.1 Farm FiriaWteial Markets PAGE SIXTEEN Th OEEGON STATESMAH. Salem, 1 Orocjon. Sunday Morning. July 23. 1944. Feed Market Remains Firm -Along Coast Feed markets at Portland and other West Coast terminals main tained a firm tone during the week ended July 18, according to reports ' to the War Food Administration. Quotations, showed practically no changes as compared with the pre vious week with ceiling prices pre vailing on those items for which maximums are in effect The de mand for feeds tuffs continued good, being especially urgent for wheat millfeeds. Offerings ranged from very light for wheat feeds to fairly liberal on some of the high protein concentrates. For the coun try as a whole, the Index number - of wholesale feedstuffs remained unchanged at 194.0 compared with 176.7 for the corresponding week last year. j ':$ I Production of feed grains this : . season will be slightly less than '." last year butj will be considerably ' more than average if July 1 pros . ' pects are realized. At the first of July, indicated production of corn, oats and barley was 109,619,000 tons compared with 112,166,000 produced in 1943. This is about 10 million tons less than the rec ord 1942 production but is over 20 : million tons more than the 10-year (1933-42) average. A slightly . larger oats crop is forecast but; a corp crop nearly three million tons less than last year was in pros pect July 1. j Farm, and commercial stocks of feed grains on July 1 amounted to a little over 21 million tons.' This Is slightly larger than the 10-year average but is 8 million tons less than the large July 1 stocks last year, and nearly 7 million tons less- than in 1942. A drop of more than 6 million tons in July 1 stocks of corn compared with a year ago' is principally responsible for the smaller stocks of feed grains. -Millfeed production increased . following the holiday with a total output of 86,000 tons indicated by ; flour production at the principal milling centers. This compares with 72,200 tons for the previous "week and 77,400 ! for .the corre " sponding week last year. At Portland, somewhat more HE POP, a good pro vider, for the kidi are never at of Jake box 'ft UUu t ! " " i'i: 2L ifThe parents' problem . of keeping the rising generation from rising too fast, versus (the children's problem of keeping their parents up to 'date is handled lightly and 'delightfully in "THE tYOUNG IDEA." It's as fresh as clean linen, funny as women's hats and t every member o( the . "The "Strictly Private' ') : ; Ji aaki a euy ) - rYfai PEAR MOW:-, BEING AT A eUG m)AL BA. UKET THIS 1M AllfV" M iMMIM l A I tf-r" ti tl I it- i ifir - Tr32E IS n W CF GOBS GO&S. millfeed has been available re cently to the trade, as the result of increased flour orders. However, there is still but little available in the ' open market Deliveries on earlier orders and allotments to regular customers continues to ab sorb practically all of current out put of wheatf eeds. Also, most of the larger mills have their own mixed feed departments now. Us age of millfeeds in this area con tinues unusually large. Lack of corn and scarcity of barley and oats has increased the demand for wheatf eeds. The relative cheap ness compared with other feeds also has been an important factor in the usage of millfeeds here. The fact that the feed must accompany Government flour orders tends to reduce the