The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 23, 1944, Page 10, Image 10

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    . -.
The) 02EG0N STATESMAN. Salem. . Oregon. Sunday Morning. July 23. 1344.
Highvay Tour
ii- Continuous' from 1 P. .M,'
i 4 I N
Y'''?-':f i t . ?- : !
f : - , -V. V . -A
fVtn ... here come Carol Lndk, MiUl llayfalr, Martha! Raye'-tiVd ky rrancta. Th ilobe-k-ot-'
-tine artette are corrently featured In Tour JUla la A Jeeythe tuneful 20th Century-Fox pic
turixation of their rolUcklnc adventures while entertainlnc theTTank ioWleri en the fUktlnr fronts of
the world. "Command Performance' appearances, are made In the film, now at the Grand theatre, by
:: Alice Faye, Betty Grable. Carmen Miranda and Georce JeateLtWlth seven of Hollywood's shapeliest
v Clamour rtrls In "Four Jflls In A Jeep," it would be facetious ' to say that Dick jHaymes, Jimmy
Dorsey and his orchestra, John Harrey and Fhll Silvers round out the cast. j
Joe" Feature'1
' At GapitolV v
f ; In the film now playing at the
Capitol theatre, one of he charac
ters explains the title as "Any
, guy: who -is a right guy, is a guy
namedv Joe," and ar the men in
the 'American air force glorified
in the' movie, "A Guy Named
Joe", are right guys. The film, piv-
. cts. arount. the old superstition.
' ithat j"oilpts never die " ,'f ,'
Vi "A GuylNamed Joe' is the story
" of . bur. airmen, ; their loves and
; cares and brings to the screen one
; f v the- most heart wanning ro-;
j.- mances ; ever filmed.., Pete : Sand
: idgef played ' by , Spencer 4 Tracy,
:is a reckless and daredevil pilot.
; His j-'work is characterized by a
'' disregard for his own safety, much
-v to "the despair of his superior of-
' -- f icers ' and to Dorindar. Durston,
-s played by Miss Dunne,1, who loves
r him deeperately.,Their love affair
- ;' is marted by -petty- quarrels en
gendered by Dorinda's worry. Fi
' " nally;- Pete agrees to return to the
United .States as an instructor, but
. before bis departure he jx. sent on
a reconnaissance mission. He goes
' r( to his death : bombing an enemy
' transport.' . r' '
i ' He awakens to find himself in
f strange place, the "heaven" of
dead airmen. Here he learns from
"The General," played by Lionel
..Barry more,"" that .he has a .new
'.- - job, that of aiding young student
pilots to J become proficient ;air
, meii Pete's charge specifically, is
X: s young -Van Johnson. Unseen by
v any mortal, Pete sits with Van -as
"- , he flies and Pete teaches him all
.t his tricks. Soon traits of his per
sonality begin to appear, in- Van.
5 When Van is assigned to, combat
,duty, Pete follows. There he finds
Dorinda again, still grieving for
...him 'until she falls- in love with
- Vany mainly Jbecause he is Pete
' all over again. After a thrilling
climax, during ' which Dorinda
carries out a dangerous mission,
she returns safely to Van and a
happy future life, and. Pete re
turns ,to j the" "General" for an
other assignment content with
" iwhat he has done.
USl Seiiale Committee
To 3Iect in Portland i
- I - , -' i - . v - - i ".
PORTLAND, Ore., July 22-UP)
The; senate committee on -small
business j will hold a one-day
hearing here next Friday, 1 with
three of the five members j defi
nitely scheduled to attend. !
' Senators James E. Murray,
M o n tan a, chairman, Thomas
Stewart of Tennessee and .Ken
neth S.;. Wherry, of Nebraska will
study, problems facing small busi
ness during the transition i from
wartime to peacetime operations
- - i
vocalist . appearing Monday
nfzht. July 24th at Cottonwoods
. vilh Louis Armstrong and' his
.! fjrnoui orchestra. Armstrong is
. XT-.:::.f-7.
