Th OSSGOH STATEStlAII, Salem Oxygon, Sunday Morning. July 23. 1S44. PAGE SEVEZITECT Fo Convenience z and , Profit! 3Reaci and liSs& Statesman Classified . , . , . ......... ..." . 1 For Sale Sliscellaneonr . For Rent Rooms P1Pnat of saw filing SLEEP, rm. Close to CapitoL Board and lawn mower business of the estate tf desired. Ph. 8274. ol 1. M Snyder, 1295 N. 6th, Salem. !v. b. offered at private sale SLXEPTNQ ROOM. Ph. 4498. . Thursday. July 17. 1844, between the - hours of III AM. and P.M. Thaun- SL.i rm. Prtv. home. Cd. Loc 2144B dersigned reserves the right to accept or reject any or aU -offers. Terras. . r a ' -. Cash. Building may be rented or sale TOr Kent Apartments : Considered." ' " . T' Snyi Administrator. '- FTJTOt. rm. apt 444 S, High. Albany. Oregon. - Phone Albany. ! "'"'1'""". ... - . " - " Chas. Zerzan. Atty.'for estate. - r FURN. Apts. 2310 N. 4th. Bligb Bldg.. Salem. Oregon. Phone 7171 - - - - - . - , 3 KM. Apt refrig.. com. runt. Adults. For Sale Real Estate I For Sale Real Estate jgsne THIS REALTORS Ph. 4131 BEAUTIFUL mahogany and walnut 168 Summer Aug. i. sewing caDineta, reg. szi.50 now 1 15.00. NELSON BROS. . FURNITURE 315 M. Liberty 11379 N. Commercial. NORTH OP STATE HOUSE I -!---4 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION : , - mi in .tin rasirianrial district. I Cond 1 f. home IWlth fcrtPlaoe, IUU basmt-. automatic heat, carpeting- In cement basement, Wood pipe furnace. UR. Sc D.R.. Venetian blinds and dou- one bed . down land) Si up. double ble garage. $7000.00. - garage, cor. Jot, paved stsonlylX i - WEST 3AJUUS lOlKS. rti i fww. S mi and tinfiniahed unstaira. Larae I HOME TODAY. ! basement withi sleeping room and fur- J GRABEMHORST BROS nace. This is a buy at S4000.00. I 134 S- liberty St i 4 rm nicehr located, garage, some I ':.' --f ""'-i' young fruit and berries. $2100.00. J !-SPECIAL) K I a HmV nieaiant rooms. an modern. I D R.. kitchen. 2 . large: bedrms. j and with foil basement and sawdust fur- utility rnrt-. flrepjacc, ! pacaa j floors nace. located four miles from city cen- thruout. aato. oil fur. Well located in ter. $5250 will buylt and terms, can Englewood; Dist. Close to ftopl.j Beau be aranged. tiful lawn & shrubs. Immediate pos session. T 1 !- r ; 1- -r.- - -.),,. OLSON av KEJCVE W. b MTmrSTBL. REALTOR J RM. Apt. Adults. Wear canneries. I jjjj Edgewater St. Phone 3200 LATE Model ; vacuum. Complete twin bed. Lawn mower. - Silverware. Copper boiler. Chairs and misc. 1115 E. RuraL GOOD- LOCATION. NORTH Older itypei! rooms, nice corner. 945 SC Com'L 4x7 CHINESE - Oriental rug. Lovely S37 sott coiors, rose, blues, tans, perfect condition. $115.00. Call 1450. FURN. 5 rm. duplex. Win be vacant ' I fnrtt a. hrti Irlo S290O Floor cov 2 R. furn. UDstairs apt t24 mo. in-1 erm" "luf?im I . iiiwii lis efcaa - esw ai sow Ph. 4590.! Eve. 538 'Boom 3 Ladd Sc, Bush Bldg. S10.000 COOD Home ! dose in large living andi dinging ; rms nice kitchen. bedrm.. toilet c i lavatory on cru; hardwood iflrs . 1 bdrms. bath up stairs. Lots 50x165; I double garage va riety of fruit Hail cash. I i S ROOM Plastered house in rood I ; FOR SAlJf, condiUon. large lot with fruit trees, 172 acre farm located near Wood garage, wired for electric range. Price burn, nearly all plow land, old build $3500 or will aell completely furnished togs. This .place la a good ; buy at Including electric stove for $4500., tluo.00 per acre. ' Modern 3 bed room house all on 100 acre farm Sli miles from Salem, one floor.;-Large, living room with 70 acses under cultivation, balance fireplace. dining - room, hardwood timber and pasture,' old : buildings, floors. -Basement with oil furnace. family fruit 1 ' acres Youngberriea. blocks from Capitol Buildings. Priced This place can be bought at $12,500.00- for fluick sale lfi00. i 1M acre farm located in Polk County 4 room plastered house with fire- near Oak Grove, 125 acres farm land, place.' nice location near Leslie school, balance pasture and . timber, lights. Price 3050 with $700 down. . balance This place, fet worth -the money. Price like rent, j i.. ... . . $10,000.00. j t :'-.-.,-.; ... Large 10 room house suitable for 21 37$ acre farm located In Polk County. families. Double plumbing and cook 1 125 acres farm, land, balance oak tim ing., facilities, f either gas or electric I ber and pasture, fair -set of farm Basement and furnace. Oouble aaraxe. i buildines. Price S12.O0O.0O. - - Nice lot with fruit and nuts. A good j G&ABENHORST BBOS, REALTORS buy for S4OU0, y, cash. I u av uoerty street MUbiClN & ADOLPH, INC. no", n. commercial 5t I FARMS FOR SECURITY Salem. Oregon i 1 FRUIT: 30 ac prunes, apples. fD- w- rim mrr wTnarv FOR RENT: An apartment one room J" LZL-VZ-ZZZ. -i-.