amount of millfeeds available to the local trade. Ceil ing prices prevail. YOUNG By Mossier m A NEW DAILY CARTOON I PANEL THAT GAILY DEPICTS THE DOINGS OF TWO SLIGHTLY HARASSED PARENTS AND THEIR "OUT OF THIS WORLD!' KIDS Here, coming at you, are the leading characters of "The Young Idea" they'll walk right tut of. the paper into your heart. MOM, lovable, bat tkt thinks rag-cattlag Is household sabotage. TOMMY, sixteen and sharp, knows aU the hit parade a ambers la order. fit for family. Starts Today . Editorial World at Your Door Each By Quinn Hall a J I J kM W li.llll I 1 l t . m SA1U3RS &4 THE VW vsus. sow ! 7-2i Stock Market Has Bad Week NEW YORK, July 22-UP)-Sell ers continued to blast the stock market today and; leading steels. rails, motors, and pivotal Indus trials emerged from the worst week in nearly a year, or since the fall of Mussolini, , with scant re covery in sight j j There was a little bidding at the start of the brief proceedings, on the idea the list may have been oversold, but this failed to follow through and offerings soon in creased briskly, Extreme declines were reduced I a shade here and there but closing casualties ranged from fractions to. around 2 points. The Associated Press 60-stock average was down .5 of a point at IDEM' DONNA eani decide whether ey-frlends mt , bobby-socks are mere Important. Page. Morning' Quotations at Portland Grain PORTLAND, Ore J July la (AP) Wheat: 'No futures fquoteA. ' MO cash grain quoted. Cash wheat (bid)jf Sort; white l.ttb toft whit (excluding Rex 1.48; white club wet tern ted 1.48. f i Bard red winter:; Ordinary l.M: 10 per cent 1.48; 11, 'per cent 1.49; IS per cent IM. , i . ! Hard white fiaarti 10 per cent 1.4S: 11 per cent 1.50, i i Today's car receioti: Wheat 4& bar ley 7, flour 4, bay-jl, mUleed 4. j T Portland Produc PORTLAND, Ore. July jB -(!AP)i- Butterfat: rirst quality, itiaximum of A ot 1 per cent; afldity, deUvered in Portland 52-52'ic; premium quality, maximum of of per tent acidity 53-53 Vc; valley ; routes and country points- 2c less than 'first or 50-51 ic. ! Eggs: To producers, candled basis, case count 36-37c; select henneries 38- 39c; mediums 34-350 dozen. I Eggs: To retailerf : A large- 44c: A medium 39c; small! (pullet) A 25-21c dozen. ,- i i ! Live poultry : ;, Biy tag prices h from producers: Broilers iup to 1 lbs. 27c; fryers 21. to 4 lbs.) 28c: roasters over 3,s lbs. 29c; Leghorns 23c jib.: colored bens, au weights 25c; roosters ana stags 180 lb. i 1 i ! 1 Live poultry: Selling prices to re tailers: No. - 1 grade Leghorn broilers up to 2i lbs. 30c; ; roasters 29c: stags 21 'ic; ola roosters 21c; fowl ;hens 25V2c '5 ! i ! ! .Country meats: Rollback prices to retailers: Country i killed ; hogs, best butchers. 120-140 Ss. 16-17c; yealers AA 22c: A 2lUc B 19-19 ,c;:C 15 17ic; culls 12-lSc;1 beef AA 214c: A 20ic: B 18ic: t C i 14c: canner-cutter cows 13-14c: BullsJ canner-cutters 14- s;', lamDS aa zoc: a zvc; ; a 23,ac; C 10-20c; es FSl3'cj med ium 12c; R 18c. I 1 I Butter: AA grade prints 40-46' ic; cartons 47-47 Mti A grade prints 45 Vi 46c; cartons 46-47c; B grade prints 45'4-45Sc; cartons i4ft-48;pT : i Cheese: Sellinc nrice to Portland re tailers: Oregon , triplets 29.4c: daisies 29 .Be; loaf 30Jc lb s triplets to whole salers 27c; loaf 27 V c FOB. - I j Rabbits: Government ceilinrt Ave rage country killed to retailers 40-44C lb.: live price