The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 04, 1944, Page 6, Image 6

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Tlx 0:011, ST ATn2iAJTC 4, ISif
JMiss Quistad
:Lt Mennis
To Many
Miss Kathryn Qulxtad'f fi
ance, 1. Byron T. "Biennis,
United States naval air corps,
arrived unexpectedly la the
, capital last Friday and this Sat
urday the couple wffl become
-Mr. and Mrs. The bride-to-be Is
-the daughter of Mrs. Louise
Quistad and Mr. Carl Quistad.
'Her fiance Is the son of Mr. and
Mrs. E. C Mennis.
' The afternoon ceremony will
be read in Portland at St,, Aga
tha church with Father Nor-
'bert officiating. v
After the wedding the couple i
will leave for a week's trip.
They will return to Salem for
. several weeks before leaving for
the east coast where LL Mennis '
"will report at Norfolk, Virginia.
Miss Quistad is graduate of
Salem schools and a member of
the Spinsters. She has been
employed at state selective ser
vice headquarters.
- Lt Mennis attended Salem "
-schools and the University of '
Oregon, where he was a member
of Phi Delta Theta. He nan been
in the service three years and
Is a dive bomber pilot The last
year he has been In the South
Margaret Mullen
Honor Guest
Miss Margaret Mullen, for
merly of Salem, visited friends
in the capital this week. She .is
now a Red Cross social worker
and is stationed at the conva
le s c e n t hospital at George
Wright field in Spokane.
. Wednesday night a group of
Miss Mullen's friends enter
tained In her honor at a wiener
roast at the Charles Vick home
:with Miss Amy Jacobsen as
Honoring Miss Mullen were
Mrs. Robert Boardman, Mrs
i Oliver Huston, Mrs. Ted Len
.hart. Miss Fern Pf obi. Miss Jen
nie Roper, Mrs. Irene Nelson.
Mrs. Chauncey LeVce tfA Miss
Amy Jacobsen.
Mrs. TViUUm Dick baa invited
few friends to breakfast Sun
day morning at the home of her
mother, Mrs. Dan Johnston, on
East Wilson street
Service Women
What 'they can do
What they're doing about It
.Ms Marjorle Jean Pratt ae-
ter of Mr. and Mrs. p. L. Pratt
1H5 S0" Wth street, Salem, has
received orders to report to the
US. Naval Air Facilities station,
Trenton, New Jersey, on comple
tion of WAVES indoctrination
- training at the Naval Training
school for WAVES, New York city,
i yesterday reported Recruiting Spe
cialist A. C. Friesen, recruiter-in-charge
of the Salem US. Navy re
cruiting substation. -
Miss Pratt completed six weeks
basic training at the New York
WAVES school with a rating of
, I ,eaman second class. Selection of
Miss Pratt for this duty was be
cause of her experience as a rivet
er; with the Boeing Aircraft com
pany prior to her enlistment In
the WAVES.
Miss Pratt graduated from Sa
lem high school.
Advance training la the TJ. 8.
Navy Cooks and Bakers school, the
Bronx, New York, has been
warded Miss Florence Louise
Ferrey, seaman, second class in
.7" wraua reported
Recruiting Specialist A, C. Friesen.
recruiter-in-charge of the Salem
Recruiting substation.
Miss Ferrey's enlistment was
nade in April. Miss Ferrey re-
I . toe rating eaman, sec
ond class, on completion of basic
training and indoctrination at the
y.oluntrin in the
WAVES, Miss Ferrey was a typist
In the secretary of state's office.
She graduated from Salem high
chool and attended Capital Busi
ness college. " - "
fashions for the
:hsl! "cites
'.') .....
Betrothal of
Couple Is'
Of Interest to the university
set Is announcement of the en
gagement of Miss Mary Marga
ret LIvesay, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. R. R. LIvesay of Dallas,
and Mr. Paul Jaquith of New
berg. No date has been set for
the wedding.
