 1 1 f . 4i n I i ill h" j (mw OF SALEM New 9 room strictly mod. home with oil i furnace, located on : Kingwood Heighta. Price 96109. 3230O will baaadle. 1 BJL'mod. home Ipngwood Heaghta. Base., oil! furnace, t ldy trays. Jot 15xS9. DbL gar. i s talks, to bus. Ttai9 home must be sold. 95500. Terms.' U. H. sajmjsuu ui n. augn som ! ( ! - j j ; icluiige Real ! EstattT FOR . SALE or Trade: 12 ' A, good soilj i near Grants Pass.;! Free water right fenced, some bldgsi Would - take traQer house or what have youT P. O. Boa; ; 241 Salem, i i; i MM ( EXCHANGE:' ' We win accepts a small, house in Sa lem as part payment on 1 acre tract 3 nHL froan downtown Salem. Has a beautiful 3-bed room houee (1 fteor), nicely landscaped -yard i with kirge shade trees: small barn and chicken house. It la a beawty. Ask Mrs. Kilia about tt We wiU anew j it any time. Price 912.P00. . j-!!"- -' l - LEO N. CHTLD3, INC REALTORS 344 State Sti Ph. 9261 For J5alc4-F8rms 74 ACRES. 21 A. oeecbea. 17 A. fU- berta 33.000 pounds ; last ; year ). 4 A. Koyai Annes. a a. timoer, is a.- nnaer Slow, balance .pasture, creek; plenty uildlngs. I One Of the best farm 20 miJ.-Salwn'. l-i- ( Ii ;- t i-' c p. Sanders! 221 High - 9439 s . a & . i Business Cards ! la this Irectory ru cms monthly only. Rates ISLZS i9 per aanUi. 1 Accounting BOOKS I kept j operating statements and tax renorts breoared. systems In stalled. Ferris LI Morton Ph. 2-2659. 4989. 993 FYOnt , ,) j, , '( . , Airplane Iodels VOtS and SUPPLIES, i Cherry . Cfty Model Aircraft, fist ft: Market - Alterations ALTERATIONS.' sJwini. fur work. 190 N. Commercial. Room. 24. Art TjUef BATH Room, drain! board, fireplace or- Store fronts. Ph. BS2L , j .'! vj Auctioneer ' AUCTIONS eonductei Anywhere. Mak Groesbeck j t Box 20, ' SUverton Road. Phone 6099. . , I c ,1 " i Auto Brakes HERRALL-OWENS CO! 235 8. Coral. Mike' Panek. 279 Si CoinX Ph.Sltt Brake and wheel allgniag 9peciattst Auto and Truck; Serrice HERRALL-OWENS CO4939 k cpmi Bicycles ! .jrs-n; I 1- BICYCLES 9tew' wnd lreeemdltaane Harry W j Scott, (147 A (Upot'el P 454 Body &, Fender Eepairs HERRALL-OWENS COj 239 S ComT i Cement Contracting" CEMENT eoatyactias. 'C R. EH19. PbJ 407L j . t J j ! Chimney Sweep Northnesa' - Chtptney' Sweep- Pb; 4499 Florists i Brelthaupfs 447 Oawrt 9199 I Hosiery i r Real Silk Bowery tttOa Pb 9T01 s.Mrs, Moseley.( P0, Box. 739 - Implement Saarpening . Dtacs aiid dtae plow machine sharp ened, a mi. w. on Dauaa tuway. Lawnmower Sfzarpenins GUARANTEED !WORXM on special fartoty grtndera by ?Harry-fF. Scott -The Cycle Maa"! 141 S Commercial St THE A RON Ebop; 7p H High CInsie Lessons EPANISJ3 A Bawliaa Guitar, Mando lin. Banjo cte.-i533 Court Pb, T569. .: Painting & Paperhanrng MXPZa. WockrnanaW- pbaaa, 439. 1 . . f : For Sale Farms FARMS I i. Five A. S. of town. A well con structed bouse with hardwood up and down. House is. nearly new, beauti fully landscaped. Income besides on fruit and berries. $8500.00. . . . 40 A. partly stocked and equlppedv Good ? rm. bouse, bath,' gravity water system, spring, barn, chicken 'house, berries, fruit, close hu- Priced te sell at 94000.00. - LARS EX HOME 4c LOAN CO. 763. S. CornX .. . . Phone 4339 ftS irBTS!' 