to producers 22-24C lb Turkeys: Sellings price to retailers: tlTMiMl hna Na It I MlUV lh j Turkeys: Alive: Idovernment ! celling buying prices: Hens 42c, tpms 36',ic ;lb dressed: basis. I ' . j ; i Onions: Green 65-70c dor. bunches. Onions: Dry. Coachella wax 2.75: California red 2.M; Walla Walla 2 00 SO-lb. bag; Arizona white 2.7J per 50- id nag. ( Potatoes: Old loal No.! 1. S.50 cen . - - i I 54.3 where it was back to about ts level of Ehid-JuAe. On the week the composite; showed j'a net drop of 2 full points largest recession since the final uly week a year Wheat Pnc Slump Again CHICAGO, July 22rW3)-;Wheat futures dipped below the; loan price of $1.56) today, as a wave liquidation was louched off by : vorable war hews and belief the political situation in Gejrcnany may result in her suaden collapse, ! I J 1 Relatively small selling orders; in July wheat jiistj befor the close caused a sharp break asj the session ended. The derhand Was limited and the contract on wliich trading closed today, sold down to $1.55, a quarter of a cent below the loan, for a loss of 2lcents pet j At the close wheat was ! to 2 Vi cents lower thanfyesteray'si finish, July i$1.574145. pats! were iy4 lower to iy4 piigherj July 81R4- Rye was lto 2b lowe;r. July $1.074-1.07. ? Barley Was off Us to July $1.25. I Some of the bearishness in! all markets resulted from the j report! that Canada has! seeded 23 million acres of wheat, about six arid one- half million more than jlast year. Chinese Cut -.-.- i - : 1 - i S T 5 uii Japanese CHUNGKING, July M--ChlJ hese troops have throvn block across the Burma road between Mangshih and jLungling, icutting off the Japanese garrison (within. Encircling Lungling from the eastJ north, and souu the Chinese highj cornmand announced tpnignt j ' Driving towar5d Manf shih, which! must be reduced before effective! use can be made off recaptured portions 'of the Burma road, i thd Chinese occupied two tnore enemv positions : on ;tbje Luncling--Mang shih road, fofcing the fenenjiy trom . f A ,' - ! I ' i strung points wiui neavy casuai-j ties, a communique said. : Argument Over j Sugar Results in fAssault SOUTH BEND, lnq, July WV-A ; domestic altercation 22-f over how much suear to Wsa in a cup of coffe toda resultjed in police charges of aggravated assault and intent to kill sjgainst !Mrsi Mkrcia Mortensen andj the hospitalization oi ner nusoancL Henry A. Mojrtenf sen, 43, with shotgun wounds in the shoulder and chest ' I " i 1 Free Desk Chrcaxc And Associated Ailments If afflicted with Colon and Rectal troubles, or ' Stomach conditions, write today for large 2Z-nage XT .0,JVJXa Mccieary Clinic E617-Elms glvcL, Exelsioi t - l S ii i ;p . f Portland tal;! do 2s. SOa. 125; Klamath No. 1 s.7; uescnuTes no. i, a.ea cental. Potatoes: New Callfornlt white IM cental; Texas red 2.00 SO-lb. bag. Hays: Wholesale prices nominal: Al falfa No. 2 or better $34-35; oat-vetch S2S ton valley points; timothy (eastern Oregon) $35-30 ton; clover $24 ton; Montana grass hay (No. 1) $33.50 ton. Wool: Government controL Mohair: 1942 12-month 4Se lb. Hods: Nominal contract: 1944. SSe up; 1945, 75c; 1948, 55c; 1947. 