Miss Iivesay attended Wil
lamette university where she
was . prominent In music. She
was president of Mu Phi Epsi
lon, national music honorary and
soloist with the a capella
choir. Before leaving Salem she
was secretary at the First
Methodist church.
' Mr. Jaquith Is Junior at
Willamette and Is attending the
summer session. He Is a pre
theoldgical student and has been
youth director at the First
Methodist church the past year.
He was president of his fresh
man class and e member of
Kappa Gamma Rho fraternity.
Matrons Feted
At Shower
A shower honoring Mrs. "Wil
bur . Byrd and Mrs. Herbert
Rasmussen was given at the
home of Mrs. Leslie White.
Hostesses were Mrs. Robert
Hoyser and Mrs. James Falk.
The evening was spent making
memory books. At a late hour
refreshments were served.
Those present were Mrs. War
ren Shrake, Mrs. Cecil Snook,
Mrs. Thayer, Mrs. Delbert White,
Mrs. Alvin Isaak, Mrs. Elmer
Amundsen, Mrs. Robert Morrow,
Mrs. Walter ' Edwards, Mrs.
Willard Pederson, Mrs. Robert
Hoyser, Mrs. Leslie White, Miss
Beverly White and Mrs. James
Falk. K:
Return to Salem
Welcomed back to the capital
city are Dr. and Mrs. Charles
Campbell and their three chil
dren, Timothy, Mary Ellen and
Catherine. Mrs. Campbell and
the children moved into their
home on . Virginia street last
week and Dr. Campbell Joined
them on Tuesday. The Camp
bells have been In California and
Denver since he entered the ar
my two years ago. He recently
received a medical discharge.
Miss Patricia Vaadeneynde
and Mrs. Robert Napier left
Thursday for Fort Stevens to
spend several days as the guests
of Captain and Mrs. J. P. Napier.
Saturday night they will attend
a dinner dance at the officers'
club. . '
nc TT Pm
103 IJo tCZinerClZl
50C end 1.00
Cera Bendy
Hundreds of people are tak
tag advantage of our offer
te remove corns.
able steps Oe aeke aad
seeeaess, the trst azSsa-
' 25o
Laneness ef tlie Hck, t;r
stiif tmisd$ soay all te C '
saSasassBaaSaasassaeaasasn . " -? j f if
a v'"t - arr. a. s
C7 t to year
ILlzzy tubes tzijil r
rll cf trnecessary wwvJ
Tfio mm
ill i
Enftewood Woman's club, trtfk s
i Mrs. C K. Siocmund. M Car '
den road, annual plcnla. Xatnck,
at 1:30 pjn. v i
-Woman's fiellef Corps. YMCA,
1 pm. f : i i
Credit Women ; j
Entertained! j
, I - , I 1 '
1 Mrs. Lome Lucas entertained
22 members and guests of the
Salem Credit Women's Break
fast club at her home Tuesday
night with a plcnla supper. Bee
ale Kayser presided at the
meeting.! Dinner was served la
the garden with welner roasting
at the large fireplace. The pic
nic table was covered with white
linen doth with, centerpiece of
blue hydrangeas;
Special guests were: Mrs. Vel
ma Strain Waltz, first president
of the club; Mrs. Victory Strain
Fiiinegan, and small daughter,
Nikki; Miss Velma Alexander,
Mrs. Bette Ouderkirk and Mrs.
Christine BeU. i ; ' - ,
Members present were Mrs.'
Louise Jones,' Mrs. Alta Meyers,
Mrs. Helen Benner, Mrs. Doro
thy Walker, Mrs. Dorothy Hill,
Mrs. Nettie Fields, Misses Lillian
Kayser, Hazel Roenfcke, Hazel
Swift, Jean : Nieswander, Etta
Sutter, Katherine Remple, Lena
Blum, Bessie Kayser, Mrs. Else
Allen, MrsT Lorna Lucas, the
hostess, and her husband, ;Mr.