- Ibath. tarakat aosJ to school. I and kitchenette and everything tur-1 '"'J": JlV. i MELV1N JOHNSON, REALTOR ! - -a. m w AiA CA iaUSV aall SVl-'JCUCiBUB CUM esaaa.:. icuwi. k S ELLIN O ' ALL HOUSEHOLD FUR- SEE Ts s-wreuw, -" for tlg.oo peri month. Price $3500. Seel to vourt pi. ; Phooe 3723 NISHINGS. Prt. sale bv owner, rest dence of E. O. Metsgar. Chamawa In dian School. LARGE housekeening room: furn. 3054 N. Capitol. Apt S. Mrs. Needham with Louis BechteL 341 I State St. Room , MODERN COUNTRY! HOME: 3 nice rooms, hardwood flrsj, fire- 3 B. R. new strictly mod. North.! ptaeav 1.C'IB rj?S5SiJ? ... a . . . 1 atawwwaw - 1 . t a tl 1 a I DaUaHTaeSnL. ' eXLTI IDDQ ICUUIU W.UUU. wur neison i xor ironuic soaras. f CLEAfT Mod 2 rm Aot $30. Prefer piumsi uxpwvv w wvm . rtll:t wWkr. t nrivataw wattsr yjfJ11" ti. . eivU-fXclerS' Adul 10 N. I on. .."eh soil. paved road. wjtrjprtvmj Capitol. Clothes driers. : NELSON BROS. FURNITURE I 315 N. liberty GIRL'S Pre-war bicycle, balloon I phe 7103 win, utt n. vnurcn. uui asonoay. 1 ROOM hsk. aot. Busineas woman. No smoking or drinking. 173 S. 14th. cTi SANDER 23rN.W - 583$t-Y.AHNip HOME. About SU niUCDUTZ POSSISSION GRABEWaOKSST BW, A 1nf a maibni rnmfnrtihU home I 134 S. LOOerur U within easy walking distance, with REALTORS Phj 4U1 ( , a-n,. frr mld- large rooms downstairs. 3 apartments r -wf?,rni:. ""3 tflimi 1.i .l. .... 1 . . V - : J. T .;cr lumtain rwi 'I aWnmv roam. Double I w. ui. . m-jmu, " . . i au. rnwma ddudw. I ' 1 .r . . . . tionary tubs; two rralvanized rb i Au 1 pjj 39 . vet 1 m au wmu utu, vat ouuua xtavru- tltff AS IVdaaalr aftsi ft aw lalal Chemekata. house In alley. I UOOm and Board 1 1M R.MI.niRMf Phau MMIU O. WWII. -U- TOW, .rE. tberts. peaches, cherries, walnuts: mod. NEAR ENGLEWOOD 1 SCHOOL I . Il bdrm. Use. (Ute buUt). spring, live 3 B.R. home wired range, living room I stream, some equipment. 219.000. ; with fireplace dining. hwd. floors, I GENERAL: 265 ac, 117 ac. fescue, auto, sawdust furnace, water beater. I splendid hay. grain or stock propoai nice. rear yard on bus. Price $6150 1 Uon. about 9 mi. out. $85 per ac i cash.' i 1 HIGHLY DIVERSIFIED: 40 ac.- Will kingwood HEIGHTS HOMXI - : I soil, all tiled, very fertile, live stream, 2 BJL mod. home. base., furnace I water risht. complete aet excellent Wy. trays, lot 75x150; 5 blocks to bus. I bldgs, every conceivable item- farm This home must be sold. Price $5500, 1 equipment from tractor v as ! harvestar Terms. i i ito grmasione. xois s is reauy a sweu 5-room plastered home. mod. except 1 set-up and worthy of your closest basement-nice fir trees, close to bus I investigation. May b bought either and Bush school. $2500. I with or without stock ac equipment. C H. SANDERS - 331 N. High - 5S3B Sensibly priced. 'i .. .,..H.... , I, C. W. BARTLETT R. W, BENT -. $4500-4 bed rooms, screened back I .A1!???.- porch, fruit .closet circulator. lectrie STl-UiULJL range c all! furuniture with House. '"" Phone 4B9 PUREBRED Cochin bantam. cheap. Bob Keuscher. $55 Jefferson. $4500. An older type rm. modern vnr ,A v- " f "L-1" -. " SIT I h but In rood bond. A good home svquiuj man, uiic. nu umw i sucnen. nice nu room ol a oca iwiua, i - 7 -. r t J1a i..tir- 1 r room, breakfast dinner, garage, home nice lane corner lot room for an- or investment. Good location. . . 1 . . ... a . . . , . h M..K p.! I I I p. maws hirvei in viwwi mm. n nr. I convenience ana onviu 1 nthor nouae. irieaa; low at axyuu. 1 ' ". . . aer ana new tires. Price $40.00. RObt. I mmiiy. r. v box so. I fNortn. J GaUagher. 1515 N. Commercial St. Ph. 7386. BE WISE and , purchase . your oil neater now while they are available. j NELSON -BROS. FURNITURE I ! 315 N. Uberty For Rent Houses JAS. D. 1 SEARS, REALTOR 315S Portland Rd. j i ! Ph. 483 507 Center St Ph. $442 BY 9 rurucntarj ,wc .; -. - . - i ... . lftrt-..llv .tl irmlc. Ataol""- iw'"- w . f ?A GOOD VALUE: I ! r. home at 1146 Oak! St., furnace. OWNER: 2 bdrm, house with SgivXStLPej r3eaLTORS porch. South city limits. 3 lot GRABENHORST SROS. REALTORS rites, trees aad garden space. Near I . i.l jm 1 1 no. umt. mna luora uawv. t. . . K . n w . n n n .- ' 1 game room wiui iucihkv mi vmm l i , . - mem nnvt I aozou. Bfonn. iuhb. iua, y I i-im. nn XNn. oa mnnth 1 store, z scnoois. i Duses. 9U uoyt. I : , , ... 14v ..... . r. . r,y-. . . : ji.i . a. 1 wuiii liv ft., ..A I mlUJlldl' MMUh WJ. J UAVJbriVJ cnau uining rm. set; K - . ra. iwis. r . I M4ji. w r,-H tt I bdrm. aet; 1940 G. E. refriaerator. 90S Court St, Dallas. Ph. i3Sw. - 21 Jewel pock, watch. 1730 Water eves Phone 7771. I V I race. Nice lot. Paved; St SMALL 3 rm. unfurn. hse. No chil dren. $25. 1860 N. Winter. 9536 FREE rent of 3 rm. hse- free milk W9 1,Smelt. t."I?i!00 aw nw.v ( a . If sm . ."