- .If' I ! i Tbm QZZG021 CTATESMAIL SoUm. Oragocu Friday Morning, August 4L 1S14 PAGE TISHTEZI. Foe1 Convemence and Pzofitj p& and! Use Statesman Classified- &dsl Wanted Miscellaneous For Sale Real Estate For Sale Real Estate I Acreage For Sale Farms For Sale Used Cm For Sale Used Cars - For Sale Used Cars ;- .ti i ead We Bay - Furniture - TRADE WITH A FIRM OF JO TEARS REPUTATION OF BUSINESS INTEG RITY IN THE WILLAMETTE VALLEY r HIGHEST FEICES ?AXD rOR USED Pianos Furniture and Appliances -v . . Celt 9149 for appointment - HOGG BROS. DRYER chair and' 2 operator -chain ,foc, beau;ry parlor.. Boat jj, SUweman. SOLDIER 'overseas needs for cash rubber air mattress la good condition. ' GOO IT USED TRICYCLE. 1 N. 20th, . - WANTED: I or 2 used amall floor lamps. Ph. 3354. WANTED: Refrigerator ice. box. Ph. Iwwi . , - WANTED: Good late model electric range. State price. Box 31, Stateaman. Wanted Furniture ' WE MAXE ttour business to pay mora tor good furniture end appliances Bright & Ecklcy 453 Court St ' Phone 1311 h CASH for- used TMjnanere- aaa hold sooda. 419 Ferry- - - " RAT FORGET PH. 7448 Miscellaneous . STOVE partnaad, repairing. Woodry TMkt.. 1909 N. Cummer. Also lawa mow er sharpening aad adjusting, eosuanued. Dental -Plate Repair TWO-HOUR SERVICE Dt MOS1 ! . - CASES ferine er Mall Your Plate lor Reps DR. HARRY SEMLER. DENTIST Adolph Bids Itit Coml Fa 3311 Septic Tanks .Cleaned ' State wide. Guaranteed work. Gaae rite. 842 Edgewater. Pa. 370.. ' STOVE Parte' ftepatrtna, Woodry Auction Market. 1605. N. Summer. For Rent Rooms SLEEPING Toom. 1309 Court SLEEPING rooma. Clean aad com fortable. Cjoee in. 57S (ourt: POOL front sin. rm. US. Sip. porch 33. Very cloaa in. 180 Union. Ph. 9049, ' COOI front aleping room. Bualneaa Cistnct. in -center. SLEEPING room. 754 Ferry. SLEEP, rms. at 966 Canter. Ph. 3006. SLEEPING ROOM. Ph. 4498. Room and Board Vacancy at. 1144 Center. Ph. 3630. BUSINESS man. sin ale. would like room, breakfast dinner, garage, borne Convenience and privileges private family. P. O Bog 384. For Rent Apartments 3 RM. furn. apt., pri. shower, pri. entrance.- Adults. 922. Ph. 22327. NEW mod. fum. 3 rm. apt PH.. bath, lights & water-furnished. Adults,. 390. Ph. 7487. -: ' . . ' RESIDENTIAL St Transient Apt Hotel. 3 rm. Kitchen, & bath. Fum. for home comforts. Daily and weekly ratea. Adults. 4 blka. E. State CapitoL Blk. S. Safeway Store. 1410 Ferry. - APT. for light ' housekeeping, very 'desirable. 635 N. Summer. Also beau tiful modern suburban furnished nome. Ph. 4357. ;- - 2 RM. turn., pri., bath. 1440 Waller. TURN. Apt Adults preferred. 245 S. Cottage. - 2 ROOM Modern furn. Apt 1047 S. Com'l. 2 Apts. with refrig. 460 N. 13th. FURN. ' Apts. 2310 N. 4Ux. For Rent Houses 4 RM. mod. hse.. Adult couple. 923 per mo. Ph. 21193. . -n - - SMALL house., .partly furnished. Adults. Inquire -1425 N. .Winter. Cabins at Neskowin. Ph. 4423 or 3877 For Rent '- SINGER electric' sewing : machines bow available for rent. 142 S. High. ' FREE' Rent , of 3 rm.- hse. in country, free milk 8t lights, to couple in ex change for doing light morning and evening chores. Turn west of Keizer school, follow pavement 2 mi. Rt 3, Box 170C TRAILERS for" renf -Woodry8 Mkt, 1805 N. Summer. PH. 9110. FLOOR SANDER fOT gomery WartL rent Moat- GOOD Used Piaho. H. L. SUM. TRUCKS far rent Van drtva- Me Cuaa ar LavaS. phaaa 608. Wanted'toJRent. 