Irene Dunne and Spencer Tracy, stars of M-GMsj fA Guy "iJittd
n.Wl.k I. . 4k. rUl ....... tnmTHMW
for the .first time on any screen.' Here Miss Dunne fa thinking about
Tracy, who appears: fat ' this scene! spiritually ,' for; lie Jus : already,
given his all for the great exuse. laey, teBs Miss Danne t carry
on, and' she does.. She meets Van -Johnson falls in lover wKh him
and even marries him in the ; end. Corapanfon, feature ."Dancing
Masters," stars Laurel and Hardy. ' - r, .' y'xi.': '
. I1II0 -m w-m
Hold on io'your heart! Hang
In A Jeep" spun across the screen of the Grand theatre last
nighton the musical highway to hilarity .in 4 non-stop riot
and hold-tight romance. And from all indications the jmovie-
goeri of this city are in for the
.The 20th' Century Fox story
or four girls who set out to see
the world the hard way fea-
tures -Kay. Francis, Carole Lan
dis, Martha Raye and Mitzi May-fair,'-
withJimmy.Dorsey and his
Orchestra'john Harvey, Phil Sil
vers, and introduces Dick Haymes,
radio's sensational singing - star.
Alice Faye,. Betty Grable, Carmen
Miranda and George Jessel, who
acts as master of ceremonies, ap
pear as the film's guest stars.'
The star - and - song - studded
hit is based on the adventures, ro
mantic and otherwise, Kay Fran
cis, Carole Landis,' Martha Raye
and Mitzi Mayfair encountered
when they took their show to our
fighting boys in England and in the
fox-holes of -North Africa while
on their now-famous tour. .
Happily enough, . svelte ' Kay,
glamorous Carole,' madcap Mar
tha and pert Mitzi are cast as
themselves". And that's ' more
than ' enough for anyone.. Those
who have read any of their inter
views given on their return .from
the real tour will realize that very
Piu This Hilarious
l Great - )lS-
1- U,,T.t 4 unkLtTor MARATHON OF I'JtUs
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on to your funnybpne! "Four Jills
entertainment ride of a lifetime.
of the merry, musical adventures
little of the film is based on fic
tion. ",
Jimmy. Dorsey and his .Orches
tra are on hand to, swinging out
in the famous style that has made
them the No. 1 band to millions
throughout the country. As Carole
Landis romanti interest, . J ohn
Harvey displays! a talent that is
certain to skyrocket him to early
stardom. And ypu'd better take
a spare funnybohe along' because
Phil Silvers is bound to! play havoc
urHh 4Vi nn vftti tiaval
"Four Jills In
A Jeep" also ln-
troduces Dick 5
Haymies,- radio's
sensational singing star, thus giv
ing movie - goers an opportunity
oi.tne voice mat
has thrilled audiences ! from coast
to coast.
" And as a grand fillip to an al
ready fabulously cast! film, Alice
Faye, Betty Gf&ble and Carmen
Miranda appear, singing the songs
that have made them famous, and
George Jessel, investing the part of
master of ceremonies with his own
outstanding brand of humor.
-Associate Feature)
i-niii ' iw'"1"
Alan Marshal ; and Irene Dunne In a romanUe scene from M-G-Ms
now; at th!e EUInore !thea(re. Based on I AUce'Difer; Miller's beloved
film Is the story 'of an American girl" who went to England "for two
live there Hhronjh two World wars. Companion feature "She's A
Render J;HedHmWm ' iceai
4 t r
Every one in a while there comes a beautiful heart-warming
picture it is our! privilege to gee. Today, at the FJsinore theatre,
this reviewer sayr one of the most poignant films ever to emanate
from Hollywood! It is Called "The White Cliffs of Dover'; and was
produced r m6m. ' - :-. ' - ; k,"' ";Jt-
If ever a motion picture tended
British,' this film jean very well, be
said to be it It grasps ja deifinite
intimacy that can1 be- exDected by
an AtnricanfrgirU wlio ,'. whilel'oiii a
vjsi toureai criwin wn ne la
ther." decides- to make Endandi her
pouhtry!. jshi ,ha!-. fpun lovi "'jin
Alan Marsnai,.an iJSogusiunanL i and
together -the : li've an' idyUiq-iUfe.