."St'i-raSS; 945 S. Com'L Ph. 4590. Eve. a v. eiiat sues siwui B a a wtuia - . anu uuiuig; wuuu lange. guu wr. iw v fttv1Pp. . unfln iruneoiaie Doasession. i. - , :. ; u.. . . . . I f abb ..ill VI , BMW JkW i . . , i . . , I VII. UIU. ULU USClll.. UU4h .v "r"5r hts. to employed married .man . . r. I hdwd. fir... Venetian blinds, all newly pump in good order. John - H. Voth. Kt. l, sox U7, u alias, ore. rn. sua. HOT water tank; new ac used plumb ing fixtures. John Fisher. Ph. 3019. i Trade Miscellaneous (no children) in exchange for doing JJ5 Sr h Lnile-MeXlita school dist. Maht morninff and evening chorea. 10?- ioupia; garage, yniy aoi-y. wtna " " tA jk,.. ;lr Ph. M82- Turn west at Keirer school. foUow - "gy. hwu. uqots. ou xurn- - Uj; 1 . pavem. 2 mi. Rt 2. Box 170C. 1 1 K.-'-T-t;. APARTMENT FOR SALE: j or hay. Phone 7203. 1 " , 1 Brines SSlO oer mo. I plus owner s 5 RM. house. furn. Kingwood I . ixign - oooo i -Tent, rood i location 9 i blocks Heights. Ph. 7671. D..r4tri'rfv h'in North, electric refrigeration, oil (heat GRABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. ' Phi. 4131 4 RM. house 3 miles West on Dallas locationi 2 corner lots. Oil heat mn . n . . ...... . . i i tt T3 ico ier. araae. trice ioow.uu. ' 'AU1: nuIIre r grata I A r.i VnjUr.' a room 1.nn in Wanted Miscellaneous 5 RM. 4Mrn house, from July 23 to good location Corner lot. Price: Only Aue. 3a South end of town near I .-. ; I .tuimmln. rl anrl Htt Ttmf rMiiiir. I G.i VOooUnun mi Ph 7173 ; Phone 3598 t i 1045 Cascade Drive ,' We Bur Furniture TRADE WITH A FIRM OF 30 YEARS REPUTATION OF BUSINESS INT EG RITY IN THE WILLAMETTE VALLEY - HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR USED i Pianos Furniture and Appliances gwnery ward. . call S149 lor appointment- HOGG BROS. -- . 260 State St 5 RM. food. horAe. Hdwd. flr$. Nice, flood back yard. $5500. i i 1 $3000. $ rms. Nice otL Paved j alley and navwrf St. ! j ! I K. A. l UiUUILK Cabin, at Neskowin. Ph. 4423 or 3877 BEAUTHOME ONMILLCTEEK. N ujathr lifr-i nnH automatic oil film- For Rent lace, circulating fireplace, garage & FATRMOUNT HILL PARADISE a k La Ili.rf 71.1. aKSsn ir. nMr..tM. will it .1 rmna I o roomsnioarni ei w. haatVr &TieV . runutur $600 additionaL nujeU-y iurnisnea room m.- with mAngle With home. Inq. at E. O, Call 9443 or 507 Center St. FLOOR SANDER tor rent . Mont Metzgar, school. residence Chemawa Indian H. P. Grant! Realtor 529 Court j ! Phoine 6744 GOOD Used Piano. H. U Stiff. TRUCKS for rent. You drive Mc Cune aV LoveiL phone 9600 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. NORTH Living rm. 16x20. large din. rm, kit- rfioo rm. North. (Vacant). $4000 New $ rms. Wired jfor Rg. WANTED: Man's and girl's bicycles. Fay cash. Ph. 803Q. WANTED: Good lawn mower: small cream separator: one large mail box. . John H. Voth. Rt. 1, Box 137. Dallas. Ore. Ph. 36 3. . WE Buy aH knids used furn, old .glass and antiques. , ph. 5564. TRICYCLE: Child's mod. size. 5600. WANT TO Buy. Oaed camera a . lenses McCet Photo Shop 435 State Wanted to Rent MOD. 2 bdrm. furn. or partly furn. hse. by Aug. 1st. Perm. Govt, employe. 337 N. High Ref. Ph. 24170. REAL) HOME BARGAIN WANTED! SPACIOUS; LIVING ROOM WITH S-r. modern house to rent to re-1 FIREPLACE. DINING RM.. VENE liable, oermanent renters. Prefer house 1 TIAN BLINDS, j GOOD KITCHEN. with kitchen stove and electric re-1 runi x avix.L-ins. nuu. nam ac frigerator. Possession not later than 2 B.R. Ac CLOSETS. HDW. FLOORS. Aug. 14th. CALL I BASEMENT WITH BED ROOM AND GRABENHORST BROS, HIALTU8S 1V1L-1. IUHflH.1.. UAnAUI. 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131 I SHRUBS oe-LAWNS. TrllS PLACE IS I WITHIN WALKING DISTANCE OF 2 or 3 Bdrm. unfurn. house by perm. I DOWN s TOWN. PRICED LOW AT .Vi.n !.! . r.ns.' 9 hHrmi I Trm S2200 Dn I - ' ' I I dn, 'fireplace, hdwd". firs, tile bath,f $3850. ew 9 rms.! $4200 furnished. 2 bdrms. upi bathrm, rough plumbs 1 $2000 Dm Now rented for $401 ; hill hastaam : fitmsa leiindrv tmvb I mJ4Jl---l mis I ft Druiia.i at. j eaa ws oat Attmw Viskatssy nku.1v Hgagnr lnri I North. Terms. (Immediate possession.) and out 'dbL gar.. 3 cherry trees. 3 $5000.! Close in ifine; locationi. Base. wainut trees, a very gooa ouy at i urn. . J . . ' i ... $7000. Mr. Byrkit with $7500. (Close in.:modern) 8 rms. (Up- BURTi PICHA, REALTORS n l stairs rent ior api. rtps ouj. (nuiaiir MTU. a21l 1 eue jne4 7113. 1 172; S. Uberty. Ph. ! ! S R. house N. L.. Dl. kitchen. 2 bed B ntilitv. larre; lot. fruit $3000. C J. JACKSON, 341 jState Sti Salem Business Directory CASH for used ma no a other mav state employe. Ref. furnished. Ph. 9341. $7100 FOR FEW DAYS ONLY, slcal instruments Call 4641 days ot 9537 evenings or send description Jaquith Music Co lfll & High. CASH PAID for upright, sptoal at grand pianos "bone 5787. CLEAN white rags Hogg Bros 260 BUte. . Wanted Furniture , ELEC. sewing machine. . Ph. 5781. CASH for used furniture and house hold goods. 