2 BDEM. furn. -hse. Permanent rent- ers. i child,- by Greyhound baa driv ar. Ph. 1893. Roy M. East. - 3 BDRM. hse. ' on small Statesman Box 93. - acreage. LOCAL representative of natl. coa eern wants mod. 3 bdrm. .hse.. uafum. ar partly furn. Will take leaae. Ph. 9202. PERMANENT Salem business man wants a 2 or 3 bdrm. modern unfurn. House, pa. or sais. For Sale Real Estate MOVE Right In this fine North Sa lent home. It s modern and has a possible sub-rental if you wash. It's Slice is 36750. Ask Mrs. .Ellis with , LEO N. CHTLDS, INC. REALTORS 344 SUU .St Ph. 9261 r . . ... ADvcsTxsmo . , : Westierri "XdvefUsing" Representatives Ward-Griffith Company, Inc. San Francisco Eastern Advertlslnf . Represcntatlyes ; ' Wird-Grlfflth Company.' ine. Chicago. Nt YorkDeipt Boston. AOaaU " - Entered at the Postbfffre at Satem Orepoa as Second Closs Uattrr. Paa trshed every morning except Monaav - Basiaesa office 315 'Santa Commer cial street , t KtmsCRTPTION RATES Mail Subscription Rates In Advance: Within Oregon; uatty,.auu suhjt- - a wrtm ftl Cui' 1 veer. MOO Msewhere CO eenta per mo. or 9730 for 1 rear in aovance rwr wpr f - i.j a rear in advance ia Uarioo and as,acent counues. ' MADISON ST. VOW 1 WILL LIKE EVERYTHING ABOUT THIS FINE ENGLISH STYLE HOME. IT CONTAINS 3 BED ROOMS, 1 DOWNSTAIRS. 3 - BATHS. YOU CANT HELP BUT LOVE THE LARGE CHEERFUL- LIVING BOOM WITH ITS GLEAMING OAK1 FLOORS AND OPEN FIREPLACE TO TOAST YOUR TOES AS WELL AS MARS HM ALLOWS . ON LONG WINTER EVENINGS. UP TO DATE KITCHEN WITH NOOK. KOU. KfRETCNS Ac- , VENETIAN BLINDS. OIL HEAT OF COURSE. THE PRICE 13 112.800 TERMS CAN BE - AR RANGED IT DESIRED. , , t v- ".CALL MR. HOLMES WITH i . i SEVER IN REALTY CO. 2 . m N- HIGH STv PH. 4019 POSSESSION NOWM-7 alca Rma. 4 B.R., bath,- baaemenL. furnace, ilre pUcer lota- at- buUt-ma. Garage. 6 bU wal. trees,- lawn - eod-ahrtibe. lot!01MO. 2400 S. CommercUl. 730. Ph. 6TIft. FAIRM0UNT HILL PARADISE 3 room' modern dwelling.' Price 33900. H. P. Grant, Realtor 529 Court St. Phone 6744 3 BDRM. house on 1st floor. Hewd. floors. V. blinds. Wired for range. Basement. -Elect, water beater. Nice lawn. Fish pool. "S4750. Ml. Byrkit With - BURT PICHA. REALTORS 337 N. High' Ph. 3210 BY OWNER: Appro.- SO A. Ketzcr River-Botlenu S rm. h. 90 A. suite able subdtvaaon. Box. 53. Statesman. SffllSK nartlv - unfiaishad. eloae In on paved read, electricity. lfe acrea, sonee timber. 63500. Pre-war furniture for sale also, if desired. Sea RICH L. KEDBANN 167 S. High Phone 9203 A VERY mem 3 bdrm. home on S. KiCh. Hdwd. fiaora. Large L. Km. aad D. Km. Kiacben wnn nooa, ruu Deae ment. Furnace. Dec. water heater. Large lot. A-very good bur at 37000. Mr.' Byrkit -with - BURT PICHA, REALTORS - -33T N. High -. Ph. 10 SMALL home Just outside- of Salem (east) priced at '91600 cash or f 1700 terms. - ': D. A FISH " 477 Court Ph. 6534 .JUST LISTED! Buyer desiring exceptionally well cared for home consisting of 6 modern rooms, beautiful rear yard. East front, located near - Market and 19th for asooo, pleas call for appointment. C H. SANDERS - 231 N. High - S83S FIVE room house & garage: two bed rooms)' wired for range lc hot water. 730 Thompson St 3 RM. JUST VACATED A modern 3 rm. house with attic. Nice basement Fireplace 3r hardwood firs. One blk. off Center St 95250. 91500 Dn. ART MADSETf 13Z0 MAT! SI. Ph. 5580 . THIS beautiful home with excep tional view of the city and mountains. Large: liv. rm., din. rm., beautiful kitchen. 3 large bdrms. dawn and 2 up. double plumbing, hdwd. floors, Venetian blinds throughout, auto, saw dust burner, full basem, dbL gar outdoor fireplace and . patio. $8700. Terms. Ph. 7106. BY 'OWNER: 9 rm. modern house. Full basement. Double garage. Beau tiful shrubs. Also 3 rm. bouse. Both on 2 A. $700093600 cash, balance easy terms. Rt 1. Box 229. BY OWNER: 3 lge. rms.. full bsmt.. furnace, choice location, nice yard. trees & shrubs. 2080 Myrtle. Ph. 2-1935. r ' HERE IT IS A Neat 4-room home in Englewood District -Unusually large shade .and nut trees. The price is only 32400. It's vacant. Call Mrs. Ellis witn LEO N. CHTLDS, INC. REALTORS 344, State St,. ,r Ph. 9281 92675. Combination living 8c dining rma, north. 2 bed rms, nice kitchen & bath, large lot. several trees. 3400 down. 94200. 6 rm. hse. in Richmond Dist rict; basement furnace, large lot, . lots of fruit - - 95206. 