The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 23, 1944, Page 18, Image 18

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The OSEGOH STATESMAN. Salem, Oregon. Sunday Morning. July 23, 1344.
Week's Health
Slate Listed -
- Clinics scheduled at the Marion
county department of health this
week are as follows: ' ? U
Monday 1:30 to 3:30, milk and
food handler's clinic. i
Tuesday- 2:30, mother's class at
YWCA. Subject will be "Bath and
Formula , Preparation." 4
. Wednesday 10 to 12 and 1 to
3, pre-school conferences, vaccin-
- ations, immunizations and tuber
culin tests at Idanha. . .
Thursday 10 to 11, infant clin
ic at the health department I ..
. Saturday to 11:30,. vaccina
tions and immunizations at health
department - r"
Umatilla Woman Holds
Unique Distinction
PENDLETON. J u 1 y 22-JP)-Mrs.
Eva IN. Shold, elected as
Umatilla's central democratic
committee chairman last night, is
the second woman ever to hold
that position in this county.
- She has been prominent in
democratic activities for the last
eiht years. She served as na
tional c committeewoman for the
Oregon Young Democrats in 1936
and in the same year was a dele
gate from the second Oregon dis
trict to the national convention.'
Girls Given Wardrobel Advice
By Textile Company Specialist
," Putting into vise whtre possible all discarded clothes practical
for making over into usable garments for .all family members
will help greatly to overcome the textile shortage, 'according to
Joan Frye, clothing specialist with the Spool Cotton company,
during a demonstration meeting for 4H Clothing andiHomemak
ing leaders and members in Salem. '- j
; By keeping clothes in good repair, storing and hanging properly,
and making a clothing chart of
needed . garments for proper en
sembles before any purchases are
made will aid, not only the cloth
ing conservation program' but the
person's own budget ."'
' How to make over old garments
ino modern styles and men's suits
into smart skirts. Jackets, and hats
was demonstrated by Miss Frye.
' Suggestions for keeping clothing
note books and more complete re
cords of projects by the club mem
bers was an important feature of
the meetings
An explanation of the National
Clothing Achievement contest
sponsored by the Spool Cotton
company, was given by , Helen
Cowgill, assistant state club lead
er. All clothing club members 14
years old and with three years of
club work are urged., to fill out
standard forms at once in order to
take advantage of the fine train
ing and awards offered by this
state and national contest Report
blanks 'are obtainable for - club
members at the county club of
fice. . i ; 1 ' i
Richardson Gap Pupils'
To Attend Scid; School
' SCIO Richardsort Cap, "district
No. 9, southeast of Scio will send
grade school pupils to' Scio for the
1944-45 term, according to state
ment of the respective clerks this
week. The students vill come to
town on the Shindler district No.
83, bus, which has brought pupils
to Scio from that locality five
miles east of Scio for several years.
Bilyeu Den district No). 22, has not
decided about transporting pupils
to Scio. " ;. j
. r -
O Regardless of the fact yon
are now wearing Glasses,
regular Eye Examination Is
recommended. The eyes
are constantly changing,
which fact often necessi
tates the prescribing of
different lenses. Don't take
chances . . . check both
your eyes and glasses
Right Now. You are wel
come to take advantage
of. our FREE Optical Exam
ination anytime at your
' War Bonds
Cover ALL Fronts
. . Put your DolUt
im the figM
Traffic' Court
Meet Slated
Improved procedures for handl
ing traffic court cases in Oregon
will be stressed! at the second an
nual Oregon state traffic jcourts
conference to be held iri Portland
Thursday," Secretary of State Ro-
Den o. i arreu, jr, announced here
Saturday. J . I j i
Attending the conference will
be city officials,5 court officials and
others interested in- improving
traffic court procedure.
The conference Is sponsored by
the Oregon Stab Bar "association:
Multnomah Barf association, j j unior
conference of the American'- Bar
association,-Portland traffic: safety
commission Oregon : Safety aiso
ciation and safety division of the
secretary of state's of ficfe.
Starts oii Beans!
ALBANY, July 22 H- Canning
of beans , was started at the Al
bany Canneryi Thursday. It
expected 15,000 cases
of No.
cans will be processed. The plant
1; handicapped in the bean pro
cessing as certain machinery; for
thsi - worki' has not .; arrived j yet
om the east..' ;. i jj " '
So far this season the cannery
has made a good run on spinach,
strawberries, logan,! and rasp
berries and in addition had put up
several hundred ! barrels of both
Royal Ann. and pie cherries, j V ;
Verland Ernston, . manager, has
all the help be needs,; just now but
when the tomatoes are rip land
the crop-starts arriving at least
100 more women . will be ' needed
he said. ' - - - ; k - - - -
if' ' ! L k:
Albany Prcsbytcriah
Minister Gts New Post
i ALBANY. July 22 Rev. J. . O.
McDonald, who has been pastor of
ibe United Presbyterian church in
this city, for six-years, is leaving
the first of the week for Wilming
ton, Del, where .he will take
charge of a suburban mission
field. . ' !
1 1 Rev. and iJrs, McDonald came
to Albany from Tacoma. Wash,
and were originally ! from Penn-
is syivania. ; ,:
10 1 1 No successor has been named.
Stateyehicle ;
Total Jumps
Motor vehicle registration In
Oregon totaled 400,482 vehicles at
the- end of June, this year, as
against 395,00t for the same period
in 1S43, Secretary of State Ro
bert S. Farrell, jr, announced SaU
urday. j v
This represents an increase of
slightly over on w cent4 ' j
Passenger , vehicles numbered
520,883" compared , to i 318.008 a
year; busses 1160 against 1068, and
trucks-41,968 against 39,650. . s
Registration fees, for -t, the six
months period amounted to $3r
-142.011.6a compared to fees to
taling $269,633X4 a year ago.