415 Ferry. RAY FORGEY PH. 7445 5 RM. furn. hse. Close in. Perm. Ph. Mr. Hansen, 7177. FURN. or part. furn. t or 3 bdrm. house or apt. liz s. SKVERIN REALTY CO. SENATOR HOTEL BLDG. s PHONE 4016. 212 NORTH HIGH ST. ASK FOR MR. HOLMES $4575. V. A. in Keirer Distt Lovely 2 bdrm. home, hdwd. firs., nice Kit- Card In this directory - I .mi, at l a) en montniy dsiis Rate! 51.25 per line month. 2 or 3 BDRM. unfurn. mod. house, chen. house is only 4 yrs. old. Good Perm. Salem bus. man. Ph. 7532 or 5419 well. Immediate possession. Fruit Mrs. huu wun j Accounting .For Sale Real Estate For Sale-Farms Acreage For Sale -Used Cars 2 A. 6 ml East dose to school. 5-room mod. home, floored attic, base wood furnace, elec. water system. Price $6500 $2500 down. imra. pass. DANDY SOIL EAST . $! acres, plenty fruit secluded place. 5-roora older house, elect. Price $3000. Terms. - C. H. SANDERS - 231 N. High - 563$ CEILING PRICES 1940 Mercury Sedan . I; . r :. ' ! i s Radio . Heater. Pre-war v rubber. Excellent condition. ' .... "...'..(... 14'4 A. prac all cult, mostly in I cherries at prunes, barn, spring, few "safmTioSru: St sSnt 1941 Ford Super DeLuxe : tiu ...w ... - . . . I - . . ... . fin mm. - - . . I : '- rt 1 C. J. JACKSON. 341 SUte SL, Salem I . , Oeuail ACREAGE close to, can be Bought on easy terms now. for your building site when- materials are available. Good soil, la orchard or cleared land. Just north of Aluminum plant. See ' RICH L REIMANN 167 S. High ; , - Phone $203 Radio at Heater. cated on aDoroximately 1 acre uat 3 miles from Salem, rruit and berries, nice' yard with Shade trees. outside fireplace. Deep well with elec tric water system. Owner has- request ed us to reduce the price to ssdoo ior quick sale. busted at auuunt. ijn, 110,k N. Commercial St Salem, Oregon North. 43005 r screened back norch. un- I ' FARMS FOR SALE finished upstairs, bath, oil heater, oil 1000 acres, fine gram at stock ranch. cook stove & tank of oU. Basement. I paved ml near saiem..aoom eoo acres li acres. 3 m. North. lor plow lana. large aweiiing ana Darn. S4O0S S t. & I lota. S. Laundry trays. $49 Der acre. A REAL VALUE. auto, oil circulator & air conditioned. I 240 acres with 150 acres of excellent 148004 r. H.. W. floors, good loca-1 farm land, good darry bam, old style tion. swell Uttle house.' . colonial home, near P. Highway. 14 xaaSO 7 r aaaA eondition. North. . I miles out. A fine stand ot- nr timoer. ABRAMS A. ELLIS. INC good pasture, irrigation stream. A 411 afaaonki Rlrlr , Phone S1SS I KEAL PICKUP AT $18,000. ! . insurance s asoney to Loan i in aro who mown u zarm una, near wooaoam, r. n NEW HOUSE PRICE REDUCED iw ' "'.1' , "u'ii-J"If"'",U".1.", r 37a acres North of nctmatt. bWes.. hdy kitchen. 10" l!?1.?.1 hot water heater. Price $3800. Good fi I U?T ' L laiDarurtBM Bfr " W aT TAPa IjuM Phnh rm : 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131 COURT ST i NEAR STATE HOUSE FOR SALS Dandv 3 BLR. modern home, extra! 240 ACRE Farm. 135 acres of farm large living, den, dining, plumbing up I land jsnd sowed pasture, balance pas & down, sawdust furnace. Ideal loca- I ture and about $2500X0 worth of tun- tion. Sickness forces sale. Price $7500. ber. Two Modern homes on we piace. Terms. - i I barns., chicken house, hog: house. 10 Modern 2 stoiy home 4 blocks North I cows and registerea uuernaey duu. of SUte House, apartment up Ac down.J 109 chickens, -three heavy horses. 20 basement, furnace. Revenue $60 mo. tons of hay. in the barn, and clover This property not only a home but and oat bay being harvested at pres- will pay 6 on investment, price sezso. lent m trie amount oi u sons, inos r H sanders - 231 N. Hieh - 5838 1 is 1280 rods of New woven wire fence WUCA goes wixn mis piace. int cream SPECIAL 1942 Studebaker Chari?p- ion ' : -. 5PASS. COUPE. " Radio ac Heater. Overdrive. 'room modern house at garage lo-liriOO lM " V. Al ' J 'U" of land i i7.o iasu -vuLuasaauvi.. Sedan Radio at Heater. As Is. i i BONESTEELE ,- j . - -. " i , Sales and Service, Incf. 370 N. Church Ph.i 4545 12 ',i A. of land with 6 rm. house. bath tc toilet, city water, barn aad chicken house.. 1 A. aooeeberries. Hi! A. of cherries. 2 A. zuDerts, apples, pears for heme use. Located at Inde pendence and only $4,650.00, terms. SEE MR. LARSEN With Hawkins & Roberts, Inc. Ph. 4101 Realtors 1 40 pontiae oj. seoan Help the Blood Bank See the Red Cross Today 4H41 siv 37 Ford DL ' Tudor Suburban 1 41 Chev. Spec DL Sedan. R4cH T27S ISO Chev. DO Tuaor z 37 Chrysler Sedan 768 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 1 r.f".1' ekt... i'. a a om. n. ca iupa t;EiLiru apiu i-axusi a wsu- Flowers. Bus aer. $1600 cash. Ph. 711X TEM WARRANTY. . 