4nt ta r At Y!w) bungalow bouses bam buUt 1939, 19 A. nasture- tt thnher. anrine. 'Priea S4000 or 'trade for; Salem. . - ; C. H. SANDERS - 231. N- High v 9439 ' ' ."V v'i-WALNUTS'' "-:;;v.M. SS S4if-Ml- ffiywl Mil .'Alt irf-. Waarlntf wabtuts; good 7 r.- plastered home witn citv -water. Price 117.500. X 4 RKAL BARGAIN. 1 . . "I GRABENHORST -BROS, , ' REALTORS u . xaoerry bv .. .fa. ui FINS dairy ranch. 179 A. about -12 miles on Willamette- river, large new Dern, cement floor, also older -barn, milk bouse, double garage; 90 A. cult. 20 A. timber; good 9 R. house, water system; also 4 R. bouse, f 140 per acre. Terms. -' ' - -' -v C 3. r JACKSON,. 341 SUte St. Salem 115 A. all in eulUvatibn. 1 ml. S. of Newberg in Marion County, bordering Willamette river 4V paralleling Salem NwwbergHlway. All Chehalis siU loam. New land. Cleared In 1940. This is one of Oregon's finest, most highly - pro ductive farms. Especially adapted to growing seed crops St vegetable farm mgv;Wul consider some trade. 924,000. See Mr. Lampkin,'Rt 1, Aurora, at Champoeg. . . . ' - ,..;... .,; - 10 ACRES for sale, with good S rm. modern house and all completely fur nished. , New chicken houses with all equipment and 300 hens. New brooder house with electric brooder. Electric water system, small barn and garage. All new and good. Death in family reason- for selling. Let me ahow year this place. - . F. H. Weir 469 Center . REALTOR Phone 9411 , CLOSE m FARM HOME. ' ' " 34. acres within 1 mile of city limits on paved road. Family fruit city water and private water system. 7 rm. pias tered borne wtth basement barge bant and other outbuildings. A Real place to keep your saddle horses. . Call G. H. Crabanhorst, Jr. with GRABENHORST BROS, Realtors 134 &,. Liberty St ' Pb, 4131 ONE of the finest poultry ranches in the valley, within 30 miles of Port land. All chicken bouses and brooder houses with the most modern equip ment Room for 3000' laying bene. Deep welt electric water system 4 rm. all modern -house, nice lawn, nuts end some fruit, trees See me for further information. - F.H. Weir 463 Center REALTOR Phone 94U FOR SALE: 160 A. farm. 140 ta cult, good bldgs, paved road. 979 per A. Terms. Stock, machinery, feed for erne. 14 R Apt house, 2 large lota, fruit Sen. 94500. 91000 down, baL terma. -10 R. Ant. house cloae te. -9S60. E. B." PER8JNE. 370 State St Ph. 9479. GOOD FARM BUY 909 ACRES over 109 acres fat culti vation. - balance tat pasture. and. timber estimated 2 minion ft Saaall bouse; good barn and outbuildings. Well wat er, several springs and 2 c tasks. An ideal stock ranch. Included 'ta price of - only aio.000. 3 horses, laia as. truck, about 90 tons hay, 109 -aheep, some cattle,- hogs, chickens, turkeys and furniture. SEE . LEO N. CHILDS. INC. REALTORS .. 344 SUte St Ph. 9391 , Painting Brush Sr spray Painting, Ph. 22799. PAINTING at Decorating. Ph. T532 Spray painting contractor. Ph. 4244 Plnmhing Harry EJ Patton. Plumbing and Heat ing, repair work. Ph. 9341. 