5 rm. hse. in East Salem, base ment furnace, fireplace, nice . lot 8c shrubbery. MELVIN . JOHNSON. REALTOR 725 Court St Phone 3723 BRAND NEW ULTRA MODERN 5 rooms 6c dinette, all hardwood fin ished. Basement with large rm. and fireplace. Air conditioned throughout. Beautiful view over city. Lot 80x103. West Side. 910.800. ART MADS EN 1328 STATE ST. 3 Ph. 5580 RNISHED HOME Buyers desiring exceptionally 1 well cared for home, 10 yrs. old. consisting of 6 modern rooms, beautiful rear yard. East front, located near Market and 19th, for 37500, please call for appointment.' C. H. SANDERS 231 N. High - 5838 95750. A food home in South Salem, 4 bdrms. Lge. L. and D. rms. Nice kitchen. Basement. Furnace. Fire place. Large lot Lots of fruit Close to bus ana scnooi. MELVIN JOHNSON, REALTOR 725 Court St.. , Ph. 3723 SUPERIOR ST. home with 9 nice rooms, with unfin. attic, H. W. floors. fireplaee. fuil . bsmt, auto, sawdust heat, Venetian blinds. Only 28,950, SEE UK. UUUDVfm wiut Hawkins & Roberts, Inc. Ph. 4109. Realtors. After 6. Ph. 9713 SMALL house. 210 S. 23rd. Ph. 6502. FOR SALE by owner: 4 rm. house. 92500. Call at 860 S. 20th. 37000. Home on High St. L. Rm. D. Rm.' 3 bdrm. Hdwd. floors. Fireplace. Wired for range. Furnace. Mrs. Huff BURT PICHA. REALTORS 337 N. High - Ph. 3219 35100 burs 6 rms.. bsmt at furnacat dose in, a good buy. - K. A. rORKNER. REALTOR ' 1953 N. Capitol . Tel. 3031 36000. N. rm. plasfd home. Din rm, 3 bedrma. Nice lawn, with fenced ia backyard.- OLSON REEVE 945 S. Com'L Ph., 4590. - Eve. 9536 95500. 3 bdrm home, large living rm dining rm.. utility rm. Wired for range Elect water neater. New paint 4 rm. house on paved alley. Rents for 920 per mo. Both houses in good eonainon. see Mrs. muti witn BURT PICHA. REALTOR 337 N. High" - Ph. 3210 - v -,: fi 'HOUSES , 97500. 9 rm. hse. Burnt auto, oil fur., ldy. trays, wired for range. Dou ble Dlumbinr. On State St - 96000. Older type hse. Close la N HiKh. Good buainesa locatioa. 93SO0. 3 bedrm. home. Large -corner lot. Nice shrubs. Paved St On bus line. $3000. Near Mitchell corners. 4 rm. nearly new hse. Chicken hse. bus service, " -: OLSON at REEVE ' 943 S CdmX 4 Ph. 4590. Eve. 9538 T A.- 3.- bdrm. - hoase. hdwd. floors. fireplace, -bsmt.. furnace; 95000. ' -R, A. FORKNER. REALTOR 1853 N. Capitol TeL 3031 Help. Wanted Blale a 'WANTED AT ONCE' ' STEADY WORK - r ; . ArMechcinic ; Experienced lubrication Man Essential 7ork Top Wages ; STATE . MOTORS, Inc. ..' 349 H. H 9 ROOM HOUSE & 3 LOTS ' Walnut treea. North, front. Bellrae St. 93200. ' ?i ACRE at 9 ROOM home with wat er system, in Auburn district One blk. from bus. Wired for range. Wood cook stove goea with place. $3000. ART MADS EN - 1326 STATE ST. Ph. j:: rf- A O ROOM house north with fiat place. bwd. floors, trash buraea. base ment, furnace, ldy. trays, wired tot range. Garage. 97800. . A 6 room aouse with fireplace,' hwd. floors, basement, Xurnace, -kly. ttays, floored- 4 attic, wired .for 1 range, hot water tank, trash burner. Garage. Im mediate possession. 8S90. 403 Guardian. BWg. - Phone i "BLOCKS SOUTHS BANKS -"Almost -new 6 room taomew- base furnace, fplace. Only f4250. imm.-jwes. KING WOOD HjLlGHTS HOME 3 B. R. mod. home, . baa furnace. ldy. trays, lot 75x150; 3 blocks to bus. This borne must be sold. Price 93500. Terms.. - ' NEAR ENGLEWOOD . SCHOOL 3 B. R. home, wired range, living with fplace. dining, hwd. floors, auto. sawdust' furnaee, water heateT. nice rear- yard, an bus. Price 56150 cash. Imm, Pass. - - i I ' 1 C. H. SANDERS. - 231 2. High -. 5838 :33400 4 Rma. Is ash. - M $31004 ' Rma. But; New enamel fas ranse. Firept 2 lota. Traea,. - 54300 (3 B. Km. Hse.) -All 3 houses ia-West Salem. Winamatte -Raal i- Ute. 172 S. liberty. Ttt. 7113.1 , i ; ! HOMES FOR SALE : Good' I r. modern home with furni ture, gss .automatic heat, full eemeat Iminiit. fireplace, double ' aatags. large lot. Warmaj fruit, paved at N. Setem. PrteaMOV A GOOD VMfcLUK. Flw sasa dmoets with, extra kti'ge living r.'aaad dininsj r., cor; lot. only 9 tuaa, north. S0. You win, like-this home. Just ; ay .walking dajtance fram the city center. .' S. Salem home, 9 rooma; plastered. fireplace, furnace, basement, -garage, paved St., near bus. Price 94750 cash. WORTH THE MONEY. - ' : Near Senior- hign- school.