1 FOR una home siees m Salem's beautiful scenic residence district on Kiiurwood Drive and Cascade Drive. in Kingwood Heights and Cascade Terraces; easy terms; . see owner. Ph 6413. The Following Cars tp f Be Sold As Is 3 36 CHEV. Coupe. RiH 1 36 PLYMOUTH Coupe $399 Wanted Real Estate IS OLDSMOBILE Tudor -"365 395 WANT 4 to I rm. house. S2500 to) 34 PLYMOUTH 2 -door Sedan 88009 cash. Ph 71 IX 35 PONTIAC D.L. Sedan. RAH 2S . 36 TERRAPLANE Sedan ' 35 35 PLYMOUTH Coupe , 285 ; WANT 4 to $ rm. West Salem house. Willamette Real Estate. 172 S. Liberty. TERMS TRADES run only. per 2 BED Room house in E. Salem, near, checks at present amount to $250.00 bus line. Price $2750. Terms. per month. A Trout stream flows 6 room house near Richmond school through the place. $ springs on place, with 2 lots. Price $5000. Will trade for electric lights good road, considerable house in West Salem. : ' personal property. Here is a place you 3 room unfinished house. Price $1800. can buy and have an income. Priced See Jack Henningsen with $12,000.00. . STATE FINANCE CO.. REALTORS GRABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS 212 Guardiani Bldg. Phone 4121 1 - 134 S. Liberty Street .:' SOUTH SALEM . I -60 A. all under plow, close to Salem, 5 room plastered bungalow. 2-lote. West. price $3000 or Trade for Salem. fruit & shade. $2000 cash. baL at $25.00 J 97 a. 80 under plow. W A. timber per ."J?' & creek. 12 miles East. Price $6000. ALFRED DUMBECK Ic. H. SANDERS - 231 N. High - 5838 Laaa ec susn dag wwin "'L:r "". V..-'1 ..1-- I 30 ACRE farm. Ideal for chickens or vie. A dream horneT on pavement "ista W. Woodbu .Write 2438. fruH. nuts, springs, wood, elec. Take Rt. 1, Gervais. Mrs. Rose Hawk. Salem prop. j2360 N. 3th. 175'A. Bldgs. $10300. $4000 Dn. Close IMMEDIATE POSSESSION ' to,S JtW 4 room house close to Englewood A. Stocked & "'PP; 65; school. Good lot and garden. Close I0?0, Tnt Ri;state' ? to bus line. Completely furnished. Oil . liberty. Ph. 7113. J. ; j eir, gas range and furniture for 2 . TTRA S5mrand Uvmf r00m- PrtC Hero la that country plaee you have $2870. Terms. K..n lookina fori 108 Acres miles r-iBTOHfiBW ' mofi REALTORS I from Salem; m-der bouse.- unusual in GRABENHORST BROS., ROTORS and atttctlTi, located; spring 134 S. Uberty St Phone 4131 w.tir to bouse. About 60 acres in cultivation with 25 acres in filberts most of which are 20 years old, 30 acres fine primes, 5 acre in peaches and family fruit. Balance' timber. Dis tant owner offers with equipment in cluding truck; tractor, disc, harrows. WANT TO Buy from owner, 2 or 2 bed room house, under $4000. 559 N. Church. . .. HAVE Buyers tor all kinds ot prop erty. For quica sale call JAS.. D. SEARS. REALTOR 507 Center Ph. 9442 WANTED HOUSES We have cash, yes cash, for the house you want to sell Do you want! See L. L. Thornton J. F. Ulrlch Co. ZUZ pearce Blag, or Phone 3W HERRALL-OWENS CO. 235 S. Commercial Ph. 3169 4tvnTl TT7TT f A T TI7 A VG FIND A BETTER CAR AND ..ti HOUSE, small acreage, good soil. not exceeding $2500 cash. Full par ticulars. Rt 1. Box 565, Corvallis. List Your Property with OLSON & REEVE For prompt results I We have long list of buyers looking for . homes at 945 S, Com'L Ph. 4590. Eves 9536 SALES SERVICE WE HAVE INQUIRIES FOR CITY & SUBURBAN HOMES. APARTMENT HOUSES MERCANTILE BLDGS , BUNGALOW COURTS IF YOU WISH TO SELL, CALL SEVERIN REALTY CO. YOU WILL .RECEIVE PRUHPT COURTEOUS SALES SERVICE. SEVERIN REALTY CO. Senator Hotel Bldg. - Ph 4016 Severia Listed ts sevenn soia. 2 BDRM. house Statesman, Box 59. near bus . line. Small f Business & l"arm Accounting BURT PICHA. REALTORS :! . Pf"1?- V""." KZ?"""?" 337 N. High - Ph. 3210J vice. Wl court m. j-aom. , For Sale Real Estate GOOD 3 ; bdrm. home on Lee St. bsmt.. large lot $350, bus & schools close by. see mr. goodwin with KEIZER DISTRICT TJ...,t:U. T?L., Tn 4 rm. home with electric liehts and Mw"t awi 5 A. Distant owner. Price $4000. Ph. 4108. Realtors. After 6. Ph. $715 Airplane Models KITS and SUPPLIES. I Cherry Model Aircraft 21st fit j Market WE MAKE tt our business to- pay more for good furniture and appliances Bright & Ecklcy 433 court St. W. G. KRUEGER. REALTOR 147 N. Com'L St Ph. 472$ $4250. 2 yrs old. 2 bdrm- hdwd. firs., fireplace. Venetian blinds, wired Alterations City Miscellaneous rtjie TS SOMETHING UNUSUAL! I for ranae. laundry trays, oil furnace. Thi. mnA Rrlnn hnm hmt nil I Imnwliai. tViMMnn S14SA down. baL ruwi- -! 1 nct, elec. water heater, water ays- $28 per mo. Mrs. Hurt witn tm. nice fir shaila tracs. family or- I BURT P1CUA. K&ALTUKS chard, berries. 2 small chicken houses. 1337 N. High - Ph. 3210 1 A. of around, only 3 miles North 1 nt Sal.m for nuiek- ul. cut from I i- ' - VERY NEAT $800 to $5,000. terms, possession at I 4 room House, attached garage, U AT.TERATlONSl sewing fur 180 N. .CoTOmercJal. Room 26j j Art Tile BATH Room, drain board, fireplace once. SEE MR. LARS EN with I acre with nice growing garden, located I or (tor fronts Ph. 952L w-r , . . . . - I outside the city Umlla E. LOW taxes. 