60c lb. Portland Livestock PORTLAND. Ore. July! 22 (AP) (WF A) Salable cattle for week 2815; calves 1019; compared week ago, medium-good grades active, fully steady, except some cows 25 cents lower; canner-cutter grades 25-50 cents off. some cutter cows off more; bulls about steady but slow late;; vealers closed 50 rants lower- best grades fat steers 15.50; load medium - gooa snoraeos 15.25; bulk grassers 13.00-14.50; com mon grades 8.50-11.50: Blockers 8.50 11.00: crass fat heifers 32.00. cutter- common S. 00-10. 00; canner-cutter cows 4.00-5.50; medium beef cows 8.00-10 .25; good bulls 8.00-50; good-choice vealers 14.00-15.00, few 15 JO. late top 14.50. Salable hogs for week 4800; market around 25 cents : lower;!' good-choice 18Q-240 lb. truck-ins 14.00-25. early to 14.50, carload lots to 14.75; light lights less plentiful at 11.50-12.50; good sows 8.50-9.50. light weights to 10.00 and over; good-choice feeder jpigs 50 Cents higher at 12.00-50. i i Salable sheep for week 4400; spring lambs 1.00 lower; yearlings sharing de cline, - slaughter ' ewes 50 cents off; good-choice spring lambs late 11.50 12X0. early top 12.50; many feeder lambs 8.00-50; few eastern Oregon to 9.50: untrimmed common, Iambs down to 6.00; medium-good yearlings 8.00 9.00. few 9.M); good ewea 3.50 down, early top 4.00. i , Stocks and Bonds STOCK AVERAGa.8 !' 1$ Rails 28.4 28.8 39.7 283 27-4 29.8 22 9 j 30 Indus Saturday 75.4 Previous day 7 0 Week ago , . 78 J Month ago , 763 Year ago 73.5 1944 high 78.2 1944 low 69.1 15 Util 37 Jt 37.5 38.2 37S 36.7 38.8 35.1 ! 60 Stks 54.3 54 8 58.3 55 3 52.8 56.4 49.5 BOND AVERAGES I 20 I 10 I Ralls Indus Saturday , 90.0 1 105.8 10 Util 106.8 106a 107.2 106.8 105.1 107.2 104.7 10 Wozn 68.0 Previous day SO.S i 105.2 Week ago 90.8 1 105.2 Month ago 89.4 j 104 9 Year ago - , , .- 78.7 i 105.5 1944 high 90.8 105.7 1944 low . S9S 104.7 68.2 68.5 67J 62.4 68.6 63 J Salem Market Quotations ifce prices be ow supplied by a lo cal grocer are indicative of tho daily market prices paid to growers by Sa lem buyers but are not guaranteed by The Statesman: : Cauliflower, crate , 2 25 and 355 Crook neck St Italian squash, lb. JB3 Turnips, doz bunches 1 1JD0 Cabbage, lb. J02 Endive, doz. bun. . .70 Radishes, dos bun. ; SO Carrots, doz. bun. ; jBO Celery, doz. bun. , 130 Pumpkin, lb. , ' ; 03' Parsnips. : lb. 49 BUTTE. EGGS AND POULTRY And re ten's Buying Prices - (Subject to change without notice) BUTT ERF AT . f Premium j M No. 1 A3 No. 2 ., , .1 -50 BUTTER PRINTS A: i B - .4814 ' :45','4 .46 M P. .24 as ji J9 Quarters , . . EGGS j Extra large i i Mediums and standards j Pullets ' : : i POULTRY i Colored hens. No. 1 No. 2 colored hens Colored fry Marlon Creamery's Buying Prices f Subject to cbanee - withort aotict ) JPOULTRT ,- ' t f No. 1 springs ' : - 9 No. 1 hens , , , , -2S UVESTOCK Buyine orlces for No. 1 stock, based on conditions and sales ire ported: Dressed veal ' " ' -21 Spring lambs ; 14.00 to IS 00 Yearlings f.oo to 1100 Crossword Puzzle r" T" T" T s" eT T" aT" 7"" TT 7j mmT mmmm mmT yfr 14 . : .- """""" i "" IT-Tmi "j" M- ; IIIIZ"I11IIII LM- 44 "741 1 " mml mmi- mi 2- . " I 111 1 wr I l i : I HORIZONTAL! 1. corrects t " 7. refresh by . rest - . i 13. lasso. F: 14. wards off 'i - i 15. printer's 1 I " measure . 1 " 1 16. sea brigands IS. above ;: ,:. I. 19. tear -1 21. progenitors 1 22. cuckoo ' i 23. edible ' " , rootstock 25. vitality 25. poker stake 27. spurned v 29. foreman, ... . j 30. distress t 31. satiate 31 bullet 35. dressed ,' 38. stocking 39. dove call ; 40. blast 41. before 42. wanderer; f 44. knock . j 45. indefinite article ' ! 