-T rooma, cement basement, double garage, gar den apace, cor. lot, paved ats. race 93000 cash. This will not last long. REAL ESTATE aV FTBE INSURANCE GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. c Ph. 4131 6 RMS. Base, turn. Close in North. 9 xnu. i very Bice. muuu. inciuumj stoves, s - w J 5 Rms. (Small down payt) ssso. Furnished including refrkg. and elec. range 94200.! Late built house. Willam ette Real Estate. 172 S. Liberty: Ph. 7113 A COMPLETELY furnished S room house, hwd.; floors, 'utility room; 3 lots with fruit and a garden uarage, S4mw. P. H. BELL. . &EAJL1AJK 402 Guardian Bldg. t Phone 14896 WE have a rood 2' bdrm. home in West Salem with 2 extra lots for only 84.000, also plenty of fruit & berries. See MR. Goutrwiw wa i . Hawkins & Roberts Inc. Ph. 4108. Realtors. After 6. Ph. 8715 2 B. R. home. hwd. floors, oil fur nace, full base., gar. 2: lots. Close to school it bus. 94750. Terms. C. H. SANDERS - 231 N. High - 5828 8 LOTS for 9600 cash. A. O. Polston, 120 Hansen Ave. i i HOME BARGAINS i ? 95.000 will buy this 4 rm. i modern home, located in the Englewood dist rict Basement, furnace and hardwooa floors. ; 97.600 will buy this S rm. modern home, located in the Englewood dist rict. Double garage, corner lot. nice yard. ' 1 - j f $3,500 will buy this 6 rm. plastered home, located on paved street nesr S. P. depot, diig basement and furnace. Thia home ;'la worth the money, j, lo cated at 1146 Oak St. L 51 ? 38,500 ; wiu buy this 7 rm. moaem home, located near Parrish Jr. High School, large lot with shade trees. This home is worth the money. . Call G. H. Urabenhorst Jr. with GRABENHORST BROS.. Realtors 134 S. Liberty 5t f in. iwi COURT ST. NEAR" STATE HOUSE i.f iiuinff: H,n 'inin. nlumhinv tin MlV -Wfc.. , 1 . Sc down, sawdust furnace. Ideal loca tion. Sickness forces sale, race sow. Terms. ; h i - i . Modern 2 story home 4 blocks North of State House, apartment up at dawn, basement furnace. Revenue 960 ) rno. This property not only a home but win pay 0" on investment, rriw 96250. ? . - C H. SANDERS 231 N. High . 5838 4 ROOM house. 1 B. R. Very clean. Nice lawn.;; See, at 1908. Broadway. szyuu. MTr k'n. tn MMml llv 'rm and il.WM . w m w, . ----- dinette,,' bed m, bath, kitchen,'! gas water heater, garage. " lots. Owner leavings Open for inspection Sun, Aug. 6th.' 2 to: 9 PH. Make me an offer. 137 Senate SU West Salem. 3 RM. 3c garage." Some fruit 91800. For terms call 844 Cottage, u MODERN S room house, basement and furnace. Large corner lot 95000. 1880 N. I Capitol St V KliivH. WrMl , foe ranee. Laandrv traya.' Elec. water heater. Auto.ngas furnace. Air conaiuonea.- nreioa yard. 92980 down, balance 930 month. jots, nun witn - - , i aiivr nrni StAT.TniM . 337 N. Hiah r Ph. 3218 r ---i ;- - " 1 Acreage TEN ACRES FOB SALE i 'Ail blow land, satiable for berry of fruit tree planting., good rd.. electri city available, -drilled weO. ne bldgs. Price 91750.; Liberty district GRABENHORST BROSi, REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St; t .Ph. 4U1 9 ACRES.V C4hard. 3a mL N- E. Salem. Walnuts, cherries snd filberts. On pavement By owner. Ph. 22186. - ,v SECLUDED COUNTRY HOME The one you've been looking i for, wtth view, terrace. 3 B. Rooms, -large maid's room, unfin. attic, auto.' saw dust furnace; sunny kitchen eV dining,, large living room with fireplace. 4 miles city center, 93000. " C H. SANDERS 231 N. High - 5838 PACIFIC HIGHWAY ACREAGE 90 acres with stream, family orchard, about 30 acres af plow land. bat. pas ture U. timber. Aa Ideal location for a country home. No bldgs. Price 36000 cash. i 4. " GRABENHORST BROS, REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St Ph. 4131 Itt ACRE adjoins lake Lablsh. 