1 1 Hawkins & noDerts, inc. $4000. , Ph. 4108 Realtors INCOME property by owner. 640 S. capitoi st. ? ALFRED DUMBECK Ladd St Bush Bldg.; Room 8 i Auto Brakes j Dental Plate Repair '! TWO-HOUR SERVICE IN MOS1 ' . CASES . f Brine or Mail Your Plates for ftepati ' DR. HARRY SEMLEK, OEWTlo i Adolph Bldg. SUte Coml Ph 23i f SeptlC Tanks Cleaned I $U50. Almost new 2 rm. house. Each L1 iLJCTla mngm- frul' Brake and wheel, ejtgntng spaciaHtt . - . L .... rmm ITvlB' with htiilt.ina Phimhlnr uava iw;uifc ; i . l ..W ' . " V1".U l"u W" Floor coverina. C.nt foundation: .BURT PICHA, REALTORS 92900 buys this older type home. North. 'Floor coverings. 9 rms. down. HERRALL-OWENS CO. 235 k Cdml MikeiPanek. 27a S, ComX iPh.Oiei Fits. 442 Edgewater Ph 874$ : RESPONSIBLE i party will store a piano for use. Ph. 6775. l STOVE Parte t Repairing. Woodry Auction Market 1603 N summer. i For Rent Rooms - 1st awn w vvs sstaa, viiawsssi svwi saai as nwisj i - Paved street. Lot 40x100'. Easy terms. 1 537 . 5 High . BtTTW Btnf A at T aVMifl I aavnii saiaansiaiai - Dunx rit.nA. MMUfku jl una i . nrst mm Aulf and jTrock Service srrrvn attt v mtrrm 1 lst . tr:,: n .. Present ineoma 962J0. Price ot $4000 mmwmm m iAiauwt aVM awtavvi waitva 17. , . ,a ' ,r h.... Mmn r w ioatim I mciuoes some zwrniturc. vau aor. 4750. 2 bdrms- fireoUce. base, furau i "" " . 1 fine close in corner location iorice not LEO N. CHILD5. INC MALWM i-ii - I 3441 SUte st. pn. mm. $5000. Hero is a beauty for "Just a UBB 1U uu-iiuii Dviuiimw i 1 s 1 i Home and Income. 4 rooms and bath I HERItALL-OWENS ; CO. 235 S Com"! it Hoar. 4 rooms and bath 2nd floor, I j ' ! j ' I Hawkins & Roberts, ferrr 4Vwtvw lawaanfnsr rAAm l-lawSa in I . s w itj . 1 . GOOD 7 tttl. hOfll eUKl WltH U XW a a. mm a w w. Braa a wm auuies- uuer uui 111 xn. sisbl. bslkabv. 1 . . S55 Center St basi, furn, trays, lovely yard with I" ,JJ?JnJ FURNISHED rooms for rent: House-1 ,k.H r it. mi, itr,m htv I fireplace and extra largo lot. Only Eeepuig room, cioae in. rnone (m. i ace it today. r I ; wwi wm . $ VniflJ'"l.u:1 V-"1'1." ' "'' I C. W. BARTLETT R. W. BINT WELL Furnlihed X tt S rooms, lighfal. I Bitt rnnt water, refrigeratiori. roomy ec clean. I ia mmium rui. Phnn. Tin I Ph 410a. Sealtora. After 6. Ph. 8715 Adults, cor. so Hign as juoson 1 - - - 1 j 1 bit. Zi. atciuniey aCOOOl. pn. azaa. I BY OWNER: A nnror SO A - Kefrer I . i 5 HOUSES ' r rr- 1 River Bottom. I rm. hse, 20 Ai suit- I We have gome good 21. room Ntaalv furn. rm . kitchen MiV. EmO. I .Kl. ...v.iul.ln n. iMMlm hiiiu elnaa hvf also three entleman pref. $30 mo. 336 S. 15. , . ,-. -, - - I large aoai tmetrt hawaea for sale, r ph. 2-4186. v u I 4 RM. house. Cheap! Lot 150x40. See See L. U Thornton, J. F. Ulrich Co. w 1 owner, 1115 5. lJia, ' zoz pearce jsiag. or pnone imu nile Sleeping room wiui Kiunieu privllegea. 790 N. Commercial. ' NICE Slpg. room with kitchen and bath, for employed lady. 779" rerry. Call eves after 7. FURN. Km. Close in. Ph. 4897. , SLEEP, rms. at 966 Center. Ph. 3000. SLEEPING Room. 754 'Ferry. Ore fiouljlatoaaa ADvnrnsiNo Weitem Advertising Reprtsentauveg Ward-CrUflth Company. Ine San Francisco . ' Eastern Avertlsirat " Representative - Ward-Grtffirh Company, tie Chicago. New York.1 Detroit Boston. AtlanU Help Wanted Male j Help; Wanted Male WANTED I Machinist, Machine Operator,! Painters, Mechanics for Necessary War Work ... j WE ARE NOW IN A POSITION TO TRAIN MEN SHOWING PROPER : APTITUDE TO OPERATE METAL WORKING MACHINES. . ; APPLY Dallas Machine & Locomotive Works j - DALLAS, OREGON OR " - . .v, . ; ' VJS. EMPLOYMENT SERVICE ' Mired at the Portofffef at Sattm Ortaon at Second Clan Matter. Pub tithed every momma except Monday Burtness oftce 215 SoutM Cum met- 1 MX( Street.-; mmwmmmmmmmmm-'. ;..; 'r' SUBSCRIPTION BATES Mall Subscrtptlon Rates to Advaneei Within Oregon: uauy ano -l a mnna S3 00: 1 rear. 96.00 I lsewhere 60 cents per mo. or 67 - tor I yr In advance Per copy a cema 1 U V. rrri.- TS evnia a.anonth. ft Vi a year to advance In Martoo and WANTED AT: ONCE : STEADY WORK;. . : 1 A-1 Mechanic Experienced Lubrication Man Essential Work Toji Wages : STATE MOTORS, Inc. 840 N. HIGH ST. Bicycles BICYCLES fori reni 45 So. Church. oifvri r ttmiw anal reconditioned Harry Vr Scott j 147 S jitem'cl ;P 454 Botly 4 Fjcnder Repair Painting & Paperhanging 1188 cu m. LEO N. CHHJ3S, INC. REALTORS 344 State St. Ph. 9261 EXPERT Workmanship. Phone 4329 Painting FOR SALE 128 acre farm located 7 miles from Salem, no buildings, good road, nearly PAINTINO & Decorating. Ph 7-B I grABENHORST IBRO REALltJRS Liberty Street -Spray painting contractor. Ph. 4248 Plumbing 134 S. 88 ACRE Dairr 16 mi. S. E. of Sa lem. Good bkigs springs in pasture. 