46. legislative i bodies 48. provided that 49. review 51. strikes out 53. fixed tasks I 54. ridicule j VXBTICAL i 1. guarda 2. insane person Answer ; to yesterday's puzzle. iMElSTTI SmNIGIUlL A'TaTD m JJEIn OIn d doff a sfTp I 'lA S' rAl Pln GiiAN Tj EjR , tTjElE ROT It FftiOS TT N 0 AVER 'liS AjN'jT 1 :S.S Tt k'a!E, RiE S Average lime of solatieai tt atiaatee. XtsL by King Features Syndicate. Inc. Classified Ainrtlstas Statesman I ' Classified 'Ads ' ' Call 9101 ! Three Insertions per line ,35c Sui insertions per tine .. 40c On mnotli per lln Minimum charge 23c; I tL min imum SSe; tL'mln. 45c No ' refunds. Copy for this page accepted un Ul 6 30 the evening before publics tion far classification Copy - re ceived after this time srlU be run under the beading Too Late to Classify" - :k - vi-,, ,t The Statesman assumes no finan cial responsibility (or errors which may appear in advertisements pub ksned in its columns and in cases where this paper is at fault wilt reprint that part of an advertise ment la which the typographical mistake occuis. s The Statesman reserves the fight to reject questionable advertising It fur trier , reserves tno right - to place aU - advertising under the proper classification. i 1 A "Bund" Ad an ad containing a Statesman box number for an ad dress is for the protection Of the advertiser and must therefore be answered by letter. The Statesman Is not et liberty to divulge Infor mation as to to identity of an advertiser using a Blind" ad. , Livestock and Poultry NOW IN 30 HEAD SADDLE HORSES t Pinto. Kids ponies. 1 Shetland. 1 1 good work house $60. 2 s registered mares 4 yrs. These horses are for sale. Make me an offer. ' D. D. DELP 642 Edgewater , W. Salem WORK HORSES SADDLE HORSES Bar K Stock Ranch ; Large assortment on hand at all times at vety attractive prices. CRED IT given anyone. Discount for casb Guaranteed as represented. Free de livery Harry Kuehne. Carlton, Ore Located h ml. W. of New berg. CTJEHNSEY-Jersey cow. 3660 State. Ph. 19F23. MILX Croat, thoroughbred Trench Alpine, S yr. old. rresh 2 weeks. 15. 240 Falrview. . - - 1 . SOME good saddle houses. Also 1 good 1500 lb. horse. S. J. Sboen ranch. Inq. Dickson's Market, QUALITY Baby Chicks every Tues day. Special Mating Christie New Hampshires wUl make you more money as broilers or layers. BOYING TON'S 4 Corners. NEW Hampshire chickens, various ages. Rt. 3. Box 739. Salem, Ph. 22425 WANTED: Beef ana canner cows bulls and veals. Will , call at farm E I. Snethen, 3570 E. Turner Road Ph. 21345. Morns or eves. : TT1!NT10N f WUl nmnvi dad Si worthless Stock In a moment's notice I SALEM FER TILIZER St BY-PRODUCTS. Ph. 8000 Collect l No other Pbone). Help Wanted ; 4 EXPERIENCED srlk finisher. Apply Foreman Cleaners, 1070 S. Com'l. , BEAN & cucumber pickers wanted. Register now. Starting last week of Jnly. Good camp grounds, tents; wood & good water free. Good ! swimming. Truck from Salem every day. Good beans St cucumbers. .Location: S mi. S. E. of Stayton at end of Dickman Lane. R. M. Harner. Rt. 1, Box 58C, Aumsvule. Ore. - ' Freight Car Strikes, Kills Eugene Man EUGENE, July 22-4p)-Struck by a freight car in the Southern Pacific yards here this morning, Ray H. Buell, Eugene, was dead when found a short time later. He was on. his way to the- tool shop when struck, Eugene police said. 3. symbol for erbium 4. pinch 5. raised platform 6. contended 7. Charges 8. twilights 9. foot-like organ 10. correlative (' of either. 