933 Spruce St BY LICENSED MECHANICS. John risher. Ph. 3019. 533 S. 18th. A. L. SKEW IS St CO. Plumbing Heating. 949 N. High, Ph. 4223. BOWEM BROS, Plumbing and Heat ing. 353 N. Com'l Ph. 7215. . Piano Tuning PIANO Tuning and Repairing. Prompt service. BruneUe. 2-4043. Printing FOR STATIONERY, cards, pamphlets programs books or any kind of print ing, call The Statesman Printing De partment 219 S Commercial Tele 910L . Mattresses CAPITOL. BEDDING CO 40C4 .Radio Service LOUTS Du Buy. 397 Court Ph. 3029. Sand and Gravel . SAND, gravel. . crashed rpek. ready mixed concrete. - wailing Sana .ana Gravel m. g5Bi - : Septic, Tanks Cleaned GET mv orieea before bavins work done. Ph. 4460. Permanent resident of W. Salem. Kenneth Hamel. 1143 Stb 5t Shoe Repairing Stubble field Shoe Benabing, 3SX Stata as dyed. . Transfer ii,- O-DRIVS TRUCKS FOR RENT Blankets furn 197 S Liberty Pb 9092 FOR LOCAL OR DISTANT tranfet storare. banter oil. ariaruets , rrtsnks to Portland daily. Agent Pierce Auto rretgnt, snciudtrm caiit.potnui banner Transfer Co Pb SUL ;...,.' Upholstery . Cleaning RUGS and uphoL dean ad. Ph. 4831 Vaesnci Cleaner Service CERTlFlElS 'GUAR. sere. Afl makes Vlnca's laectrtc, 191 8. Ub. TcL 4292 FREE tnanectioa ta roar borne. An tborized Hoover seirice We service eh makes cleaners. Hogg Bros Pb 914T Watch Cl Clock Repairing Decker. Taylor's camp. Stata Street J Window Cleaning ; City window cleaners ' P 11459 Floon walls, woodwork. .Work guaranteed :: " ALL work 1 guaranteed. Windows walls, woodwork cleaned Floors waxed Insured workmen Professional Clean leg Service - Pa- 4tL - For Sale Farms FARMS FOR SALS: 1000 acres with about BOO acres of farm land, bldgs, paved rd, good lo- RE YALUi? m A 240 acres with bldgs, good dairy barn.. 150 acres of. ood farm land, water for-lrrtaation.ia .eood stand of rlr timber, lota of pasture, near Pa- cue tugnway 14 miles south of Salem. An excellent buy for 318,000. 279 acres Northwest of RickreaQ, Polk Co. 129 acres of plow land, phage, lots of pasture and oak timber. Price 313.000. cash. baL j terms at 9 mt 172 acre farm west of Wood burn. good soiL bldgs, paved td.. 4100 per acre. See -i.-. , .vs. GRABENHORST BSOS vREALTORS a. wan; k,f A. FARM JORTH "V-r W AO 'tilUhla. aritl i air ; knIMlnn Amity ctay sott Possession Sept 15. Price ,95000. v H. P. GRANT, Realtor 329 Court St ' ' Phone 4744 97 A. With Bldfs. " North. Tina sail. 914,000. Willamette Real Estate. 1T2 S. Liberty, Ph." 7113. , j ,4- Acreage SPECIAL 19 A. 9 rm. St attic. bunt ' auto. furn, elec. water tyi' ml. to sch . filberts; walnuts, cherries. Cut to 92900 for quick sale. ; . V;- R. A. FOKKNER,- REALTOR 1953 N. Capitol . ph. 3031 v A. l!i mL Eait. Inoniro hefnra you .buy. Call me. - j . . F. H.. Weir J Ph." 9U1 . . . REALTOR M Ph. 9411 .'' HOWELL-PRAIRIE 93 A. farm. $13,000. - - R. A. FORKNER. REALTOR - 1933 N. Capitol Ph. 3031 TEN ACRE HOME: 1 Excellent soil, nearly all rood Blow land. 1 r. plastered house with plumb ing electricity, water system, full -cement basement with furnace, all of the land tinder Irrigation. . Price 97009. 