30 in cult., en oaved road. Can be divided. Can be Irrigated. 490 N. 21 St. A WELL built home that will pay! rrUDSON 8 cvL sedan. Good cond. for itself. large beautiful rma. and p. e-war tires. Radio and heater. Will full basem- and in addition a 4 rm. I accent trade-in. Owner. 485 South ana caui apt witn iois oi quui-iiu. i J2th St. This apt. is so arrangea xnai u aoes not inconvenience the owner in any way. Apt. is so attractive that it will always rent and pay for the whole house. Located by High School. R. E. MEREDITH 3155 Portland Rd. Ph. 4463 Harrv E. Patton. Plumbing and Heat- big, repair work. Ph. 8341. 933 Spruce St FARMS 300 A about 135 cult., baL fir Jc NO Job too big: no job too smaa oak timber. water. springs. ri.y, rn, Mia isaecr. pump, a acia John Fisher.. Pn. oia. I ,. in a Nnt mr out on MIWA, VM.. . A. L. SKEWIS & j CO. Plumbing Highway 99E .Price rtghtEasy terms leatlng. 546 N. High.! Ph. 6223. See U Jrntmv .. Co. BO WEN BROS- Plumbing and Heat-; tag. 355 N. Coml Ph 1 7Z13. Printing FOR STATIONERY, cards, pamphlets programs books or any kind of print ing. call The Statesman Printing De partmrat 818 S Commercial Tea phone lOl.j ; i A FINE 40 ACRE FARM ABOUT 5 MI N. E. OF SALEM. Good, almost new $ room bouse witn Basement in is place is best of soil and baa 8 creeks and some springs. D. A. FISH 477 Court. Ph. $534 Blattr esses NICE 48 A. farm on paved road IX ml rrnm fialem. eood bldg- mod. a. rm. hse. with bath; 28 A. grain land. 13 A. prunes. baL pasture, running water. 1060 Highland Ave. Ph. 6068 after 6;P.M. ;,- - 1 r , CAPITOL BEDDING CO Phone 4Stl Sand and Grayel Acreage 1 A. i mi. N. W. of Swegle school. good soil, on good road. $325 per A. -8 A. 5 mi. N. E: road on two aides, good soiL A few. walnat trees. $3000 WaUuia Sand and I MELVTN JOHNSON. REALTOR. rVrTi ok T , 725 Court St. ! Phone 3723 Septic Tanks Cleaned is acres. T rm. olast mod. house except basem. Elec. water syst. $5000. - R A rORKNER 1853 N. 'Capitol Ph. .3031 or T903 GET my prices before having work I - j al ,. a iiu Permanent resident of 8 A. modern 6 rms. batn. j a. HZRRALL-OWEKS; CO, S3) jS Cdral ; Chimney Sweep Northnass Chimney Sweep 4458 Fertilizer Sack! yard. Md- loose $ H j Coart Foristo Brettheuprs Court Phosat Funeral Directors Terwulicer !1iMral Homai; 4 r Hosiery Reall Silk Hosiery1 Mifkv P IjrW , Mrs Moseley fO Bear, 733 In-plement SLurpeiiing Discs end dlso plow machine sharp ened. 8 mL W. ion pauaa uwsy -4 Lawnmower Sharpening GUARANTEED WORK W rl Ptel faetni ertndera tlV HatTT ,'W: Scott -Tag Cycie alaJif 143 S Com4eTClal St Gifts! THE AI RONI' Shop jt7t H t :Miisibl-eisoE$ ! SPANISH V tTawiian Guns. Mando lin. Banjo. ete i-L53 wourx. j-o. Painting d Paperhansing fainting and lecontihg' tail. Ph. 8SS8 W. Salem. Kenneth HameL U43 8th St "berries. 1 A.-.ltm UUtasW awes a aa ; aaw-aw - " , water. Ooae in. $7500. (3 A. aajoming dtdu ev , Sfannath ftamaL 1148 EKhfh St West tem Ph 4481 e b bmiftrtl : . ; . tries. North. BW. a-oaa un. wuawr allfM! Ilenairina? lette Real Estate. . Momy, A . an imn with fair teiOdlngs and Stubbacfleld Show Repairing. 363 State-1 running water bt witliot 'sectricrty. uwa ahlnea. eJeaned aV dred. I ate ml tram Salem. 94509. . . I D . A. FISH 477 COUTI ITL WJi S Transfer OVER an acrw of land, nice 4 ra. house with garaga- aad. wood shed. O-ORTVE J TRUCKS FO.R REN1 snower JTv, JT. J Il. jU-Sob. nunha-a fftera in s t sJiaaM t ra muar i " j . ,:r s-wasr- w a a-- 6ZPP mMmT I -A MhB.M Wnn aagA llian aariaaat a i i ' FOR LOCAL OR DISTANT tranfei I tT Pnhrti ;Tnr aws.:kurgr. tsrknieta rruoka ts f AAarTaaio s avwv, Portland daily. Agent Pierce. Auto I p. 4108 Freight, tncluding Calif potntt Larmas Transfer C Ph UXL ; , :- r Realtors Used Fnrnitnre .i OuFRAOrS USED furniture. Ph 87ft Upholstery j Qeaning - FOR SALE" ! - ' V IS aer ham located Vm tnileS from Salem. 10 acre Piuaaa. 40 bearing 1nut trees, familr orchard. 3 room Modern home. Modern- plumbing, lights, well and electrle pump. This place is a good buy. Price M500XJ0. GRABENHORST BROS! REALTORS 134 S. Liberty Street BUGS and" trphoL dean id. PR EOI sx ACRES. 11 miles South of Salem. an under cultivation, with running mk fencad and ; cross fenced. Good I f room house, largo barn, chlckeav I house, granary, lights and water. Pric ed at fUJBOQ. wnacat mcMsaes new as rwaa tractor. a-anaT. olows. cultivator. (XSTTJTEO GTJAB senr AO makes I mower. cows, chickens and raowta. Vinces Electric 157 IS Lib Tel ezw. I P. m. uz CrViarnian tmam. , .-,, rumm w- Vacnm Qeaner Serricc TREE tn-pecUosi tn your Aw thorixed Hoover eervloe We service ah J FOR $3,950. cash you can wy makes Cleaners Hotf Bro Ph il4f extra rood 50 acres with t rm. borne. bam 40X40 Witn a wancniona, n. b. iM.Hmi kke MR. J-" Watch & dock llepairing i wtm , . , -- t r f Hawkins & Roberts, Inc. . Decker. Taylors camp. SUte street 41M Realtors mi K1IX ,r 9 9ie m tract. 