1L dwarfs 2. catches ' Sight of 17. waterier 20. offer for : . consideration 22. different t 24, declaim 1 : '26. adjoins ' 28. symbol for i nickel - IL exhibited evil pleasure 32. behold f Sa.larfesdssors 34. insect ; ' 35. stupor ; 36. rubbed out 1 27. degrade j . 39. tapering - solid figures 42. cozy place j 43. delete 41 evil 47. title of address 50. Odin's . brother 52. prefix: twlc 7-22 A R A HALE AIR OiMEjNl Help Wanted ATTENTION i.j HOP PICKERS Wo invito you to re liter now for the 1944 hop harvest beelnnlns latter part of August. Si ACRES EARLY AND LATE HOPS Good Crops Good Pickmg CAMPDiO FAdLITIES -STORK AND RESTAURANT ON PREMISES DAILY TRANSPORTATION FURN ISHED PICKERS FROM CONVEN IENT LOCATIONS IN SALEM. HOP YARDS LOCATED S MILES NORTH OF SALEM ON RIVER ROAD. - REGISTER NOW I -LAKEBROOK HOP FARM (under new management) 1107 First National Bank Building Telephone 9133 : - Salem. Oregon ; . WANTED X.000 Hop Pickers Harvest starts - the latter part et Aueust. 400 acres of hieh trellis hops. Cool, shady camps with lights, wood, shower baths and - day nursery for children . furnished free - to pickers. Grocery store, meat market and -restaurant on grounds. Register in person at ranch office or write us for full particulars. E. CLEMENS HORST CO. INDEPENDENCE, ORE. ARB You Interested In meat cutting as a profession? If you are and have had some retail cutters experience or farm cutting experience, you can se cure immediate employment in a steady - position with full opportunity to learn the business - while you earn a good wage. We - are prepared to teach you. As a retail meat cutter you will be rendering a genuine war time service to the community. Posi tions available both in and out of Salem. Apply Safeway Stores District Office, Room 208, McGUchrist Build ing, Salem. HOP PICKERS wanted for Mission Bottom Hop Co., 12 mi. N. of Salem. Picking begins about Aug. IS. Ph. 2-2347 Salem, write Gervais, Ore. Bill Stutesman. HOP Pickers Register now. 27 A. Ear lies. IS A. Lates. Start Utter part of Aug. Clean camp grounds on river near Independence. Cabins, lights, wood. etc. furnished. Ph. 4739 or 7572. or write to H. B. Jones. 1311 Court St. WE NEED: Young man or woman to help 'with oacr joDt sat ana sun. Waitresses, full time. Kitchen help, full time. Mickey's Sandwich Shop Help Wanted Male Workers now employed in war pro duction should not apply and will nol be considered for employment by era ployers advertising in this section EXPERIENCED Mechi lames Top Wages VALLEY MOTOR CO. Center at Liberty Ph. S1SS WANTED: Man for permanent job in tire shop. - Experience nor- neces sary. Good pay. Chance for advance ment. - B. F. GOODRICH STORES 198 S. Com'l., Salem. Ph. 9156 MEN for track work; ft an hour. Apply Oregon Electric Freight Depot, 730 A.M. or S PJX. LOGGERS Need 1 set f alien. S buckers, 1 second loader.' 4 choker setters. Top wages. Housing, board and room available. - See Pope & Talbot. 218 N. Levens St.. Dallas, Oregon, or phone Dallas 224. At Portland see or write Mr. Peterson, Pope tt .Talbot. 