94509 down will handle. - CBABKNHORST BROS, REALTORS tae a. 4Deny suj m. 4131 , WKW 4 ACRE. COUNTBY HOU The one you've been ktcartnar for wtth view, terrace, 2 B. R, .large maid's room, nnfla. i attic auto, saw dust furnace, sunny kitchen and din ing, large living -with -fireplace. 4 miles city center. 99000. C H. SANDERS - 231 K. High - 5439 9 A. 9 mi. from Salem. Harhhr de veloped. , wtth . strawberries, cane ber ries, cherries; 9 rm. house.'- drilled weU. barn; garage. Win pay -for Itself. Price 1500. - 1 OLSON Bt KEVK 945 3. ComX St. Ph. 4590. ! Eva 4534 1 A. suburban home, hardwood fb. bt ttvinaT rm, kitchen, nook. 2 bed rms, wired for range, toilet, shower. fuaj, aoaw a own. t 9 A. 9 mt from Post Off Ice. good soil, on good road. 9300 per A. V A. CUhert erchara for sale, also IS A. Faa?ltah walmrt orchard. 4SLVU4 JOHNSON, REALTOR 725 Court St. ,, Phone 3723 12 ACRE. East. 9-room house, elect water system. Price 43000. - - C H. SANDERS 231 N. High - 9434 FILBERT ORCHARD tit -m n- Aartn nihM-t TT is IS years old. Produoad 9 tons Of filberts last year. 3 miles out This is worth the money. Price 94,900. ' cau ti. M. GraDenoorsv Jr. wish GRABENHORST BROS, Realtors 134 3., Liberty St t Ph. 413V DON'T Be Crowded on a little lot; buy this 4 acres edge pf Dallas, creek bottom soil. 4 R. bouse, barn St other imp. : City water, paved St. 93500. C ALFRED DUMBECK Room 3 Ladd Bush Bldg. ATTRACTIVE ;lt ACRES Just outside city, fruit shade, ber ries. 3 B. R. home, barn for t cows. 300 cap. ben bouse. Let us shew you that nice place, only sareo. 2 Acres -rich soil East. 9-room mod ern home with floored attic Base ment, furnace, wired range, elect water system. Price $6500. Terms. - C. H. SANUEKS - 231 Ii. Hlgn - SS3B 14 A. i A. fir timber. baL cult Barn, spring, no house, on good road, var. fruit 4c prunes. 92800. 4 cash. 19 A. east, dose, no bugs, paving. 94500. easy terms. ' - C J. JACKSON. Mi state st, saiem ACREAGE Close In. Small tracts. good soil, water available. Can be put in cultivation tmmeaiaieiy. nmau monthly Daymen ta will pay for it build later. See Rich L. Reimann, 1ST 5. High.: Fb. 9203 g ACRES. Modern 4 rm. house. Dole, garage. Large barn.; Family ; orchard. Beautiful. . lawn. Outside fireplace. Close. ; ' . 32700. 8',i acres. 4 rm. hse. Wired for elec. range. Dble. garage. . Barn and chicken bouse. Close. ;A real good buy. -' ' s . ! 96300. 27 acres with good plastered modern hse. Two year around streams and apring water piped to hse. Lots of fruit and nuts, i .. 4 v R. E. MEREDITH : 3153 Portland Road. 1 - Ph. 4443 t - i 13 ACRE BARGAIN -: 14 acres of rood bearing: prunes. balance family fruit: and nuts. Good 3 rm. borne -with modern plbg, pump bouse and chicken -bouse. Garage. This place la m gooa -eonoinon ana worm the money. Only 4, miles out . rt- Call G. H. Grabenhorst Jr. ' with GRABENHORST BROS, "Realtors 134 S. Liberty St I . Ph. 41J1 NICE HOME, EAST I T acres, t acres ! pasture, 1 balance cultivated; 4 room plastered bunga low, sieatrtcity,- gaa. wta or uowere and shrubbery, good weU,, also, run ning creek. Barn full of clover bay. Other outbuildings. Cow and Chickens. Price 94300. Some- terms. . i -ALFRED DUMBECK I Room- 3 Ladd Bush. Bldg. . 