6 room home and nook, fights and prmbin, 7 miles v Window Oeaning 'i City window cleaners 81458 Floors from Salem. Price $3500-00. n. h uiw ..r.ntui - I ia mrm a mom bouse. slumbDig ana w- . . womm fujture. aeveral acres .- ALL work guaranteed. - wmoows i prunes, some enrnj ."'TrX walla, woodwork cleaned Floors wasea bearing riiDerxs. fT-. i,r Dtmrnmimml C3an I r.RAIJ-fHORST EROS.. REALTORS toe Services Pa. 6451. - ' Zui7": j Xn" vene. Salem.. MAKE A BETTER1 DEAL" L0DER BROS. ; i 443 Center St. Phone 6133 tOur 16th Year tn Salem. PregonT i "Oldsmobile Sales and Service'' , -Home of Good Used Cars" WE BUY WE SELL Good Used Cars HERRALL-OWENS CO., i " 635 S. Com'L Phone 3169 ., HO FORD t dr. Sed. ExceL condition. HmPf- nr our nranertv is lot sale, rent ot exchange, list it with us Heater. SUte Motors tact Ph. 4436. We have a I kinds cash buyers. STATE FINANCE CO.. REALTORS 813 Guardian Bldg. 40 HUDSON DeLuxe Sedan. ExceL cond. Radio; overdrive. SUte Motors Inc. Ph. 4436. Bnsiness Opportunities !36 Lafayette Nash. 925 N. Summer. 4 good tires. TOURIST CAMP TRAILER PARK 9 Acres, nice fir grove, large com munity bldg.. good revenue. ; North. Price $6500. GOOD COUNTRY GROCERY $2750 for stock and equipment. 1 pump filling station. Modern 6 room living qtrs. Rent $25. Dandy proposi tion for two people. C. H. SANDERS 231 N. High - 583$ 39 FORD dump truck, X speed rear end. 95 motor, good mechanically. 100 Fairview Ave. 1937 TERRAPLANE sedan. New paint. very good tires, low mileage. This is reauy a gooa car. aw no. mgu. Ph. 6663. -. . - - HOME AND BUSINESS $7800 for this 3-story business bldg. located at 1410 S. 12th. size 30x60 ft. with modern living quarters upstairs. Wired for range, air conn., xurnace heat, dbl plumb- 3 bdrms. iX lots. au fenced in, on corner. Live upstairs and operate business downstairs. Easy terms or will Uka some trade. BURT PICHA.. REALTORS 337 N. High Ph. 8216 ATTRACTIVE BUY IN SMALL APARTMENT HOUSE OF SEVEN UNITS. - About 18 roams in all: dose in; choice East front lot 65x165 - ft. Trees, basement, furnace and laundry trays. With some repair will furnish good home and income. Immediate possession. Price only 87000. See This Today. . . LEO N. CHJLD9, 1NU KUL1UJU 344 SUte St. .Phone 8261 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Whv not 1st vour- money , work at hiah wasea and you relax at a leaser strain? A fine stick api. wow m, about 12 net Income. Room for ex pansion. Priced right. Good terms. -See L. L. Thornton J. F. Ulrich Co. 202 Pearce Bldg. or pnone saw INC. Proa. 6138.00 ma. Furn. Lot 75x150. 6 rm. hse bsrnt furnace. dbL phimbmg 6c 8 cottages wtth elec trical equip. 9 blks. from State House. pace arise, ua. at lioa FOR Outck sale because of bealtiL: 4 furn court apta.and service station Income $216 per sno. Contact owner at 1674 Court St. or pn. sisa For Sale Wood ASH.' old growth fir 16. Chas. F. Simon. 1311 N Liberty. Ph. 6685. WOOD. Order now. 16" green su and edgings,- Approx. 8 cords or more to load. $14 load. Ph. 171 M, Dallas, Or. Write Paul Anoeraoo, iia ex- fersoa St, -Dallas. am t woon toe kitchen stoves and heaters. $6J0 single load, double load $12. Oregon Fuel Co. ro. boj. 18 DIY MILL wood Ira. Del Ph 6683- 16 O G FIR, H R Oaaon. Mehama GREEN old growth 16 la prompt deitvery Phone 6444. slab JPI VH rat aaerdust. 4 ft STreett Slats Part dry- aad green aauTwood. Tffl ST 6T3- Lost and Found LOST: Brown leather billfold eon, important papers. Return to 144 Front Will girl who phoned call back Moa? Am Inr additional reward. LOST: . Gold locket with navy an chor. Reward. Ph. 34ul r- . .Transportation WANT ride to Willamette Shipyard. day shirt. 305 . letn. 1933 CHEV! Coach. cheaD. C. J. Pat- tison. Rt, 6, Box 434. Ph. 22549. CaU mornings. - 29 FORD Cpe. $80. Ph. $377. WantedUsed Cars WE HAVE ESTABLISHED A REPUTATION FOR CLEAN. HONEST BUSINESS OVER THE PAST 40 YEARS Comfy and get pur advice about selling or buying a car ' ' . OTTO I.WILSON COMPANY 888 N. COMMERCIAL PH. 8451 WANTED GOOD USED CARS WE PAY TOP CASH PRICES. GUY HAROLD McHonc & Gordon i 880 N. Church Across from SUte Theatre ' Bonus Prii rices T FOR CLEAN CARS THIS" EXTRA IS IN ADDITION TO OUR ' REGULAR HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR CARS SEE US AND GET YOUR PRICE. . . -j ; .' . y. .y NASH USED CAR LOT 840 CENTER PHONE 8736 WE PAY TOPS! Get dla Cash on the Barrel-Head 1 "C'SHROCK SALEM'S eldest ndpeexleat awaw oar NX Comet Church Cham Ph 79X1 ! Wanted Qean Cars J ALL MAKES Jt MODELS : Bird & Zysset AutoCo. i 1211 Broadway Ph. 6666 - SHARE expenses at .help drive to San Francisco or Los Angelea .bout Aug. 14. Write Mrs. crioria nw, 'Lrodge3 . Pacific Ledge No. 60, A.F. & AM- S. A. DerTee, Tues day, July XSth. 7 F.M. m gjacent aaunuaa. IP