618 N.W. Front. Portland 9. Oregon FURNITURE and appliance - sales man. An opportunity to learn th business- while you earn a- good- wage Permanent position. Hogg Bros.. 260 State. WANTED:' Boy pinsetters, '14 years or over. 9c a line. Will take you home when work Is done. Perfection Bowl ing Alleys. ' '- WANTED: Dairy ' hand. Schindler Bros.. South Salem. - - MECHANIC Permanent position Ex cellent pay. Herrall-Owens Co. Help Wanted Female . WANTED: A dishwasher and one g radical nurse at Deaconess . Cottage ome. Ph. 7020. 252 Nr Cottage. . WANTED: Girl to care for 2 child ren. Good wages. Ph. 3779. . ' . SANDWICH Girl wanted. Day shift. No Sun. or holidays. Court Street Dairy Lunch. 347 Court. - ! .. STENOGRAPHER: Full or part time. Legal exper. preferred. Ph. S347. -v.-' WANTED: Lady to care -for children In my home for one month. 345 Union. WANTED: Housekeeper for small family. Home and good wages, or go home nights. Ph. 7705. POULTRY pickers - wanted. . Exper ience not necessary. Northwest Poul try, 1505 N. Front- . ... Situations Wanted EXPERT Carpenter A Repair iwork. Ph. 7103. ... PreSchool Playschool; 1381 State Ages 2-8. Part or all day. Ph. 8430. CHILDCRAFT Nursery We pick up and deliver 1995 Trade. Ph. 21829 Money to Loan Quick Gash Loans! On any worthwhile seciir ity Repayable in 12 months Company Is locally owned and . Managed. GENERAL FINANCE CORPORATION S-138 Phone 9168 138 S. Commercial St, Salem $ MONEY $ REAL ESTATE LOANS PERSONAL LOANS ' CAR LOANS We Buy Real Estate Mortgages and Contracts, -v STATE FINANCE CO. Lie. S-216 M-222. 212 Guardian Bldg. PRIVATE MONEY Auto And Track Loans Contracts Refinanced ' Money for new and used ears et trucks re f aidless ef age. No delay bring ear and title and get the money You retain possession ef vehicle. r i to 15 jnonths to repay. Aftet 8 o'clock tbone 8361 or 81143 for, appointment- ROY H. SIMMONS Regulated by state 138 S. ComX St Phone 9168 (M 152 1 WANTED Money to Loan PERSONAL LOANS $25 to $300 made on salary, furniture, auto (no insurance seeded f. No extra fees. Pri vate. Prompt 810.09 a month repays f 100 in rull IS months. Private. Prompt. Come in, write or -pnone Personal Finance Co. Room 125. Second Fir. New Bllgh Bldg. 518 State St. Phone: Salem 3191 Lie S-122 M-16S. N. Anderson. Mgr. Money to Loan WANTED. REAL ESTATE mortgage loans city or farm properties; loans made as small as 8300. See us about re financing your : present; contract or mortgage, i - . . j-... Leo N. Childs, Inc. 344 State St ' Phone 9261 :""$ ! M0NEY $ REAL ESTATE LOANS PERSONAL LOANS f ! CAR LOANS We buy Real Estate ' Mortgages land Contracts. v STATE FINANCE CO. Lie. S-216 M-222. 212 Guardian Bldg. EMERGENCY loans for doctor, hos pital, auto repair, etc An accommo dating, . understanding, ; helpful - loan service. i i Capital Loan Company S-253 Under State Regulation M-323 318 First NaUonal Bank Bldg. Ph. 4446 J ... Auto Loans Willamette Credit Co. 5TH FLOOR GUARDIAN BUILD INQ . LICENSE H M 109 Loans Wanted FARM 4 LOANS AN Duncan. 8 Ladd A Bush Bldg. For Sale Miscellaneous YOUNGB RRIES, 8c lb. U pick. Ph. 2290L ! , TRAILER house for Sale. 1925 North Fourth1. : i I 50 LB. Ice box $10; 4.000 cleaned face bricks fSO per 1000. 2210 Chemek- eta. -. - n v- . . ELEC. RANGE. 183 McNary. IS T. Clover hay. E. JT. Montandon, Rt T. Box 329, Salem, Ph. 39F14. 1 BD. spring St mattress; walnut buffet; wood ranges; 1928 Chev. motor with transmission belt Sr pulley for wood saw, Du Fralns' Furn, 2360 Fair grounds Rd. Ph. 5762. ,i GAL Qt. and Pt fruit tars. 1505 Jefferson. NEW foundation garment size 38. Ph. 5006. i MAHOGANY dining room table. Ph. 3060 Evenings. PRE-WAR mohair 11 vine rm. set: swing; rocker, spring construction; aU wool Wilton rug 9x12; dining rm. set; enamel trash burner with water coils; new bdrm. set, 4 pc. 1800 N. 23rd St 10x12 tent, almost new. 3645 Cherry. 