9 ACRES an bt cultivation and with some fme bean aoU. Cloae to Stayton. Vamilv orchard and a room houae. 93000.. Terms, -i - . ' D. A. fish tn coort . pa, sut 2 ACRES of good garden tend, about M in cultivation, creek and apring supplies plenty of water for irriga tion. Located just out of Aurora near highway. A good ouy for szsoo. -i ROSTETN 4c ADOLPH. INC i'-- ' llOis N. Commercial St . . - ' " , -, SaWm. Oregon r ; . . j ; MY LOSS YOUR GAIN t .After loss of my house by fire, wffl sell my lk acre tract 1 mile out on rood road. Best of soil baa soma fruit trees, small barn, chicken house 12x39 ft; good well. . some lumber. . All tor S900. see aay Agent ; -LEO N. CHILDS. INC. REALTORS , , t 244 State St i Ph.iS26l TN AURORA, bomeslte on hilt 9-rm. house. 9 acres. WUlamette soU. fruit small creek. 15900. 14x32 house and 4 acres under 12000 for quick sale. More acreage available. A. a. cole, -anoy, Ore. Phone 9217 evenings. . , s CLOSE TN 9 acres on pavement, good soil, nice 4-rm, home, aeat bam and poultry -bouse. WeU worth flfiOO. See Hawkins & Roberts J Inc. pb, 4109. Realtors. After 4, Ph.,91F2I 9 A. Cow. bay in -barn. 98000. 3 mt av Hosp. on wcnicr bl sw a. e Wood Sawing1 i Wood- sawing. Pb. 22483. Call aves, .Transportation ) WISH rlda to Missouri within next 4 weeks. Share expense, cau or write Martin. 1805 V Fairgrounds -Rd, Salem. urAN-rro? snmcon ta drive my car to Los Angeles. Inq. Best Auto Court, Mt.-f,f. fioult, biq.4. Cam! For Sale Used Can WE WILL PAY TOP CEILING PRICE :...P0R MOST CARS - IMMEDIATE CASH! ; V WO WJ TAPE! NO DELAY! u . w..? .-t'V'':l f''i' 7 . , , . i ,jT i : ' ; Appraisals -: Atade i at Your . v i - Honie Without Obligation . ; . 4 1 .-, :NASH USED CAR LOT 240 Center, Salem Wanled-41eal Estate SALES SERVICE i.t WE HAVal 1MUUIR1E3 FOR CITY tt SUBURBAN HOMES. 'APARTMENT HOUSES. MERCANTILE BLDGS, BUNGALOW COURTS. IF YOU WISH TO .SUA CALL SEVERIN : REALTY CO. YOU WILL RECEIVE PROMPT, COURTEOUS SALES SERVICE, i SKVERIN REALTY CO. Senator Hotel Bldg. - , 4 PhJ 4014 Sevefin Listed ta SeverW Sold.. RESPONSIBLE party : will; tent' or . ! . ... L buy - immediate ly residence" Under 94000. North preferred. ,"730 . N. 15th or Ph. 3417, "I '.j.-" WANT house 94000 to 99000. ' Also nous 93500 to S3500. Willamette Real Estate. 17a 8. Liherty, Pn, 1113. WE Have calls daily for ! homes. business property and farms. I Buyers have the money, so-, list your property bfor sale, or rent-with ! Rash L. Behwarm, lai s. High. Pb. 9203 WE Have a caeb buyer -for! income property, either- an apartment bouse or court wtth good monthly income. Will pay up to 930.000 eaah. - r . . . BURT PICHA, REALTORS. 