3 rm. dwelling with electricity and plumb ing. Matured garden goea with place. Price 93300, terms. : See J. Mr BEST with - H. P. Grant, Realtor 529 Court St . Phone 6744 4 RM.' home. S Acres, $3430. with 31409 down, good soil. 15 minutes from downtown. See MR. McMILLTN with Hawkins & Roberts, Inc. Ph. 4108, Realtors. After t. Ph. 11X21 . Help Ranted r- RIale. IGH ST. RM. home & acres 9L500, all la berries 3c fruit trees,' nice income. tk mUes out See MR. McMUXTN with Hawkins & Roberts Inc. Ph. 4108. i Realtors.' After 6,1 Ph. 81F21 13 ACRE BARGAIN! ia acres of rood bearina prunes, bal ance family j fruit and nuta. ( Good 3 rm. home with modern ji plumbing, pump house and chicken house, garage. This place Js in good condition and worth the money. Only 4& miles out ' CalliG. H. Grabanhortt Jr. with GRABENHORST BROS, Realtors 134 S.,Uberty ?L i ... j.Ph. 4131 - i t BARGAIN.' Mi-" W- ' - ' 94256. 9 A. Good small hsa Price Includes furniture, misc. tools and 100 chjekena. il At new atrwberriea; Bam and chicken ihse, i I . fOLBOl ac REEV 945 S. Cem'lf Ph. 4SB0. if Eve. 9336 ! JIUST L0CKI . V 10 A. ot fine land with 1 A. of fil m i. . i , ii I .i ! I ii i mi....i.i.ii.i...i.i. berts 10 years eld. 1 jA. af cherries, baL farm land, mod.) 6. rm. house, has 3 bdrms living rm, dining nn, deluxe kitchen, laundry room, good barn, alsoi bigi chicken house at brooder house. House -has just bean redecorated inside and out. Possession at once and only 36.500. terms. See MR. LARS EN with v, I-.. I :.. i r i ' Hawkini & Roberta, Inc. Ph. 4169 i i v . I i Realtora FILBERT ORCHARD r Va acres af bearln filberts. This orchard 'ife 19 years old. Produced J toaa of filberts last year. 3 miles oat This -is worth the money: Price 96000. Call G. H. Grabenhorst, Jr.. with GRABENRORST BROS, Realters IM B. Liberty 5t. I IPhi. 4U1 1 At aniS. Summer. 6 rm mlhaeT B.1 n bath. l asms.- jont ot mut. S9iee. I - j a A. s nu. sr. s. of Foet Office, good same frees, road on 2 sides. 3300 per A. Terms. t . f i MELVTN JOHNSON. REALTOR. -725 Court- Sti - j Phone 3722 , ,ii , i .... , i 7 ACRES, stack -included.' stay in a'296lf PI '"$ A. with SbdTBt. housed not 8t cold water. frhit and - berries, small barn 3c chicken - house, hoase i completely furnished, alii for $4,250. terms. This place is Close! in oa gravel road. See MR. LAR$ENj with - j Hawkins; &-Roberts, Inc. Ph. 4108 j ! I 1 Realtors ONI acre. Two resinee4. Two story double garag. Just north; of Salem city limits near new aluminum plant. 94000. or trad for auto court and res taurant on coast or on Highway 99. Will peyl difference U any. Ownenr. P. O. Box 482. Salem. Oregon, ACREAGE 4- all cleared j good soil, can be purchased on easy terms. North Aluminum plant. See' ' -RICH L RETMANN I 167 S. High 1 phone 9203 2.2 MI FROM CENTER & COM'L. 6 acres ion Wallace Rd. 4 rm. mod. hse. and l Unfin. rm. Lovely shade trees, aot. garage. 3 geaa chicken hses.. good barn, creek thru pasture. 1 acre ofi IS fyr. R. A. cherry trees. 1 A. peaches, moe 1 vinyard.i Price 95800 with crops. Goad school and bus to Salem Hi. W. M. Stoddard, Box 179. wauace ; sa. pb. zzui. FINK SUBURBAN HOME 95500. i A.i Fine English type hse. L.R., D.R, Ki 3 bedrma. down & 3 up. Hwd. jflrsj Auto. oU fur. Close to Main Hwy. & bus. 2 mi. i from city in mis. i I ; n i - iOLSON & REEVE ! 943 S. ConVL I Ph. 4590. ft Eve. 9538 For $ale Farms "mo 21 ACRES, riodern house, larse barn. poultry eeuipment for 600 u hens. hav. stock and; nev 4r actor on rubber, far- ntture. tools, (wood and $ immediate pass. "Located bonting : new I99W High way Vs mile south of : Monmouth. Ex cellent soil. See owner, Stanley Mc- boy, at iaxm.1 9 i t r Card a Rates In thia directory rsm monthly' bails only. SU5 per per month Aecotmtmg 1 1 BOOKS j kept, operating statements and tax reports prepared. Systems in stalled. Farrist L, Morton, Rt 3, Box 871. Ph. -. Airplane Models Irpla KITS and SUPPLIES. Cherry City Model Aircraft, 21at at Market f ' - Art Tde