Lucas, f j ; - J,
The next regular meeting will
be Tuesday night, August 131, at
the home of Miss Lena Blum! for
a picnic supper. I I
! r i f. i
GERVAIS Daniel Francis
Bonn, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
Bonn of Gervais, and Miss Elea
nor Irene Dasch, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs Charles Dasch of Port
land, were married Saturday
morning, July 29, at Zmaculate
Heart church in mat city, Rev,
Father Black officiating.
The bride entered the church
with her father and took . her
place before an altar decorated
with gladioluses, i She wore a
white satin dress with train, a
finger-tip veil with embroidered
edge, end e cap with wreath of
orange blossoms. She carried a
bouquet of rosebuds,' bouvardla -end
an! orchid, with ribbon
streamers. j I
Her honor maid was her
younger sister, Miss Helen Dasch,
who wore a light blue sheer for
mal and carried pink gladioluses.
Paul Bonn was his brother's best
man. Following ; the 1 wedding
ceremony e dinner was served
at the home of the bride's parents
for about 75 guests. Mr. and
Mrs. :Bonn left that afternoon
for a honeymoon trip at Ithe
coast After August 10 they will
be at home In Portland where
Mr. Bonn Is engaged in carpentry
work with his father. I f
For going away the bride wore
a dark blue dress with rose col- "
ored trim, and jte-colored ac
cessories and a dark coat Her
corsage was gladioluses and rose
buds. ... h : k I .
The Original "YELLOW FRONT"
Sale Agents far renslar Remedies for Mariea Coanty
pmv;. mij tqoo ioia ;
HUs Is the official Fesslsr Cemedy Store for Utrfoa
eotaty. Yoa wi3 find these ssrsUcss cf IJfbest quali
ty and guaranteed to be exactly for what they are fold
ana represeniea 10 be. 1
DDPTDI1ED? S:d Czr d Trca
Battles mSi Yea
Wasi, Eajey tboHarh
f f f ' - f ;
' .- pana22a - viiii-j ; i
. cnos CLSAIfm ;
x-JU 2.0b -
Mrs; Melville
Is Honor
' Mrs. ' Ralph
Harlan,! l(tr.
Lester Davis, Mrs. O. Futma and"
Mrs. Leon Hansen ; entertained
a' group of friends orortng
Mrs. William Melville with a
bridal shower Wednesday night
at the home of Mrs. Hansen, 160
East MUter street Mrs. MetvCle
was the former IShirley Hunt '
The table was centered With
a bouquet of mk' and white
larkspur wRa (the j pink ! and
white motif being carried; out
through the rooms. The evening
was spent informally, r j
y . The iMde was 4 given j her
gifts by a note tJed to streamers
of : ribbon whlji hung from
umbrellas covered with crepe
paper. Luncheod was Krved at
a late hour. . j s: j
Blddeni were tMesdames Wn
11am Metvffle, jH. . Parton,
Charles Hagemah, Z, J. Roland,
Cliff Redfern, . F. Rlngwald,
A. D. Vanghn, jf. M Hartley, A.
L. Su-ayer, J. P. Stirniman, C
S.-ForbU X. JL Peterson, Irvin
Jefferies,! L. S. Dotten,! DL L.
Nedrow, Wmiam Clare, A. J.
Nixon, Charlie Hunt, Virgil Bol
ton, James Moorman, J Frank
Mfflett, David Furlough, LucHle
Hunt Solon Shlnkle, William
Beard, Wmiam; Hunt Emma
Hale, Elixabeth Kennedy Emma
Delapp, Mabel French, Jenerva
Gross, Willie Boone, Charles
Jones, John VanT OsdaLj Gene
vieve Olson; Chris Free,! Ralph
Harlan, Lester Davis, O. Fuqua,
Misses Marjorie Daveyi Jean
Ringwaldi LorU
Harlan, Wilda
Hunt June Vittont
and Mrs.
Leon Hansen.