Officer, Succumbs
ALBANY, July 22 - Funeral
services for . Mrs. Sadie f Levina
Johnson Chandler,' 51,- woo died
in the Good Samaritan hospital in
Portland Wednesday, were held
Friday. Rev. Frank S. Hannigan,
of SL Peter's Episcopal church,
was in charge. Burial was in the
Masonic cemetery. Mrs. Chan
dler was the wife of City Officer
Raleigh L. Chandler. -
She was born in Chicago, HU
September 13, 1892. She lived later
In Iowa, New Mexico and Georgia
where she was married to Ral
eigh L. Chandler. ,
Mr. and Jars. Chandler first
came to Oregon -in 1920, leaving
shortly afterwards for California
but returning' to Oregon again in
1922, sinch which time they have
made their home in Albany.
Surviving- besides the widower
are a son, Robert Edward of Port
land, and a 'daughter- Dorothy
Helen at home, two grandchildren.
Dorothy: . Lonette, . and. Barbara
Dannette Chandler of Portland,
and two sisters, Mrs. ; Dorothy
Hayes of Zig Zag, and Mrs. Helen
Hiver of Eugene- .
BOISE. ; Idaho - UP) - When big
gat : pnitp!" 'were slow in moy
ins from winter range to upland
areas, the Idaho fish and game
department dropped blocks of salt
by plane in strategic locations, en-
ticirg the deer and elk to- move
along. -
Upstream Fish Traf fic
Increase at Bonnexille
- .... - . . .7
ASTORIA," July 22-itfVTabu.
lation at the Bonneville fish lad
der - showed ' increased . upstream
fish traffic, the state fish commis-s
sion said today.- There were 9100 :
fish counted in the week, of July
9 to 15, the report said.
Unitcnl Seamen's Head
Inspects st Portland ,
r PORTLAND, July 22-(ff)-Fa-
cilities of j the- United- Seamen's
Service were surveyed here today
by William W. Newell, Maine
shipbuilder," who succeeded Henry
J; Kaiser-as president of the ee-
vice.': ' r ;'" 1 -: -; ' -
K , - --. .
t-j-'V- ... , . .
. KEARNS, Utah-ff)-in v peace
time' CpL Vance S. Peterson and
Pvt. - Wallace H.j Johnson were
meat cutters in competitive mar
kets a few doors apart In Minne
apolis. Now they're cutting meat
side by side at the post commis
sary at the Kearns overseas re
placement depot. ; ; . r .
No Advance
1ST -
Dr. StmUft Optical Department
brings 'you the 1 competent and
tonscientiout services of the foU
lowing Registered Optometrists:
is Ckrf
I Dr. M. J. KaBy.
I Dr. W. . Tnck.
i Dr. fa4 E. ChetaWn.
; Dr. Wa. L. Snfcwrra.
Dr. HorM S. Klr, ,
Dr. M. terlea.
Cosm la and dioos from as os
sortneat of ts latest style?
frames aad accessories. Eajoy
lottcr Ylslosi with tb Maxlasam
la Stylo and Comfort;, No ox-.
travaganc . . . wt offer a eoss
pkto optomotrlcal servko ' at
prices wrtklsy yoar moaas. i
O All
It Mat BWN t
IMS m Mr LaWrel Cradit
Owly SflMal Ovwa y
mwmt , . Pwf 1U la Swil
V ."-vs" 'i 1
7j.-. . -.. ' - "X? "': '-
- I is -
' o)
A Million Times A Day
WE, Say Thank You!
4 V
fuaxx. We daok thesa lot oaaiag to
ts for vhat dter oecdL Wt dumk tbem for not hMT
', jog dungs dtry doat acrd. tot their wHcerr-T
"good-will, sod fneadliattt k team and troubled
ants, wt-thank theo. A Bullioa omcs a otyt
Cleverly Placed Strips!
O Mid-Summer Card&nl Flowers!
O Clear
O Extrd
Our co
Cool to wear, easy to washi no
problem to iron, sluborn enough to
' take lots of ivear!
. : .......
-Cut Tai
Long-zvearing Fabrics!
ored Frocks!
every Woman yrh6 sees!
:lon shop is Just jbrfaimlncj with these j
inspired frock? and they'll delight j
them. A whole bevy 1
it . i
bf styles Nevr ones and lots of old fav
orites mcludinp 6hirrwlaiters and tailored
Jrypesl jFine cpttdns thatl look pretty-Jon
the : strl
st as
well as brighten your life
Sizes 12-20-3:
k to 44
71 t
1 I II- - 7
Theselare so practical for on and off
duty iCew! i
i.i.r i
In I
i 11
m k
1114 V
w mm
' AY
mm mw
i j sj
I :i -Mt 11 1
i- m.
. i a i
It U? ' ' A launaeraesi,na
Easy-To-J7car Glen . Bow Frocks!
A mite of cr price for such long wearing; style! Easy-to-
launder designs In papular button, front, j shirtwaist and
keep you pretty at home or away. Sizes -
. Jesa lie 3ra Uasiailc Casad Styles! -:
Geverly designed to do mosffor you at home or about
town. Tailored t shirtwaist or coat designs, dainty prin
cess styles' in color fast printsl Sizes 9 o 44. f
1 "A V - " ' ' - , v----. ... . i , i , - ' i :
g G3r.:r.icnsnnE.
HOURS: 8:30 am 19 5.30
U ill! ilii
Saturday 830 MM to 1 F only