BATH; Room, drain board; fireals or store fronts Ph. 952L i t it . Auto Brakef HERRAtL-QWENS CO 233 S !ConV) Mike Paneki 27a S. ComT Ph 8183 Brake and wheel aligning .spertafhd Auto ana Track Service BTORAtL-C WENS CO, 233 S Coal 1 Bicycles BICYCLES . New aad recondirJoned Harry W iScatL HI tUmd .P. 43.6 Body S& fender Repairs rTERRALL-CjWEKS CO, 233 8 Caml ' Cement Contracting v CEMENT contracting. "Cif Bj EUiS. Ph. 407L i -,s; -. , - !' Chimney Sweep Worth ntts Chimney aweep Rn 4499 FertilLrer Sack, yird, ioad. loose, 960 fj Caenl r i ; ; ', orists ' ! "I Brcfthaupta I 447 Coort 9199 S Hosiery Real Silk Hery Mills Ph 9701 Mrs. Moseley. PO Baa TS3 -. Implement Sharpening ; : Discs and disc plows machine sharpened- 8 mt Wu aa Dallaa Hi way. LawnnioWer Sharpening niAAArrrixo : WORK ' l u speekd hwtwyfaidera; by1 Harry W. Scot -The Cycle Man", 147 a Commercial Si. (Gifts THE Af RON Shop 671 ft Hitn Slusie Lessons SPANISH at Bewflaa Guitar. Mande ttn. Banjo, etcj-1533 Court. Ph. 7569., Painting & ': Papeifenging .EXPERT Workmanship, phone 423. BROADACRES ' 209 Acres, Hops. Seed as Stock condition, aa excellent crop showing now, 2 tunnel dryer, goad barn. 9 rm. house, modern except heat plenty ot other bides- state nf nmHiii.tinn (mjwmm l. - awn sou u own 317,000, Total price 835.000310.000 will uwi,r act auK ncmiLun win - Hawkins & Roberts. Inc. Ph. 4109. Realtors After , Ph. 81F21 ' ' - CLOSE IN FARM HOME X aaPTM waHtHlfft Ana . tJavil aaJsVa. Umits cm pawd Tm& TeUniiy fniit, city aaMiawl1 tmri iwtwam mm sa - - - - plastered home with basement, large warn ana outer outouiiaings. a real place to keep your saddle horses, ' - srTgtlr atl T " neuviMIVIIW a X WithGRABENHOBST BROS, Realtors Of Soil familv enrita mwA t... i.. mi crop land, well improved,, on edge of god city, 30 minutes from Salem, See MR. . McMUUN with . Hawkins & Roberts, Inc. Pit 4108. Realtors. After O.VPh. 31F21 IU1 A . all tmrlsn V-tlkSaW r1r.aia Vk CealVawa West. Price 33009, Trade tor Salem. ; , 62 Acres, 16 A. prunes. 46 A. good timber, small ' house, 20 mi. Salem. Price- 93500. - . ; -. .. - .. , , S7 A. SA ittul., nUM 4e A 4w.W at- creek. U miles East Price 96000. V. a. OAnusocs - i ti. High - 9833 Suburban , , . TOQArS SPECIAL Modern inlimiiaii knm. inmtmA sr pf town. Containing acres ground! nesr or sou. a. room modern home with garage. Thia is a bargain. Price aowe. - m - Call C W ripaKMtutM4 T. .- with GRABENHORST BROS, Realtors A DANTTV T.TTTT.S! (mnmiu ONI ATttr MMlUlt w4. mmt clean; 4-room house with t bath and utUity ream; oak floors in living ream: 2 bed nMnusvMflM kiw, garage attached. Lots of shrubs, young iruu ana anaae trees, uooa garaen. House only 5 years old. Price 94500. Call Mr.. Voorheesx wiyt i-tu w. CHILUS, INC REALTORS 344 State St? Ph. 9261 Wanted Real Estate WANT houaa Wlto , tm 1m hse. 94000 to $8000. WUlimette Btal """ ii o. uoerxy, tti. 7113. 2 or 3 bdrm. home In W. Salon, for cash Call MR. GOODWIN with Hawkins ,& Roberts, Inc. Ph. 4108;-. Realtors. After 8. Ph. 8715 WE need listings on Salem homes. If you expect to seU now is the time. D. A. FISH 477 Court Ph. 6524 RESPONSIBLE party will" rent care for or buy for cash Salem res. 5-7 roooms. 33000 to 35000. 730 N. 15. Ph. 3817. NOTICE: IF your property is for sale, rent or exchange, list it with us. We have all kinds cash buyers. STATE FINANCE CO, REALTORS 213 Guardian Bldg. SALES SERVICE WE HAVE INQUIRIES FOR CITY St SUBURBAN HOMES. APARTMENT HOUSES MERCANTILE BLDGS . BUNGALOW COURTS IF YOU WISH TO SELL. CALL SEVERIN REALTY CO. YOU WILL RECEIVE PROMPT COURTEOUS SALES SERVICE SEVERIN REALTY CO. V Senator Hotel Bldg. Ph 4016 . Severin Listed is Severin Sold. Business Opportunities 'FOR' Quick safe because of boot health: 3 furn court apts. and service station income ssio per mo. Contaf n v ixnirt St or pn 6150 Directory Painting , BBBaBlavlaMBBaaaBaaBBBma Brush 8c spray Painting. Ph. 22795. PAINTING at Decorating. Ph 7552 Spray painting contractor. Ph. 4248 Plumbing FTai-v-tp If D : Di..MKi.. rtu4 -aitwu r luuiuuit; ainu news ing, repair work. Ph. 8341 935 Spruce St BY LICENSED ; MECHANICS. John risner. i. 3019. 