Dinner Ifonorsf
Navdl Officer I
i j p
Mr. and Mn Z. A. McEl
vain and! Dr. and Mrs. burton
A, Myers! entertained at !an in
formal buffet supper Wednesday
niffht in honor W tholf
Lieutenant Commander Paul Dry
who has been iisiting at their
nwnes ior several oays. J
A small Krounf of friend wm
Invited to! meet the young naval
officer at, the Myers home on
North J4th street Lt Cmdr.iDry
is temporarily stationed in Port
land. j
Esther Bctird
A Hdstess I
i i
Miss Esther Baird entertained
members of her club Thursday
nignt at ner home on Norm Cot
tage street. A late supper fol
lowed an. evening of contract
bridge. ; j
Mrs. Robert Needham and Mrs.
William Dick wefre special guests.
Members 1 are Mrs. Joseph M.
Devers, jr Mri Lester Carter,
Mrs. Claybourne Dyer, Mrs.! Ro
bert Cannon, Mrs. James Nichol
son, jr, Mrs. Meredith Hugglns,
Miss Maxine McKOlop and Miss
Baird. . j- , j j
W 1 1 1 a an e t tie Shrine, j White
Shrine of Jerusalem members
will hold their annual picnic
at the Blind school Sunday af
ternoon at 230 o'clock. The no
host dinner Willi be followed; by
games and an Informal afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dry will! act
as boats end ijrs. Rex Turner
heads the; committee in charge
of arrangements, , Mi
2 -1 I ' ! I v
Mrs. Albert Dutten anil 'son,
Soger Allen of Portland i-are
visiting a lew days at the; home
of her feusband's parents,
Colonel a4d Mrs! George ii Dut-
Drug and dandy Special
Your pharmacist nasi enlisted bis
siiQ tad experience, la ma all-out
effort U keep Americans stronf
sad nelL Do your part te get fit
cad stay fit. At tne first signs ef
iCness call your physician. Then
bring bis prescription ; to Schae
f er's to be filled accurately and
quicily. Stay well for Victory 1
5 I - r i
Get a bottle of our Deodor
sat today Iti bacraaless to
eipthfat; end Mw. j '
30c i GDc
. , i naa. Tax ;
.. i r
Mrs. Rebert EUaa left Thars
day for Spokane to visit a week
with her brother-in-law and
sister," Mr. . and Mrs. - Earnest
' Henry. She was Joined in Port
land: by her parents, Dr. and
Mrs. W. J. Kerr.
Mrs. Donald Plyskptesi and
her daughters, Sally and Tie
Jean, ' have returned to - their
home In Portland after a stay m
-. Salem with her mother, Mrs.
Arch M. Jerman.
. " . 1 -j
f-""-"si - ; ; , . ; -1
Hosts for
Party .
Dean and Mrs. Walter X. Er-
Ickson will be hosts for a garden
party Saturday night at : their
home on North 21st street In
; compliment to a group of friends.
A dessert sucner will be served
at small tables in the garden.
During the evening the guests
Will play ping pong, cards and
Other games.- j -I
Bidden by me Ericksons are
Dr. and Mrs. G. Herbert Smith,
Dean and Mrs. Chester Luther,
Dean and Mrs. Melvin Gdst Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Fenix, Dr. end
Mrs. Egbert S. Oltver, Dr. end
Mrs. Kenneth McLeod and Mr.
and Mrs. Maurice Brennen.
" Ndcabecs' g Weodenft wffl
hold a picnic on Sunday at the
nome of aCra. : Irene wTit
Route S. The Neighbors and their
friends are Invited, the meal
wiU be at 2 o clock.
Mrs. David G. Wilson ef New
York City has come west to visit
ner mother, Mrs. C E. Ulidge,
zor tne next three months.
The Joshna 8mith auxiliary
sewing club will meet with Mrs.
Rose Hagedom, 1403 Fir street
for a no-host luncheon on Sat
First Congregational church.
mocEssen rnnn-
Book 4 Blue stamp AS through
ami mm vaua jnoeiuuieiy. ,
meat. Burrca. fats cbtkkses:
book Red atJimpa AS Uwouah
w uu uiaexiimeijr.