30 TONS baled clover hay. E. J. Montandon. Rt .7. Bx 325. Ph. 39F14. FULLER Brushes. 1745 Grant P 8357 WILL BUY for cash, sell or trade guns, ammunition & scopes. Don Madison, 590 No. High. YOUNG and Boysenberries. Fri gaard's Fruit Stand, 2930 N. Front Ph. 8320. 1 . 5 PIANOS See the MirrApiano . spinet styled with tone of a Baby Grand. $395. Used, reconditioned and rebuilt pianos reasonably ' priced, i Piano benches $12. Tauman'S; 395 S. 12th. near SP depot WRINGER Rolls for all makes of washers. E. A. Ellis, manager of Nelson Bros. Furniture Store. 315 N. Liberty St WE HAVE bog wire fencing and light barbed wire in - stock- Montgomery Ward & Co. ATMORAYS OZONE. seU and rent. 8. C Pugh Ph 2-2458 P.O. Box 463. FRUIT Jars A Caps, "Atlas"- Mason, Quarts 79c doc Pints 69c doz. at West ern . Auto Supply Company. Salem.. 16 '. FT. ' mahogany hull motor boat with 18 H.P. Evinrude outboadrd mo tor. 295 N. Liberty. . FRIG IDA IRE (Mills) ice cream ma chine, 3 i freezing cabinets. Hamilton Beach mixers, compressors, numerous other fixtures. Must be sold all togeth er. $2000; cash. 1321 Edgewater, West Salem. . -- SM. Ice Box. 1095 Shipping. YOUNG folks library. 20 volumes, 50c each. Ph. S619. 399 N. 24th. STOCK, Saddle, . hand tooled, like new. f 150 1163 Rural Ave. . 13 Vol. Stoddards lectures. 844 N. 20th -1 ISAACSON land , clearing blade, unused, for D8 Caterpillar. 85 new price. C. T. Malcom & Co., 3100 Cherry Ave.. Salem, Ore. TeL 8234. ... JOHNSTON Sea Horse twin out board motor, good cond. $100. Ph. 8801. '41 GLIDER house trailer. 7 mi. West of Salem, at Greenwood Crossing on Dallas Htwhy. Anytime after 6 PM. USED 2-burner gas plate. A few used 4-drawer dressers. Used Radiant Heat Dud Therm oil heater. Used din ing table with 6 chairs. 1 gate leg kitchen table. NELSON BROS. FURNITURE 315 N. Liberty 2 HAWAIIAN Guitars like new. Com plete with case, stand, picks, steel. $30 each. 3660. State St Ph. 19F23. 34 PLYMOUTH 4 Dr- heater, excel- . lent tires. 802 N. Cottage, back of 808. S 7x9 WOOL ruga. St throw rug to match. Used 8 mo. Sterilized, as good as new, 865. 3570 E. Turner Rd., Salem. Ph. 21345, TRAILER House. Brampton Road Runner, specially built large, roomy. 24 ft Good shape, extra good tires, air brakes. Ph. 3565 Sun. or Mon. for location and owner. BABY BUGGIES $17 JO St up NELSON BROS. FURNITURE . 315 N. Liberty - DANDY 4 pe..-bdrm. suite.-Springs, mattress;! several' Boor lamps; oak rockers and chairs; 8 sc. dining set; ranges; all hinds - used furn. reason able. Lambert's. 3260 Portland Rd. OIL heaters chest of drawers; v klt Chen table; misc.: items. 3780 Center. A GOOD wood Montag circulator beater. Ph. 22279.-- - --. -i" AXMTNSTER rug 9x12. $120. Qt fruit Jars 30c doz. Rt 3. Box 91S. HOG Food 2c lb. Empty burlap and cotton bags 10c each. Willamette Groe. Co. .- . .J . TvrvrtriBfnii nrttannlp. lS42t. like new. Statesman Box 87. ' MOUZM Sporter. new,' unfired.' fine long range deer or elk rifle. Eight boxes cartridges. ' 38 (Winchester, Ly man siehta. eood. . Fine pair - field glasses, new. Coleman camp stove. All Dricpa rcnunaoiy. si a. iiiu a.u P.M. or SuncUy. 4 1 . , 3 Springs, Ma k- t I