.That is,' untils the trumpets call ;him
io. service in ! uie m irst -v oi iu j tv a r.
Marshal ' roakes the- great Sacri
fice, but leafes behind a son jwbo
.inherits -' all j his qualities. I Miss
Dunne the 'boy's mother, watches
him-, grow tip ar d is Content io
have that- vestige of her husband
f ill i the long hors-of j dayj jand
nigb.'U But even her small happi
ness in this". espefct'is'sfeortiiVe,
lor. her .son now. must answer
icatl in World War II.
?- .weanwnue, to occupy ner
she joins: the Red Cross! and
her sort brought -an wounded
dies' in a cot;at the hospital where
she . is. stationed. '
'e The i warmth -i divert "by.
Dunne .to her role cannot be- eas
ily dismissed! It Is- hard "in exp-ess,
but is definitely ia warmth bver-
seiij rranK Morgan, as ner iatner,'
manages to sUnd but in Ian eikiire
ly different! characterization j foV
whih he isnoted.' Then thre Is
Roddy. McDowall.j as tM bbyl,and
Peter Lawf btd, as the ;son grown
up, both of whont are almost letter-perfect
' m their- assignments,
brey rtdtht lends! a bit r of
humor to his part, as -does Dame
May .mittyl Gladys Coperj. anci
Elizabeth1 Taylor jar e also among
the preferred assets for fine
Jap Charge DismUeii
EUREKA, Califs July. 22UBf-
An Indictment charging 26 Japan
ese-Americans of j the Tule jlake
segregation Renter with selective
service ; act violations 'was i dis
missed today by US District Judge
Louis' Goodman, who jrulcd
that an internee was not accorded
due. process, of Jaw.
July 24ih
1 1
i-J -vl-i iS. l
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IH U -1 1 ll-S
I; - KJ 1
SSSSB1 ) . - i ,
I D:n'i libs
7 1 v '
to cement our relations witn the
Dynamk Donna Atwood is eae ef
the 'brtt htest." stars 1 Iee-Ca
----- ' i - -
pades or 1145, . featured la gor
s;eBS I Tiest' nomoer in the
spectacnlar ; Ice; extravagansa
which opens limited Portland
lee Arena engagement Jaly XI.
Human Head Found in
Bpy's Traveling Bag
PORTLAND Ore., . July 22-JP)
Portland pbliceP iwho found r:
shrunken ' human !; head in ..the
traveling - bag - of j a " 14-year-old
runaway b o y here today, were
i kODDt - .
: , ' v
c v. .
I production op '
ojDovBaM; :
r : van johnsou: r
C. Avbfy Smith
"The WWte Cliffs of Dover,
poem, The White , Cliffs, the
weeks-andjrtayed to marry and
Soldier Too," with Beaulah Bond.
-45 Lamina
To Portland
t Ice 'skating .Iri all its ..glory! .
Headlining a, cavalcade of stars
-old favorites and new faces-
and with a wonderland of gorgeous
new costumes,- unique scenic ef
fects and haunting music, the la
vish, opulent Ice-Capades of 1945
will make its second annual pil
grimage to the Portland Ice Arena
i . tiL. -fil . -r
veguuung xnursaay, juiyci.
?v Advance reports f and reviews
neraid this -latest, opus on the col
orful glazed. surface as the great
est of the fivetlcesCapades "edi;
tions. ." I
-. ...... ... - !, 't:- ,' j"'f- I
? Among the popular Ice " favor- i
ites who are thrilling .audiences. j
are, dynamic red-haired Donnif
Atwood; the mellow and exhilar
ating "Old Smoothies".. Markhus'
& Thomas; that S-Pin-Up-Girl':,
Juggler", Trixie; the Rythmic
Bombshell Jamie. Lawrence; the
painted wizard of. the ice Red Mc
Carthy;. theK Undefeated 'world's
champion, JJate Valley ; the, most
beautiful girl on. Ice; Fxiy the, Dust-
man;. the originator of j stilt skat-,
ing, -Phil -Ta'ylorjHthe "amazing- adr,
agio pair, Condon ,8c Bohland; that
per clever . Junior miss, Marilyn
Quinn J thos darlings ; of . the ice, '
4he Benoit Sisters: and pit jto' for-
Patti -Phlllippl, Betty jProwii lite,
Ellene McKay "and "Harry Hasley
.'.And for', comedy,. Ice Capades
of -1945 'offers; .the greatest: army
of talent ever - presented: Eric
Waite, master, of, "serio-comic art;
Al Burette," top Vanjung ice clown;
recently, discharged i from" the
armed services; -versatile, limber
legged Ted;Muza; the :nittle,big
man? of ke, Chuckie Stein; "Mrs.