Book 4 Sugar stamps 3a. 31 and
u two inor nnuggr. a- rinimis urn
rr canning aaly: Sugar tamp 4t
ua zor pounaa. Appiy as tocai
OPA board tor mora. - -
SKOESt Lm Stun tnvaMt
Book a Airplane stamps Noa. I
ana S valid tndellnltely.
-A" Vo. IS valid through Sep
tember 31, S gallons aaca. B 3"
or -v r may o renewed witnin
but ot before IS dar book data
on cover. ;j, :-
Period 4-S eonpons valid thrwigh
September 30. TUl tanks NOW I
Beeords must - be ereaeatad tor
gaaoUna renrwals. special app&ca
Uona, an4 tiro replacement.
Apply at local OPA board for pm
ehaao earufleates.
ORDER MOWI Don't risk shortage
next winter.
rates contooi.
Refer inquiries and complaints to
price clerk at local board.
Cordon Will Return
To Washington Soon
ROSEBURG. Ore. Aug. a -
Notified that all senators had been
recalled to the nation's capital to
consider postwar legislation, Sen.
Guy Cordon (R-Ore.) said today
he would cancel plans for a three
weeks tour of the state. Only en
gagements he wOl fill before fly
ing back to Washington will be
those at Grants Pass. Medford
and Klamath Falls.
Fh:23 S197-S723
For the relief of ttie discom
fort of muscular stiffness and
soreness of T1 n
muscles and eyloUJ;
w and Frtnted
Any or t-exxocure roll -and
1 prist of each
good negatlv 5UC
Large battle 3wC
. . Be Prepared
nooira .
Early spring is the danger
senses for poison oak. Ask
any schoolboy who lies te
Xliy tall in vacant lots. Ee
sure you have a generous sup
ply of this elective meeiy on
hand. It Cats tie wtxi, and
fcowi ' . :
Ulile Twifff
Small lobs .
Now -Save
: i IfS a very simple matter not
to spend money, and to refrain
from buying unnecessary, things
Once one puts the mind to it and
really wants to. It is knowing
. when to draw the line on a non
spending spree that really takes
finesse. ; .
, Keeping up the morale of your
house, making repairs necessary
to stand off deterioration Is real
economy, even though we know
that we must do only what Is
Th man of the bousefonce his .,
clever wife gets his ego going)
could do many of the small re
pairs so necessary to keep the
house from going into disrepair
these years,
. A little paint ere and mere
does wonders to preserve wood
and make the place look spick
and span. And here Is a chance
perhaps to use up. some of the
odds and ends of paint left from ,
the days when a new can of
paint was bought for every oc
casion. In case the quantities are
small, a combining of them might
work out for freshening up cer
tain spots. If possible use up all
the paint that remains in the
basement or garage before buy
ing more.
Small roof repairs are neces
sary frequently and should not
be neglected, for even the small
est leak may prove a financial
catastrophe if plaster Is dampen
ed or good furniture ruined.
Small repairs on plumbing
may easily be undertaken by the
man or woman of the family
without calling a professional.
Leaking faucets, aside from be-
lng annoying, are sometimes the
cause of bigger troubles. Wash
ers can be replaced by the fam
ily handiman or woman who has
a screwdriver and a wrench.
Washers are still available at the
hardware counter, although it
might be wise to check first on
the type and size of washer
needed. I
Cleaning out sink drains may
be merely a matter of putting
commercial preparations down
the drain, but they may also take
more than a mere superficial
cleaning. Before you call the
plumber to clean out sluggish
drains, call at his shop and have
him recommend a chemical to
Today's Menu
Fish, Friday, mat's our us
ual rule, so well have halibut
with a flavorful sauce for to
day's dinner.