337 N. High ; ,-' Ph. 3219 WOULD Lease good stock and dairy ranch -, wtth milk. achool and bus routes. Would buy stock and equip ment Write DUB, Little, Rt 2, Lewis- WANT TO buy for cash 3 bedroom house with base, and garden. NX, Sa lem. - Box 44. Statesman, ', "k i NOTICE: IF t your . property is for sale. , rent or exchange, bat it with ua. We nave all kinds casn Duyers. -STATE FINANCE CO, REALTORS . i , 212, Guardian Bldg. i WANTED:. Listings on modern homes bt good residential sections. 2 and 3 bdrsne, from 45009 to 410.000. We have out of town buyers waiting for homes. - - BUST PBCHA, KZJU.TOK3 23T N. High 4 . - ; Pb. 3210 UuaiatM Opportunities . Restaurant I I LONG ESTABLISHED AND VERY FAVORABLY KNOWN RESTAURANT AND COFFEE, SHOP, LOCATED IN THE "HEART OF SALEM. OFFERED FOR SALE DUE TO OWNER WISH ING TO RETIRE. THE ANNUAL NET PROFIT IS LARGER THAN THE PRICE OF ENTIRE BUSINESS. ' HERE IS A RIAL j MONEY, MAKER. AT 911J909. -!! ' ;i . Listed Exclusively with SEVERIN REALTY CO. 212 N. High I : -'' 'Phone 4014. , APARTMENT HOUSES. - Does your wife want to stay home and wora a ntue ana nave an in come? Look these over. i 95000. Contains T completely furn ished apartments with income of 9143 per month. Big lot and outdoor fire place. 1 98500. Completely furnished with beautiful pre-war furniture, cloae in. good income, j 919.000. Completely furnished, never a vacancy, good income, almost all clear, close Ini 911.500. A complete 3 BR home wiut fireplace, full I basement -- and , almost 9100 per month income. LARSEN HOME St LOAN CO. 769 So, Commercial St Phone 4389 FULLY eouinned beeutr parlor. Lo cated down town. Doing good busi ness. For more information - Call O. V. Hume - GRABENHORST BROS, REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St Phone 4131 COUNTRY HOME-SOUTH NO NEED TO LOOK HJRTHERl HERE IS A NICE INCOME 9 ACRES. 3 MODERN COTTAGES. ONE HAS .4 ROOMS. THE OTHER 4. ABOUT S ACRES OF 3-YEAR OLD FILBERTS. POULTRY HOUSE. AN ACRE OF PASTURE LAND WTTH YEAR ROUND STREAM. OWNER WILL SELL. U- TIRE PROPERTY FOR $10.000 OR WILL DIVIDE IN TWO. CALX, aUt. HOLMES. - s SEVERIN REALTY CO.! ' 212 N. HIGH i TELEPHONE 4014 ; nrw-r miTumv RRncrjiT " 92799 for stock 4k equipmaot. pump flllln, wtmttM Mulrn S rm. llvlne ejtds. Rent 923.Dandy proposition for two people. . f I , 1 : -V TOUsUST UUU TKA1UH fAAA. a mi nL, ffft miM. larea com. mnnttv bldas good revenue. North, Price 13754. f - ' c n. KAninuu - ui ci. tuga - aaj OLD Established going meat, gro cery, will acll fixtures Z354 - and in- voiccinerchandise, f ..- a H. BANDERS '- 231 N. High - 9839 4U.009.09 Jdertgage- osi new business building,, paying 4 Va. Excellent se curity - and investment LARSXN HOME 4 LOAN CO. ' N4 S. Commercial St. . Pb -T OCT h .lni has S1 SnO rUnrfl. Furrnsaed.) WUlamette Real; XstataJ m s. uaerty. n. iiu. . -- BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY - INCLUDE this- opportunity in your postwar planning. You have a close Lin business lot that will pay you $104 a meant wniie warring., race ooiy 98009 and 94509 wiu nanno. - - See - - i RBven. Alderin. Cooney. Realtors 439 Oregon Bldg. , - Pb, 7904 FOR Quick sale because of health: 4 turn court apts. and service station Income 9210 per sno. contact owner at 1474 Court St or Pb '4194 For Sale Wood . SPECIAL : - l ,.'. ' Short time! only. 2 loads If green edgings : 412, delivered N.. of State. Oregon rue Co. Ph. san. t ; HEAVY mill wood 94 34 load: 912 double load. ; 4 tt slab for furnace. Ph.; T72L.. !;'- iajaaaaiaiasaaasMaajaaaaa.eaeaaiaaBataeasi PRY r or If flr. Ph. 2384V. r;JL-. ' If" SLAB wood and edgings. 8 cord load 914. Ph. Boss. $ .--' SPECIAL FOR 30- DAYS ONLY 1 load dry wood. 99-SO: 2 loads, 914. ' HOLLYWOOD FUEL CO. Ph. 2731 FOR Dry Wood call Hollywood Fuel Co, Ph. 373L . GREEN old growth 19 tn. - slab prompt debvery Pbone 4444, I Personal , ' - HUMAN HAD Bought 25c-S0c ounce. 10 inches or longer. No comb ines. Arranj ay's -34 West 23th. New York. ......... ' -'-- -;..".;. FbMSale-JseflrCarjr A i" . ViVl ."' . Phone 3731 For Sale Used Cars NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY YOUR ;! TRAILER ASSEMBLIES, WHrtLS, AXLES, BODIES. TRANSMISSIONS, TRAILER HITCHES ETC COMPLETE MOTORS READY; TO INSTALL ' 98 Bukk 40, ' . .. 40 Nash 4. -.-. f , 42 V9-99 H. P. I 37 Dodge. . ' 1 Model A end others. ' " ' - REPLACE YOUR WORN OUT PARTS . urmf An aum ' nms uww woxaj viihi ' I .i . v- - .;.,.:.- '.'"-' ACME AUTO & TRUCK : WRECKER MIKE ; STONB0CH ; 3053 Portland Road - '. . " Fanners Attention! ' D 6 d g ie l-ton lwh. truck flat Led. Dual tires. i $315.00 ' HERRALL-OWENS CO, . 439 S. ComT Phone 3199 "YOU WILL ALWAYS FIND AfBlOTER CAR MAKli; BETTER ;f f DEAI . : LODEr" BROS. 449 Center St - V PhoosUt . -Our lfth Tear la Salam, Oregon" "Oldsmoblle Sales and Serviee1 ' '"Home of -Good Used Cats '( $$$CASH$$$ LATE MODEL - CARS TN AVERAGE CONDITION OPA CEILING PRICED HERRALL-OWENS ? COMPANY ; f i 233 S. Commercial St ' '" I 1934 "FORD deluxe 4 door, aadeo. ood i condL. Trade for 41 Chevrolet 7ill pay. cash difference. 924 Gaines St --Mi.' ! I "31 STUDEBAKER 4 dr. aedan. Good mechanically. Fair rubber. 9100. Shoen Tourist Camp. Cabin 1. In. Dickson's store,; south on 99 Highway.. ; 1929 MODEL' A Ford 4 door aedan 9150.09 cash. 1420 Fir St WantedUsed Cars". You Know s that -"- you 1 can sell- your automobile to us for as much as to a private j party? See ns before you sell I WE HAVE A NICE STOCK OF USES CARS TO CHOOSE FROM j iCOSIPANY 398 N. CC40CZRCZAL PH. 9431 a w -,it lop-casn rnce Paiil for LATE MODEL USED CARS; i ORVAL'S 1 USED CARS CENTER AT CHURCH . PH.. 470f WE PAf TOPS! Gt iiity itims) rour caT' u worth.; Cash on the Barrel-Head ' "CT SHR0CK 'I SALEirS okteet ndpendrnt ueed eat - ',-s dealer, ;- - ' v , N-E Corner Church at Cbena Pn- 7929 .YOUlfO' preacher and collage sua dent ; wants - to - buy - for cash. good I light: Si or -4 door or. Sedan coupe. "37-34 mode). Statesman Bos 92. Lost and Found 'i 1 i LOST: Reward f-w tafornur3en lead me. to return of brown billfold conV taming 423 i bt currency. 19 B g stamps and personal papera. Ph. 4142 Leland Sprlggs. - -, ea"aaaaiaasWaaaa.aiwasaaip aaateasaasaaaiaaaasaaaaaaaiaSaasaaaaiawaaaaba" BLACIT aad wUlte Spaniel tctnU pup CaU 4UL i ' ' r Lodges y . t a - Fire Lee No. 90. AT. A - A- AJ44 3L H. c-ree, TuesdJL'v SALEM LOOGI No. 4, A.T h AM. Wcdaesday, Ai-gust l OTOMffiSON i