As tor's Plush Horse at Finishing
School," featuring Miss Dustman,
Meza "and..Joe.Loeb; Surette and
Loeb in a. blackface character por
trayal "At Grand Central Station";
the hilarious - "Market : Ladies'
with Walley,, Taylor, Condon and
William Provost; and a stellar co
mic appearance with the show for
the first year, Esco LaRue. . -;r
told. that he stole it from a mu
seum In Wenatchee, Wash. j .
" The boy admitted the theft, of
ficers said, but they did not learn
why he .took it," or what he in
tended doing with it f;'Jr''
Doors Open
12:45 r. M.
; ' Starts
. Today!,
From the epic paces
of the book that ihas
thrilled millions
comes a ! tender . : i v
rlorious J. . . - heroic
picture yoa. are des
tined 'to remember.
xoreverl. . .
- v: FRANK
Dan May Whitty
- Hi i '
Accompanied Jby .Congressman
James W. Mott; severaijeaerai oi
ficials - and 'newspapermen; the
vtat highway 'commission, leaves
Portland early. Monday , morning J
lor, an m5pcvuvu .
highways,'5:' "'. v-'-'y'
The tour this year has-been
arranged largely to give the com
missioners an opportunity to see
first hand condition of highways
over which heavy warUme travel
h noured. No I postwar construe-.
tiort nlans are to be discussed in
asmuch as thespeepared dpow?
ing :a previong ioarf. ire -novf in
the hands ot -tthe"ieaerairoaa
building authority r? i
Going first to Astoria,the coni-
mission will travej south toflor-;
ence" and" Roseb'urg,";where' Con
ressman Harris Ellsworth-wfll join
the party, to Klamath Falls and
back by way of Bend. Banquets
have been planned at .Newport
and Boseburg. . ''J'-" X'J.
Marshficld PubUsher
Dies at Age of ;74$5 V
JylARSHFIELD, : Julyl 72j(JPf
Jesse A, Luse, publisher ofthe
Marshfield Sun and first Inmber
operator1 in the Coos bay. "area,
died here Way at the-sjce;of,74
.His father was one' of Oregon's
early settlers. . -'
Beard's Funeral Set .
- PORTLAND, July '22-)-Wal-ter
Charles Beard, 4, who died in
a hospital last night from injuries
received in a fall from a 10-foot
playground slide at Vanport City,
wfll be buried here Monday.
PfVNg WO-i fnO'-t WW SHC?1
1 n liSi
- Continuous from I P.
in i
SPvJeHyGrahle"---' -
; i-w j Carmen Miranda y
'. S:'
". '
f s 1. "-Cl ' Carole landis
pi y :.jv:J - Martha Raye
Jimmy Dorsey
N" Up iVTl V t Hfa" -"h",r"
: !NV,,k .rhiisiiv,
V."Mf -- j'KJ '" - " '
ix tw l(y "l
fc Ty ( Hjoha amDINE , I
- 'CzrfTrf
Continuous Today from 1 P. M.-
Singing Sensation of the Nation!
' - '
; ;. "
Grape win.
- ii
lVav froiV
Iaird Cregar
Co-Feature! H'
"1.; I . WOenstfp
mo Katiaof
h-HLaU News!-
r I I
How; Showing!
-4 -' ."-'.:;--:-'. .',
Stars I Music! ' Fun and Romance!
- lri rl
"Jeeier Lester" ' and His Family and
Neighbors Come Back in the Sensa
tional . . ' ; -'
Mar jorie
' cue of a number- of big name
VlalVSfl d llin It-
; E3I1D
1 l ands scheduled to appear -at
Cottonwoods - this summer.