Carrot and cabbage Slaw
Broiled halibut with
Horseradish sauce
Buttered yellow wax beans
Baked potatoes
Deep dish peach pie
2 cups cream or evaporated
2 tablespoons butter
2 egg yolks
Vx cup grated horseradish
Boil cream rapidly until re
duced to half, stirring frequent
ly. Beat in butter, then remove
from heat and rapidly stir in
slightly beaten egg yolks. Add
horseradish and stir over heat
without allowing sauce to reach
boiling point Add salt, depend
ing on fish to be served and
taste of diners.
Sears expert
Corse tiere
Gill OLE 8
0 "e 1 1 ane rayaa
my mn4 hmme fastis In.
Mrte. W.iit eixw 44 ta 40 fwcaia.
Nans eater. -
LAR S1X9. Farot trim on
strrfy ecttca batiste 4
I For Fine Fit., mj
iaea front. I-isie tooligg.
Adirstakls waist.
Siztf to It Uudej
color. pedal "
s-TTn tUa wl?fc n
wk tHtmca i a"-. jTI
liJlrij) cr.dCo.
put down the drain then follow
directions. It may save a plum
ber's bU and also may save
serious sink stoppage later.
Drains accumulate grease : and
hair, slowly building up a coat
ing, which eventually .clogs the
pipe completely. . ,
Electric repairs are more seri
ous considerations for the ama
teur, because a miscalculation as
to the way of repairing electric
appliances may either cause
damage to the appliance, to the
house or to the amateur electri
cian. ; Watch out for frayed elec
tric cords and loose connections
in plugs and fixtures. If you
have a talented repairman in the
family, or know enough about
the principles of electric wiring
to undertake the job see that re
pairs are made before the trouble
shows up. !
Bugs that need rebinding, fur
niture that should be smoothed
off on the corners, floors that
need paint or varnish wiU all
deteriorate quickly if left with
out repairs, but take only a few
minutes to fix if caught in time.
So look over your home, check
on the things that need to be
done, and make all necessary re
pairs for those faithful things
that must do at least for the du
raation and perhaps "for six
months after.
Small Increase
In Stoves
Because of a small increase in
the supply of : cooking stoves
available for civilians, rationing
restrictions on these stoves have
been relaxed slightly, Charles B.
MaefleM. district OPA fuel ra
tioning; representative, an
nounced, under a new ruling ef
fective August 5.
. Any person is now eligible for
a certificate provided he has no
other means of cooking, wheth
er or not the stove is to be used
in what is considered "essential''
living or working space, Max
field explained." ,
Maxfield also announced mat
conversion burners for ranges
used in cooking may be obtained
by dealers, distributors and
manufacturers certificate - free
Deduced For Final
There Is sSII a splendid va
riety of coats, salts and dresses
to chooee . front at dearance
prices. Many Items are anilkible
foe year round wear.' Practi
cally most colors and sizes.
! ' -
; , -: tfbri : 'tin. uzics;
Today's Pattern
Nothing so cool under the sun
as a crisp, button back sundress.
Pattern 484T. Slip into the trimly
cut bolero when you "dress-up.'
Pattern 4847 comes In sizes 12,
14, 18, 18, 20; 30, 32, 34, 36, 2S
and 40. Size 18, sundress, takes
2 yards 25-Inch fabric. !
Sand MXTSXtl CSMTS te cotes
Cor tats pattera te Tha .Orefoe
Ktatenman. ,, Pattern Dent. Salctn.
Or. Wrlte platerr 8IB. NAaOE.
Tin CXNTS aaara brtnn our ISM
Anne Adams Spring Pattera Book.
New. aajr-to-aoaka stylas. Vrsa Pat
tern ortntad to book
LONDON-(-In the first six
months of 1844 38 British j chil
dren have been killed and more
than 180 injured through picking
up "live ammunition" as souve
nirs.- . :, . i-..:
on and after August 8. Consum
ers, however, continue to need
ration certificates, Maxfield
pointed oufg as . control at the
consumer end Is stiU necessary
as a means of conserving kero
sene, which is in acutely short
supply . , . " . .
Cjia a CLrrs &ttl