535 S. 18th, A L. SKZWIS 'it CO. Plumbing HeaUng. 646 . High. Ph. 8223. - BO WEN BROS, Plumbing and Heat Ing: 355 N. Com'l Ph 7215. Printing FOR STATIONERY, cards, pamphlets programs books or any kind of print ing, call .The Statesman Printing De partment 319 S Commercial Tale phone 9161. j Mattresses CAPITOL BEDDING CO : Phone 40C9 ' ' Sand arid 'Gravel 1 4 SANTA, gravel. Crushed rock, ready mixed tonciKt. Walling Sand and GraveL.Ph- nasi .;v ? - Septic Tanks Cleaned GET 'my prices before Jtavfaig work done. Ph. 4450. Permanent resident of W. Salem. Kenaeth Hamel. 1143 8th St Shoe Repairing Stubblefield Shoe Repafrmg. 362 State. Shoes shined. caeaaed at dyed. Transfer U-DRTVE -I TRUCKS FOR REN1 Blankets furn 197 8 Liberty Ph 906? -TO LOCAL OH DISTANT traafcf store ee. burner aQ. -eeiqueta rrocka to PorUand daily. Agent Pierce. Auto Ireight Including Calif polntg Larner Transfer Ce Ph SUL v-.. Upholstery Cleaning - RUGS, aad aphoL eleaaad. Ph 6831 Vacarnm Cleaner Service ClRTll.ua GUAR : serv. ? Ail , makes Vlnce a Electric. 131 S. Lib. Tet 60S2 FREE tnmecttoa ia your home. - Am thortzed Hoover service We service-all makes cleaners Hogs Bros Ph S14T Watch St CLock Repairing Decker. Taylor's -camp. State Street Window J Cleaning City window cleaners P 21459 Floors walla, woodwork, Work guaranteed, j ALL work guaranteed." Windows walla, woodwork eieaned rioors waxed Insured workmen Professional Cleaa tag Service 3 4457. SEE SAM ;prfeSellirig : jour Gar TOP PRICES AID FOR '.' LIMITED NUMBER FOR SALE -' 1941 Hudson- Sedan 1941 Hndsora Sedan 1939 Ford fiS Sedan " 1940 Mercury 2-dr. 1938 Buick Coupe - 1940 Ford 4.;ass. Coup; AT Sam's Motor Co. 455 tiemekef a St. pposlte-Down Town Fire Dept. v . Phone 7917 . - .; ft "YOU - WILL ALWAYS FIND. A BETTER; CAR . - - 4' - -'. ' Tl - and " r w -.: . MAKE A BETTER ? r DEAL" . L0DERBR0S. 443 Center St Phone 6131 "Our 16th Year m Salem. Oregon" "Oldsmobila Sales and Service'' Home of Good Used Cars', j Wanted Used Cars! Do You Know that you can sell your automobile to us for as much as to a private " party? h See j us before you sell WE HAVE A NICE STOCK OF USED CARS TO CHOOSE FROM OTTO J.W1LS0N COMPANY 388 N. COMMERCIAL PH. S451 WANTED GOOD USED CARS . WE PAY TOP.. ) t CASH PRICES. ' - Guy McHone Harold & Gordon 280 N. Church St Across from State Theatre W PAY TOPS! Get every dime vour ear ts worth Cash on the Barrel-Head "C" SHROCK. SALEM'S oldest udependent used cai . dealer N E Corner Church at Chem Ph 793k For Sale Wood FRESH sawdust buy now. 33.75 unit spec, price for quantity. Ph. 663. 18" SLAB wood and edgings. 2 cord toad 14V Ph. 6683. ATTENTION I Buy millwood. cheap est no splitting. Over 3 cord 916.50. Also dry slab, prune and oak wood. Ph. 6663. SPECIAL FOR 30 DAYS ONLY 1 load dry wood. 98.50; 2 loads. 918. HOLLYWOOD FUEL CO. Ph. 3731 ' MILLWOOD for kitchen stoves heaters. 96-50 single load. Oregon ruel Co. Ph. 9533. j-r-i i nj UTiin a i qtrrwfVi r-s-ai-ar-iaMOi - -- FOR Dry Wood can Hollywood Fuel Co, Ph. 3731. i . f - " WOOD. ' Order new. 16 green slab and edgings. Approx. 2 cords or more to wad. 914 a loaa. rn. m as, uaai. Ore. Write Paul Anderson, 719 Jef ferson St, Dallaa. f GREEN aid growth 19 ta prompt delivery Phone 6444. FRESH cat sawdust 4 ft green slab Part dry and green :miUwqod. 7721 or 8862., .1. U . - : s'.;;- s.-- . Wood Sawing Wood sawing, Ph, 22483. Rt 4. Bx. 42. Lost arid Found . LOST: Large buggy wheel between Wooden Shoe and Jason Lee Church. Needed badly, 1097 Jefferson. LOST: Billfold. Please return bill fold, papers. Keep currency. Clyde C Byrd. t, Depot caia. : WILL party who picked up Alice- C Miliar purse on state at oua auiy. ia. AIL keep money but return purse and all contents No . questions asked. Ph. 3-4090. ,. ; ' . LOST: Lady's white gold Elgin wrist watch, aewaro. cau tus. Personal SONG POEMS WANTED. Tea send the wards. I'll compose the masie. Free examinayon.-Hiot Wright, Box 3861-i. Portland, ucrgon. - 'Transportation GOING to Billings. Mont. Aug. 12. Who wants ta aela drive. Good car. References exchanged. Tom Ryan, Rt U Box a, srooka, Oregon, : -DRIVING to Okla. via SaH Lake & Denver, about . Aw. 11. yimiM Uke woman passenger. . Eac rati Box 82. Sutesman. 3 GIRLS want ride to Missouri. Share expenses. Ph, 9709 or call at tyi N. Com i. Apt a. Casinesa Opportamties 2-APT.-hoijw. rum. Good location. 32504, Ph. 6789 or 9411. UNBEATABLE 'BUYS ' 41 Ford Super De Luxe 4-dr. Sedan - . . t - J 42 Plymouth De Luxe Coupe ; ; 1 ; ' ; ,41 Mercnry 5-passenger Coupe p I RADIO. HEATER. OVERDRIVE 8s LOTS OF OTHER EXTRAS. 19&ord. !"-... j 1955-" Ford Convertible' Coupe. " . ' t a you a uru uuur ocuau 4 4 i?35 Plymouth Sportl Coupe, '' RuniblSet lyib Chevrolet z-door-oedan k 1932 Plymouth Sedarx. fi93i Chevrolet 21oor Sedan 1930 Model A Sedan 1935 Ford Pickup ; 1939 White Delivery Track RAY HIATT & - j Siznal Oil : 7 , - ; j : 295 No. liberty . Salem, Oregon The Weather is is Good at a G. SHROCK'S 1941 Ford De Luxe Coupe 1940 Ford De Luxe Sedan, Radio, and Heaters 1940 DeSoto 4Door Sedan ' 1939 ' Mercury 4-Door Sedan - 1938 DeSoto Town Sedan - 1938 -Studebaker Sedan, line car 1938 Ford De Luxe 4-Door Sedan I Two 1940 , Willys 4-Door Sedans 1937 LaSalle Sedan, fine car . " 1931 Ford School Bus, 26-passenger capacity. Very low mileage, good condition. ' . , 1 J " And Several Other Lower Priced Cars i $ -. i cirnrv rvr.nwsT SALES YARDS (2) CORNERS CHURCH AND jCHEMEICJ-T.HONE 7923 EXPERT REPAIRING AT GARAGE, 353 NO. HIGIL-PHONE 6603 ;oynes Used Car Lots ALWAYS THE BIGGEST SELECTION OF .USED CARS IN www LEBANON and SALEM S57 Main St. k 440 Center St. EF YOU DONTi SEE WHAT YOU wiNT-tSK FOR IT WE HAVE IT THIS WEEK WE HAVE THE FOL LOWING FROM WHICH TO CHOOSE: 1936 Dodge ' Tudor $ 540 1936 Ford! Tudor 465 1936 Ford) Tudor. 480 1935 Chevrolet Tudor Master 495 1935 Chevrolet Tudor Std .. 365 1935 Olds ! f Tudor 6 455 WARRANTED CARS 1941 Pontiac Torpedo 8 . .$1481 1941 Ford Super Club Coupe .1275 1941 Ford Super Tudor ,1191 1941 Ford i r -. Super Fordor 1294 1938 Ford jStandard, , Tudor -.V 650 1941 Buick Sedanette 1575 1941 Buick , Fordor 1681 1940 Bpiclc Super 1463 1940 Buick : . -Special 1331 1941 Merairy "Qub Coupe 1438 L1942 DeSoto Conv. - - - (Priority Needed) . BURGOYNE Motor Co. Salem, Oregon - - " ; Lebanon. Oregon- " $$$,GASH$$$ -LATE; MODEL CARS JfN AVERAGE CONDITION OPA CEILING PRICES HERRALL-OWENS . COMPANY 233 S, Commercial St ours 1 i ! .ia i -ft - I - -1 JACK EVERSON Products - . V : Phv740f Fine, and Busi smess ; nr .-.af 4 n i I .t r'n . 4 AVE AT HROCK'S TTSVT rAR DEALER T.,''l .jr..f - f. VI . 1941 Chrysler Windsor, : Sedan 1941 Chrysler Windsor Convertible 1940 Nash Ambassador Sedan -- - - 1940 Ford Standard1 a.-.( x 85 Sedan . ' 1940 Ford Deluxe Sedan -.-1940 Packard 120 ' Sedan - - ' ; 1940 Mercury 1 Sedan 1939 Dodge Tudor 1 1939,Ford 60 Coupe 1 1 1 1940 Pontiac Convertible 1939 Mercury - Conver- - - tible ;- - i 1939. Lincoln Zephyr . Convertible . vt 1936 DeSoto Convertible 1939 Buick Special '! Sedan : 1939 Buick Special i ja . J Club Coupe , ' i- . -'h -' most of the .above cars have radios and heaters - ,..' . . - .. ... . - YES WE BUY CARS.: v ORVAL'S tt :t.; . a ..USED GARS Center at . Church Wi Phone 4702 -4 ; we buy : i t Eli-;; Good Used Car. tt . -i.s i ., U REAL VALUES BimRALL-QWErd ch -c' r3' ComXPhene 3169 MODEL A 1931 Feed . Sedan, feed tirea, motor la. good coed, 9123039 . N. Com'L : . .. . l : ... - 34 OLDS 2 door, go conditio. 1350 K. ComX Ph. 3309. '--. I - FOR SALE: 1937 Ford deluxe coupe. Rt 6. Box 58a. Harvey ,Mclroy. Jr. E. Bear Auburn school. ' Pacific Ledje Na.' 66. AT. & A .ml r. c. uegree, fnoay. August 4th, 7 PJ4. M h: "11: